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tv   Mezhdunarodnaya pilorama s Tigranom Keosayanom  NTV  April 14, 2024 12:35am-1:16am MSK

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when she arrived, one leg was shorter and the other was twice as thin, and you can imagine that she did everything so that the commission would not notice it, she never allowed her eyes to fall on her legs, she immediately caught the eye, and i always thought, lord, what kind of tension this person has, so constantly, the filmmakers didn’t seem to notice that the actress and...
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at a meeting with the audience, she fell into some kind of hole, her insides all fell out, i i visited from kalifosovsky, she was with a can, god seemed to be protecting her, at the same time as if he had been testing her for survival all her life. in the last years of her life, galina yatskina taught acting, and she also taught oratory to boris yeltsin. not everyone works with the president, you know, but she does. she also
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never talked about it, galina yatskina became interested in directing, she made documentaries, founded her own film studio, but an incurable illness crossed out all her plans: the star of the soviet screen did not fight for life, and 5 days before her death she accepted tonsure, she even refused the hospice, which was found in moscow, so to speak, in order to somehow alleviate her suffering; in order to have time to take monastic vows, the monks asked the abbot, who tonsured her, for a special prayer. for all her ancestors, because she told me: “vasenka, we had a lot of abortions and unmarried marriages, every monk in the family is a blessing for several generations to come, she was tonsured in honor of faith, hope, love and mother for sophia , these are four martyrs, this is our shema-nun’s faith, galina yatskina was buried. in saratov at the ilshanskoye cemetery. the star of the soviet screen found peace in the family crypt. the honored artist was 79 years old.
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hello fellow citizens, today we will tell you how american household appliances were wasted on the georgian network, we will listen to the high russian note in the ukrainian hit parade, we will find out whose overseas legs the british foreign minister fell into, and now about everything in more detail.
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during a joint photograph , biden imagined how a bird would fly out, shit on his jacket, and everything would be decided financial difficulties. this week the boss became convinced that in russia rockets fly and spawn as they should. putin held a working
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meeting with the head of the federal fisheries agency ilya shestakov. shestakov personally conveyed greetings from those released. more, if you catch something caught, it is caught, they are forced to release it, that’s about the fact that fishermen who are caught and released must be erased, they must be included in the red book, putin tactfully kept silent, in some places in the astrakhan
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region, mosques have been erased, you know damn, yes, fellow citizens, if you see a crying man on the banks of the volga, putin also held a meeting with the head of the republic of bashkyrtastan, radiy khabirov. you know, i always said that for some time bashkartastan was for investors, it was an unloved region, so we have resources, we have land, we have labor resources, so now people and enterprises are actively coming to us. there is always an unspoken competition going on in bashkiria. unlike an element with high chemical activity, sake of khabirov has a high economic activity. about how this week the president supported the head of the republic and
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looked into the fisherman’s fish tank in a report by our random correspondent irada zmeynalova. it was a difficult day.
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six were chosen, then two, the main astronaut and the backup. then alexander grigorievich proposed planting potatoes on the moon. this is enough for you and for us. after making sure. that it is possible to build an alliance with a belarusian and upset the west, the boss has proven that his word is as strong and unbreakable as the russian-belarusian friendship called the reindeer farmer, whom he promised to congratulate on his wedding anniversary. can you hear us? the reindeer herder did not recognize the boss, which, according to an ancient arctic sign, meant that all of russia would be rich. i hear, i hear, who is it? then the boss said the words that every russian dreams of hearing and every western politician is scared to death.
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no conditions and no deposit for all new players, get it right now, winline makes a difference, you've probably heard more than once conversations about how holy russia stood indestructible for a thousand years, but the year 1917 happened, holy the kingdom collapsed, this can only be said if... study the history of russia from a thin book, without plunging too deeply into details,
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if you immerse yourself, you will walk there up to your eyebrows in blood, a russian writer about holy russia, and this does not mean that russia not a saint, she is a saint, our homeland, with her long-suffering, her accomplishments, her willingness to die for her friends and for the truth of god, zakhar prilepin, russian lessons, today immediately after the international sawmill on... tv. the boy's word. blood on the asphalt is the most anticipated premiere of the year. from monday at 23:00. let's check your memory. remember in detail what you did 3 days ago. if the question seems difficult, the innovative drug apept can help with memory problems. it helps improve cerebral blood circulation, restore memory and attention. the choice must be balanced, time-tested. naapel to make your head work. now you are easy.
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destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in an economical package of 96 capsules, somewhere toren. always nearby, looking at us, laughing , looking at us, laughing, i won’t be able to live if i don’t catch him, it was a day, the series premiered only in the okko online cinema, it’s profitable to retire with sberbank, for pensioners a free sbercard, favorable rates deposit, cashback bonuses in pharmacies, loan discount, apply for a pension with sberbank online or in a branch. his life is like a battlefield, not a damn turn, serious people were preparing a drift, but he
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must win this fight. we need a rifle with night optics, what have you gotten yourself into again, or he us, or we him, that’s it, there’s no going back, hot spot, new season, normal action, from tuesday at 20:00 on ntv, this week it turned out what a tradition.
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as far as i remember, according to the holy scriptures, abel did not jump on the maidan, shouting to moskalyak at the gilyak? if i were president then, i would have given the order to destroy those little green men without identification marks, which means unknown terrorists who captured the supreme council of crimea, especially since putin then said that ours were not there. kuchma does not remember what the order was then. there was simply no one to give it to, because everyone to whom this order could be given had gone over or was already on the side of the little green men. kuchma added that ukraine sought equal and friendly relations with russia, but moscow divides everyone into enemies and vassals. let me remind you that this man, while president in 2004
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, wrote a book: ukraine, not russia. if kuchma was drawn to christian analogies, then i i would compare the behavior of the ukrainian leadership with the betrayal of judas. the 30 pieces of silver that the eu and the us gave to kiev have run out, it’s time to hang myself. international sawmill, you can't teach an old dog a new trick. this week we learned that after a nuclear war , only cockroaches, well, ukrainian military commissars, will survive. residents of ukraine have become afraid of military registration and enlistment office employees, admitted the commander of the ground forces. the military commissar's race has long become a national ukrainian sport. ukrainians really want to defeat
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the damned muscovites, but preferably without own participation. military commissars have been in ukraine for a long time. in ukraine, the system of military registration and enlistment offices has long been more like a service for catching stray dogs: they grab them on the street and take them.
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so, at the moment, the ukrainian military is fighting the russian army, well , its own people, and they are also suffering losses there. this week, ukrainians burned out on music. the song "yes i'm russian" took second place in the top 50 songs in ukrainian spotify. first place is a song by itself.
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it is up to the organizers of the musical hit parade to take urgent measures. in the end they accepted it as usually, illegal drugs, and so they went home. after resonant information about the success of the composition spread across social networks, the organizers of the competition realized that they removed the song from the list. only the ss marches, approved by kiev and washington, remained on the list. but as you know, our song. you can’t strangle, you can’t kill our song, in october 2023 , ukrainian border guards serving in transcarpathia were punished
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for listening to songs of a russian band, hands up, and sent to the front line. as they say in ssu, it's better to hear hands up in the speakers than in the trenches. international sawmill. america parasha, odessa will be ours! this week cameron begged for the whole of ukraine. british foreign secretary david cameron met with us presidential candidate donald trump as part of a diplomatic tour of the united states. the times these days are such that donya is ready to happily meet with anyone, anyone, well, except for the district attorney. but what. even in london they don’t believe biden will live to see the elections. as reported british media, cameron hopes to gain support for further funding
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of ukraine. i don’t understand, zelensky hired an agent for a percentage, a little more, and ukraine will be content with assurances of promises of further support and funding guarantees. after meeting with trump in florida, the head of the british foreign office. went to washington, where he met with senior representatives of the republican party, members of congress, and secretary of state antony blinken. meet with biden already it's useless, well, he may not remember who cameron is. the british foreign office said cameron would insist that kiev be given the resources it needs to defend and go on the offensive in...
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that ukraine's success in defeating russia is vital to american and european security and urged lawmakers on the other side atlantic urgently approve additional military assistance. as the years passed, the most effective way to force western countries to fork out money remained the old good stories about the terrible russian one. threat, about how a briton met with american children and cheated them out of big money in a report by our international observer sergei krem
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bryulev. it was a meaningless day. washington greeted the british foreign secretary with the usual overseas whining and an exhausted secretary of state. the politicians had nothing new to say to each other for a long time, so they immediately went to speak to journalists. both smelled of something musty, either democracy or oval biden's cabinet. from the first words , it became clear that the american politician who is bad is... blinkin confirmed that ukrainian appetites and desires are growing day by day. and he admitted that helping ukraine is an excellent side hustle for the american military-industrial complex. the gloomy appearance and speech full of tragedy made the
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us secretary of state look like a distributor. the black background in the background symbolized either tolerance or the lack of prospects for a bright future. blinken proved again that the only thing america has succeeded at in the last 80 years is inciting international conflicts. i indicated that the main topics of the negotiations were not world peace, but that america, as always, would continue to cause chaos and... after listening to his colleague’s speech, cameron went to the basement to relieve the tension with a shot of politically correct vodka. and while the head of the state department was scratching his tongue with the british, the self-propelled grandfather met the japanese at all times. the samurai sword on board the japanese prime minister hinted that the best solution to any problem is harakiri. the japanese descended the ladder with the caution of a heron in a lake teeming with
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meet crocodiles. before the gala dinner, biden's grandfather was stuffed with medicine like a goose and apples. the only thing that stood out from the overall harmonious picture of his image was the absence of white slippers. vice president kamela haris showed with all her appearance that she was ready at any
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moment. take biden's place at the dinner table, in the oval office. when looking at the head of apple corporation , suspicions crept in that, like all apple phones, he himself was also assembled somewhere in the chinese province of henan. as befits a chapter state department, anthony blinken came to the feast with his cookies. according to american tradition , grandpa raised the first toast to the triumph of democracy. another american tradition, he immediately broke his own word: he deceived everyone and did not drink. the next morning after lunch , it turned out that grandpa joe was the first american president to have a personal officer. rein, remembering that just yesterday he was standing in this very place with roosevelt, and today he was no longer there, joe choked and jumped up.
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resembled a will, than the program was read out from a piece of paper by a speech that was more likely achieving peace. on this note, all the visits of foreign guests ended: washington was trampled, hands were shaken in the air, and they ran home, but no one understood why they came. sergey krembrilev, especially for the sawmill. this week it became clear that it is too late for the georgian president to drink borzhol. the leader of the georgian people's power party, guram
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macharashvili, compared. the main problem in georgia is that the outlet that this iron plugs into is in the oval office of the white house, that's the only thing that can iron zurabeshvili's iron is saakashvili's tie. just as you shouldn’t give matches to a child or leave an iron on at home, you shouldn’t let the president go abroad, this man is an explosive substance. this is how i understand the level of trust in the president.
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remember this. and while world leaders are discussing who needs to stay at home, who should be put in a straitjacket, the international sawmill, not caring about obstacles, completely freely went through their next secret chat in our regular column, they snitched. colleagues, it’s a blatant case, i’m not released abroad. texan. you colleague, where you were not allowed, to lithuania, this is not a punishment, a reward, so we should wait for the president of georgia to visit, no, she is sitting at home, she is punished,
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the long gangway and high steps help well with trips abroad, this is outrageous , i’m an adult woman, i can do whatever i want, but what... you want, we decide, besides, in parliament they compared me to an iron, and you have a store of american household appliances there, the president, then a kettle, then iron, it would be nice not to let trump out of the throne yet, from prison, colleagues, excuse me, but someone has 20 million change, why do you need to pay for travel, by the way, zelensky should be banned from entering the eu, and at least grass won’t grow there. why should i go to the eu if grass won’t grow there? good evening, the country should be such that you don’t want to leave it. good night. this week
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, environmentalists decided to leave us without pants. a study from guangdong university of technology found that environmental. the contribution of jeans is equivalent to driving 10 km in an average petrol car. engine. i don’t understand, do jeans also emit exhaust gas? soon huge inscriptions will be sewn onto jeans: causing a tsunami. for the study, the researchers followed the life cycle of jeans as they were quickly produced, shipped, worn, washed, and discarded after about seven uses.
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the native footprint of massmarket consumption and its impact on the planet compared to buying clothing items from sustainable brands. where are the happy times when buying clothes. we weren't thinking about how minimize harm to nature, and how to minimize harm to the family budget, imagine how they cared about the environment in the ussr, if the younger brother finished his older brother’s jeans, and then they made shorts out of them. international sawmill. take off your pants, save the planet. it was an international sawmill, see you in a week, but for now,
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for now, take care of the country of your fellow citizens, how huge, how terrible, how beautiful russian history is, and how close everything is, you know, we love our sovereigns, but the deeds of those sovereigns, the very great and the most beloved sovereigns among the people often did the wildest things sometimes, and so that people who are still able to look with their eyes... listen with their ears, the picture becomes clearer, we will tell a few informative stories about the deeds of the past, in case you are interested in relatives.
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surely you have heard or read similar conversations more than once, how holy russia stood indestructible for a thousand years, but 1917 happened , the holy kingdom collapsed, here is a man, from somewhere under the ruins of this kingdom tells us this, although he himself does not look like the one who is under ruins and the education is good he probably received a soviet one at one time, and even had an order for diligent service. and yet he talks about the ruins and about holy, undead russia. this, you know, can only be said if you study the history of russian russia from a thin book with pictures, without plunging too deeply into the details, because if you immerse yourself, you will not be walking knee-deep in blood in the middle of this history, but up to your very eyebrows. and this does not mean that russia is not holy, it is holy, our homeland, holy with its long-suffering, its accomplishments, its own. impulses, ups, readiness to die
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for our friends, for human happiness and for the truth of god, as we understood this truth, but every now and then we are told that there in russia the holy sovereign ruled her, one sweeter than the other, one purer than the other, one kinder than the other, until they evil demons did not come to replace you, you know, we love our sovereigns, but those sovereigns, the greatest and most beloved sovereigns among the people, did quite often... and sometimes the wildest things, and so that for people who are still able to see with their eyes and listen with their ears, the picture becomes clearer , we will tell you a few informative stories about the deeds of the past, in case you are interested, dear ones, so that when they once again start throwing molasses at us, we still retain our sanity and know that in our history everything has always been difficult, and not only in the 20th century everything was difficult, and what if some... careful person begins another monologue with the words: “evil
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demons came and destroyed holy russia,” this person is a fortune-teller, a swindler, and is pursuing some kind of selfish interest, but we have a different interest, remember how it used to be, so slightly less to be saddened by earthly misery , to think more about the eternal, let us remember today, this is what: on february 28, 1690, alexey petrovich romanov, the son of peter... the great and his first wife evdokia, maiden name lupukhina, was born. alexey petrovich was baptized on march 5, named in honor of his grandfather, alexey mikhailovich keshaishev romanov. patriarch joachim became the godfather of peter's son, alexei petrovich. well, alas, neither the godfather nor the heavenly patron, the monk alexei, the man of god, whom we commemorate on march 30, will save the prince from a terrible fate. to his father peter it was that time


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