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tv   Segodnya  NTV  April 10, 2024 8:00am-8:26am MSK

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flood situation in orenburg. water floods more and more territories, entering houses where only yesterday it was dry. residents of this street say that in just 24 hours, the water has risen by more than 20 cm. what is the situation in other flooded regions? our military attacked the locations of the ukrainian armed forces in the artyomovsk direction. they also attacked the enemy using the latest technologies. some are admired, others are.
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solemn prayers are held. hello, welcome to the information service of the ntv television company. in the studio of yulia bekhtereva. in in orenburg, the water level in the ural river has exceeded a critical level. at night it grew by 50 cm and is now more than 9.5 m. according to hydrologists, in the next 24 hours it will increase by another half a meter. during this time , several hundred houses were flooded, the same number. will fall into the flood zone in
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the coming hours. this applies to developments along the ural and samara rivers. residents are urged to evacuate early. you need to take documents with you, and also turn off the gas and electricity in the house. if necessary, they recommend contacting rescuers, they will help get to the temporary accommodation point. according to the ministry of emergency situations , more than 12,500 houses have already been flooded in the orenburg region. almost 7,000 people were evacuated from dangerous areas. this night in orenburg turned out to be restless, the warning siren was turned on in the city several times the day before, evacuation from dangerous areas was reported on television, late in the evening the water level in the ural river exceeded the critical mark of 930 cm, which means that new areas of the city were flooded, during the next raid to get out of the water unscathed maxim is no longer there.
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finisher by profession, volunteer by vocation mansur satarov, transports people day and night, not to mention things, animals, she saved all the people, i’ve been saving for four days now, yesterday there was a grandmother on a quiet street, the day before yesterday there were small children, now in a potential flood zone apartment buildings are also included, the residents of this microdistrict in the middle of the night, as the level rises, in just an hour +11 cm... but there were no conflicts where
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the mud rivers would flow, the residents of the cottages decided to build a dam, the residents of the apartment buildings tried this interfere, the kamaz has arrived, they continue to stomp, the tractor is moving, the rapid rise of the water has already caused new flooding, the kuznechno microdistrict is also called the old center of orenburg, now several streets here have gone under water, the name is like a mockery, the first lake, while sergei was shopping for groceries, and the wife was waiting at the second floor window.
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rose by more than 20 cm. the dacha areas on the city outskirts now found themselves even deeper in the water. it used to be possible to have a neighborly conversation near the store, but now you can sit in the boats. tactically, the corporal is the call sign of a colleague in the northern military district, while he is fighting, they must approach the assault on the water barrier to save the property in his house, an operation with air support. atlas corporal, pass eight houses, look, if the fence is not in the way, turn. to the right, i ’m flying off to reload now, accepted. the rescue of the laptop and furniture ended in victory; when a truce with the water element comes is unclear; no one here doubts that after the level rises , the water will easily capture new territories. mikhail chernov, igor akimov, ekaterina kostyukevich,
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nikolay datsun, ntv, orenburg. the flood situation is becoming more complicated in the kurgan region. there, in one of the circles, the water level in the tabul river rose. now he's getting closer. russia is doing everything to ensure the safety of the zaporozhye nuclear power plant, but not a single nuclear power plant in the world is designed to withstand the full impact of fire. this is stated in the note that our country sent to the international atomic energy agency. russia asks
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the organization to condemn the terrorist attacks of the armed forces of ukraine on a nuclear facility and call on kiev stop them immediately. the head of magathe confirmed receipt of the appeal. reported that tomorrow the agency’s board of governors will hold a regular meeting on the situation at the zaporozhye npp. next week the topic will be raised at the un security council. rafael grosse agreed that attacks on the nuclear power plant could lead to catastrophic consequences, although he did not say who exactly was carrying them out. in less than a week , ukrainian drones attacked the zaporozhye nuclear power plant five times. the dome of one of the reactors was damaged, people were injured. the last raid was yesterday, drone. hit the training center, where the world's only full-scale reactor hall simulator is located. and to the news from the special operation zone in the artyomovsk direction, the crews of the southern group of troops struck the locations of the ukrainian armed forces. the fire adjustment was carried out by
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drone operators, and they confirmed it.
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with a formidable weapon, the effectiveness of which is already legendary. the lanced drone is also called x by its operators for its double tail hull. in simple terms, it is a smart flying bomb capable of flying tens of kilometers, aim to destroy any target. our priority goal is rap, rszz, artillery. unfortunately, we haven’t seen any hummers in our direction yet. you see everything, we’ll work out all kinds of problems ourselves at once. lanced always operates in tandem with another hall drone. the task of this smart machine is to conduct reconnaissance of the area, identify the enemy’s position and send the coordinates of the target’s location to the operator of the kamikaze drone. his camera is excellent, generally wonderful, from a kilometer you can see the license plates of a car, from 5 km you can recognize, well
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that other intelligence officers cannot. right now, a reconnaissance drone is flying deep behind enemy lines. composite material and special electronic filling easily bypass all electronic warfare systems of ukrainian formations. the operator notices a camouflaged howitzer. the target is captured and then sends a lancet. and this is already footage of the destruction of the position of the artillerymen, who did not save the protective plates of the densely placed network, with the advent of lancets and such reconnaissance officers as the hall, the destruction of equipment became more effective than the same artillery. more one advantage of the lancet is its high speed, the ability to maneuver in the air and even hover for a while, this calculation accounted for about a hundred sorties t...
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they demanded that the biden administration report how much money the united states plans to spend on military support for ukraine. members of both houses of congress said that in march of this year, spending on the needs of kiev exceeded expectations. as it turned out, the white house simply did not account for expenses of at least 680 million. the figure over the decades was completely shocking. we are talking about the amount of 300 billion dollars. as they read in congress, the white house transferred to the ward.
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left the american capital with nothing, now it seems he has nothing to boast about again. i didn't come here to teach anyone or tell anyone what to do to interfere in the political process in the united states. i came as a great friend and defender of this country. i think providing additional assistance to ukraine is in the interests of your security and your future. before his december visit , cameron made an even bigger mistake: he published an article in which he compared
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the slowness of the republicans in helping kiev with the western policy of appeasing nazi germany in the thirties of the last century, for which he received a spanking from the american right. he compared you to those who appeased hitler's policies because you do not want to vote to support ukraine, that is, you appease putin. i really don't care what david cameron says. i think it's rude name calling and i don't like that kind of language at all. david cameron. he'd better take care of his country, and frankly, he might even kiss me. now cameron has decided to come separately to pay his respects to the republicans. on monday he held talks with donald trump. the british foreign office said it is common practice before elections to meet with promising us presidential candidates. but the details of the conversation were not reported. but cameron’s meeting with the speaker of the lower house mike johnson, who has been refusing to bring the ukraine aid bill to a vote for several months, did not take place. you could say it was a version of that same kiss from margery taylor greene.
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the speaker did not find time to meet with the briton. it turned out that the press conference following the results of the new trip was exactly like the previous one in content, and even in appearance. has only the british diplomat changed his clothes since december? what i spoke about today at the capital meeting is that assistance to ukraine is not only a matter of european security, it is also in the interests of the security of the united states. it is no coincidence that cameron now focuses primarily on the benefits for his countries. in the usa, the majority of citizens do not want so that the state allocates billions of dollars in tranches to ukraine when things are not going well for themselves. today it became known that the white house’s current request for assistance to ukraine for $60 billion is actually an advance, and then the biden administration allegedly intends to ask congress for another $100 billion to kiev. i'm just trying to understand the overall request volume for this one. did not specify the amount of money
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that washington intends to ask for kiev in the future, because so far the current request cannot be resolved. alexey vasilovsky, alexander dekin and vladimir vypritsky, ntv, usa. american military-industrial companies. will receive almost all the money from the additional aid package to ukraine, which is about $50 billion. pentagon chief lloyd austin reported such data at a hearing in the senate. according to him, the department.
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if we were russia, would you want this, i’m just asking, since we have such games with russia, i just want to understand why we are doing this, well, if we were russia, i certainly wouldn’t want this, just as i wouldn’t want to join nato finland and sweden. austin admitted that attacks by kiev militants on russian oil refineries would negatively affect the entire global fuel and energy complex. the pentagon chief said that in so it is better to aim not at peaceful objects, but at... solemn prayers; in the capital, the holiday prayer took place in the historical memorial mosques and at several other
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sites throughout the country. the main service ended in the cathedral mosque, where our correspondent nakhit babaev is now working. for direct communication with the studio. nahi, good morning, tell me us, how many people were there at the service today? good morning, yul! the moscow cathedral mosque, as well as the surrounding area, was crowded with believers, thousands of people came here this morning to celebrate eid al-fitr, and among the visitors i saw, including diplomats from several muslim countries. before the start of the namaz prayer , the supreme mufti of russia addressed the believers. we continue to pray for peace, for victory, for the blessing of the almighty, for the granting of peace
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to the whole world. once again i want. greet with the words assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu, peace be upon you, the mercy of the almighty allah and his blessing, i congratulate all of us on our holiday of idol fitr eidul, the holiday of breaking the fast. the service itself began at 7 o'clock.
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perhaps the main muslim holiday of the year is one of the oldest, it has been celebrated since the time of the prophet muhammad, since 624. in general, uraza is a turkic word; the name of the holiday in arabic sounds like eid al-fitr, the holiday of breaking the fast. let me remind you that fasting in islam is strict, it lasts 30 days during which you cannot eat or drink during the day, therefore one of the symbols of uraza, a rich table. a very important part of the holiday is also the payment of special alms. zakat alfiter, it can be both food and money, they are sent to the sick, the poor, those who find themselves in a difficult life situation, on this day, on a holiday, it is customary to wear the best clothes, go to visit relatives, friends, give gifts congratulate, the congratulation sounds in arabic, which translates as i wish you
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a blessed holiday, yes nakhit, thank you, it was nakhit babaev, he is located. at moscow cathedral mosque, where a service was held in honor of the holiday of eid al-adha. and with this we say goodbye to the viewers of central russia, see you later. at bigfest you definitely choose, hamburger for 39 rubles. and other offers at a very favorable price, and even more profitable with 50% cashback from alfabank at a delicious point. well, are credit card debts hanging around? take care of your sleep! melatonin is the northern star! sleep well! for different you! one cosmetics magnet! jacques bagard eau de toilette for men
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warming is ahead, in yekaterinburg +6 with rain, tomorrow without precipitation and +1, in orenburg it is stable up to +15, rain in places, there shouldn’t be any tomorrow, which means that it will be at least a little easier for rescuers in incredibly difficult conditions, words cannot describe what the streets of the villages of orenburg have become, movement is only possible by boats . hundreds of people are being evacuated here, and animals are not forgotten. in european territory, the focus is on a new wave of abnormal heat. in the middle zone , the temperature approaches 25, mostly sunny, rains on the volga, and it’s cooler there , about 15. by the way, in the south it could also be warmer, but so far the maximum is +25. near the black sea it is no higher than twenty. the reason is the sharp wind and cool air currents from turkey. there is practically no precipitation, and the main focus there is an increase in fire danger in the region. the west is turning to cool, in st. petersburg tomorrow it will be +10, and today it is 20:21, but in the afternoon there will be rain and thunderstorms, in moscow there will be no precipitation during the day and +22, this is the peak, tomorrow it will be +18.


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