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tv   Podsudimii  NTV  April 9, 2024 3:10am-3:56am MSK

3:10 am
your honor, it is very difficult to believe that klimov is a murderer, i didn’t believe it myself, but during the investigation, indisputable evidence of the defendant’s guilt was collected, the prosecution has no doubt that this monstrous crime against its own... was committed by klimov , denis, denis, what are you saying, and i, i don’t understand the truth, i don’t remember, i couldn’t do this, i didn’t kill anyone, i’ve been convicted, calm down, otherwise the hearing will take place without your participation, the prosecution, continue, yours honor, the prosecution requests that the defendant be appointed.
3:11 am
well, klimov, have you calmed down? let's go out.
3:12 am
three cheerful geese lived with grandma, let's go out, i said, rikusha, i wrote this, go ahead, let's go. why did you make this commotion? i hoped that i could get out of here and figure everything out. andrey ivanovich, you amaze me, you are behaving absolutely illogically. and what's illogical here? you want to figure everything out and at the same time refuse to appeal. the appeal is useless. the prosecution has all the evidence, escape was the only option. this is just not a solution, you are only making your situation worse, andrey ivanovich. i ask you, don't give up prematurely . what can you do? yes, i don’t know, but
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at least i don’t lose heart like you, at least for the sake of natalya and masha, they are no more, that’s enough, everything is fine, andrei ivanovich. but you are still alive, we will get to the bottom of the truth, it just takes time, believe me, all is not lost, are you sure that you will succeed? no, but i'll try my best.
3:14 am
sign, keep in mind, i will follow the pen, to the wall. we go to the wall, why not into the punishment cell? say thank you to the lawyer, she created a scandal and threatened chief human rights activists. and if i don’t want it, if i demand a punishment cell, you’re really sick, let’s go in.
3:15 am
“help yourself, thank you, tell me, arthur, you were here when i got here, yes, i really lost my memory several times, uh-huh, yes, four times, dates, i don’t remember, my memory for numbers is so-so, well, at first “would you be normal?” "i mean, well, i mean, i was thinking about everything, i was preparing for the trial, and that i was preparing to defend myself, well, not to be accused, then what happened? then the head of the pre-trial detention center took away the documents on the case, and put you in a punishment cell, i don’t like you
3:16 am
bobrov, i don’t know why, but he really spreads rot on you, thank you. even in the most difficult times for the company in the country, my father always knew how to find a way to the top, i learn this from him, and in general i try to be like my father in everything, your modesty. will honor you, thank you, but let's talk about your wife, i heard that you met at the university, and you still care about each other very touchingly, i love my wife very much, julia always supports all my endeavors, we are together,
3:17 am
this the main thing, i’ll be honest, sometimes... i don’t believe it, that this is my husband, he knows how to be different, it would seem that today one person, and tomorrow completely different, i even envy you, your son is amazingly similar to his dad, you are not planning more children, i always wanted more, but the decision of course remains with my wife, sorry, i have a lot to do, let's take photos for the cover, thank you, thank you,
3:18 am
thank you very much, thank you, goodbye. you 're doing great, i have too much to do, come on! hey, you fools, you and you, come here, raccoon, who is he, you, your girlfriends, everyone lie down,
3:19 am
come on, hurry up, run, let him in, let’s get up, these two are in the punishment cell, the boss in person, i didn’t accept it, let’s figure out who is to blame, we’ll figure it out, summer is in the wall, go ahead, uh, why not the first, the wrong wall?
3:20 am
you said, if there’s anything strange, report it, now klim has been transferred to a punishment cell, for some reason he specifically wanted to go to the first cell, right? that’s why there’s a fight, i knew that he was only pretending to be an idiot, sense it, check what he needs in this cell, there is.
3:21 am
hey, is anyone there first? well, what else, i'm sleeping! listen, brother, this is important, help, eh? what necessary? there are mushkonki on the floor, the words of the vysars. read it, it’s some kind of crap, three geese, that’s all, maybe there’s something else in there, there must be, look, there is, there is, it’s also some kind of crap, well, read it, and who are you, what am i... ... you must read, what's your name? andrey, my
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name is andrey klimov, it’s funny that you laugh, just read what’s written there, who are you? sorokin, my last name, remember me, what a pleasant meeting! what's wrong, bitch, and also, klimov, do you have any?
3:23 am
what difference does it make, he has no chance, so we’ll look, keep it in debt, uncle vova, but if he doesn’t prove that black is white, white is red, then we’ll prove it, thank you, yes, come on, there’s a week left before the hearing, what problems could there be, and how ... the difference is, a punishment cell, not a punishment cell, he’s not a money changer,
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you praised me so that you can have nightmares about how you choke on my money, mine too, don’t be upset. unlucky in cards, lucky in love, you were just joking, joke, yoma, nix, got ready for the inspection, everyone is leaving.
3:25 am
comrade lieutenant colonel, whose bunk is this? klimov? so, i didn’t understand that our rules have changed, or did i miss something? no way, comrade lieutenant colonel. then why the hell did someone decide that he was entitled to a telephone? i didn’t have a phone, you just dropped him off, yeah, now he’s in a punishment cell, what kind of punishment cell, give me the documents, is it my business? i say give it back, you planted the phone, bitches, it’s not my phone, but thank you, vitya, he kicked a lot,
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squealed so much that he crushed it, calmed down a little. maybe we’ll give him a proper dose, otherwise he’s painfully literate, liver, kidneys, every kind of liver, well like that, no, i ’ll bargain more for him when he’s healthy, help yourself to some candy, it helps with stress. call the duty officer, do you hear me, i demand to call the duty officer, call the duty officer, scream, yura, please, let's talk, yura, you
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know very well, they planted this cell phone, it doesn't change anything, it changes everything. that means bobrov for some reason doesn’t want me to mind my own business, i don’t know why he hates you, that’s fine with me, yur, please let me get the case back, i have to understand for myself what i did and what i didn’t, then there will be a chance to win in court, again you will claim that it was not you who did this, i don’t remember, but i, i myself must understand whether i did it or not, and if i am really guilty, then i will die here, this... i promise you, open it, let them return the case, do you hear,
3:28 am
albert romanovich. good afternoon, greetings, dmitrivich, glad to see you, mutually, come in, settle down, uh-huh, help yourself, as they say, with what god sent, i guess i’ll finish the conversation. nadya, take a walk! what will you please us with, albert ramanovich? take a look, i think you will like it
3:29 am
interesting. this is strong, god, well , his handwriting, i wish i had a pharmacist, what do you prefer to konnik, fruits, berries, maybe a more serious snack, yes, i mean, in a simple way, in a simple way, this is a real cognac from the second year, and you say? can i have some whiskey, or is it also rare? well, why don’t you feel sorry for such a guest, especially since you brought me an expensive gift?
3:30 am
how long have you been here? where is masha? do you remember? yura, believe it or not, but more than anything in the world i want to find masha. i’m looking for her all the time, looking for her every day. andrey, i beg you humanly. just tell me where she is, i beg you, give me back my case, give me a chance to remember everything, give me a chance to prepare for the trial, can’t you see that who? he really doesn’t want me to remember everything, someone who is next to the beaver has influence on him, yur, not for my sake, i ask for masha’s sake, it means
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you don’t want it in an amicable way, okay. let me ask you a question, with what?
3:32 am
his memory is still with him, before that it was in the punishment cell that his memory was knocked out twice, now he doesn’t think well, he doesn’t think well, i would like him to remember nothing at all at the trial, by the way, this can be arranged, it’s easy to say, i ’m not a magician, and he doesn’t have a toggle switch to turn off the memory, albert romanovich, i know there are such specialists, maybe you ’ll find a way, tomorrow in st. petersburg it starts legally.. .forum, i could say a few words to the minister of justice, we could agree on your transfer to moscow, to moscow, yes,
3:33 am
dmitry ilyich, you know how to motivate. saroka. “do you hear, please, i ask you to read what is written there, i ask you, but
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you scribbled the whole war and peace here, and the handwriting you know, it’s stupid, i can’t tell, magpie, it’s very important, i really can’t get out of here without it, but i also want to get out, only i’m stuck here by your grace! "you know everything yourself, i was just doing my job , that 's right, your business, you're a follower, i'm a criminal, so we're not on the same path, good night, krim, no, soroka, please, let's talk, please, please, i'm completely exhausted.
3:35 am
the president of the federation, his athlete, became the world champion , no, dad, i’m happy for him, okay. traditions are traditions, we need to arrange a gala reception and a show a fight, yes, of course, with whom, with you, world champion, against the president of the federation, i forgot how to do it, no, but i don’t recognize you. you are afraid? no, why? i'm just not in the best shape right now. i see. at the same time
3:36 am
, you’ll remember the way to the hall. denis, yuryevich, denis yuryevich, i need your help, bobrov, the head of the detention center, does not allow me to see klimov, apparently he has his own reasons for this, denis yuryevich, i ask you, as investigators, as a friend, andrey,
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help me see. with him, and you didn't notice that when you interfere, it’s only getting worse, i wouldn’t be surprised if andrei ended up in a punishment cell by your grace, it’s strange that you do nothing to save a friend who has already lost his memory several times, and why are you so sure that andrei at least once truly lost his memory , like this? haven't you thought about it like this? in vain, the first time he lost his memory was on the eve of the investigative experiment. oh, denis, what's going on, huh? maybe someone can explain to me what i'm doing here? andrey, what are you doing? me, what? i like that. what am i doing? second time a month
3:38 am
later. denis, thank god, you are here, i, i don’t understand what’s going on, tell me, is this some kind of joke, denis, why am i in prison, for the third time before the first hearing, well, for the fourth, it doesn’t matter, everything is important, please. on the eve of the fourth time, andrei told me something, it was i who killed them, you heard, my client just confessed to everything, denis yuryevich, pay attention, he confessed honestly,
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go with him. you understand, this is a property of the defense mechanisms of the psyche, they defy logic, this is how and how many times this will be repeated, ahead court hearings, i would not be surprised if he loses his memory again, but what does he gain from this, he has already been given the maximum punishment, you see, now you are also asking questions, sorry, but even if you are right, and
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andrei is really acting out the attacks. i still don't understand why he does this. i'm afraid only he himself can answer this. in the meantime, excuse me, i have to work. hello, mr. investigator. hello, madam lawyer. you look great as always. thank you. and you, i see, are a little tired. i understand you have done so much work, but it's all about the game, me? hmm, as
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always, 100% confident in yourself. because my client is absolutely not guilty. you know, i would recommend that, firstly, you stop or trust your clients, and secondly, do not use such concepts as absolute or 100% in your vocabulary. it’s easy to make mistakes in people, you know, everyone has their own methods of work, and what are yours, not noticing how your clients are lying to you at every step, why did you decide that my client is lying to me, this is clear from the materials of the case, you are completely you don't understand in people, it’s true, but i see you are also a part-time psychologist, you have to, that’s why i see that you always step on the same rake, good luck to you.
3:42 am
you're both so funny, even though you're cops, so what kind of cops are we, we're trackers, by the way, very... let's bet, bet, yeah, whoever swims to the shore first will be the one she chooses, come on, no,
3:43 am
what are you talking about? , you don’t even dare to think, natasha, everything is fine, calm down, both of you, i was joking, but it’s a pity, because my victory was beautiful. well , no one canceled it, it’s possible in another way, i wonder what kind of method it is, well, you don’t know, oh, oh, this one, andrey, denis, there’s vodka, there’s two, natasha, look who’s first? you're crazy, that's enough, let's go, you're both fools, i won't drag you home drunk, no offense,
3:44 am
natasha! marry me, andrey, i ’m tired of your stupid antics, that’s it, no more antics, marry me, natasha, i love you very much, yes, yes, well, advice and love. i don’t remember a damn thing, i remember masha’s birthday,
3:45 am
then everything was just a blank spot, some kind of emptiness. andrey, the doctor said that memory loss is a protective reaction of the body. you must accept it. “i can’t, you have to for the sake of your family, you have to remember.” sorokin, are you sleeping, no, what are you talking about, listen, i understand, you, you’re angry with me, come on,
3:46 am
maybe we’ll find some solution, maybe you and i will somehow come to an agreement, because you and i are normal people, right? something, when i told you about felix, that i didn’t order him, you didn’t want to listen to me, what changed, huh? okay, let's agree this way, if i get out of here, i promise, i will try to get you out, you hear, that means, first you get me out from the punishment cell under your cop channel, and then we’ll talk to you, i understand, i understand.
3:47 am
dmitriil, i have a letter for you. thank you.
3:48 am
everything is fine dmitrichka. who are you?
3:49 am
why are you doing this? so, people, who touched my computer? yes, which one do we need? it’s strange, what’s the matter, yash, ah mophobia, fear of sharp objects, what are you talking about? everything is fine, all clear.
3:50 am
duty officer, why are you making noise, gardienko, call me, it’s not his shift today, wait, wait, let’s talk, you hear something, he started screaming like crazy. i told you he's not here today you can contact him, tell him that
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there is a conversation that is important for him, okay, say what you need to, i’ll tell you, i come home, and there’s nothing at home, empty hangers, well, that means a divorce, it turned out to be such love, but what love, i just don’t know how to tell my parents now, love me, love me not, the result is just a divorce, nothing, young, beautiful, you’ll find someone else, well, you’d think they ’re beautiful here, single people stand in line, yes, yulechka, not for everyone in life i was so lucky to find an exact copy. what are you talking about? well, i mean, she loved the youngest, married the older one. listen, in general, it seems to me that if yulia had married the younger man, alexey would not have ended up like this. but in any case, yulka is the luckiest among us, well, who else would be lucky enough to choose between two brothers. you have no idea what i had to choose. yul, yul,
3:52 am
you are yul, what are you doing? yes, well, i was joking, yulia, girls, stop it. “i have to go, yul, why are you offended, so let’s calm down, breathe out, order some more wine, apparently not with me, so what, what did i say, and now dmitry nesterov for everyone, this is me, this will be our secret, otherwise everyone will know who your father is." the child's real father.
3:53 am
zhura, say hello to your uncle. hello, uncle! you didn't mix anything up, without talking, face the wall, go, you're great, klimov, don't
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expected. did you really remember? yes, i, i remembered dizarel masha. if you lied again, i ’ll tear you apart. open it, face the wall, let’s go.
3:55 am
tell me what else was written there, well, since it’s expensive, three geese, there were three of them , and a doorbell, a doorbell, a doorbell, okay, okay, let's say, what else?


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