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tv   Novie russkie sensatsii  NTV  November 26, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm MSK

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here the fighters for european values ​​have only three options, either death or captivity, what, brother, they threw you into the campaign, or a military maidan, now against zelensky. comrade president, tell me, dear, i’ve been fighting for the second year, bitch, you have a conscience, and zelensky has a holiday, dear, ukrainian peoples, european peoples, we recognize today as the day of pride, freedom, the day of pride and freedom - the most festive holiday for any knowledgeable ukrainian, the tenth anniversary of the start of the coup on euromaidan. and the 19th anniversary of the orange maidan coincided very conveniently, so as not to get up twice, a public holiday established in honor of two revolutions. on this
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occasion, the dictator recorded an anniversary video, either on the street, or again in the studio with a green rag in the background, and then they put the street in the background. in this case, this is not important, it is important to him that in addition to the yellow-blakite, the backside is covered by an eu rag. behind me today are the ensigns of ukraine and the flags of ukraine and the european union. and today we can rightfully say that it is not just beautiful. square, scenery, and a real symbol of the connection between ukraine and europe, for zelsky the main thing is european values ​​and the status of a candidate for membership, our status as a candidate, our status as a candidate and further negotiations about accession should end with ukraine’s full membership in the eu. for the sake of this blue dream, over the past year and a half, he has already killed almost half a million of his soldiers, and still does not have the coveted membership in the eu. on the eve
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of the anniversary of the maidan , a high-ranking messenger, us secretary of defense loy dostin and his retinue, rushed to kiev from washington. zelensky. i wish you stuck for those who came. this is a very important signal for ukraine. i love you so much. this is thank you. zelsky talks like a woodpecker for a reason, the record stuck after the now former british minister of defense pointed out to zelsky that nato is not an online store. having received nato pink at the beginning of the summer, zelensky is now dutifully shouting to all his sponsors on every corner. i am so, mr. president biden, mr. lithuania, the netherlands, mr. denmark, mr. prime minister, i am mr. france and mr. president macron, i am so.
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i thank you for those who received us, we are very happy, having finished with pleasantries , the guest reports that he brought bad news, quote , biden does not have a magic wand for zelsky , well, in general, america is with you, hang in there, the message i brought to you today, mr. president, here, the usa is with you, we will be with you, having learned that they will give everything, but the prodigy will not be there yet, the leader of zelsky’s office, mr. ermak, about kitty, right in the frame. after this scene
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, the gray eminence of ukraine will receive a black mark from lloyd austin, and even the kulebi of foreign affairs will become clear that the americans have begun to kyiv double play. but more on this a little later, but for now, maintaining the intrigue, let’s say that zelsky was not just like that, during congratulations on the anniversary of the maidan, he could not hide the fear and anxiety in his eyes. 10 years ago people ate up 10 years ago, people united not against something, but for themselves. he’s even
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a bitch, it’s not good with zelensky, having lost his head in the counter-attacks, he has become like a headless chicken, which inertia continues to run for millet, that is, for the european future. rick by rock, krok by krok, we rob by year, day after day, we are doing everything so that on the eu flag, which symbolizes the unity of the peoples of europe, our star, europe, the zirka of ukraine, the zirka on the language - the star of noah, shines. dear president of ukraine, kindly explain to me what to do in this world.
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our people are stealing both themselves and europe, all at once, there are simply no words, how much you can mock your people over your own, say, you are scum, you are just there in the verkhovna rada, all scum, bitch, we already hate you with all our hearts and soul, that's exactly how we hate him i said a year ago, we will fight until the last ukrainian, my hands are shaking, what are you doing, what are you doing, as the classics of marxism said, the revolutionary situation is obvious, the lower classes don’t want it, but the upper classes can’t. here they have a lot of wickedness in their pants, happy day of wickedness and freedom, it’s not a shame for you, bitch, i’m in love, i don’t feel that happiness, i’m in love, i don’t have the relish
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of victory, then this is a tragedy for the people, on the stats of the former theft the ussr again either the maidan or a new revolution of leadership is ripening, this time against zelensky. so many warrior who is dissatisfied with you, what a bitch to run away, oh run away from there, otherwise great karma awaits you, i ask you, deploy your troops, you are fighting with the wrong people, you need to fight with the wrong russia, you need to go to kiev, guys, you need to go to kiev , how will they now demolish the servants of offshore companies with the bayonets of commander-in-chief zaluzhny? for the anniversary of the coup, the americans will pull out poroshenko’s old, proven deck of trump cards, which did not disappoint last time. 10 years ago we began a new page of struggle. 10 years ago, he didn’t care about new pages of struggle, or piano. while he was strumming,
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he hit the instrument in kiev , and the maidan was being prepared. and 10 years ago, and 10 years ago, yesterday. today we fought and we are fighting, in the fall of 2013, the multi-vector yanukovych, who also dreamed of a european future, accidentally found out that the western partners had all the cards sprinkled, although he could have guessed earlier, in kiev there were torchlight processions held annually and so on, so kiev was very convenient for organizing a coup d'etat. according to the former prime minister of ukraine nikolai
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azarov, they began to prepare a coup in kiev did not suit the united states of america, first of all, it did not suit perhaps some of our partners in the european union, because they constantly lectured us, cherished hopes alive that the yanukovych government, as promised, would sign the association with the eu we spoke a lot in the country, saying that if we thoughtlessly sign this agreement, then the economic losses for us would be colossal, well , in fact, this is all what happened. seeing that the european track leads to economic abyss and de facto loss of independence, yanukovych and azarov balked. of course it went enormously. pressure from the leaders of the european union, a number of european countries, the meaning of this pressure was that we must put aside all doubts, sign this agreement, for nato ukraine was a cherished springboard against russia, and for europeans a tasty piece of the pie with a powerful industrial
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soviet legacy, which can be robbed as soon as the agreement is signed, because this is an association agreement that has more than a thousand pages, none of these students... saw or read it, although it was posted on the internet, no one wanted to read it, i doubt that this yatsenyuk has still read it or poroshenko has read it, no one read, but why, when the day before life... a fairy tale, all these fairy tales that all the etiquette people told on the maidan, yes, well, saliva sprayed from the mouth, you know, but for me, i looked at them, i understood that you he's not an illiterate guy, you've been everywhere, you should know that you're just talking nonsense to the country, unsigned benefits from europe, non-signing of the association with the eu - this is a lost chance for membership in a democratic , civilized european family, this government must go, we needed a reason, a reason to overthrow our government, because
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we were frankly told, you won’t sign this the agreement means it will be signed by another government, another president. after this threat, on november 21, at the call of agents of influence of foreign intelligence services, mustafa nayem, a peaceful picket gathered in the center of kiev. meet at 22:30 under the monument independence. dress warmly, take umbrellas, tea, coffee, good mood and friends. reposting is greatly appreciated. official myths and legends of euromaidan say that the protest in kiev began with this proclamation. thank you very much for coming, thank you again , i just heard someone say that we don’t know what we are doing, that’s not true, don’t believe anything, we know what we are doing. mustafa naem knew what he was doing. for his cry from the heart under poroshenko, he will become a member of the parliament, and under zelensky he will sit in the chair... he is not just a pro-western figure, he
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the man is a soros, a grant-eater, as they say in ukraine, like his whole team, mustafa naem, sergei leshchenko, madam, and so on and so forth, people carried out clearly assigned tasks, the action was rather sluggish and the organizer of this action, curators, vilnius november 29, 2013 eastern partnership summit, yanukovych refuses to sign the capitulation, in the sense of the association of ukraine with the european union. the chairman of the european commission, jose manuel baroso, looks puzzled into yanukovych’s eyes, asking viktor fedorovich, what
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not this way? and now we have come to the signing of the agreement. a fan of the forest brothers, the president of lithuania grybauskaity, even remembered the russian language from such impudence of yanukovych. yanukovych nods his head, but does not give up, so he is in a hurry to help. agreement with the european union, if we had achieved a mutually beneficial one, we would have signed it, that is, this is absolutely obvious, because we worked in the interests of ukraine. and at the same time we worked with russia, those who are not racing, those who are not racing, those who are not racing,
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those who are not racing, the thirtieth, are already part of the students they were replaced by homeless people for a certain payment, people from golechina, there were some uncles, aunts, well, mostly uncles who, by age, were already old enough to be grandfathers there, and so on and so forth, but nevertheless, such propaganda emphasis was placed on the fact that these are peaceful demonstrators, and finally the blast... this famous night is associated with the dispersal of these peaceful people, they are children, that is, this ma'am was invented. these people with yellow armbands and essentially a stylized swastika, the current symbol of azov, yes, they obviously didn’t appear there by chance, they were ready, they were actually the main organizing force, in the first stage, on the maidan there were... very few students, a lot of foreign press, they,
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i had the feeling that they were waiting for something, they were like kites, like crows, flocked to the event, which, as it turned out later, you know, was like fresh blood, that is, why they all gathered in one place, we found out a little later, the signal for unrest, on the cold evening of november 29, 2013, was supposed to be given by this one lady, irina gerashchenko, close woman. u you have yanukovych’s mobile phone, please dial him, please, don’t forget his presence on the maidan. live on primetime at 11 pm, not easy. did not demand to stop the massacre, saying that the bloody yanukovych regime was beating students on the maidan. this is yanukovych’s responsibility for the lives of ukrainian children, students, whatever. thus began the special operation, they are children, to applause, irina gerashchenko quickly heads backstage. who she really is and why she is now
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dangerous for zerensky, we will tell you today, but then the trick was that no one i haven't hit anyone yet. in an effort to speed up the coup, gerashchenko took off a little before the whistle. i can say this for sure, the direct broadcast from the maidan was interrupted. i want to remind you that at 11. irina gerashchenko, while on shuster’s air, freedom of speech at 11:00, suddenly said: i’m appealing to the president, and now they’re calling me on the phone. and we are sitting in a cafe on the maidan, we naturally went out to the maidan and say where they are beating whom, ruslana sings, they are shouting to moskalyak-nagilyak, well, in general, everything is fine, according to the newly approved plan, victims should
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appear on the night of november 30, when utility workers bring a new year tree to the maidan. suddenly, at 3:00 a.m. , film cameras arrive, set up lights, set up cameras, what to shoot? this ordinary ordinary situation, yes, when people were there whileing away the night, uh, the total number of them was there, but no more than 100 people, for example, well, there were about 20-30 policemen there, probably not more either, in 4:00 am the christmas tree was delivered to the main square of kiev, protesters interfered with the installation, suddenly unknown people in masks appeared and began: well, young boys, the control and guard service can do something against the militants of these trained kids, boys and then the burning logs when they were broken by the fittings, come to think of it, more than 20 people ended up with cranial injuries. drakus of the police for the new year's eve, the news is presented as a bloody dispersal of peaceful
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demonstrators, and besides, of children . it was provocative. citizens of western ukraine, mainly lvov, as it later turned out according to the data of the detainees, who were adults, fifty born in the seventh to fifty-ninth year, that is, who were 50 years old and who were specially brought to create provocations , what was needed, in general , to stir up a protest, with blood, only then it became clear why the kiev journalists were raised in the middle of the night they began to shout, which means that there was an unlawful use of force, animals, they are children, they beat children, of all the victims there there were about thirty people there, only two who could be classified there as students, judging by their age, this would be a signal for a riot , ukraine is being pushed into the abyss
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lawlessness and armed rebellion, signals were sent on social networks, on tv there, get ready, this event has already... allowed the organizers to say that this is a bloody regime, mind you, this is how a copy of everything that happened, say, in libya , there, in algeria, there, in egypt, the blood was in very frequent cases artificial, i want to draw your attention to a polish journalist who was caught holding a bag of liquid in his palm, at some certain moment he ... made a movement as if his head was cut. on your screens is the maidan after the so-called beating of students. rare passers-by, a standard traffic jam, a lonely picketer. the shelves and mallets will not boycott the christmas tree in the blood. there will be no christmas tree.
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when the commission arrived, having examined the entire hospital, there was no one there, of those who needed long -term treatment, some kind of inpatient treatment, but they bandaged it, released it, lubricated it or with food, released it, so it was escalated for 2 whole days, there are victims there, there corpses are taken out, something else, the internet is filled with staged videos, they are children, a sea of ​​blood, beating of students, masters of staging shots were brought to the maidan on november 30 in order to make a picture, in order to excite the people, the people were already agitated, this was the first provocation, and with which it began... ukrainian media holdings oligarchs are shown shocking images in news releases: an elephant swells out of a molehill, people begin to go to the maidan. ukraine, europe. headquarters of the national resistance, it includes turchinov, yatsenyuk, klitschko, tegnebok. on december 1, 2013 they convene a people's assembly, euromaidan passes
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into the active phase. together we must be united ukrainian. the square is filled, flags are unfurled, european friends join the speakers on the maidan. eu, it’s not that you need the eu, the eu needs you. while the polish guests are speaking from the podium about european values, a parallel course is being taken over the seizure of administrative buildings. the kiev city hall was the first to fall. soon, a deployed crowd of bright people with bright faces is already storming the presidential administration building. it’s better not to believe your eyes, remember. it was peaceful protest of peaceful people for democracy, freedom , all good against all bad. we will do everything to ensure that
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there is no president. then there will be the first sacred victims : three protesters will be shot point-blank by an unknown person with buckshot from a sawed-off hunting rifle. yanukovych's government was losing the information war by one wicket. the press blamed the unarmed berkut for everything and the euromaidan wanted more blood. returning from a business lunch at the us embassy, ​​yatsenyuk will demand the loudest bullet in his forehead. i'm in trouble, i won't live. tomorrow we will go forward together, sometimes a blow to the forehead, then a blow to the forehead. but the bullets were from georgian snipers. and others will receive pravosek the next day. the turn of the fake heavenly hundred will come,
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yanukovych will hand you over to kiev and go sign your political verdict. this moment between the past and the future will be included in all textbooks on organizing coups d'etat. yanukovych and euromaidan leaders sign a settlement agreement. a motley group of people at the table next to german foreign minister steinmeir vitali klitschko. by the way, holder of the order of merit in front of germany. next is the nazi tyugnebok. in the center, there is still president yanukovych. to his right, yatsenyuk sparkles vengefully, next to him are polish foreign minister sikorsky and french foreign ministry official eric fournier. russia refused to sign filkin’s letter. among those present, only yanukovych seems to think that he is putting a visa on the agreement. others see this paper as
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a master key to state power. that's it, the job is done, there is no turning back. on the same day , the verkhovna rada will vote for indulgence to all maidan militants. tymoshenko will be released. and a real hunt will be launched for the still-incumbent president. now zelensky is mortally afraid of such a fate. there is a plan that they really want. the dictator hastens to frankly declare to the english tabloid that a conspiracy has matured against him. this means changing the president, possibly by assassination. i mean. coup , code name operation maidan 3, a conspiracy is brewing against zelsky, but who plans to demolish the dictator in december, in a couple
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of minutes, what the head of the pentagon whispered about zaluzhny, behind the back of the leader of the regime, why zelsky is afraid of yushchenko’s former mistress, as well as details of the maidan 3 operation . zelsky’s revelation, where he first points out the conspirator who massacred. like an eternal sign of the forgotten and this is the first avatar who brought us to tears, this is the last step , only one person can sing it like this today, thank you very much for... avatar show - new season, today at 20:20 on ntv. balabol, new season, tomorrow at 20:00. on ntv.
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call us right now, you will receive two knee pads, move easily as a gift, leamax purchases with a plus. results of the week, today at 19:00 on ntv. gather our people, our homeland needs us. past in the spring, zelsky waited for the start of his counter-offensive in high spirits.
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all that remained was to collect everything. more, give us your health, with a fresh certificate from the doctor, billions of dollars in weapons , biden was brought to kiev to him. the clown sounds the air raid siren for all important foreign tourists. biden was also allowed to listen. well , no one was in a hurry to go to the bomb shelter, everyone knew that the pot wouldn’t land on girana’s head. the world's strongest economies have gathered to block the life flow of the russian economy. international terrorist who blew up the northern streams were captured by the regime. together we assembled 700 tanks and thousands of armored vehicles, a thousand
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artillery systems and more than 2 million shells, 50 missile systems and air defense systems. in response to the elderly pope carlo, the handmade piece of wood promised. over the damned muscovites, for the kiev pinocchio, it was hod vabank, you know, it’s not a movie, it’s difficult to say, how do you beat the contour-offensive, smut, so that russia has messed up. he bet everything on the contour-attack, and the bet didn’t work out. in the bakhmut meat grinder , muscovites, in a minority, liberated artyomovsk, in during the prizovo massacre, they burned nato equipment, and now they are tightening the avdeevka noose. on the neck of the kiev regime. the success turned out to be sparse, and guests travel to kiev less often now, but the concept has not changed. i hope congress will help us, and i hope
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the united states will help us, we will find the money, we don’t need anything, we only need air defense systems at the front. you don’t need anything, but give the air defense everything else, don’t let him come to his senses, the beggar is offering a new scheme. you can give it to us, give it to us, you can sell it to us, if you can rent it to us, we'll rent it, if you don’t want to or simply can’t, just give us american licenses, we’ll find the money, from such statements the english tabloid’s special correspondent eyes cost £100 each, in britain he’s seen enough of the various tricks of star show business, but rockets, planes and ta. no one has asked for a lease yet, i can’t understand why we all can’t manage this, just manage it, just let us rent it, we ’ll pay the money, who will give you this for rent? ukraine already owes the west 10
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generations ahead, and when the russians burn everything, what did zelsky beg for rent, what will this statesman give back? yes, so you asked if i had an answer, i don’t have an answer, it’s a pity, but it doesn’t matter. and if you don't give it. it will be worse for you, let this special correspondent from england write it down in his notebook. i do not wish you such a war on your territory. i don’t wish you, of course, the loss of your soldiers. the blackmailer transparently hints that nato is now only relying on him. if the russians crush us, they will very quickly occupy nato countries. baltic states, poland and others. and after this is why you will send your soldiers to fight russia, or nato will cease to exist. the atlantic alliance is in danger, zelsky reports alarming
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symptoms. it turns out that he has problems with his chair; he wobbles a lot under it. the last interesting information is that there is a plan that i shared with you before the interview. according to top secret information , estonian. intelligence or some other secret office, secret enemies want to either kill him or simply remove him, this means changing the president, well, perhaps not by assassinations, i mean a coup, a rebellion, they will use any tools they have, any tools, that is , a sniper rifle, a knife, a syringe, a pin, a soldering iron, an iron, or a ballpoint pen, fidgeting at the table, the dictator asks transmit lightning to london, there is zrada all around, dear english editorial office, the grapes of a conspiracy are ripening in kiev, operation maidan 3, this is on holy days, when zelsky celebrates the anniversaries of two previous maidans at once, the conspirators have
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nothing sacred. 20 years ago, it was a romantic dream, 10 years ago, it was an ambitious meta. today is reality. this reality scares gauleiter of europe, it would seem that he has been for a long time. cleared the political landscape, but something is still stirring in the swamp of the verkhovna rada. when politicians replace statesmen, when they fight for a seat, and not for people, somewhere on... at the bottom, the still undead veterans of previous coups perked up and gurgled something threateningly about a new maidan, this time against zelensky himself, i’m not a litter, you are litter, by the way, a toad, that is, a lady in law, whom the servant of offshore companies is afraid of, not look, what looks like an old floating suitcase, the unsinkable irina gerashchenko, surfaced back in the days of the orange maidan and then she was, no matter where. november 24,
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the central election commission of ukraine announces the results of the second round of the presidential election. 15 million 93.691 votes were given for yanukovych viktor fedrych. processed 100% , with a margin of almost 1 million votes , viktor yanukovych wins. viktor andrevich. 14 million were seen. suddenly , cries of destruction are heard in the hall - a well-fed oligarch in an orange scarf, the future president of ukraine, shouts poroshenko. candidate for the post of president of ukraine. the courage of the chocolate king is easy to explain; by this time , a tent city has been set up on khreshchatyk for two days, activists have been brought from lviv, supporters are preparing for the election commission center. then it
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will be called the peaceful revolution, tymoshenko, poroshenko, they were together, side by side, connected by one orange scarf and money. the americans openly supported yushchenko in 2004. he has an american wife and yulia timoshenko as his associates, including irina gerashchenko, whom few people knew then. ekaterina, who represented, well, at least according to rumors... the interests of the state department, especially since mr. yushchenko was, well, purely an americanophile, he certainly considered america the most outstanding, the most powerful, the most influential, the most remarkable, and so on, to defeat the candidate yanukovych on the miranchev maidan was then helped by the daring murder of the leader of the revolution; the first babchenko in ukraine was not babchenko at all, but the orange yushchenko, who... was allegedly poisoned by the russians, but according to tradition, he survived. self-poisoning occurred,
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which in hindsight has already been described, maybe perhaps interpreted, including, probably, with the support of foreign consultants, as some kind of brutal biological attack, the face of the ukrainian protest then suffered from love, because the press secretary irina gerashchenko, ready for anything, hovered next to yushchenko. for her sake, the fiery revolutionary decided to rejuvenate, and this almost brought him to the grave, one innovative doctor came and said, let me infuse you with the notorious stem cells, and this is such a colossal surge of energy, you immediately turn into a matcha, you have a thousandfold the possibility of all kinds of pleasures increases, after the rejuvenation procedure , yushchenko went to the sauna and drank there out of habit;
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it was impossible to mix all the pleasures with the bathhouse, irina, alcohol and dubious injections. and there were three of us when this innovative technique was proposed, two people in kolkoli, i refused, well, i did a lot of sports, i thought that for now sports would replace me, one of them, president yushchenko , had big problems, the second had problems less, and i was injecting. when yushchenko was pumped out, he promised the prime minister's portfolio with two orange ones to tymoshenko and his godfather poroshenko, who was hanging around nearby. but after the maidan victory, the americans approved tymoshenko for the post of prime minister, and poroshenko received the consoling post of minister of foreign affairs. it was priyushchenko who was a colossal landing of american experts in all areas, in the banking sector, in the security sector, in the special sector. in the judicial sphere, everyone
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was trained by the americans. yushchenko will ask to join nato, promise to give crimea under american control base. tymoshenko will go to prison, and irina gerashchenko will end up in poroshenko’s retinue, who picks up everything that is bad, even after yushchenko, and her roles in the special operation are children, during the maidan 2014, as we have already said. this is yanukovych’s identity. after the coup, poroshenko, as a reward for all her services, will place irina gerashchenko in the chair of vice-speaker of the verkhovna rada, for which she will nominate the crumpled one at the end of her term. judging by what russian tv broadcasts about poroshenko and klimkin, they are doing everything right, director it is no accident that he snatches poroshenko’s wife in the hall; in her steely eyes, the audience will see everything that really connects the chocolate king and yushchenko’s former ruler. we wish for
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peace, but not the path of capitulation, but victory, victory above all else, and there may be only one in unity. not to fulfill the minsk agreements, and poroshenko, skipping past his marina, publicly kissed gerashchenko in front of everyone, six months after this kiss, the blond and beast will become the highlight of the show at the stadium so the stadium, rushing headlong to his knees earlier then others. at that moment, zelsky probably hoped that she would crash into drebezge with him. coming to power, gerashchenko will go into opposition and, together with his poroshenko , will carry strawberries as a punisher to the ato zone. we want to help the ukrainian soldiers. then it will be she who, with the foam of the urta, will demand that the russian orthodox church be banned in ukraine. liquidation of the moscow church as the ideological structure of the aggressor region. with
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age, the blonde will lose interest in herself from influential admirers at her leisure. will be breeding cats. she will call them “the petro poroshenko foundation will transfer 11 of nativsky’s marvelous cars to zsu. all this time she did not hide that she dreams of returning poroshenko to power, but this is now impossible by legal means, the dictator canceled the elections. the president, who was lying, lying, lying.
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the kiev regime . the idea is to do this before the end of the year. a new operation before the end of the year, and there is even a name for the operation. the main sensation is ahead, which the british censors cut out of this interview. next, the details of the maidan operation 3. who is going to kill the leader of the kiev regime in december. what the americans are discussing in zaluzhny in secret from zelsky, and who in his circle the dictator himself is afraid of. in just a couple of minutes, zelsky will make public everything that the british did not show. the avatar show is a bundle of talent, it looks like he’s covering his tracks, what a blessing, for me he’s already
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runs towards the car, and it’s scary. he looks me in the eye and does it like that. for the first time on screens very personal video of the stars. enbert christobel alexandrovna. so that she grows up like this , plump, ugly with little eyes, so that no one offends her. why does anna bolshova call herself a bad mother? my heart breaks, i understand that he has fallen. it’s not just your child, everyone is flying, what message did you send to stas piekha, his only son, you’re cool, dude, he gives so much that you just can’t take it away, who tarnished roma zhukov’s reputation, we were all in this lion’s urine, on happiness, as they say, the stars aligned today, right away after the avatar show on ntv. the leader of the kyiv. zzhima likes to twirl around in the frame, so he also met last winter surrounded by television cameras, when i have learned how
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to make a movie, the inhabitant of the most expensive bunker in kiev shows the press his costume wardrobe, the president's wardrobe, that's what i want, according to the image makers, the image is always the same, the difference is in the details, each pajama has its own pair of expensive slippers. and finally, the column at the leiter of ukraine, behind which he writes down orders from dictation washington. all international calls take place in his own office, behind the wall of the reception room, where he meets foreign delegations. us defense minister loy dostion came here on the eve of the euromaidan anniversary, expressing routine words of support, he said that he would not take civilians to the meeting with the commander in chief of the armed forces of ukraine zaluzhny. this is especially true for the head of the office of zelsky ermak, the gray eminence of ukraine
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, who was never allowed to attend the separate negotiations between austin and zaluzhny. this is a very bad signal for the entire gang of the former clown. what is the messenger from washington was whispering to the people behind ermak’s backs and the gang doesn’t know zelensky, but they feel the smell of a fried coup. then we will immediately program everything. ukraine, europe, suite. how can one not remember in these gloomy days that something like this has already happened, exactly 2 years ago. at the end of november 2021, he already threatened with a new maidan in ukraine. some people wrote to the russian federation and some comrades from ukraine are discussing what society is supposedly ready for, and that it is necessary to convey information that today
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rinat akhmetov is ready to get involved. question a coup d'etat, well, let's say, a change - of the current president, well, this is a coup d'etat. the maidan against yanukovych was called a revolution of dignity, but if such dignity is waved in front of zelsky’s nose, then this is already a coup. i think this is a rocking of this situation within our country. any maidan is expensive. 2 years ago, in the history of the coup, the richest oligarch of ukraine, rinat akhmetov, screwed up by not sharing a billion with zelsky’s office, i believe that this information was special in order to drag akhmetov in in the war, well, he was already drawn into the information war, against, well, me, then mrs. gerashchenko and her poroshenko dreamed of removing the former clown from the political scene. i'm not petya, i'm tired of nonsense.
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avakov, who was dismissed, also wanted to remember his youth. we are approaching a coup d'etat, and these servants of the offshores were afraid most of all, the revolution is not over , we started the revolution, the organized crime group seized the initiative, put the corruption scheme in its service, and the revolution is not over, and i think there will still be a stage, uh, when those who rise up started this revolution will finish it. the punishers who drowned the donbass in blood also planned to pull zelsky out of the socket. another thing is that at one time we were not allowed to unite to make a party, namely, as everyone said, the junta party , which would come, would return, say, from the war, would restore order in kiev, then in 2021 there would be a coup, which everyone zelsky promised, we started strictly on schedule. glory to ukraine,
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the bloody pastor turchynov was at the top with the battle cry of persecution, this was the most terrible thing of all that happened in kiev on december 1. zalyu, poroshenko brought about 3,000 of his supporters into the street. this was where the coup d'état ended. those whom he was so afraid of... did not appear, the oligarch rinaat akhmetov called zelsky a liar on the phone and disappeared from the radar for a while. zelsky himself came to the verkhovna rada with his annual message and said that the country of eternal maidans is on the right course. exactly 30 years ago, on the 1st day of the 91st , an all-ukrainian referendum was held on the independence
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of ukraine. for 30 years of independence, ukraine sold for visa-free travel. part of the population lost all their independence, committed genocide, there is something to be proud of, we are a great country, glory to everyone for you, glory to ukraine, almost breaking the podium, zelsky proclaims that the ukrainian army is the strongest in the world, which means it’s time to return donbass by force, we say our guilt, knowing what we have we have a strong, hard-working army, and we are not afraid to speak the truth about one thing at a time, because we want to turn donbass around, come on, the beginning of russia’s military specialization was ahead of them, and now a new coup is knocking on the door, as they say, to the heap, a revolution, this must be change of the existing regime, they they were afraid that i would return, now i’ll return to kiev with a battle, this was pure hell for
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them, now zelensky is afraid that the military will organize a maidan against him, demonstrative behind-the-scenes negotiations between the us secretary of defense and the leader of the armed forces of ukraine only add fuel to the fire operation maidan 3 .at first people don't know what to do with it and it looks very... scary, and after that intelligence simply shares the details with you. the english tablo cut out the details from the interview, and this is also a signal for zelsky. if a military man decides to go into politics, then then he should engage only in politics, since he will not be able to engage in war. if you wage a war, thinking that tomorrow you will go into politics, then in words on the front line you will behave like a politician, and not like a military man, which is a big mistake. i... when politicians replace statesmen, when they fight for a seat, and not for people, this was a public attack on the leader of the armed forces of ukraine, zelsky is an intelligent politician who thinks about everyone,
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and a zalafon who dreams only of personal power, when the powerful ego is greater than the ego for a strong country, when they do not fully stand up to the status of leader, head, hetman, that is, zaluzhny to the title of hetman. whoever has not grown up, let him mind his own business and not go where he is not invited with a face like the boot of an efraider. when the enemy manages to split the inner unity, when we fight, only the strong can be united in order to become stable. it is still unknown whether zelsky managed to nip the plot at its roots; the maidan-3 operation is scheduled for december. however, maybe this is an inflammation of cunning. a reason to purge competitors in case the americans still force the dictator to hold elections in the spring. descend to a depth
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of 3,000 m, look at russia from the altitude of satellites, feel the cold of permafrost, share the joy of sports victories and scientific discoveries. at home, take an unusual virtual journey of millions of years and thousands of kilometers in the gazprom pavilion at the international exhibition at the russia moscow vdnh forum from november 4, 2023 to april 12, 2024. this is the ecology of the city, this contribution to the health of our children. this is clean air. they talk about switching transport to methane, about protecting nature, but it’s not just that. methane. cheaper, savings on every kilometer, the basting engine works perfectly. installation of equipment within the framework of the national fuel project, i also converted my car to methane without stock. being practical is beneficial for nature
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and for you, choose ecogas, refuel at gazprom stations. the image of the future seems so necessary to everyone, so frightening that right now everyone is trying to find an explanation in the past, remembering both byron, the best prophet for the future of the past, and his father. founder of america patrick henry, i don’t know any other way to judge the future except by the past, that is, in all the lessons and turning points of history they are trying to find an analogue and an answer to where to go next, because it seems that the situation is reaching a dead end everywhere, from the middle east to the farthest, from eastern europe to western europe, because everyone has a clear feeling that the world can collapse after every next step, and the reference to the past itself is just an attempt check the sedative, this has always been the case, but each time the disasters became the starting point for something new. and the best thing is to hide behind the simplest psychological trick, when something went wrong in the present, you can blame yourself.


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