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tv   Segodnya  NTV  November 26, 2023 8:00am-8:21am MSK

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hello, you are greeted by the information service of the ntv television company, in the yulia bekhtereva studio. that night, israel and hamas exchanged a second group of hostages. the palestinian movement released 13 citizens of the jewish state and several foreigners. after this, 39 palestinians were released - women, children and teenagers. they had already arrived on the west bank, where they were met by thousands of fellow citizens. the second stage of the exchange was almost on the verge of failure. hamas accused the enemy of blocking the delivery of humanitarian aid to the north of the autonomy. mediators became involved in resolving the dispute. thanks to the efforts of egypt and ka, before the hostages were handed over
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, the largest rally since the beginning of the conflict took place in tel aviv. it was called 50 days of hell. people demanded the release of all hostages who were taken during the october 7 attack on israel. the prisoner exchange is expected to continue today. meanwhile, dagestan received the first group of refugees whom our country evacuated from the gas sector. about 50 people will be accommodated on one of the... holidays and will be provided with everything necessary. we came from gaza, there was a very brutal war there, i can’t even say it’s war, it’s destruction, all of our half there, more than 10,000 of our children died, for which they died, even they are sitting in our houses and bombing us. and when we crossed the border of egypt from palestine, we saw our own people.
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they told us that we would get everyone out, people with documents, people without documents, they told us, don’t worry, whoever has documents, who has no documents, no documents, we’ll take everyone with us, they said the word that russians, russians, russians are not our own they quit, we cried so much at this, when you told us these words, everyone cried that russia is helping our people and compatriots, the ministry of defense launched a military satellite, the launch took place late the night before, by this moment it is known that the device was successfully launched into orbit, with a stable connection has been established. the satellite's armored systems are operating normally, and our aerospace forces have begun analyzing and processing information about the new space object. in the zone in the donetsk direction. su-25 attack aircraft destroyed
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camouflaged positions and armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces. our pilots approached the target at extremely low altitudes, and opened fire at maximum speeds. such maneuvers do not allow ukrainian air defense to detect aircraft. heat traps, which are fired after the main strike, also distract attention. it's disabled. these days, the lpr are undergoing practical training with airborne evacuation medical units performing tasks in the northern defense zones. for the first time , civilian instructors were involved in the training. at the training ground , real front-line combat conditions were recreated. participants practice every action until it becomes automatic, from detecting the wounded and providing first aid to sending them to the hospital. and today, svu participants congratulated mothers, wives, grandmothers and sisters on mother’s day. it
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is celebrated in russia on the last sunday of november. congratulatory video messages were recorded in the units, and in the donetsk people's republic, our soldiers personally presented flowers to local residents. mothers accept bouquets of gifts all over the country. stories of women who can safely be called heroes, in the plot of mikhail chebonenko. looking at this friendly feast, and i would like to say that the whole family is assembled. happy holiday, beloved mother. thank you my dears. in fact, not all of them, tatiana and nikolai have 17 children, they live in different regions of russia, mother’s day is a holy holiday, and even those who could not come to their parents’ house today do not leave tatiana without congratulations, the eldest son is 42, the youngest daughters are 16, and another 17 granddaughters, 15 grandchildren, in general, there are many reasons to get together , continuous birthdays, birthdays of their children, this is clear, i know everyone, of course , wake you up at night, i can say, but the grandchildren are already
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it’s more complicated, of course, it’s gone, i still remember the first ones, but later i need to make a list, tatyana and nikolai have been married for 43 years, they worked constantly until retirement. gentlemen, children, here we accept every child, each one is welcome , as a gift from god, each one receives close attention, they know from birth that the mother is the most important person in the family, nikolai himself set an example for the children, and taught them to show respect to tatyana love, attention, respect, took care of the children, sometimes i even do something, a car or repair. here or something about the house with the land, i always took the children with me, from her, so that she could at least spend the evening for herself a little, so she could rest a little, tatyana has state awards, one of them is the highest mother-hero, but her
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the woman still calls the result of raising children the main reward. it’s so nice that all my labors, worries, experiences, they are odd. they always thank me for my upbringing, that they have me, it’s such happiness, each of them has always had a goal to make their mother proud, to make someone power engineer, several brothers and sisters went into medicine, pedagogy, yana is sixteen, she is the seventeenth child, while she thinks, now she plays the violin and draws, there has always been freedom of choice in the family, parents did not put pressure on the children, it’s just important for children to have mom and dad don’t disappoint, my mother is the best, she is very kind, she is very caring, our mother is very warm, soft, kind, always devotes time to everyone, care, call,
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ask, in this family they call their own aunt mother, three girls, two boys, eset chimikova took upon herself the upbringing of the children of her deceased brother, mother is everything. mom, mom, mom, she and her parents lived in syria, but 3 years ago the war separated the family, the father died, and they don’t know the details about the fate of the elder brother’s mother, the eset accepted her nephews and now devotes her life to them, attention to everyone, says the profession teacher, now he helps in his personal life, mac, and you know how to cook something, god, the children didn’t have to explain once again why their own mother is not around and when his brother returns, we agreed... i would i would like to see them, first of all , as good, respectable muslims and living happily in our republic.
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mother's day is a holiday that cannot be ignored under any circumstances, so our fighters in their zone found a free minute to say the main words to the main woman. in my life, i thank you for everything, and let everyone know how much i love you, dear mother, the positions of our soldiers in the dpr, lpr, zaporozhye, kherson region, the command promised to convey to the recipients every congratulation for the guys at the front, thoughts of the mother, additional protection and incentive. mikhail chabanenko, yana fedoricheva, natalya okhmaikina, fatima dadaeva, ntv television company. a mass rally against supplies took place in the center of berlin. ukraine increased spending on the army. according to some estimates, up to 20,000 people joined the procession. the participants harshly criticized the german government, the organizers of the action recalled that the country lacks teachers, hospitals are closing and the infrastructure is failing. at the same time, germany is the second
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donor to ukraine after the united states. the country spent on support for kiev is already more than 25 billion euros, german chancellor olaf schulz said that germany will continue. support kiev, despite all the budget problems, berlin, meanwhile, there is not enough money for environmental projects, they had to be frozen, at the international film festival that opened in london, russian films attract full houses, despite the fact that the uk was one of the first to cancel host our performances and concerts, why are attempts to ban russian culture failing, elizaveta gerson. almost sold out all tickets are in different theaters, well in london, as in past years there is a film festival where you can watch modern russian films with english subtitles, so
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the cancellation of russian culture is cancelled. if they don’t want to cancel the clicker, including its european gender-inclusive varieties, because it generates income, then the festival is not an income, rather a bypass, bypassing sanctions in one step, it is declared not as a russian, but as an international film festival, here are our films in during the week they calmly show in cinema: in the center of london to the delight of the audience, i have lived in london for 27 years, i really love russian cinema, and i really miss it, we will be happy to wait for new films from the region or repeats of old films too, at the opening of the festival the restored british film the queen of spades according to pushkin, it’s already 300 years too late to break the cultural intertwining of the west with russia. we are carrying out exactly this - the spiritual part of our culture, our civilization, civilization, which, you know, is
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a very important part of the world cultural heritage, that is, without this, there will be no, no culture, no, no world culture, this cannot be removed, five hundred meters from the british parliament from a wide screen, today odessa residents in pure russian confess their love for vysotsky to pushkin , whose monument is in vysotsky's film odessa notebook was demolished in odessa, filmed in 2018. its creator believes that this layer of culture cannot be demolished. to say, they love him everywhere, you know, even to say, now in a situation where some kind of you know, such a terrible mess is happening, with his songs, even there, there people come out to say, they believe that supposedly this is theirs. pull the guy to the mountains, take a risk, don’t abandon him.
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him, if in conjunction with me alone, you yourself will understand who he is, there will be no second one, this is a film about films shot at the odessa film studio, which blossomed the best talents of a large country, and from which now only the name remains, but the soul is gone, there vysotsky played his first leading roles in a movie for the first time he sang from the screen, even now letitbada, open kiev ... kharkov, chisinau, and lev open, but i don’t need to go there, he sang so that even those who don’t know russian language, hears understands it. as a singer, i enjoy the sound of his songs, and for me, as an american, it is interesting to get acquainted with russian culture. and on tv in britain they show a different movie, not vysotsky, but foreign minister cameron, who visits odessa and promises it shells, and even the very name of the city is “odessa”, the british. in order to fight russian culture, they are now writing with one s, but these footage of cameron the very
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next day became just an archive, london’s song about supporting ukraine until the very end came out of the top hits, and vysotsky, singing in odessa, will sing in london from the big screen, in paris, in moscow, in magadan, and of course, in odessa itself. elizaveta gerson, boris halfin and irina chernyshova, ntv television company, london. today is the birthday of a man with whom many associate soviet television. she was called the face and voice of the country. her mere appearance in the frame captivated the viewer and inspired confidence. tv presenter, honored artist of the rsfsr anni shatitilova is 85. your creative path, anna nikolaevna started on the radio, only after a while she was accepted on television. and in the profession at that time, students were taught by the legendary announcers levit and olga vysotskaya, then she became the host of time, news, and entertainment programs,
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among which the blue light was very popular, shatilov has been on air for more than half a century, her voice was heard at processions, demonstrations, and festivals , military parades on red square, shatilovova remained the standard of style, snow-white shirts and red caps, you can call her business cards. many colleagues admit that over decades of working together. there was no better partner in my career than anna nikolaevna. anna nikolaevna has the so-called god's gift of charm, this is something that you can never acquire with any education, any kind of appearance there, although anna nikolaevna, she has a very beautiful appearance, she looks very elegant in the frame, she is always beautifully dressed, but she is not only that people like that she is always okay. well, that’s what it feels like, at the level of feelings, that’s the charm, that’s what it is
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a good, smart, competent person, that this is your friend. anna shatilova now works on television, is the host of ceremonies and festivals, our tv channel joins in the congratulations. that's it for this hour, stay for it. one of my friends has a difficult relationship with the internet and that file, how can i cancel it? no way, artyom, this is a megaphone, everything flies with it, only for megaphone subscribers. we take loans, it’s easy to apply, we ’re all in, we take loans, and we’re kind quickly, up to 5 million, loans that everyone knows, black friday at magnit cosmetics, from november 16 to 2 january, discount on perfumery up to 50%, magnet of cosmetics, the price is right, if you want
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