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tv   Mesto vstrechi  NTV  November 7, 2023 2:00pm-4:01pm MSK

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[000:00:00;00] krasnodar region, that's all for today, more news on our website in the telegram channel chip , feedback works there, if you need help, you are faced with injustice, report, talk about emergencies in your city, our communications editorial office, around the clock, leave your contacts so we can call you, well, i’m marat sedikov, thank you for your attention, see you on ntv. today in our program: zaluzhny’s assistant was killed as a result of a grenade explosion. internecine war. kyiv unleashes terror against the undesirable, what awaits the ukrainian generals who admitted to the west the defeat
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of russia? they definitely shouldn’t have disclosed the strategy in the articles. tactics of a cornered rat. washington demands that zelensky lay down his arms before the new year, and the terrorist president in response threatens to cancel the elections. whose will he take? it's crazy, it's the walking dead, it's like a headless chicken. giving birth in russian. there are calls to ban abortion in russia. will this lead to an increase in the country's population? please, just give birth to a child and we will help you raise him. watch it now. hello, this is the meeting place at ntv, the place where everything becomes clear. i am andrey norkin, my colleague ivan trushkin. we are working live. well, lyrical digressions on my travels at the beginning of the second hour, as you understood from our announcement, we
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will have one there. a peaceful topic related to the solution, attempts to solve the demographic problem in different ways , peaceful is how to say that peaceful is how to say, i’m not sure about her world, do you suspect that we may have a battle, that’s true, me too about it i thought, but the topic itself seems to be so good, but now the topic is not good, in general they wanted everything differently, in general, the secrets of the madrid court - ukrainian, and today on social networks, with secret ermak ... friend andrei vladimich, as we know , some kind of suspicious activity, why is this interesting, because if you remember, just last week, ermak posted this sensational article, then he immediately removed it, posted it on his social network, it means that today he wrote, until he removed it, he wrote the following is what russia is using in ukraine he did not specify the tactics of the split, what exactly he meant, no specific split,
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none, maybe from specific conflicts. he doesn’t say anything about this, in general, you can say a lot about a lot, we thought that today we would start with zaluzhny’s article in the economist, where the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, in general , is enough, again, so openly and not complementary to his supreme commander-in-chief, assesses the situation at the front, but the very recent events themselves during some completely, i don’t know, well... in in absurd circumstances, one of zaluzhny’s closest assistants died, and some believe that he died, in general , not by accident, but they helped him, so naturally we’ll start with this now, let’s look at the footage, the body of thirty-nine-year-old mayor gennady chastyakov was discovered in his house, in the village of seagulls, near kiev, it is reported that he died from a grenade explosion while celebrating
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his own birthday, the ukrainian ministry of internal affairs actively reported that chastyakov was the victim of an accident, the official version is this: for his birthday, a colleague gave him military grenades of the new western style, this was the quote, for some reason mayor chastyakov broke the pin of one of the grenades, after which an explosion occurred. in the apartment of the deceased, the police found five more unexploded grenades, they will be sent for examination; in the office of the military man who gave chastyakov, these grenades have already been carried out . the publication ukrainskaya pravda, citing the major’s widow, claims that her husband came home from work with a gift bag, in this package contained a bottle of alcohol and glasses in the shape of grenades, when this package was opened, an explosion supposedly occurred. chastyakov’s boss, commander-in-chief zaluzhny himself , directly refutes the official version of careless handling of weapons. he says that his assistant was killed by an explosive device in one of
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the gifts, meaning, in essence, one of his closest associates was killed in a terrorist attack. the same version is supported by the widow of the deceased. she says that just at the moment when chastyakov began to unpack one of these gifts, an explosion occurred. the ukrainian publication new voice says that the gift, in which the explosive device was allegedly hidden, was presented to chastyakov by the senior assistant to the deputy commander-in-chief vsu by the name of timchenko, that is, such a person has a status of entry into many offices, he, of course, was interrogated, what he says, he says that he really gave chastyakov a bottle of whiskey and grenades, which chastyakov could mistakenly take for glasses of a specific shape, but this also does not support the version of a terrorist act then, representatives of donetsk. people's republic, which over the years has had to many times to face ukrainian sabotage , they reason like this: they believe that the death of the assistant to the commander-in-chief of the ukrainian armed forces is such a black mark for the zaluzhny, from zelensky, let us
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listen to the assistant adviser to the head of the dpr, yan gagin. ukrainian officials began to eat each other like spiders in a jar, because the split between zelsky and zaluzhny had been emerging for a long time, and such a new pole of power had emerged as zaluzhny. naturally, zelsky was not satisfied, of course, this is not an accident, this is murder, pacific murder, this is an explosion, and i believe that this a certain message, such a message, to zaluzhny from zelensky, it is noteworthy andreilavich that almost a day after all this happened, there is no single official version of it, well, i can admit anything, because in modern ukraine there were different, mysterious deaths, there were people who managed to commit suicide twice, there by shooting themselves in the head twice, but i fully admit that it could really be an accident, taking into
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account the aggravation of some such mental features, well, it’s somehow very timely, this unfortunate thing is a different conversation, that’s what’s interesting to talk about, because andrei vladimerovich always tells us that there is no such split between zaluzhny and zelsky, but after that, how it appeared, let us return to this article, a publication signed by zaluzhny in economist, there the western press again very actively began to say that something is happening there, whether it is good or not good, this is a separate question, let us now let's listen to what foreign journalists are talking about this, and fragments of the article itself, let's see, and what zelsky says, please, the scandal around the military department of ukraine broke out in the past. weeks when commander-in-chief valery zaluzhny published an article in the british publication the economist. in a nine-page essay, the general spoke about the failure of military strategy in the wzo and that the conflict had reached a dead end:
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there would be no breakthrough. just like during the first world war, we are in a stalemate. the biggest risk of a war of attrition is that it can drag on for years and wear down ukrainian state. most likely deep. and there will be no beautiful breakthrough. zelsky tried to refute the military leader’s statement at a joint press conference with the head of the european commission, ursula fonder, he said that the situation is not a stalemate, it’s just that ukraine does not have enough f-16 fighters, they would definitely turn the tide of hostilities. but officials from the office of the ukrainian president were less lenient towards zaluzhny, because the general washed his dirty laundry in public. ale in the military place in the place of the military, the very last thing i would do is commented for the press, the open public, on options for what is happening and could happen at the front, the strategy definitely should not have been disclosed in articles, there are appropriate communication channels, you
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know, such things like silence, the ukrainian civil strife instantly attracted the attention of the western press, cnn stated that the gloomy assessment of the battlefield by ukrainian military leaders did not come as a surprise. and the new york times promised a split in the kiev authorities due to the fact that the discussion of the failures spilled over into the press. rumors about tensions have been circulating between zelsky and zaluzhny for more than a year, but they have not previously resulted in public disagreements. zelsky's aides are concerned that zaluzhny's findings will dissuade some allies from continuing military assistance. criticism of zelsky's office. commander-in-chief signals a growing rift between ukraine's military and civilian leadership. according to the new york times, unnamed pentagon officials were stunned by the dismissal last friday
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of ukrainian special operations commander viktor kharenko. to washington supposedly had no complaints about him, the american military spoke well of him. retired cia officers, commenting on what is happening in ukraine, say that changes are taking place in the army. what’s happening in the army is crazy, it’s like a walking dead man, a chicken without a head, you know, when a chicken cuts off its head, yes, it’s a dead end, but it’s a dead end for russia too, it’s not
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only for ukraine, this is the first thing, but wait, why? zaluzhny generally had to write such an article, which, well, doesn’t really correlate with the statements, you understand, the fact is that there in ukraine, the reality is a little different than ours, there, firstly, so to speak, the commander of the armed forces of ukraine, he is quite independent in making many decisions, he decided to speak out on this topic, i say again, there is no split between the president and the military department, there is no split between the president and the ministry of defense, there are certain disagreements, yes there are, of course, because you need to reformat your position, when we asked you about all this before a couple of weeks ago, you said that everyone is blowing to the same tune, no in general, there is no disagreement, but now there isn’t, i say again, you see, we are always trying to use the word schism here, it’s not us, we’re quoting ermak,
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there is no schism. he didn’t talk about a split, there is no split, well, he’s trying to split tactics, this is understandable, because our entire information policy is now aimed at showing that supposedly disagreements there are almost killing each other, this is the first, secondly, of course, the situation is certainly changing, certain consultations are now underway between the west and kiev regarding further, further, as they also call development, but maybe we can talk a little later about the grenade, i wanted grenades , well, excuse me, so this is not the first and not the last case in our ukraine, as for this man, firstly, he was not, so to speak a close assistant, he was a guarantor, this time and secondly, according to some sources , we quote ukrainian television, they say , according to some sources, on that day he was no longer in quite an adequate state after the burner, so everything can be straight forward. that
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you want to say that a man drunkenly took up arms and what happened happened, come on, let’s do it on time, about politics, we ’ll just have a separate story, let’s first pavlovich wrote something down there, you know, i guess , i agree that there is no split, it seems to me that there is none only because the illusion of unity was imposed on us, that is , it was as if all these people were presenting it to us, in fact, because it was there from the beginning, of course, but who is the loser, he was never a zelensky man, well, he was never a man zelensky, he was appointed supreme commander-in-chief, the second cannot be considered an article for an economist in isolation from the publication in time magazine, why, because in time magazine, the worst thing for zelensky is that they questioned his adequacy, that is, he lives in captivity of his illusions , the commander in chief confirms the fact that in fact the situation at the front is not... the same as zelsky imagines, you know, and of course,
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this causes a certain conflict, now regarding the solution to these problems, you know, we we are dealing with such, to put it mildly, yes, amateurs, yes, who believe that journalists can be prohibited from writing about corruption and it will be like, well, with corruption, you can go behind the back of the commander-in-chief, without saying a word or half a word to him , send... but his opponents also have the right, within the framework of the possibilities that exist, to fight
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against what the president wants to do. if you think that zaluzhny is exclusively the commander-in-chief, he is not the commander-in- chief commander, he is the commander-in-chief, somehow strange, then you are mistaken, because for political forces are at fault. which all these political moments that contradictions arise between zaluzhny and zelsky, they, of course, relay this into society, there is a heated discussion in society, and what to do next? so zelsky says or or zaluzhny says: we are at a dead end, and what way out of the dead end does zaluzhny see, he sees a way out of the dead end, go on the defensive, and what way does zelsky see? he says, no, no, no, no defense, only offensive tactics, otherwise they won’t give us weapons, you know, it’s all a bit more complicated, i suggest, van, let’s show
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the following story so that our guests can enjoy it, because continuing the logic of pavlovich, there are also senior comrades, the terrorist zelensky and zaluzhny, who are talking. according to rumors, it means that no matter how you sit down, you will still have to put up with russia, you will still have to sign an agreement, then, like the story with the grenade, it is starting to play out a little, let us first look at these rumors and then at the reaction of the ukrainian leadership too, last weekend the western press spread the news, the united states and the european union are discussing options with ukraine in which it will stop hostilities and begin peace negotiations, supposedly the west has stopped believing in battle, russia, according to the nbc television channel , is offering security guarantees to ukraine as an incentive, while accepting kiev into the alliance they won’t, and for all this to happen, the terrorist zelensky is offered to make concessions, including territorial ones. the biden administration allegedly wants negotiations to begin before the end of the year. us and european officials began
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secret negotiations with ukraine about possible options for establishing contact with russia to end the war. the day before, i spoke with the president of ukraine vladimir zelsky, he said that the people of ukraine, although tired, are not broken, he is asking american legislators for another year of financial support. the topic was picked up by the washington post, which suggested that ukraine’s supporters rethink their understanding of victory, and if they persist, journalists predict loss for ukraine, and the current aid to kiev is even called a cover-up for a grandiose defeats, the french newspaper figaro has a similar one. washington wants to present the end of the ukrainian conflict as an initiative of kiev. biden's strategy will be to continue providing aid until zelensky decides it is time to negotiate ceding territory. this will allow the government in
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washington to assuage its conscience by declaring that the ukrainians have already decided everything themselves. a terrorist immediately responded to the discussion in the press. revelations about the stalemate at the front, he appeared on nbc and explained no one puts pressure on him and there can be no talk of any concessions, although all these explanations ended in hysteria with a forbidden english word on air. we are not ready to give up our freedom to this terrorist putin, that’s all, that’s why we are fighting, and after the hysteria came threats, and then the terrorist decided to put pressure on the pain points of democracy, hinting in his last address that for the elections in ukraine, which he was told so much about americans, now is not the time. we have to blame, we must decide that now is the time of defense, the time of battle, from which the fate of the state and people depends, and not the time of the stuffing that
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only russia expects from ukraine. i think now is not the time for elections. and if you need to put an end to this or that political dispute and continue to work only in unity? there are structures in the state that are capable of putting the finishing touches and giving society all the necessary answers. vasily , this all looks like blackmail, you will put pressure on me, i will cancel the elections, you will put pressure on me, i will fire these military men who you liked, and in general , look at the man with a grenade, you want, besides, this is blackmail, unfortunately, for me , i once supported zelsky’s policies, even recommended some things to him, in principle, you don’t even have to talk about this in every program. i am just spectators, yes, so that they remember, so i now saw a dictator , i now saw a man who says: i am canceling the elections, and i will give commands to the authorities, law enforcement officers, and so on and so on, if any of you will rock the boat, yes, i will destroy you, at a minimum you will be imprisoned, and at the maximum we will you, as farion says in we will send the recycling to the front, that is, farion
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and zelensky have now become one person for me, unfortunately, for me, now, as for and, this is the main thing, this is the main thing that is happening. the main thing is elections, there will be, there won’t be, there won’t be, so, so zelsky said today: i’m canceling, but that doesn’t mean that there won’t be elections, we remember you said that he will hold elections in march, this is what he said today, he is bargaining, he will bargain, listen, the man understands what he is sitting on, what kind of money, it’s true what they say, wait, that’s a grenade zaluzhny, they’re showing it, because zaluzhny is the main contender for victory, and he’s not zelensky at all. i’ll tell you that let’s answer your question, i’ll answer this way, but remember where zaluzhny was in the month of may, the beginning of may of this year, zaluzhny disappeared, there were rumors that he was killed, he was wounded, they fantasized about this. he didn’t appear at all for 3 weeks, at this time in the month of may the fundamental issue was being decided, the main question of the military, whether there would be a counteroffensive
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or not, this decision on the counteroffensive was made without zaluzhny, this decision was accepted by the politician zelsky and so then zaluzhny appeared, now zaluzhny, when the counteroffensive ended with what ended, and it ended in failure, zaluzhny wrote an article, publicly, wrote that look, this is the situation we have. this is such a thing, and then zaluzhny says: but i am not guilty of this, because in the month of may the decision was made without me, so zaluzhny becomes not a loser, not a military leader who lost the battle, but a military leader who says: we have there's a future ahead, and if they will give us this, these are, as he said, new technological types of weapons, we now, and now let's try, he also asked then and said how much is needed. their american comrades are looking at all this, which means they are in direct communication, looking at all
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this, two ukrainian gavriks are sitting , shifting on top of each other, this is him, this is him, this is for me, when you look, listen, everything is a plague for both your houses, sit down, negotiate, we won’t give money, only if there was one government in america or one group accepted decision, in america there are also elections and at least two groups. is fighting for this, in these two groups there are two more, so each of them puts pressure, do you think that in ukraine they don’t understand this, that in america there is not one boss, but there are many bosses, and the last one, unfortunately, unfortunately , there are splits in ukraine, because you started the topic, i want to finish, there are splits , unfortunately for me, on the language topic, on the religious topic, on the topic of mobilization , demobilization, on the topic of those who left, those who did not leave, at least four divisive problems ,
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which... how will all this look next, you know, i look now at everything that is happening, it reminds me so much of the century of the war in korea and the war in vietnam, why, because during the war in korea, when there rolled first to the south, then to the north there and so on, the american presidents already wanted to achieve a freeze , but the southern president did not allow this to be done, so here he is, either he, so to speak, sent an attack there, or something else and so on further, by the way, yes, he was quite a dictator, who until the sixtieth year was himself he was re-elected regularly, and was the main source of war, this doesn’t scare anyone, in general he was also really a dictator, our liberals prayed for him, by the way , the americans canceled the elections because byhamin won them, they want to call elections, they want to cancel them, they are the masters in your own words, the question is what, is this conflict, does it exist in reality or is it only still potentially between zaluzhny on the one hand, zelensky on the other, and what do you think, well, does it exist or not, so i think the west wants
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to get from both zelensky and us, but from this little lisenman, a bearded comedian, he wants to achieve a freeze, they carefully tell him about this, in the same way they wanted to get lisenman to take the initiative, let 's conclude a truce, he refused, by the way, during the truce the south korean representative did not signed it as gavriki said, right? who is who, which of these gavriks, for freezing, of course, for luzhny, so you think that he is, after all, he is used as, firstly, quite popular, but not a politician, but a media person, secondly, he he says, well, the counteroffensive failed, the first world war, a stalemate, no weapons, although all this talk about weapons is in favor of the poor, i just remember very well, and we also talked about this, that before that, when
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they actually hinted that now we will counter-offensive, no, zaluzhny voiced a conflict then, they understand that if the west has an interest in freezing , zelensky cannot implement this idea, society will not accept zelsky’s idea of ​​freezing the conflict, but from zaluzhny, yes, in this case it is possible to get rid of zelensky for zelensky in a convenient way by saving face and for not being re-elected or for parliament to be such that he will not be able to do anything, someone can explain what this will look like by the end, well, by the end until the end of the year, in six months, here that’s all, they are these gavriks, well, today we use this term, they are bent to some kind of freeze of attempts to talk to us, you don’t know whether we will agree to this or not, but nevertheless, and how it will look, because for now it’s tug of war of some kind centimeter centimeter, new states they are really trying to force the ukrainian leadership to agree to the freeze. peace,
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look, ukraine is ready to sit down at the negotiating table, this is a big problem for us. there is a legislative ban and there is a ban in ukraine to talk, so let's let you know, read the texts there there is a ban on negotiations with putin with the russian federation there is no need to carry out our country with one person. not a second, he is the president of the russian federation, negotiations with lavrov are negotiations, negotiations with with the russian federation, and not with the president, you are now starting, excuse me for the word fidgeting, if your ukrainian clients are fidgeting in the same way, well, it’s interesting that in this situation, what is written there, in general, andrei vladimorovich wants to say, that
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ukraine always has the opportunity to explain that they are ready. this won’t even gobble up ukrainian society, that’s another thing, you are stories, you are releasing stories with a grenade for a very important moment, if there had not been an internal split and the readiness of zelsky and zaluzhny conflict, they would all come up with a common comfortable version that putin made an attempt on his envoy, that’s all, the question would be closed now it will appear, no, how long has everything been going on at the official level, this is a version convenient for everyone, if they want you convenient for all. putin is to blame for absolutely everything, they made an attempt on the chef’s life, they blamed the russian side, what could this clash be about? zelsky is a terrorist, well , probably, well, if you think this is a clash, no, let’s see what happens and we will understand that in fact, mr. zelsky, today this is one of the most profitable for russia, the leaders of ukraine, the most profitable, what is called a russian agent. why, what is happening, the fact is that when
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the hostilities began, an effect occurred, which is called the effect of gathering in the flag, the entire ukrainian society naturally rallied and indeed mr. zaluzhny and zelensky blew the same tune, got into the same car and drove off. now, after almost two years , it is clear that when you look where this the car, it’s clear that it’s going to hell, as if yes, and no one understands what to do about it. ukrainian society is afraid of answers to two questions. the first question is: what does an achievable victory for ukraine look like? and the second question, if you are talking about reaching the 1991 border , why. do you think that russia, after your, hypothetical, reaches these borders, will stop hostilities, surrender, disperse, and so on, now, when sensible forces inside ukraine begin to raise this issue, they are silenced, we see what kind of campaign is being waged against aristovich, we we see what kind of pressure campaign is now generally being waged against zaluzhny , that is, this car, which after the twenty-fourth of february began to move,
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began to become loose, and there are two ways out of this situation: or we will face... the collapse of the ukrainian state, in which i still doubt, i don’t see it now, the second option is that the west will understand that the only way is to bring this machine onto some kind of normal channel, the channel that russia proposed, the channel that we all talked about here , including yours truly servant, that this conflict has only one resolution, a contractual resolution on the settlement and settlement of territorial issues, it is necessary to replace mr. zelsky with a more adequate politician, including zaluzhny, who would be ready and you can somehow here we outline the points of this agreement, because the main thing lies in these details, but i will assume that russia will not agree to less than recognition of all our territories, and within the borders of these territories, which is important, and not in fact, where we stand now, well, i suspect that we probably will not agree to see the rest of ukraine
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arming itself by leaps and bounds, you are completely right, the first fact is what mr. peskov was talking about, this is the recognition of territorial realities plus within the borders of the former ukrainian regions, the second question is the status of ukraine with the eu and nato, i think that russia is ready for ukraine to join the eu, but not nato, this is a big difference, the most important issue that is not being discussed at all now : what about russia? security guarantees are needed, everyone is talking about guaranteeing the security of ukraine, just yesterday there was an interview with a ukrainian serviceman who is fighting in my opinion. with russia, in order to then deliver the final blow, so that russia receives security guarantees, so we don’t need the minsk 1 2 3 4 5 the bunny came out, that in istanbul a different situation was signed, it’s an illusion that you can talk to these people, you said, you said that
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our expectations are too high, i now offer you this option. you mean you are discussing it, to all historical russian-speaking regions, of course including nikolaev and odessa, go to russia. because ukraine should be deprived of access to the black sea, a strong ukraine , which will sit and accumulate, means i don’t need energy for a retaliatory strike, ukraine should, i don’t know, maybe there will be some two ukraines, there, relatively speaking, some kiev, zhitomir and something, it will be ukraine, the west, for god’s sake, let them do whatever they want, plus, as i understand it, probably in this... agreement there should be a those things are spelled out that we voiced back in december of twenty, here are our guarantees of safety, they were all spelled out there, but of course we know
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how to treat these; it won’t work , wait, first vasily dmitrivich, because he said that we have high expectations, i would of course dance from the stove, why i said about istanbul, because these were the last public negotiations and even some pieces of paper were endorsed there. but in these pieces of paper there was no zaporozhye kherson at all and so on because the situation has changed, we say calmly, as it is, yes, the russian federation has not yet won the war, so no one will allow you to dictate, if you want to get some territories, you are obliged to conquer them, but if you conquer the zaporozhye region, kherson, all territories, then this you can talk about it, that’s what they say, that’s how they talk in the world, that’s why we don’t need them now and never will. yes, no negotiations are beneficial for you right now, i’m just here for a second, then i’ll forward the question to you, i don’t understand, alexey sergeevich said that zelsky is the most profitable for us now, that is, if
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zelensky does not want to talk to us , well then yes, then it turns out, here and there, but now there is another player, i’m literally a proposal, who came to ukraine now, who who you showed, the head of the european union came to us line, what is she talking about, she says that... what is happening behind the scenes here is the main thing here is what the united states of america is saying europe you need ukraine or some part of it pay take the money for yourself and do whatever you want, and the russian federation doesn’t need the eu, you don’t have a partner or eu negotiators, you don’t see it, you talk only with america, and you will talk only with america, and now, and now the last thing is how to divide the territories of ukraine, of course
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, of course, the fact that part of western ukraine, which is ready to go to europe, as a whole, in parts, this is, this population, so says, is another matter, but kiev, that’s what kiev should do, what does kiev mean, and this is the first question, mother of russian cities, and the biggest question, dear sir norkin is just... what you named , no one will give up any nikolaev or odessa region to russia, because what then is ukraine, it’s that without mine, without ports, without infrastructure, for what sins , for what shishi you want to take for yourself, you will say again, unfortunately, something will happen for you, but then there was simply no point in starting it, which means there is no point, but so you have grown into territories, in your several million, i just need this story with a nazi entity called
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the state, it was, as it were, stopped, i would also like the nazi state to stop, here we are, and what are the methods? bomb, listen, well, there are israeli ways and methods, and now , after the story with gas began , and of course i reconsidered all this, there is our way, and little by little add pressure and achieve what has been set, let’s take a pause, because i need to read something here in the western press about changes in the tactical and strategic plans of ukraine, the military in the coming months, if anything happens to my child, i’ll take you down, understand? it’s my job, we’re being pursued by some armed people, you know what kind of work we have, what’s not a challenge is a risk to life, i
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take it! this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, and this part, let's start with a message from the middle east edition of the middle east eye, we don’t often quote it, but the news is worth it, the publication reports that according to their information, saudi arabia has planned a summit with the participation of leaders for the coming sunday islamic countries, where the fate of the middle east conflict will actually be discussed, where riyadh will try to form some kind of common position for muslim countries, well, we'll see next sunday. what will come of this, for now, violent clashes the israeli army and hamas militants have already reached the urban areas of gaza, the tv channel is publishing footage of the fighting in the south of the city. at the same time, idf aircraft are striking residential areas, and the only psychiatric hospital in the enclave came under fire. israeli prime minister netanyahu , speaking on abc news, rejected the possibility of a ceasefire and a long-term truce until hamas releases the hostages. the most that israel is now ready for is
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some small pauses in hostilities for the delivery of humanitarian aid. on this background un secretary general anonio guterres said that gas has already turned into, quote. a cemetery for children, and the organization itself lost 88 of its employees killed in the month since the beginning of the conflict, which is an absolute anti-record. israel rejects all claims, declaring that there is no humanitarian crisis in the gas sector. i ’m not saying that life in gaza is easy, but only hamas is to blame for this, and this applies to any circumstances occurring there. there are certain standards. according to international humanitarian law, that does this mean a humanitarian crisis? i repeat, there is no humanitarian crisis there according to legal interpretations. just the day before, in the footage of people gathering at the local hospital, it was clear that there were people there with phones.
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meanwhile, the political publication reports that employees of the united states department of state are up in arms against the biden administration because of their position on israel. the politician was brought to this publication anonymously. where there was a quote about internal rage among diplomats, let's read more: according to politicians, in this message says, these are mainly mid- and lower-level diplomats, it says that the unconditional support that israel is provided in the white house could harm us positions in the region. they say the united states' toleration of so many civilian casualties risks casting washington as a biased party, raising doubts among third countries about the so-called rules-based international order, and the white house's lack of a strategy for the future. enclave, well, in tel aviv they talk about all this extremely vaguely. who will govern the territory of gaza when the fighting ends? i think israel will
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, for an indefinite period of time, have overall responsibility for security, because we have seen what happens when we don't have it, when we don't have that responsibility, we have an outbreak of those. hamas on a scale we couldn't imagine. tension in the middle east continues to rise, so jordan has become more active, which had previously taken a very calm , very balanced position, the country’s prime minister said that if the palestinians were evicted from their lands, this would be a red line for jordan, after which war could be declared on israel. the king of jordan demonstrated this footage , this is humanitarian aid that jordanian planes dropped on the territory of gaza and it is clear that israel did not fire at these planes, the attitude of middle eastern countries towards high-ranking american envoys is also indicatively colder, anthony experienced this himself blinken, as you know, he had a middle east tour, and the final destination of this tour was turkey, where he was received extremely and extremely coldly. to begin with, observers noted that
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the deputy governor of ankara was sent to meet blinkin at the plane's ramp; this, according to the protocol, is the minimum acceptable level for receiving an official with the status of american secretary of state. also, for an inexplicable reason , the lights were turned off in the vip lounge of the airport. local publications noted that this was happening for the first time and called it a protest comparable to a slap in the face. the footage also captured the awkward moment of blinkin’s meeting in the turkish foreign ministry, you see these shots, it shows that the american guest tried to hug his turkish colleague, but then he avoided it very well, no statements were made after the meeting, at the protocol photo session, she on your screens, blinken was very tense and with difficulty trying to squeeze out some kind of smile , well, the reason for such a demarche by the head of the turkish foreign ministry, khakanov fedan, in refusing to hug blinkin, was another story, the turkish press of the publication yuriet reports about it, it is reported that when blinkin’s car drove up to the building of the ministry of foreign affairs, hakan fidan came out to meet him and
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just shake his hand, but blinkin was talking on the phone at that moment in the car, remained sitting in the car, the door did not open, and hakan fidan, well, with nothing, he just turned around and left, just like that. vladimirovich, diplomatic formality or informality, yes, how does it change the reception? i, blinkin, who, in my opinion, wanted to kiss this turk, with these kisses, this is a separate story, then some uncle wanted kiss this anna lena, there was also some kind of scandal the other day, i wasn’t talking about that , but now i was thinking, i was listening now to netanyahu, who said that at some time israel will be indefinitely, yes period, will bear responsibility, because we need security from some kind of terrorist tricks from gas, i just think that if they continue to achieve this goal like this, of course, they will not get into danger, so i’m answering you, vasily, when you say, there, and what what to do there with
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nikolaev odessa, bomb, bomb, no, not bomb, but continue to do what we are continuing now, because then it is possible, as it seems to me, it will probably be difficult, but you can somehow ensure your own, what the israelis are doing now, they will not get their own security . another thing is that even this task of ours will require a huge amount of time, come on. let's return to what i announced, which means that the western press claims that now, after this counter-offensive stops in the fall, in the winter ukraine will move on to a new one, well, it’s not very new, but more active tactics, two components, terror on russian territory and information sabotage, please show, in winter the ukrainian military will rely on... facts with the use of drones, claims the british newspaper independent, citing the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine.
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crimea and the regions of russia bordering ukraine will allegedly be subjected to a massive blow. crimea, border and other regions of russia will be subjected to new bombings by komikaze drones. key targets will be military bases and infrastructure. tactics will be priority as severe weather conditions may. prevent a ground offensive, the experience gained over previous years will be used to deal a crushing blow to the russians. in kiev they claim that back in the summer they purchased 200,000 drones and at the same time trained 10,000 drone operators. in addition, in july, a plant for the production of turkish drones began to be built in ukraine. true, even ukrainian military experts are skeptical about the plans of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine ; this is an information company that should
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create a certain moral and psychological climate directly in the russian federation, but from my point of view, no one has canceled the effect of surprise; such a change in military operations, namely the transfer of the war to the territory of the russian federation, should occur not in the media, but directly in the silence of military offices. the fact that kiev's military strategies will seriously change in winter was announced at the end of october... the american magazine time, according to its version, ukrainians will attack russian supply lines and logistics centers with with the help of cruise and ballistic missiles launched from fighters, including f-16s, to which the pentagon promised to transfer ukrainian pilots by the spring. some experts are almost predicting the seizure of crimea. the ukrainians have already worked out the scheme for using missiles and used longer-range weapons. crimea is important to both putin and ukraine. they need to isolate him, that would be a radically different kind of escalation, a completely
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different strategy. tsypso will also promote his strategy in the winter, as stated by adviser to the ukrainian terrorist president mikhail podalyak, kiev will engage in destabilization of public order in russia on an unprecedented scale. the emphasis will be on military personnel mobilized by the population of the southern regions; thousands of small regional channels have allegedly already been targeted to sway protest sentiments, and new fakes are being created. russia will follow the path of the ninety-first year, but only a more turbulent path, yes , that is, there will be more demonstrations, more protests, including the use of weapons , including a lot of internal blood in russia. yes, there is such an option. george valeevich, well, kiev’s actions would seem absolutely logical, and his logic. and what is he saying, not being able to defeat the russian army on the ground? he wants to achieve that same weariness of the russian society from the war and somehow
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create a false, but nevertheless, impression that russia cannot win this war, the impression will be created not by the blows themselves, but by the fact that the russian state will not respond to these blows the way the most active part of society wants it, that israel is on minimum wage, we are russian management has its own reasons not to answer this way, people have the right not to understand these reasons, and so on, what does this really give? this gives russian society disappointment in the war, because the russian leadership is not ready to achieve victory and a sharp drop in enthusiasm, apathy, which will affect support for the front. why do i think that this ukrainian strategy will not work? firstly, because perhaps it would work in europe, but russian society for the most part is very sensitive to ukrainian terrorism negatively, russia has just these small
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terrorist attacks, small, but constant. well, on the other hand, we discussed here that zelensky is most convenient for russia , if he delivers these strikes, which really are the only possible military, well , military-sabotage response at the moment, then , accordingly, there will be no negotiations, no what a frost, minsk 35, as you said , i went out there for a walk, it will be impossible, what kind of negotiations if there are terrorist attacks happening here, and if there is someone else there, and if is it all wet? for zelensky, this is really the only strategy, not only in terms of confrontation, because it is also beneficial for him to be treated this way, it justifies him, on the other hand , this is media, look, the industry recently showed a copy of a russian drone, which why - so called, a kamika drone
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, which can carry out bomb attacks, but the tactics are designed for the massive use of ballistic missiles on a massive scale... requires a huge industrial base, russia also has an advantage in this situation, russia will produce more missiles, more drones, so this tactic is the only one possible, but it won’t happen, you somehow keep forgetting about this information component, the information component works well only when it is supported by actions on the ground, it does not work separately, you can create local panic, but when the smoke clears, people will see that the basis, you are creating a panic here, just no, i’m just saying that ukraine will actually transfer to, well, you are the russian infrastructure, but this is the crimean they told us last year yes, hit the bridge, this is kursskoyanezhskas, this means hitting the nuclear power plant, no, wait, well andreilavich, you told us about this last year, this means we cannot consider it a new one no, this is no, it’s just that this is really against the backdrop of freezing active actions on earth, the transition to this is plus
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we shouldn’t forget that really what podalyak just said, he ’s really preparing a very serious, so to speak, large-scale project to disorganize russian society and the president of russia will freeze the action on earth they said a said a tell b what kind of large-scale project is it connected with networks using the internet, it is connected with the use of something new they are here all the time, they have their own interesting things, i then i’ll tell you, but i’ll tell you a little more about it, the emphasis is on a split within society, on the fact that russian society is tired of war, and so on and so forth, now we’ve had a lot of time, a short pause, we’ll continue, the second is on the air
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release of the new season of the avatar show, let's go, today i feel like a kolobok in front of you, alyonushka’s vocals are very telefaced, such a soft, beautiful, dense timbre, everything. claims to be my favorite number in the entire history of avatar, the avatar show is a new season, we will definitely solve someone today, on sunday at 20:20 on ntv. ambulance,
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only from november 9 to 17. this is the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue. lyrical digression promised sochi is beautiful 24°, the water in the sea is 19, you just have to accept for yourself that this is a very comfortable temperature in order to enter the sea and you don’t even want to, you won’t want to get out of it, ivan sergeevichno is not with me i agree, here’s a concert in such water, sorry, i wouldn’t come close, that’s why you vanya on the shore of the deserted pier, he stood thinking about the great floor, after the concert i take pictures... a man comes up, very excited and even a little bit sad and says : "andrey vladimovich, i
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i prepared a gift for ivan,” i say, okay, he says, i forgot it at home, here ’s van, i’m sorry, well, we agreed that next time it’ll be okay, okay, well, say that you’re not upset there and you’re not offended , i’m really looking forward to it, i’m just waiting to look downcast in my eyes, like this, like this, and so greetings to everyone , special greetings to sidorchik, sochinsky, they argued a lot... regarding andrei vladimirovich, they again assessed the appearance of alexander nikolayevich sytin, they say that his stylist there is wonderful, that’s why i’m inviting you this week, muscovites and residents of the region, the eleventh vegas cityhall, the twelfth city of elektrostal dkk karl marx, there will be a concert there, the eighteenth great luke house of culture leninsky komsomo, 256 balakova and saratov, city palace of culture and folk art center, december 2 ulyanovsk december 16 volgograd, now again about trump news will there be some kind of international affairs for a while, let's have some news about trump? this means this,
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new york, this is another case on one of five or six, another meeting on one of five six de, you see, trump with with a gloomy look, but we show it not for the sake of the details of the process, but to show how the western press sees all this, they see it, trump is using the court as an election platform, as reported... cnn channel, the ex-president of the united states turned trials into a show one actor. according to the publication, trump imitated an election campaign with bombastic rhetoric and attacked trump, but upon leaving the courtroom, trump still made a speech that could be considered an election speech. while israel is being attacked, while ukraine is being attacked, while inflation is eating our country alive, i 'm here, it's all the machinations
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of the biden administration. this is real interference in elections, we should not have this, this is the level of third world countries, and it is very unfair. in addition, trump rejected the offer of the terrorist zelensky to visit kiev, as trump argued, he says that this is inappropriate, and this will cause a conflict of interest, because now the terrorist zelensky communicates very closely with biden, how zelensky himself reacts to this, he recalled the words trump when trump said that the conflict in ukraine is capable of ending within: 24 hours, but the terrorist zelsky has narrowed this period to an even smaller figure, if he can come here, i will need 24 minutes, no more, to explain to trump that during this time he will not be able to resolve this conflict, he will not
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be able to ensure peace because of putin. it’s not for nothing that zelsky fussed and is somehow trying to approach trump from one side or the other, why? because according to the latest poll, which i publish, by the way, the new york publication the times, here they are, show that in six states, key states , five of which trump is now in the lead, that is, if the us presidential elections were held this tuesday, donald trump would have won, it is clear that zelsky somehow andreyvich we have to build bridges, so if they tell us it’s beneficial at this stage, this is the tandem next year there will be zelsky and trump, this has some advantages, maybe it would be the other way around, so that one doesn’t win, the other doesn’t win, something they got me, really, let 's move on to another topic, yeah, i just want our guests, today vanya and i have this feeling from experience, on this topic very often, well, passions are raging here, so
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please control yourself... no, no, really, this is, you weren’t present, at these fights, but we can already remember something. why is this happening, because the problem of abortion, as is absolutely correct, the president said here the other day, it is very acute, but we are constantly looking for a way out of this demographic hole, there is always a discussion about whether it is worth ban abortions, because, well... for some reason, many people believe that if abortions are banned, then the birth rate will go up, i didn’t just quote putin just now , because i understand that the president would like that too some kind of sane discussion, because according to him, and now i’ll find it for you, here’s what to do now, we need to think about whether
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we mean introducing legal bans on abortion or... improving support for women, let’s make suggestions, one might say, prohibitive, yes, that’s where we start let's start, because in some regions this practice of banning, in one form or another, already exists. last week, the tver region passed a law prohibiting the inducement of women to have an abortion; by inducement , legislators mean persuasion, bribery, blackmail or deception of pregnant women, after which they can decide to have one. the perpetrators will be fined from 5 to 200,000 rubles, regardless of whether an abortion was performed or not. the tambov region intends to introduce punishment for inducing a woman to have an abortion. in mordovia, such a law has been in force since august, since last year, private clinics in the region have not performed abortions. the authorities have already reported positive results. we are now supporting pregnant women, there are seven of them, starting with pre-board counseling. we
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also have the first results, 40 to 42%. other russian regions have followed in the footsteps of mordovia, so the penza region announced that termination of pregnancy can no longer be done in private clinics; the state duma proposes to bring this idea to the federal level. artificial termination of pregnancy is carried out exclusively by medical organizations, state and municipal healthcare systems no earlier than seven days from the moment pregnant women apply. the duma discussed another proposal to complicate the abortion procedure - to introduce written consent from the father of the child. but as for abortions, there is another very important point, we believe that my body is my business, that is, the woman makes the decision, the question is: according to our family code, father and mother have equal rights in relation to children, then and here there should be the same right of the father to make decisions on abortion, among other things. another initiative of legislators is to make
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the abortion procedure in public clinics paid. a bill to remove abortion from the compulsory health insurance system was introduced into the duma several times, but the idea was not supported for a long time in the ministry of health. the initiating deputies are not going to give up. since abortion is not a medical procedure, it is not a procedure to cure a person. pregnancy is not a disease. how can this be included in the compulsory medical insurance? me and millions of people in russia, we do not want to finance abortions from our own taxes. in july, the ministry of health tightened control over drugs for medical abortion. from september 1st. this year, such products can only be purchased with a doctor’s prescription, and pharmacies will have to report sales. according to roszdravnadzor, the agency will block all online sales of such drugs;
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there are now more than a thousand such sites. pavel anatovich, it seems to me that supporters of a partial or complete ban on abortion, well , that’s you in some sense. come here too or there mikhail borisovich, when are you you propose, you proceed from some ethical considerations, killing a child, interrupting a life that has not yet begun, not at all because you are trying to solve a demographic problem, no, this is not so, but that’s why i also need the radio, the president’s answer to my question at our meeting in the public chamber was, in fact, yes, when i managed to ask a question about this . no, of course, that is, we will be plagued primarily by demographics, so my main task today, what i ’m working on, is developing a strategy demographic security, that is, this is some kind of comprehensive decision, as a result of which we must increase
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the birth rate there, and so on, that is, the solution is precisely graphed, excuse me for getting ahead of myself, which means i can go on to say why abortions are now so fundamentally important, remember, 3 years ago we discussed the issue of surrogacy: and even then there were questions that should be given to foreigners and so on, so the law was passed, i did this for 3 years, thank god, six people, now 20-25 years of hardship freedoms who dealt with this, the first decision, which means that over the last year we have not recorded a single case of a child being taken out of the country, yes, but there were 2,000 a year, okay, okay, now as for abortions, it means we carried out, well, we there was a meeting with in crimea, so to speak, yes, with our health supervision and with various organizations dealing with this... topic, so this is what they revealed, one pharmacy in crimea sold 3,500 abortion pills in a year, and statistics
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crimea for abortions 4,000 per year, that is the official statistics of the ministry of health are 1,200,000 packages sold in this same thing, holiday romances, that’s who is not attracted , you raise them there, that means, and the official statistics are 400,000, that is, we can assume that there are 1,600,000 abortions a year, and then i... what the chief reproductologist further notes is that, as if formally, the number of abortions is falling, although i say again, private clinics do not provide statistics, this is also a fact, and the number of infertility is growing, that is, relatively speaking, now these drugs are used, a private clinic simply provides this pill, but most the main thing is, i’m talking about this too, why don’t you, your opinion. this is so, well, this is not orthodox, not christian, a secular state, okay, from an ethical point of view, remove
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the religious factor from an ethical point of view, i say these, they tell me, give me numbers, i start with numbers, because numbers are these are arguments, so this is what we want to do, yes, of course, we are not talking about a ban, but we want to publish an article where it will be written that this procedure is exclusively for a state -municipal clinic, why? because we are at the beginning of the formation of a colossal business in 10 billion dollars, you know how much an aborted three-month-old child, correctly removed and properly packaged, costs, here in the country it’s 10,000 dollars, and there it’s 25,000 dollars, you know what’s happening now, that some smart clinics for 1000 dollars persuade a woman to get pregnant with the conditions that through ... we have a black market for trading in emryons, because the first law that needs to be passed is to ban it well, that is. from
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what has just been named, it turns out that abortion is a personal matter of the woman to whom he while it is, is becoming, well, in the views of pavel anatavich from supporters of certain prohibitive or near-prohibitive measures, a matter of state, a matter of national importance, you know, abortion has been a matter of national importance for more than a dozen years, so let’s say, yes, i’ll just continue a little bit of these digital statistics, and only in context, to demonstrate the absurdity of some of today’s statements, look, let’s take the year 2000, 2000, yes, well, according to again according to official data, the figures for abortions were about 2.3 million per year. let's jump forward 20 years, 2020 is 500 and a kopeck, 2001 is 400 and a kopeck, and 2022 is 300,000, that's a lie, for a second.
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i’m in charge for now, i’m appealing for now, i’m appealing for now, let me finish, okay , then we’ll discuss god, i’m appealing with official figures, now look what ’s happening here, the trend is crazy, if we had numbers like these in the economy, yes , we would have already furnished life for decades forward, and what is happening in reality, the twenty-third year, forecasts, the number of children born, planned, so to speak, estimated, yes, this figure rests on 1 million 200. 40,000 babies who should be born in our country in the twenty-third year, so here , despite the trend over the last 20-odd years, from two 2.3 million to 300,000, we seem to have reduced abortions, with these figures, as you can see, you do not agree, yes, of course, ah, against this background, that figure is relatively the birth rate of babies, which i named, that is, 24, for those hundreds of thousands that, this the figure is the lowest in the last 25 years in terms of births... that is, based on not separate
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samples, we got some kind of definite child rights, that is, these structures, what is the problem? private clinics do not provide statistics , this was confirmed everywhere, the latest astrakhon, so i say publicly, as it were, that private clinics do not provide statistics. we haven’t quite figured out what you said yet about the black market, 1000 dollars, we now have problems there with surrogates, we now have a problem with
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bringing biological material abroad there practically his own and fertilized there with the husband’s seed, this is a test tube, roughly speaking, yes, you want to say that our babies are specially packaged there and exported somewhere, i do n’t know where you got this data from, but if this is the case with us, then we are now world-class, we are ahead of any world map, as if in drug trafficking, medical education, whoever i have, yes, perhaps, that’s what it is. you understand perfectly well, yes, that medicine today, the further, the more , has learned to extract a lot of expensive things from the embryo, both in any technologies, artificial intelligence and so on, we are all moving along the path, look why i say, we checked the disposal of medical waste in three regions, if 10 years ago there were these babies, now they are not there, you know, that’s what we’re talking about speech, that is, wait, the fact that they are not there, maybe they learned how to dissolve them in new solutions, the question why immediately arises,
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the question of sale arises, some kind of trash, some movie trash where listen to these according to the law once six months and there is currently a moratorium on inspections, so private clinics as a small business cannot be checked over the next 10 years, so they take advantage of this, accumulating it in the refrigerator, mikhail borisovich, as far as i understand, has a position that is not more morally ethical than about increasing the population, caring about demography, and so on, i i’ll say one phrase that i... i wonder why people
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wonder why the number of abortions is falling, but the birth rate does not appear, well , in my opinion, this was obviously said in the previous speech, it moves on to others. always with people who are related to it’s very difficult for abortionists to communicate, because apparently some moral state does change after the number of abortions , so it seems to me that firstly we need to stop calling it abortion, we need to call it the murder of babies in the womb and
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the people who do it to murderers and treating them accordingly is, firstly, secondly, absolutely. than government agencies. secondly, and thirdly, why on earth should all citizens finance participation in the financing of abortion or murder? babies in the womb. i think this is an absolute disgrace. at least to begin with, all these costs must be borne this way. who wants to kill their baby, she has to earn money for it or relatives, this is the right for the rich you want, no, this is the right for those who want to kill, this is the right for the rich, no, you don’t understand, the right is for those who want cause damage to her health to her child, she should do this not at my
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expense, but at her own expense, another question is that i generally think that this kind of murder should be prohibited, because it’s not worth it at all, i said that... and due to the fact that it does not increase the number of our population, let’s remove all articles about murder from the criminal legislation, let me tell you, that is, here is mikhail borisovich’s proposal , although he believes that this should be prohibited altogether, it’s like he has an algorithm, the algorithm is a little different , to be aware that they are murderers,
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mikhail borishi, how do you like this logic, in general i want to say, well, first of all , as a woman, as a mother of three children, not we are considering a situation with violence, we are not considering a situation where an irresponsible father leaves a mother, when this is a young girl at 15-16 years old, even worse at 14 years old, and what should she do, the parent will not accept her with the child and will say, you are in the underground brought it, kicks her out, that is, we violate personal boundaries, there are different ones, well, come on, and what happens, that is, we do not consider, we do not give the child and woman moral, social, ethical support, psychological support, and in fact by banning abortions, we cultivate criminal medicine and clandestine abortions, it seems to me that you are some kind of extreme situation, we are saying, please let me tell you, wonderful
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men, we are talking about a woman’s rights and about her personal boundaries, because our body is our boundaries, it turns out that for if a mother gives birth to such a child, let’s say from a rapist, she will
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reproach and hate him all her life , please, please, well, i, i told you that that ’s it, so a break, well, are my war horses ready? there's a movement going on, come on, tell me in general terms that there's a corpse, a corpse, okay, i himself, that he is dead, well, apparently, his conscience has tormented him, so he is all dried up, i have a work version, like he was caught in the mud, that’s it, the old man is tired. there is a little bolobal today at 22:15 on ntv, ambulance, new
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exactly 14:18. 8.800 100 exactly 1418. the call is free and anonymous. ambulance, new season, today at 20:00 on nnb. this the meeting place on ntv, the place where everything becomes clear, we continue, let 's do this now, we will look at countries or regions, for example, in the united states, where significant restrictions have already been introduced. on abortion and let’s see if there are any successes with the birth rate and demographics, looking ahead, they are, to put it mildly, doubtful. now in russia, abortions up to 12 weeks of pregnancy are allowed without restrictions, only the woman’s desire is sufficient. and the women for life charitable foundation is not
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only demanding that this be stopped, they believe that abortion should be equated with pedophilia or prostitution, abortion is an absolute evil, and as an absolute evil, it should be prohibited, just like drug addiction, prostitution, pedophilia, any crime should be illegal, the state should protect human life, but how this will technically be carried out, i don’t believe, god willing, abortions will actually be illegal. abortions are completely prohibited in 24 countries of the world, including andora, the philippines, honduras, malta, chile, nicaragua, nepal and some others. in el salvador, women are illegal those who have an abortion are tried for murder and sent to prison. abortion in all forms is illegal in el salvador, including rape resulting from incest. some are serving prison sentences of up to 40 years, which is even more shocking. many of these women were blamed for their miscarriages. the right to terminate a pregnancy is severely limited in many latin american countries. there, surgery can only be done
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to save the mother’s life. abortion is illegal in many middle eastern countries. but an exception can be made for medical reasons indications, the other side of the bans, in these countries, as the un says, the market for clandestine abortions is thriving. women also face serious health risks associated with illegal, clandestine , and often unsafe abortions. does banning abortion encourage more births? we found no evidence of this connection. for example, in malta , the only eu country where abortion is completely prohibited, the birth rate is much lower than in other european countries. for example in denmark, germany or sweden, and on average in europe, give birth more. in poland, which is also known for its toughness towards abortion, the birth rate also does not reach the european average; even in russia they give birth more. the polish approach generally leads to excesses. in november 2021 , a girl died of septic shock, in whose womb the raft died due to developmental defects, but doctors then refused to perform an abortion, fearing liability under the law. this story shocked
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the public, but the laws never changed. i am not an incubator. in the united states last year, the right to decide the issue of abortion was provided to each state. 13 states have already restricted such operations, including texas, but the birth rate there has not yet increased; on the contrary, it has fallen by 3%. today the us has a very low birth rate, about two children per woman. this is below the population reproduction rate, which ensures population stability in the country. andreevich, it turns out that if we are talking about a ban on abortion or some very strict restriction on abortion, it is not about demography, like these examples, it is about something else, it is about ethics, morality, for this here is a report, i can say that any ban, not a single country in the world has demonstrated that a ban on abortion leads to an increase in demographics in the number of children born, there are no such countries, there are no such confirmed cases, there is only one,
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medical tourism appears and appears, that’s just colleagues... today they scared us with an underground business, there really is a real underground business, because women risk their health, in the end, in the end this in many cases leads to infertility, so we always for some reason we are looking, just like our western partners, we are looking for some very simple solutions, to take it, to ban it, then we will figure it out, one of our mps, uh, there wanted to ransom the children, but from those who are, well, these are simple solutions, on in fact, the matter is completely different, demographics are increasing, we have good examples in russia , for example, sakhalin 2010-2015, when there were the highest birth rates, there was a whole range of measures when they worked with newlyweds, carried out screening, special, they carried out work in groups, in order for, uh, there people still decided to give birth to a child, they persuaded, well, in a good sense they persuaded,
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yes, well, when conceiving a child, for example, there was a benefit, the opportunity to take the benefit... we studied this issue in great detail in the state duma more than once and indeed there was almost a massacre, but we see that the first important criterion why a woman does not give birth is the issue of housing, for example, they decided it in sakhalin, such a whole set of measures to wash, and you yourself, here are some proposals regarding abortion, to limit it, to remove it from compulsory medical insurance system, do you support any of this, no, i don’t support anything except one thing, indeed, since september 1, they still issue prescription medications, this is important, because women, in general, any medications need to be prescribed, well, for termination of pregnancy, now they are on prescription, this is probably important. at least in order to take them into account and calculate how many abortions we have, but to prohibit women from transferring them to public clinics if they want to do it in private ones,
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i think that this is a very simple, clumsy a measure that does not in any way affect the issue of demography, well, there’s no way at all, mikhailovich, well, the question is certainly complex, but it should be noted that commercial organizations have the goal of making a profit, and of course, if...’ here colleagues were talking about that why should we pay, well, i mean, taxpayers should participate
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, in the majority, after all, our country is mostly orthodox, these are the changes made by the russian orthodox church, in the concept of the russian orthodox church, life begins from the moment of conception , most orthodox people consider this a secular state by constitution. of course, but still we have democracy, or we live according to the law, what is it, you know , we have such double standards to some extent, on the one hand, we have a law that is against a completely democratic process, we are discussing, i also wanted to go to alexander mikhailovich, it was said that this operation cannot be paid for from the state budget, because why would taxpayers do this? well, for example, let’s imagine situation, the girl came to the hospital, they turned her away, yes , she didn’t have money for anything else, but we imagine that your restrictions, they were introduced, the girl lives and did not want to be very rich, yes, well, on the verge of
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some... then poverty, then she gives birth to this baby, the two of them walk on the edge or beyond the edge of this poverty, she again comes to the state, then again the state pays a lot and a lot, this story is about money, in general, in my opinion, it’s just simple just , again, just an argument that there is no need to pay government money, because it is necessary to save state money, she is not working, no, i agree with this, if an abortion is necessary for medical reasons, as i understand it, the proposal here is that the state should not spend money on financing, that is, should not spend money on killing a child, but spend money, van again, literally, so that you understand correctly, because i’ve been working on this topic for 7 years, we’re talking about the maximum reduction in unmotivated abortions, that’s what we’re talking about, because in
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municipal states, if you want, you can do it, second, for social reasons, rape and so on, according to statistics 0, rosstat and the ministry of labor, which is just for the purity of the experiment, and the third point, i am one of the authors of the law on casino restrictions in moscow, when i was a deputy, then they also said, listen, let's persuade the soriks to pass the law, there are 1000 rich slackers left who continued to play under the covers somewhere, when we solve the problem, when we solve the problem, of course, some underground ones will arise and so on, but the question arises what, what i i'll say this samara region, the minister of defense, he personally gathered private clinics and asked them not to do this procedure, gave them money from other budget items and in 2 years, these are statistics , yes, 2,000 children were born to women who wanted to have an abortion, then he brought
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this portfolio, he says, just take a picture when you’re a year old, and so on, that is, what i’m talking about is that 20% of women who doubt what to do or not do can give birth to a child, that’s who we’re fighting for, you know, i agree with you in the sense that i also, at one time, this is not the first... platform on which i have to comment on the bill that was announced and the topic of abortion in general, as you know, yes, as for the issues of private clinics, this is indeed a very slippery topic, due to the fact that commerce, after all, when we are talking about the secondary stages, and psychological counseling, listening to the heart and so on, they can do this factor carelessly, of course, in order to lead a woman to
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the procedure, in the state it is easier, and so on, we are adding the possibility of obtaining specialties by some specialists, retraining them into others, and so on, in my opinion, it is enough, while these are very troubled times, yes, in this situation , to load antenatal clinics with women who are in one way or another distributed , in the medical environment among government and commercial organizations, suddenly, out of the blue, by decision, or by the sound of an air stick, yes, suddenly antenatal clinics become the only place where this... procedure is permissible, so i wonder if in this situation the quality of just that pre-abortion counseling will decrease, i’ll just continue , i’m afraid that we simply won’t have time in this direction, two questions that i really want to touch on, i don’t know what they smoke there, but at times it infuriates me, the first is what was voiced regarding men, a man’s right to have one, the second is the reduction of the terms of today’s regulated permissible abortion from 12 weeks to... weeks, which means the first question
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is regarding men, guys, no one by chance, nothing will help in terms of the fact that we have arrears of alimony, 150 billion, you want to ask men what a woman is, how they will continue to raise and what they will say, yes, of course, i am against it, yes, for demography - this is great, this unfortunate woman will be exhausted like a nekrasov woman, you know, and then what do you guys think first, so that these 150 billion, 100 years have already existed, no, suddenly someone got the idea in their head to make 8 weeks, firstly 8 weeks is a month of delay, we have a huge number of women with endocrine violations that do not consider a month of delay in menstruation, you know, a factor in the fact that something is bad in their body, this is
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the first nuance, the second is that 80%. natural terminations of pregnancy, that is, miscarriages in the early stages occur in the first, occur in the first trimester, that is, in these very 12 weeks, what you want to do, at 12, 8 weeks cannot be legally limited further, and then it turns out that these children, that these children have some kind of defects, everything is pause, pause, pause, pause, again on ntv, ours incredible show. superstar, well, today’s topic, favorite hits, nastya, you, you’re just a bomb, why do we need lady gaga when there is nastya makarevich, and you haven’t heard, you ’re kidding me, it’s such a swing, my heart
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a discussion of exclusively prohibitive measures, if, as it were, pavel anatovich says that the main task is the fight against unmotivated and abortions , here vladislav andreevich has already begun to speak, that is, to eat. help, well, you can say so, it’s just that not all of these initiatives seem to me to be unambiguously correct , please give me the plot, it’s just that no one, many russian women do not dare to have children because of their poor financial situation, such as a survey showed in the total of 39%, in the state duma they are thinking about stimulating future mothers, in particular they propose increasing monthly payments per child to 7 rubles, as well as helping with housing by extending the terms of participation in programs for young families, so that responsibility between parents was distributed evenly, we introduced a bill that concerns the lower threshold of elements, it will be 50% of the minimum wage
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for a regional child, and we are not talking about some exorbitant amounts, this is approximately 7,000 rubles. the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashko , calls for more active promotion of birth control. among young people, who are now more focused on a career creating comfortable conditions for a future family, time is running out, a completely vicious practice that has developed in society, that a woman should get an education there, then make a career, then provide herself with a material base, only after that , so to speak, approaching such a difficult reproductive age, take care of childbirth, which appeared literally a few hours before our broadcast, comes from the viewer’s memory of our programs of the scandalous deputy sultan khamzaev, he proposed paying women for refusing abortion, children from such mothers, deputy khamzaev proposes to confiscate them and send them to boarding schools
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under state control, i propose to considering the idea of ​​financial incentives for women who decide to give birth to a child instead of a previously made decision, the message, yes , that is, to explain, explain and help in some other way, that’s what i’m saying, thank you for giving your word, i just wanted to say that the main support, the main support for the future mother is psychological, because many are lost, many are in despair, many are offended by their dad, who may have abandoned her during pregnancy, who may not provide financially, some scary pictures
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you have here , i don’t know, listen to you, so in general, not a single normal happy one, she will find the root cause, maybe he just has a grudge against his father, the grudge is removed and the child is born, because we healed her psyche, plus i am for state support, and in general, if housing is somehow provided, generally great, look, when we talk about a woman who proposes... either giving birth or killing her child, we are already saying mommy, so let’s decide, a woman who kills her child in her womb is a mommy or not a mommy, if she gives birth, she’s a mommy, and if she doesn’t give birth, i’m sorry, in general, she’s a killer, i preferred something more conceptually suitable, i understand what you would prefer, but now i’m saying, this is the second,
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this is the first moment, the second moment is to support him, he is very strange, this is secondly, then, as for the money, give it to the one who first said that she wanted to kill the child, and then changed her mind, so at first they will all say that we want to kill, and then get the money, and then in a week it will go, no, so i just think that the lady, who sits opposite, for some reason she believes that all men are bastards, well, all women have the right to kill their children if they want, put on a condom, you know, and you all throw all the stones into the female area, the only lady is charming, and any child is the responsibility of both men and women, then men must also
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be taken care of, of course. objectively, before i said alimony was 150 billion in debt , yes, but now i’ll say that we have another 900 million for housing and communal services. this is also another problem, this is also a condition when a woman wants to give birth, not thought about it, it’s not like she’s a killer who just had sex that a month has passed with someone else and so she finally gets wet, so what? no, she has objective living conditions, without even saying , the conditions are bad and nevertheless, she is going to get pregnant from him, but she must also think, here, and you launch an advertisement, and we will now formulate the final question. a trip to
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the taiga turned into a horror movie for a resident of the krasnoyarsk territory. i heard some sound, i raised my head, and he was screaming in front of me, then he immediately broke my ribs and started gnawing, i completely crushed my hand on a shard with my teeth. as the beast devoured him alive, he prayed that he would not pass out from the pain. i knew what if i lost. consciousness, i'll just die. and how long did this whole nightmare last? well , within probably 5 minutes. the man still doesn’t understand how he managed to stay alive. when i was lying under a bear, i asked god, i treated everyone, he just poured into me. will doctors be able to restore the face and health of a victim of a wild bear attack? we are planning to perform a microsurgical transplant on his leg, transplant bone into the upper jaw. beyond today at 16:45 on ntv superstar new season
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can purchase yuna not for 7,900 rubles, but completely free of charge, when you purchase one package. call at. 8800 10158 call in russia free superstar new season on saturday at 2:20 on ntv. the meeting point is at ntv, we have less than two minutes left. what measures they are guaranteed to increase the population. pavel anatolyevich. well , of course, as far as abortions and the elimination of frequent clinics are concerned, this is the most. a dangerous thing from the point of view of the fact that a woman does not want to have an abortion, will do it, secondly, i think i would extend maternity leave from the moment the pregnancy is registered, and of course not buy children, as they said, yes, and if the woman gives birth, give her the possibility in this situation is that we have a waiting list for foster children, in fact, someone will take this child, or the state, vladislavich, well, first of all this is not a ban on abortion, it is
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psychological help for those who are planning a pregnancy or are already pregnant, it is a solution to the housing issue. before the child was even born, and of course it is necessary not to relieve the man of responsibility, but this is precisely a question of elements, it is very acute in russia, it is guaranteed to increase the population of russia; a ban on the sale of cigarettes or clear fines, huge fines for not wearing a seat belt at one time belt, here are abortions and women, let's leave them alone, but because people will not be killed in either case and the population of russia will miraculously increase, i was already afraid that you are somehow different now. prohibitions, no, no, what am i saying, a lot, after all, it happened today, we stayed within the limits, but there was a lot, as it were, of negativity, so we need to turn it all over into a positive one, in such a way, turn it all around, two blondes are talking, one says: oh, yesterday i went to take a pregnancy test, the second one says , well, how did i pass, there were difficult questions, it
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was a meeting place that cannot be changed, 14:00 weekdays ntv broadcasts, all the best to you, goodbye. a month of war netanyahu says israel has no plans to stop fighting hamas in the gaza strip. assistant to the ukrainian commander-in-chief zaluzhny died from the explosion of a german grenade given to him for his birthday. the intelligence services detained a large gang of counterfeiters, the scale of their activities amounted to billions. mtsled, following other mobile operators, is waiving the fee for unlimited distribution. federal standard of silence, why compliance with conditions for comfortable living of citizens at night is an issue


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