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tv   Segodnya  NTV  March 19, 2023 4:00pm-4:21pm MSK

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no good see you. bye. hello on ntv news in the yegor kolyvanov studio vladimir putin made a working trip to mariupol where he got acquainted with the entrance of restoration work and earned reports at the special operation headquarters in rostov sailors on
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submarines serbia and kosovo agreed on a roadmap to normalize relations according to alexander vučić, it is necessary to make an agreement under pressure from the european union so vladimir putin made his first visit to the russian donbass in mariupol, he got behind the wheel and personally drove around of the district where residential buildings are being built, new hospitals and schools, the president talked with local residents about everything in more detail roman sobolev yes, i didn’t even expect it at all. you can at least say hello, thank you, we only saw on tv.
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well, it’s okay to start getting to know each other better, and it’s true that this meeting was unexpected for the residents of mariupol, someone said that he lingered in the yard of random fussing at his car, and then he saw the president at the entrance, and then the neighbors pulled themselves into a conversation, it turned out to be very emotional . thank you for victory. however, there are difficulties putin was told about the queues for obtaining russian passports and other documents , several people working in the housing and communal services sector complained about delays in paying wages. we’ve been working since february, but we promise we’ll figure it out for sure. simply thank you to build the work of administrative structures also takes time, but everything can be solved. otherwise, the residents
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talked about their new apartments. so this small piece of the region invited the president to visit, and he did not refuse. master this three-ruble note is a pensioner, the city was completely destroyed by ukrainian artillery, people lost everything, but now life is returning to mariupol. please excuse me, thank you very much. thank you. the president flew to mariupol by helicopter and immediately got behind the wheel personally to inspect in detail what had been done . last year we completely made the route between donetsk and the sea a four-half. yes it was the road the two-lane in some places was four, but right in some places it was very similar to the now full-fledged airport road to the city outskirts. close. the first neighborhood is on the way.
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residential complex nevsky is the one where putin communicated with residents. right there on the playground , the president was presented with all the information about the restoration of the city; they began with boiler houses and other infrastructure next winter, no one will freeze. they have adjusted the lighting of housing at an accelerated pace. now many mariupol residents work at construction sites, but the authorities are already thinking ahead. i am currently working on our to create jobs. have painted each enterprise how many who? testing which source, who is responsible, we should create a workplace, because the number one question will, of course, be given jobs and people began to return when they saw that they were coming. it means that today the recovery is on the rise there is an active return, putin slowly drove through the city at night, stopping at traffic lights to let trucks pass. hurrying settings work is in full swing throughout the city day and night. here on the left you can see the cases of the new
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hospitals. so you gave the order to build the federal biomedical agency in the hospital. yes, 3 months ago 3 months ago 33% completed today. here it is. by the end of the year. we want to launch the old hospital first of all, it was badly destroyed, the retreating nationalists, normal people mined the surviving offices and equipment. so they don't do it , putin noticed, then they drove up to the philharmonic building. and it was restored in a few months in the concert hall , the orchestra is already rehearsing, classes are underway with students and again the president gets behind the wheel of a prospective seaport in good condition spoilage now put it to work starting to work as a night base construction pass. we are starting to build materials here loading 40,000 people from all over russia are busy 20 schools and 10 kindergartens have already been opened in the restoration of mariupol. soon the trams will be launched, the tracks
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are practically restored for the city , several suitable mortgage lending programs have been developed for businesses wishing to open a production or service sector enterprise for developers here. some sites, in general, can be purchased for a symbolic price of 1 rub. by the end of the year, it is planned to completely restore the city center, retaining, however, its inherent features of the most accurate historical buildings. roman sobol ntv television company vladimir putin also visited the headquarters of the special operation in rostov-on-don. this trip was unplanned, the headquarters is working around the clock, then the report is reached, from all directions, just in one of these sessions, always treasures about stopping the president of the russian federation , the operational staff acts according to
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dmitry peskov putin's individual long-term conversations with the verb of the headquarters of valery serbia and kosovo agreed on a course of action under the normalization of relations negotiations between belgrade and the pristina took place with the mediation of the european union , which imposes on serbia its draft treaty, including the recognition of kosovo and in exchange for eu membership and investments the western deal is so and was not signed, but the parties came to some kind of oral agreements, which serbian president aleksandar gucic called a kind of agreement. i am nothing signed. today i made it clear. what are our red lines, we have made good progress in negotiations on specific points , but this is not a breakthrough, the usual negotiation process , when everyone defended their interests in line, the european union threatens serbia with deprivation of investment and isolation, but the country defends its red lines. the current agreements are a diplomatic pause of power, kosovo
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promised to start negotiations on the creation of self-government bodies for serbs living in the unrecognized republic, however, similar promises. before the wall already gave 9 years ago. in the omsk region, the pastor of the evangelical church, who for 7 years exerted psychological pressure on the parishioners , was sent to a colony according to the materials of the criminal case. during the services, the man urged believers to sell apartments and give him money was carried out using specific mind control. all the details of this case and exclusive footage immediately after our release in the human rights program. eleven-year-old alena lebedeva from the saratov region needs your help for a girl with cerebral palsy last year. she suffered pneumonia twice and because of this she lost almost all the previously acquired physical skills , rehabilitation courses can restore her form. the cost of the first 350.000 rubles. alena's family doesn't have that kind of money. how
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can alexandra tell tanks to help? and my hour , alena, together with her grandmother, is now in the palliative department of the children's hospital. they have not been at home for a long time the girl suffered from pneumonia twice, then sepsis, the worst thing, was already behind from the intensive care unit, she was transferred to the ward very soon she won't need a ventilator. she is a better sociable girl than me. i say very good, i didn’t know the root. these years. while all this has not happened to the child with cerebral palsy, the consequences of a birth injury, but mother, grandparents are doing everything possible for alena to develop massage, swimming, exercise therapy, horseback riding. all this gave great results when i taught her to swim. i just ah, damn it, that's how much it was. she laughed. she absolutely loves her. alena ate from a spoon moved with support entered the first grade, studied at home, but due to the severe consequences of pneumonia, all the skills were lost. the girl is trying only
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now the umbrella does not move. now it’s hard for her even to please her grandmother with ringing laughter. no, i don't run now. you need to work with the head of a specialist. alyona can find a good one to learn everything again. she's on the mend. release soon. this means that you need to start rehabilitation, as the doctors said the girl has a high rehabilitation potential, but recovery should go slowly, and step by step step without stress. further, after discharge , constant supervision of doctors will be required . the girl lives in the saratov region with her grandparents olga, mother alena, works in moscow to pay for treatment; they rarely see video calls. the family is trying to cope on their own, but expensive rehabilitation courses. it is necessary to pass constantly only for the first stage you need 350,000 rubles. it is difficult to collect such an amount quickly for a child who is already ready to accept
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the moscow rehabilitation center. here, the tactics of treatment are individually selected and help children like alena, we need to add to the program procedures such as speech therapy massage to stimulate, just from the tongue and swallowing these reflexes, and how would the procedures be aimed at restoring rehabilitation, well, rehabilitation, uh, which will involve precisely muscle groups the leg of the pen in order to gradually bring the child to that level, well, to the level that was before, well, up to 10 years, you can help the family with any amount , believe that very soon? alena will again live at home, and not eat in the hospital ward on one's own. and how it used to be to swim a lot and study with your favorite school teacher alexander thin sergey skvortsov alexei sidorov valery yegorov ntv television company pride of the elite of the russian navy one of the main components of our nuclear triad and a dangerous service associated with risk and romance at the same time all this is about
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submariners who today they celebrate their professional holiday 117 years ago, by decree of emperor nicholas ii , a new class of submarine warships appeared in russia. now our submarine fleet. one of the largest in the world every year. it is replenished with the latest submarines. our correspondents nikolay bulkin and sergey let the base of the northern fleet in the kola bay near murmansk, which does not freeze due to the warm current of the kola bay near murmansk, saw how combat duty is going on in the northern and pacific fleets, our correspondents nikolai bulkin and sergey let the base of the northern fleet, many of which are the country's nuclear shield nuclear submarine cruiser, generalissimo suvorov is an absolute novelty of the russian fleet. now preparing for the transition from the north seas to the pacific ocean to the place of basing and an important moment is the loading of ammunition, and these are ballistic missiles mace delivery to the cruiser of the next intercontinental missile on board take 16 capable of hitting a target for 9.000 km. and here
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stop. cameras, missiles themselves cannot be filmed . secrecy, but for many, the secret is how the newest submarine works, and this is not all military secret. 10 m down the board, where the commander’s factory hall still smells , and the level of comfort is there is a sauna, and here are the cabins themselves, like a compartment in a train, it’s quite convenient to have a broadcast. musical works, uh four channels four channels - this is pops and rock music audiobooks and everyone can have their own selection on their own wave, but it's better to listen to all this with headphones everywhere a reminder of the acoustic culture of the boat is made by noiseless sound-absorbing materials, shock absorbers and competent actions crew acoustics, he directly carries his entire watch in headphones. yes, and he listens to the sea. and if there are any uh noises that it distinguishes from the noise of the sea, it can
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be there, like the noise of propellers, there or the flow the corps personally, the enemy’s composition passes from everyone, slams the bulkhead door. it is audible. and what is heard there at the bottom of a submariner in the pacific fleet on diesel submarines my colleague sergey from vladivostok will tell celebration of a special caliber , the team recently returned to vladivostok after successful exercises in the sea of ​​japan launch of high-precision cruise missiles caliber was the culmination, the campaign room has a wheelbarrow. the missile commander left no remarks, covered more than 1,000 km, and at the estimated time hit the target at the training ground in the khabarovsk territory, the target on the shore imitated the position of a mock enemy with modernized submarines. more than half of the pacific fleet is building them at the admiralty shipyards in st. petersburg and will turn over in the near future.
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the order will be 100% fulfilled. 100% cooked and new crews. we return to the northern fleet, where sailors habitually train in special chambers, work out emergency situations and have to go through and fire. and the water has to be held back, the strongest pressure, both physical and psychological, like this, in regular training on military exercises, sailors are on combat duty. many submariners celebrate their day near their native shores, but the service is such that at any moment they are ready to go to sea nikolai bulkin sergei antigen sergei vorobyov and maxim mintsev ntv television naval bases of the northern and pacific fleets. what is the main news so far? thank you for being with us and see you soon.
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