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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  May 19, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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they have nothing else to do and did that have no business in their districts? why are they showing up in new york city. but it is a nod of approval to trump who could be next president and they want to show they are with him. >> david, is it i audition? >> i think these are small and weak people with little compass and that's it. >> it's good to have you back and hopefully we will have you back as soon as possible. and breaking news we have told you about in an apparent search and rescue for a helicopter. i bid you a good day from the msnbc world headquarters. once again the breaking news with new developments on the search for a ran's president
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who was on board a helicopter that crashed or had a hard landing earlier today. it was described both ways. a rescue way should operation underway. in just a few moments ago, we received pictures showing the helicopter with the president on board when they were taking off today. again, it has not been seen since. there is been weather in the other area. let's go to josh letterman. we no anything concrete about his condition and who was on board the helicopter. >> we note the foreign minister of the country who is a significant character was also on board the helicopter. we don't no his status just like we don't no the status of the president. we have heard from a ron's supreme leader who
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is ultimately the decision maker in iran who has released a statement who said people should pay pray for the well- being and the safe return of the president and the foreign minister. he says everybody should stay calm reassuring and nation that the work of the country will go on unimpeded. we are in a holding pattern waiting the status of the individuals on board what should the coming at some point and it has been hours since the helicopter went to the ground in what was described variously as a hard landing or a crash. we no that dozens of rescue teams are now trying to get to the site if not there already. there are searchers standing nearby and really the entire emergency response apparatus of the country if they are able to
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find them. right now the government of iran is tightlipped as we learn about the face face of ebrahim raisi and other foreign ministers. >> , came down in a densely forested area that is relatively remote making access challenging in these conditions. i no you will stay on top of it if you hear anything. >> joining me is peter baker for the white house as the chief correspondent. depending on how this plays out, are there implications? >> this is a fellow who was a protigi of the supreme leader and seen as a potential successor and a hardliner of the religious government. i think you will see consternation in a rack as it
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faces increasing isolation with their arab neighbors and israel in the united states. and weeks ago i ran fired drones and missiles which were knocked down. it was an embarrassment that no one could strike the targets that they were firing at. depending on whether he is found alive or not, it will tell us a little bit about where iran goes from here. >> we no the president who is on route to detroit for dinner and a campaign stop with the naacp, he came out and let them know that. how closely will the white house be watching the developments. considering this is the president of iran and a
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hardliner. is there any influence that the president would have. when i say the president, i mean ebrahim raisi . >> he is part of the governing class and the supreme leader is still the one who makes the decisions with pursuit of nuclear weapons and so on. it is not the same as having the president of another country at risk. it is still an important position in iran. it is a reminder that we are seeing an ayn rand that has aligned itself. it has aligned itself increasingly with russia and china at a time when war is going on in ukraine and providing weapons and munitions and at the same time russia providing compensation in the
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other direction and we are not entirely sure what that may be in it may be of great concern to the white house. iran is at the top of the american radar screen right now in terms of countries it is paying attention to as potential threats. >> we will talk about the u.s. president in just a moment. then we go to decision 2024 is the president gives a direct message to college students since the start of the israel and hamas war. he gave this at morehouse college in atlanta. take a listen. >> what happens in gaza and what rights and policy the people have, i'm working to make sure we get a two state solution, the only solution for the people to live in peace. it is one of the hardest and most complicated problems in the world and there is nothing easy about it. i no it angers
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and frustrates many of you including my family. most of all, i no it breaks your heart and it breaks mine as well. >> joining me now from atlanta, tell me about the president's address and whether there was criticism from graduates about the war in gaza . >> reporter: one thing i can tell you is there was criticism that began even before president biden took the stage. as students and faculty members came in, you could see some of them wearing pro-palestinian garments. whether a flag or a traditional scarf to send a message to president biden. even when president biden was on the stage, the valedictorian called for a permanent cease- fire and a prayer for humanity all over the world. there was a clear message here and even asked president biden during
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his remarks reedit his support for a two state solution and more aid into gaza, there were students in the crowd with a silent protest. the morehouse president told them that you have a right to protest but do it in a way that is not disruptive. there was a generational shift in regards to the reception to biden. you saw older alumni embrace the message in the way that some students would not. one student explained that a little bit, take a listen. >> as you can see, there was quite the divide. you had alums standing and cheering and they were happy because they understand the state of the 2024 election in november and you had students that check the post that with belief in social issues. we are a large part of the jin z
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population with students that did not stand up and clap their hands. >> the message you heard toward the end of the soundbite when you talk about the school having the younger jen z students who talked about the students. he sharpened his message even though it was a campaign event and to address young voters because of the issues. so, younger students didn't seem to open. the students we spoke to said words are one thing and i hope president biden will follow it up with actions. >> understood. now let's go to peter baker. i'm going to go to split screen because we are seeing president biden and former president trump. biden given a commencement speech at
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morehouse while trump picks up his third nra endorsement. talk about the visual. >> both playing to the base of their party right now. president biden with unusual weakness among black supporters who were strong for him in 2020 but not according to the polls now. he had 90% of the black vote in 2020 and his approval rating according to some surveys is down to 55%. he desperately needs to make sure that they are on board with him if he wants to win in the south. and donald trump plays to the republican coalition strongly. he wants their support that he supports gun control and he has positioned himself strongly. but the current and former presidents are paying playing two core constituencies. >> what are you making to
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donald trump who not factually said that nra voters and gun owner owners do not vote. where would that come from and why would he say it? >> i guess it is his way to motivate them to turn out. he often talks off the top of his head and someone may have said something to him. he often presents things that are not facts. he needs them in great numbers and is trying to challenge them by saying don't stay at home. your rights are at stake and joe biden is not your friend. an interesting strategy at a time when the nra has less and less influence. the organization hobbled by its own internal problems. it does not command the power in washington that it once did. gun rights supporters are still important to a presidential nominee.
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>> and now let's focus on biden and the warning signs for his campaign. for the 2020 campaign, 90% of black women and 80% of black men voted for president biden. this year, 55% say they approve of his job performance. do you get the sense the biden campaign is legit worried about the black vote? if so, what is the strategy to shore it up? >> i think they are legit worried. the voters may not go to trump but even if they stay home, that's a problem for the president especially in key states like georgia and michigan and so on. in addition to the numbers that you just showed, and apathy or discontent with the black voters, i think 72% participated in the last election. 22% right now say they plan to vote. that fall off in turnout
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can make a difference in the tightly contested states right now. you are right he is trying to motivate them and that's why he picked morehouse college to give an address. that's why he will speak to the naacp and why he is touching base with the voters. he said to the graduating seniors today, check my record. the long-standing histories of supporting concerns of black voters another issues. he is making a case to the younger generation who doesn't remember his record and doesn't impact the way they see things going in the future. >> let's go back to the way donald trump communicates. this is ahead scratcher but what he said at the nra convention. let's take a look. >> he actually challenged me. you no, we will have debates
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with him. i think we are going to. he is still looking for the white stuff found in the white house. it never arrived, and never arrived. they can't find it. everybody thought it was for hunter. >> so he went off on that tangent but we will keep it straight here. who, potentially, risks more versus gaining more with the debates? >> it is in an interesting choice for both candidates. usually the candidate who is weakest is more eager to get on stage to change the dynamics. in this case, both seem eager to get on stage and both have weaknesses to address. president trump may be a convicted felon depending on what happens at the court in
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new york and if that happens, he wants to change the subject and look like a candidate and not a convicted criminal. for present biden who is weaker at the polls, particularly in the swing states, they want to remind voters they may be disenchanted with biden that there is donald trump. they may not be happy with inflation or think president biden is too old , but the only option is donald trump. if they didn't like him in 2020, they're not going to like him in 2024. >> thank you, i will see you next weekend. >> there are other highly anticipated moments and why they could shift the timeline. we are back in 90 seconds. nds
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allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. it's time we all shine. talk to a healthcare provider about nurtec odt from pfizer. >> ahead of what could be a pivotal week and donald trump's hush money trial, the president spent his time outside the courthouse to rally gun supporters. jake, what have we heard from the former president? >> reporter: former president donald trump spoke at the nra convention. despite the fact that legally the former president cannot purchase a firearm because he faces multiple felony indictments across many cases, he was quick to bring this up.
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comparing his legal woes to those of gun owners. having their rights pulled away by the radical left. this is a strategy of the former president to take his legal complications in the courtroom and somehow compare them to the issues voters are facing as he speaks at the campaign rallies. he also spoke about his gag order mentioning the fact that it is a lightning rod for supporters to galvanize. the way he is restricted and not able to speak at the campaigns the way he would like to. take a listen. >> there is probably no judge in history like this guy and he refuses to recuse himself. i'm able to talk about things although i do have a gag order. i cannot talk about the things that i want to talk about because what i talk about is just on the surface. because they want to put me in jail, can you believe it?
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>> that may be the last time we hear from the former president at a campaign event for a verdict is reached in his criminal hush money trial. and then closing arguments could be as too soon as tuesday . >> okay, jake, thank you so much for that. then we will get to the search for a ran's president who was on board a helicopter that crashed today, what do you no? >> we are getting information from the executive vice president of iran speaking on state television. they have made contact with two people on board the helicopter. those two people on the helicopter have made contact with rescue forces . they are not disclosing what
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they have learned so far and the question everybody has is what is the status of president raisi and others on board. according to the vice president, he said that the helicopter took off at 1:00 p.m. and by 1:30, contact was lost. there were two other helicopters in the convoy with the president of iran that searched. according to the vice president, those helicopters searched for the one that hit the ground. at this point, we don't have information about whether they were able to locate the helicopter or what happened with the other two helicopters. we are hearing from the red crescent in iran which is essentially their equivalent of the red cross that they are approaching the site they believe to be the site of the incident. if they reach the sites, potentially we could learn more in the coming
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minutes and hours. >> let's go over who was on board. i don't have the numbers. with this helicopter that has gone down in this convoy, this particular helicopter had president raisi and the foreign minister and i governor as well and the friday prayers leader of the city with several other passengers. we don't no the complete number of passengers, but clearly there was a level of leadership on board. you say it is the executive vice president who is speaking on iranian state tv. again, reiterate that two people have been contacted. have they been giving anymore about their conditions? not necessarily names, but we know those people are okay? is there description beyond
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that? >> no description. the only thing we can infer is the fact they were able to speak by phone with the authorities and it indicates they are still alive and at least conscious. beyond that, we don't have information. this executive vice president is the figure who, if it turned out that present tiki 20 -- raisi were dead, he is the one who would take over according to a ron's constitution and then they would call for an election within 50 days. this is a key figure who will be involved in responsible for the continuity of government in the coming days as we work out exactly what happened to the president and foreign minister, these key leaders in the government. >> and mrs. all happening in the last few minutes. keep us updated.
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by the end of this week, donald trump's fate in his hush money trial could be in the hands of jurors as they finish questioning michael cohen. then, the jury could begin deliberating by the end of this week. 20 me now is a bloomberg reporter. it's good to have you back and together in a great pairing here. what, patricia, have you been expecting when court returns tomorrow. you have seen this from start to finish, how do you expect it to play out tomorrow? >> we expect from's lawyers to finish their cross examination. a couple of good points on michael cohen trying to undermine his story that trump with the payments to stormy daniels and that he was in on the loop and approving the payment that was made to stormy
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daniels. there was some indication that maybe michael cohen was confronted with the text that he was complaining about a 14-year-old spamming and prank calls rather than talking to trump himself, as he claimed. then we get to the redirect where the prosecutors clean it up and go back through the story. >> the big picture and this is where reality is regarding the case right now. by this time next week, donald trump could be a convicted felon or a newly acquitted man with complete exoneration. equally challenging scenarios. based on what you have seen and heard, which of these is more like the? >> maybe it is the prosecutor in me, but i think this is headed toward a conviction. i cannot imagine acquittal with the unanimous jury saying that
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trump has a better story and was not involved in this. the corroboration here has been to corroborate michael cohen's testimony from the beginning of this hush money scheme until the end when they figure out a way to reap verse him. it was alan weiss's own notes on the bank statement that would show how he would be reimbursed. the lawyers for the defendants have no alternative explanation for how trump was not involved in this. in his opening statement, it was said that the payment was not a reimbursement, it was legal fees and legal services but the evidence overwhelmingly shows it was a reimbursement. even through donald trump's own words and tweets and statements, it shows this was a reimbursement. i don't no how they get out of that. even though michael cohen took blows, there is no
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corroboration for his testimony. >> and we learned about how the trump this loyalist disrupted the courtroom. some were making videos in a holding room and the judge said not to let that happen again and the judge said he had less than zero control. how can you tell us about how the judge in trump's own lawyer reacted. >> one of the most unbelievable things i have seen and i have covered courts for years. when michael cohen gets to the explanation to the jury at the end of his examination, it was a reckoning where he is decidedly guilty. he is describing a heartfelt conversation with his daughter saying trump is not his your daughter. do right by your family. >> in the middle of this heartfelt description, it is
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the republican delegation coming in and disrupt dean. they were handing phones out to each other and basically taking selfies in another courtroom where donald trump has a holding office where he sits with his lawyers. it was quite unbelievable to see this kind of behavior in a courtroom where everyone else has to be quiet and you can't take phones out and cannot talk . these people were being disruptive and it was quite shocking, actually. >> it sounds obnoxious and disrespectful, but that's my opinion. here is the opinion of one of trump's former lawyers. >> i am concerned that by parading these fee years in and out that it would have an him negative impact on the jury. there was an incident where a couple of members of congress came in not during a break and were somewhat disruptive and
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the judge was looking angrily. that's the kind of thing the jurors notice. it is not something i would be encouraging . >> we can see patricia's job dropping. this is unprecedented. first of all, house speaker showing up at a criminal trial to deliver a message that helps the defendant flout a gag order. what could the judge even do about this? >> this is unprecedented from trump being on trial to a house speaker going there. these guys are about lock them up and back the blue but when it comes to donald trump, they are radical criminal defense lawyers themselves standing there and claiming it is a fraudulent system. they are doing it for politics. mike johnson owes his speakership to donald trump. he had his back against marjorie taylor greene and so this is
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the payback. the republican party is now the party of trump . if they want to be vice president, that's why you see tim scott and others there to support trump no matter what he does or is accused of. you cannot shame the shameless and these people have no shame. >> and four people close to trump say the plan does not include him testifying although trump his material and could always testify. what are you hearing from your sources? will he do it or not? >> it seems it would be a disaster for him to testify. he thought it was a disaster for people finding out about the poor and star, the last time he testified on the fraud trial, he was on the stand for hours and it was loony. he kept talking about offshore drilling and the judge said, you sound like a broken record, stop making political speeches
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in the essentially castigated him. you heard what he said to the nra, he was crazy when testifying and kooky when testifying in the ag case. i think it would be a disaster to do that in front of a jury, especially when it opens him to questions by prosecutors. what do you mean when you sent the email and what you mean with that evidence? there is all of this information that everyone knows and trumpets tweeting out that i reimbursed him. what do you mean? it would be a terrible decision for him to testify and i hope his lawyers prevail upon him not to testify. >> do you get the sense he is listening to his lawyers this time around and not testifying? >> here is my pop culture reference for today. you remember the movie "animal
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house"? and 0.0 is the chance the trump testifies this week. he doesn't want to listen to his lawyers and he doesn't want to be cross- examined on the steamy events that happen with stormy daniels . there are so many reasons he is not going to testify. it could be a perjury count. no, he is definitely not testifying in this case. >> you just brought a smile to my face which is not seen a lot of those, honestly, given what we have been talking about. we will check in next week to see how it all goes. just a short time ago in a statement from shawn that he combs from a hotel, we get an explanation from reverend al sharpton who knows the latest.
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>> more breaking news for you now. sean diddy combs releasing a new apology video today . he is responding to a video released last week involving his then girlfriend, cassie ventura. if you have not seen it, it is tough to watch. surveillance video obtained by cnn and 2016 shows him physically assaulting her in a hotel. we have reached out to both parties for comment. what did he say or at least admit to in the video? >> for the first time, he admits to physical abuse say that it is difficult to reflect on the darkest times of your life. >> my behavior on that video is inexcusable. i take full responsibility for my actions and that video. i am disgusted. i was disgusted when i did it and i'm disgusted now.
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i am committed to being a better man every day. i'm not asking for forgiveness. i am truly sorry. >> in the video you just saw, he is speaking directly to is nearly 20 million instagram followers. the video was posted earlier today. he said in the video that he hit rock bottom and and when he did it, he was disturbed then and now. now is the time to look away if you do not want to see this graphic video. the assault was captured in a hotel surveillance video obtained by cnn. here it shows him running down the hall in the towel and he is seen kicking, dragging and punching and throwing objects at his former girlfriend,
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cassie ventura and she is seen trying to escape the danger. this in a lawsuit filed against him back in november. you may remember it was settled less than 24 hours later. meanwhile, again, breaking his silence and speaking publicly after the video surfaced nearly months after the complaint which was set around march of 2016 at a former intercontinental hotel in century city. he became extremely intoxicated and punched her in the face giving her a black guy. the question now is if this video which has surfaced in this apology will mean anything for him moving forward. likely, there will not be criminal consequences because of the statute of limitations. >> the i drank too much might be an explanation but there is
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no excuse. it is hard to watch and i've seen it several times. thank you so much. >> in the meantime, reverend al sharpton talks about the president's speech. did he hit the right tone? a perfect day for a family outing! shingles doesn't care. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your doctor or pharmacist about shingrix today. (ella) fashion moves fast.
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>> today president biden laid out the stakes of the 2024 election in a commencement address at morehouse college in atlanta with remarks to 500 black graduates. seeking to undermine democracy and he used black history to emphasize what he believes is at stake in november. >> extremists close the door of opportunity and strike down affirmative action. they attacked the values of diversity and equality and inclusion. when i graduated in 1968, i
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never thought i would be part of a time when there's a national effort to ban books not to say a raise raise history. they don't see you in the future of america, but they are wrong. to me, we make history, not erase it. we note black history as american history. >> joining me now is my msnbc colleague , reverend al sharpton who is president of the action network. what are your thoughts on the president's commencement address and the rich history of black institutions. >> i thought it was the right tone at the right place. morehouse is highly regarded and that is putting the term lightly. it is the school that
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dr. martin luther king and other luminaries in black history went to. it's an honor to speak there. i've been there several times and you feel like you are on sacred ground. to do a speech there was more than important, in my opinion. i think that many of us thought the tone was right and the delivery was excellent. i think he hit on the right issues. democracy, affirmative action and the ei that they are trying to disqualify. he is calling for a cease-fire because there were some who were concerned about the issue. >> you think the president was beyond the audience he was talking to? >> i no he was speaking to an audience beyond the audience he was speaking to and he did it
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in an effective way. >> what about recent polling that shows donald trump winning the percent of black voters which is more than any other presidential candidate. let's go back to 1964 and listen to comments by black georgia voters who are colleague spoke with this week to say seeing trump on trial hardens their support for him. here it is. >> when we see trump, we see somebody that's fighting. you no, this is the second part of standing up for your country. when i think of what is presidential, that is our representation and it should be somebody who is not quote / unquote somebody who we would classify as a politician. >> it is not a stretch for them to think that trump may be a victim as well. people see
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commonality between themselves and all the black men and families that have been incarcerated and impacted by incarceration. >> how do you explain the rise in black voter sentiment for donald trump this time around? >> i don't think there is a rise . last time he had 23% of the black vote and he got 8%. it blames interviews with black republicans and does not reflect plaques that are independent or plaques that are democrats. let's be clear that donald trump advocated the death penalty for five innocent black and brown young man in new york. that they get the death penalty for beating a white woman in central park that was later proven by dna had nothing to do with it and he still would not
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take it back. he was the president when george floyd happened and would not support the george floyd justice and policing act. and he stacked three and supreme court nominees that took down many of the elements in the rights bill. he would not support the john lewis voting rights act. in the black dealing with the issues that impact us, when you say that they are looking at him as a symbol, a symbol of what? of executing people that are insolent innocent and did not want to support the george floyd bill. there will be some black republicans that will always go that way. when you look at the record and i am from new york like donald trump is from new york. the only thing that he stood up on was central park and he was on the wrong side of that case. >> let's look at the presidential debates.
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immediately accepting two matchups and audience and in fact the earliest debates ever. does this give biden an advantage and you expect trump to comply with the rules? >> i don't expect trump to comply with the rules. he needs an audience to play to. he is light on substance and he needs to do what he does, entertain. you cannot entertain with no audience and he will find a way to try to get out of these debates. there is no question in my mind that he will try to alter them. if the present's team will not let him alter, i doubt seriously donald trump will show up. even when he was president, he would not read security briefings. you think he will get ready for a substantive did they? i doubt that very seriously. >> let me ask you about sean 'diddy' combs and what we saw
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on the video. you interviewed him in 2016. what is your overall sense of where this stands and why it happened? >> i was shocked when i saw the video. i've known him since he was a teenager. i think he did the right thing to apologize. that adds to sympathy and i think he is the right thing to say he needs help. i am the father of two daughters and there is no justification in no uncertain terms. he says he needs help and will seek help and i hope he does. >> thank you so much and i appreciate your time with us. it is two hours 12 minutes until your show and that is a precise number. >> you can also watch them at 5:00 p.m. eastern right here on msnbc . the man accused of
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attacking nancy pelosi's husband with his sentence thrown out and the unusual reason why is next. next.
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or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now.
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[music playing]
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>> a new book is shining the spotlight on how school districts across the country have found themselves at the center of the gop's movement. with the conservative takeover at public schools and what the federal education policy could look like in a second trump term. we have our investigative reporter. mike, welcome to the show. one of the most notable examples happened at southlake, texas when a 2018 bible surfaced with the n word forcing the confrontation of racism in the schools.
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how did it come to be the blueprint for what is now a nationwide debate? >> when i wrote this book, i wanted if you are a parent or teacher living in a school district or anywhere in the country where they talk about critical race theory or gender theory or any of these things, you can read this book and understand why it is happening. i tell the story of southlake. after the community try to address racism after the viral video, i put together a plan intended to help the community move forward. in 2020, a well coordinated backlash emerged that became a model that has since been copied in school districts all over the country. >> here is something you right in the book. you say donald trump's rise to power had a profound impact in america's schools. how much did that influence
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what happened in southlake? >> his presidency unleashed in schools like southlake and other suburban districts a lot of incidents that have been simmering under this surface. suburbs largely white and the had been all white and have become more diverse over the decades. as trump rose to power, we saw these incidents all over the country where students recorded themselves saying the and cut word. we saw a bunch of school districts trying to implement plans to try to address the culture to make their schools safe and welcoming for all kids. what we have seen since is the blowback is reacting. >> of donald trump gets back to the oval office, what impact will that have? >> have? >> federal an asian department
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which was a task to enforce civil rights protections. they have eight open investigations. the confirmed that civil rights were violated on the base of race or sexual orientation they were in the process of maybe forcing the district to the process that he neglected. if that comes to a second term, they will do away with his policies. >> let me ask you about the battles and some states, promoting religion. how much influence does that having these debates? >> it's a huge part there is a long-standing movement by the segment of the christian right in america to overturn this, that predates these battles. i write at length in the book about how those movements were


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