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tv   Inside With Jen Psaki  MSNBC  May 19, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PDT

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i told you we had a lot to talk about and i did not disappoint. thank you for watching velshi. i am charles coleman jr.. thank
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you to velshi's team. stay right where you are, inside with jen psaki begins right now. things can move very quickly this week in the donald trump criminal trial as the former president's former fixer , michael cohen , will be on the stand tomorrow and closing arguments could come after that andrew wiseman and lisa rubin are coming up first. a congressman will join me in a few minutes. a supreme court justice and upside down flag, and the growing crisis of confidence in our highest court. a deep dive into the gop relationship with putin is unlike you have any -- unlike anything you have seen before.
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a comedian is here with more. >> and a little more than a week, donald trump could be a convicted felon. not wishful thinking but a fact. it is hard to imagine that the 12 men and women who make up this jury don't know what is on the shoulders right now. tomorrow, they will watch michael cohen return to the stand for more cross- examination and on tuesday they could be watching closing arguments. important to keep in mind the prosecution has laid out a strong case for any measure, that is what every legal eagle will tell you, michael cohen testified to christian piekos about the hush money scheme , which was corroborated by loads of witnesses and documents before that. michael cohen testified that donald trump was trying to push stormy daniels story until after the 26 election and testified that donald trump was not thinking about how the story would affect melania trump but influencing the outcome of the election. according to michael cohen,
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donald trump knew the stormy daniels story would be devastating to his campaign, saying, women will hate me because this will be a disaster. of course, he added that guys may think it is cool but this will be a disaster for the campaign. we know it was all about the campaign. that is what his words are telling you and we know donald trump directed michael cohen to pay off daniels and signed off on the plan to reimburse him and cover it up. michael cohen said donald trump approved that days before the migration. that testimony is damning for the defense but, donald trump is convicted, he will say that it is rigged, bias, he is the victim. when he does that, remember all of the evidence that has been presented over the past couple weeks. remember the testimony and he has been afforded every benefit that criminal defendants should get and then some, to be honest, his lawyers have vigorously cross-examined
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witnesses including michael cohen . he was given 10 strikes on his gag order, with the judge finally said enough is enough, donald trump brought in surrogates to do his dirty work for him outside of the courtroom and complained that the judge would not let him attend his son's graduation which he was allowed to do on friday. he has been granted leeway at every turn and his defense team has been very aggressive. his surrogates have been out in force. i will talk about that later. we don't know if this will end in a conviction, that is up to the jury, but if it does, not because he is a former president but despite the fact he is a former president. because a jury of his peers decided, beyond a reasonable doubt, he was guilty. andrew wiseman is former general counsel at the fbi and lisa rubin have been on your television all week and they join me now. andrew, you tweeted about this. cross-examination of michael cohen this week, todd blanche
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accused him of inventing of -- a phone conversation, accusing him of being a liar, what is your take away, whether it matters or not and if you did was bad for the prosecution in that moment? >> great question. what we are talking is on october 24th call where it seems very clear that, at the very least, two things happened, not one thing. michael cohen said this was one of many calls where he spoke to the president about the repayment of the stormy daniels hush money scheme and on cross- examination it was shown that, in fact, at the very least, there was a conversation that was with donald trump's bodyguard, or valet, helper. about harassing phone calls.
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this is typical where the defense has found a mistake that was made, either by the da or the witness, and they will say this is a lie. that is what they should be doing. but, this happens so often in a case where someone makes a mistake and the battleground, is it a lie or a mistake? you will hear that kind of response from the prosecution tomorrow when they do redirect examination. frankly, i think it was a mistake. it is not the end of the world because there is so much other evidence. if you were going to lie about something, this would not be the phone call. a lot of people on air are saying this was a critical call. i want to make sure everyone understands, this is on october 24th call. this is not the critical call. if there was a critical call,
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it was two days later when the phone records made it clear that michael cohen had two lengthy calls with the former president and that is when he says there was the authorization of the payment. i think you will hear that kind of back-and-forth tomorrow. >> that is super helpful as you lay it out. lisa, impossible to get into the minds of jurors because 12 men and women of peers. but this is the strategy, if you are the prosecution and preparing for this next week, how do you navigate what andrew just outlined? are you worried it is a huge problem and thinking about how to deal with it in the closing statement, or not worried about it because so much else was presented? >> slightly worried and not as hair on fire about it because the documents and other testimony surrounding the narrative of michael cohen are so strong. if i am the prosecution, by the way, the
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prosecutor has been writing the closing statements for weeks, good prosecutor start with the closing statement and move backwards and deciding what the order of proof or how the evidence should come in will look like. what i would say if i were the prosecutor's, okay, maybe he didn't talk to donald trump when he was talking or calling the bodyguard. maybe he made a mistake about that. guess what he did make a mistake about that the defense hasn't presented with you a counter narrative about, they did not say the document wasn't signed, they have not shown you that david pecker didn't have conversations about donald trump, including repaying michael cohen, and they have not shown the conversations between donald trump and michael cohen took place where donald trump approved the repayment scheme that michael cohen mapped out on a copy of a bank statement for the llc for michael cohen he set up to
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make the payment so much other evidence that surrounds michael cohen and bolsters him, if i am the prosecution, yes, worried about that got you moment, but so much else about their being no other explanation other than the central narrative that michael cohen has taken them through the documents otherwise support. >> this is such an interesting thing to watch an interesting development. the defense could call witnesses , there is a rumor hanging out, which is a game, that donald trump could testify. andrew, i assume you don't think that will happen and it is a game, talk to us about what the strategy is of a defense on whether or not he will testify? >> it is not going to happen. i would be shocked at the judge
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would be beyond shocked when here on friday or thursday saying we may call a witness. he said, okay, summation is tuesday. [ laughter ] >> if the defendant decides to testify, it would be a game changer but not happening. we should not be engaged in dangling that out. the real issue is people getting ready for summations. a key thing to look at is the defense will be saying that michael cohen is an indispensable witness and that, without him, you cannot find guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, he is a problematic witness, that had nothing to do with the cross-examination, but that had to do with who he is and what he has planned to. -- pled to. there is so much evidence and you have to look at it altogether while the defense will say look at it in
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isolation. typical strategy the defense wants you to look at each leaf and not see there is a tree there. bushy tree with lots of evidence . >> lisa, the prosecutor has been preparing, his opening statement, he has been working on this, outlined so specifically, so well constructed. it was telling the story of the last couple of years. what are you expecting from his closing statement? >> i am expecting them to play the ultimate game of connect the dots. as they are presented with this is a testimony, it has not followed a strict chronology stormy daniels came in at a time that did not really coherent with the rest of the chronology. here is where they will put it together and layer testimony and phone calls, emails, texts, to show you how the deals came
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together and why donald trump was always a participant. most importantly, that he approved of and caused others to make false business records, all 34 of them come in 2017, as he was coming up with a way to repay michael cohen who at that point was no longer an employee of the trump organization and had to be paid through other means. >> lisa rubin , thank you, i hope you get good rest and have a lot of caffeine this week. we will come back. republicans flocked to the trial and say what he can't because of the gag order. no, that is not normal. a congressman joined us after a quick break. yeah, we've spent a lot on this kitchen. oh, yeah, really high-end stuff. -sorry, that's our ghost. -yeah, okay. he's more annoying than anything.
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if you have been following the news, you have probably
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seen the revolving cast of maga fan boys and girls who have gone to new york for the trial. weird. 26 trump defenders have made the pilgrimage since last week, traveling from far and wide to get to the big city to get into his good graces i guess. the press conference is ra ritual occurrence outside the courtroom. a former tribute. these are not just groupies but mostly elected officials and some very prominent. including the sitting speaker of the house. not only vying for his affection but trashing the entire criminal justice system, denouncing the court, witnesses, judge, and even the jury. >> these are politically motivated trials and they are a disgrace. >> ladies and gentlemen of america, this trial is a joke. >> this is a middle crime. >> a woman who is paid for sex with a vengeance against the
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president. >> disappointed at looking at the american citizens in the courtroom. >> a kangaroo court. >> a share prosecution. >> a sham. >> a sham. >> "this is sham." the thing is, if they had confidence in his innocence, what these performances be necessary? there is something to be said about the clownish theater, like the entourage on tuesday wearing near identical suits with the same matching red ties. you can't make it up. trump probably likes the ties. lauren boebert didn't even notice her colleagues left her while she was talking. the absurdity of the arguments, complaining about the decorating in the courthouse saying the did you courtroom is too depressing of a place or
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donald trump to stand trial. >> i learned a lot from being there, one of the most depressing places in my life. >> that courtroom is depressing, this is new york city, an icon of our country and the courtroom is the most depressing thing, but that is what is happening in the country, the republican candidate for president is going to metalanguage in a courtroom that is very depressing. >> metalanguage, the horror of it all. heaven forbid. speaker johnson is an accountability partner against sinful activity now defending a serial adulterer and his encounter with a porn star. no coincidence this circuit operation happening outside the court began days after the judge warned donald trump anymore violations of the gag order would land him in jail. tommy tuberville admitted the
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purpose was to overcome the court impose restrictions on what trump can and can't say. as embarrassing as it is, something dark going on, not their fealty to donald trump but their willingness to tear down institutions that shows they are also ready to play the role of enabling his interest in challenging the outcome of the election in 2024 if he doesn't win. andrew weissmann is with me again and joining us is ro khanna from california . the matching ties, lauren boebert being left behind, funny, but a clear sight of what they will do for donald trump, enable him as they did in 2020. what sticks out to you here? >> what is sad is there is no pride or independence in being in congress, article 1 of the constitution, when i was elected in 2016, the same year
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as donald trump, members of congress on the republican side who would snicker at embarrassing statements donald trump made, or apologize or almost be embarrassed. today, that has changed. donald trump is stronger in his hold on the republican party than he ever has been. they have basically have to pledge fealty to him, they want to be in his cabinet and curry favor with him, auditioned for being his running mate. it is sad. >> i will not ask you about the red tide matching strategy but the legal aspect. some reported that donald trump was making edits to the remarks , they have clearly been out there making arguments on his behalf, saying things like -- saying things he can't. he can't direct others with the gag order. is there any legal ramifications or will the parade continue?
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>> to find a violation there would have to be a hearing or witnesses to connect what the folks were saying to instructions from trump. obviously, there were. whether the district attorney for the judge will be interested is another thing, i suspect they won't. with the introduction, the key one and the tearing down of institutions. when i think about this week, i think that, you have to look at what donald trump says about the criminal justice system, law enforcement, you can see a direct line to this mini-me people showing up at the courthouse to justice alito flying the flag upside down and saying president should not be
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criminal charge because you cannot trust the criminal justice system, a through line of an enormous strain of anti- law enforcement, si institutionalism that goes from the supreme court to donald trump and through a swath of congress as well. >> so important to call that out and i'm so glad you did. this is not normal partisans do not typically attack institutions. i also wanted to add, ask you, congressman, tommy tuberville said the quiet part out loud, he said he was disappointed in the supposedly american citizens in the courtroom. it seemed very clear he was speaking about members of the jury. he later claimed otherwise. that feels and sounds like the echoes of donald trump language. what did you make of those comments? >> that was the most shocking of anything that was said. tommy tuberville attacking
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american citizens as not american. that is the trump campaign. he said that immigrants are poisoning the blood of america and this campaign he is running is about deciding who passes the fealty test for being a true american. if you were not for donald trump, you are not american. this will end up helping president biden. people are sick of the insults, sick of the character attacks, the personal attacks, that happen in the oversight committee. people agree on president biden being a decent human being and that he cares and respects the other side. i think people will choose that over all this chaos. >> the jury is not supposed to be consuming things outside of the courtroom but this is happening outside, as are many other things. having these high- profile republican lawmakers doing this, something you worry
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about the prosecution, that the jury might consume? >> they clearly are worried. there was a sidebar the other day where the prosecution raised the issue of these people coming in and out of the courtroom in a way that was quite visible to the jury. tried to get the judge to preclude that and have them in their seats and not doing this. during the manafort trial, donald trump was tweeting about the trial and banking on the fact some of the jurors would be seeing that and it would impact them. i suspect the same thing will happen here as the case closes up this week with summations and jury deliberations. if i am the prosecution and the eminent judge, who has been doing a
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wonderful job, that will be the final thing they have to worry about, jury tampering by the former president of united states. >> this is something you have been warning about for a long time. congressman, lauren boebert defendant donald trump from sleeping in the classroom. >> we know that he is too tired and sleepy to stay awake through his criminal trial, not president biden who is not sharp, it is donald trump. >> mr. garcia, lift up that picture of our president trump sleeping, as you say i think he is praying. if he is sleeping, certainly looks pretty well while he sleeps. >> what did you make of that exchange, congressman? >> while the republicans are
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engaged in a clown show of trying to defend the character of donald trump, president biden is focused on actually going to places like wisconsin, to announce new factories, new investments and data centers. the hoax of donald trump talking about foxcon that never came. it doesn't make the headlights but president biden is focusing on real issues that voters care about what republicans are engaged in antics and i think that will prevail. >> andrew weissmann and ro khanna , thank you after the break, they stop the steal symbol outside the home of a supreme court justice. if that is not a scandal, i don't know what is. we may get presidential debates. we are back after a quick break. y blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours.
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back in 2016, when donald trump debated hillary clinton, he loomed behind her in a way she said made her skin crawl it was creepy to watch. in 2020, he repeatedly interrupted joe biden and the moderator, telling a far right extremist group to stand back and stand by. he literally had covid , he looked awful. not easy to prepare for presidential debates, but that is the task for the biden team. a rematch in over a month. if all goes forward as planned, a moment for biden to get under his skin. but he needs to show a massive audience about who they will be choosing between. my next guest literally played
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donald trump during the debate prep for hillary clinton, a former advisor who is now a corporate and public affairs consultant for ckr solution. are you going to get your donald trump vibe. >> my quadrennial return to a difficult period. we all have our inner donald trump we try to keep buried. bad news is joe biden has to get on stage with this guide, the 2020 debates were ugly and the moment that stands out when joe biden says, shut up, man. can you imagine two people saying that to each other. you know, the good news is, joe biden knows how he is debating.
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the most important debate prep joe biden went through was four years ago and he is the best team. he has the guru, in ron we trust. it is tough, sitting president have things to do. >> they can be a little rusty. >> they don't like people telling them they have to do this and do that, i became present without you telling me what i had to do the question is, what trump shows up. i hate saying it that way because there is only what donald trump but he has a lot of things in him dying to come out. in 2016, we did not know what we would see because he had never debated one on one. to that, he, in 2016, had message. he was obnoxious and have the lying, but immigration, healthcare, losing jobs, he had that core part that appealed to
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people. in 2020, he was more of a madman, upset about mueller, lying about covid, he was venting. on june 27, what comes out? i guess both. joe biden has a task, the first time they have been on stage since the last debate. which is strange, we all talk about them all the time like they are together forever. joe biden, a good chunk of american has forgotten what it was like about donald trump about his year. >> there is nostalgia. >> amnesia, whatever it is, there needs to be a reminder and donald trump will do that himself, but remind and reveal, say this is the guy. i was thinking, we are also deep in the trials. this is a fifth trial, in the
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sense that, donald trump, four years and his whole life is on trial for whether or not he is guilty for just doing horrible damage to the united states. right now, his lawyers in the newer case are debating whether or not he should testify and they don't want him to. he wants to. the debates, you don't know, he wants to put on the best defense. >> he has things to get off his chest. >> he is not his best defender. it is a a question of, how joe biden absorbs those punches. you know, ali-frazier, he is taking the nonsense in the body punches while trump get that out of the system. he is not speaking coherently. for someone to make so much fun of joe biden for being sleepy,
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he is falling asleep in trials, not coherent, he makes no sense. i will not use the other things he is doing because this is a family network. trump and his campaign and the republican party are being dumb, saying biden will fall over. they are lowering expectations. >> that is part of what you do when you work for a candidate. if you are joe biden, interesting to me, they have needled him more this election cycle. a tricky balance on the debate stage, what people should know about preparation, you build a podium, you literally go through and play and map out the things you will say. what should be the balance be on needle, push accomplishments?
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>> debate is not an accurate word, just snipe at each other, this is the best opportunity to speak with the camera. you have to put on the earmuffs and remember that you want to talk to the camera and talk to the american people and say, this is what i have done and what i want to do for the next four years, this is what that guy did, and that is not what we want for four more years. but you don't skip over if he says inflation is worse in american history, you say that is not true, but you need balance between telling him to shut up, and also providing -- donald trump is not provided a reason to vote for him other than he wants you to because he wants to get back at people and he doesn't like losing. not a good reason to run for president joe biden has good reasons. i love seeing that
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feisty joe biden. he can take -- he did it, beat trump twice and beat him in the election. >> if he says dude during the late, i owe you a coffee sometimes it takes comedian to realize what is going on in the reporting party, jonathan klepper joins us to talk about the gop apologist affinity for putin. >> i have a few things to say to get off my chest about samuel alito. after a quick break.
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in our system of government , the supreme court has the ultimate power of interpreting our laws and settling disputes within the bounds of the constitution. it requires a high level of impartiality and trust. after the conservative 6-3 majority first full form, the trust was lost. it was rocked by the revelation that the wife of clarence thomas was involved in a range of efforts to keep donald trump in power. and they also ended the nearly 50 year federal right to an abortion. in response to the outpouring of criticism, justices like samuel alito became unusually
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outspoken . in the fall of 2022 , he told the wall street journal everyone is free to express disagreement with our decisions, and to criticize our reasoning, but saying or implying the court is becoming an illegitimate institution or questioning our integrity crosses an important line. i agree. but the court's legitimacy is not a given. it is earned. they need to show they deserve credibility. in recent years, the court has done is subzero favors the new york times reported on an effort to influence justices as detailed by the former antiabortion leader who led a concerted effort to roll back reproductive rights. in 2023, a litany of reports came out detailing how clarence thomas had for years excepted and not disclosed gifts given to him by a republican donor.
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the growing pile of standards surrounding the court led to a new push for congress to implement any sort of accountability mechanisms. an effort that samuel alito publicly announced . he said, no provision in the constitution gives congress the authority to regulate the supreme court, period. now, the supreme court did implement a code of conduct that is toothless. in part because the justices are still the one who police themselves. as we see, that is a problem. the new york times reported that , after the january 6 attack on the capitol, justice alito's home display and upside down american flag which is a symbol of distress and a sign of protest across the political spectrum. in the context of that time, it was used by trump supporters to express their belief that joe biden and the election was illegitimate. it was carried by some of the individuals who attacked the
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capitol on january 6. in response, samuel alito wrote this , i had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag. it was briefly placed by mrs. alito in response to a neighbor using personally insulting language on yard signs. that statement does not denounce what the symbols stood for. i want to know if he slept on the couch that night as a result of the statement. whether he had anything to do with it, i don't understand how we did not see it. not matter what the insulting language was, why was that the response? the upside down american flag was a political symbol for a conspiratorial and not your typical republican voter. the times said it was hanging outside his home for a number of days. doesn't that break the basic
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tenet of all impartiality all justices should follow? it breaks their code of conduct , refraining from political activity. but he sat in the donald trump immunity case and showed no signs of recusing himself before a decision is made in the coming weeks. there lies the crisis facing the high court justices have the gall to reprimand those who question his and the courts integrity, while simultaneously choosing to ignore, excuse, and flaunt their own partisanship and culpability in undermining the very institution they are serving. coming up, how exactly did the party of ronald reagan become the party of putin? jonathan klepper is trying to get to the bottom of it in his new special and joins me after the break. the break. but this is my story. ( ♪♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful.
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we have all witnessed donald trump's refusal to
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condemn vladimir putin and praising him. the affinity from donald trump for vladimir putin has resonated with his face and a large share of elected republicans as last month the chairman of the foreign relations committee told a news agency, i think russian propaganda has made its way to the united states and infected a good chunk of my party's base. no kidding. how did this happen? this party once led by ronald reagan. that is what my next guest, jordan klepper , is trying to get to the bottom of it is new special. >> i would like to see america be more like russia. >> what you like about vladimir putin ? >> videos of him horseback riding. >> what is happening in russia is a republican wet dream. >> strong, well mannered. >> he knows where the fork
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goes, knife goes. what window the journalist goes out of. >> they have the thought that we smother point. >> what the world be safer with donald trump returning to the presidency? >> 100%. >> this looks so good. the daily show correspondent jordan klepper joins me now. you famously have been to a lot of donald trump rallies and heard them say a lot of crazy things. why did you want to take a deeper look at this issue of russia specifically and why now? >> what we have noticed over these last few months, russia has been in part of the conversation but it is affecting american government, american politics, and the conversation about vladimir putin has shifted. at one point, we were
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criticizing autocratic tendencies, we see people just celebrating vladimir putin, there was a statistic that came out that says maga base,the 50% think vladimir putin is a better president than biden. beyond plate partisanship but a shift in the republican party we wanted to explore. >> people don't know a lot about this. you said something that stuck out to me about how you notice people at donald trump rallies shied away from russia but, tucker carlson interviewed vladimir putin but there was a shift and russia came a gold star. tell me about that shift you saw. >> the tucker carlson interviewed was important. when we went out to these rallies in pennsylvania and one in wisconsin, you asked people what they thought of moscow, more and more people pointed to
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the tucker carlson interview. vladimir putin seems smart , the subways are super clean. powerful watching tucker carlson sniff a chubb honor roll. that is the danger of russian propaganda, not upgrading false stories but about telling people 80% of the things that they want to hear and 20% what they want you to hear. people like this see moscow and want to know a place like that is better than biden's america and they buy into this image. >> what the russian propaganda machine does to their own people and donald trump follows that playbook. i was curious, tucker carlson loves grocery stores there, i don't know. do you think people are misinformed about what is happening in russia? do they just want to believe the
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vibe that tucker carlson and others are projecting? what about their level of knowledge? >> what is interesting about this, that is the bigger question, is this about american gullibility? yes, useful idiots, are we just gullible? that serves vladimir putin . he wants a chaotic america. there is a darker question as well, how much of this is the maga base being fooled and how many want an autocratic regime? they like vladimir putin being anti-woke, these anti-lbgtq policies. something about how vladimir putin controls his country that is appealing to a majority of the gop base. >> as you were putting this special together, that we will
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all watch tomorrow night, did anything surprise you when you compiled in your ongoing conversations with people as you finalize the special? >> i am starting to get used to people talking about hunter biden conspiracies, i heard plenty of those on the campaign trail. what we decided to do with this is, feels like americans get farther and farther away from reality instead of letting the special live in the fields in green bay, wisconsin, i speak with the high minister of estonia and spent time in the woods with the defense league who are training in case russia invades. so much of this lives in theory and people tell you the dangers we just decided to get closer and closer to people affected by this, people who live underneath a soviet regime and
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figure out what autocracy is really like. >> is this something you really want? despite vladimir putin riding on a horse, a funny reference point. jordan klepper , so looking forward to watching this. watch the daily show presents, jordan klepper , tomorrow night on comedy central at 11:30 p.m. eastern and unparalleled plus the following day. we will see you tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. eastern with a big show stay where you are because there is much more news coming up on msnbc. nbc. just l a day blocks heartburn for a full 24 hours. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. do you want to close out? should i? normally i'd hold. but... taking the gains is smart here, right? feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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