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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  May 17, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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men, at sometimes, our master of their faith.
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the fault is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings. if you love shakespeare, that passage might be on your mind because this week, we saw maga faithful republicans make the latest trump pilgrimage, showing felty at the trial of a man accused of making hush money payments to stormy daniels, former adult film star actress, to stop her from going public with their alleged affair in the 2016 election era. we saw these republicans, indoctrinated by trump, do this not once, not twice, but three times. three times point monday, tuesday, and yesterday, three groups of the red tie brigade, most, members of the legislative branch of our federal government, skipped out on their day jobs to do donald trump's beatings and attacked this nation's criminal justice system. we've never seen anything like this. while this performative display
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of devotion to trump is a lot of things, unethical, antidemocratic, demoralizing, and karen g, is also, and this isn't exactly a journalistic way of describing it, it's weird. it's just phenomenally bizarre. imagine trying to explain what's happening right now, to your self 10 years ago. remember 2014? before donald trump came down the wretched escalator and began his mission of destroying seemingly every norm he possibly could in american politics? imagine telling that version of yourself, from 10 years ago, that the guy from the "you're fired" reality show has rented the republican party into a bunch of servile sycophants willing to attack the criminal justice system for a guy on criminal trial in a cover-up scandal involving an adult film star. the party of lincoln, they call
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it. the law and order party. these are members of congress, including the speaker of the house of representatives, people elected by voters like you and me. people whose salaries are paid for with our taxes, yours and mine. these obsequious lackeys are playing hooky from their day jobs at the behest of their dear leader. this is the boiling frog experiment on steroids. imagine if you told your boss he would miss tomorrow's appointment or shifter team meeting because you had a friend who's not a friend on trial for something like this. missing lawmakers did not go unnoticed. that was especially true in republican-led house committee hearings where those republicans doing donald trump's bidding are attacking his campaign rival, president biden, and his attorney general, merrick garland.
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>> is nice to see some of my colleague on the other side can make it. i don't know if that means there weren't enough seats in the courtroom in new york, but i know that the oversight committee canceled a hearing that was supposed to happen right now so they could be at the presidents trial and some members will miss this vote because they want to be the presidents trial and i don't think that anything could animate the phrase "do-nothing congress" more than missing votes and canceling hearings to be a spectator at your coleaders trial. that's the definition of do- nothing congress. >> now, these hearings are investigations themselves, and late last night when that offer mentioned oversight committee meeting did finally happen, republicans did more. >> you know what we are here for? you are the one talking about
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-- >> i think your fake eyelashes are messing with things. >> order. >> please regain order of your committee. >> i have a point of order and i would like to move to take down the screen's words. that is absolutely unacceptable , how dare you attack the appearance of another person. >> are your feelings hurt? >> girl, baby girl. don't even play. >> i'm curious to better understand your ruling, if someone on this committee starts talking about somebody's bleach blonde bad guilt which body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct? chairman, i make a motion to strike those words. >> i'm trying to find a clarification. >> motion to strike. >> i have no idea what you said. >> we are not going to do this. you guys literally --
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>> they just voted to do it. >> that is what got the attention. what didn't get the attention it deserved were moments like this from congresswoman crockett. >> lacking decorum, decency, left the building when donald trump showed up. we've seen constantly from him how he mocks people, we've seen in this committee how different members want to mock other members, and that's all this is about. if this was so important as it relates to whether or not the president of the united states has done something so wrong, then why is it that we could not have our hearing at 11:00 this morning instead of members being in a criminal courthouse, with a twice impeached, over 88 count indicted, sexual abuse or , instead of being here to do the work of the american people if this was serious?
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>> it wasn't just democrats calling out the republicans groveling to trump. republican senator murkowski said "do we have something to do around here other than watch this trial? this is ridiculous. >> fair question, because the answer is, yes. members of congress do have a lot more to do except that's not what republicans do anymore. they don't work with democrats to pass laws to make life better for americans like you and me. like those fraud, broken norm by broken norm, to spread the american carnage he talked about. in his very first moments as president, on his inauguration day. the number of republicans who remain unwilling to bend the knee is growing smaller and smaller. this week of insanity was capped off with the new york times reporting yet another
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trump induced controversy for the supreme court. "after the 2020 presidential election is trump supporters claim that president biden stole the office, lenny displayed a startling symbol of their homes, on their cars, and posts. an upside down american flag. one of the homes flying and inferred it flag in that time was the residence of supreme court just as samuel alito in alexandria, virginia. we will have more on that story, later this hour. first we begin with jasmine crockett, democrat of texas and a member of the house oversight committee and a criminal defense attorney whom we have known for some time. we knew her when she was in the texas legislature and an observer back then would have realized that one may pick a fight with you, but one has to expect he'll get a fight back. >> absolutely. great to see you, and thank you
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for showing that i was trying to engage in something of substance in the committee hearing as well because unfortunately, the drama is the only thing anyone knows about yesterday. when we talk about whether or not republicans are serious about doing the work of the people, you have to juxtapose the fact that the speaker of the house specifically disinvited the president of kenya for a joint address to congress because he said that we are too busy, we have too many things to do, and then these people don't show up for work and instead by the time they come in, all they do is wreak chaos and havoc. >> let's talk about this concept of even that oversight hearing, the things being discussed. it's an investigation in search of a crime. there's an actual crime being tried in court, but this congress seems fixated on doing things a out and around donald
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trump. at some point when you go back to your district in texas, people must be telling you that this can't be what they expect congress to do. >> absolutely not. my district wants me to work on real issues, like my constituent who works for the postal service and died under terrible working conditions. they want us to investigate that, to come up with things to make sure we can save lives. this particular committee decided that because they have engaged in failure after failure after failure, that now we want to point to ag garland and because we weren't able to get the homeland security secretary, and because we weren't able to get the president, now let's decide to go after the attorney general and instead say, hold him in contempt. they talked about jailing him. they talked about throwing him in jail. they want to throw him in jail
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because they say, we didn't get the audio recordings of the voluntary statement given by the president of the united states. we have the transcript and you heard them say, i've got two hearing aids, i can't hear. why does he need the audio? i'm still confused. nevertheless, they want to throw him in jail for that yet they want to go and defend trump for something so much more egregious and act like he should not be in jail at all. that's who these people are. >> isn't that the problem? at one point mike johnson said this, once you start going down this road everybody does it to everybody is it not the point that they are distracting from donald trump's alleged criminality by turning what our policy issues, if you don't like what the homeland security secretary is doing, that's policy. you don't like with the attorney general is doing, same thing.
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they are turning policy disputes into something that is meant to look like criminality. >> absolutely. they want to make it seem as if everybody is on the same level as trump and the reality is that trump is in the basement. the rest of us are residing above the basement, and think about this. what are we dealing with right now with the supreme court? we are dealing with lawyers that are saying, he needs to have a pass to commit crimes while he is president. the supreme court is listening and weighing in on this as if it's anything to think about. this is what we have devolved into. this is not a party of law and order, this is why we saw all the chaos yesterday with marjorie taylor green. there is no there, there. the truth, once marjorie broke the rules, therefore, i was not
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going to violate the rules, because i understand the rules and i'm a good lawyer, i decided to ask about that inquiry. >> if people haven't been following the story, what they are saying is not what happened. a man named david -- dana perry was found guilty last year, of shooting and murdering garrett foster and was sentenced to 25 years in prison. governor abbott said at the time that if the board of pardons and paroles would pardon him, he would pardon perry, and that's exactly what happened. daniel perry shot a man. the man had a gun as he was licensed to have in texas. he was not aiming it at anybody or using it in a threatening
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manner, but the governor in texas claims that this is a stand your ground case. >> he just decided to usurp an entire journey. it's disrespectful to the judicial system again. this is what we see. when they talk about a two- tiered justice system, that's what we see because you're the white officer that killed a black man and because he was supposedly associated with black lives matter, the governor feels as if you can go out and kill them. there was more outrage when we started talking about kristi noem and her killing a dog then we get when people kill actual people and yes, black folks in this country are people as well and this is what we get when we decide, i'm not a racist, but i'm going to vote for him because i like his tax policies. you are supporting racism when you allow these types of people to go ahead and ascended to the highest levels of power and let me tell you, the real two tier justice system is the one that says that this guy gets out of
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jail for taking a life while this other guy is not even facing three of the four indictments pending against him as he is currently trying to ascend to the most powerful position we have in this country and ultimately, potentially wreak the same level of havoc as we know he was also letting his criminal friends out of prison when he had the power as well. >> and he said he will do so again if he gets the presidency again. jasmine crockett, good to see you, thank you for joining us. coming up, confirmed beyond a doubt that most republicans have not only accepted but are actively embracing donald trump's attack on the rule of law and the criminal just this is them. it's scary, when combined with donald trump asking the supreme court for immunity for any and all crimes he may have committed as president. that's next. ank... frank?)
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another affective -- a fact of donald trump's american carnage is that he says increasingly crazy and incendiary stuff and no one pays attention. take this example. saturday, during a rally in new jersey he memorialized someone who is not a real person and is a serial killer and is a cannibal. >> the late, great, hannibal lector was a wonderful man. he often times would have a friend for dinner. i'm about to have a friend for dinner, but hannibal lector, congratulations, the late, great, hannibal lector. >> if any other political candidate said something like that you would never hear the end of it. trump is blown a fuse in american politics. our existing ways of understanding politics cannot make sense of how something that bonkers comes out of the mouth of the major presidential candidate and
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hundreds of people cheered and kept listening. it seems like he needs a psychiatrist. it's incomprehensible and everyone moves on because he is also on trial in criminal court , also a new rock bottom for a former american president. this week he complained about the legal jeopardy he's created for himself, saying things that are total lies. >> people are leaving, but major companies with tremendous taxpayer dollars, millions of people, literally, people are leaving. >> what is he talking about? first and foremost, that's a blatant lie and a ridiculous thing to say and it reminds you of that moment of austin powers with dr. evil says this. >> my father would woman eyes,
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he would drink, he would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark. >> joining us now is stuart stevens, senior adviser at the lincoln project and a pro- democracy media platform, the author of "it was all a lie," i mean, it's of skewer, that you and i haven't talked for many years and would be on tv discussing his silly austin powers quote but that is how ridiculous it is. the companies and people leaving new york in droves. but he just says it and i'm not entirely sure what to do. what do you do when a presidential candidate and former president starts talking about hannibal lector out of context? do you move on or say, this is too crazy to comprehend? >> there are two things at work. there is a cognitive decline in donald trump. if you look at donald trump
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eight years ago, he's a very different person. he was racist, sexist, but he wasn't in the cognitive decline he's in now. this is a guy was on the fast track to dementia and we should talk about that because it's extraordinarily dangerous. do you really want to give nuclear weapons to someone who talks in public about hannibal lector as if he is a real person? it doesn't have anything to do with right or left or conservative. this is a man in the klein and he should never be president. >> but there is a right and left and there are people who have opinions across the political spectrum, and i would think that it's a great time for some of this people to do with people like you have done and say, what are my political beliefs, whatever i want is not
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getting achieved with this guy. we are not furthering debate in american politics with this guy and yet they line up. they go to that courtroom. if you've ever showed up, it wouldn't affect you and yet, they go. >> yeah, it was a useful instrument. you know, that's why i wrote this book. i don't know any other conclusion to come to. this party, this is the character counts party? they are up there, he's just like you that an aging boy band reunion, a guy who wants to be president of the united state and is accused of having a relationship with a star days after his son was born and
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paying her off, it is so tawdry. the single most powerful message was restoring honor and dignity. it works better than anything else because it resonated with people and i still think that america is out there. the republican party is out of step with america and i think it's one of the reasons joe biden is going to win. >> i do think america is out there. that's positive. even, good to see you, thank you for joining us. coming up, we knew the wife of supreme court justice clarence thomas was at the trump rally before the attack on the capital and was urging mark meadows to overturn the election results. now, the new york times is reporting that days after the january 6th attack, an american flag was flown upside down at the home of supreme court justice samuel alito. a symbol that was, at the time,
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being used as an indication of support for donald trump's attempt to overturn the election. those justices right now are considering whether to give donald trump immunity for the crimes he allegedly committed, including, up to, and on january 6th. that story is next. wait! no, no, no, no, no. [ gasps ] [ indistinct chatter ] [ sigh ] let's just wait them out. the volkswagen atlas with three rows of seating for seven. everyone wants a ride. [ snoring ] ok, get in. [ speaking minionese ] yippee! and see "despicable me 4" in theaters july 3rd. rated pg.
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including whether donald trump has absolute immunity from prosecution for trying to still the 2020 election. the new york times is reporting that for days following the january 6th attack at the capital, neighbors saw the american flag displayed outside the home of conservative justice samuel alito had been turned upside down. inverting the american flag has been used by him trump supporters including at the capital, believe trump's lies that the 2020 election was stolen. in an emailed statement, alito said "i had no involvement whatsoever in the flying of the flag. it was briefly placed by mrs. alito in response to a neighbor's use of objectionable and personally insulting language on yard signs." today, he offered this justification on fox. "he told me a neighbor on the street had an "-- trump" sign 50 feet away
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from where children went to the bus. his wife brought this up with the neighbor and things escalated and the neighbor put up a sign personally addressing their family and blaming his wife for the january 6 the tax. the justice that he and his wife were walking in the neighborhood and there were words between his wife and a male at the home with the sign. he says the man engaged in vulgar language. following the exchange, his wife was distraught and hung the flag upside down for a short time. the justice says some neighbors on his treat are "very political" and acknowledges that it was a heated time in january 2021. let's consider what he did not say in any of those explanations. edward isaac devere points out
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that samuel alito does not explain why his wife's reaction to that sign and being insulted was to hang an american flag upside down in the days after january's next. the host of the daily goes further, writing that crucially, they don't deny that the flag was flying upside down, they don't deny the meaning, they don't express disapproval and don't disavow it. the new york times reports that given the timing and starkness of the symbol, neighbors interpreted that as a political statement by the couple. now we have not one but two supreme court justices who appear to be at least openly in support of one political candidate and neither samuel alito nor clarence thomas recused themselves from cases currently being decided by this court. right now, directly influencing how donald trump and other january 6 defendants can be prosecuted for their
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alleged crimes. democrats are calling on samuel alito to recuse himself immediately including the senate judiciary chairman who said "flying in upside down american flag clearly creates the appearance of bias. the justice should recuse himself immediately from cases related to the 2020 election and the january 6 insurrection including the question of the former presidents immunity in u.s. forces donald trump, which the supreme court is currently considering. the court is an ethical crisis of its own making and justice alito and the rest of the court should be doing everything in their power to regain public trust." joining us is member's wall well who served in the second impeachment of donald trump and is suing trump over the january 6 riot. we also have a former united states attorney and professor
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at the university of alabama school of law in cohost of "sisters-in-law" and a senior fellow at the brennan center for justice at nyu law. good evening and thank you for joining us. congressman, let's start with you. as i read this, and had this conversation with my executive producer, saying i think we should wait to see whether he has a reasonable explanation like he always puts the flag upside down, whatever, he offered an explanation and at no point did he say that he shouldn't have done that or didn't mean it to be a symbol that it came off as, he let it hang out that we have him hang that upside down. or his wife did. >> it's an excuse, not a reason, and is as upside down as the flag he and his wife
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flew. for democrats, this is a flashy warning sign for us that the supreme court matters and if we don't tie the presidency, we talk about it at debates and the convention, we talk about it with voters, we will pay the price for decades for having extreme judges on the bench. i'm sure that joyce would make this point, as a former prosecutor, the most important attribute for any judge that presides over any case is judicial temperament. even if you were to buy his excuse, what is the day about a justice that he and his wife are so easily rated by a disagreement on the block that their response would be to just completely throw out the window and he perception of independence that he should have? that means to me that he
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certainly should not be presiding over the most serious cases that come before the court and should not preside over any case that has to do january 6. >> so let's dig into that because there are two distinct points, there's a point in the story that the justice gives to this reporter, that i get, right? there were words exchanged, people, justices or judges or lawyers or regular people have a right to be miffed by something a neighbor may have said. how it got from there to an upside down flag and what that is supposed is one matter i'd like you to talk about and second, how do we deal with the fact that there's an actual case before justice alito and his colleagues having to do with donald trump and his behavior as it related to the election in january? >> you know, this should not be a difficult situation to deal with. if this was a democratic
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supreme court justice who had done it, a democratic appointee, i think we know what the answer would be. this is a situation that happened in the week of january 6, the inauguration of joe biden has not yet happened in the upside down flag has become a symbol of the stop the steel movement. that's clearly the context in which this happened. bill flag is up a couple days. we don't know exactly how long. the justice presumably drives in and out of his home during those days. my husband was just a state court judge but if one of our kids had done something like that, he would have immediately taken it down and reminded the kids that as a judge, he has an obligation to preserve the appearance of absolute neutrality and to live that, right? that's your obligation is the judge, to be a fair and neutral judge. it's an even higher obligation for a supreme court justice and the problem is we have a supreme court that doesn't have formal ethics rules.
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it's up to each justice to decide their own behavior so i think that you're right, we have to put the supreme court on the ballot because it's something the republicans have done successfully, especially conservative republicans, from the federalist society for decades. they said you may not like the nominee but the president appoints supreme court justices and that's an important policy. i think we need to see that that happens on both sides of the aisle and of democrats believe in these egalitarian principles, they need to make sure that people in their party understand the impact of appointing supreme court justices. >> we do have agency, and all of that can be achieved if americans understand the stakes . combine that with the other stakes out there, including reproductive freedom on the climate and the situation in the world around us. that should be obvious that
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there's a lot of time between now and the election and we are expecting to hear from that supreme court on this matter of donald trump's immunity and they have not shown any interest in hearing the concerns or complaints of people who think they may have been affected by their spouses involvement or their own views on the matter. >> i think we can do two things. public sentiment should persist and that is powerful. viewers have agency to express outrage and the belief that they should recuse, but in congress, we need to make clear that in a democratic majority, that we will seek to put a code of ethics in place and leader jeffries put out a statement saying that in the majority, we will seek to do that. i have long resisted being part of the effort to call for that
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and that's maybe because i had high-minded concepts supreme court would be able to police themselves, but justice thomas and alito have shown they can't. even if chief justice roberts wants that to happen, they won't do it unless congress puts it into law and has penalties for violations. >> is that likely? is that likely to happen in our super polarized world? >> it's tough. there are questions about whether it's constitutional and i regretfully come to the same conclusion and when you think about it, these rules exist on a mandatory basis through all of the judges in the lower courts, appeals, federal district court judges across the country, are bound by ethical guidelines and the problem is that the supreme court justices have repeatedly proven that voluntary guidelines don't work. there has to be something more. it's not a straight jump did
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every judge is not forced to recuse but there's a notion of accountability and of judges and justices are asking all of us to be accountable under the law, then we expect the same. >> thank you, i appreciate your analysis this. coming up, the market is solid, wages are up, the stock market is seeing record highs, good news for many people's retirement and pension funds. how does the biden team talk about these positives while hearing voters who are facing higher prices? robert rice joins us next.
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could be the first ever record close, 10 seconds to the end of a wonderful week. >> stocks are soaring under president biden. the dow closed up of 40,000. >> the very last second of training, the dow did move over 40,000, with a gain of about 143rd of -- hundred 34 points. we are optimistic on the stock front. >> i been in economic reporter since before the dow crossed 2000 and i've never loved leaning too far into the stock
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market is the most important of economic measures because as i've shared, the view that presidents gave too much blame and credit for the performance of the stock market, not everyone agrees. the stock market is, by a country mile, donald trump's favorite metric. it's breaking his brain a bit, as you can see. >> they can say what, if things are so bad, what about the stock market? you think the stock market is rallying for you? >> joining us now is the former secretary of labor under bill clinton. i'm not even sure that he can explain what donald trump was saying. he's a professor of public policy and cofounder of inequality media which will be irrelevant in this conversation. when we talk about the stock market, inequality comes up. we have wages rising faster
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than inflation, we've got inflation that has cooled it to some degree but is not as much is the fed would've liked. we have a strong gdp, people involved in the economy, 4% unemployment. talk to me about this. >> let me underscore that. it's a role, they own about 52%. the richest 10% of americans own 93%. if the stock market does well, that's great, but it's not helping most americans. >> let's dispense of it for a
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moment because the things that do help americans our jobs, wages, and affordability. if you got a mortgage a few years ago at the percent or something like that for 30 years, you're probably fine. if you are renting today in major american cities, and as a long-term infrastructure problem, things are tough. your inflation rate looks very different than mine. >> exactly. a high interest rate for something that are not talked about much in terms of lower income people and the effect on lower income people, the fact of the matter is it's not just mortgages and rent, but also auto loans, and all of the bank credit cards and credit card fees, and a lot of lower income people are burned badly by high interest rates. >> so here's the problem.
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people want joe biden and his administration to talk about the actual things they are doing in the economy that are good in the long term, and some of the short-term gains, but in particular, progressives want it to be recognized that we still have remarkable inequality, we have some people for whom inflation is hard to control. how do you message that? what is the message right now, what is biden doing that is good and what do you tell people who are dissatisfied? i'm not talking about the critics who would just carry on about his failed economy, i'm talking real people who say this is still an unequal society. >> you say yes, it is unequal and joe biden is the first president in years, arguably the first president since roosevelt, who has really taken on the structure of the economy in terms of using antitrust law to break up some of the biggest monopolies, making the labor
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laws really work for people, for workers, to organize unions, increasing the number of people who get overtime, and we could go through the list and we have a lot of new manufacturing jobs. the chips act and the other major invest that joe biden has made are very much about holding up the middle class in this country. it will take time. it cannot be done overnight and it will not be the -- be persuasive to people who are cynical about the economy to say oh, you are doing very well. that doesn't work. you got to say, here is the direction the economy is taking under joe biden. here is why biden is doing and here is why you are, and your children, will be much better off in years ahead. >> i will leave it at that because anything else i say will only spoil that articulate message. good to see you.
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your vote will live after you. it will live in the supreme court. your vote will decide what century we live in. will we live in an age of constitutional enlightenment or do we live in 1864? your vote is not just about the next four years. your vote is nothing less then an exercise in incredible intergenerational power that will live long after you. this sunday in atlanta, president biden will deliver the commencement address at morehouse college, a historically black college that counts the reverend dr. martin luther king junior as one of its graduates. at of the speech, biden spoke to the atlanta radio station about what his administration is done for black georgia residents. >> we created 15 million new
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jobs. we built black wealth backup. blackwell is up 60% since the pandemic. black homeownership is built up. i'm fighting back against racial bias in home appraisal. nearly 1 million new business applications in george after investing hundreds of millions of dollars in small business. save 76,000 black homeowners more than $800 a month and promise to relieve student debt, and i did. hundred $60 billion in student loan debt and nearly 4.6 million borrowers, including many black borrowers in georgia. >> president biden returns to atlanta june 27th to debate former president donald trump for the first debate of the 2024 presidential campaign. in the 2020 election, president biden won georgia by fewer than 12,000 votes. a new film debuting sunday tells the story of how democrats turned georgia blue in 2020, overcoming voter suppression to do it. >> grassroots organizers have
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played an enormous role in getting georgia to a rate of 95% of all age eligible georgians registered to vote. 95%. >> i'm registered. >> are you registered? >> i am. i was three years ago. >> they doing a list maintenance and i want to make sure you're not off. >> i am inspired at the resolve i see with people. there is something about people really being grounded in resistance. we know we should be out here and yes, a whole lot of days i do these hours, but right now, i'm staying in this space. >> former vice president joe biden has been elected president of the united states.
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>> the people of this nation have spoken. they delivered us a clear victory. >> we were not surprised by the election. we were not surprised by the results. we are not surprised georgia is at the center of the universe and flipping this country. a number of us have done the work and build the base that made it possible. >> watch "battle ground georgia" sunday at 9:00 eastern on msnbc did if you are in the chicago area, i might see you in person. i will be at the chicago humanities festival tomorrow with my friend and colleague, jen. i will be at tech sermon hall at 3:00 for a conversation about the responsibilities of citizenship and social justice. go to chicago for tickets. see you tomorrow. " the 11th hour" starts right now. >> former president trump's new york hush money trial is on today