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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  May 5, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PDT

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get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. now, today's other top stories. great news for millions of people here in the northeast. cruise we opened -- reopen both sides of i-95.
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finishing an overpass after last week's fiery rack. police say a car merging onto the interstate hit the truck before bursting into flames but amazingly nobody was injured. nasa astronauts are counting down, the crew is set to finally launch the space station tomorrow after years of delays. a thrilling outcome in the kentucky derby where mystic dan won, take a look at this extraordinary photo finish there after several minutes of deliberation. the judges declared the winner. in moments, why the jury is about to hear more in the donald trump trial plus when they take the stand. started a good day to all of you, welcome everyone.
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officially six months to go until election day. president biden spending the weekend in delaware with his campaign focusing on a less is more campaign approach to speeches. registered voters shows the race is close with biden leading trump by just 1%. we are going to begin with the latest on the biden campaigns. welcome to you. we have six months today. we have new reporting about the biden campaign looking to somewhat scale back the president speeches out on the trail. tell us about that and how they are responding. are responding.
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>> let me also add, they are being creative, i am a star wars fan and i love yesterday when they put out on x, may the fourth be with you. and then mark hamill pokes his head in and goes always. >> another thing. it's fun. i appreciated that one. so what are we learning from this big florida donor retreat, what do you know about it? >> donald trump hosted a private donor event this weekend. a pretty politically star- studded event at least in terms of a potential vice president contender for the former president. most of them are all presidents, doug burgum, the count goes on and on and in pretty trump like
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fashion, he referenced each of these potential candidates at different times brought them on stage and gave them compliments to see how they interacted with the crowd. >> the actual vetting of a lot of these candidates, the beginning stages of narrowing down a list hasn't really begun yet as far as we know. there has not been that vetting process for a lot of them. there have not been those questionnaires to actually get a shortlist going. this felt like one of those weekends that is very much a tryout for some of trump's favorite. donald trump's daughter-in-law and also the coach made the media this morning and she was really doing trump spitting for him echoing a common cry that biden takes the debate stayed with the former president. just take a listen to that. >> it is imperative to see these two men on a stage. to see these two candidates.
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being the leader of the free world, head to head face to face on a debate stage. we need to hear from them not only about what they accomplished in their presidencies, but their vision for the future of this country. >> we had laura trump making the media rounds for the former president, the former president himself posting this donor event with the contenders, he is actually out on the trail rallying but you can argue an important one when we've seen these bp contenders begin to kind of get their way in and see how they interact with the donors, it's worth noting that as far as we know, no public favorability uniquely to any of these candidates or anyone just yet rising to the top. we know that is sure to come. >> that's for sure, thank you for that. also today, intense scenes as police were called into protesters on college campuses, this is the scene a bit earlier, university of southern california in los angeles, police were clearing and kim and there for the second time.
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protesters did comply. they in charlottesville, police and tactical gear arrested at least 25 people after clearing demonstrators off of a campus lawn. you can see there using a teargas on dozens of people. the university saying that they were prohibited in school policy despite the encampment being peaceful. jay gray is joining us from the university of texas in austin were demonstrations are happening right now for the stand with palestine made a. a day that was delayed do to whether. talk about the scene. there is a lot of people >> reporter: absolutely, it has grown since the last time we talked. i can tell you that there are a couple of hundred people that we continue to see on the campus here all with the same message, don't forget what is going on right now in gaza, they want to see this university and others across the university divest any business any relationship they have with any of the weapons manufacturers who are selling
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arms. they call for the president to resign over the last couple of weeks, more than 100 people were arrested, horses were brought in, riot police as well as officers surrounding this entire area. know of those hundreds arrested we should say that most of them were allowed to have hard charges dropped. they were released and the charges were dropped. there is a frustration over police presence for sure. >> i do not believe it is necessary simply because it is not responding to violence, it is creating it, it is causing this violence to students. it is completely different from what they say which is that the protesters are the ones causing the violence which i don't believe.
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>> reporter: so there is a big frustration with a lot of people here. students, those from austin were gathering here and we've even talk to some of the faculty year about the police presence. they say it is really exciting things. we want to show you exactly what's coming -- going on with the police presence. just as we do that on live tv, what was a huge gathering of officers from state police to local police even campus police, they moved their position. i can tell you that there is a huge group of police here and perhaps moving to another area on the campus, a bit closer to where things are going here. there is a big presence here and that is something that has frustrated a lot of those who have gathered in this. >> at the police aren't there, it means that they think things are under control and that is goodness. thank you. what to expect this we got donald trump's trial, plus
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michael cohen, when might he surface? we are back in 60 seconds. sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil. ♪ ♪ choose advil liqui-gels for faster, stronger and longer-lasting relief than tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away.
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week four of the new york criminal trial against donald trump against tomorrow at 9:30 a.m. the former president will be off the campaign trail all week . tomorrow the prosecution will call its 10th witness after the jury heard a week of gripping testimony from the loyal -- lawyer who helped and one of donald trump's closest aides. joining me now we have dave ehrenberg and patricia hurtado, legal reporter for bloomberg news and i welcome you both. patricia, what are your big takeaways from the trial this week? >> it was actually stunning to hear him describe the chaos that erupted when the campaign was notified that the story was about to break about the karen
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mcdougal payoffs. they were preparing for donald trump to have his debate against hillary clinton and she described going to her room with that the likes of stephen miller and chris christie all helping trump prepare for his debate with hillary clinton and they have to tell him about this story that is about to break and they were worried right after. >> of course, talking about that, the testimony appeared to show that she was grateful for trump supporting and launching the career. it meant that she knew more about this scheme then trump would have liked. did her testimony do more to help the prosecution or the defense? >> i think it helped the prosecution because she clearly stated that this was about
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getting donald trump elected. this whole scheme was about helping him through the election. although it is true, she did say that trump was worried about the reaction and that will help the defense. she said it was a bigger priority to get trump elected. this was about the campaign. that's why prosecutors called her and that is why she is a witness. it didn't hurt the prosecutors that she broke down during cross-examination and started crying because you can see the emotion in her that she had to in essence write out her boss, the guy that she likes and admires and she knew the import of that moment, she was helping put him perhaps behind bars in a conviction. that's why i think she showed that emotion and i think that is a lasting impression. >> let me just tell you what a new york times reporter told me. she said that point that hope made where she said that donald trump was worried about milani, something that she made, it was
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more about the campaign, she said you're going to have to believe that melania lived in some sort of a new silo and just not getting the newspapers that she would have no idea what was going on, the jury would have to believe that. let me ask you about this because donald trump gave his opinion of how the trial is going outside the courtroom on friday, listen. >> the judges highly conflicted, you should not be allowed to be the judge of this case. he is trying to make it as salacious as possible by allowing for us -- it has nothing to do with the case. he wants to make it in isolation's case, trying to hurt trump. the poll numbers are higher than they've ever been and that's the story. is trying to make it salacious. he is allowing things and that have nothing to do with this case. nothing to do with it. >> okay, patricia, three times using the word salacious, is
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that really how this trial is going? >> it struck me on friday about the testimony, here is a woman that is obviously uncomfortable being there, obviously she mentioned that i have to testify before the grand jury and i have to tell them what they are asking me know. she is obviously very troubled which is why she started crying at the end of the direct in the beginning of the cross. but what she said was two important things. what was his state of mind, what did he know about this payoff? and she said that trump told her that michael had paid money to silence this woman and that he had done nothing wrong. the jury might think otherwise because they've heard different testimony from different people about stormy daniels and karen mcdougal. the second thing she said was that trump said that
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it was better that it came out now after he was elected president than if it had come out when he was running during his candidacy in 2016. two crucial points, the jury has to know the state of mind, what is donald trump state of mind, what does he know about these payouts? here he is saying two times, i didn't do anything with that, i didn't do anything wrong. number two, it was better that it came out after i got elected. >> let's talk about the new york times which describes the prosecution strategy for the opening phase of testimony as spotlight the sleeves and soft- pedal the records. do you agree with that analysis so far? and if so, is it an effective approach? >> yes, you want to take the sting out of the weaknesses. you don't want the defense to be the first ones to point out the flaws in the key witnesses. what they're trying to do is to establish a firewall around the
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key witness of michael cohen. michael cohen is a flawed witness. if you come up with a pre- bottle, you got david , you have keith davidson and now you have karen mcdougal and stormy daniels. by the time that michael cohen takes a stand the jurors will already have seen the facts and they are going to be more willing to believe him. i do not believe that michael cohen will be the final witness. he is a flawed witness. they go into the deliberation room, they are working really hard to point out these in advance to give the evidence in advance to protect michael cohen to create the firewall and i think that's working. >> this is the week that the prosecution will likely start focusing on that. what documents will the jury see? >> they're going to see the signed checks. reimbursing
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michael cohen for his hush money payments to stormy daniels. we have already seen a ton of email exchanges and we know that donald trump didn't send emails, but all of his under links did. the combination of his text messages to david parker and dylan howard, the national editor, we've seen already lots of communications so we've already seen a ton of records, but is a paper trail. he is claiming that these are salacious sleazy allegations, this is a story about a porn star and a playboy model and coverups in payments of money, whose idea is that?
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it donald trump may complain about that but that is the essence of this case. >> very true. >> the business records violation of the people have brought against president trump, the 34 counts are really just 34 pieces of paper. so, what does the prosecution have to do to show the jury that those 34 pieces of paper have criminal intent to them? >> this is all about the falsification of business records which is just a misdemeanor. two, a felony it's got to see another crime. is so far the prosecution has been successful in tying trump to the scheme and to show that it was meant to influence the election. the only missing piece of the puzzle is that the prosecution has not yet established that donald trump was involved in the falsification of the business record itself. so when they attributed these
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payments as legal fees, with donald trump responsible for that? that's why think they're going to use michael cohen. just filling in the last piece of the puzzle. you're right, it's just 34 pieces of paper but as a prosecutor, pieces of paper will get you a lot of present time. trying to minimize it but i don't think it's working. >> when do you think they take a stand? >> it's obvious that what they're doing is been building up slowly. handicapping this has been a game among journalists for weeks now. when are they going to put them on. they lay the groundwork completely and he could be the ultimate witness. he has been basically the guy that is going to put all of this, tile of the loose ends together. we still need to see a little bit more about the finances and the payments we've heard.
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any day now is probably the best guess. >> good to see you both, thank you very much. >> the development in the peace talks aimed at stopping the israel hamas war. coming up. for one and done heartburn relief, prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn. at bombas, we're obsessed with comfort. softness. quality. because your basic things should be your best things. one purchased equals one donated. visit and get 20% off your first order. if you have moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's disease... put it in check with rinvoq... a once—daily pill. when symptoms tried to take control, i got rapid relief...
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so, the latest round of cease-fire talks and today without a deal. prime minister benjamin netanyahu says israel will not agree and hinted at military action to come in gaza. so, welcome. >> reporter: what we know is that at this point that the negotiations have ended for tonight. we know that hamas has left going back to brief the leadership. they say in a statement that they continue to be positive and they also said that there came to agreement. hamas is coming to a couple of things. they want to remove all of the troops and they also displace people to return back to their communities. we heard today from prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu doubling down essentially saying that ending the war is not going to happen . they have also said that deal or no deal, they still plan on this grant encouragement, we heard from netanyahu earlier today and i want you to listen to a little bit of what he had to say today . >> [ speaking in a global language ] >> reporter: now, senior u.s. officials indicated that israel
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indicated that they would be open to a more than six weeks cease-fire. at this point there is no deal. there are some discrepancies here. >> joining me now is massachusetts congressman. let's get into this. officials say that both hamas and israel had shown compromise in recent days. the current proposal now heading back to brief the leadership, it included two six- week withdrawal. but then you have today rejecting demands for a total end of the war. let's take a listen to what he had to say. here it is. >> [ speaking in a global language ]
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>> so, what happens now? is he stalling for a better deal for israel? or does he seem undeterred for ending this war? >> reporter: this deal is acceptable. thanks to the work of joe biden, it's not a fair deal. fair deal would be that all of these hostages the elderly and americans, terrorists, when
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that happens, they're going to be unreasonable and immoral demands made, he cannot guarantee to permanently in this conflict for the very simple reason. they will violated and the war will renew. that's not my opinion, hamas has done that half a dozen times before that. the development, the basic services to be excluded going forward. that is really the core of the disagreement. >> okay, let's move to the ongoing protest some of which as you know have been violent particularly when police have
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been called in. give me a grade that you want to give schools for the handling free speech and expression along with campus safety. >> the response has been so desperate. they have responded superbly. outside of massachusetts have responded well with strong leadership. ucla abysmally. it's important to know that if these protesting demands were met by the president, these hostages would be doomed to die in captivity. these protests, different protesters have different points of view. the overall character of these protests is in fact anti-semitic and pro-terrorists. we cannot
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be worried about the electoral impact, we got to do what's right. it's not going to be college students in california anyway. michigan and wisconsin and pennsylvania. we don't have a lot of sympathy in ivy league campuses. >> that has left many jewish students afraid for their safety. is it complicated by jewish students who at the same time are showing empathy for palestinians in gaza? >> the full afternoon. and what i heard from them, students who aren't deeply empathetic
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a hostile learning environment, young jewish students particularly progressive students are excluded from places of academia because of who they are and because of the beliefs. that is a title vi violation. not just university leadership university board members need to be liable for those infractions. >> we are going to switch gears and talk right now about what is happening this week in congress. standing in her way are some republicans and democrats pledging to defend johnson. is this a good move for democrats. an argument could be made for just letting republicans fight and put their dysfunction and chaos on full display?
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>> i will be one of those democrats to defend mike johnson. this is now the third time in 18 months that house republicans have been consumed. i think the point has been made to the american people. at this time, how do we invest in infrastructure, how do we pass bipartisan. this time around it's been just zigzagging from one clown show to the next. did not lie, ultimately did stand up to his extreme wing. he should not then be booted from power in a platform and extreme beliefs.
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breaking news as we are keeping an eye on severe weather heading the south, even
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more rain is prompting weather officials to extend a flood watch for millions. so, let's talk about the flooding, lost our use of the rain had lifted but that does not mean the folks are out of the woods. >> reporter: yeah, that's right. last hour that we spoke the sun was even out a little bit. it felt like a real break. i will tell you right now it is overcast, we are starting to get a little bit of a drizzle. and that is what it has been like for these communities over the past several days just a relentless round of rain and that has led to flooded streets, we have seen cars that have just been submerged, homes that have been underwater. some areas have gotten more than two feet of water and that's in addition to what they are getting today which in some isolated areas could be anywhere, one couple, a brief
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moment yesterday they were among the folks who had to be evacuated by first responders as that water. and how they were doing, i want to play a little bit of what erika and frank shared. >> god bless that. >> reporter: they were among the hundreds who had to be rescued and evacuated by first responders. the good news is that, because a lot of people were able to get out on friday when this first started, we believe that most people are out of their homes and when it will start to go down. and one more bit of good news so far. there have
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been no fatalities or major injuries reported. >> let's hope it stays that way, thank you so much. >> he is calling at the sleazy lawyer affect. what he means when we talk about the donald trump trial next.
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you have afib. but if you do, making that appointment can help you get ahead of stroke risk. contact a doctor and learn more at donald trump back in the courtroom tomorrow in his new york hush money trial after last week's headline making testimony from former white
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house aide and warnings from the judge of trump continues to violate his gag order. joining me know, the author of the old goats newsletter, jonathan alter. and i just quickly say congrats on being a grandfather the second time. charlotte who we love on this show as well. her second daughter. good for you. i'm just really happy for you, my friend. getting into this, you say that he is unlikely to actually jailed trump is there anything meaningful that he can do besides these low-level fines? they are kept by law. they appear to not inflict any harm on trump. what is at his disposal here? >> this is an unlikely thing to happen. i have proposed that what he does is what city judges sometimes do in sentence trump to some brief community service in the parks are on the highway.
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wearing an orange jumpsuit and picking up trash. i think that would be a good punishment for him right now but i doubt judge will use a >> i'm literally trying to envision this, i can't but might as well throw it out there. you write about the cross examinations thursday witness keith davidson, the lawyer who represented carol minnick to dual -- karen mcdougal. what do you mean by a sleazy lawyer defense and would it work? >> well, i don't know whether it will work, i tend to doubt it. what it did do is it introduced to me this notion that some jurors could be reacting to keith davidson who is stormy daniels and karen mcdougal's
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lawyer or was in the past their lawyer. these two guys, they're just both sleazy and they both don't tell the truth and they both are basically extortionists on cross- examination, keith davidson, who had done pretty well on direct on tuesday. he did not do well on cross. he came across as arrogant. he would say i don't recall when the jury knew perfectly well that he did and he underground -- under cross examination revealed that the cases of hulk hogan and charlie sheen and lindsay lohan and a lot of celebrities in trouble mentioned the courtroom and all of these cases, keith davidson was essentially acting as a sex tape of broker and extortionists whether it cross the line into legal extortion or illegal extortion or not is
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a separate question. clearly that was the game that he was playing and he was in much more touch with michael cohen in this period then we learned under direct examination . you can see the jury kind of going both of these guys, they're just trying to victimize donald trump, hit him up for some money. that wasn't a good look for the prosecution. >> so you are hinting your latest newsletter that you think freddie went better for the prosecution. why is that, and did it not matter that hope did not have any specific testimony on the payment itself? >> that did not matter obviously it would've been great if she had, i don't think they were expecting that but she exceeded the expectations not just of the reporters in
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the room in terms of her prosecution, but i get the sense that even the prosecutors were surprised by how dramatic her testimony was. everybody knows about the crying but with the crying represented was a kind of, the tears were almost like a watermark so to speak on extraordinarily important testimony right at the end of her direct examination when it was just a minute later when her gentle cross began from the defense that she broke down in tears and on friday, i had a bad seed in the courtroom, it varies. i was in the second to last row and i could still hear her sobs and the jury was, why was she crying? we probably won't know until she writes a book. the
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importance of the crying was that it came just after she had said at two very important things in 2018 when the stormy daniels story finally broke in public in the payments that donald trump said to her in the white house that he had done this out of, quote, the goodness of his heart and hadn't told anybody and hicks revealed that she wasn't buying what her boss and mentor was selling that she didn't believe that michael cohen did that out of the goodness of his heart out of approval of the president or than the candidate donald trump. and then to put even more of a punctuation point on it, she said that trump said to her, it
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was better that this came out now in 2018 then in 2016 when it would've been, quote, bad for us if it had come out and that went right into the prosecution narrative. it reconfirmed the prosecution's case that it wasn't concern out of hurting his family, that might've been a minor factor. it was this idea that they had to get the money to stormy daniels before the election and we've heard a lot of testimony about this. this confirmation. it really disturbed her so much that only a minute or two later she broke into tears. >> absolutely okay, we will be back in the courtroom. thanks and congrats to you and your family. here for my focus group about an issue that will be a very
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11:58 am
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12:00 pm
on the campaign trail, abortion is a top issue among voters as reproductive rights are being stripped down in many states across the country. in our focus group, chelsea spoke with a young group in wisconsin about how abortion could impact votes.>> i talked to 16 wisconsin independent voters under the age of 30 who are all college students, the majority of them told us abortion would have be a big factor in how they would decide to vote in this election. majority support access to the procedure, they were very concerned about efforts to restrict access around the country. they also blamed trump for roe v. wade being overturned, as he appointed


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