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tv   Alex Witt Reports  MSNBC  May 5, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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night. donald trump stroh said to resume. former u.s. attorney from the southern district of new york will join me onset and so will be former trump white house press secretary. another quick reminder that my book comes out this tuesday. i will be visiting a lot of different cities on my book tours over the next few weeks for some great conversations with some people you will definitely recognize. we will put all of the information on our social media pages, and i hope to see a lot of you out on the road. in the meantime we will see you tomorrow night at 8:00. stay right where you are because there is much more news coming up on and be msnbc. msnb.
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lago. la surrounding himself with donors and potential vice presidential picks. many of them going on the sunday talk shows today touting him as president. >> the amount of talent that we have in the republican party is extraordinary. he has a bunch of choices for cabinet. he will have an extraordinary group of talented people that can serve this country. >> if the election was held today, trump would be winning in places where he had success, joe biden is having failure. were present trump is strong, joe biden > has been week. >> we were excited to have a conversation. we've had no conversations about the vp pick.
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>> trump used the word to stop to describe the biden administration and complaining about his legal troubles. president biden spent a quiet weekend in delaware. his campaign using a less is more strategy. a new poll of registered voters shows a tight race with joe biden leading 1% and that is within the margin of error. the hush money trial resumes tomorrow after an explosive dave testimony friday with hope hicks. meantime, at the university of southern california police surrounded a pro-palestinian encampment happened in the early morning hours. protesters were told they face arrest if they did not go. they left peacefully, but many vowed to return. we will have more on that. eric adams talking about
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the protests and the arrests they came to a head this week at columbia. >> we want to protect democracy and the right to protest, but we have an obligation when those protests reach the point of violence, as the president stated, we have to be sure we use a minimum amount of force to terminate what is perceived to be a threat. >> hamas said peace talks have just ended with no deal. benjamin netanyahu saying earlier today he cannot accept any deal ending the war in gazah that keeps hamas and power. we have a number of reporters in place covering all these developments. we ovbegin with dasha . >> reporter: palm beach became the epicenter of gop politics ol this weekend. it's the first major retreat for the party since former
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president trump became the presumptive nominee. yesterday he addressed a group of about 400+ major donors and big figures in the republican party. ub he talked for more than 90 minutes. at one point making headlines for comparing the biden administration to the gestapo. the secret police. and everyone is speculating who donald trump will pick to be his running mate. and he called out many of the prospects complementing them and teasing them and talking about e marco rubio, senator ti scott, elise stefanik, governorv doug burnham, who has gotten higher up on the list. and j.d. vance , all potential prospects. he also mentioned -- kristi
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noem. we are marking six months from the election. we sat down with the new chair of the rnc for an exclusive interview. during that interview he emphasized the idea of party unity. trying to bring the party together as we seek discord on the and discord in the primary. they are trying to bring the nikki haley voters back into the fold. she is still getting between 15 to 20% of the vote in these e battleground states. he said they will try to reach w out to them and bring them into the tent. i also asked about ththe trial and how it impacts things.>> with him in court for 4 days a week, it basically allows us wednesdays and saturdays to move him around the country.
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but at the same time he has the ability at 6:30 a.m. to go out and meet with construction workers in new york while joe biden is still in bed and drive a new cycle for 48 hours. >> i also pressed him on reports that there is a litmus test around election denial as they bring employees into the rnc. he has denied that is the case. he said people are behind the former president 100%. >> let's go to the latest on t his criminal trial. we have kristi greenberg, and pure he stein. welcome to both of you. you were in the courtroom this past week for dramatic testimony. we ended the week with hope hicks. what of her testimony struck with the jurors as they were heading home for the weekend? what will be there thought ug
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about that? >> i think that -- nothing she did -- i don't think anyone can argue that she turned on her former boss. it was not very striking. what was interesting, which is what prosecutors wanted her to do is set up the idea that they were worried about the access hollywood tape. where he said those denigrating things about women. they were worried about how it would land with female voters. so what you see from hope hicks was setting up what prosecutors allege was his motive for hiding this payment, which was that they were freaking out about the election and wanted to make sure that no more damaging stories that could hurt his reputation would come out. >> 100% on that. so the prosecution said no more
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questions after she testified. exposed michael cohen's payment and said it was better to deal with it now and it would have been bad to have that story come out before the election. how did that comment button up her testimony for the prosecution, and what else did she bring to the case?>> it was such an important moment. it was to drive home the point that the prosecution has been making that making sure that these stories did not come out before the election and that these women were silenced was there to benefit the election, his campaign, and to influence the election. it was such an important point. she was very clear about that s and it was the last question that the prosecutor asked. it was a mic drop moment. and after that a few questions
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into cross-examination is when she started to cry. it is something that the jurors were focused on. and i would also say corroborates david testimony. she said this is after the election where he said this would have been bad for the campaign. well, david pecker talked about being in the oval office and having meetings with donald trump in trump tower after the election, and donald trump saying, thanks naso much for th help in making sure that the doorman story and the karen mcdougal story did not come e out. so you don't have just one witness saying that. you have two saying the campaign was top of mind in terms of how these stories would have affected the election. >> we also hurt this week from keith davidson, the one who
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helped to broker the hush money payments. his testimony expose the jury to a very tawdry underworld of media payoffs and the first direct evidence of the hush money payment. what made davidson an important witness? >> his understanding -- what stuck out to me most about his testimony was he knew that k stormy daniels -- he believed that stormy daniels story, the rights to her story became more valuable after the access hollywood tape and the needed to do it before the election because then it became less valuable. so just that mindset that everyone involved seemed to and no that this was all part of the election. this was not about trump wanting to hide this from his family.
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everyone seemed to understand thatto the value of stormy daniels payoff would be higher after the access hollywood tape came out and before the election. >> i think it's important because the jury heard the secret recording made by michael cohen. the conversation he had with trump about repaying david pecker for the hush money payment of karen mcdougal. let's play some of that. >> i've spoken to alan about how to set the whole thing up with funding -- yes -- all the stuff. correct. i'm all over that and when it comes time for the financing -- >> what financing?
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no. >> it's one thing to talk about it and have prosecutors say it happened, but how damning was it to hear this in court? >> these are donald trump's owne words. the jury is hearing straight from the horses mouth. d and they are hearing michael cohen going to his boss and walking him through the details. the fact that this was a payment. they mention $150,000 and the method of the payment and they said is going to be cash or check and at one point he talks about how it will be set up. they will need a shell company to keep trump's fingerprints off of this. he mentions discussing it with allen weisselberg and the timing of this is important. this is right before the election.
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the timing of that recording isi crucial to making the point that the prosecutors want to drive home that this was about o the campaign. but it shows donald astrump's knowledge of the ins and outs of this transaction. and when you think about the cross-examination of hope hicks, they're trying to make the argument that michael cohen goes rogue. this shows he's going to his h boss and getting details. and if he did it for karen mcdougal, he surely did it for stormy daniels. and there was a huge crisis at the campaign. >> a good connection. so the defense took issue with some of the recordings during f cross-examination of the forensic analyst with the manhattan das office. he extracted that call from cohen's phone. what did they want to expose to the jury with that?
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we were just talking about the fact is you cannot get around s this and you cannot get donald trump away from this or suggest that michael cohen went broke. does this nail that? >> i think that's right. you see prosecutors the main point is to show that this is donald trump. so hearing him talk about this, that's what they are going to use every witness to try to connect this to donald trump. previously we heard a lot about michael cohen and you saw the last two days they brought it back to trump and it's not michael cohen right now who is on trial. it is donald trump and they need to show that to the jury.>> buckle up for what you have coming this week. thank you so much. new protests unfolding on n college campuses. a florida rabbi shares a letter that he wrote to all of the
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demonstrators. we will be back in o60 seconds. head & shoulders is launching something huge. the bare minimum. anti-dandruff shampoo made with only nine ingredients - no sulfates, silicones or dyes and packaged with 45% less plastic - giving you outstanding dandruff protection and leaving hair beautiful and moisturized. major dandruff protection, minimal ingredients. job done. new head & shoulders bare.
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law enforcement has been moving in on protesters as colleges across the u.s. grapple with outrage over the war in gaza. this was at the university of southern california early this morning after police cleared and encampment for the second time. protesters have vowed to return. on saturday at the university of virginia police arrested 25 people after clearing demonstrators off the campus lawn. university said protesters violated school policy by setting up tents despite demonstrations being peaceful. at the art institute of chicago at least 68 were arrested hours after a small encampment was set up. they have popped up at dozens of schools and more than 2400 people have been arrested. we have reporters across the
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country. we will go to the university of texas in austin where groups have declared today stand with palestine may day. there were dozens of arrests last week. >> reporter: this was an event that was scheduled for wednesday but it was postponed because of the weather. you can see a few dozen people have gathered. this is just beginning on the campus at the university of texas. there have been a couple of protests here. more than 100 people arrested. most charged with criminal trespassing. and the majority of the charges were dropped. campus police are here. there is a heavy police presence. at this point there have been no problems and as we walked through the crowd people are trying to make their point.
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a point that has become more more political over the last couple of weeks. we talked with a student at the university of pennsylvania who said this election has a lot to do with the future of the war in gaza. >> i think it's important that we it out and vote for joe biden. my entire community is going to be under more attack under trump and i don't think it's valuable to put your vote on what is going on in the middle east right now, especially when we have fought for so long to have suffrage in the u.s. >> reporter: protesters across the nation on campuses including here, as you can see. the main goals is to get the university to divest anything are doing with any weapons manufacturers that are selling
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weapons to the israeli defense and they would like to see the president of the university resign. there's no indication that that is anywhere close to happening. he stands resolute with what he's done and bringing order to campus over the last couple of weeks. we will keep watching here. we expect this to continue for at least another hour and a half. >> we will go west about 1000 miles to usc in los angeles. set the scene for us and what protesters plans are going forward. we saw evidence of clearing out when it went down at around five . >> reporter: protesters have vowed to return again. keep in mind the area that was cleared earlier is the same area in the center of campus
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that was cleared about two weeks ago. the approach and the outcome much different when you compare what we saw last month. then, nearly 100 people were arrested. today there have been no arrests. we received a statement from a spokesperson with the university saying that it was necessary to request the los angeles police department to provide security as this was carried out peacefully. they said no arrests have been reported and they want to thank the lapd for assisting. we did see members of law enforcement enter that encampment. not only officers with the department of public safety. some of those officers had zip ties. others had batons. and nonlethal weapons. some students voluntarily picked up their belongings and left. we were at the gate as they
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walked out of the encampment area and they were chanting arrest, attack, we don't care we will come back. when we tried to get information out of them, they did not speak with us. for about 15 minutes or so they did block a portion of this main thoroughfare and caused some cars to blow their horns and turnaround. we saw a city bus that had to go an alternate direction. at this hour the university is closed. >> i know you were there early this morning. thank you for sticking around for us. amid the protests is a compassionate plea from a florida rabbi sent an open letter to student demonstrators and appeal to them to grapple with the implications of their demands and with the shared goal of achieving lasting peace between jewish people and palestinians.
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joining me as the senior rabbi from a temple in boca raton. what prompted you to write this letter? was it out of frustration? was it fear? and to whom was this letter sent? >> thank you for having me. i think it was all of those things. this has been so incredibly painful for so many. and what was so difficult for us in the jewish community was in the wake of these protests was the idea that the experience of what it was to be jewish, what it was to be an israeli since october 7th was whitewashed. and it was forgotten. one of the things that we wanted to try to convey to those students who are protesting but also those who are watching as protests and wondering, do the jewish people
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have a place in america anymore , is the idea that this is so complex. and we understand that the things that you see on television and the stories you are being told are painful to watch, but the complexity behind those incidents and what is causing those things to happen requires a much deeper investigation.>> and the reaction has been what? >> it has been overwhelmingly positive. it has been fun to read the different comments from people from all over the world. they were able to see the letter. most of the people that responded were saying thank you that it was able to articulate the complexity and the terrible challenges that so many of us are feeling by watching people champion what seems to be so diametrically opposed to the
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values that i think the students actually hold. when you think about what hamas did on october 7th and what they've done for decades and what they stand for and what they continue to promise to do and to see so many wonderful young people standing shoulder to shoulder with those who have opposed values and principles to us is difficult. at the same time watching them espouse ideas that are so dangerous is more challenging. i wanted to try to help people understand the complexity and rethink their positions. >> what is your advice to jewish students who feel threatened in the midst of these protests? >> one of the things we tell students is to remember that we are blessed that we live in america. a place where we can gather peacefully and express our ideas and where we can say what
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we think. and that's what a protest is supposed to be. it's not supposed to be a place that people who are curious. it's not a place that intimidates. it supposed to be a place where we can express curiosity and learn. so what i tried to tell the students in our congregation is stay with your community. join the opportunity to learn about what is happening in israel and the challenges of what is happening there so you can better understand and have meaningful conversations with those who are willing to do that with you. >> you conclude your letter with your vision for a path to a solution. call for hamas to surrender and lay down their weapons and disarm and return the hostages to their homes. call for iran to renounce their pursuit of nuclear weapons call
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for israelis and palestinians to turn to the future rather than litigate the past. you end with millions of israelis and palestinians call this same land home. it's time for new leaders to embrace our shared humanity and respect are religious and cultural differences. to relinquish hatred and violence and use our collective creativity to fashion a future where we dwell together in peace. the tough question is this. do you support a two state solution? and how can disputed land lead to a peaceful coexistence? >> so long as those who live in that land seek maximalist claims or want to erase the history of an entire people, we will never get anywhere. there are millions of people who will have to find a path
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forward and look beyond the rhetoric and beyond the extremism to realize the shared humanity and to say the way we have looked at each other in the past cannot be how we look at each other in the future. when we are able to let go of all of the resentment, which is so toxic, and to look across the border and say enough is enough, what i wish the protesters would do is to call for hamas to surrender. if they surrendered and returned the hostages, the war would be over. there was a cease-fire on october 6th. and in one of the most brutal attacks of the century with unspeakable acts of barbarism and horror attacked the state of israel and israel had no choice but to find a way to vanquish that threat. it's awful to see what is happening in the midst of that war, but i wish we could get to a place where we can look across at each other and be able to say let's move forward.
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let's find a way to share this land so we can live and maximize what it is to be a human being. >> i'm sure it is something that you think about and talk about all the time. thank you so much for doing this . i appreciate you. the remarkable scene unfolding in texas and more trouble is coming.
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it's a beautiful... to fly. wooooo!
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we have breaking news. the severe weather hitting the south, hundreds of rescues taking place as an intense weekend of rain of flooding is not over. priscilla thompson is joining me from humble texas. i can see the water behind you. how are things there? >> reporter: much of this area is getting a break from the rain. officials are warning there are more pockets of rain coming and it will continue to add to the flooded roadways and homes. more raging floodwaters expected throughout the south. 19 million people are under flood alerts from texas to oklahoma and arkansas. another storm system sent storms across south-central texas overnight. >> if you are still in your home, stay there through the weekend.
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it is too late to evacuate without calling 911. >> reporter: flash flooding is a concern. rainfall dumped more than two feet of water in some areas. hundreds have evacuated as the raging waters destroyed homes and shutdown roads throughout the region. prompting hundreds of dramatic water rescues and evacuations like these. officials are bracing for more today. >> we have firefighters on all the time. we will be ready to deal with whatever we are dealt. >> oh, my god. >> reporter: the relentless rounds of rain comas residents like these struggle to return home to survey the damage. this newly engaged couple and their children moved into this rental two weeks ago. they are now faced with starting over again. >> this happened.
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hopefully this will make us stronger. >> reporter: several major rivers are still rising. and expected to crest later today but at flood stage early next week. officials are warning people not to take this break as an opportunity to get back to their homes because they will encounter roadways like this. people have tried to drive through that and had to call 911 to be rescued. >> when i first saw that, i thought you were in the middle of a park. good grief. thank you so much. why it will be another nail- biter week for the speaker. so i l and see that my lines have gotten deeper
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right now congress is gearing up for a dramatic week. marjorie taylor greene promising to call her motion to oust mike johnson in the coming days. but she will face an uphill battle. welcome. what if you been hearing from members this weekend? >> reporter: it is no secret to say that marjorie taylor greene and her efforts to oust mike johnson is not a popular effort at this point especially when you're close to the election.
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it's not popular among republicans except for maybe two or three that said they would vote to save him and disagree with her effort to take him out. it's not popular with democrats who we have heard leadership come out and say they would vote to table a motion and kill an effort to kick him out. that comes after he funded the government and done other things including we authorize the surveillance program that green said is why she wants to take them out. she had a press conference about 40 minutes long where she stood next to thomas massie when she railed against johnson saying he has been sharing the gavel with hakeem jeffries and taunted and urged republicans and democrats to go home to hear from constituents and see if they would save johnson no matter what side of the aisle they are.
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johnson attended the former presidents fundraiser this weekend saying trump has his back. we heard from republicans in the senate and many of them were defending johnson, including putting aid to ukraine on the floor. >> i think speaker johnson is doing an outstanding job. i agree we need to have unity in the party right now as we face off against biden and the democrats. it was not just about ukraine. a large majority of republicans supported it and they will back johnson next week as well. >> despite all of this we asked her why she's doing this if the former president is standing behind johnson. she defended what she is doing. it's not clear how may times she will try it out. he might survive this attempt but it's not apparent if green
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will do it again and again. and she's not saying who should replace him. especially when we saw this one kevin mccarthy was ousted. it took weeks for them to pick someone new. green said she doesn't have anybody specific in mind but there are people who could step up and do the job. >> she's offered no solution to the problem she creates. why does south dakota governor christie known keep talking about her dead dog? or t-e-d, which may need a different doctor. find a t-e-d eye specialist at (aaron) i own a lot of businesses... so my tech and my network need to keep up. thank you verizon business. (kevin) now our businesses get fast and reliable internet from the same network that powers our phones. (aaron) so whatever's next...
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so you can lighten every day the metamucil way. we are exactly 6 months out from election day. a poll shows the race is as tight as ever. biden leads by a single point among registered voters and that's within the margin of error. we are awaiting the pick for vp as republicans compete for his attention. with me now. all of you have shown up. dawn calloway, susan dell per co and david jolly. susan, we've talked about how it benefits trump to draw this process out which keeps all the hopefuls stumping for him.
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but at what point does he need to pick someone. >> i think it's an interesting thing. i don't think he will pick someone who can unify the ticket. tim scott used that expression on meat the press. donald trump is looking for someone who will obey. >> it's true. a traditionally that has happened at conventions. david, governor kristi noem has signaled she would like this job. but all the talk around her has been about her admission that she shot her one-year-old dog after she said he was aggressive. here's what she said today. >> this book is filled with painful moments in my life filled with times where i made very difficult decisions.
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the reason it is in the book is people need to understand who i am and some of those difficult decisions. this was a dangerous animal and i had little children at the time. we had kids running around. i made a difficult choice. >> does this show she can make difficult choices or at the first sign of trouble she's going to reach for a shotgun? >> i think the painful moments in the book are for cricket, the dog. don't shoot your dog and write a book about it. what i hear in all of this is desperation. she is a term limited second term governor who has hitched her sale to donald trump. and just like everybody else she sees her road ending unless she can get a second life from donald trump. the only thing she might see is
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trump likes people who can punch back at the press and critics and show they can take a hint. puppies still poll pretty well. and right now i think she's done.>> puppies do. there were other problems with this book. her office said she's going back to correct errors and that includes a false claim that she met with kim jong un. she's a governor. this cannot be attributed to rookie mistakes. . >> i think our sunday family would be surprised to learn i'm not a learned scholar in the history of kristi noem. when i see what she's been dealing with, i'm reminded of an age-old african american proverb. you know you are messed up, don't you?
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i look at her and you have to remember that david made an important point. there are certain governors who are not necessarily going into another job but they are not electorally viable. she's not from a state that's high profile and she doesn't have a big future or something she can walk into, so it's a woman without a political country scrambling to save face. and if she's term limited, she goes into another four-year term of trump, would she do after that? they have tied their train to an unrighteous administration who doesn't have a future. there's snow extraordinary university presidencies waiting to accept her. it looks like -- i don't know where she goes from here. >> okay. let me ask each of you, who
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will be his vp if you had to guess right now? just throw out a name. >> i think it will culminate at the convention. >> elise stefanik. >> marco rubio. >> isn't there a problem with two people in florida? >> we can get a virginia drivers license. i think donald trump could win if he picked desantis. >> you think when they had that kumbaya moment last weekend?>> more reagan-bush and a lame-duck term limit. all the sudden that the strong ticket. >> let's stay in florida and
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talk about the event this weekend. it was attended by many of these hopefuls. trump has compared the biden administration to the gestapo. he also called jack smith deranged. what does it tell you about revenge he would try to take if he wins? >> he is exactly who he says he is. this is how he has behaved since he came on the political scene in 2015. he has gone after people's looks he uses inappropriate language. in this day and age given what is going on, it is particularly offensive that he would use that word. this is who he is. it should not have shocked a single person in the room nor should it shock or surprise anybody watching today. >> back to the poll that shows trump and the president tied, although joe biden gets a
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little bit of a bump, is the biden campaign doing enough to make up for deficits? >> they absolutely are. there is a cycle to campaign spending and the cycle to polling. you will see as we get closer to the election, i don't think biden will pull away and no democratic nominee will ever dominate a presidential election. but as we move toward september and october the polls will reflect more of what we will see. trump will not be 10 points ahead. now what we are starting to see is the polls become more reflective of how close it is. joe biden will win, but i can tell my constituencies, stop the bed-wetting. it will be close. joe biden will win and the polls will reflect that.
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stop telling me we are not doing enough. there is a schedule of spending and campaign executions. and that will reflect in polling as we get closer.>> if trump is convicted, 80% of supporters will continue to support him and only 4% will not. and another 16% will reconsider. that 20%, if they go to joe biden, does it put him over the top? >> i think joe biden can win this. with the conviction i think he will. not just because trump loses persuaders, but a nikki haley voter will go to joe biden. white economic nationalism works for donald trump and could give him the election but the grievance politics around being indicted from trying to steal an election and inciting
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a coup against democracy and cheating on your wife with a star? that does not work with nikki haley voters. the grievance politics around his liability will lose him the race. despite where the facts lie do work for term. i think a conviction adds to joe biden's ways to win. >> good to see all three of you. thank you so much. we will tell you about a remarkable lunch happening tomorrow.
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