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tv   The Saturday Show with Jonathan Capehart  MSNBC  April 20, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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you back here tomorrow at 5:00 p.m. eastern for another live our of politics nation, the saturday show starts right now. finally, the house passes critical aid for ukraine and israel. but it could cost mike johnson his job. now democrats may have to save him from the likes of marjorie taylor greene in his own party. robert garcia and andrew join me live to discuss the stakes. trump on trial, opening statements are set for monday and in the election interference case. we will look closer at the jury that will decide his fate, whether trump will testify, and the tough questions he will face if he does.
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and 25 years since columbine. the deadly high school shooting in colorado still haunts america today. we will discuss what has changed and what has not since that fateful day on april 20 1999. 1999. this is the saturday show. w. after months of dithering delay and denial, the house has finally passed foreign aid legislation for our allies. with 311 votes including all of the democrats, $61 billion in desperately needed funding for ukraine, part of it in the form of a loan was approved. the big bipartisan vote was also notable for one big reason,
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112 republicans voted against it. that is more than half the republican majority, of sensibly in control of the house. the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy thanked congress and the speaker, saying the aid will keep the war from expanding and save thousands of lives. the house also past three other bills, one of them includes $26 billion in aid for israel, another includes $8 billion in national security assistance for taiwan and the indo pacific region, and the last bill involves an effort to ban tiktok in the united states within a year if the app does not divest from its china-based owner. the quartet of bills will automatically be packaged together and sent to the senate, which chuck schumer announced today will begin voting on tuesday to approve the measure. . now let's be clear, the drama in the house is far from over. with a razor thin majority,
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mike johnson was forced to rely on democratic votes to pass these aid bills, just as he has had to rely on democratic votes to do basic governing, like keep the government from shutting down last month. and his majority just got smaller with mike gallagher set to officially retire after voting today. that means speaker johnson can only afford to lose one republican vote, one vote until a special election next month replace the former speaker, kevin mccarthy, who left congress at the end of last year. this dynamic could spell real trouble for speaker johnson, especially since a trio of far right members of the conference are threatening to oust him in retaliation for bringing a boat on ukraine aid. the congressman are now cosponsors of a motion to vacate against johnson, filed by the thorny champion of chaos,
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marjorie taylor greene. today, massey said he will not trigger the motion to vacate himself, but hopes that the pressure will leave the speaker with no choice but to resign. >> what we are hoping to do by cosponsoring the measure to vacate is to acknowledge that he will lose the vote and not have to have the vote, but if it comes to that, there will be a vote. >> the house is in chaos. part of the reason is to get us back out of chaos. >> the logic in this is all kinds of twisted, but speaker johnson seems unbothered and am worried, well at least that is what he said today. >> i don't walk around this building being worried about a motion to vacate. i have to do my job. we did. i have done here what i believe to be the right thing, that is to allow the house to work its will. you do the right thing and you let the chips fall where they
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may. >> joining me now is robert garcia of california, a member of the house oversight committee and the homeland security committee. and the senior congressional reporter at punch bowl news. thank you both very much for being here. congressman garcia, i have to start with you. how did you vote on each of the bills today? >> yeah, look, this is a good day for the united states and democracy. it is a great day for our allies across the ward and humanitarian aid. i voted yes on the package. i think what is really important is that at this very moment, that putin is defeated in his march towards trying to dominate eastern europe and ukraine. the house did the right thing. it is also really important that we focus on the humanitarian aid package of $9 billion, and that humanitarian aid is not just desperate for
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places like gaza, we are talking about money that will also be used in haiti, just going through a massive, as we know, just chaos -- crisis right now. it will go to places like the sudan, where millions have died since the civil war. and so the humanitarian aid package, i think that it is one of the key on the stones of this entire deal. $9 billion, one of the largest in recent memory. so i'm really proud of that. if the house did the right thing today, there is a lot of work ahead, but i'm really glad that our allies will receive the support that they need. >> it may get you on one more thing, congressman. you voted against the tiktok bill, why? >> look, i -- i voted the consent bill because my position on that has been the same. i think that there are other ways of addressing privacy concerns around social media, and we should treat all these platforms equally, and so that has been my position for a long time. and it will continue to be. i think that the house obviously, they move forward. i think that the senate puts in the right types of measures and protects the millions of americans across the country that use tiktok for their small
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business, to promote their brands, to promote their restaurants. so i'm concerned about the impact to the local economy across america and i'm hopeful that the senate will make some of those changes. >> so andrew, president biden put out a statement praising both parties were coming together at this inflection point. how much of a role did biden and his administration have in moving the speaker johnson from ukraine aid to skeptic and being willing to put his speakership on the line to get the foreign aid package past with democratic votes, no less? >> it is quite the 180. you know, when mike johnson was a rank-and-file member of the house of representatives he consistently voted against aid to ukraine. he was in that group of freedom caucus members who where the ideological far right of that conference. and what he has said since is that he has gotten a lot of intelligence briefings, because when you are the speaker of the house, you are part of the gang of eight. you get the highest level intelligence briefings
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possible, and you know, what has been impressed upon him is the gravity of the situation in ukraine, and not just ukraine but what could happen beyond ukraine if putin is successful in ukraine. so clearly, his views were changed and were influenced as a result of these briefings.and he has also talk personally about the fact that you know, his son is about to go to the u.s. naval academy, and one of the arguments for sending aid to ukraine is i would rather send american bullets than american boys to europe to defend against vladimir putin and that is what is happening right now, which is that there are no american boots on the ground and no americans dying in this conflict, and that it is a pay now or pay later situation. i think that those arguments moved him. it is fascinating to see that he is truly, as you said, putting his job on the line for this issue halfãafter being someone who voted against it consistently. >> was talk about the fact that
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his job is on the line. he says that if the speaker does not resign that they will most -- there will most likely be a vote on the motion to vacate. he has signed on as a cosponsor to marjorie taylor greene's motion to vacate, as she put out last month. she stormed out of the capitol after this afternoon's vote. when might she make the move to turn her motion to vacate into a privileged motion requiring immediate action? >> so the house will be on recess for the next weekend what she said today is that she wants this issue to marinate a little bit and for members to get sort of heat from their constituents back in their districts over what happened today in the house of representatives. so she is still teasing it. she is still hanging this over mike johnson's head. i think a lot of this has to do with fundraising. you know, by leaving this issue out there and making it something that she can talk about for several weeks on end, that definitely helps her fundraising numbers and of course, raise her profile. and she is a powerful member of the house because only because
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of this rule, whereby one member can trigger a motion to vacate. the longer she teases it, the longer she will get attention for it. >> so congressman garcia, the question, the important question is this, will you vote to save the speaker? right now, if not, what concessions will you need from him to turn your no into a yes? >> the only vote for speaker i'm going to make is for hakeem jeffries. there is no circumstance where i'm going to support a far right extremist republican for speaker. now i understand that you know, there might be other considerations made and democrats might feel differently because of the vote and i understand that. the other day we are going to get behind our leader and i'm sure that jeffries is thinking about this question. he is lined up to lead the entire house. that should be the speaker. it is time for mike johnson to hand over the gavel to democrats. we are the ones that are actually solving the world's
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problems. we are the ones defending democracy. we are the one saving the government from a shutdown. and so i think that we are leading. we are showing how responsible leadership looks like. and i think that mike johnson is going to have some issues in the weeks ahead. >> roe quickly, you say that speaker johnson should just hand the gavel over to leader jeffries, why do that when y'all are in control of the chamber without even being in the majority? >> it sure feels that way sometimes. i mean, there is no question that we have really been i think a consequential force, even though we are in the minority this year and i credit our leadership with that and the president, and the presidents real old leadership and leading us as a party. and the republican party has been just one big clown show all year. and so it is one crisis to the next, one marjorie taylor greene created crisis to the next. we will continue to lead but we will get back to work and we have a lot of things that are important to us. we have to push through.
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>> thank you both very much for coming back to the saturday show. a quick programming note, sunday on meet the press, kristin welker's exclusive interview with ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy. you can catch that on nbc tomorrow morning. check your local listings. up next, donald trump's date with history. s. opening statements are set to begin monday in his criminal election interference case. legal experts are standing by to tell us what to expect and whether trump will take the stand. and the -- why marjorie taylor greene and others are spouting kremlin talking points on the house floor. use floor. so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me.
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president of the united states is set for monday morning. and once they are done, the first witnesses will take the stand. and trump says he will be one of them. m. >> are you going to testify? >> yes. >> we will see if he actually takes the stand. he does have a tendency to sell wolf tickets, after all. it might depend on what kind of questions he could face on the stand. the judge is expected to rule on monday which of trumps legal cases can be used against him during cross-examination. the district attorney has already said he wants to ask trump about being found liable for fraud and sexual assault. then on tuesday, the judge will finally address trumps alleged gag order violations, including recent social media posts referencing the jury and witnesses. the da has accused trump of
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violating his gag order at least 10 times and is calling for him to be held in criminal contempt. between closing his eyes, refusing to stand for the jury, and doing other obnoxious things in court this past week, he has shown nothing but contempt for the court and its proceedings. but don't lose sight of this one unassailable fact, on monday donald trump will be sitting before a jury of his peers, being held accountable for alleged criminal acts. joining me now is the former hetero prosecutor who is a senior writer for political magazine. also with me, the msnbc legal analyst, kathleen christian, she served as the assistant district attorney for the manhattan das office. thank you for coming to be saturday show. this is a jump ball. i will start with you, what will you be watching for during the opening statements ?
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>> on the da side, i will be interested in how they set up this case for the jury. is it a case about election interference versus a hush money case? they said it will be election interference and this will be the first opportunity to present it to the jury in the proper frame to think about this case. we also expect a narrative of what the evidence will show during the case. that should be informative because a lot of this is not fully known for those of us on the outside, and then trumps lawyers will have an opportunity to preview some of their defenses and they have not seen the entire case, so i expect a lot of it will be about stormy daniels and the lack of credibility, alleged. >> let me . ask you, you said l me see the narrative for the first time, the opening statements, is that when we will hear maybe new evidence, things we have not heard before? >> it is very possible. there is a reason why lawyers call them opening statements instead of opening arguments. closing arguments, that is the right terminology, but an opening statement, which is
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what they prefer, is a declaration and narrative about what the facts will show and what the jury should expect to see at the trial. we should learn some new things on monday. >> catherine, what will you be watching for? >> exactly, it is a preview of the evidence, a table of contents for the jury. it should not be very long. you know, you do not want to bore the jury. you're not doing arguments, so i am looking to see what evidence that we don't know about, that was not in the indictment or the statement of facts, that has not been league, so that is very interesting, the defense opening, first of all, in new york, the defense does not have to give an opening. they will clearly do one in this case. i have never seen a defense attorney missing the opportunity to do an opening. it will be interesting to see what they do or if they keep it very simple because they want to wait to actually hear the
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witnesses and see the documents, so i'm actually interested in what the defense is going to say on their opening. opening. >> catherine, do you think that trump will testify, and if he does, what kind of questions should he expect? >> i don't think he will. first of all, most defendants don't. it is not like if he doesn't it is a surprise that he didn't. so he can expect, first of all, we will find out monday what prior bad acts that he has, including his civil judgments about the judge will allow the prosecutors to question him about. and it might be, and the judge has to be very careful, he has to be careful to not be prejudicial. it is a balancing act. you cannot question the defendant to show that they did it before and there for they did it again. it is about showing lack of credibility, lack of honesty, and so the judgments that go towards defamation, making false statements with reckless disregard to the truth, or two
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of them he should be allowed or he should be questioned about them by the prosecution. he should be questioned about the fact that a judge found that he committed persistent and repeated fraud in his business. that is appropriate. i don't think it is appropriate to ask that he has a verdict for sexual assault. i'm surprised the prosecutors included that. that has nothing to do with the veracity or credibility, so i'm saying he should be careful because harvey weinstein, we are waiting all the terminal practitioners are waiting for the highest court to find out whether or not his conviction will be reversed because that judge they are allowed many, many prior bad acts, so there for he did not testify. >> so let me get you on the gag order, why do you think the judge has waited this long to weigh in on alleged gag order violations? >> there could be a couple
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reasons. one of them is that clearly last week he wanted to focus on the jury and that is a significant imposition on the people called in, so conscientious judges don't like to keep prospective jurors waiting, they want to keep them moving and be respectful of their time. the second reason potentially is to give donald trump an opportunity to fix his behavior, to reform himself in the days between when the hearing was scheduled and when it was set. it will be pertinent to how the judge approaches the issue, which is, can this man stop doing the things he is not supposed to be doing? >> he was fined $10,000 for violating the gag order in the civil fraud case. is there a possibility that -- let's say donald trump does not reform his behavior, as you just said, could we see the possibility of the judge putting -- or holding trump in contempt, and then punishing him by making him spend the night in jail? >> that is always a possibility, however, he has been taking some steps or
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allowing the das office to impose some punishment that is subtler and more powerful. for instance, last week the das office said they would not tell donald trump's lawyers which witnesses they are calling first. that is highly unusual. it is a courtesy that is usually extended, but they don't want to do that because trump keeps running his mouth about the witnesses. that is a significant disadvantage to not know what witnesses are going to be up or which lawyers need to be ready to be on their feet. that is worse than the money. >> thank you both very much for coming to the saturday show, and a programming note on monday, tune into msnbc for special coverage of opening statements in former president trump's election interference trial, and then at 8:00 eastern we will break down the latest in this case. tune in monday starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern right here on msnbc. up next, more on the drama on capitol hill as the house
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votes on critical aid for america's allies. the pressure mounts on mike johnson. why members of his own party want him out, and what happens if democrats have to come to his rescue. rescue. kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps it growing strong. download the my lawn app today for lawn care tips and customized plans. feed your lawn. feed it.
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it's for people 45+ at average risk, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your provider for me, cologuard. house speaker mike johnson scored a huge victory today with passage of a $61 billion aid package for ukraine. his grip on the speaker's gavel is increasingly tenuous. not only did more than half of house republicans voted against the measure, marjorie taylor greene slammed it as bs. >> this is the third but trail by mike johnson. and this -- here on the floor, the foreign war package that is nothing for america, do not support mike johnson, he is already a lame-duck. if we had the boat today he would not be speaker today. >> that was todaa vigorous bs, but trail?
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lame-duck? the drama. but notice what she did not do, for all her grandstanding, she did not try to remove johnson from the speakership today, and gave no timeline for when she might bring her motion to vacate to the floor, still, she -- speaker johnson is in a pickle. he cannot seem to govern or get anything done without democratic votes. ic votes. joining me now is the former department of homeland security chief of staff, miles taylor, the author of blowback, a warning to save democracy from trump's revenge. also with me, the msnbc contributor, president and ceo of voter latino. so, miles, ntg now has two cosponsors to vacate, but they have not triggered it yet. what has that signaled to you? >> it signals to me that the same republicans who fomented
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an insurrection into the united states capitol are now doing one within the republican conference, and this i think is the start of it. i suspect that after this week long recess, you are actually going to see the temperature go up a little, rather than down. and johnson will be in a very difficult predicament. now he was able to claim victory this week with the passage of the foreign aid bill, but actually think there is a good chance that this might be one of those things that is the last victory of rational republicans before what i would call a mass extinction event. what do i mean by that? i mean in this it showed the radical wing of the party that the rational wing still has some influence and it is going to be infuriating to them. people mike -- like michael mccall, my former boss on capitol hill -- l hill -- >> let's think -- >> my camera --
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>> miles is frozen. i think we are going to try to get -- we have miles back, keep going, miles. miles. >> sorry about that, jonathan. i was just saying you know, people like michael mccall, the chairman of the foreign aid committee, the foreign affairs committee, he is a dying breed of republican in this conference, and i worry that we are going to see a lot of those republicans disappearing after this vote. so it is a coin flip at this point about whether the motion to vacate goes forward and for now, speaker johnson cannot count on still being the speaker for the balance of this year. >> right. unless, unless house democrats come to speaker johnson's rescue. now the house minority leader, hakeem jeffries, has not shared if he is willing to save johnson's speakership, but here is what he told reporters yesterday. yesterday. >> at the appropriate time, as
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house democrats, we will have a conversation about how to deal with any hypothetical motion to vacate, which at this point has not been noticed. >> so johnson should stay as speaker then? >> i do not have a view on that one way or the other, one step at a time in terms of what is in front of us. >> what you make of that? >> clutch my pearls, congress is fighting, as it should. i say this because i used to work in congress a long time ago, and a functioning government actually required that you had democratic and republican support to pass bills, because ultimately what you want to do is the will of the people. so the fact that marjorie taylor greene is so new to congress, she fails to understand her function, and that of other members of congress, and that is yes, you will have divisive legislation but the whole point of the speakership is to bring others along from the other side of
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the party. he may have taken notes from pelosi. i don't know if he will admit to that, but in all seriousness, this idea that they are going to find other individuals and try to oust someone like johnson, who is right of right and recently endorsed by trump, is really hard to fathom, in part because they are going into the most tenuous selection for the house this coming election season. and the house right now only holds its majority by a very thin margin. and so what they are trying to do right now, i mean looking back because what they're trying to do is create space for the extreme right to say oh my goodness, i am taking them home but providing pathways so they can continue to be able to have the house at the end of the day. this is far more political and it is one of the reasons why marjorie taylor greene -- i'm not ousting him tomorrow, it is more theatrical than it is materially. materially. >> right, because if i heard
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miles correctly, this is about fundraising, that this, like they're not going to move on the speaker. you know, miles, ntg says that the ukraine aid bill does nothing for americans and this is like something right out of the putin playbook, out of the disinformation, misinformation playbook we have had the republican chair i think of the intelligence committee who has been saying for several weeks now that russian misinformation has now infiltrated the -- the house and among house republicans. is that the way you see it? because i know this is something that you are very concerned about. d about. >> very concerned. you and i have been in a conversation about this -- his - we see that just this week the intelligence community made clear that russian interference in this election had begun.
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and we are already starting to see that happen. you are right, mike turner on the house intelligence committee and mike mccall on the foreign affairs committee have been warning colleagues that they are parroting russian propaganda. this is alarming and it will get worse as the year goes on, and it is directly tied to this debate about the direction the republican party is going. because of some of those rational republicans either have to resign their seats or someone like mike johnson, who seems to be siding with the rational side, gets outed as speaker, you will see the pro kremlin caucus of the republican party rising in influence during an election in which the russians are trying to influence the outcome. this is worse in my view, or could be worse than it was in 2016 with russian interference with disinformation. and part of that is the technology the kremlin will bring to bear for chaos and discord.
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it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it. in case you needed another reason to fear the possibility of donald trump winning reelection, or winning election to another term, some democratic members of the january 6 committee and some witnesses that testified told cbs news they expect to face retaliation and even arrest if trump gets back in the white house. donald trump seemed to confirm those fears last month when he posted this on social media about the vice chair of the committee, the former republican congressman, liz cheney, "she should go to jail along with the rest of the select committee." , that is a quote. miles, you updated your book, blowback, and the title
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includes the line, it will -- a warning to save democracy from trump's revenge. you think they have reason to fear legal retribution from trump? >> yes, absolutely i do. i think it is genuinely donald trump's intent in a second term to launch investigations through the justice department against his enemies. his justice department is not going to do this in a way that feels immediately political and illegal. they're going to find ways to, as i like to say, bubble wrap it in legalese and the launch investigations that have at least a thin the neil -- veneer of a reasonable predicate to move forward. make no mistake, there will be political prosecutions and donald trump said this as far back as his first term. he would talk about how it was his strategy to sue people, not because he had a case against them, but to sue them to force them to settle and to put them
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through difficulty. he did it in his business career and he wanted to do it with his first term justice department. often they rained him in but in a second term he will not be. and i want to add one more point to that. for this book i had trump officials that stayed longer tell me about how they worried he would even use homeland security powers to harass these former members of congress and current members of congress on the other side. and they said you know when you go through tsa and they search through someone's pocket letter and devices if they suspect them of being tied to extremist groups? those are the authorities they will start using against political adversaries because they will say that they are tied to nt for and the need to go through their devices and personal effects. this is not hyperbole, this is the type of thing that they were planning to do in a second donald trump administration. i >> and they said that would be weapon icing the federal government against the american
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people, but you know, with the nicene the doj is an aspect of trump's plans, if he gets another term. he has also said to be planning deportations of undocumented people and putting them in detention camps. we saw him do something similar to this when he was president from you know, 17 through 21. how worried are you that the reporting we have seen about what he is planning, if he gets a second bite at the apple, will be infinitely worse? >> let's preface this by saying this is not normal. this idea that a democratically elected president decides to weapon eyes the powers of government against individuals that were basically doing their job is not normal. in a functioning democracy it is not normal. one thing he likes to say is, he likes to point fingers at banana republics. you know who does what he is
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threatening to do? banana republics. that is not a democracy, and for every american, regardless of political stripes, we should take everything he says seriously because everything he said that he was going to do on the campaign trail in 2016 he actually did, except build infrastructure. so as we continue to go down this route, when he says he is going to deport and do roundups of immigrants and undocumented immigrants, he is basically trying to use code words and recognizing that anybody who is not white is going to be a target for deportation, because you cannot tell who an american citizen is by how they look or how they sound. under trump, there are several citizens that were deported accidentally or held in processing. so this is something that we know that donald trump wants to do. he uses anti-immigrant rhetoric as bait for an extreme portion of the american people but they are not the majority of american people and for those
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individuals that are saying that the politics is too messy for them and they do not like the back and forth, they don't like the fact there is too much tension, we need you in the game, because otherwise, by sitting it out, it is someone like donald trump that will take the white house and what he intends to do with our democracy is ensuring that not only are individuals but people that are not white will have their rights violated and everybody else and when he talks for example that he does not believe in an abortion ban, don't take him at his word because he told us that he does. we have to make sure that we are all on red alert when he says he wants to weapon eyes the department of justice, he will. >> time always flies when i get one of you on a show with me , but the two of you together, like the time just warps. i think you both very much for this important discussion. thank you as always for coming to the saturday show. up next, the school shooting that horrified the nation 25 years ago today.
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we will take a closer look at how columbine changed the country forever, and yet many of the root causes that led to that deadly day have yet to be addressed. addressed. with stock ratim j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. hi, i'm todd. i'm a veteran of 23 years. i served three overseas tours. i love to give back to the community. i offer what i can when i can. i started noticing my memory was slipping. i saw a prevagen commercial and i did some research on it. i started taking prevagen about three years ago. i feel clearer in my thoughts, my memory has improved and generally just more on point. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and generally just more on point. and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go!
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themselves. the infamous massacre sent shockwaves through the nation and became a blueprint for other copycat shootings. and now kids have to practice drills at school starting at an early age. about this tragic anniversary is not the only one we are facing. monday will mark the sixth anniversary of a deadly shooting at a waffle house in nashville, tennessee where a white man fatally shot ultra people of color, triggering a nearly 34 hour manhunt before his arrest. joining me now . is the directo of the center for medicine, health and society at vanderbilt university. he is the author of what we have become, living and dying in a country of arms. thank you very much for coming to the show. president biden released a statement today reflecting on the columbine school shooting anniversary and he is asking congress to do something so that communities will not continue to suffer due to the epidemic of gun violence. this year alone there have been
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19 gun related deaths at schools. so, in your view, what has changed since columbine, and what still needs to change? >> i think it is important to remember that columbine was kind of a wake-up moment for a particular kind of problem that intersected with semiautomatic weapons, i mean it was a shooting that happened in a suburban area and white children were the victims as well as other people and so it really brought a question of gun violence home to a lot of people. and i just remember that moment as being like this moment where we are going to turn the course. this is not going to stand. we had come together as a nation. we had done and assault weapons ban a couple decades before. we had come together to arrest other types of public health emergencies, cigarettes and drunk driving and asbestos. people felt like we have hit bottom and this is the moment where we come together. i will say that many important
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things happened after columbine. it was the beginning of really the modern gun safety movement. so all the groups that we have now, all the remarkable efforts that we have now, but unfortunately, it was very far from the bottom. we have seen many more guns and many more shootings. in a way, we feel further from resolution even then we did after the shooting. >> we just showed pictures of the 12 students and the one teacher who were killed on that day 25 years ago today. and we were just showing the picture again right now. but you know, your book takes a deep dive into the 2018 waffle house shooting and how these mass shooters reveal a lot about the issues on race and mental health that we continue to face in our country. can you expand on that? >> my book really takes a deep dive into that 2018 waffle house shooting. it was a shooting where a naked white shooter went into a waffle house in a part of
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nashville at 2:30 in the morning for of customers of color. it was a race shooting and a sign of what happens in a state like tennessee with pathologically loose gun laws and it is the same thing, where our town came together and said enough is enough, we are going to turn the course. this has shown us the worst of humanity and now let's turn course and i want to say that there are a lot of people who are building from the horror of that moment, people running for office and the mother of one of the victims of that shooting is running for state office in tennessee. so there are many things that have come out of the aftermath of what was a similar story, which was the people demanded some kind of action, but because tennessee is a super majority state, there was no pressure, nobody was going to get voted out of office, so
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instead what we have seen is a dramatic expansion in every kind of law that led to the shooting. people can carry guns without permits and we are arming teachers and long guns for people 18 and older. so we have this total disconnect between what people know that we need as a society to keep our country safe, and what the political process, in its gerrymandered state right now, is delivering, which is unfortunately more of these horrific mass shootings. >> s.and so the question occurs to me when we showed a picture of the waffle house shooter, was he taken alive after that manhunt? >> yeah, that is the story that i tell in the book. not only was he taken alive, what a shows that there were five or six incidences before the shooting. he tried to jump the fence at the white house. he came to the attention of the fbi. he jumped naked into a pool and then jumped out and shook his gun at people. and so part of the story is
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what does it take to disarm a white man in america? that is the story of the book and it turns out it is very hard because the laws, the system and people see a white man as a patriot, and yes, he was taken alive after the shooting. he was not killed. >> as always, thank you very much for coming to the show. mr. clea up next on the c saturday er show, there is no presidential motorcade. why a race car was speeding down pennsylvania avenue today. oday. it's amazing. it's so good. it makes it look like i have magical powers. magic eraser and sheets make cleaning look easy. nothing dims my light like a migraine. with nurtec odt, i found relief. the only migraine medication that helps treat and prevent, all in one. to those with migraine, i see you. for the acute treatment of migraine with or without aura and the preventive treatment
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going the wrong way on a street there. we normally expect everything in washington move at a glacial pace, but today, things moved pretty fast in the capitol, literally. this afternoon, a red bull formula one race car sped down pennsylvania avenue in washington as part of a promotional showcase. fastest movement on pennsylvania avenue is usually when members of congress are heading out on recess, like today. that will do it for me. thank you for watching, and be sure to tune in tomorrow to the sunday show when retired general wesley clark joins us live to discuss the newly passed foreign aid package, and his letter to president biden on the need for a new strategic approach for our new geopolitical era.


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