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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  April 19, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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boycotting graduation ceremonies. she handled the hearing diplomaticly but i don't think she's handled the tensions on her campus well at all. >> michelle goldburg is an opinion columnist. that is our show for tonight. last july on the book club we featured a children's book. age appropriate was removed from bookshelfs in florida and texas and not only a year later, poncholi who is an openly gay indian man is facing again. time now for the last word with jonathan in for allie. >> i'm so glad you're going to be talking to poncholi about
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what happened to him. the cancellation of his book reading. i saw his instagram story about that and wanted to get him on my show. but you got him first. so that means i get to watch him early. >> the thing about malik is he's truly the sweetest man you have ever met. i can't imagine this man getting banned from a speech about bullying. it's like the world is upside down man. when you don't want this kid talking to your kids, the world is upside down. >> yeah, upside down and inside out. allie, thank you very much. >> have a good show. >> this trial is starting. that was judge's thought in the case of the people of the state of new york versus donald j. trump. today on day four of the trial, the full panel of 12 jurors and six alternates were shown in to consider donald trump's fate in the historic first criminal trial of a former u.s.
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president. judge marchand told the court that the opening statements would start on monday. that did not stop donald trump's lawyers to try to delay the case. this is at least the tenth time the trump team has been denied a trial delay request. donald trump isn't going to stop the wheels of justice from turning on monday. a key question is whether or not he'll be a witness in his own criminal trial. this is what donald trump told reporters today. >> are you going to testify? >> yes. >> now, this is donald trump we're talking about. his yes can't really be taken at face value. especially when we know what sorts of questions donald trump could be facing from prosecutors. after jury selection was
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complete, the judge held a sandoval hearing where prosecutors revealed the lawsuits they plan on using in cross-examination against donald trump to get at his credibility if he takes the witness stand. prosecutors want to ask about the civil fraud case, all of his gag order violations that continue to grow. the trump foundation case, and the sanctions, the sanctions order for his frivolous lawsuit against hillary clinton. the judge will rule on the sands value questions monday. but the judge strongly indicated he would let prosecutors confront donald trump with this passage from the sanctions order if trump takes the stand. quote, mr. trump is a prolific and sophisticateed litigant who is repeatedly using the courts to seek revenge on political adversarys. he's the master mind of strategic abuse of the judicial process. at the end of the hearing,
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prosecutors once again refused to provide the defense with a list of their next three witnesses. quote, unless your honor orders us differently we're not supplying the name of the witness to a defendant who contimaciousl violates the order of not mentioning the witnesses. to give the defense the name of their first witness only and that name will be handed over sunday night. prosecutors said quote if that should be tweeted, that will be the last time we provide a courtesy. donald trump has already violated the gag order at least seven times this week alone. giving donald trump the name sunday limits the time he has to violate the gag order before court resumes on monday.
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also happening on monday, 10:00 a.m. eastern, just 30 minutes after opening statements kick off in his criminal trial, donald trump's other attorneys will head just down the street to a different manhattan courthouse for a civil fraud case hearing that could threaten hundreds of millions of dollars in his assets. today new york attorney general leticia james asked the judge to void donald trump $175 million bond in the case citeing concerns the bond company might not actually have the funds to back it up. leading off our discussion tonight adam classfeld a fellow at just security who is covering the trial for the last word. also with us, a former u.s. attorney and professor at the university of alabama school of law. she is cohost of the # sisters in law podcast and an msnbc legal analyst. thank you both for being here. adam trump is claiming he will
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be a witness. the judge will rule monday morning about what from trump's past prosecutors would be allowed to raise at trial. tell us about that. >> as you mentioned jonathan, this is the objective of this sandoval notice as the prosecutor put forward established boundaries if trump testifies and how to address him with prior bad acts. the point of it is to pierce his credibility. it's not to raise every bad thing a court has found he's done. as he noted the judge seemed very inclineed to grant the motion as to the sanctions order. it's a blistering passage saying that he's a serial litigant who weaponizes the justice system against his political adversarys. and you're going to see, i would expect the judge to apply
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the same kind of care that he's done in prior rulings, establishing the boundaries of what's fair game. what is too much that would go over the line in his due process rights. but also, give the runway to prosecutors speak on his credibility. there have been a lot of court findings that he isn't a trustworthy litigant. that he ignores the gag orders. prosecutors are requesting the gag orders to be, to confront him with those. they're requesting to raise the eg carroll verdicts to the request that they show this is a fine line that the judges and the prosecutors are going to walk. it's not about the sexual assault on eg carroll but the defamation is what the prosecutor said. to show his credibility that he was found to have lied about
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the sexual assault and actual malice. so the judge will give these rulings. he's going to put on record that he thinks it's fair game if trump plans to take the stand that all of these findings from years of litigation can or cannot be used to confront him and inform him to you know buyer be ware. if he decides to actually take that step. >> and joyce. the thought of being cross examineed about being repeated incidents showing you're a liar would be enough to keep most defendants from testifying. it know it would keep me off the stand. but what about trump? >> i guess that's the question here, right. i mean the job for the judge when he looks at each of these incidents, he has to determine whether the evidence has very important value for prosecutors. so much so that it outweighs any risk of undue prejudice to donald trump. those are the two equitys he has to balance. the courts in new york have said that's a decision that
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they leave to the sound discretion of the trial judge. it's really up to him. he's the man on the ground looking at the evidence. so you see this act after act, where judges have found that trump has abuseed the legal process or that trump has lied. his lawyers are objecting saying these are facts that have nothing to do with this case and they couldn't come in and that's just not what this argument is about. because as adam has done a great job of laying out. the only thing the government could use these prior instances for, at least on cross- examination is to attack donald trump's credibility so that they can then argue to the jury, you shouldn't believe anything he told you on the stand. any defenses he said this man has lied in the past. and you should judge his credibility today in light of all these other times he's been less than truthful. that should be enough to keep him off the stand. but with trump, who knows. >> right. and joyce, as an attorney did
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we learn anything this week about the control trump's lawyers are able to exert over him? >> well i think what we learned is judge marchand does not believe his lawyers can control him. i don't think the judge was being critical of his lawyer, i think he was just identifying that there were seven times that he violated the gag order. he shows no concern about the safety of witnesses and family members of court personnel. this is not the typical client who listens to his lawyers. and there was one jonathan, just one little snippet we got from reporting in the courtroom that i thought was very telling and it was that as jurors, potential jurors were coming in to be questioned. everyone in the courtroom rising. that's what you do in a trial. the jury comes in and out ahead of everybody else. all of the lawyers, the
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defendant, everybody stands up to show respect when the jury leaves same thing. everybody stands up. and this week, the only person in that courtroom who wasn't doing that was donald trump. these were the people coming into the courtroom who might hold his future in their hands, he showed no respect for him. i know that his lawyers would have told him, we stand up for the jury. both when they enter and when they leave to show respect. the fact that donald trump chose not to do that shows just how little he's willing to listen to his lawyers. >> how little he's willing to listen to his lawyers or how much respect he has not only for the jury but for this entire, this entire process that is, you know attempting to hold him accountable. adam, the judge seemed to be frustrated by trump's delay tactics saying quote at this point what is happening is, what is happening is, his defense is literally targeting individual decisions one by one by one by one in filing
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premotion letters. that has to end okay. my rulings are what they are. i have entertained your argument, i have handed down decisions but at some point you need to accept the court's rulings. >> and, to say that the judge is frustrated with trump's attorneys would be an under statement. we have to take a step back to see what led us up to this point. the reason why we're at this point is that, in the judge's own words that trump's lawyers had been inundating the court with frivolous motions right before the trial. they were talking about pretrial and premotions. now they cannot file motions
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anymore. they have to file premotions requesting permission. and they according to the judge nearly violated that. he had to warn them that, a couple of weeks ago that if they did not go through that procedure he would sanction them. as you noticed, we had this whole episode just today where we have an appellate court on the eve of trial rejecting a motion to stay. that was because the week before jury selection, we had a scenario where trump's attorneys filed three appeals in one week seeking an application for a stay. all three of them were rejected and all three of them sparked new appeals. one of which was rejected today. so their delay tactics are spawning new delay tactics. and it seems very clear there have been enough judges in the department who have seen all of this repeatedly that those are just spinning the wheels and
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that all of them have been rejected and enough of the judge's have climbed in t hat -- have chimeed in that the rest of them that have been filed will be rejected. >> a number of attorneys will be in court to respond to the attorney general asking to void the $175 million bond. what should we watch for? >> primarily we should watch for will it be voided. the new york attorney general has asked the judge give him seven days. that's going to be tough for trump. it's already public record that more than 30 different bonding companies turned him down. in the last minute we have specialty company, they're trump's knight in shineing armour, it might not be enough. this one might also be voided
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if the judge agrees with the attorney general that it's not sufficient. so we could be back to the situation where trump is without a bond and a real threat for the seisure of his assets. >> monday is going to be a big old day. thank you so much for coming to the last word. coming up. i'm not sure what's been weirder about this week. seeing the first former american president face trial or reading the reportings about that same former president repeatedly falling asleep during his criminal trial. jennifer ruben and michael bestoff will help me make sense of all of this. that's next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy.
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donald trump fell asleep on multiple days during his criminal trial. the first criminal trial of a former american president. ever. on monday, a jury will hear evidence against trump who is accuseed of 34 counts of falsifying business records to interfere in the 2016 election who's history of lying, intimidation and multiple civil judgments against him for fraud and sexual abuse could be raised if trump decides to testify. on tuesday, trump is facing punishment for violating his gag order seven times since monday for posting attacks against witnesses and jurors. some of which was posted while trump was in the courtroom. trump has been reprimanded by the judge for muttering and gestureing too close to the jurors. he fames he's campaigning from the courtroom but is there
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really a constituent order. president biden spent the week touting infrastructure investments, promising to protect women's rights and to provide tax relief for teachers and families. that was after a three day swing through battleground pennsylvania meeting voteers and talking about his agenda. donald trump is inside a courtroom, where he as a criminal defendant must abide by the rules or face consequences and any misbehavior is being witnessed. jurors don't appreciate it if the misbehavior continues they may hold it against him. but the jurors aren't the only
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audience, americans are watching. outside of the courtroom donald trump looks tired. and 46% voted for him in 2020. when he had president in front of his name. but as the donald campaign will remind voteers from now until november, quote, donald trump is not a confident man. he's a desperate man who knows he's losing. donald trump has taken over the republican party to enrich himself and sell out the american people to his billionaire donors. it won't help his personal life and it can't fix his broken political campaign. joining me now, jennifer ruben washington post opinion columnist and msnbc and michael weslock presidential historian. welcome back to the last word.
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michael, we've become numb to it, but trump has made history again in the worse way. >> right. more than in the worse way. i think probably in about 20 ways. you know let's, if any of us is numb to this and i think we're probably not. one -- but in case we are, imagine this was dwight eisenhower on truman falling asleep in court accused of what he is being accuseed of. this is not exactly what the founders had in mind for a future president. they thought they had created a system that would exclude people that would be likely to be at least accused of criminal conduct. of course we don't know if he will be found guilty or not. and i remember a guy, i think it was a male, the person in the trump entourage who said it'll be great he can campaign
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from the courtroom. this can be a plus. well that's a classic example of turning lemons into lemonade and doesn't seem to be happening. this guy is on display, eight hours a day during this trial and just as you said jonathan, it doesn't exactly suggest that he's fit and ready to be president in almost any other respect. and the other thing i will close with this is, this is someone who can't stand being out of control. what last control is there than being in a courtroom with a jury and a judge that is going to rule on your fate and potentially even put you in jail. it's going to drive him crazy. this is the opposite of campaigning and wining votes. >> jen, trump claims his trial is firing up his base. but is it actually helping him to be sleeping in court while biden is out campaigning on real issues? >> i think not. you know donald trump wants to be the big man. he wants to be in charge as
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mike michael said. but every day he's diminished. there's a point in the trial today that he stood up that appeared that he was going to leave before the judge left the courtroom. and he said, sit down. and as a sheepish little kid he had to sit down. he can try to mumble and smirk at the jury. he can try to disregard the judge's orders. but ultimately he's not allowed to do these things and he will be called at and he will have to sit there. donald trump is not one to control himself. so when people like michael cohen, like hope hicks get on the stand, i find it hard that he's simply going to sit there. he's going to starts mumbleing, he's going to start gestureing.
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and that's going to get him in trouble too. everything he does because he's don donald trump is not going to go his way in the courtroom. his base is his base. they only get one vote. and those people will probably not be swayed by anything that happens in the courtroom. and anything that he says on the courtroom steps. but he's got to get a majority. as you pointed out, at his peak he got 46%. and he is not making friends. he is not impressing people outside. and meanwhile, joe biden is not only campaigning, but he's getting a little feisty. he is getting in his digs. he's noteing these things like he's sleeping. he's noteing that trump is otherwise occupied as he put it on one occasion this week. so, i think the biden campaign realizes, they've got this guy trapped. he's cornered. and they're going to keep sticking it to him and giving him little jabs. and that too is going to weigh
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on trump because he can't stand being mocked. >> yeah, he really hates it. but you know what, michael. politico reports that benny thompson the former chair of the january 6th committee, introduced a bill to remove secret service protection for anyone sentenceed to a year or more in jail. saying it would quote, alleviate a conflict between the secret services mission and prison officials tasked with the protection of inmates. i hear you chuckling, so finish the thought. what do you think about that? >> you know i got into this career decades ago. of all the things i thought i would have to think about the idea of you know a fistfight between officers of the secret service and the bureau of prison, at you know, some federal prison some where is not something i had exactly on my bingo card. but you know the other thing and i want to endorse what jennifer said.
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the other thing that shows so much in this scene and in the last number of months in 2016, that was in many ways a a diabolical campaign. donald trump stood for horrible things but relative to now he was more disciplineed. this year it's about making himself feel good for the next 60 seconds than wining as a candidate for president with a wining message. i think telling people in advance if they elect you, he wants to be a dictator for a day. pit the defense department against his enemys and possibly take us out of nato and let putin run wild through europe. my guess is that's not a disciplined wining message. it's more of a psychiatry. i think we should applaud donald trump because of his
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transparent transparency. i don't see a majority of americans voting for that. >> you know, jen. we have seen over time how the presidency ages men, only because it's only been men up until this point. but how do you see trump's postpresidency legal and financial issues weighing on him? >> i think he is truly exhausted. he's not a disciplineed person. and to have to sit there and listen and we already know he doesn't sleep well. we already know in the oval office he had executive time till about 11:00 in the morning. i think this is a physical as well as a mental and emotional strain on him. and you can tell, he does look tired. he does look diminished. let's face it. even before this trial he was not doing what president biden is doing. president biden was out three days in a row campaigning.
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he did speechs constantly. he meets with voteers, he is conducting america's business. donald trump does not have that kind of energy or money to put together a real campaign. so in a sense, this is all he has. what else is he going to do? it's not like he's going to go into a swing state and give speech after speech on the issues. that's not what he's capable of. so i think that this is really showing the limits of his physical capacity as well as his mental and emotional capacity. by the way, to betty thompson, i think the bureau of prisons will easily accommodate the secret service. i am sure they can find a place for them. >> i don't want to see the fistfight. >> michael, when you were talking about that michael, i mean no disrespect to the secret service, but i think the folks at the bureau of prisons might have a little more experience with that kind of
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fight. jennifer ruben. >> you're probably right. thank god for american history that's true. >> yes. jennifer ruben, michael beslov, thank you so much for coming to the last word. >> thank you so much. >> thanks. one of the more factually challenged members of the house republican caucus tangled with one of this program's smartest frequent guests. you'll see, yale his professor timothy schneider fact checked marjory green. that's next. any time of the . what people don't know is that not all dirt is the same. you need dirt with the right kind of nutrients. look at this new organic soil from miracle-gro. everybody should have it. it worked great for us. this is as good as gold in any garden. if people only knew that it really is about the dirt. you're a dirt nerd. huge dirt nerd. i'm proud of it! [ryan laughs] for your most brilliant smile, crest has you covered.
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democrats once again will be the adults in the room. and i'm so glad republicans finally realize the gravity of this situation and the urgency with which we must act. but guess what mr. speaker, you don't get an award around here for simply doing your job. >> that was the lead democrat, jim mcgovern speaking today before the house voted to advance a $95.3 million aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. in a rare move, more democrats voted for the republican procedural rule than republicans rescueing speaker mike johnson. the house is set to vote tomorrow on that critical ukraine aid. that has been stalled for months by what liz cheney calls the putin wing of the republican party.
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our next guest, yale history professor timothy schneider testified about that in the house committee. >> if we follow propaganda we notice a certain pattern which is the political warfare themes which as colleagues have quite rightly said are meant to pass through us. have in fact, done so. first, ukrainians are nazis. a russian theme picked up china echoed on the house floor. second it's all about nato enlargement. a russian team picked up by china. third, ukraine is corrupt. a russian theme picked up by china and echoed on the house floor. russian theme echoed by chinese propaganda picked up in house discussions. fifth, we should pay attention to the border and not do
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anything about iran. a russian team picked up in both chambers. sixth, the biden bribe. a russian theme picked up and echoed by china discussed in this very chamber. >> committee member marjorie taylor greene, a member of the so called putin republican wing said this. >> has to include russia, ukraine, and america. she's just demonstrateed that point i think very powerfully. on the question of nazis i've written two books as a historian about nazis and the
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holocaust. on the question of ukraine i've been writing about it for 20 years. if the house is interested in the history, no far right party has ever crossed 3%, 3% in ukrainian election. so of course, there are bad people in every country. but by any comparative standard is a very small phenomenon. in russia on the other hand the army includes openly nazi formations. the government itself is facist in character. and is carrying out a war which includes deportation of children by the tens of hundreds of thousand. the deportation of state as well as mass torture. if we're looking for fascism
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and is worried about political war, you should look at russia. >> if i operated out of fear over a motion to vacate i would never be able to do my job. history judges us for what we do. this is a critical time right now, this is a critical time in the world's stage. i think giving aid to ukraine is very important. i believe xi and putin and iran are an axis of evil. i think putin would continue to run through europe. >> joining us now is timothy schneider, he's the author of the road unfreedom. what do you believe puts the
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republican speakers job at risk? >> it says that an important part of the republican party has gotten in the habit of repeating things that are propaganda troves. some of them are doing it because they have reasons of their own and others are trapped. what the speaker said is true. the front could break. ukrainians are fighting. it's not matter of intelligence it's a matter of taking reality into account. >> professor, i want to listen to what the chair of the house intelligence committee republican mike turner and republican don bacon had to say about their fellow republicans. >> we see directly coming from russia attempts to mask
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communications that are anti ukraine and prorussia messages. some that we hear being uttered on the house floor. >> if we don't stop doing this, a few of my colleagues would like to see the russians win. >> beyond marjorie taylor greene, how pervasive is the messaging of russian propaganda in the house. >> the problem is bigger than that. the problem is social media favors disinformation over information. twitter in particular which the russians and chinese use. there's a specific problem with a few members of congress who simply repeat these tropes over and over again. such as marjorie taylor greene and vance. there are a majority of people who have taken this as a normal part of conversation. but i think are now realizing, i think some of them any way what their mistake had been. i think interestingly in the last few days we're seeing a
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kind of separation between the people who are doubling down on the russian story, and the people who are beginning to gingerly take some steps away from it. >> here's the kind of coverage marjorie taylor greene gets on russian tv. watch this. >> congresswoman marjorii taylor greene is proposing for the u.s. to move away from nato. she believes that they should help russia win. >> knowing that he has compromised the united states congress. >> i mean, the session that i was invited to talk about was about warfare. they are using media, law, psychology to get you to do things that aren't in your own interest. the russian idea is very much the same. so, this stuff only works when americans take in russian or chinese tropes and repeat them and then they become meaningful
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then the russians can pick them up again and then the cycle begins and it starts to all seem normal. that clip shows a sort of deflection. because the hero of propaganda was mike johnson who is a much more important person. it's not a good sign for them actually. they've had to go down to pick up marjorie taylor greene. some republicans are trying to run from the chaos they helped donald trump create overturning roe v. wade. some republicans promise that they will stop at abortion, they are coming for more of your rights. but some republicans they're saying the quiet part outloud. that's next.
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on reproductive rights because he created the extreme conservative majority on the supreme court that overturned roe v. wade. but despite trump's efforts to lie about the republican position, here's what republicans actually say. tennessee senator marsha blackburn want the right to birth control. >> constitutionally unsound rulings like griswold versus connecticut. >> trump endorseed idaho state representative brent crane wants to ban birth control. ne wants to ban birth control. >> how about abortion pills via male or iud or plan b. would you hear legislation to ban those? >> i would, absolutely. >> to be clear iud and plan b are birth control. and this trump enthusiast is coming for birth control,
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abortion, and my marriage? >> gay marriage lead to chaos and destruction. >> very ugly. but this is exactly what supreme court justice clarence thomas wrote he wants to do. we should reconsider all of this court's substantive, we have a duty to correct the error. [captioner transition ] [captio
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arizona republicans could not get it together to repeal their pre-statehood total abortion ban from the 1800s despite carrie lake and donald trump calling on them to do so. this is why. all these positions are extremely political and disingenuous. we know where donald trump stands, we know where carrie lake stands and where the nd senate gop and house stand. they know they are losing race after race so they are trying to obscure their positions. tomorrow, excuse me next week, we are going to see the supreme court hear a case to decide
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whether states are allowed to dial my emergency medical care including abortion based on the biden administration's effort to enforce the rule. mag a has states challenging the rule. the courts are yet again taking up abortion rights and republicans are yet again defining -- defying what people need, emergency care when they need it. >> florida, arizona and now nevada will have ballot measures regarding reproductive rights. how important are those ballot measures in november? >> they are critical. nothing is much more urgent right now than florida and arizona. nevada, it is a really big step. they have statutorily protected abortion access. they will have to go to the ballot twice to get this in the
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constitution. what is hair on fire urgent are florida and arizona where you have florida with a six-week ban about to go in effect which is before most people know they are pregnant. and arizona, this wild 1800s abortion ban is a total ban. voters this november can fix hi that and stop these bams. for the next couple months, we are going to have devastating out comes for pregnant people in the state, particularly florida. florida is a critical part of the geography of this country. it was one of the last few places you could access care. now women are going to have to go all the way up to virginia to get help in the south. >> there are horror stories about emergency care. i know some republicans are shocked to discover it, but do you ever find real voters who are surprised about the broad ri
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implications of these bams? >> yes, there are voters beginning to dial in. they understood what happened with roe, it is shocking to understand that emergency care that has already been available to so many americans can be denied. those er players are so terrified of being prosecuted or investigated by the states. the links in which these modern gop controlled ban states are going to punish doctors and their patience will make care so unavailable even in the most shocking cases. this is what is shocking the americans. it is not just about the medical active abortion, it is all the other consequences.
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her uncle's unhappy. you're at eleven. i'm going to need i'm sensing an down underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session.
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okay, that's uncalled for. i'll see you back here tomorrow on the saturday show at 6:00 p.m. eastern when congressman robert garcia of california will be our guest as we follow the live house debate and vote on the critical package to ukraine and israel that we discussed earlier in this hour. remember, those of the vote that some members of the republican party could cost the house speaker his job it makes you wonder, at this point, who would want that job, anyway? that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour starts right now. >> a defendant like none other. >> this is the most historic thing that donald trump has