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tv   All In With Chris Hayes  MSNBC  April 10, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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there are war crimes trials happening today, happening with respect to many conflicts. so it is just a question in some respects of the will. you know. would the united states which obviously is the biggest supporter of israel support these kinds of war crime trials because the u.s. has a lot of influence over these things. so, there's a lot of steps that would have to happen for that to take place. but, the only thing when i have covered all these conflicts is that the results were really surprises. >> surprises in a horrible way right now. peter, thank you so much for being here, thank you for writing that piece. that is tonight's reidout. all in with chris hayes starts right now. tonight on all in. >> for 54 years they were trying to get roe v. wade terminated and i did it. >> republicans warm up the bus for reproductive rights. >> if you have to travel to another state to get an abortion, it's not the worse
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thing in the world. buying a bus ticket is not the worse thing in the world. >> tonight, why the people who created the nightmare can't escape responsibility. >> i'm incredibly thrilled that we are going to have a great law that is already on the books. plus donald trump's money man reports to rikers island as the latest stall tactic for his own criminal trial fails. and, speaker amerita nancy pelosi on what the collapse of the maga house means for the country. we have to choose a new republican speaker of the house. >> when all in starts right now. good evening from new york, i'm chris hayes, today, one day after the arizona supreme court upheld a 160-year-old law outlawing nearly all abortions, republicans in that state's legislature threw away a chance to repeal the wildly unpopular
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ban. arizona democrats who are a slim minority, just barely, in the senate, tried to bring up legislation that would repeal the 1864 law. and in some senses calling the bluff for republicans who said oh, this is terrible. and yet, what happened? republican leaders in the state house removed the bill from the agenda and the house, republicans called for recess before any votes could be cast on a similar bill. democrats reproached their republican colleagues on the floor. >> shame, shame, shame, shame, shame! shame, shame, shame, shame, shame! blood on your hands! blood on your hands! blood on your hands! blood on your hands! shame! shame! >> protect reproductive freedom! >> arizona is now set to be ground zero in what will be the first true nation-wide abortion election in this nation's history. if the product of 50 years of
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anti-abortion activism by the republican party and conservatives for half a century, republicans have argued out of both sides of their mouths about reproductive rights. this is important to understand. so, in one side, right, they called abortion murder. you are baby killers. and they claimed fertilized eggs are full human persons. they said it should be left to the states and the democratic process. well, thanks to the successful efforts the republican anti- abortion movement, and donald trump and his conservative majority on the supreme court, abortion rights have been kicked back to the states. the right to safe and legal reproductive care is now up in the air in every state in the nation. since the decision overturning roe, abortion right haves been explicitly on the ballot and in every single one, the pro
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abortion rights side won. even conservative states. state that's states that donald trump won. arizona now will have this on the ballot in the fall? it is expect today be next. of course, now, this year, for the first time since the supreme court overturned roe, we are facing a national presidential election. we have a man who nearly single handedly destroyed roe v. wade as he will be the absolute first to tell you. >> i was the person responsible for the ending of something that all legal scholars, both sides, wanted and like demanded be ended. roe v. wade. for 54 years, they were trying to get roe v. wade terminated. and i did it. and i'm proud to have done it. roe v. wade, i did something nobody thought was possible and
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roe v. wade was terminated. >> point of fact there, not all legal scholars on both sides wanted it overturned. that is nonsense. now on the other side of this election, there is a democratic president, joe biden, who promises to restore roe v. wade as the law of the land through legislation. the thing about all of this, it is wild to watch this. i got to say. i don't think i have ever quite seen something like this in my 20 years covering american politics. republicans at least the ones with like a modicum of sense understand they are in desperate trouble on this issue. it is just clear as day. that voters are not in line with their position on abortion. so they are just running around saying anything they can to anyone just trying to like, run away from themselves. from their own position. donald trump is the prime example. in a recent statement, desperately trying to create some distance from the
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political catastrophe of his own making that he keeps bragging about, he said he supported leaving abortion rights up to the states including states like mississippi where a 13-year-old the victim of rape has to give birth to her rapist's child. this comes after trump spent years just flip-flopping all over the place on the issue. >> well look, i'm, i'm very pro choice. i am strongly for choice. and yet, i hate the concept of abortion. >> but you would not ban it? >> no. >> i used to not be pro life. i have become pro life. i build buildings, they are not asking me if i'm pro choice or pro life. what am i? but yeah. i don't use the word flip. i evolved on a lot of different things. >> as you know, i'm pro life. >> i have been pro life. >> the answer is that there has to be some form of punishment. >> for the woman? >> yeah. >> again, pick any position, he has said it at some point. none of that matters.
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it doesn't matter what he says. remember, republicans are trying to hide their true position. and the ones that are trying to hide their position like trump, those are the ones who know that he would actually win an election. but if you listen to conservatives who don't need to win votes? well then they sound like this. >> if you had to travel to another state to get an abortion, it is not the worst thing in the world. hopefully, this is a very rare occurrence in your life. once in your life maybe would do it. buying a bus ticket to go somewhere to get it is not the worse thing in the world. >> come on, cheer up, toots. it's just a bus ticket. just a bust ticket. just get on a bus. 15 years old, victim of sexual assault. get on a bus. maybe this happens one or twice. that's what they think. remember, no matter what anyone else says, this republican party is devoted to completely
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eliminating bodily autonomy for women as a matter of fervent and zealous belief and they will not stop until they are definitively politically defeated over and over and over until it is ground out of them and they have the tools to accomplish this. robbing women of their body autonomy at every level. state, local, state legislatures, governor's mansions. if they win the presidency, they will control a federal government that they can for instance order the fda to overturn the approval of abortion medication like mifepristone. take it off the shelves. they can revive another 19th century law still on the books. which is just fallen into disrepute and not used called the comstock act which outlaws mailing everything relate today abortion. the federal male would shut down the shipping of everything related to abortion. what would that do?
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how would that work? you might be saying it sounds a little farfetched to thaw out a dormant law from the 1800s. but that is literally what they just did in the arizona supreme court yesterday. so, we are now seeing the spectacle of arizona republicans running for office. take for instance, this candidate. you know her. kari lake. she lost the race for governor to katie hobbs in 2022 though she never conceded. she is now running for senate against rue began gallego. yesterday in the wake of the supreme court decision, she put out this sentence desperately trying to run away from what she knows is the wrong side of the issue. quote, i oppose today's ruling. i'm calling on katie hobbs, that's a funny one. i guess katie hobbs is the governor now? and the state legislature to come up with an immediate common sense solution that people in arizona can support.
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of course, her party blocked that, today. and that statement which is fine as the statements goo would be slightly more credible. if kari lake had not explicitly endorsed the same 1864 law on stage into a microphone on camera just two years ago. >> obviously, i think roe v. wade should be overturned and i think the supreme court, i have a good feeling that they are going to do the right thing this time. we have a great law on the books. >> we have a great law on the books right now. this is what the abortion election looks like. as election day approaches, republicans like kari lake will continue to lie about their own positions. they talk about how toxic they are. make no mistake. they have shown us and continue
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to show us every day what they do when they have power. we have rubin gallego here now. congressman, before we get to what your opponent has said about this, i want to get your reaction to the state supreme court ruling. >> well, i'm horrified. the arizona voters are horrified. i have a nine month old daughter. she has less rights than my mother. in this world. in this modern record. we are going back to laws put in place by judges appointed by abraham lincoln. doctors will be going to jail, nurses will be going to jail, and politicians like kari lake
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want that to happen and said it is a good law. a great law. >> you served in the arizona state house. this was really remarkable. there is this tension between the beliefs the genuinely held beliefs, members of the u.s. senate, on the federal bench. conservatives everywhere who believe they want it all outlawed. and the politics of it. it is so striking to me. what the arizona republican majority did. they could have done the politically expedient thing. what was your interpretation of their actions to block an immediate overriding of this decision? >> because they truly do believe that women do not have a right to an abortion. they believe that doctors should go to jail for providing safe and legal abortions. and nurses, and other providers. when they are saying it, they
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point out when they are voting against the overturning of the bill, they are telling us what they want to do. let's believe them. this is the opportunity for everyone in arizona to understand that this is a real threat. we have an abortion rights initiative that we need to vote for in november. we need to vote out these republicans that are anti- abortion rights. if you want to help out this campaign, we are at we want to expose kari lake's lies. someone who cited by statute this bill and now she wants to claim she doesn't support it. she is lying. she wants to jail our doctors, imprison our nurses and outright ban abortions in arizona. >> just so folks know, the polling, the most recent polling we have, this is actually a little dated. i imagine it will be updated. should abortion be legal always or with some minor restrictions? 62% favor that. in your state nationally. abortion should be legal at all or most cases. at 70%. how do you, i mean, there is a
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full on attempt. i mean, a kind of panicky attempt. do you worry that could be successful? people are not necessarily completely locked in, who is responsible, how do you see yourself dealing with that as you talk to votes you are trying to win the vote of? >> look, people in arizona aren't dumb. they know kari lake is lying and willing to say everything she can to win and hold power. her positions have changed so much. and we have her on record, on camera with her audio voice and she is directly citing the actual territorial law for someone who is not known for being deep on policy. she somehow knew this particular ban that is going to be designed specifically to arrest doctors and nurses. they are not going to believe it and we will not let people forget it.
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and arizonans have seen this game before. they are not going to trust people like kari lake. they want to protect abortion rights. and, they want to make sure our doctors and nurses and abortion providers do not go to jail because of this extreme, extreme dangerous politics of people like kari lake. >> thanks so much. >> thank you. coming up, house republicans continue to undermine house republicans, nancy pelosi joins me live. but first, donald trump's former cfo goes back to jail as a republican front runner does everything he can to delay his own trial, next. n trial, next.
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today, alan weisselberg, a man who worked for the trump family for nearly 50 years, was sentenced to five months in jail for lying on behalf of donald trump in his civil fraud trial. it will be his second stint behind bars after serving 100 days for tax fraud last year. he is just one year younger than trump and he is now in a cell at rikers island. part of a long list of people who have had to face real punishment for things they did for donald trump. now the criminal justice system may be catching up to trump himself with his hush money trial set to start in just five days. richard greenberg is former deputy chief of cell division.
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she joins me now. i found it striking to watch this 76-year-old man about to go to rikers and i want to take the opportunity the note that rikers has been a human rights disaster for a long time. and most of the people that are cycled through there are not white. they are black and brown and they are poor. and they don't have the kind of lawyers that donald trump and al do. and they have multiple deaths there, and there is something soberingly real about this man being sent there. >> he made this choice. and again and again to be loyal to donald trump. even when it doesn't benefit him. >> it is crazy to do this after you have done a stint. >> and after in connection with that first trial, he was convicted of the tax fraud. all his lawyers, their whole argument was weisselberg did it
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for him. they demonized him. when someone is demonized in court that way, they do not continue to lie on the stand for donald trump. he had the agreement for $2 million in severance. so there is that element to it. but you would think at some point, somebody would step back and say how many times am i going to take the fall for this guy? >> so we have seen this flurry of activity for donald trump to stall this trial indicating he doesn't want it to happen. if you look at what he is doing, we got another, the third legal challenge the new york appeals judge rejected yet again. what does that indicate to you? >> well, if i were calling this as a basketball analogy, i have been watching a lot of basketball lately.
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these guys, trump's lawyers, they are taking half court shots. and, they are all air balls. none of these guys are steph curry or caitlin clark, they are just chucking it up there and seeing what happens. we are not talking buzzer beaters, the game has not started yet. and all of the motions if you go through each one. change of venue. for pretrial publicity when he is the one contributing to it. gag orders but it is only necessary because of donald trump's statements. they are all just terrible motions that are not going to change anything. >> so i asked katherine who was on this program who worked in that office 20, 30 years, i said this is normal or not? people with money, resources and lawyer ins my question to you is why don't people normally do this? let's say you are rich and you have good lawyers. my understanding it is not
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saturday operating procedure to be chucking from half court trying all of this stuff. why do people not do that usually? >> all of his attacks, all of these motions, he is suing the judge who hasn't even had the trial who hasn't yet issued a sentence. usually, you know, you want to reserve any criticism of a judge until after you have been convicted and sentenced and then you have an appeals process and you want to say the judge made a bunch of errors. but before the judge, may actually have some leniency toward you. you want to be in the judge's good graces before that happens. >> so they sit in judgment of you. i'm watching this and it does seem, i can't tell if this is just, if this worked for him to beat on people and try everything. he is a sociopath so he doesn't regulate well. he talks to his lawyers and
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they are just doing what he says or c, because of the conditions of his campaign, this antagonism is useful to him politically but it doesn't seem a sound legal strategy. >> and look, the normal criminal defendant is also not in a position to become president and then at that point, he may think that even though this is a state trial, that he is going to be able to wave some magic wand and make any conviction or sentence go away. it shouldn't work that way. >> the normal criminal defendant is in rikers. sitting in rikers, desperate for things to move quickly as they delay and delay. that's the normal criminal defendant. >> less so with some white collar defendants. however. >> the normal criminal defendant. >> yes. absolutely. and his detactics are so striking. they are just not going to work anymore. i suspect we will have a trial starting monday. >> i'll believe it when i see it.
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thank you. still ahead, as their leader scrambles to stay out of the courtroom, republicans are at each other's throats. nancy pelosi joins me on the ongoing chaos in the lower chamber, next. the lower chamber, next. two every thursda. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. i'm adding downy unstopables to my wash. now i'll be smelling fresh all day long. [sniff] still fresh. ♪♪ get 6x longer-lasting freshness, plus odor protection. try for under $5! (avo) kate made progress with her mental health... plus odor protection. ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks.
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when you think it is hit rock bottom, it somehow gets worse. we are back after two weeks
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away. the house is back. marjorie taylor greene is still dangling the threat of taking johnson down. a rule vote, his fourth since becoming speaker. his predecessor kevin mccarthy who pack up and resigned rather than stick around is back in town with some real talk about his former colleagues. >> i'll give you the truth why i'm not speaker. it is because one person, a member of congress, wanted me to stop an ethics complaint because he slept with a 17-year- old. an ethics complaint that started before i became speaker and that illegal. did he do it or not? i don't know. but ethic is looking at it. there's other people in jail because of it and he wanted me to influence it. >> joining me now is his predecessor, nancy pelosi. democrat of california. good to have you on the
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program. >> my pleasure to be with you, chris, thank you. >> so today was another day, par for the course for this house republican majority. they lost a floor vote on the rule. a fourth time it has happened i believe in speaker johnson's short tenure. it never happened in any of your tenures ever. this is not normal. what, how do you communicate to folks that don't pay attention to congress what it means to have a house this utterly dysfunctional? >> well let me just say i'm happy to be with you. all off the introductions i have before received being called mccarthy's predecessor is the least favorable i have had. so thanks but no thanks. >> factual, but continue. >> it is chronology. but the fact is, is that i'm here. it is very important busy time for all of us to talk about democracy. their dysfunction is an
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impediment to democracy. in ukraine, we are really at a very critical place we have been for a while. they keep saying they are going to do it. we'll do it when we come back. next week and all the rest. but this is very serious. ukraine, the people of ukraine. they fought for their democracy. and doing so for democracy, we are at large. the world has understood that russia should not be violating the sovereignty of the borders of ukraine. and the congress of the united states was hung up by a putin caucus as their own partnership has said. russian propaganda has overtaken the republican caucus in the house of representatives. talking about kevin making excuses about why it is not speaker, why don't we talk about what is at hand? i have to be very honest with you. i think that we spend a lot of
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time on what's his name's trials and tribulations, they won't happen. so again, it is about democracy. and democracy is about abortion as well. abortion is a democracy issue. >> i want to stay on ukraine for a second. they reach add decisive moment. ukraine will run out of artillery shells without additional u.s. support. what has to happen? is it as simple as mike johnson just bringing it to the floor for a vote? is that all that has to happen? >> that's all that has to
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happen. but it is about donald trump. allowing mike johnson to bring it to the floor. and all of this activity about vacating the chair is springing from donald trump. so he is a puppeteer and he doesn't mind shining the light on the strings so it makes the people look bad. but why is it that he is so pro putin? i keep saying all roads lead to putin when it comes to trump, but this is deadly serious. and the lives of the people have lost their lives in the weeks and months that we have just delayed all of this. and, in terms of our reputation in the world, it is greatly diminished by what is happening in the house of representatives. >> i agree that trump is ultimately the one blocking it. but in terms of this getting to a vote that might authorize it, it seems trump won't change. ultimately, the speaker of the
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house, the person who is elected to run the house, he has to bring the vote, the consequences. i don't see another option unless i'm missing it. >> you described it. you can bring a bill under rule. to pass the rule and to pass the vote. they obviously can't pass the rule. so you just just bring it where you need two-thirds and we would need a two-thirds vote. we are there to do a job. not keep a job. and the job right now is to fight for democracy in the world. play our role in all of this. as well as have respect for the institution. they don't care about the
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people's house. in the constitution. what do they do but diminish it by one vote to vacate the chair? that goes back to the previous speaker that is part of the legislation for ukraine. humanitarian assistance for the palestinians. it has respects, israel's right to defend itself. and we want to have some humanity onto that. as we do that debate. but we just have to pass
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legislation to do it. with withholding offensive weapons from israel, withhold transfers in the air strike that killed members of the world central kitchen is concluded. >> it is a contained requirement until you havean investigation of how this happened. with cars that are marked very clearly. marked very clearly to be humanitarian assistance. so, israel says that they are going to have an investigation. they have begun such a thing. fired a couple of people.
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different people have different standards for what we should be doing in terms of offensive weapons. but, we have a relationship that is in our national security issue interest, freedom in the world. hostages must be freed. there are ways to do this that are not, shall we say, dehydrating or withholding of food and nutrition and the rest from children and families. >> i want to ask one question on abortion rights.
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>> the democratic majority in the house and senate would have any problem passing the bill to codify roe at the federal level? >> no. a democratic majority of course, we would have to get rid of the filibuster. but the fact is we have to fight this state by state issue. the decision has to be made by women and their families. not by politicians as to the size and timing and if they are going to have a family. this is a democracy issue. it is a drum beet across america of democracy for women and their families to choose. not for legislators or politicians to make that decision. democracy in ukraine, democracy in america, democracy in our homes. make no mistake, what's his name will have a national abortion ban if he becomes
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president of the united states. read his eyes if you don't want to read his lips. >> if it shows up on the desk, i don't see a veto. i agree with you. nancy pelosi, thank you very much. i appreciate it. >> thank you. still to come, with his most recent stream of hateful comments, donald trump can't help but remind us all who he is at his core. that's ahead. is at his core. that's ahead.
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>> are you better off. >> are you better off. >> are we better off? >> it is whether they are better off. >> are you better off? >> better off. >> better off. >> better off. >> better off. >> than you were four years ago? >> yes, it is time for another edition of are you better off than you were four years ago. nearly every presidential candidate asks the question including donald trump. in fact, he literally just asked it again this afternoon on social media. are you better off than you were in 2020? here's the thing. it is easy to go back and check how we were all doing. this is the front page of the new york times from four years ago today, april 10th, 2020. the top headline says it all. it is terrifying. millions more out of work. effort by u.s. to halt economic damage. benefits claims far out pace those of the great recession. meanwhile, those who feed the u.s. fear their lives are being put at risk.
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and finally, trump savors daily briefings. allies call them off the rails. four years ago today, the u.s. became the first country in the world to report over 2,000 covid deaths in a single day. and the president overseeing this disaster was spinning a different reality in his daily excruciating two-hour and 13- minute news conference. >> tonight, over 100,000 dead from coronavirus worldwide. in the u.s., the death toll now over 18,000. >> the minimum number was 100,000 lives and i think we will be under that number. >> the health system is stressed. >> it doesn't seem like it is slowing down. >> reporter: detroit reporting its deadliest day in this crisis and the growing impact
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on families. >> without a handle on who is and isn't infected. >> we have to get our country open, jeff. >> what metrics will you use to make that decision? >> the metrics here. that's all i can do. >> a plea for population wide testing as a condition to reopen the economy. >> today, you tweeted the invisible enemy will soon be in full retreat. given it is invisible without widespread testing, how would you know? >> because people are not going to go to the hospital. people are not going to get sick. >> reporter: one month ago, roughly 1,000 americans tested positive for the coronavirus. today as that number surges toward half a million. >> you open up. could lead to death. and you're right. but you know what? staying at home leads to death also. >> health officials cautioning we haven't hit the peak. the new warnings from survivors. >> nobody is safe from the virus. >> i'm very good at reading
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i think any jewish people that vote for a democrat, i think it shows either a total lack of knowledge or great disloyalty. >> i stood with prime minister benjamin netanyahu. i stood with your prime minister at the white house to recognize israeli sovereignty. >> donald trump has a long history of making antisemitic remarks, invoking the dual loyalty stereotype. you americans must care about some other loyalty they have. the religion, the state of israel, and its politics more than they care about domestic issues in the u.s. when he said your prime minister, he was a
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talking to american jews. he is their president. it has been true in the wake of the conflict of the ongoing conflict in gaza. >> he has abandoned israel. he has totally abandoned israel. and frankly, he is a low iq individual. he has no idea where he is and who he is supporting. he doesn't know if he is supporting the palestinians. but he knows one thing. he is not supporting israel. he has abandoned israel. and any jewish person that votes for a democrat or votes for biden should have their head examined. >> this comes at a time when jewish americans are engaged in intense debate. the conduct of the war under israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. bernie sanders has been particularly outspoken about the situation in gaza. i don't think you will take any
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head examination advice from the former president but i suspect you don't think your need has to be examined. >> it probably does, but not for the reasons trump articulates. but that's another story. >> fair. fair. >> look, you have a president who is a pathological liar, who spends his life trying to divide us up in every which way, who apparently has no compassion within his dna. yes, i'm jewish, i'm proud to be jewish but it doesn't matter whether you are jewish, christian, muslim or whatever you are. if you take a look at what is going on in gaza today, your heart is breaking. and you are looking at one of the most horrific humanitarian disasters in the modern history of this country. chris, as we chat here tonight, hundreds of thousands of palestinians in gaza are starving. the new york times documented
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last week, last week, that 28 children there have died of malnutrition. i think that number is way, way lower than reality. so, we are sitting here while children are dying. starving to death. dying of malnutrition. gaza has been demolished. the housing units have been destroyed. 1.8million people have been taken from their homes, put on the roads not knowing where they are going. living in unsafe horrible conditions. that is the reality and it really does amaze me that people like trump could care less, could care less that hundreds of thousands of human beings, children, are starving to death. and he uses this moment for his stupid politics to tell us how much he loves benjamin netanyahu who is the architect of this disastrous policy. >> i want to play for you something the president said about benjamin netanyahu. it is clear that there is tension at this point. they had a conversation the
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other day after the air strike that killed the aid workers for world central kitchen. this is what an interview, he had to say about netanyahu. take a listen. >> what i will tell you is i think what he is doing is a mistake. i don't agree with him. i think it is outrageous that those three vehicles were hit by drones. and taken out. on a highway where it wasn't, it was along the shore, it wasn't like it was a convoy. et cetera. what i'm calling for is the israelis to just call for a cease fire, allow for the next six to eight weeks, total access to all food and medicine going into the country. >> what do you think of that position, senator? >> well, i think the president is absolutely right. there has to be a cease fire
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right now. and there has to be, the world has got to respond to this horrific emergency. i mean a few days, ago, biden talked to netanyahu, apparently he got some commitments from him to open up the borders more. to allow more humanitarian aid in. the new york times reported a few hours ago that may not be happening or happening to any significant degree. so the president is right. there has to be a cease fire. the world has got to respond in a dramatic way to get food to starving people. only food. it is not just food, you need certain types of food. medical facilities have been destroyed. but i'll tell you this also, chris. where the president is wrong, you don't have to be begging netanyahu to doing anything. we are supplying and have supplied israel with huge amounts of money for decades. right now, there is sledge isolation that would give israel and i voted against that legislation, ten billion
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dollars more for unfettered military aid, the president has got to say sorry, netanyahu, you are not getting one penny more until that situation in gaza radically changes. we're not begging you anymore, we're telling you. you want money, that's what you got to do. end of discussion. >> i want to ask you about a development that happened the last few days. obviously, for months now, they have been talking about some kind of deal. some kind of cease fire deal. and obviously, of the utmost importance are the hostages, we don't know how many of those hostages are alive. we just don't know the number. and this harrowing headline today which suggests some real complications here, hamas does not have 40 hostages who meet terms of potential swap with israel, officials said. officials said they don't have the 40 living hostages who meet the criteria for an exchange. you know, obviously, any deal has to have some reciprocating. now hamas says we don't have them. >> look, this is a nightmare on
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top of a nightmare. i mean, i read that. who knows. who knows how they died. why they died. you are absolutely light. a hostage exchange, people have been held under terrible conditions for months. and israel has the right to demand their release. >> senator bernie sanders, thank you for your time tonight. i appreciate it. >> thank you. that is all in on this wednesday night. alex wagner tonight starts right now. good evening alex. >> a nightmare on top of a nightmare. i think that is the most accurate assessment of this. last summer, a tiktok account posted this video that had an explosive claim. the video claimed that the daughter of a former ukrainian defense minister had purchased this luxury villa in spain which the video claimed was worth 7 million euros. the implication was that the money that the u.s. and foreign governments we