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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  April 9, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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running for president of the united states. this is not only unusual, it is unprecedented. this is putting a price tag on american foreign policy. a level of corruption we have never seen. and hiding in plain sight. 99% of his investors come from out of the united states. that is just saying that i'm set up an entire investment fund designed to get me and my family rich based on the fact that people will be purchasen influence in a second trump term rewarding jared kushner for services well rendered when he ran influence after he murdered someone. an american, a u.s. person, a washington post journalist in the consulate in turkey. >> we will leave it there to be continued. ben rhodes, thank you my friend for your time. that is our show for tonight. now it is time for the last
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word with lawrence o'donnell. good evening. >> as with your hour, it is arizona night here at the last word. we have governor katie hobbs joining us, such an important day in arizona. >> 1864. when you think of the republican party, think 1864. >> that's where we are. >> have a good show. >> thank you alex. well, arizona has a longer history as part of spain than it does as part of the united states. the name arizona is thought to be a blend of spanish and a local tribal language meaning small spring. arizona spent 300 years as part of spain beginning in 1521. then, in 1821 when mexico won its independence from spain.
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as part of the independent country of mexico. the united states seized all of the most valuable parts of mexico including california as our prize for winning the mexican american war in 1848. as an american territory, arizona chose the wrong side of the civil war and fought to keep enslaved people in the united states enslaved. for the end of is civil war, president lincoln appointed a 54-year-old new yorker. william thompson howell. as a federal judge to serve in the arizona territory where he then wrote the first laws of arizona to be written without spanish or mexican influence. those laws became known as the howell code. one of the laws written in 1864 says a person who supplies or
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administers to a pregnant woman or procures such woman to take any medicine, drugs, or substance or uses or employs any instrument or other means with intent to procure a miscarriage unless it is necessary to save her life shall be punished in the state prison for not less than two years, nor more than five years. arizona was the last of the 48 continuous states to become a state. 48 years after william thompson howell wrote the abortion law of the territory which was never rewritten by the new state of arizona and so remained the law of arizona until roe v. wade was decided
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in 1973. now thanks to donald trump, the howell code is officially the law on abortion once again in arizona after the arizona state supreme court today ruled that the 160-year-old law is now back in full force. after donald trump's appointees on the united states supreme court overturned roe v. wade. donald trump said yesterday that this is exactly what he has always wanted. donald trump said each state should determine abortion law of that state. >> and whatever they decide must be the law of the land. in this case, the law of the state. >> the law of the state. and in this case, the law written by one man 54 years before women had the right to vote. five years in prison. donald trump supports five
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years in prison for anyone in arizona who participates in any way in an abortion. no one in arizona has voted for ma law, but a majority of the people of arizona have voted for a governor who opposes that law. a governor to the horror of william thompson howell is a woman who will be our first guest tonight. >> it is a dark day in arizona. just now, the arizona supreme court issued its opinion, upholding one of the most extreme abortion bans in the country. to the people across arizona who are concerned about the future of abortion rights in our state, who are worried about their bodily autonomy, who don't want to see the freedom of their wives, sisters, and daughters restricted, you can make your concerns known as the ballot box and i encourage you to do
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so. >> governor katie hobbs ran against president trump keri lake who fully supported an abortion ban in that campaign. keri lake is now running for senate in arizona against democrat rubin gallego who will also be joining us tonight. and today, keri lake flip- flopped on the issue. and she is suddenly saying something very different about abortion. which we will hear about when the congressman joins our discussion. immediately after the arizona supreme court's decision came down, the vice president of the united states said this. >> today, the arizona supreme court issued a ruling that creates a near total abortion ban in the state of arizona. a ban with no exceptions for rape and incest. a ban that will apply to women before they even know they are pregnant. and threatens prison time for
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nurses and doctors. understand, to stop bans like this, we need a united states congress that will restore the protections of roe v. wade. and when they do, president joe biden will sign it into law. >> arizona's attorney general said today she will not enforce the law written 160 years ago by a man who could never have imagined that a woman would be arizona's attorney general. today's decision to impose a law from a time arizona wasn't a state. is civil war was raging and women couldn't even vote, will go down in history as a stain on our state. i look forward to the people of arizona having their say in the matter. and let me be completely clear as long as i am attorney general, no woman or doctor will be prosecuted under this
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draconian law in this state. today, arizona state senator eva birch said this. >> good morning. i sam state senator eva burch. a couple of weeks ago, i had an abortion. a safe, legal abortion here in arizona for a pregnancy that i very much wanted. a pregnancy that failed like many of my pregnancies before it. an embryo that was dying and a miscarriage that was destined to happen. somebody took care of me. somebody gave me a procedure so that i wouldn't have to experience another miscarriage, the pain, the mess, the discomfort. and now, we are talking about whether or not we should put
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that doctor in jail. this is outrageous that we would even dignify the consideration of this type of ban. a ban drafted when women had no say. when arizona was not a state. this isn't what the people of arizona or the people of this country want. we are talking about a small number of really extreme political leaders calling the shots for everybody else. republicans don't want this. independents don't want this. democrats don't want this. we have to look at who our elected leaders are. the time is now. it is done. i have had enough. the people of arizona have had enough. we are electing pro choice candidates in november. watch it happen. that's all i have to say. leading off our discussion
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is arizona governor katie hobbs. thank you very much for joining us on this important night. i know how busy and difficult a day this has been. i want to get your reaction about what it felt like to be standing behind senator burch and if this story were two weeks from now, she would not be able to tell that story. >> well, arizonans across the state are reeling from this decision and i know that stories like senator burch's are much more common than most people realize. the devastating impact of this ban that it will have on health care for women across the state is just unconscionable. this is a ban from 1864 that was enacted before we were a state, before women had the right to vote and has extreme
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measures that prevent abortion even in cases of rape or incest that have no regard for complications of pregnancy. and requires jail time for doctors. this is an outrageous ban and it is why i call on the legislature to repeal this ban and enact protection for ivf and guarantee access to contraception. but people in arizona will also have the chance to weigh in on this in november and enshrine the right to abortion in our state's constitution through a ballot measure. and as governor, i will do everything i can to ensure that ballot measure passes. >> so as you know, keri lake who was running against you for governor fully supported this law coming into effect if it
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was going to. today, she now says she opposes it. and, her bright idea today is that governor hobbs has to solve the problem. she said this is now your problem to solve. >> uh-huh. celtic look, this is just political opportunityism on her part and any other poll cigs who supported this ban, politicians who celebrated the decision. as you heard from the senator's remarks, every legislator in arizona is up for election in and every single republican voted for a fetal person hood bill i was able to veto last year, but would have paved the way for an alabama style
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ruling. these folks are on the record supporting this ban. they can't walk away from that now. >> the state supreme court said physicians are now on notice. that all abortions except those necessary to save a woman's life are illegal. physicians are now on notice what can you tell them in arizona and any family member or friend who might ever drive a woman to a point with her physician? >> this is an outrageous decision that puts so many arizona women in harm's way. we know for the next 45 days, that the 15 week ban is in place. but after that, without further action from the court, this total ban will be the law of
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arizona. i hope the legislature does the right thing and repeals this ban. because we are already seeing the level of chaos and confusion that this is causing. people in arizona need access to health care. and people need to provide the health care their patients need and not fear the repercussions of going to july for doing that. >> what does it do to life in arizona when people wake up and don't have the rights they did the day before? >> well, you heard the senator's story. we heard another story from a woman this morning with pregnancy complications that required abortion care and was not able to get it in arizona though the procedure she was
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needed was not outlawed. there are thousands of those stories across arizona and nobody should have to justify an abortion and nobody should have to worry about being able to get the care they need if they are pregnant. and, we have to repeal this ban so that these women's lives are not at risk. >> and for the voters of arizona, will they have the possibility of seeing this on the ballot as somebody that they can vote on? >> absolutely. we will have a constitutional measure on the ballot to enshrine abortion in our constitution. and i am glad arizonans have the opportunity to have their voice heard on this. it is a common sense measure. i'm confident that it will pass. as governor, i will do everything that i can to help make sure that it does.
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>> mean tile, seems like you are headed to almost a year of people living under this 1864 law. >> i am incredibly concerned about what happens between now and november. and when this measure goes into law. and that is why the legislature need to repeal this 1864 ban now. they could do it tomorrow if they wanted to and i hope they do the right thing. >> arizona governor katie hobbs, thank you for joining us on this important night. >> thank you. >> thank you. and, joining us now is alexis mcgill johnson. president and ceo of planned parenthood. planned parenthood of arizona was the plaintiff in the case decided by the supreme court. what are you telling people in arizona and planned parenthood in arizona to do tomorrow and in the coming days? >> well in the coming days, they will still be able to get
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access. this doesn't go into effect for a bit. but what we are hearing is the outrage. the enraging feelings that we just saw from the governor, from senator burch. as she told her very personal private story about her own abortion experience. and, the idea that arizona has taken its citizens back to 1864, 160 years. that is the conversation that we are having with arizonans right now. letting them know we will be there to support them wherefore they need to go. thinking about my colleagues who are going to see the influx of patients in california and colorado and new mexico. and also thinking about the
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fight that needs to be lit under fire. for all of those folks who need to understand that this did not need to happen. there is no reason why we are here right now. this court felt they could put providers of health care on notice providing the very care burch needed is astounding to us. >> the line physicians are now on notice. that means planned parenthood is now on notice. you are now on notice. how did it feel to read that line? >> we are always on notice and always a target. not only do we provide full spectrum of reproductive health care, we fight to defend it. so being on notice is, an honor, a badge of honor. i know we are on the right side
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of history. the right side of doing what we need to do to support care. at the same time, these providers are people. right? these are providers and, front line workers, and friends and family who are driving people to appointments. and across state lines to get access to care. they are very real people on the other side of each of these stories. and, to talk about the potential criminalization of people who are just helping other people, you know, do what the majority of people believe is a private medical decision. again, it is just incredibly outrageous and that is what we need to continue to share with people. we look at what is happening in
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arizona. and in florida. continuing to watch the doubling down, that they want these protections. just so backwards to me. >> thank you very much for joining us on this important night. >> thank you. coming up, the only person standing between republican keri lake and the united states senate in arizona is our next guest. congressman rubin gallego. he joins us next. est. congressman rubin gallego. he joins us next.
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william thompson howell 48 years before arizona became a state. >> i am thrilled we are going to have a great law that is already on the books. so it will prohibit abortion. in arizonaened i think we will be paving the way and setting course for other states to follow. incredibly thrilled and a great law written in 1764. kari lake is now the republican candidate for senate in arizona. she is no longer willing to say what she said two years ago. now, she is saying the exact opposite. she released a statement saying quote i opposed to's ruling. and i'm calling on katie hobbs and the state legislature to come up an immediate common sense solution that arizonans
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can support. that is her calling on her to solve the problem created by donald trump and his appointees overturning roe v. wade. in that same written statement, she said she will oppose federal bans on abortion. joining us now is the one person standing between kari lake and the united states senate. congressman rubin gallego. thank you very much for joining us on this very important night. you are now dealing with a republican opponent who has completely changed her position on the very law she once said she was thrilled would go into effect. >> she changed her opinion, but doesn't make the danger any less to the women of arizona. right now, in 2024, the women of arizona have the same rights
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as the women in arizona of 1864. just think about that. my daughter has less rights than my wife did growing up. than my sisters and mom did growing up. and you have flip-floppers who want to say what they can just to get power. and they expect us to trust them. this is a horrible situation. they just feel like they have been attacked and they have been. politicians like kari lake have put this state in danger. put the health of women in danger for power and now they are trying to run away from it.
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but, you know, it is time to pay the toll and they will pay for it in november. >> she wants governor katie hobbs to suggest that for her. she said she does not believe in abortion. so let's listen to this. she said in 2022. >> i don't believe in abortion. i think the older law is going to go into effect. i don't think abortion pills should be legal. >> that seems very clear. and, as of tonight, she seems to be very afraid of what she has said in the past. >> she is lying, lawrence. in other instances she said it is called a great law. at other times she cited by the
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actual statute number that law that basically outright bans abortion and criminalizes doctors and nurses and now she is trying to run away from it. how can we trust someone like this who calls something a great law, who celebrated it when it passed? celebrated taking the right of a woman to control her body. the right of a family to make these very hard decisions with their doctor. and not all of a sudden we are supposed to trust them? absolutely not. arizona will stop kari lake and all these radical extremists trying to take away women's rights to control their body. we will win in november by passing an abortion rights initiative. we will win by stopping kari lake. i hope you are join us in making sure that happens by supporting planned parenthood.
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all the organizations out there. hopefully, you will support me. we will turn the clock around and make sure that they understand, you will not mess with women's rights. especially not in arizona. >> anted of course, a republican senator from arizona would be voting for any republican nominated judges if donald trump were back in the white house, she would be voting for every one of those judges who created this situation in arizona tonight. >> absolutely. we are not just talking judges. what about what happens with abortion pills? she has clearly stated. she wants to ban abortion pills. she has lied to the women of arizona. all she cares about is power. doesn't matter what she has to say. if she has to throw women's health under the bus, she will do it. she will do whatever she can to
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continue her radical extremist agenda. so we have an opportunity right now to stop. let's not let our foot off the gas. we can win this. we can send a message across the country. arizona, the swingiest state in the country, is a pro abortion state. and when we vote for pro abortion politicians in november and pass a pro abortion initiative, she will lose and that will send a message to the rest of the country that this country wants women to have a right to control their body. >> they should realize this is up to them. but in the meantime, there will be suffering. this will be a difficult year ahead between now and election day. and beyond. because whatever votes are cast on election day don't change what is going on in the state the next day. people have to be sworn in to
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take office. so there are definitely difficult months ahead for the people of arizona. >> absolutely. i think governor hobbs and our attorney general have lardoon the marker that they are going to protect women and providers in arizona. they could turn around this law and vote for it. all the republicans now who were suddenly having an epiphany, then this is the time to do it. overturn this law. codify roe. and make arizona the proabortion state that its people are. arizona is a pro abortion state. we are for independent freedom. and, the republicans and the extremists are going to discover that if they don't respect women and the right to
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control their body. >> congressman rubin gallego, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. and coming up, today, defendant trump lost his final attempt to delay the beginning of his first criminal trial. that begins monday and that's next. ins monday and that's next.
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super nice guy. i got to start using the app. defendant trump suffered
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another defeat in court. judge cynthia kern rejected donald trump's latest request to stop his upcoming criminal trial in manhattan. trump's lawyers argued that the gag order violated his fifth and sixth amendment rights and prevents donald trump from attacking jurors, witnesses, including porn star stormy daniels and michael cohen. or family members of the judge or the attorney. joining our discussion now is harry litman, a former u.s. attorney and attorney general. he is is senior affairs columnist for the times. it looks like there is nothing between us and jury selection starting on monday at this
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point. >> it sure looks that way. and notwithstanding trump's flailing efforts. he seems to be a fly on fly paper, the judge, the appellate division are all onto him. of course, other defendants may have bottoms below which they won't go, of shame or outrage or dishonesty, they don't apply to trump. so, there are truly outlandish over the top stunts. he might yet try. he might fall ill. he might fire his counsel. he might cause a spectacle trying to force a mistrial. all those things are within his can as we have seen in the last few years. but he has tried everything conventional and then some. looks like a freight train, jury selection is. cooing on monday. >> it also looks like donald trump really fears actually
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going to trial. >> you know, it really does. there's been suggestion among his champions oh, this one isn't so serious. an important point by the way in the jury questionnaire is the judge is really putting it in terms. the right terms of election interference. we are told, however, that he is totally irate over the allegations and he is notwithstanding this being one of only four he has really fit to be tied. and look. he has spent years successfully delaying. he has been able to beat the clock again and again. and here he isn't. and the music really seems to be stopping for him now. and it is time to sit there. that has be be very galling giving his assumption he could delay anything. >> so we have a dispute
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breaking out over potential witness in the case. trump's attorneys issuing a subpoena. who served as a special prosecutor in the district attorney's office who quit and wrote a book about his work while the investigation was still going on. the single most irresponsible thing i have ever heard of a special prosecutor doing. but the trump lawyers are interested in obtaining his testimony. we would have to clear anything he might say that could violate the codes of the way the da's office operates. we have never seen a motion like this before. it is a pretty strange thing to
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have to wrestle with. >> and he is totally talking out of school. could this give trump a card to play to delie the trial? i think the answer is no. the very most that would happen is maybe the judge says okay, you can have a couple of pages. the subpoena is for documents and the da has argued there are none and pomeranz himself said i have none. so at most, you could imagine them saying have a couple of pages and do your worst, but it won't be a mechanism for delay. that is the most important point. it is not a way for him to get out of what is coming. >> one of the things he has to fear is how simple and clear and how easy it will be for
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people to follow through the news media. porn star stormy daniels will get on the stand and testify she had sex with donald trump. who knows how much detail will come out about that in that examine. testimony. and then she was paid. that was the testimony that donald trump is living in fear of. >> reporter: in two ways, first, it is just so tawdry and kind of repugnant as a person. but also, it really is a straightforward effort to deceive the voters and a great piece of evidence that will come in as he wanted not to pay after he won because now, we don't need to. it was just in the wake of access hollywood. to keep more damage from arising. you are right. at its core, it is
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straightforward and people are saying it is the least serious of the four maybe but there is just something about the vividness and the coverage of him in the chair glowering four days a week. think about hope hicks who has, who is angelic and whose testimony will clobber him and it will be so vivid in a way we just had arguments from court. but really seeing people come forward and say what he did is going to pack a punch. >> harry, thank you very much for joining our discussion tonight. >> thank you lawrence. coming up, russian president vladimir putin is delivering propaganda through what liz cheney and chuck schumer call the putin wing of the republican party. that's next. the republican party. that's next. despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have rinvoq.
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the consistently stupid republican congressman marjorie taylor green is part of what senate majority leader chuck schumer now calls the putin wing of the republican party. former republican congresswoman liz cheney was the first to refer to the putin wing of the republican party. marjorie taylor green said something today in defense of vladimir putin's war in ukraine that she surely would have said
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in defense of adolf hitler's war against the world. marjorie taylor green said, the ukrainian government is attacking christians. russia is not doing that. the german soldiers, the united states of america killed in world war ii, or christians, so yes, the united states was attacking christians during world war ii in europe, if that's the way you want to put it. christians who believed in their superiority to the point that they were trying to murder every in europe. that is who united states forces were killing. russia is filled with people now who call themselves christians. so is ukraine. president biden issued an executive order today to try to combat vladimir putin in the russian government's attempt to quote, undermine the conduct of free and fair democratic elections and democratic
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institutions in the united states, and its allies and partners. vladimir putin is at it again, pumping russian propaganda through willing transmitters like the imbecilic marjorie taylor green into american politics. >> let's be blunt. the biggest reason ukraine is losing the war is because here in the united states congress, the hard right has paralyzed the united states house of representatives from taking necessary action. that's it. plain and simple. house republicans have refused to move because an increasingly vocal pro-russian, pro-pridgen minority seems to be running the show within their ranks. a contingent that takes its marching orders directly from donald trump, and as one former house gop member called them, they are like the putin wing of the republican party. >> senator schumer had more today to say. >> even the republican chairman
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of the house intelligence committee admits that someone within his own party is becoming an evangelist of russian propaganda. >> we see directly coming from russia, attempts to mass communications that are anti- ukraine and pro-russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the house floor. >> joining our discussion now is a member of the house judiciary committee and homeland security committees. he also served as an impeachment manager and the second impeachment trial of donald trump. we don't know how you do it. we do not know how you share a workplace with marjorie taylor green. >> well, lawrence, it is a workplace where i know the majority of the congress stands with ukraine, and the majority of americans stand with ukraine, so i try every day to
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separate the signal from the noise, but right now, what is very concerning is in vladimir putin's battle plans, he looks at his air, land, sea, and now maga resources. it is almost as if they have a fourth level of resources to take on ukraine, and that is not from outside of russia, but from inside the united states congress. >> let's listen to more of what -- this is republican mike turner now, what he had to say about this, about the way the propaganda takes hold in the house of representatives. >> there are members of congress today who still incorrectly say that this conflict between russia and ukraine is over nato, which of course, it is not. vladimir putin having made it very clear both publicly and to his own population that his view
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is that this is a conflict of a much broader claim of russia to eastern europe and including claiming all ukrainian territories as russia's. >> carson swell well, how can he speak so clearly and openly about this and maintain his chairmanship on the republican side? >> he may not be chair for long because marjorie taylor green is trying to replace speaker johnson for even thinking to bring ukrainian aid in the chair is directly elected by the speaker. it's not by the membership and that's why this aid needs to be passed through so quickly. i want to give your viewers two things. the numbers are 75 and 57. $75 billion is a lot of money with invested in ukrainian freedom and our freedom. 57 billion of that has been
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spent inside the united states. so we are not sending troops abroad but we are employing americans and that is 5.5 million that has been spent in texas, pennsylvania and arizona, so there is a real return on this not just for our freedom, but for our livelihood and work that is being done here. >> that's a point president biden makes repeatedly, that we are not sending money over there for them to buy arms. we are sending them arms that are manufactured by americans here in the united states. >> i think that's right, lawrence, so when you root against ukraine and you show yourself as the putin block, you are putting our democracy at risk and i've had conversations in person in the last couple days with leaders all over the world, and they are asking me, is america up for this, and they're promising
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me that if we are not up for this, no one else will be up for this, and it's going to cost us a lot more than just jobs. it's going to be freedom, our standing in the world, and that will cost, in the long run, a lot more to get back in and what it would cost to keep it right now. >> congressman swalwell, thank you very much for joining our discussion tonight. we will be right back. tonight we will be right back. my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis held me back... now with skyrizi, i'm all in with clearer skin. ♪ things are getting clearer...♪ ( ♪♪ ) ♪ i feel free... ♪ ♪ to bear my skin, yeah that's all me. ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ ( ♪♪) with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. and most people were clearer even at 5 years. skyrizi is just 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions...
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