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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  April 5, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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the biden white horse spent much of last year on a campaign to do just what you are talking about. going around the country trying to sell the president's many legislative achievements to americans. there is no evidence to suggest that it improved his particular personal poll standing at all after a year of campaigning to do that. there is certainly evidence that suggests democrats as a party are doing pretty well right now. right now. >> that is our show for tonight. it is time for the last word with ali velshi, who was in for lawrence. lawrence.
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word. >> it is an interesting disconnect you're talking about given that my job is economics. i'm looking at these numbers thinking by, this is hard that it does not translate as clearly as it should, but as you said, the night is young. >> >> have a great show. >> you know the expression, it is not in our national interest? that often refers to whether the u.s. should or should not get involved in a political disputee elsewhere but once in while something that is not in our national interest as relates to the world happens right here in donald trump is that thing. donald trump is hurting american national interest in the world. it's not hypothetical, not if he is re-elected, but actually right the north atlantic treaty organization, nato, has a trump problem and so the 32 member military alliance, the largest and most effective in the history of the world, marked its 75th anniversary by working on a plan to trump-proof itself
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. as both a candidate and as president, donald trump repeatedly proves his recklessness when it comes to our national security and his interest in russian aggression. in 2019, the new york times reported senior administration officials told the new york times that several times over the course of 2010,ag mr. trump privately said he wanted to withdraw from the nato. with donald trump's republican party holding up critical aid to ukraine and congress, nato is taken seriously donald trump's threat that he would not protect our allies from russian attack. >> no, i would not protect you. in fact, i would encourage them to do whatever they want. >> that is the former president
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of the united states inviting russia's vladimir putin and his army to do whatever they want to american allies. the financial times reports that nato has begun planning a $100 billion plan for ukraine, despite quote, the u.s. urging caution over aspects of a proposal aiming to trump-proof western support. nato secretary-general has backed an overhaul in which the alliance would oversee a five- year support plan for ukraine and take over management of the ramstein group, which the u.s. set up thafo to coordinate mili supplies to keep from about 50 western countries. the u.s. continues to want more information about the proposal and will engage on its specifics in additional meetings, d set up for those familiar with the biden administration's thinking.
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u.s. secretary of state antony blinken used his interventions during the brussels talks to express concern about the $100 billion fund, but did not oppose it outright, adding that the u.s. wants to discuss more. last year, president biden issued this statement on nato's 75th anniversary. quote, now, like generations before us, we must choose to protect this progress and build on it. we must remember that the sacred commitment we make to our allies to defend every inch of nato territory makes us safer, too, and gives the united states a bulwark of security unrivaled by ex75enro comusty any other nation in the world and like our predecessors we must ask ourselves what we can do, what we must do, to create a more peaceful future. donald trump's former national security advisor believes that donald trump will pull out of nato if he becomes president again. unless he's distracted.wedo f >> i think he would do it very early in the term. the remedy i would propose to anybody who doesn't want us to withdraw from nato is find a way to distract his attention, and since he has a short attention span, that can work at least for a while, until it pops back into his
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>> till it pops back into his head. i don't know what is more disturbing, that trump wants to break nato or that his mind can be so infantile that he could be distracted away from his plan to break nato. joining us now is former allied commander james narita's, nbc's chief national security analyst and co-author of the new book, "2054, a novel." an admiral, i will not ask you to comment on that is this about donald trump being distracted by think it is important that we have a conversation in america about why it is important that this is a priority for america to remain part of this historic and important alliance. >> let's start with some facts. let's do the numbers.anta the european union, which essentially is all of the european nations that are part of nato collectively represent 25% of the world's gross domestic product, just like the united states, so collectively,
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u.s. and the nato nations, that is well over 50% of the entire outlook of the world. number two, the u.s. defense budget, about 800 billion, we've got to global responsibilities, the second largest defense budget in the world is not china. it's not russia. it is the european defense budget collectively. it's about $320 billion and then third and finally, who came with userba , fought with us, died with us in afghanistan after we were attacked on 9/11. that is the only time. europeans came with us, fought and this is a powerful collective alliance economically, militarily and bottom line, they share our values. democracy, liberty, freedom of speech, freedom of education, freedom of assembly. we will never find another pool of allies in the worldrihaib wi
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good a value. >> despite the success of holding up the russian army in ukraine, there are a lot of people in rural democratic countries looking at this alliance and wondering how they can attach themselves to nato in some ways. in ukraine it has not just been nato. it's been nato plus other countries, so smart thinkers and strategists would think you want something that is nato plus, which we do have. in the last two years, we have added two more countries, not need a -. n t indeed, sweden and finland two historically neutral nations decided to join nato. i have commanded these troops in battle. they came with us, although not nato members. they came with us and fought alongside us in afghanistan. these are turnkey militaries ready to fight who have a long, difficult history with russia, which is why they are now
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joining nato. nato is just getting stronger and more expansive in good ways, because we have to face the threat of president putin in ukraine. >> part of the reason donald trump carries on about nato is because he has got the sort of american first concept that he can't really deliver on. as you mentioned, america is not the target of world enmity right now but it could happen. it is important for us not to think we should be going it alone. >> yeah, we don't have to imagine what it would look like if the united states became
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isolationist, held back, rejected the world, decided we would come home to america. we did that. we did 100 years ago in the 1920s. we came back from europe after world war i. we rejected the league of nations, the predecessor to the united nations. we erected massive tariff barriers tion . we came home. america first literally was one of the mottos of those isolation groups. how did that work out? well, we cracked the global economy. fascism rose. we were attacked in pearl harbor by the japanese imperial empire, and hitler declared war on us. we ended up in the middle of a mass world war. let's nip it in the bud by deflating vladimir putin in ukraine. >> admiral, good to see you as always and we always appreciate the context you bring. admiral james stavridis is a form retired navy admiral in
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the form retired commander of nato. joining us now is allie short who is just back from kyiv. she is the author of the book, "the ukrainian night, and intimate history of the revolution." the concept of leaving nator i for the moment, and abstraction. it could become very real. the reality of what happens when the united states starts to become isolationist or not think about itself as a participant is actually the danger we are seeing in ukraine. 42 million people whose freedoms and liberties are at stake because america is dallying about bt is a supporti ukraine. >> i don't think most americans realize we are a hair's breath from the third world war at this point. the polls realize it. the latvians, estonians, the lithuanians, they know that at any moment, that work across their borders and article five should go into effect.
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it really is a situation at the moment were either we give ukraine what they need and let the ukrainians fight the russians, you know, or we start preparing for the third world war, which i literally do think could come at any moment. >> i think you are right that americans don't necessarily realize this and they think to themselves well, ukraine was not in nato country. poland is. what would putin gain? how could that not be something more serious? but, the europeans are taking this threat very seriously, the idea that the united states will not stand behind them and donald trump is not making us guess about this. he said it out loud, that he will let the russians overtake certain countries if they don't contribute enough to their defense. >> it's completely terrifying. putin obviously has trump in his pocket. whether that is because gu t tolyum trump has long been enamored of him, whether that is because narcissistic psychopathic sadistic lunatics like to hang out together, people who share a sense of having no restraint, for whatever reason, trump has been in putin's pocket.
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kuhn is beholden to trump and trump is beholden to putin and the world is being held hostage. if we don't get that aid to ukraine, they cannot -- they can't hold off the russians without our weapons. i was in kyiv p during multiple missile attacks. in the course of just three hours on one night, during which i spent in a bomb shelter, the russians sent 31 missiles just to kyiv. that was approximately $390 million worth of missiles. you know, coming from a country in which millions of people are too impoverished to afford indoor plumbing, all 31 of them spectacularly were actually shot down by ukrainian air defense. ukrainian air defense has gotten extremely skilled but they can't do it without the ammunitionut. >> if it happens, if ukraine gets the aid and support it needs, the administration of the u.s. is supportive, congress is not getting its act together on thist or rather,
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republicans in congress are not -- if they get what they need, can this work and? >> yes. i think the ukrainians can defeat the russians and they are not going to give up until they do. you know, not because of the land, but because of the people. areas that have come under russian occupation have had such an incredible reign of terror that nobody feels it is really sustainable to leave people to that reign of terror. it'sav like saying could we lea some part of the jewish european population under rule. could there have been some kind of settlement with hitler in 1945 in which well, there's the negotiate with the and there is some part of that population that is left under occupation. that is not sustainable. you have any a totalitarian regime. you have a madman who cares nothing for anyone else, who
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will just keep slaughtering and torturing people. >> we appreciate your analysis. thank you for being with us today. marci shore is a yale university professor. a quick programming note, i'm going to be continuing this conversation late velshi on sunday with lieutenant colonel alexander vindman. had, while donald trump is still using fear mongering to talk about immigration, president biden is visiting with the families of immigrant workers who were killed in baltimored,am when the francis scott key bridge collapsed. what real leadership should look like. next. r xt. reat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks. treat and prevent, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt.
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six construction workers want to know water when the bridge fell. six lost their lives. they were all marylanders, hard- working, strong and selfless. they were on a break when the shift struck. all the families and loved ones who are grieving, i come here to grieve with you. we all are. also, never forget the contributions these men made to the city. we are going to keep working hard to recover each of them and you know, my vow is that we will not rest, as carla said, until the cement has dried and the entirety of a new bridge, a new bridge. >> president biden in baltimore
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today vowing to rebuild the key bridge. later, president biden met privately with the families of those workers to offer his condolences. quote, hard- working, strong, selfless. we will never forget the contribution they made to make people's commutes a little better, to make that city run a little better. those immigrant workers did more for american infrastructure than donald trump, who launched several infrastructure weeks during his present he than he ever did, yet he calls immigrants animals. >> democrats said please don't call immigrants animals. they are humans. no. they're not humans. they are animals. it is the same trick as
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bloodbath, which apparently really didn't mean bloodbath either but rather trade war with china and here's how you know he's lying. he could just say the full thought out loud, but he doesn't. he never does. are they, always they are animals. no context, ever, and when he celebrates the people who implemented putting tender aged children in cages, taking them from their parents, more than 5000 children stolen from their parents on trump's order, as he did last night at his florida club. >> most of the people are incredible and we are working on the border together. >> tom, who will apparently make a comeback if trump is re- elected, is tom homan, who served as acting director of immigration and customs enforcement during trump's administration and was an early proponent of the controversial zero-tolerance policy which resulted in at least 5500 families being separated at the southern border in 2018. that is who trump wants to bring back if he wins.
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the people who stole children from their parents because they happened to come from somewhere outside this country. are those parents animals? are those kids animals? because, the trump administration shirt treated them like animals. what do you think trump believes? the razor wire at the border, which trump has called beautiful. was it drowning human beings are animals? what do you think trump believes? politicians have always had opinions about immigration. somewhat more, somewhat less but never in modern time has the president of america ever mainstreamed his hatred like trump has. this is not politics as usual. anti-immigration replacement and invasion rhetoric are literally what the mass murderers say drove them to kill 11 people in pittsburgh in 2018, 23 people in el paso in 2019, 10 people in a buffalo supermarket in 2022, so trump is not just singing this refrain for his base.
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trump's focus on immigration is not a sign of strength. it is his weakness. he is not just on the wrong side of history. he is also on the wrong side of economics. today's blockbuster job numbers good for the country, good for workers, good for president biden. trump is posting on his money- losing vanity social media platform about migrant job fairs. what does that mean? i have no idea. but, he wants you to feel threatened about it. his already lying about immigrants in the upcoming election. >> they are allowing these people to come in, people that don't speak our language. >> trump attacks immigrants when he is weak because he thinks viciousness makes him look strong. trump attacks immigrants because his base loves that no republican will ever be as vicious as he is. trump attacks immigrants because it is a very reliable hatred when he has nothing else to run on. what can we do? well, we cannot let it work, stressed -- to start.
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we can call it out for what it is, poison to our body politic. it takes a real leader to remind us of our shared humanity. >> just seconds before, one of the men named carlos, who is only 24, left a message for his girlfriend. here is what it said. we just poured cement. we are waiting for it to dry. my vow is that we will not rest, as carlos said, until the cement he laid is dry and the entirety of a new bridge. >> joining us now is democratic congressman robert garcia from florida, men -- a member of the house oversight committee. let's talk about this. donald trump is not letting up. i did not think i could be surprised by donald trump's rhetoric but literally, every rally on every saturday night that he holds, he takes this anti-immigrant rhetoric farther and farther. >> you, it is really shameful. it's disgusting.
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i think what he has done to the immigration conversation has really set us back as a country. i mean, those men that died on that bridge were heroes. those were the kind of man that i grew up with. i am an immigrant. i came here as a young kid from a family of working-class immigrants, and just to see folks from my family like these men being demonized by a former president, by the republican nominee for president, it is just disgusting, and donald trump and all of the supporters should be ashamed of themselves. this is a country of immigrants. immigrants have built what there is so much to build and he's taken this debate and conversation so backward. i'm just grateful we have someone like president biden to remind us of our shared
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humanity, to remind us of who these men were, of the contribution of the hard work immigrants did in the country every single day. >> i'm concerned about in this country we have accidentally or otherwise decided to treat immigration as a security threat as opposed to an economic matter. we've done this. immigration falls under the department of homeland security. i understand why it was done after 9/11 but it feels like it was actually a mistake. most other countries think of immigration as an economic imperative and a think about security at the borders as a separate matter. we have lumped the two together and now becomes impossible for americans to think about it as the economic imperative that it is because we think about it as a security matter. >> that's right. immigration is a net positive in this country and always has been. immigrants as we know it, look at the economy. immigrants contribute so much to local economies and all of our states across the country. immigrants are getting educated, going back. you have folks that are completing graduate degrees, folks from other countries that are here contributing and everything from folks who are going to college to folks who are out there paving our roads, our streets, our bridges. we know the only way our
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economy can work as with immigrants and oftentimes it is immigrant labor that many other folks don't want to do so this idea that we are going to shut off immigration and go back on our values is wrong and donald trump is the leader of this rhetoric and he is convinced so many republicans that used to have a little bit more respect, little bit more understanding of the contributions, this is not the party of ronald reagan, of george bush, of so many others that at least understood those contributions. he has a warped reality. his rhetoric is racist against immigrants. his rhetoric is enough phobic and he and his campaign need to be stopped. >> i want to ask you about the idea. you keep saying the immigrants, the contribution immigrants make to our economy. it is substantial. america outgrows its developed world competitors because of
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immigration. that is the thing that tends to make america grow faster than most of these other developed countries. why is that not registering with people? >> i think part of the big issue is that we have gotten away from our values as a country and i blame a lot of that on donald trump. he has demonized from day one, from the second he came down that escalator in new york, he has been demonizing immigrants as reapers, murderers, killers. look at the way he is talked about shooting migrants in the legs, about electrifying the fence. this is a way of dehumanizing immigrants as people, dehumanizing folks from my community, families like mine. that has been his mission from day one, and he has every day implemented this type of rhetoric and these policy changes not only when he was president, but throughout the republican party so the moderate gop is just a reflection of donald trump and donald trump is enough phobic.
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his rhetoric is racist. he talks about immigrants and calls us animals. but i think the rest of the country, decent people across this country, need to wake up and realize how dangerous his rhetoric is, and how dangerous he is to so many millions of people across this country and these people are our neighbors. they are our friends. they go to our schools with our kids. they're helping in her home. they are fixing our bridges and also our educators, scientists and other amazing people across the country so we need to shift this conversation about immigration. one other thing. when i became a u.s. citizen i was in my early 20s. it was the best day of my life. it was transformational for me and my family. i never knew i would become a u.s. congressman, but these are the gifts -- these are the amazing opportunities that i have had as an immigrant who pledged my allegiance to this country and there are millions more like me that just want to contribute to our country.
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>> congressman, good to see you. appreciate it. congressman robert garcia. coming up, biden now sits on a roll and his critics on fox are forced to admit it yet again, employment is up. that is next. hi, i'm kevin, and i've lost 152 pounds on golo. i had just left a checkup with my doctor, and i'd weighed in at 345 pounds. my doctor prescribed a weight loss drug, but as soon as i stopped taking the drug, i gained all the weight back and then some. that's when i decided to give golo a try. taking the release supplement, i noticed a change within the first week,
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303,000 net jobs were added to the economy, pushing unemployment down slightly to three.age -- 3.8%. wages also continued to rise up 4% from where they were this time last year. this is the 39th straight month of job growth. unemployment has remained under 4% for six months. the march job report beat expectations by 100,000 jobs, all good news for a president running for re-election. the fastest growing industries this month -- healthcare, hospitality, and construction have consistently led highest numbers in the come back. >> your reaction to this jobs report? >> very good. the household employment was actually up almost 500,000. the unemployment rate fell. it
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looks really good right now. it's a good number, no question. >> well, it's a good number, but is it too good for rate cuts? >> today's good jobs number is a direct tribute to the fox narrative fox is trying to sell its viewers. many of us would like interest rate cuts but jobs are the bedrock of an economy. the normal human response is to celebrate job creation, not to warn against it. last night during its most unhinged prime time hour, the net work brought on former trump administration official for a segment that simultaneously lied about the strength of the biden economy while also managing to denigrate migrants. we are not going to replay those lives -- lies but the visual speaks for itself. today, the president read a
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statement that read in part, three years ago i inherited an economy on the brink. with today's report of 303,000 new jobs, we have passed the milestone of 15 million jobs created since i took office. unemployment has been under 4% for the longest stretch in 50 years. wages are going up, inflation has come down significantly. joining us now, robert rice, professor of public policy at the university of california at berkeley. he was the secretary of labor for the clinton administration. bob, good to see you. i don't do this often but i want to quote from a goldman sachs report which says, the u.s. economy does not have to choose between strong growth and cooler inflation. we can have both. why? immigration. that was a commentary on the goldman report therein. this immigration conversation is relevant to why this economy is going the way it is going. >> undoubtedly it is and i watched her last segment. immigrants are not only important to the economy in terms of an aging economy providing the jobs and people we need for these jobs but also, it gives us a cushion against wages pushing against prices and causing inflation. one of the reasons we have had a soft landing, and i do think we have had a soft landing, is
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because of the combination of biden's investments in infrastructure and other major public goods. at the same time, we have also had a lot of immigrants and that has been a golden combination for this economy. >> right. it is a very tough thing, as you know is a former labor secretary, to achieve. you can't super control the economy that way, but the idea that there are jobs for people and the wages in those jobs go up at a rate that is higher than inflation, those people have money and spend it, creating economic activity without out-of-control inflation, that is a very harsh soup to mix. >> it is very hard. i think we are on the way. i hope i don't have to eat
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these words, to repealing the business cycle. i mean, the combination of what the fed has done in terms of raising interest rates in a way that fights inflation combined with major public investments that the biden administration has made, and immigration seems to be the formula, and maybe it means we don't have to worry as much about inflation or recession. >> bob, i want to put up a screen that shows the jobs created by industry. healthcare is the largest one. that has been typical for many years now. we have growths with healthcare workers, government leisure, hospitality construction, retail, other services. because you and i have to be able to look back at these things, i want to ask you what is the weak spot in the type of jobs being created? when we have good numbers we then have to think about quality. what is your take on the quality of jobs we create?
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>> until recently, jobs were not generating very much wage growth, particularly when you consider inflation. inflation was taking away whatever wage growth we had. but more recently, we find that wages are growing higher and faster than inflation. inflation is down. wages are starting to come up, and this is really why consumer sentiment is starting to look as good as it is. in the political context, the question is, you know, do we have a formula that will, over the next seven months, get enough people thinking that the economy is good enough to re- elect joe biden? i think the chances are very good. >> what do you worry about in the coming months? i know the stock market has done well today. unusual for a stock market to and higher on a day when unemployment is lower. sometimes investors think job creation means higher wages. investors try to figure out what they're going to do.
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what is your sense? >> i hope the fed does cut rates, because keeping rates very high at a time like this, when people still are confronting a housing market where mortgages are very expensive, car loans are very expensive, a lot of the big purchase items, because interest rates are very high, are very difficult for people, so i hope the fed does begin to respond to the good news and also the lower inflation. i think this is a big deal. the fed has and deserves credit, as does the biden administration, for this quote, soft landing, but i think the fed can and should do more over the next six or seven months. >> bob, good to see you as always. robert rice is professor of public policy at uc berkeley
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and former secretary of labor under president clinton. coming up, the supposedly bipartisan group's quest for a candidate is over. we will talk about what this could mean for november next. is could mean for november next. i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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you'll find inspiration in real patient stories, helpful tips, reliable information, and more. cidp can be tough. but finding hope just got a little easier. sign up at all: be heard. be hopeful. be you. the biggest development in the 2024 presidential race this week is that the heavily funded no labels group has ended its efforts to dominate an alternate candidate by their
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own admission, because of failing to find a suitable candidate. as you know, i am from canada. more choices can be a good thing in politics. in canada, which is a fairly sane country politically, it has been, but this is america for like it or not, there is a two-party system in one of those party choices is donald trump so that is the context for this conversation about third parties. with no labels out of the race, the last significant third- party challenger is the independent presidential challenger robert f kennedy junior and the democratic national committee is making sure voters know who is funding kennedy and his supposed independent bid by airing his -- these ads outside rfk fundraisers. it also appears that kennedy is
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curious. yesterday he put out an email calling january 6th criminals activist who would been stripped of their constitutional liberties. today, nbc news's yvonne hilliard released his sound from kennedy last spring where he said this. >> to me, it's much more serious if we are starting to censor free speech. you can rebuild a capital. >> you can rebuild the capital? is that his official position for a future insurrectionist mob? robert f kennedy junior recently announced his gathered enough signatures to appear on the ballot and arizona and nevada, two critical stakes. president biden and his supporters have repeatedly made
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the case that any vote in the 2020 election other than a vote for the democratic nominee would be helping donald trump win re-election, but the biden- harris ticket is also contending with a substantial uncommitted vote. democrats who are upset with president biden over his handling of the war in gaza and are using this election as a protest vote. more than 500,000 americans so far have cast democratic primary votes for uncommitted, and the movement will have a presence at the democratic national convention this summer with at least 26 delegates. the executive director of the democratic convention said this, quote, millions of americans are relieved that no labels finally decided to do the right thing to keep donald trump out of the white house. now, it is time for robert kennedy junior to see the writing on the wall, that no
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third-party has a path forward to winning the presidency. we must come together to defeat the biggest threat to our democracy and country, donald trump. joining us now, executive director of move on. thank you for being with us. let's hit this thing directly, and that is that this is a close race. robert kennedy junior is still in it and could be a spoiler arguably, given his positions, he may take more votes from donald trump then joe biden and then there is this protest vote. where do you think things stand now? >> look, robert kennedy junior has the same map in the same path to zero victory in the presidential election that no labels had and load no labels just did the right thing this week and that is a great thing for democracy and we expect robert kennedy junior should do the same.
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as you said, there is no pathway for a third party presidential candidate in this two-party system to secure the 270 electoral votes needed to win the presidency. the only pathway a third-party candidate has in the united states at the presidential level is to actually serve as a spoiler and in 2024, we are incredibly worried that robert kennedy will actually swing the election to got donald trump and nobody in this country needs to have that ever again. >> all right. there is a campaign effort on three fronts. there are moderates, certain conservatives and republicans who may be are frustrated with the idea of donald trump or the attack on reproductive rights. there are democrats who might not be in favor of some of joe biden's policies, or not enthused by him, and then there is the sexual protest vote. how do you deal with that last one? i just want to put up on the screen michigan and wisconsin, the number of votes, the
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wisconsin vote in the last election, joe biden won by 20,000 votes. 48,000 people voted in a protest in the primary. how do you deal with this? >> the situation, or i should say the crisis that is happening in gaza and between israel is catastrophic. it is an atrocity, and it is completely understandable that folks are heading to the polls in the primary to vote uncommitted and it has to stop. what is happening in gaza must stop and i am heartened to see a growing consensus in the democratic caucus to really leverage all the power the united states has to stop this atrocity. that being said, at the same time, we, as voters here in the united states, have a choice to make this november, and there is only one of two people that will end up in the white house in 2025 and that is either donald trump or joe biden.
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we all are very clear, or we should all be very clear that donald trump in the white house would not make a situation in the middle east any better. in fact, it could be 10 times worse under his leadership. >> so, while that is most likely true, and i'm sure you've had this conversation with people who say i hear that to be true, but this is my protest vote, and there has got to be away to hear that without diminishing the idea that the other guys going to be worse because maybe nobody wants the other guy but there would be some satisfaction as you said with rfk junior being a spoiler, there may be at some satisfaction to a bunch of americans who say, i can prevented him from getting elected. how do you hear that? >> first of all i completely empathize with the argument. i struggle with this challenge myself, personally. i want to see things change in the middle east. i want to see u.s. policy change toward the weaponizing of israel to actually commit
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these atrocities in gaza so i think it's really important that we hear folks and we understand where they're coming from and yet, we, as voters have a strategic choice to make, and the question is, what is the impact we want our vote to make? we cannot shame voters into voting for joe biden. all we can really do is really educated and make sure people understand the impact of their vote, and i think it is really dangerous third-party candidates like robert kennedy junior out there saying they could win the presidency. that is not true. it is false and he knows it, and that is what makes his candidacy even more concerning. he knows very well, just like no labels did, that there is no pathway for him to actually secure the presidential election and the only thing he can do is play a spoiler in 2024.
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>> rahna epting, thank you for joining us this evening. we will be right back. ten deepr just from a year out in the sun. i'm still marie and i got botox® cosmetic. i did not want a dramatic change. i wanted something subtle. and i'm really, really happy with the results. it's still me, but with fewer lines. botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make frown lines, crow's feet, and forehead lines look better. the effects of botox® cosmetic may spread hours to weeks after injection, causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness may be a sign of a life-threatening condition. do not receive botox® cosmetic if you have a skin infection. side effects may include allergic reactions, injection site pain, headache, eyebrow, eyelid drooping, and eyelid swelling. tell your doctor about your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions, and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. see for yourself at some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. because there are people out there who aren't you.
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joining me again this weekend for my show. this week we will have coverage for this week's face-off
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between president biden and netanyahu. we will also discuss the ongoing crisis inside gaza. i will be joined by david miliband, and tzipi livne. that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts right now and i will be joining her. millions rattled after a 4.8 earthquake shook the northeast. >> that's the largest quake to hit the state of new jersey in some 250 years. >> special counsel jack smith and judge cannon trading thinly veiled threats as they square off in the trump classified documents case. >> if the judge were to dismiss down the road, the case would be over and trump would be acquitted. >> smith's next step could be to seek for the removal of judge cannon