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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  April 2, 2024 11:00pm-12:01am PDT

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that is tonight's last word, the 11th hour with stephanie begins now. tonight, reproductive rights take center stage in the presidential election after big news out of florida. how the issue of abortion could shape the outcome. the judge is asked to step aside as he sues the cofounders of truth social. what we know about the world central kitchen workers killed in the israeli airstrike. as the 11th hour gets underway on this tuesday night. y night. good evening once again, we are 217 days away from the election. voters have gone to the polls
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in several states including the key battleground of wisconsin. earlier today trump campaigned there and in the other midwest battleground state of michigan. he took both in 2016 and lost both in 2020. his message was about stoking fear and anger on immigration and border security. his visits come as abortion rights move back to center stage. on monday florida's supreme court issued a ruling allowing florida to ban abortions after six weeks of pregnancy. the floor the court also ruled voters will be able to decide on whether to expand abortion access in november. which means trump will get to vote on the issue in his home state. in the past he he suggested he would support a national ban on abortions at 15 weeks but this afternoon he stayed away from specifics. >> do you support the six week abortion ban the florida supreme court just upheld?
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>> we will make a statement next week. >> reporter: in november abortions can be on the ballot in as many as 11 states including florida and abortion rights have been victorious in every state since wade was overturned. the biden campaign is eyeing the chance to turn florida into a new battleground. meanwhile the latest news poll says support for legal abortion has hit a new high. it shows a record 59% of americans believe that abortion should be legal in this country. let's get smarter with the help of our lead off panel tonight. susan is here a staff writer for the new yorker. editor and a msnbc contributor and larry joins us, director at the center of politics and
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university of virginia professor and presidential historian. larry, you first. nbc is reporting the biden campaign sees florida, trump's adopted home state as winnable after the supreme court ruling. do you think they have a chance here? >> it is april, i will go along with that. anything is possible in april. we will believe it if there is cash for a major tv program but it at least opens the door to it i am sure the body campaign will be playing mind games about florida with the trump people as they should. this really is a terrible development for trump and the republicans. not just in florida but all of the other states you mentioned including arizona and nevada, two other swing states. beyond that, anything that happens in a mega state like florida, any horror story that may be coming forth because of the six week ban beginning in
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may, that will be a national story so it will affect voters everywhere. >> democrats do not have to play mind games when it comes to abortion, we have seen abortion rights be victorious whenever they are on the ballot post the overturned. describe how effective this has been for democrats. >> that is right, you have seen when the actual abortion rights as opposed to a pro-or antiabortion candidate. every state continues to be a republican state but overwhelming response, in august people came out to vote in order to reinstate and protect abortion rights. in florida there is a couple of interesting points, first of all there is a 60% threshold for the referendum which is higher than some of the other referendums. in ohio for example there was a
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victory in another red state for abortion rights, it did not pass 60% so if that was the number required in the in ohio, it would not have passed. arguably there is 60% support in order for this so they are likely to achieve that and certainly increase the turnout among democrats and abortion- rights supporters. i think that is important. again i am with larry. i am interested in weather states that her actual data ground states like arizona and nevada and of having abortion on the ballot this fall. i think it is different from florida which at the moment is just a dream for democrats to take back a state that has not been possible for them in a long time. 19% victory for ron in the last election there. >> that may be a dream for democrats but this thing is turning out to be a nightmare for trump. is the problem for trump that the majority of the country does not want a abortion ban
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but his strongest and most loyal voting block are evangelicals who are single issue voters and it is antiabortion? >> it is a complicated issue for trump, i look at this in a different way. i think it is which casting to think biden will take florida but this will have national implications because republicans will have to take a stand on this and trump will have to eventually take a stand. here are three numbers to keep in mind, the florida band is almost total, it is six weeks. republicans including trump seem to be inking of a 15 week national ban. the florida referendum which again, it is either a complete ban or it will not put a specific number on it, it talks about fetal viability which is about 24 weeks. that will appeal to a lot of libertarians and republicans,
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it will appeal to a lot of moderates. one of the things republicans want to do is flip the script on democrats and say you want late term abortions, abortions up until the moment of birth, that is not with the florida referendum says so this has the real possibility of splitting republicans on this issue and what happens in florida will play in every state. is a national issue. abortions will be on the ballot in all 50 states one way or another. donald trump frankly has gone out of his way to not let himself get hand down on this but in florida, he will either have to go yes or no. either a complete ban is six weeks or a much more liberal ban that will pull much higher at 24 weeks. that will be tough to see how he navigates that. >> if he does that, what happens to the diehard days he has which are evangelicals?
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>> absolutely, i am with you on this. i think trump cannot afford to alienate and anger this very conservative white evangelical base which is the reason he was elected in the first place. without them, he is busy pandering to them in every way possible including selling them $60 bibles now and there is no way this cynical and transactional politician can afford to cut loose this part of the base and i would also say the idea is preposterous that trump will not somehow be accountable for what has happened to reproductive rights in this country. he is the owner it seems of the decision by the supreme court to throw out wade. trump has been happy to brag about his transformation of the supreme court.
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he needs to on the consequences and politically speaking this is a very damaging issue for him in november even if the prospect of democrats winning florida seems remote to me. >> donald trump in the misinformation machine is trump's secret weapon but maybe not when it comes to abortion. i want you to look at a it of the biden campaign's new ad after the florida decision. here is a piece. >> for 54 years there were trying to get wade terminated and i did it and i am proud. >> in 2016 trump rain to overturn wade, now in 2024 he is running to pass a national ban on a woman's right to choose. i am running to make wade the law of the land again. >> on most issues, trump can push misinformation, he can dodge, deflect but is this the one issue where he cannot? because wade they get overturned, the bands are
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happening in states across the country so is biden doing the right thing and going all out in telling the story? >> absolutely. it has to be done day after day after day after day. there was 217 days left so i suggested be done for 217 days. this is the achilles' heel, for the republican party. trump knows he is cornered. he has known this all along. he is worried about the abortion issue. there is no way for him to evade responsibility for what has happened. he is the one that put the three critical supreme court justices on the supreme court. they are the ones that made the difference. they are the ones that have caused all of this pain and angst throughout the country and there will be a lot more of it because of this six week abortion ban in florida. even many people in the antiabortion movement say six weeks is ridiculous.
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so congratulations, be careful what you wish for. you got it and you will have to live with it. if democrats are smart and on this issue they are, they will make sure trump owns it morning noon and night and maybe in the middle of the night when he is on truth social. >> susan trump on the trail is getting nastier and darker in his language around migrants. some people say this kind of language is going to backfire on him. we are a country of immigrants. will it? he used this language back in 2016 to announce he was running. today immigration is a bigger issue for voters. >> that is right, the idea that trump is going to face a penalty for bad language, if that were the case he would not be in politics. i think somebody counted at one of his last rallies, he insulted
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or used nasty words for biden something like five dozen times. that is his political brand. insults, racism, attacks. i think the level of hysteria he is seeking to whip up around immigration, this is his playbook. he believes this is the reason he was elected in 2016. it is no surprise he is resorting to this once again. he would much rather talk about immigration then abortion right now. the subject of the rest of the conversation tonight and there is a reason for that. medically speaking this is the biggest signal and dog whistle to his base staff and i think you will hear a lot more of it in the next few months. >> he is talking immigration but he is not telling the truth. in michigan he talked about a woman who was tragically murdered, authorities say
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somebody in the u.s. illegally has confessed and i want to hear what trump had to say. >> rubies loved ones in community are left grieving for this incredible young woman. remembering what they called her, they said she had a contagious laughter and when she walked into a room she lit up the room and i heard that from so many people. >> her own sister, who is grieving her death, had to come out publicly and say that was a lie. trump did not speak to any of her family members. the thing is, trump's version is everywhere. i will hear about it from my parents this weekend. how does the biden campaign deal with that? they are not just running against someone based on policy, he is out there pushing lie after lie and it is sticking. charlie? >> you are asking the right questions, questions we have been asking for eight years, how do you penetrate the
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alternative reality silo and trump knows he can throw that out there and she will not be held accountable. you are right, he is escalating the rhetoric, he does think this is the ultimate wedge issue. he rode this issue demonizing immigrants in 2016. the chiron you are running here is revealing, he is recycling the word bloodbath, remember when he used the word bloodbath last week. a lot of people rushed forward and clutched their pearls when he was talking about the auto industry. in case anybody missed what he was trying to say, you notice how he is recycling it and talking about biden's bloodbath at the border, he is using the incendiary language. i thought it was extraordinary that he is standing there in front of all of these uniformed police officers and calling immigrants animals and spreading this is information. they are all standing there in
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front of a man who is a indicted felon, the role of law enforcement, nobody spoke out against it, but he said we are not dealing with animals but human beings. it is a dangerous moment and right now trump thinks this works for him and as you pointed out, your mother that moment in 2015 when he came down the golden escalator, the first thing he talked about was the mexican criminal and everybody thought this would be the end of the campaign and there was outrage, in fact this is what fueled his rise in the republican primary. >> more than a man who is charged with 80+ charges now, there were a number of members of law enforcement standing behind trump and that is after he has said if elected, he would work to get some of the insurrectionist's released. the people who stormed the capital and physically beat
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police officers. despite that, many members of law enforcement still stand with him. what is the draw? >> the tough guy image, they may like some of the things he says that when they focus on what he has actually done there may be a different reaction. you put your finger on another way around this for the biden campaign. when he talks about how much he cares about police and first responders, they may want to bring up some of the police who were severely injured on january 6. it is not just that trump is talking about pardoning love these criminals and that is what they are. some of them are traders. he is also talking about holding a vigil there to salute them because they are patriots.
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i am not saying that will work with all of the police and first responders but i would hope it would work with some when they see some of their fellow police and first responders who were seriously injured on january 6. it will not work with all of them but this election will come down to a few percent of people that can actually be persuaded. tragically and sadly, the large majority of the electorate for trump cannot be presented. you have to work at the edges and the edges can deliver a victory. >> there was one more hit on today's parade of lies, biden is going to wisconsin next week. today frank posted that it will be biden's first visit to wisconsin in two years. he was in milwaukee last month. guys like frank and others are trying to create this clinton narrative where she was in the hamptons in august, while trump
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was in wisconsin or michigan. the problem is, that is not true for biden. he is in the states speaking to people and delivering on policy. if you are the biden campaign, before you can even make your case to voters, every day you need to dig yourself out of a misinformation hole. >> the question is who is listening when you do and that is the great tragedy of the movement now which is you can do as many fact checks as you want on the show and that is not the reason why trump and his surrogates continue to advance lies about the president, their policies with the democratic polly party. the reason is, it is effective in a media environment in which trump's supporters will never be exposed to that kind of effect checking and that is the crisis of us living in separate non-intersecting worlds now but
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i think it is a great crisis for democracy. i have to give props to charlie here for pointing out the bloodbath being used by trump for whatever the issue is. one thing that is not fact checked enough is that trump has a rapidly shrinking vocabulary. his playbook is his playbook but there are very few pages in the playbook at this moment. >> bloodbath, let's find a new one. thank you all for being here tonight. when we come back, just one day after the judge in trump's hush money case expanded the gag order, trump is trying to get him removed from the case again. harry is here to help us make sense. rfk junior may have no shot of winning the white house but his candidacy could determine who does.
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the 11th hour is just getting underway on a tuesday night. y .
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it has barely been one days since the judge expanded the partial gag order in the hush money trial and already the former president is trying to get the judge removed from the case for the second time. for more let's bring in former deputy assistant attorney general harry. is there any legitimate issue
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that the judge should step down? >> no. shall i continue? there was nothing there, it was thin at that time and now it is reheated. the only argument is his daughter works as a democratic consultant. they tried to create a financial conflict saying the trial would give them business. it breaks down to the judge's benefit, it is really tissue then. i also think it is getting real for him now. less than two weeks, a jury will be seated. i think we will see a series of desperate maneuvers. it is hard to characterize this as anything but, to stall or delay. do what he has done successfully so far but now he needs to face the music in this
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trial and he is wigging out. >> it is tissue thin, can he blow his nose with it and toss it? trump's game is to delay. calling for him to step down and recuse himself does grant even a short term delay which is what he wants. >> it is just a motion and he will immediately deny it. trump can, if and when the trial is over and say he made a mistake but there is no delay here, it will take about as long as it takes to blow one's nose i think. this will go nowhere including delaying jury selection. >> one former trump lawyer that has not been disbarred told politico that trumps attacks on the judges our strategic. all that had has gotten him so far is a harsher gag order. what is the goal and what is
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the strategy? >> one strategy and he is definitely trying this, is to get them riled up and make it look as if there is something personal between the judge and trump. that is the kind of fighter one can use at the court of appeals. he tried it with kaplan and. he was a cool customer here, he did not make a big thing about his daughter, he said these kinds of attacks can put fear in any participant which is why we now have to expand and we are going into trial. i think if it is strategic, either to be a nasty and incendiary jerk if that is a strategy or to try to get a judges goat as a weight of making it look to a court of appeals that somebody is pious and has it in for him and that is a reason to recuse and delay
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but he has not gotten out of the batter's box on that one. i do not think he will. >> of course he gives his supporters the perfect out. if things do not go well for him they have the narrative, it is a crooked judge, and further erode trust people have in our institutions which is a risk. >> that is at 100%, now it is different, now he needs to really delay the trial but there is always that political strategy, i do not think it dovetails with any delay now. >> i have one more. in true trump style, he has another legal battle. he is now suing the cofounders of truth social. the guys who brought him the deal, he is now saying they failed in their duties, they should relinquish their stock and give him more power. he is suing them in the state
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of florida. they are already suing him in the state of delaware. are these two gentlemen the latest wants to learn that this is the cost of doing business with trump? you will always get burned. >> everything trump touches dies. the best analysis of what is happening with truth social was done by staff role a few days ago. it is empty, it is bankrupt, there is no value except people will buy it to the extent they are betting on trump becoming president. this company made a few million and lost it all, it already tanked in the last two days but it gives him some funds and it will stay that way i think based on what you taught me, people thinking i want to curry favor with him and that is why i will purchase shares, just
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saying that makes it clear how funky it is. >> remember it is a risky move. the only way trump can monetize this is when he sells the shares, he will have to publicly disclose before he sells the shares and when that day comes, what will the shares do? tank. fundamentally, this company does next to nothing. it is not worth what the valuation is today. >> there are going to be shareholder suits starting tomorrow. lawyers purchasing shares that will sue it like crazy. it is all like phony bitcoin or something. >> it is the latest in mean stocks. we all know that has been a tragic story. when we come back, how the biden campaign is handling the spoiler threat. rfk junior is ramping up attacks against biden. when the 11th hour continues. e
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biden's new campaign message appears to be paying off. according to a new poll, biden is now leading trump by 2% among all voters and making serious gains among independents. with me to discuss, msnbc contributor and michael
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steele, former chairman of the republican national committee and former lieutenant governor of england. these are positive numbers for the president but the race is still close. what are you thinking? >> the fact that he is already starting to take a lead against trump so early and people are finally starting to see the message in the translation of his policies means it can only get that are for biden. one of the biggest kept secrets was the impact of student loans on young voters. it was a poll that came out two days ago that said young voters are really starting to see the relief of student loan forgiveness. we are talking about aliens of dollars of student loan forgiveness. when you want to grow the base and the only way to grow that base is by young voters in battleground states like arizona -- >> michael i think i lost
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maria's audio come even though biden is making substantial gains with independents, the same poll shows 19% of the key group says they will vote for someone else and that someone could be rfk junior and his new vp pick nicole shanahan. what you make of this and more specifically the vp choice, for all of the people who say he will pull from trump he could have chosen somebody more conservative than shanahan. >> he did not, the goal is not to pull for trump, he is aiding and abetting trump at every turn. how would i know that? fox loves him. he is a staple on fox. that tells you everything you need to know. the play with the younger vice presidential choices a direct appeal to generational voters.
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younger voters, young professional voters. young suburban moms. for example. there is a appeal she brings to the table. at the end of the day, i will be floored if he gets anywhere near what ross perot got 40 years ago. that is because despite all of the dancing around and noisemaking, the country is still largely aligned with the two parties. what that means is, the votes that he gets comes out of somebody's hide and that hide as we saw with ross perot in 92 is the republican nominee. why? because most of the voters that move and that direction tend to be sent to right voters.
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disaffected republicans. conservative independent voters. so that way is one that has a tendency in this environment to work in reverse. in other words, instead of the republican losing that vote, biden is considered the more stable voter so that hurts him as opposed to hurting someone like trump. it is a mixed bag but this is where the campaign finds itself with somebody like rfk in the mix. >> i keep hearing that rfk will pull from trump, especially this new woman, she appeals to the libertarian crowd or he has dabbled in anti-vaccines. however that is and it total. yesterday rfk junior's own words, he said that joe biden is a greater threat to our democracy then trump is.
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with a statement like that, is it not a pretty clear admission he wants trump to take it? >> 100%. this is where we need to have a conversation with voters that think that a third-party candidate in the u.s. has a shot at the white house, they do not. it is just a spoiler. he is echoing trump. let's be clear, the fact that he is a in tiebacks or, it is so dangerous for the american public. we had measles eradicated in the country and now we see measles cases going up because children are not getting vaccinated because of the lies he is peddling. he is risking american lives, instead he perpetuates conspiracy theories. this is not a joke. he is trump light and people need to be clear, when it comes time to cast a vote, it has to be for someone who is pro- democracy and he has the
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sentiments of trump and he perpetuates lies to make himself feel bigger. >> what should the biden campaign do about this? >> anything in their power to diminish any momentum he has. i think it says a lot that rfk's only family, like all of them are saying no america, you do not want to do this. you do not want to go to the room with him. >> i saw him on tv try to say to a interviewer, does your family agree with you on everything? i thought no, i am sure my mother does not like my hair tonight but if i am running for president she would vote for me. >> thank you for being here? do you disagree with your parents?
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yes on where we go for dinner not if i should be president. when we come back seven world kitchen workers were tragically killed by a is really strike. we will speak to another group still trying to deliver aid to gaza. when the 11th hour continues. (man) mm, hey, honey. looks like my to-do list grew. "paint the bathroom, give baxter a bath, get life insurance," hm. i have a few minutes. i can do that now. oh, that fast? remember that colonial penn ad? i called and i got information. they sent the simple form i need to apply. all i do is fill it out and send it back. well, that sounds too easy! (man) give a little information, check a few boxes, sign my name, done. they don't ask about your health?
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today world central kitchen has paused operations inside of gaza. two thirds of the aid they
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prepared instead is returning to cyprus. it comes after seven workers worked killed in a is really airstrike. sanchez has the tragic details. >> reporter: the convoy vehicles just left the warehouse clearly marked with the logo of the world central kitchen when they were hit by a series of is really airstrike's. tonight the white house among those sharply criticizing israel. >> we are outraged to learn of a idf strike that killed a number of world kitchen workers. >> reporter: seven aid workers were killed including a dual u.s. and canadian citizen. the cofounder writing israel needs to stop indiscriminate killing, restricting humanitarian aid, and stop using food as a weapon. the israeli prime minister saying is really forces
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unintentionally harmed noncombatants. writing our hearts go out to their families, saying israel will investigate and we will do everything in our power to ensure such tragedies do not occur in the future. nbc news mapped the locations of the destroyed vehicles, finding at least three strikes over a mile and a halflength of coastal road. the group says they coordinated their movements with the israeli military ahead of time. we pressed a government spokesman. >> israel tells the world its strikes are based on precise intelligence and it takes interest that there are no civilians in the area, how can that be true given what happened? >> there is a war going on. in every war, sadly, tragically, mistakes happen. we do our very utmost to avoid this mistakes. >> reporter: the un says this
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is not a isolated incident, route 200 aid workers have been killed in gaza since the start of the war. >> in a statement, biden says he was outraged and heartbroken by the strike. i want to bring in the president and ceo of save the children usa organization also operating in gaza. i know that your organization also lost someone in september. how hard is it for you and your colleagues to carry on this vital work in the face of such deep loss in danger? >> i actually came back from gaza last week, i was in the area where the strike happened on tuesday. it is the worst place in the world to be a child and it is the hardest place for humanitarians to do our work in the world and that is saying
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something in a world full of conflicts from sudan to congo to haiti etc. it is unbelievably difficult to do our work. we are not getting enough supplies in and even when we do get supplies and which we do get once in a while. then clearly we need to distribute them to communities in the area. arguably, even more so further up to the north. it has been near impossible to get adequate supplies and even to the south. it has been difficult to get anything into the north at all. so for humanitarians to do that work under severe risk of losing your own life and getting injured but also seeing day after day that what you can do is not enough to alleviate suffering is incredibly difficult. >> what was it like their last week? what were you experiencing? >> we were in the southern city
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and what you see is people everywhere. people looking for food, in desperation, children everywhere, jumping on trucks, jumping on cars. they crossed the roads and you have to be careful not to hit children driving through. mothers telling me about standing in lines for 3-4 hours to go to the one bathroom they share with 700 other people in the community. mothers telling me more than food they need mental health support because they and their children are so traumatized by what they have experienced. it is beyond belief. we see 350 thousand children under five currently in gaza at risk of starvation and those young children in particular are the most vulnerable when there is not enough nutritious
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food available. >> what was harder for you? to be there or leave? >> that is a great question, i was thinking about that, it was really hard to leave to be honest. part of me wants to stay there and get some of their food to the communities and set up a place where children could play. they were also asking for a football, or a place to play with friends. it was hard to leave. >> i want to thank you for all of the work you do, your colleagues. you are truly extraordinary. i appreciate you joining us tonight. >> thank you for having me. april 1 was april fools day, today is fax day. the importance of international fact checking day in this age of mega misinformation.
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when the 11th hour continues.
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what people want to see us do is hold people to the truth. we have people in congress that still deny what we saw. we know what happened and yet they say it did not. what i get from the people writing, please make them accountable. if they are not going to speak
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the truth or stand for the values we have in this country, call them out. >> the last thing before we go tonight, international fact checking day. that is happening tonight. bringing you the facts is something this program cares deeply about and today we are celebrating a global initiative that recognizes the crucial role of accurate information in a interconnected world. international fact checking day serves as a rallying cry in for more truth in public health, journalism and everyday lives. in honor of this day i want to review part of a letter from that man you saw there, chris, the editor of the plain dealer in cleveland. over the weekend he wrote how they covered trump and the facts of generally six. here is a part. the northstar is truth. we tell the truth even when some of it offends some of the
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people that pay us for information. the truth is trump undermined faith in our elections in his false bid to retain the presidency. he sparked a insurrection intended to overthrow the government and keep himself in power. no president in our history has done worse. the facts involving trump are clear and as newspeople we cannot pretend otherwise. as unpopular as that may be with a segment of the readers. there are not two sides to facts. people that say the earth is flat did not get space on our platforms. if that offends them, so be it. well said chris. the truth matters but only if you hear it. we will keep bringing you the facts every night right here on the 11th hour. when we make mistakes, you can call us out on it and we will correct the mistakes because we are human. telling lies, on public platforms meant to help people
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get better and smarter, that is wrong and that is something we are not dissipating in. on that note, i wish you a very good night. from all of our colleagues across the networks of nbc news, thank you for staying up late with me. i will see you tomorrow. tomor. question presumes at this very early hour that it was a deliberate strike, that they knew exactly what they were heading, that they were hitting aid workers and did on purpose and there is no evidence of that. >> outrage and anger after israeli military strike kills aid workers in gaza. >> these people are heroes, they run into the fire, not away from it. >> tonight, the fallout from the attack, the threat, regional escalation and renewed rusher on israel's biggest ally. >> the united states cannot be giving another


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