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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  April 1, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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. tonight donald trump's dangerous social media attacks continue while the judge in the hush money case expands his gag order. what is next as we learn trump finally posts the $175 million bond in the civil fraud case. then new reporting on the church of trump. how the former president is mixing christian into his movement as the 11th hour gets underway on this monday night. good evening once again.
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i'm stephanie live at 30 rock center. we are 218 days away from the election and covering a lot of big news this evening. donald trump has now officially posted that reduced $175 million bond in his civil fraud appeal. it was provided by a california based insurance company. tonight the judge expanded trump's partial gag order in the new york hush money case to protect family members of people involved with the court, including the judge's own family. if you recall last week donald trump attacked the judge and his daughter on social media. remember, the judge's daughter has absolutely nothing to do with this case and donald trump chose to call her out by name. of course this is just the latest example of how donald trump uses social media attacks, demeaning and targeting people that he views as enemies and highlighting them for his millions of followers. on friday, trump shared a video
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that included an image of current president joe biden tied up in the back of a pickup truck. as you can imagine, a presidential candidate sharing violent image reof his opponent not to mention the sitting president caused immediate backlash and disgust even from those who have nothing to do with politics. the trump campaign spokesman said it was on the back of a truck traveling down the highway. this isn't new. we have seen this before last year donald trump showed an image of him with a bat next to the head of the manhattan da. even his own lawyer called it ill advised and eventually it was deleted after millions of people saw it. with that let's get smarter with the help of our lead off panel tonight.
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conservative lawyer george conway, a contributing lawyer at the atlantic. trump got the money. he posted the $175 million bond in the fraud case. got a couple days to spare. this is obviously the reduced amount. he couldn't, maybe he couldn't, supposedly he couldn't post the 464 but now he has it. what is your reaction? >> it's good. that's a good thing. i think a lot of people reacted negative to the reduction but i think that's based on a misunderstanding of what the purpose of the appeals bond s the purpose of the bond is to protect the judgment holder. the person who won the judgment in the court below. if there had been no bond because it was too large to post then the state of new york would have had no protection and would have had to go out and seize assets which is a very, very difficult task and a very, very costly task.
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so, the people, the taxpayers of the state should be glad that the court reduced the bond, letting the court to -- letting trump be able to post the bond that would mean that once the appeal is over and the state wins the appeal they automatically get the money. >> assuming the state wins the appeal. christy, let's talk about that. now he can appeal. how will that go? >> one good thing is there's going to be an expedited appeal. >> i don't believe in eexpedited. >> it'll start in the fall. i don't think he has a leg to stand on as to the appeal. this was a very detailed decision by the judge that was based in fact in his credibility findings of all of the witnesses. you know i really -- i don't see that -- and you also had defense expert that were found to be unreliable and didn't put
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up much of a fight on the core legal issues when it comes to factual disputes that's where the judges tend to stay away and this is such a fact based inquiry that i think should stand up on the appeal. >> let's talk act the about the leg is he standing on because he is using it to kick. now being forced to expand the gag order to protect his own family and other people and family members involved in this case. what do you think of the judge's decision and where we are? >> where we are is we are two weeks from trial. you have to figure, two weeks before trial, alvin bragg and his team are meeting with witnesses. and these witnesses are coming in and saying this judge can't protect his own daughter. how am i going to be protected
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ed? there is that push back that alvin bragg says in his brief that the judge needs to show that he is do this trial in a way that people aren't scared motivated by fear not to do their civic duty. so, that is very clear in this order. the judge is saying this isn't really about me. this is about my responsibility to everybody in this trial to make sure that people can do their duty and protect themselves. this is now distract. they don't want to worry about this kind of briefing two weeks before. they want to prepare their case and disrupt the trial. >> we have a quote where he
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says it's no longer a possibility or likelihood that will exists a threat to the integrity of the judicial proceedings. is this expanded order enough to deal with that threat? >> it may not be. donald trump is a sociopath. nothing will stop him from trying to do what he wants to do which is to intimidate and roll over and attack anyone he feels is a threat to him. he is feeling that threat more than ever from all different fronts and it's quite possible this may not be enough. he is a very, destructive. is he mentally ill. he acted out in front of the jury and bought himself the punitive damages award he had to post his 83 million-dollar
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bond for. this man isn't well. and he will continue to behave in an irrational and bullying fashion and threatening fashion because that is just the way is he built. it's not part of some grand strategy. >> do you worry that it's working? if you were a potential juror, a witness. i don't know. it might affect you. >> it could but again i think that's the reason why you have to have protections of -- you have -- jury z and you have to have strong people who is a no none sense and very tough judge who is not going to take this. i think that -- you know these people are showing the world that you can stand up to donald trump and that is what the justice system -- has been doing. its been a little slow. it's slow going.
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the justice takes time but i think finally we are beginning to see that people can stand up to donald trump when it -- when it comes down to donald trump verses the law and verses society, society better win. and that's -- that's what this is about. this is about whether one man can create the rules of the game and control the rules of the game and completely destroy and undermine the rule of law and the judge is saying no, that's not how this works and i think we all need to stick up for the court and the court system and the prosecutors and, you know, second this and support this because this -- he is -- donald trump is threaten the entire judicial process and legal system for his own personal benefit. >> the biden white house is making the argument what if they don't? if response to trump's post over the weekend that included
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that image of president biden tied up in the back of a truck, the biden campaign said donald trump is now regularly inciting political violence and it's time for people to take this seriously. how is the white house dealing with it? >> well on the campaign side we saw the biden campaign hold a press conference at the dnc headquarters directly addressing this with two police officers who were at january 6 and this is really a strategy we have seen them use to really center democracy in their fight for 2024 and this is something i think we will continue to hear and particularly because biden voters continue to say they are voting more against trump than they are for biden. i think this is something that they are continuing to use. the more that they talk about trump the more that they are hoping to pull in some members of the coalition who are right now threatening to stay home, who are worried about the state of the economy and this is exactly the kind of stakes they are trying to lay out. >> george can we just put into
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perspective that we cannot look at this election like two peers running against each other. the former president posting an image of the current president tied up and what is the team trump do? they dismiss s it is no big deal. how far have we devolved? >> we have devolved a lot. this is -- the threat to our society is not just donald trump but the normalizing of his behave. i have to commend the biden campaign and administration for basically we have to go -- they have go right after this and say this man is sick or to quote what apparently the president said about donald trump a few weeks ago he is a sick puppy. is he an unwell man. he is mentally ill. he is not someone that you want in any position of power and he
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is getting worse. you can see his conduct. is he getting absolutely worse as the doors and -- as the walls close in around him. and we have to -- that's the -- the press can't walk away from that egg. the press has to point this out. this is sickness and it is madness. i think the end of the day people will reject that. i hope. >> christy i want to talk about the hush money trial. it starts later this month, hopefully and a source said that former white house communications director hope hicks is expected to testify before -- for the prosecution. people are all excited about it. just because she will testify does not mean she is going to say anything and if history is a guide hope hicks is an absolute expert at standing next to donald trump and saying absolutely nothing. >> that is true. the prosecution is calling her. they have to think there is something of value she adds to
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the case. one element in particular, she had a phone call she was on with donald trump and with michael cohen. right around the -- maybe a day or so after the access hollywood tape and so they maybe calling her to say donald trump was worried about how that access hollywood tape would affect the campaign. he cared about that. so, this idea that -- what donald trump's defense is that these hush money payments had nothing to do with the campaign. it was more about protecting my family and reputation. hope hicks may be able to say he cared a lot about how it would affect the campaign and that's an important element the state needs to prove. >> for the state is hope hicks will to show that michael comen is cohen full of it? it'll be hard is hope says
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michael is right. >> absolutely. i agree with what christy just said this is testimony. we don't know exactly how good or how strong it is but the fact of the matter is they brought hope hicks before the grand jury for a couple of days and they -- she -- her story is locked in. they know what she is going to say. they have asked her all the questions that they could -- anyone could expect to ask her and it must obviously -- it must go with their story and miracle cohen and the documents which i think are the most powerful evidence against trump. so i think -- her testimony may not be a bombshell in and of itself. i don't know. we will have to wait for the trial to see. you know it's what the prosecutors knee to get a verdict beyond a reasonable doubt. >> two mixed rulings today from the florida supreme court. they allowed a six week
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abortion ban to take effect soon but the court also cleared the way for voters to decide whether to enshrine abortion protections in the state constitution come november. for the biden campaign did they see this as their opportunity to possibly win florida because reproductive right is their one avenue to get out the vote in that state? >> the biden campaign and people closer to the campaign have been saying privately for weeks now that they believe they have a chance in florida which is crazy to say knowing that trump won the state by three points in 2020, desantiv won it in 2022 by a landslide and his policies further right than trump. they still site this abortion ballot initiative as something they can believe that can be on their side every time abortion has been on the ballot in states red and blue voters have sided with abortion rights. florida has a large population
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of older voters and biden has been strong about supporting social security, medicare and medicaid and they have a very diverse population. black voters, latino voters this is a state that if they don't think they can win in 2024 i definitely think it's a state that the dnc is targeting in the long term to once again be a swing state. >> before i let the three of you go, go to bed, do whatever ru going to do we need to clean up some lies that people might have heard over the weekend. some on the right including donald trump himself are outraged saying that president biden, a catholic proclaimed easter sunday as transgender visibility day. that is not the case. the transgender day of visibility has been held march 31th for 15 years. president biden didn't have any to do with that. george, here is the issue. we are talking about it.
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i heard about this because i was walking out of mass on easter sunday and i heard people talking about it in disgust and dismay. how challenging is this? it's nonsense. if president biden were to move the date that would have caused a bigger issue. this is a nonsense argument that is rooted in lies but can damage the president. >> yeah. well, lies -- lies are effective. the thing is we have to deep going back to reminding people that you can't trust him. he is a liar. he lies about everything. and this is just -- you know sorry -- another sorry example of that. >> it's pathetic. east every sunday was recognized. transgender day of visibility was recognized. the only thing that changed was more good american people were fed lies.
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well they weren't tonight. thank you for joining us. when we come back, the wave of wall street. trump's media stock was riding high. today it took a fall but it's still worth a lot of money despite the fact that the company does almost nothing. and later how the republican party is transforming into a church of trump. we will go from talking actual religion to none nonsense. they're quitting the kibble. and kicking the cans. and feeding their dogs dog food that's actually well, food. developed with vets. made from real meat and veggies. portioned for your dog. and delivered right to your door. it's smarter, healthier pet food. get 50% off your first box
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the popular narrati ve is that trump is broke and can't pay the judgments or fund his campaign. it is true that biden is lapping trump when it comes to campaign cash but the former president may have an ace up his sleeve. his media company, i can't believe i'm saying this to you, is currently valued at $6.6 billion just a week after it went public. that's despite the fact it's unprofitable. i a new filing tells us how unprofitable. last year trump media netted $58 million in losses and it made $4 million in revenue. there's that. so, maybe it's not an ace after
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all. for more i'm joined by one of the best reporters covering this new york times business reporter matt goldstein and dan nathan ceo of risk reversal and the host of the on the tape podcast. matt you are tracking every in and out of this. give us the latest. what do we need to know? >> well. today it was down about almost 21%. it fell -- there's no real reason why it fell or why it went up. the main reason is they put a lot of filings today that showed the losses continue to grow. the revenue -- you know you said the 4.1 million for the year t was only 750,000 in the 4th quarter. they did worse going in to the end of the year. you know when i think people are realizing, you know, a lot of people got into this last week because they were trying to catch the wave going up. the long term thing is the core share holders still are the --
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about 400,000 retail investors and they are not probably budging and they will sort of be a floor on this for the time being. until there is more float out there -- that more share that can be shorted it's probably going to -- i would predict sort of stay in this range for a while and as meme stocks can go up and down based on news and who knows. maybe the news of him making the bomb will make the stock go up tomorrow. >> here is what's bananas. even with the stock down 21, 25%, the company at this point on paper is more valuable than harley davidson, companies that make products and make billions of dollars. what do you make of this? >> here is the deal. a week and a half ago we had reddit go public. its been around 20 yearless. they had $800 million in revenue. they lost money. they are getting their costs in order this is like a real
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company. it's got a similar market capitol there. this is something that wall street investors have had a chance to look at similar companies like this for years and year. we have seen snap go public. we have seen meta, linkedin. >> each of those companies have technology -- they are unbelievable companies. this company has one thing. donald trump posting. >> here is the deal. it's a scheme. it's not really a company. it's a platform for him after he got kicked off at which timer facebook. he has five million active users there just to put that in context twitter has 250 million monthly active users. when they went private a couple of years ago and musk bought them they had $4 billion in revenue. it wasn't very proitable. it's expensive to run these companies and compete. on wall street, always wins out. you can't be a scheme. you can't be a money losing
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scheme to exist for let's say one share holder which is donald trump right here and not have the fact of the mat certify -- when you buy a stock you do it because you think it'll go higher. you think someone else will pay more for it because their prospects will be better in the future. that is not the case for the company. the moment he goes to sell his shares of the stock you will see like a snowball effect of other share holders doing the same thing. i don't believe the cult members or these people are buying it, whatever the reason they are buying it to help prop up his campaign will suffer massive losses just so he can cash out of this thing whether it's in six months when the lock up expires or prior to that. >> given that this company is the house of cards that you laid out isn't is the perfect one to go short, to sell? >> you know this. to short a stock, to get wednesday it going lower you need to borrow it. you often need to pay someone to do that and right now there are no shares to borrow because donald trump owns 57% of the shares and they are all locked up for six months. to bet against it right now is
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an uneconomy cal bet. >> then since none of this economics work how concern shed be people that this could be the darkest of dark money flooding in to a potential presidential candidate and it'll be legal? >> i mean that -- that is one of the concerns that's out there. you know it's -- it's hard to -- the problem as you know we don't often know who buys stock, who is holding until much later. we wouldn't know until the middle of may when they have to report that. i think you will see some of that. i don't know if it's really the best way to contribute to a campaign overall because you are putting a lot of -- if you -- you are risking a lot, you know as dan said at the end of the day. it's not going to be a profitable bet for you. it's profitable if you are donald trump or you are one of
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the other insiders who owns a lot of shares. >> okay and it didn't make a lot of sense for foreign governments to book entire hotel floors of the trump hotel in dc. it didn't make a lot of sense for nbs to give kushner two million dollars to manage money but it makes sense if you are an adversary and you want to yurry a favor with the leader of the free world which donald trump has a 50% chance of becoming. >> the problem is we have campaign finance laws. that's how a lot of foreign. to book a lot of hotel rooms, this is and that, we are talk about hundreds of millions of dollars or billions of dollars to prop this ting up. if he is going to try to get out and make hundreds of millions of dollars someone has to buy that. who is the buyer of the stock here and i don't think there are many -- there aren't too many group that want to buy
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this stock other than his die hard followers here so again, you can follow the money as you have done most of your career here. if you have -- north korea or if you have saudi arabia or you have the russians or the chinese for whatever reason buying out to help prop up his -- i think we will find out about it. >> we are out of time. you think trump doesn't make out like a bandit? >> i do not. i think that the minute that they go to try to sell stock i think the stock collapses. all have you to go and look at 80% of the companies that went public through stack over the last few years trading below half sizes. this closed at $48. i think it'll be a half size t may be a big hat size that would fit his head but that's where it's going. >> always good to see you. matt, thank you for joining us. when he with come back more and more trump sporters calling him -- i have to take a deep breath. as an evangelical her o. when
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when jesus died he died for us. he felt what we felt. the bible says he was wounded for our transgressions. he did it for us. when trump is facing all these things is he doing it for us in our place. >> jesus died for my sins. jesus died for me and so i -- it connects in my brain that
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way. like, he is doing this for us as a country to make the changes we need to make and he is the target where we don't have to be. >> as election day approaches donald trump is embracing his own version of christianity. our next guest says the goal is simple. to transform the republican party in to the church of trump. one rally at a time. i want to welcome michael bender. he wrote frankly we did win the election. the inside story of how trump lost. and the new york times piece the church of trump. stewa rt stephens joins us. a veteran republican strategist. michael, can we start with this article? i mean you took my doors off. you have attended these rallies, met his supporters. this is different than the trump rallies of 2016. what do we need to know about trump and this new strain? >> yeah. thanks.
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i think this is -- there's sort of a bigger picture and a more narrow one. when it comes to trump's rallies, what's different here is over the past year he has been refining the end of the rallies. we have all known for a long time as a kind of volatile, off script kind of rock concert show and now there is a very big mood shift right halt the end. the last ten or 15 minutes it's -- very somber, ambient music, and trump talks in a kind of whispering voice and a tightly scripted creed of the political movement that he is -- that he is leading in among conservatives. and his followers here are -- have become effectively his con gegrationm will bow their heads or hold their folded hands close to their chest almost as if they are praying along with
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trump. and i think what this shows is how he is really -- demanding -- you know he is demanding sort of these titles of absolute loyalty from every level of the party. twisting arms in congress, replacing loyalists with people even more loyal to him at the rnc and then here at the rank and file he is keeping up the excitement of his base by leaning in to the sort of kind of church like experience at the rallies. >> how did this happen? is this all because of roe v. wade? you spoke to a woman that said trump has been closen by god. >> i mean the evanglicals have always been a big part of the republican presidential candidates. what's different here with trump compared to bush or with
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regan is that evangelicals see him as their greatest champion, like he has delivered for them more than -- than these other republican leaders. yes, roe v. wade, the supreme court that overturned roe v. wade is the at top of the list. that lose goes on and own. there are a lot of policies that he has -- and his administration have done during his four years that put them right in the -- in the center of -- it was -- it was effectively their wish list. >> you have worked on multiple republican campaigns for actual men of faith. have you ever seen anything like this? >> no. you know, it's not unusual for candidates to say that they think that god wants them to win. this happened back when mitt romney was running someone close to romney saw that he
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didn't think god was watching the tracking. it was a question of like what happens when these people loose? does that mean that god wasn't for them? look -- i think there is something here that we really need to talk about and that's race. the -- the white evangelicals are for trump but one of the biggest be strongest group against him are black evanglicals. it raises the question is it about being evangelical as much as it is about race? overwhelmingly these are white rallies that are happening here. you know i believe that trump is always seems like a tele evangelist. there's something about him. so, this is part of just -- when a party collapses and it has no core and it has no
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policy it sort of becomes this -- this article of faith that you have to believe in donald trump because there's really no policy here. there's no party that supports it. i think this is -- very typical in autocratic movement. > democrats see this as an opportunity to attract voters because none of this is rooted in truth. they think they can get moderator swing voters. can they take advantage of it in this age of misinformation? >> look i think that -- i think most people are uncomfortable with this. i think that most people find it creepy. majority of people. you know there is this -- this hard core for trump that
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increasingly becomes demanding of you to break faith with what it means to be an american and an american tradition. if you go back to his announcement which is in waco. that was really announcing war against the united states as we know it today when he opens these rallies with these convicts now who are convicted for trying to over throw the government. when they sing their own anthem it's sort of a separate world. this has happened with trump flags verses the american flag. and i think that -- is intense but i think it's reducing his appeal. >> thank you so much. i appreciate you joining us tonight. always good to see you both. that is some extraordinary reporting. i highly recommend people read it. when we come back he is one of the finallest thriller novelists of our time and now
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at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating.
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yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful. this is not an april fool's joke. don winslow is officially retiring from publishing to focus on activism. he warned us this was coming two years ago. here is how he explained it at
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that time. >> i think that we are an important point in the history of american democracy. we will either move head as a country that guarantees rights for everybody regardless of race or gender or sexual orientation or we're going to fall back in to the sorry facism represented by trump. >> i'm thrilled to have don with us here tonight. the last novel of his extraordinary career is being released tomorrow. it's called city in ruins. it's a must read. i didn't believe this. 26 books you have written and you have now said i'm done. a lot has happened in the last two years since we last spoke. >> right. >> why have you said i'm done with my storeyed career and i could retire. i could relax on my ranch but you are going to go full time
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activist. >> because i'm outraged. i'm outraged. >> you were outraged two years ago. >> that was very calm last interview. can we speak plainly? >> that's what we are here to do, brother. >> let's do it, okay? donald trump should have been taken out of the white house in handcuffs before the sunset on january 6th. if he had been f people had done the jobs they were supposed to have done we wouldn't be where we are now. then the justice department spends a year dotting i-'s and crossing t's and now trump gets to run out the clock on 91 counts on a federal indictment more than al capone, and now he threatens judges, judge's families, and the president of the united states and i want to know why donald trump is not
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behind bars tonight. >> you live in a pretty republican district. >> i do. >> in california. those people aren't members of the justice department. why do you think so many people still support him? >> because i think he makes some people feel important, that otherwise wouldn't feel important and i also think that people get a lot of disinformation which is something democrats need to be attacking. we need to be talking about the disinformation. we need to be talking about the violent rhetoric that trump uses, blood bath? showing an image of the president in the back of a pickup truck hog tied? if you were out on bail for one count of an indictment. never mind 91, let's say the average guy gets out on bail and he starts threatening the judge and the judge's family? where with that guy be tonight? >> in prison. >> in prison. and the insanity of it is that
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donald trump could possibly win. that a traitor, yeah, i said it, a traitor to this country, a man who tried to over throw the government of the united states has a path to victory to become president again and that's not only a national embarrassment, that's a national disgrace. >> have you ever written a character of, a villain like this? could you ever think that -- it would even be possible? >> i don't write cartoons so no. i haven't. i wouldn't. >> then what do you want the world to know? you are here in theory to talk about your book but that's not what you want to talk about. you want to talk about the state of the world. >> shei be talking about the book. way. what is your message? >> it is that we are on the brink. if this man is reelected, a man totally devoid of honor. maybe that's the thing i
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dislike most about him. no honor whatsoever. if he reelected we won't recognize this country from what it once was when the country that you and i grew up in. the country that we should be handing over to our kids. and the message i want to get out to my fellow democrats is we need to get tough. we need to get organized. we need to fight. we need to speak in plain, tough language, we need to stop bringing a spoon to a knife fight, right? that is what we need to be doing. we need to be talking to blacks and latinos and reminding them that trump's history of, you know, segregation goes back 50 years. 50 years. indictments, right and charges against trump for not renting, refusing to rent to minority
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people. so this is nonsuns e this is insanity what we are doing and democrats had better get tough, organized and speak plain truth. >> you will be speaking to them. thank you. congratulations on the book. >> thanks a lot. >> i will say the character that's you. >> because we look so much alike. >> so much. so much. when we come back, local news getting a life line. one final story from one of our favorite people at nbc. harry smith when the 11th hour continues. now that i have inspire, i'm free from struggling with the mask and the hose. inspire? inspire is a sleep apnea treatment that works inside my body with a click of this button. no mask! no hose! just sleep. give me this thing. where are you going? i'm going to get inspire. inspire.
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excellence. we wanted to air his final piece highlights the importance of local news. >> in central maine, many a customer digs in to the lewiston sun journal. they have reliedon it since 1847 but it's future was anything but certain. >> its been tough. i mean, it's no secret. advertising, spending is down. our subscriptions are down. >> sun journal publisher has lived here all her life. >> we did as much as we possibly could not to pull the resources out of our newsrooms but everybody was tight. >> until last summer when the sun journal, four other main dailies and 16 other papers were sold to the national profit trust for local news. >> thank goodness.
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it was huge relief. huge relief. the newsroom was excited. opened fire in a bowling alley and a bar here. >> almost everyone at this newsroom has been at that bowling alley. we know the people who were involved. we approached it as this is not a crime story, this is a crime against the community. >> reporter: a story the sun journal continues to work on five months later, long after the left of us


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