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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  April 1, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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tickets available at the apollo theater, saturday night i find out more and get information about tickets at metal when everything, june 13th, i will be in houston, texas talking about my latest book called prequel houston texas june 13th, tickets available now. you can find out at maddow very excited about both events. i would love to see a bird that will do for now but now it is time for the "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell print >> rachel joy at the apollo saturday night. tickets available, that will last about five minutes. i just can't be. rachel, we have dan alexander join us in this hour to explain how donald trump the bond money that he needed tonight and who helped him out, how he did that. we will get into the gag order that the judge has issued tonight. it has amazing detail on order
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that he issued. it will be one of these test, you know, can donald trump live with this new version of the gag order? we will find out. >> which each new one of these the judges that issued these rulings learn from the way he has treated all the previous gag orders. i think they're getting a little steel in their spine in terms of what it will take to enforce these things and protect the people in the court system. >> district attorney braque and judge merchan both rely on the washington, d.c. gag order as a model for what they're doing here pretty much exactly. thanks, lawrence. >> thank you, rachel. the breaking news is donald trump has been gagged again. after a flurry of new filings at the end of the day from alvin bragg asking judge merchan to expand the gag order and donald trump defense lawyers filing their objection to expanding the gag order laming that donald trump did
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nothing wrong this weekend and attacking judge merchan's daughter. he granted the request to expand the gag order which now forbids donald trump from commenting on the judges family or the district attorney's family. their families were not previously covered by the gag order. the judge also warned donald trump, as requested by the district attorney, that if he continues to disrupt the case, donald trump will lose his legal right as a defendant to even know the names of his jurors in the case. the first line of alvin bragg's filing in the case tonight says, quote, defendants dangerous, violent and rhetoric fundamentally threatens the integrity of these proceedings and is intended to intimidate witnesses and drop participants alike, including this court.
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the district attorney is asking the judge to clarify or confirm his previous gag order on donald trump. it protects family members of the court, the district attorney and all other individuals mentioned in the order. district attorney bragg pointed out that a social media account that donald trump publicly ascribed to judge merchan's daughter was a fraudulent impersonation. the district attorney added, quote, there is no constitutional right to target the family of this court. let alone on the blatant falsehoods that have served as the flimsiest pretext. the defendant knows what he is doing and everyone else does too. the harm to bill or the administration of this proceeding is magnified by the high likelihood that potential witnesses, prospective jurors, and other trial participants will observe defendants of
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attacks and understand if this court's family is fair game, then so are bears. this issue is not complicated. family members of trial participants must be strictly off-limits. defendants insistence to the contrary, speaks a dangerous sense of entitlement to instigate fear and even physical harm to the loved ones of those he sees in the courtroom. donald trump's criminal attorneys reply brief pointed out that the current gag order plainly does not apply to family members of the court and the district attorney. that is why the district attorney was asking the court to expand the gag order. that is what the court decide to do. the criminal defense lawyers argued that donald trump's comments about the daughter working for democratic political campaigns officially became part of the case when the trump use that for a resume
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for judge merchan in emotion. age notion judge merchan the ninth of the trump lawyers argued trump's comments concerning the daughter are properly understood and criticism of the court prior decision not to recuse itself, the challenge social media post reflect trump's exercise of core constitutional rights under the first and sixth amendment. the efficacy was also is necessary and appropriate in the current environment. that is 7:58 p.m. tonight the judge issued his decision and order. the judge quoted the trump's lawyer defense but the statements quote plainly constitute core political speech on matters of great public concern and criticism of major public figures. two which the judge said, quote, attacking family members of presiding jurists attorneys
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assigned to his cases serves no legitimate purpose. it merely injects fear in those assigned or called to participate in the proceedings. that not only they, but their family members as well are fair game for defendants. judge merchan quote of the district attorney in his filing thing, quote, multiple potential witnesses have already expressed grave concerns about their own safety and that of their family members, should they appear as witnesses against defendant. that led judge merchan to this conclusion. it is no longer just a mere possibility or a reasonable likelihood that there exists a threat to the integrity of the judicial proceedings. the threat is very real. admonitions are not enough, nor is reliance on self-restraint. the average observer, must now, after hearing defendant's recent attacks, draw the conclusion that if they become involved in these proceedings,
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even tangentially, they should worry, not only for themselves but for their loved ones as well. such concerns will undoubtedly interfere with the fair administration of justice and constitutes a direct attack on the rule of law itself. again, all citizens, called upon to precipitate in these proceedings, whether as a juror, witness or in some other capacity must now concern themselves not only with their own personal safety but with the safety and the potential for personal attacks upon their loved ones. that reality cannot be overstated. judge merchan accuse trump's defense lawyers of, quote, baseless misrepresentations. that result in accusations that are disingenuous and not rational. to argue that the most recent attacks, which included photographs, were necessary and appropriate in the current environment is farcical.
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the judge found that, quote, there exists no less restrictive means to prevent such risk. judge merchan gave donald trump this morning , defendant is hereby put on notice that he will forfeit any statutory right he may have to access juror names if he engages in any contact that threatens the safety and integrity of the jury or the jury selection process. meeting of our discussion tonight is our u.s. attorney and professor of the university of school of law. she is a legal analyst and cohost of the podcast sisters- in-law. also with is harry whitman, former u.s. attorney and deputy assistant attorney general. he is the senior legal affair calm is for the los angeles times. joyce, let me get your reaction to what you read in judge merchan's order tonight.
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>> reporter: this is very serious, lawrence. we see these orders from judges day in and day out. every once in a while you read an order and the language stops you cold. this is a judge who has had enough. he is not reacting in an emotional way. it is measured and well grounded in the law. as you pointed out, he lays it out step-by-step. and then he concludes that is nothing less restrictive he can do. he admonishes trump that if he crosses the line again, he will face criminal contempt. he cites to the statutory procedures in new york law that permit judges to invoke the criminal contempt and the are two possible penalties. one is a fine but the amount is so de minimis that i imagine if we get to that point, the district attorneys office will say, this dollar amount clearly won't do anything to deter trump. the other option is custody.
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the judge can put a defendant who is found in criminal content in jail for up to 30 days. this is an extraordinary step i am still not certain that we imagine the former president would be jailed, pending trial. the judge has laid it out clearly and said that donald trump is attacking the heart of the rule of law with deliberate conduct. if he continues to do it, if the judge finds he does it with the intent to material influence or impede the trial, the judge had told donald trump what comes next. >> carrie littman, i have to say when i was reading the order, it made me kind of work back through what led to this. and it reads as if this really might not have been possible until tonight. it is like the judge was waiting if he would do this, he would need more and have to see the threat development so he could get to the point of writing credibly in his order, the threat is very real. >> that is exactly right but he
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wants to try to be this passion because he does not want to look as if he is personally exercising because it involves his daughter. and trump had 70 something tweets or social media over the weekend, including pictures of the daughter. it is both that, that is what happened recently. the judge has a new arrow in his quiver that they did not have in d.c. and that is really everywhere in the order. it is the upcoming trial, two weeks from today. all the points he makes about people being participating in proceedings have bite and constitutional force because he can say, there is a trial in front of us that you are threatening to prejudice and undo and frighten the participants of. that gives him the extra leverage that judge chutkan in
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d.c. would not have had yet. i think it is a game changer, basically, for the rationale that permits him to do this very thing. one thing to add to what joyce said, it is tricky with trump you do not want to put him to jail. but the judge puts in his order, this interesting point that maybe you will lose your statutory, not constitutional right, to know jurors names. that would hurt printed from knowing their names, you learn a lot about individual jurors and that is a creative kind of threat that is not down the line of putting you in jail. pretty much everyone wants to avoid, if possible. >> joyce, we have plenty to talk about on the filings we got at the end of the day from district attorney bragg and the trump defense lawyers. what happened with the judge's
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order, he adopted all of these arguments being made by the district attorney that i was going to ask you about. how do you think he will adopt this? especially the argument that this is not just about the judge's daughter. this is about every potential juror, who comes into the courtroom. every potential witness who might be called, who is out there thinking, if this guy can attack the judge's daughter, imagine what he can do to me and what he can do to my family. that was the real threatening aspect of what trump was doing that the district attorney perforated -- persuaded the judge had to take action against. >> reporter: that is exactly right. jurors don't have long-term protection, like judge's daughter probably will be able to access. this is a real threat. the d.a. pointed out in their briefing that they have had witnesses tell them that you are getting concerned. potential jurors are concerned. harry and i have both dealt
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with situations like this. no one with this public of a megaphone is someone who has an impact on his followers. jurors would literally have to be looking over their shoulder in fear. it goes beyond what is happening in this trial. this ties back into the sorts of it targeting that donald trump is doing on social media of people up to and including the president. we are at the point where a judge has to say, enough is enough, i will find a way to hold this man accountable where we cannot as jurors and witnesses to go in and play their roles in these trials. >> harry, the trump lawyers filing to this judge tonight arguing that our client has a perfect right to attack your daughter when ever he wants to. that is legitimately part of this case. that did not get anywhere with this judge. >> reporter: farcical, he
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called it. there is no legitimate purpose, he called it. the notion that there is some -- he gave a lot of the opinion to trump's right to have first amendment criticism, et cetera, et cetera. this kind of vilification and got a rant about the judge of's daughter has, one, zero first amendment value. two, juror risk as to detailing to a trial that is about to begin. he swatted it away. he did it in a way that he wants to not open himself up to any accusation on appeal that he is getting personally engaged and he did not. it is sober and grounded in the law. it says there is nothing on your side and he is contemptuous of trump's suggestions that this is core political speech. there is something really big on the other side, all the witnesses, et cetera as you were just detailing the >> joyce vance and harry
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litman, thank you very much for starting up our discussions. more breaking news. donald trump managed to post the one or $75 million bond in his new york civil fraud judgment against him for the $464 million judgment that he is appealing. then alexander is a senior editor at forbes. , how do donald trump do it? who gave him the money can >> reporter: he did with the help of a group called night specialty insurance company. this is a group that falls under the umbrella of companies owned by don hankey, who is a billionaire based out of california. don hankey is an interesting guy, who is not number focused and made his fortune in offering auto loans. this is a guy who is comfortable with looking at people who have marked up credit histories and saying, they have got the collateral, we can afford to do this and we will make money on it. apparently that is what happened in this case.
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>> going for, donald trump has the money to cover the bond so that his assets will be protected during the appeal. what did donald trump -- what we expect donald trump had to put up in order to get this backing to do this? >> reporter: one of my colleagues at forbes got off the phone with don hankey, who set it is a collateral that is a combination of cash and investment grade bonds. we knew that donald trump had substantial amount of cash but we answer that -- estimate the cash pilot $400 million right now. what is interesting he is tied up a chunk of that with the collateral on this judgment and also with collateral for a bond in the e. jean carroll case. combined, the majority of his cash pile, wrapped up in collateral for his legal judgments. this will limit his ability to operate his business, certainly to expand his business..
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forget building buildings or propping up truth social with big injection of cash for those things will be very difficult for him to do at this point. >> how does this affect any other aspect of his legal predicaments? when you are evaluating the risk with a borrower, would you want to consider, he is a criminal defendant in four different cases? >> reporter: certainly, you would. that being said, lenders and insurance companies, the people who will enter financial arrangements with donald trump, but your people who want to make money. time and time again, despite the fact that trump has been accused of fraud and found liable for fraud. he has been charged with criminal accounts, there are people willing to business with him. they may not be the a-list, they might be demanding higher interest rates and extracting terms from him. there is going to be someone out there who will be willing
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to put up money and you saw that in this case. my suspicion is you will continue to see that in the future should he need more liquidity. >> then alexander, thank you very much for joining us. >> reporter: thank you. coming up, the florida state supreme court decide to get voters the chance to overrule the abortion ban enacted by the portal legislator and that has given democrats new hope in the november election. jasmine crockett and dan goldman will join us next. good to go off the grid. good to go nonstop. with cabenuva, there's no pausing for daily hiv pills. for adults who are undetectable, cabenuva is the only complete, long-acting hiv treatment you can get every other month. it's two injections from a healthcare provider. just 6 times a year. don't receive cabenuva if you're allergic to its ingredients or if you're taking certain medicines
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supreme court approved a ballot measure that would protect abortion rights in the state's constitution on the november ballot. the proposed amendment says, quote, no law shall prohibit, penalize, delay or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient's health as determined by the patient's healthcare provider. the amendment requires the support of at least 60% of voters to be added to the constitution, if it passes. it would nullify for that's abortion bans. florida is one of several states trying to bring the issue directly to voters in this election. voters in seven states, including kansas and ohio, have already voted in favor of protecting abortion rights, not restricting them since roe v. wade was overturned by the united date supreme court. it is particularly crucial now, given that this new six week
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ban in florida will, as the washington post notes all but eliminate abortion access in the south while further straining abortion clinics elsewhere across america last week democratic representatives jasmine crockett and dan goldman unveiled a bill to counter abortion misinformation. the bill seeks to ensure accurate abortion access information is available nationwide in response to antiabortion centers often calling themselves crisis pregnancy centers intended to deceive patient for joining us now is jasmine crockett of texas and congressman dan goldman of new york. thank you both very much for joining us tonight. congressman crockett, your reaction to the florida supreme court saying, yes the legislator can enact any man it wants at six weeks but florida voters will get a chance to
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rule on it. >> i am happy and i am happy. i know there are those that are saying, wait a minute how can you be happy about the six week ban it is the extremism that is motivating people to get up off the couch because they recognize freedom is on the line. because the supreme court about this rogue legislator and this rogue governor to do this, i think this will be a motivating factor. for once, i may have some faith in florida. i lost faith but november may be a different day because we know that every time we have taken this issue to the people, the people have decided overwhelmingly that they want to basically allow our medical providers to assist women in making these very important decisions with their lives. >> dan goldman, a 60% vote is necessary for the amendment in november to become law. it sounds tough.
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current polling shows 62% of florida maca voters supporting it, including 53% of republican supporting it. >> that is exactly right and consistent across the country, lawrence. americans and women want the right to control their own bodies. when you look at what the state legislators and governors are doing in states like florida, where they are trying to force women who do not want to have babies or risk health issues by having babies to have them and then you see the alabama supreme court telling women, who want to have babies through ivf, that they cannot have babies. the only logical explanation is that they want to control women. this is a battle for freedom. as a man, it is a battle that is on the line for me too but not because i have four daughters but because the help of my wife it may be at risk if
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abortion care or miscarriage care is not available. and family planning is on the line. they will not stop here with the freedom to reproductive health. they will continue. they will go after contraception but they will go after lgbtq writes an marriage. they will not stop intel the conservative, evangelical, hard right view of the world overtakes this entire country. i am glad that we will have an opportunity for florida voters to make their opinion known. the courts will not save us, lawrence. they will not save us against donald trump or save us against the supreme court. we are going to have to get out to vote, every single person in this country has to make his or her voice heard so that we, the american people decide what our freedoms are.
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>> represented crockett, joe biden's position on abortion is clear but he said ports roe v. wade. he wants to see federal guarantees along the lines of row versus wade. donald trump is refusing to say what his position is. is he for a 15 week ban or a six week ban? what will it be? he is a florida maca boater. he is also refusing to say how he would vote. and he's also refusing to have a vote on this amendment. >> the silence speaks volumes. we know where trump stands for we know what this support has done to decimate our freedoms just like goldman just laid out it is not really about whether or not you agree with abortion and understand abortion access but it is about freedom as a whole. we know about the three trump justices have absolutely put us into the upside down. this is why we are struggling and why the people are having
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so much pushback. i wish texas did have this option because i could guarantee you that we would not happy both facing up to life in prison if the people had an opportunity to choose. the fact that it is a 60% threshold, they thought that was going to be what they could do and ohio to win but we saw overwhelming number of people come out. honestly, this was probably the wrong fight to wage at the wrong time when they are trying to take the white house back but we know arizona is pushing to do the exact same thing. i am looking for good things out of arizona and out of florida. anything that we can do or going to do. i think it is really important that dan is one of the people that brought this bill. dan is in new york. we know that there are those that believe if you are in new york or california, that you are safe. they are trying to push a nationwide abortion ban and we will push back. >> dan, on the legislation that
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you and represented crockett have introduced, it is about getting clear information out there for people about this. now that we see with florida, the entire south has an abortion ban in place in one way or another. new york is one of the places people are wondering about in the states that have ban abortions. what will your bill do to help people in these states living under abortion bans? >> the first thing you will do it row provide a repository of accurate information where people can go to figure out options for themselves. and whether it is to come to new york or go to massachusetts or other states that welcome women who need abortion care, they can find it there. it is also designed to stop the malicious and manipulative efforts by so-called crisis pregnancy centers to woo women into their centers by appearing
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as if they are a planned parenthood or the like. and then manipulating them and convincing them not to have an abortion. in new york, there are 13 crisis pregnancy centers and there are five planned parenthood centers. this bill will require a lot more truth in advertising, so to speak, for this crisis pregnancy centers which are really a scourge on women's rights. >> is a goldman and jasmine crockett, thank you very much for joining our discussion. >> thank you. coming up, our next guest, carson already is now running in a tie in the state of texas a sender rafael edward cruise. comment already, the big hope in texas. joins us next. ons suff from pain caused by migraine, nurtec odt may help.
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the biden/harris campaign released a new campaign memo saying that it sees the state of florida after dirt the supreme court ruling allowing the government ron desantis ban on abortion to go into effect next month. as we mentioned, the florida supreme court also ruled that voters in florida will be able to vote on an amendment in november that would guarantee abortion protections in the florida state constitution.
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in other states, other republicans running for election this year are showing a new vulnerability because of the republican party's attacks on reproductive rights a recent poll from the university of texas found incumbent republican senator cruz is tied at 41% against his democratic challenger, colin allred. 52% of texas independents have an unfavorable view of senator cruz compared to 17%. as the u.s. supreme court considers restricting the abortion pill, the texas democratic party released a statement reminding texas voters that senator cruz is leading the charge to ban the abortion medication and that senator cruz supports outline abortion with absolutely no exceptions. durning is not as texas
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democratic irishman colin allred. he is the democratic nominee for senate in texas. you are tied at 41%. getting to a tie at any point in this race against a republican in texas is impressive. you are appetite with enough time to move that number up. >> we know this is always been, in texas art task is to get more out to vote what we are seeing is texans know who ted cruz is. we know he wants to do and what he is not done for us over 12 years that he has been misrepresenting us in the senate. we are ready to move on. my job is to make sure texans know who i am. we do have an uphill climb at times but i'm used to that and i was born and raised in dallas and my mom was a public school teacher. i went to baylor, nfl and a civil rights lawyer.
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it took me lodges to get into congress per now we have a chance to take out one of the worst centers in the country. >> the polling on independence in texas seems to be the spot where if there is a victory for you, that is where it will be. they are heavily against santa cruz now they on favorability of him is astronomical. yours, at 17%, no one gets a 0%. usually just by saying the word democrat and republican, you get on some unfavorable. 70% is about as low as it gets. >> texas has a long tradition of independent leaders, who put texas first and have national profiles but are always texans, first and foremost. we have gotten away from that in recent years. with these followers, like ted cruz, who follow-up ever they are told to do. anytime about his family, they call him everything but a child of god. that is not who we are as texans. we need to get back to that.
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you are right when you talk about, there are folks out there who are wondering, which way should we go? i might've been voting for republican in the past but i don't see myself in this version of the republican party. those folks are voting for me. but as i got into congress for presenting part of dallas that was traditionally republican. i've tried to serve in a way that shows we can bring folks together. yes, there are some bites. you mentioned abortion access and women making their own health care decisions. these are things you have to have but not everything has to be a fight. when 30 texans are freezing in the dark, that is not a good time to go on vacation and when you come back, i make jokes about it. texans don't accept that. that is what you're seeing showing up in the numbers for our task or next few months is to make sure the texans and americans know that we can get rid of ted cruz and put someone who cares about all 30 million texans, not some and who cares about himself. in the nfl we guys who we
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called me guys and i looked out for themselves. ted cruz is the ultimate me guy. >> texas has delivered because of the restrictive abortion laws there. some of the most tragic difficult things we have heard of woman it being put through horrible ordeals because of texas republican governing choices, which ted cruz supports completely, including his belief that there should be absolutely no exceptions to any ban on abortion, no exceptions for incest. >> i really feel for what is happening in florida, as much as i am excited about how was on the ballot. what they will expenses will be express in texas. it is a near-total ban on abortion looks like. what it looks like is 26,000 women are giving birth to a child and a mother of two like kate cox ordered austin that one to have a much wanted third pregnancy.
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we got the news that we all hope we do not get that the pregnancy was not viable. and in katie cox's k she had to go emerge from four times. she had to have an abortion states that, no. they did not said no, if you do this, we'll prosecute you, your doctor, your hospital. we had counting saying you cannot drive to the county if you use the roads to access an abortion how will they enforce it? are we going to pull women in texas and over and ask you what is the nature of your travel? that is not freedom? i am a fourth generation texan but there is one thing i know is that we believe in freedom. for folks out there, they should know, the only way we are going to restore this right. is by beating ted cruz and we will codified roe v. wade and we go back to what we have for the last 50 years. >> colin allred, thank you for joining us. coming up, our next guest wrote the wisest and most moving words i have read.
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about the men who were trying to make our lives better, a little easier when they fell to their deaths in the middle of the night with the key bridge collapsed last week. will bunch joins us next. [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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is make their families' lives better and make our lives better and ways -- in ways we would never notice. when we are driving over smooth roads, how many of us think to thank the people who fill the potholes on the roads? how many of us wonder, who does that work? who does that work in the middle of the night on a cold bridge in baltimore? now, we know. 35-year-old alejandro hernandez fuentes and 26-year-old dorlian ronial castillo cabrera were found dead under 25 feet of water in a red pickup truck that jumped in a bit too late to try to escape the collapse of the francis scott key bridge at 1:20 8 am last tuesday morning. 38-year-old -- 35-year-old
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alejandro hernandez fuentes has not been found. 49-year-old miguel luna has not been found. another man whose name has not been publicly released has not been found. there were two lucky ones, julio cervantes was rescued and another worker whose name has not been released was also rescued. philadelphia inquirer columnist will bunch wrote, quote, seven men with stories very much like his, migrants from the neighboring countries of guatemala and el salvador in mexico were filling potholes on the region's major span on a rock march night. they were doing a backbreaking job at a wretched our, one many other americans simply cannot or won't do.
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they were also the neighbors and drive safely to their warm and comfortable office cubicles in the dawn's early light. will bunch saw something in that tragic that donald trump and other liars about immigrants will never see. quote, when the dali cargo ship demolish the bridge support on tuesday, it also obliterated all the ridiculous lies and myths that have been spreading about immigration. there were no traffickers aboard the key bridge that night nobody was dealing fentanyl. they were not animals but fathers and husbands like suazo and luna, whose wife occasionally showed up in her food truck to bring the men tacos. they were filling potholes so their children could have an even better life.
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these six workers who perished were not poising the blood of our country, they were replenishing it. this is a moment of clarity when we need to reject the national disease of xenophobia and restore our faith in the united states as a beacon for the best people like suazo . they may have been born all over the continent but when these men plunged into the waters on tuesday, they died as americans. turning our discussion now is will bunch, national opinion columnist for the philadelphia inquirer. well, thanks for joining us. and thank you for the wisdom with which you wrote about this and what you saw in it. tell us about these men who are out there doing this work that others don't want to do and
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just trying to make life better for their families and make our rides to work a little better. >> reporter: absolutely. thanks so much for the kind words. thanks for having this conversation. it is kind of surprised me that this aspect of the story has not gotten more attention. i feel like in this tragedy, we also got a glimpse of clarity into what the true nature of immigration in the united states is all about. in the column, i focused a lot on one of these men in particular, probably because the excellent reporting have been done on them by the associated press and others. this was suazo who came here at age 20 from a very impoverished world -- rural village in the mountains of honduras.
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this guy never stopped working. he supported a wife and two children and yet he managed to send about 600 or $800 a month home. he was able support relatives back in honduras. he was kind of the patriarch for some relatives that could make it up to the baltimore area. he told his family, my philosophy is i go where the work is. he would get home from this overnight construction crew that he worked on at 5:00 am. he would sleep for a few hours and then he would go out at noon and do landscaping or other odd jobs. and that is what he did. this is really the vast majority of the 10 or 12 million recent agreements you have come to this country. they have come here to work for they have come here for opportunity. they have come here to support their families. a couple channels over from here, all they want to talk about is the isolated cases of
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criminals. sure, in a population that big, you are going to have a couple criminals. but, like i said in the piece, they are not poisoning the blood of this country. they are replenishing it, just like the irish, those that built the water tunnels in new york and the italian americans who built the brooklyn bridge or the ben franklin bridge in philadelphia. this is just the tradition of how american works. it is how our infrastructure gets done. >> will, i'm looking at the list of the names of the 13 sand hogs, as it used to be called who dug the holland tunnel but they were all in industrial accidents that was considered a part of the job. the bridgework in this part of the world, the tunnel work and this part of the tunnel has been done by immigrant labor.
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that bridge will be rebuilt by immigrant labor. it will be maintained by immigrant labor. that is how it will exist going on. well, thank you for drawing attention to that. really appreciate you joining us tonight. >> thanks so much. i really appreciate it. >> we will be right back. with mild-to-moderate covid-19 and a high-risk factor for it becoming severe. it does not prevent covid-19. my symptoms are mild now, but i'm not risking it. if it's covid, paxlovid. paxlovid must be taken within the first five days of symptoms, and helps stop the virus from multiplying in your body. taking paxlovid with certain medicines can lead to serious or life-threatening side effects or affect how it or other medicines work, including hormonal birth control. it's critical to tell your doctor about all the medicines you take because certain tests or changes in their dosage may be needed. tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems, hiv-1, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeed. don't take paxlovid if you're allergic to nirmatrelvir, ritonavir, or any of its ingredients. serious side effects can include allergic reactions, some severe like anaphylaxis, and liver problems.
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