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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  March 22, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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meeting of the banned book club to discuss one of the most banned books of all times. george orwell's 1984. my guests, james alastor who teaches a course on orwell and garrett conley. a banned book boy erased. a memoir about growing up gay in a fundamentalist arkansas family. a fundamentalist arkans family. edition of "the last word," defendant trump, which starts right now. good evening and welcome to a special friday edition of "the last word," focusing on defendant trump, donald trump has not come up with the magical solution to present letitia james from beginning
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the process of attaching his assets on monday into order to guarantee the payment of a foreign $64 million civil fraud judgment against donald trump. the merger announced today between donald trump's social media company with a much higher valued company, called the digital world acquisition corporation, can do nothing to change donald trump's financialn capacities on monday. when donald trump hits the deadline for satisfying the judgment against him. if donald trump had $464 million , he could just post it with wi the court as a guarantee that he could cover the judgment if he loses his appeal of the case , but donald trump does not na have that much money, despite claiming to have had much more e than that for many, many years, now. donald trump has not been able p to get anyone to lend him that money so that he could post a bond with the court for the th
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judgment which would then protect his assets. the court gave donald trump 30 days to figure this out and he has not been able to. as financial reality closes in on him, donald trump goes to bed lying and wakes up line. last night at 1:54 in the morning, he posted a familiar lie on media, sing the judgment against him was unconstitutional and unfair and that it was designed by the judge to "not allow me to use any of the large amount of cash i have built up over the years, through hard work, insight, instincts, and diligence, on my political campaign for president." so, the lie there is that ha donald trump does not have hundreds of millions of dollars , he does not have it, and the lie he was going to spend that money on his political campaign . that is a complete and total lie. donald trump has never spent
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one penny of his own money on any of his political campaigns. in his first campaign for president, after promising he would finance his entire campaign himself and would never ask anyone to donate to his campaign, donald trump loaned a total of $10.8 million to his campaign to get it started, and then he quickly began begging for money every day of his life online to his supporters and when his supporters sent in enough money, donald trump paid himself back the $10 million he loaned it to his campaign, so no. donald trump was not hoarding large amounts of cash, hundreds of millions of dollars, so he could spend that money on his political campaign. as he said just before 2:00 2 last night. st when he woke up this morning, if he slept at all, at 7:14 in
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the morning, he repeated the lie, saying "i currently have almost $500 million in cash, a substantial amount of which i intended to use in my campaign for president." no, he did not. he has never intended to use one penny of his own money in his campaign. saying that he now has a almost $500 million in cash would mean his lawyers were lying when they told the judge at the beginning of the week that it was "an impossibility," for donald trump to come up with $500 million in cash. his lawyers actually call that " a practical impossibility." the lawyers explained to the court just how thoroughly donald trump failed in coming up with the money. the lawyers said, "these diligent efforts have included approaching about 30 surety companies through four separate brokers. a bond requirement of
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this enormous attitude, effectively requiring cash reservesiv approaching $1 billion, is unprecedented for a private company." so, in a manhattan courtroom monday, the foundational lie of donald trump's image as a politician will be exposed. >> i don't need anybody's money, it's nice, i don't need anybody's money. i'm using my own money, i'm not using the lobbyist's, i'm not using the donors, i don't care.o i'm really rich. >> that's an enormous part of donald trump's initial appeal, when he began as a candidate. he mounted other peels including direct appeals to racist to expand his base of support, but many trump voters u in iowa believed then and said then that the trump wealth that they believed he had was a virtue. they believed he would be incorruptible because he had too much money to be corrupted.
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donald trump was lying about that. his voters were wrong to believe that, but they have forgiven or overlooked every trump lie that has been exposed to at the end of the game, most might still be willing to believe that donald trump is as rich as he has always pretended to be, but donald trump has proved how rich he is not to anyone who can think. the world- famous billionaires have no d- problem coming up with $500 million. jeff bezos has that in his pocket, bill gates has given away more money that donald trump has ever had in his life. bill gates has given away h billions of dollars, and the real billionaire politician, the former mayor of new york, mike bloomberg, who has also given away billions of dollars,
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never brags about his wealth. he could easily cover $500 million at any time from his current holdings of $106.2 billion. mike bloomberg started with nothing, grew up in suburban boston, moved to new york city,i had to work to make every single penny he has earned, had to do it on his own. donald trump hates billionaires like mike bloomberg who came to the big city were donald trump was born rich and left donald trump far behind, in the building of important businesses and the accumulation of wealth that staggers donald trump's poisoned imagination. donald trump has never dared to even pretend that he is as rich as mike bloomberg, nevermind younger men like bill gates or
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jeff bezos, who have hit the stratospheric level of wealth that donald trump sees his with jealousy about. the drama, donald trump is living through now, the donald trump he lives there tonight, the drama we are all watching was foretold when the presidential election was called for joe biden and donaldd trump officially entered the history books as a loser. on that day, peter marks, the drama critic of the washington post, wrote "i imagine it as a chilling final turn of the plot. his world is coming to an end. he will never have another good day. loser label will haunt him. the law will pursue him. mental illness will hobble him. his properties will bankrupt."
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leading off tonight is tim o'brien, for bloomberg opinion and the author of "trump nation," and host of "crash course" podcast and then we dc have the former chief of the f criminal division in the he eastern district of new york, co-author of the best-selling book, "the trump indictments.". as we close in on monday, what are you looking for? >> the trial date. i think, looking at the papers, leaving aside one caveat, which is that one of donald trump's lawyers is really a superb, ethical lawyer, so you never want to count her out, i would be interested to see what that defense lawyer has to say, what
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arguments she makes, but having read the papers on both sides, it really looks like a sort of minor kerfuffle. i think the judge will be focused on, is there anything there that will take more than the 30 days that he is granted and whether the judge will stick with this it trial starting on, ironically, given your opening and what you talked about, april 15th. i sort of expect that we will get a trial date that is if not that day, shortly thereafter. >> jim o'brien, in the civil case, which enters this new zone of the $450 million collection., we get the feeling, from the outside, you've dealt with donald trump up close, he sued you for telling the truth about how rich he was not, you one, of course, you get the feeling that he doesn't actually feel,
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he can't anticipate danger properlyat. that's why he went bankrupt in atlantic city. the ability to anticipate risk is what saves businesses from disaster, it saves all areas of life from disaster. he seems surprised that it has come to this. >> yeah, businesses are risk management, banking is risk management, managing money is risk management. he and i were walking ron mar-a- lago in 2005, talking about when he almost went bankrupt in the early 1990s and he said, my father always said, never , personally guarantee any loans, and i made a mistake, i personally guaranteed too much moneynt in the early 1990s, i didn't think it would catch up to me and it did and i learned my lesson and decided to never i personally guarantee alone after that. i later found out he was lying to me in that very moment. i did not know it, but it turned out he personally guaranteed some of the loans on a new
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building he was developing in chicago, that only cannot a few years later. he goes through searing moments where he almost loses everything he can and has, and says i've learned lessons that i should've listened to my i father and then lo and behold, he does the same thing. now here we are in 2024, and he is about to get exposed. it's going to be a slow grind. i don't think there will be a lot of drama monday, but the process of opening the kimono and discovering that donald trump has no financial clothing , at least not the kind of financial clothing he claims he has, begins. it's a demonstration that he does not learn his lessons, he does not anticipate problems properly, and he does not do it because he is a juvenile delinquent. he lacked the maturity and wisdom and strategic insight of an adult. >> barbara jones, her role in this, that has been expanded by the judge and includes the
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following. it says that she should " monitor in advance any efforts to secure surety bonds," so that would mean if anything was going on this weekend, you have to go through her first, and it says she also has the authority to examine any representations made by the trump organization in connection with securing such bonds. that seems to indicate that whatever goes on, here, cannot be done secretly. even some magical, e multibillionaire angel who wants to come in and drop that money and donald trump's pocket, it seems barbara jones s would have to know about that. >> absolutely. so people understand, barbara jones is a former prosecutor who, for years, served as an article three federal judge in
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new york and has been engaged in oversight of the trump organization, the judge, and the civil fraud case. her role has expanded to, exactly as you said, making sure there are no financial snags going on because the judge has found that there was a history of fraud and financial snagging, so they are trying to make sure that does not repeat. she will be seeing if, for instance, there is a reported sale of an that, which is not really at market value, making sure there's no fraud going on to, at the last minute, somehow manufacture the sum of money donald trump needs. i would also point out the stupidity of donald trump tr saying today that he actually has the money. he has, pending before the court, and application, where
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the application to the court iso "please lower the bond amount because i cannot pay it," and at the same time, he has said, i can pay it. put yourself in the shoes of the judges who have that ju application before them. do you think they would grant that t based on the defendant now saying oh, i can actually pay it?ll one way or the other, somebody is lying about that. >> i have never seen a more litigant in court on a consistent basis. andrew, let me take you back to a criminal prosecution in manhattan, which will be the first criminal prosecution of donald trump and it's pretty clear that it is going to happen, if not in april, ha certainly by may, and with the latest pleadings, the concern, recently developed evidence that the attorney is saying look, there isn't much there, is largely duplicated, it
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doesn't require a lot of time to modify the defense in a way that includes that new evidence. so, we are going to know, do you expect that we will have a trial date set soon, or might the trial date discussion be continued for a bit? >> it is possible, but this is a serious judge and he clearly was not happy about this predicament. i would be surprised if we don't hear something on monday, if not tuesday about the trial date. i just think the papers that were submitted by the d.a.s office are no thorough, because they laid out, they gave so many affidavits as to what precisely happened that i just think it narrows the issues forr the judge on monday. i would be surprised that he does not just hear from the defense, rule on it, and then
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say, this is the trial date and give everyone advanced warning. that's what i anticipate. >> t.i.n., to donald trump, who apparently, his mind works likel a junkie. he only deals with the thing in front of him at that moment, right? when we get past the whole issue of, what is happening with the collection of the half $1 billion, for any other person, the looming criminal trial that is right behind him would be really top of mind, now. it seems like his ofbrain will not even start to worry about that until it is a couple of days before going to trial. >> which, he might have to testify, and he is a lawyer's worst nightmare on the stand. he lies, he alleviates, he does not stay on script and he is not listening to any advice he's getting right now. it's the legal equivalent of what he does financially in his
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business life which is to not anticipate the freight trains rolling towards him in an existential way and he does not know what to do. >> jim o'brien will stick -- with us to guide us through more. andrew, thank you for starting off our discussion. a podcast note, as transfers criminal trial in manhattan approaches, you can listen to the key excerpts of that indictment read by tony, emmy, golden globe winner, glenn close. >> on the hush money payments, the defendant, donald j trump, repeatedly and fraudulently falsified new york business records to conceal criminal conduct that he had damaging information hidden from the public in the 2016 presidential election. one component of the scheme was that at the defendant's request, a lawyer, who then worked for the trump organization as special counsel to defendant, lawyer a,
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covertly paid hundred and $30,000 to an adult film actress shortly before the election to prevent her from publicizing sexual encounter with the defendant. >> the special edition of the podcast, following all four criminal indictments, by glenn close, liam neeson, peter coyote, and release barry, is available now wherever you get your podcast. what's going to happen monday? where is letitia james going to send the sheriff, literally, tot begin collecting from donald trump? that is next. . so, ask your doctor about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand
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american attorney general, letitia james, first might be targeting the first liquid assets, starting with cash. the new york times reports that she could send restraining notices to donald trump's banks and brokerage firms, freezing his accounts and could do the same to anyone who owes mr. trump money, essentially collecting rents from tenants in his building. here is what the former new york assistant attorney general, adam said last night about what we can expect to see next week. >> well, we should the on the day or after the expiration, a
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few devices, used to enforce the judgment. one is bank executions. the attorney general can enlist the sheriff or the marshall, a wild west meets new york city, to go execute on tanks, assets held in financial institutions like banks, too -- >> what does that mean? >> so, execute, no one is dying, but the assets get seized by the sheriff and turned over to the attorney general's office, the state of new york. >> right away? no judicial process involved? >> the statute says "forth with." >> political -- politico reports that after going after these assets, james would likely move on to seizing personal property , airplanes, cars, jewelry, artwork, or real estate like trump tower, 40 wall street, or the trump jarrell golf resort.
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joining us now is a litigator who has secured many appeals. tim o'brien is still with us did mark, the sheriff is coming, literally. >> he doesn't wear a hat. you know, we picture in our minds eye, there is no bond posted bid you've got people running around the city from the sheriff's office, that's not going to happen. we have a lot of paper shuffling . last nights guest said that there are processes but it takes longer than was outlined. these devices that were referenced can be used simultaneously. let's go after the low hanging fruit, which is the bank account. here's what happens. you deliver a piece of paper to the sheriff, the paper is brought to the bank, that the levy, that secures in priority,
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the attorney general's position on those accounts. the restraining order you have served, sometimes only if another creditor comes first. you have to perfect and have that levy and then if the money is not turned over, which it normally is not until there is what is called a turnover proceeding, which is an order from the court that sought to turn over the proceedings to the attorney general, so it happens but it happens not in a nanosecond. at the same time, she's turning her attention to real estate. she can only get her hands on it and order the sale of the interest that trump has. take 40 wall street for example which we've seen talked about a lot in media. he has a ground lease, he doesn't own the building. >> he leases the ground the building is on. >> he leases it to, the tenant, which is the owner of the building.
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she can come in and foreclose on it, so this week, the sheriff will levy on it and it could be put at auction at the best value. who's going to buy and how much will they pay for it? she might get an order from the court, called a charging order, where she can keep, temporarily, the fees coming in from the tenant, the building owner, but he doesn't own it. in other situations, the real estate is owned by various corporations and he has an interest in corporations that have interest in those corporations. you can't get that real estate hold that way. all that happens is the attorney general -- >> they don't want a transaction that complicated. >> they don't want a minority or companies that may have liabilities. you may want to buy an asset but you're not going to buy some talk. liabilities go with the asset. it takes time. >> jim o'brien, i am shocked that donald trump does not own
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what he says he owns, i'm shocked, i thought he owned 40 wall street. he has a new deal he's happy about, this merger with his website, his website is worth nothing. on the day of the merger, there's no way that's going to affect his financial picture monday. >> absolutely. he's logged out from selling shares for six months did the value of the shares will be variable over time, so it's not going to be something attractive to them because they can actually predict what the value will be over time once it is publicly traded and trump's own, the stack itself has all been full of speculative collapses. the operating numbers are not great. there is riding on the gas of trump's name being attached to it and trump's name being attached to do something does not necessarily mean permanent value or ownership. there's a number of buildings
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in new york that trump claims, but ge owns that, not donald trump. a german family owns the land under 40 wall street. trump tower, most of it is owned by the condo owners who own the apartments. he controls some commercial space in the basement and his own condo but he does not own the whole building. it >> i got to ask you, we've been talking about donald trump's inability to anticipate risk, anticipate danger. he represented clients in situations like this for the judgment has gone against them. at what point in the proceedings do you tell your client, if this judgment goes against you, here's what the proceedings are going to be, here is what you are going to face. i suspect you tell them that early in the process, like in the first week or so so they can think about it, is there a settlement, there's a lot to think about. >> is probably the first
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conversation. absolutely. if i could add -- >> what would you have said in a case like this involving, there's business fraud, the attorney general has what they have, if the judge finds against you, what would you tell -- told your client early on in the case like this? >> i would try to give an honest view of the cases i understand and sometimes a client will ask, if i lose, can they get my assets and can i do anything about it and i say, that's not what i'm representing you for it if he wants to do things that involve planning to get assets out of the jurisdiction, some clients do, i don't get involved with that. i'm sure mr. trump has had extensive counseling about his assets and by the way, monday, this merger is not going to do him any good. the court will not take it. the court only wants cash. a bonding company isn't going to take it as your bonds,
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because it speculative and if they took and in two years they have to pay out, what is it worth? finally, it's attached by letitia james paid the money will go to her, his money, if there's money. it's nothing. >> we have to leave it there, mark and tim, thank you . i'm learning so much. coming up, the worst of the civil trial penalties donald trump faces could still be ahead of him as he faces multiple lawsuits over the january 6th attack on the capital that he incited. those cases could cost donald trump several hundred million dollars in judgments against him. we are talking to one of the people who is suing trump for january 6th, next.
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other lawsuits on donald trump's legal horizon in washington, d.c. could cost him several hundred million dollars. last year, in washington, d.c. jury returned a judgment of $148 million against rudolph giuliani for defamation. imagine how big a dollar judgment in washington, d.c. jury might return against donald trump for the physical injuries suffered by police officers on january 6th, who are now suing donald trump.
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a washington, d.c. jury decided that rudy giuliani must pay georgia poll workers ruby freeman and shane moss hundred and $40 million for lying about them. jurors drawn from the same pool have to decide five different lawsuits filed against donald trump for causing the attack on the capital on january 6th. one of those lawsuits was filed by a person who's joining us in a moment. another group of members of congress filed another lawsuit and police officers have filed three lawsuits against donald trump for injuries they suffered on january's next. the trial juries in those cases will be hearing testimony like this. >> what we were subjected to that day was like something from a medieval battle. we fought hand-to-hand, inch by inch, to prevent an invasion of the capital building in this
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attempt to subvert our democratic process. my fellow officers and i were committed to not letting any rioters breached the capital building. it was a prolonged and desperate struggle. the rioters attempted to breach the building and were shouting "trump sent us." we want trump, they said. i was crushed by rioters. i could feel myself losing oxygen and recalled thinking to myself, this is how i'm going to die, defending the center and . >> joining us is the impeachment manager in the second impeachment trial of donald trump. thank you . thank you for joining us. these cases, all of those civil suits for which you have won, these might be the cases that do, finally, bankrupt donald
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trump. >> there are so many victims in these cases and as you mentioned, we have not set out a dollar amount. we are principally seeking accountability and it's up to a jury as to what that dollar amount is, if donald trump is found guilty for inciting and aiming the mob, but the plaintiff class is so large and as you said, when you compare that to the rudy giuliani verdict, the exposure is great. i hope people at home take comfort in that for years, there's been this frustration that donald trump has escaped responsibility and accountability and finally, even as slow as these cases are moving and they are moving too slow, accountability is coming for donald trump and then perhaps, that is how we can redeem the rule of law in our country. >> we will see accountability monday and that is why the judicial system has two components, civil and criminal.
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sometimes criminal moves faster than civil, sometimes civil moves faster than criminal. here, we have seen this case brought by the attorney general was actually years in the making , but this year, it seemed to move quite quickly compared to what people were saying on the criminal side. >> and, frankly, are criminal and civil justice stem was not built for a legal terrorist like donald trump. he is a professional litigant. there may not be another person in america who has had their name attached to more lawsuits than donald trump and through 40 years of experience in the legal system, he's learned how to grind it down and delay, delay, delay, and obstruct. he has been somewhat successful and frankly, we have to look beyond trump as to what do what we do -- what do we do when someone like trump comes along in the future.
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i think adam schiff has the best approach, with the protect our democracy act which creates a fast track when you cases involving an executive order former executives of that someone is not able to grind it out like this and perhaps win an election and then make their liability completely go away. >> the first thing donald trump is in the process of bankrupting is his own presidential campaign, with the biden harris campaign raising much more than the trump campaign, biden harris are spending it on campaigning and trump his spending it on donald trump's lawyers. >> yeah, and again, these folks, so many of them, through small contributions, put their faith in a man who has promised to make their lives better and all he's done is made his own life better. when donald trump looks at the word, "america," it has seven letters and he only sees "i."
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this election is entirely about escaping accountability for him. to the degree that joe biden can show for him, the election is about seeing everybody and governing for everybody, i think he can win on that and that will be more pronounced as more cases come for donald trump closer to november. >> congressman, thank you for joining us. coming up, if the republican party pays donald trump's legal fees, could donald trump have to pay taxes on that money as taxable income? we will discuss that with tim o'brien and daniel shapiro, professor of taxation at nyu law school, next. most people got 100% clear skin. some after the first dose. serious side effects, including suicidal thoughts and behavior, infections and lowered ability to fight them, liver problems, and inflammatory bowel disease, have occurred.
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so, at 10:17, when donald trump was no doubt alone in a room in that home in florida that he cannot afford, so he had to turn in to a hotel and restaurant to be able to live there himself, he was no doubt staring at the tv at the exact moment, when tim o'brien, on this program, who will rejoin our conversation in a moment, was talking about how horrible a witness donald trump would be if he tried to testify in his own defense at his first criminal trial, which andrew wiseman had just told us will begin in april or possibly at the latest, in may. at that moment, at 10:17,
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donald trump posted on his social media network, "abuse of power!" that is how donald trump's friday night is going. the biden harris presidential campaign has a massive financial advantage over the trump campaign for two reasons. one, the biden harris campaign is setting records for fundraising and, the trump campaign and the republican party are spending massive amounts of money to pay for donald trump's lawyers, whom he presumably cannot afford to pay himself. ignored by the media, in that transaction, of paying for donald trump's lawyers, are the legalities involved in using campaign money to pay for criminal defense lawyers and the possible income tax implications to donald trump who is, in effect, receiving those millions of dollars first as income to him, which he then
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disperses to his lawyers when they give him their bills. joining us now is daniel shapiro, professor of taxation at new york university law school, and tim o'brien is back with us. professor schapiro, there are two governing entities that have an interest in this did one is a weak entity, the federal elections commission which has basically abdicated enforcement because it is stuck in a standoff between the democratic parameters and the republican parameters so they don't really enforce anything, anymore. what is the federal election commission saying in roles that they don't enforce? about this money, about using campaign money to pay the lawyers. >> well, i'm more knowledgeable about the tax than about that but i have researched that and they have a so called irrespective role, so it has to be litigation that would be occurring irrespective of whether the person was running for office.
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i think there is just no doubt, i hate to opine on federal election law, but there's no doubt that they are paying for the trump legal case about the insurrection, that that was legit, but something else, like for example, the harris trial, is totally -- >> e. jean carroll. >> i'm sorry, e. jean carroll. that is probably likely from what i know about election law to be illegal. as you point out, it's not going to be determinative. the tax law, i'm not sure that's going to be enforced either, that might be a more salient way to look at it. >> on the tax question, the irs and tax law, they don't care what the ftc says or about income, they have their own definitions of income. how does the irs the this? >> i think the irs, the actual irs is probably lying low but
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if you wanted to ask how should the irs see it through the point of view of enforcement, it's really not one question, it's a bunch of questions and the reason is that there are a bunch of expenditures. there's really no chance that this tax will continue on having the republican national committee paying for defending his right to be on the ballot in that regard to the merits of that claim. on the other hand when he has a personal lawsuit, because he sexually assaulted someone, that's different. i think the tax question, when they give him money, if they give money to pay for something that is deductible, it doesn't matter because the income is offset by the deduction. if they gave him money to pay for his groceries, that would be income and no deduction. we have to look at the different criminal and civil trials and kind of see where they are. it seems to me that it's pretty clear that when you are
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defending yourself against defamation, and sexual assault, the tax standard for deducting legal fees that you pay is called the origin of the claim role. there's a corporate executive who had a divorce and his wife wanted to take half of his talk in the divorce, and he said he needed, he would then lose control of the company and he therefore needed to have, duct fighting her in the divorce and his report said, we don't care if that's true or not, it's the origin of the claim, this claim, the legal fees came from defending a divorce, that's a personal matter. i think that clearly applies to the civil suit in new york where he just faced $88 million of liability. on the other hand, the thing that you've been talking about was about the lawsuit monday, that is, his paying for that is probably deductible in respect to his business. if tony soprano
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is indicted under the federal racketeering laws, tony soprano could probably deduct paying his legal fees. again, having someone else pay them, and not including it because you can deduct what was done for, it makes it a wash. now some of the other cases are in different, for example, we were talking about the washington civil trials that are yet to, and of course we know all about the other criminal trials. on those, i think he has a pretty good case for deducting it but on the other hand, it's not ironclad. there are actually counterarguments which would probably take five or 10 minutes to explain, but on the new york civil defamation, i don't see any chance. >> tim o'brien, taxable income is not the first thing donald trump thinks about when people give him money. >> he is bleeding small donor
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contributions, and that has been the lifeblood of his campaign fundraising and it may be that all of the shenanigans are starting to register with all the little people who've been giving donald trump money in the idea that he's actually carrying their values and needs into the world instead of just lining his own wallet and paying off his lawyers with that money. i have to wonder, in the midst of this, where is the fec? >> they give up enforcement years ago, it's a horrible political jam because they're supposed to have a number that is equal on each party and in the past, they all had the same attitude toward running clean campaigns and making sure laws were observed and then the republicans have blocked every single enforcement they tried to do. >> couldn't someone bring a complaint and they would be compelled -- >> people do file complaints and republicans block the procedure within the fec which they control.
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either side can control that procedure. we could go on and on about the fec and donald trump is been lucky to be there in that era. thank you both, for joining this discussion. we will be right back. of th. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. control of crohn's means everything to me. ask your gastroenterologist about skyrizi. ♪ control is everything to me ♪ learn how abbvie could help you save. dupixent helps you du more with less asthma. and can help you breathe better in as little as two weeks.
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