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tv   The 11th Hour With Stephanie Ruhle  MSNBC  March 21, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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the great bill bradley gets tonight's last word. "the 11th hour" with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, if the fine goes unpaid in the civil case, what is next for trump ahead of the monday deadline. and then $20 billion for chipmaker intel and 6 billion in student debt relief. what this will mean for president biden in november. americans evacuated from haiti as criminal gangs controlled the capital. we will talk to a reporter who has covered the chaos since day one. as "the 11th hour" get started on this thursday night. good evening, once again i
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am stephanie ruhle, live from miami. we are now 229 days away from the election. donald trump is lagging behind president biden big-time when it comes to campaign cash and he is running out of time to post a nearly half $1 billion bond and his civil fraud trial. he has until monday to secure the bond. if he cannot make it happen then new york attorney general to this james can move in and start seizing assets. she is getting ready. james has already formally registered his civil fraud judgment with west can me officials. -- westchester county officials. those are just a couple of his prized properties in new york. he recalled during his campaign and time in the white house he repeatedly made a point to brag about his business and big-time real estate assets. >> when you have a lot of real
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estate, i have real estate, you know, a lot of it. okay? right down the road, big stuff, great stuff. >> i ran and everyone knew i was a rich person. i built a great company. people knew that. >> my company was the strongest it ever was, being in development and real estate all over the world. >> i built a great company, one of the great companies, one of the great real estate companies, one of the most credible assets in the world. >> meanwhile the "the washington post" reports he has way behind biden in campaign cash. federal election commission shows that the save america political action committee that the trump campaign uses to pay legal bills for the former president and many associates, spent more than it raised in february with a vast majority going to legal costs. the same pack reported spending about 7 million bucks in
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february. meanwhile trump may be coming into a huge payday from his truth social platform. tomorrow shareholders are set to vote on a merger between truth social any publicly traded shell company. if this deal gets approved trump could be in line to get as much as 3 1/2 billion dollars. i will explain that in a second. let's get smarter with the help of our leadoff panel tonight. joyce spent 25 years as a federal prosecutor. brian schwartz is here, political reporter. and investigative reporter and tax expert, david johnson. also a distinguished lecturer in syracuse college of law. he has written three books on trump and his finances. brian, let's start with this deal. people might not realize it, we keep talking about how trump needs money. he might be about to make a lot
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of it very soon. when and if this company goes public, which could be as soon as monday, the value of trump's shares could skyrocket to over $3 billion. right? i next week the ticker dj t may be on the public market. could you explain this to us and how trump may see money? >> yes, the overhead company has to approve this tomorrow as you alluded to. but really if we get to that point and truth social ends up going public over the next few days, what we have seen here is that trump cannot cash out his shares, valued at 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 but i have seen it up to 4 billion. being able to access that cash, he can use it for whatever he wants. being able to access that cash will not come to fruition for a matter of months. the key is even if we start to see this process being
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expedited with the next few days, trump will not see much of that cash and use it for his benefit. at least not now. >> can he borrow against it to help properties of his from being seized? >> i think he can, i think you can borrow against it. the monday deadline is approaching quickly. this company, truth social, it has run into issues before us getting this approved, moving forward with votes. the question is are the shareholders who are mainly all go trump pro-trump people, it will be right on time and can we see this play out over the next 72 hours? we shall see. >> david, it is not a done deal. that say it goes there, it is trading in the public markets, it is not a guarantee the stock will perform. the underlying company and all of these people, even besides trump that have been involved in this company, it has been riddled with scandal from the start. >> well, and if donald were to
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try with the six month lockup period ends to unload the stock and turn it to cash, and would nosedive, the shares, you saw small portions if you are an insider, over time. perhaps he can borrow against it. a lot of executives have pay plans where they borrow against money they have not received yet but have earned. so he potentially could do that. but it will depend on what happens with the shareholders of the other company. whether they will go along with this. >> david, put this merger aside, you know donald trump and his finances better than anyone else i know. what do you think he is looking at in terms of how to get this bond that he needs? >> well, he was out yesterday on the internet begging for five dollar contributions. that is how much he has been reduced here.
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undoubtedly he is on the phone trying to get someone with a lot of money. that is a national security nightmare for us. someone puts out the money and the judge put out his new order today that specifically seem to direct the monitor of who is behind the money for the bond in the carroll case, the $83 million bond. if trump it's the money from say a member of putin's gang, from saudi arabia, somebody there, and he gets back to the white house, that is an absolute national security nightmare. to have the president of the united states over whom foreigners would have leverage. even if he borrows it in the u.s., do you want some american multibillionaire have leverage over donald trump? >> we were worried about who his potential business lenders were back in 2016. this would be colossally worse. i want to stay on this, joyce.
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i want to share with what we heard from his lawyer about getting money from foreign sources. listen. >> is there any effort on the part of your team to secure this money through another country, saudi arabia, or russia, as joy behar seems to think? >> there is rules and regulations that are public and i cannot speak to strategy that requires certain things. we have to follow those rules. >> here is what she did not say. she did not say no. what you make of her response, joyce? >> well, i think she just answered the question. and it is enormous security risk. i think this is one of the points where we always say but should this be the job of the republican party? shouldn't somebody be saying it is clear that someone who presents this level of risk cannot be a candidate for the presidency of the united states. and yet trump is already there.
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it is clear that the transition of the republican party to become the party of donald trump is complete, if it was not previously completed. and because there is no denial here we now have to contemplate the risk that if there is a bond in the next few days, it will be funded by foreign sources, or sources that will have some sort of inappropriate control in the candidate for presidency. >> we mentioned before that tish james officially registered this with officials. what else do we need to know about this? >> she is likely to first go after his bank accounts, he gets a lot of money from licensing his name. there are buildings with his name on them in india, the middle east, and elsewhere, for which he gets a cash log. she is now going to seize all of that cash from him. he will continue to retain businesses, you know, when the beer company delivers peer to his golf course in westchester county, they will pay that bill.
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but there will be no money movements outside of the ordinary unless they are approved by the monitor. and the judge significantly expanded her duties and responsibility's today, including saying, in a fact do not take a look at who is behind the child bond in the carroll case. any bond that donald produces in this case, if you need more powers, him to me and i will give them to you. >> joyce, what sticks out to you in this bloomberg reporting, his is normal for tish james to register it? >> i think what you would really like to see if you are in her position, collecting be judgment is a surety bond. the easiest path forward to district of attorney. since it is likely she will not have the easy path, she needs to be ready to go after the most accessible assets.
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some are properties sitting in nearby westchester county. it is a little easier to go after items that are in new york. for instance, there is the trump national golf course sitting right there and other assets she can use to satisfy this judgment. if there is no bond in place by the close of business on monday. >> brian, new but related, trump's campaign fundraising is taking a serious hit as his legal bills are climbing. mother is a new deal with the rnc to get more cash paying his legal expenses. >> so much for the rnc not paying his legal bills. there is a catch her now. there is a joint fundraising operation that launched a few days ago and what it allows is it allows fundraising efforts for money to go to the trump campaign, money to go to the rnc, but also, this is key, money to go to the political action committee that pays for trump's legal bills. it has paid millions of dollars
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for trump's legal bills and i believe his allies bills as well. we are talking north of $5 million. it is the same pac. the rnc says they will not pay for his legal bills but there is a medical operation that splits up money and we have up to $5000 up these checks that will be going to a pac that will pay for his legal bills. >> david, does this explain more about trump's rnc takeover and why it was so important to him? >> oh yes, donald like all want to be dictators and tyrants only wants to have family or other people totally dependent on him, like ellen by silber, around you. but that is not how things normally work. there is friction between the rnc, dnc, white house, high- level senators, over what direction to go.
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donald wants to put toadies in place, people that are totally loyal to him. in his world royalty runs one traction. everybody else that he deals with, you, me, anybody else, he we are objects. we are not human beings. transcript came out today that his valet testified that when he went in and told trump during the insurrection that someone had been shot and killed, donald was blase. that just tells you how totally lacking in empathy he is and how he is all about the money, which defines who he is, and about control. >> my goodness. brian, you have reported on the biden campaign. i get it, a lot of nikki haley's may vote for president biden, but are they writing big checks? >> i think they are trying to raise joe biden money.
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while trump is going through the motions and trying to figure out how he will pay for legal bills and get money to his campaign and post a bond, you know, biden is sitting back with his team and recruiting some, not all, but some of nikki haley's business leaders that are very good at raising money for campaigns. they call up there people in their rolodex and these guys give a certain amount of money to campaigns. they have been doing it behind the scenes while all this other stuff has been going on with trump. again they have had some success. sloan, the former chairman of mgm will come on board and help joe biden. really what he told me was that he will try to work this issue for republican leading business leaders. i do not know if it will have the most success but i think it is indicative of where biden is right now in the campaign with raising money, versus trump in a way. >> is trump successful at
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getting big donors to help him right now given where the money is going? >> there is clearly people who will help trump from the business community raise money. there is a major event coming up april 6th hosted by john paulson and a number of other wall street executives. when you talk to other people, people have tried to raise money for haley, say they are not helping joe biden, they are not necessarily right now jumping over to help trump either. that is key, they are not going around maybe all saying we will help biden right now. but they certainly are in some cases not helping trump and they are focusing on congress instead. that's another issue trump has to figure out as we go forward. how can he mend the bridge that seems to be broken? largely due to the fact he has been ripping haley donors left and right on truth social.
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>> before we go, new topic. i want to turn to the case that was supposed to start next week. issues concerning documents in the hush money case causing a delay. today the da begged the judge to let the case start next month. what's going on? >> right, i think that the trump objections to these cases, claiming be violations by the da means that it should be dismissed or delayed. those have frittered out today. it turns out what happened is there was a failure to turn over documents, only because federal prosecutors in the southern district of new york did not have them when the manhattan da requested them. at a much later date trump asked for documents. at that point in time the southern district had them and they did turn them over. the important thing to keep straight in this confusing mess is trump has not been indicted by federal prosecutors.'s discovery obligations are not from them. they are from the manhattan da, who clearly did everything that
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they could do and were obligated to do to get documents to turn over to trump. i think we will see the judge told his hearing, scheduled to start monday morning. in this case will be back on track for april or slightly later trial. >> all right then. thank you for starting us off tonight. when we return, joe biden trolls trump over his cash crunch. all as the president celebrates a day full of economic wins. later, if you feel like iphone prices are too high, so does the justice department. it is a sweeping new antitrust lawsuit against apple. "the 11th hour" just getting underway on a busy thursday night. i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪
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while the presumptive republican nominee for president is asking campaign donors to help cover his legal bills, his presumed opponent already boasts a huge cash advantage. that is not the only win that president biden has racked up. this week alone thanks to the chips act that he signed into law, he be awarded $20 billion to endow to expand microchip manufacturing in the u.s. which the administration says will create 10,000 new jobs.
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today president biden for gave nearly $6 billion of student debt for public service workers. and the stock market hit another record high. for more, i want to bring in nbc white house correspondent mike emily, jennifer paul mary, former white house communication director for obama, and former congressman of florida, -- >> you have been following the president on the campaign trail. what have you noticed the past week or so. >> stephanie, let's start with the fact he is on the campaign trail. he has been all over the country. he spent last week in the midwest and michigan, wisconsin, trying to shore up that blue wall for 2024. this week he is in the sun belt states, he spent today in texas, the sun belt strategy as well. donald trump is nowhere to be found on the trail at this
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point. this is four years ago and we were talking about president biden running a campaign out of his basement during covid- 19. now it looks like the tables have turned a bit. lead i also see with the president out there doing these economic focused events, you think about the democratic congress trying to get major initiatives past, yes the president's numbers are not where they need to be for an incumbent to be successful running for reelection. at the president and his team explained that the disconnect is that a lot of that fruit of those labors have not been visible to the american people, and that is what the travels are about. making a connection of what has been done and what the american people will start feeling in their pocketbooks, jobs that will come online because of a key part of the economic plan when the democracy and freedom plaques will also be front and center. >> how hard is it for him to
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thread that needle and talk about the money that will be in people's pocketbooks? when on the campaign trail, going around the country talking to people, they are looking back at him and sing housing is expensive, insurance as i, groceries are high, everyday lives are expensive. >> it is still a major challenge and something democrats are telling me they want to hear the president do what he does so well. be more empathetic to concerns of the american people. he does say that there is more work to do and talked about top of the list for a second term agenda. lowering costs as it relates to childcare, doing things to bring costs down. you will see the president in a popular streak at times highlighting things that we thought it a. a major report saying that some grocery prices went up because of the pandemic but a lot is also corporations taking profits. the president has talked about shrink inflation. you will hear him hammer these out as well.
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>> we have heard ceos say we are trying to see how much we can flex in terms of pricing. how can they charge us and the fact that we are willing to pay high prices? jennifer, the president has also been chipping away, huge with the student debt issue, announcing another 6 billion. will any of this piece by piece stuff he does on student debt start to get through to young voters? this was a huge priority for them. >> this is why his cash advantage matter so much. biden is the candidate that people need to learn more about. trump does not have problem breaking through. he does not -- it is not as if he is trying to put forward accomplishments or an agenda the way biden is. what is important about the cash advantage is that biden can announce it and then go on digital and do ads from now until the election day to tell young people about it.
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mike was talking about the travel he has been doing. what is smart about that is they are taking that travel, he does not usually just do an official event like you saw at the factory today, he will go somewhere and meet with a family or go for ice cream or something else where you can capture more viral video moments and users on social and farads. they are getting different content and have the money to put behind it so people know what he has done. that is the critically important key for biden. he has the means, it is different, there is money behind the ads that he can do and tell people what happened. even when you and mike were talking about people not feeling the impacts of some accomplished mincy has had, i think part of what is important is to say i have a plan, it is
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working, there is a proven concept here. i have a plan for next term as well and people can buy into that larger vision as well even as things feel dicey in their own economic situation. >> carlos, this week the president is making a big push and reaching out to latino voters. they were an important part to his coalition last time. do you think it will work? >> it is an important factor in this election. we have seen that the two partners have been trading voters. democrats have gotten more suburban voters, college graduate voters. and the republicans have been gaining ground with minority groups, hispanics and to a lesser degree african americans. for biden, and the democrats, it is critical to invest more in the hispanic community.
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which is challenging for them. a lot of the issues that are pushing -- are the cultural war issues. biden can emphasize these jobs that trump promised would come back and under this ministration are finally coming back, these jobs are important for aspiring communities, like many hispanic families brought the community. that is what he needs to emphasize if he wants to put the brakes on the voters from the democratic party to the republican party, in time to win this election in november. >> democrats are preparing to counter potential third-party threats to biden. that includes the kennedy family stepping up to help biden over rfk junior. it was last week that we saw maria shriver, his first cousin, with the president and first lady at the white house. how significant is that?
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>> well to president biden and the campaign, rfk junior does loom out there as a potential political spoiler in his bid for a second term. for the kennedy family, the overwhelming majority of the kennedy family, there is another risk here. they are seeing the possibility that they could see their cousin, father, relative, tip the election to donald trump. and that would spoil the legacy of service that the entire family has had over decades in american history. that is why that powerful photo that we saw of dozens of kennedys from three generations, four different branches of the family, with the president on st. patrick's day out that the oval office, it was a powerful one. it signaled the beginning of a much more stepped-up effort on their part to make it clear to the american people that they are squarely behind president biden . rfk junior has said that like any big family we have debates within the family. they are entitled to their opinion.
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but this really shows the concern that democrats have that in a razor thin election, margins so tight, any vote can matter. they need to do more to combat the third party votes here. >> let's talk about marco rubio. senator rubio of florida has said it would be an honor to serve as trump's vice president. i want to remind our audience that this was rubio in 2016. >> we will not turn over the conservative movement to a con artist who is telling people one thing but spent 40 years sticking it to working americans and now claims to be there champion. >> every business he has ever run that has gone bankrupt, he bankrupted a casino. how to bankrupt a casino? >> have you seen his hands? they are like this. you know what they say about men with small hands? you can't trust them. you can't trust them.
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you can't trust them. >> you know what they say about men with no shame or dignity? ask marco. what is going on here? >> stuff, we don't know if this is serious or not because the trump campaign loves throwing out a bunch of names and we don't know -- >> it is serious to rubio. it would be an honor. >> it has been a long journey like it has been for a lot of republicans who back in 2016 realized who donald trump was, the danger he represented, and now they are just kind of following the public and base to get behind donald trump. but going back to your question about hispanics, that is why trump is throwing this out there. republicans think that they can continue making gains with hispanics, which is why it is important for biden in his campaign to focus on that community. >> jennifer, did these guys learn nothing from mike pence's
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experience? or michael cohen, or ellen weisenburger, or the insurrectionist sitting in prison. donald trump does not care. >> why anyone would want that job, even if you thought trump would win. oh no, i have to be his vice president! i cannot comprehend why people, why anybody would want this job. >> he would have to move from his home state and resign from the senate. that is a big risk for donald trump in my opinion. >> for donald trump? >> a big risk for anyone to take for donald trump. >> that is the amazing thing. over and over people do it and each one, one ought a time, they each fall off of a cliff for him. we will leave it there. carlos, thank you. michael, jennifer, thanks. we come back to landmark
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lawsuit against apple. with this antitrust case could mean for your phone. also why it has a lot of businesses scared that the administration could be antibusiness. when "the 11th hour" continues. e to provide soothing relief. a nose in need deserves puffs indeed. america's #1 lotion tissue. disrupts my skin, night and day.
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we are still following news that is rattling silicon valley and corporate america tonight.
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the doj is suing apple for its alleged monopoly power over the smartphone market. landmark lawsuit is the latest in the biden administration growing antitrust crackdown on big tech. my colleague has more. attorney general merrick garland announcing a landmark lawsuit today accusing apple of leveraging its dominance over the smartphone market to box out competitors in a way that hurts customers. >> apple has consolidated its power by, not by making its own products better but by making other products worse. consumer should not have to pay higher prices because companies break the law. >> doj joining a dozen states and nearly 90 page complaint, accusing the company of antitrust laws be iphone, apple pay, -- deliberately making products less compatible with its competitors devices.
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>> any iphone user that has ever received a green text message or a tiny video can attest -- >> calling out tim cook, referencing this exchange he had back in 2022 when asked if the company would fix the problems associated with texting video between iphones and android. >> not to make it personal but i cannot send my mom certain videos. >> than by your mom and iphone. >> calling it wrong on the facts and law, saying it threatens who we are and principles that set apple products apart in fiercely competitive markets. if successful it would hinder our ability to create the kind of technology people expect from apple. oh lawsuit, culmination of scrutiny of a wildly popular products, fueling its growth into one of the most valuable companies in the world. >> people of their iphones, it is the most popular smartphone
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brand in the united states. >> it is a complicated one. specialty why for that report. the u.s. starts evacuating americans from haiti as violence is escalating. we break down what is going on with someone who has covered the region for decades. when "the 11th hour" continues. d without surgery. find a specialized urologist who can diagnose pd and build a treatment plan with you. visit today.
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rinvoq is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eczema—fast. some rinvoq patients felt significant itch relief as early as 2 days. some achieved dramatic skin clearance as early as 2 weeks. and many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. help heal your painful skin— disrupt the itch & rash of eczema. talk to your doctor about rinvoq. learn how abbvie can help you save. the biden administration
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has started the dangerous process of evacuating american citizens out of haiti. over the past few days violence has rapidly escalated and criminal gangs have overrun the nation's capital. my colleague has more. >> this is what relief looks like, and airplane of 14 u.s. citizens, including children, arriving in central florida. after a harrowing of escape from haiti. >> at a couple tries, they did not give up and they stayed with us until the end of the mission. >> onboard this flight chartered from the state of florida with his wife and son. >> difficult to get around and make it to the airport to fly out. we were dealing with little kids and not adults. that made it more stressful on the parents and it was scary. >> they were lucky, there are still more than 1000 americans in haiti, with the airport
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shuttered and roads closed, daily gunbattles on the streets and things overrunning the capital, most americans have no way out. private security contractors now going door-to-door trying to rescue them. >> the helicopter got surrounded by the airport and had to take off in a manner that was, i do not want to say unsafe, but the tower told him he may not be able to land there again. >> another flight landing in miami today. 66 more americans now on u.s. soil. >> i was the country right now? >> country needs help. >> a country in chaos and people terrified for their lives, hoping to get out. >> please, please, care about this story. i want to bring in the caribbean correspondent for the
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miami herald, has reported on he tnd english speaking caribbean for over two decades. i appreciate you being here. how bad is it there right now? >> i mean it is pretty bad. people are literally running for their lives, it is chaotic. there is no neighborhood that is safe near the capital. if you are outside of the capital you still have a sense of calm, but in port-au-prince, at any moment you hear gunshots. people are terrorized, afraid, tired. at the same time the seaport has been shut down and airport is not working because there are no commercial flights since the fourth of march. those that can get out are trying to get on a flight or helicopter. but it is risky. >> how did haiti get here? this beautiful island, the same island as the dominican republic. a beautiful island of beautiful people.
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how did it become the end of the world? >> i do not know if it is the end of the world but it is a country of chaos, the president was killed on the seventh of july, 2021, prior to that he had not had an election in four years. and we had an earthquake in 2010. instead of going up things went down. there were billions of dollars promise by the national community and never made it. what we have watched as the downward spiral of a nation that has struggled with governance, struggled with democracy and during a dictatorship things were different and the lights were on 24 hours. hours.
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yesterday. >> i was there in december and it was pretty ratholing. i was speaking with a friend of mine in port-au-prince and i was remembering what it was like to be able to go to her house so freely, less than 10 years ago and not think about being kidnapped or killed. to have somebody in the house with you, do you have a plan, are you okay? i wish you were in miami at this moment. because this is the uncertainty people are living with. >> she probably wishes she was too. >> no, she said she is glad she is in haiti because the reality is, there is an attachment to that place. i was there in january of last year, and i needed to be there. i needed to walk the streets, i needed to just enjoy that country. it is something about the country, no matter what it is going through, that there is an
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attachment. so these individuals you saw that came back today, they had to come back but what we heard when we talked to them was how they are grieving for their country, they want to be able to go back to their country and they are just waiting for the moment they can without having to worry about running out of food, fuel, medicine, or armed gangs, basically, invading their space. >> reporter: thank you so much for your reporting. this is such an important story and we really, truly need we people to care about it. thank you. when we come back, the viral ad campaign challenging perceptions as we mark world down syndrome day. do not go to bed yet, you're going to want to see this when the 11th hour continues. starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? (shouting) hi! need new glasses? with chase freedom unlimited. it's buy one get one free at visionworks! (shouting) how can you see me squinting? (shouting) i can't! i'm just telling everyone! ...hey!
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see your tax refund go further with buy one get one free at visionworks. see the difference. ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. across all your benefits and savings options. so you can feel confident in your financial choices. they really know how to put two and two together. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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a year after a heart attack, mike's feeling like himself again. voya, well planned, but even though time has passed, his risk of a second attack hasn't. mike is still living in the re. with a very high risk of another heart attack or stroke. he doesn't know with his risk factors his ldl-c (bad cholesterol) is still too high - the recommended level is below 55. are you living in the red? get in the know. learn how to get a free ldl-c test at >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive.
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the last thing before we go tonight, he assumed that i can. today is world down syndrome day and this week an international awareness
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campaign launched to challenge negative biases that people with down syndrome can face. in the ad, this 22-year-old actress and model addresses stereotypes and the idea that people like her cannot live independently. i will let miss mattison speak for herself. >> hey, bartender. u.s. same that i cannot drink a margarita, so you don't serve me a margarita, i don't drink a margarita. your assumption becomes reality , and parents. you assume that i cannot live on my own. so you don't encourage me to live on my own, so i don't live on my own. coach, you assume that i cannot hit harder so you don't train me to hit harder so i don't hit harder. and, teacher, you assume that i cannot learn shakespeare so you don't teach me shakespeare. so i don't learn shakespeare. but, hey, if all your assumptions become reality,
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than assume that i can drink a margarita. you serve me a margarita so i drink a margarita, i can live on my own. so i live on my own. assume that i can hit harder, so i hit harder. assume that i can learn shakespeare so i learn shakespeare. you assume i can't swear, right? that i can't do that job, that i can go to parties, that i can have , that i can be on the stage. assume that i can so maybe i will. >> we know you will, medicine. i would certainly have a margarita with you any day of the week. a fantastic reminder not to underestimate those who are different from ourselves. that message takes us off the air tonight. and on that


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