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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  March 18, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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the crowbar hotel for all sorts of bad things. the man who put him there, the prosecutor, the person who led the prosecution of paul manafort is somebody you might recognize here from our family at msnbc, andrew weissman. andrew weissman is an msnbc legal contributor, and he is going to be joining "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell right now. i suggest you stay now it's time for "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell. good evening, lawrence exactly last week, i ran a chubb insurance commercial, showed the sailboat and all theses nice things that they do. and talked about at some length
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how chubb insurance was basically helping donald trump in fact post bond, $91 million in the e. jean carroll case. and i don't know -- i'd hate to think it was something i but in the meantime, as you know, chubb has pulled out of negotiations with donald trump for the next big bond that you reported in the last hour. and so donald trump is now struggling without chubb. >> i don't know if that was the only company in the running for the first bond. it seems like that was their only hope for the second bond. and no dice. this is -- we'll see if they get some sort of extension, or if the appeals court throws them someur sort of lifeline or the changes her mind. a week from right now there could be a padlock on the front door of trump tower. >> and then judge kennon made big news tonight in the documents case.
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and luckily we have andrew weissman to analyze that too. >> big weird news there too. i'm looking forward to him planing that. >> thank you, rachel. >> thank you, you, e weissmann to analyze that for us, too. >> weird news there. i'm looking forward to him explaining that. donald trump made a big prediction over the weekend that has excited a lot of people, the bloodbath prediction,f suddenly we discover the new york times think that's two words. news organizations think it's one word. his fanatical audience at his rally clapped for it, but they represent remember, less than 1% of donald trump's 74 million voters who voted for donald trump last time. more than 99% of trump voters have never been to a trump rally, and a large portion of the fanatics who to go to trump rallies, go to all of them, so the number of people in this country willing to leave their homes to hear donald trump's voice is not increasing.
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and, hundreds of people who are willing to do almost anything at the sound of donald trump's voice are now in prison because of their devotion to trump, which they expressed violently on january 6. other people who heard donald trump's prediction this weekend are excited by it in a very negative direction, many of them, and perhaps some of you are feeling fear tonight because of donald trump's words. that is what he wants you to feel. he wants you to fear. he wants your fear. don't give it to him. when donald trump predicts there will be a bloodbath in this country, if he doesn't win the electoral college, you should take that for what it is, it trump prediction. that prediction is coming from the same manes on a presidentia campaign in the same setting,
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who said mexico would pay for the wall. not only was donald trump unable to get mexico to pay for a wall along the entire mexican border which would've cost uncountable billions of dollars , donald trump can even get mexico to pay his bond so his assets can be protected during his appeal on a judgment against him for business fraud in new york state. that is the same donald trump who predicted under oath that $400 million would be no problem to him because he has that much in cash. he was lying. and he was lying about the bloodbath. here is a prediction for you, and it is from me, and my prediction track record is not great. but, it is better than donald trump's. there will be no bloodbath. people willing to bleed for donald trump and draw blood of police officers for donald trump have been convicted of that crime by the hundreds,
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have been sent to prison with more of them on their way to prison, and every trump supporter who was unwilling to participate in a bloodbath for donald trump was not more encouraged to do so by watching what happened on january 6th and watching what happens to the criminal lunatics who have been arrested and prosecuted for what they did on january 6. don't let him scare you with the power that he does not have. there will be no bloodbath. and, there will be no 100% tariff, which is to say 100% sales tax on cars manufactured in mexico, which is what donald trump was talking about when he decided to threaten the country with a bloodbath. today, the biden harris
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campaign said donald trump has shown us who he is time and time again, and released this video. >> now, if i don't get elected, it's going to be a bloodbath. it's going to be a bloodbath for the country. >> but, you also had people that were very fine people on both sides. >> are you willing to condemn white supremacist and militia groups? >> proud boys, stanback and standby. >> please rise for the horribly and then fairly treated january 6 >> tell our supporters now, no matter what, no violence? >> it's going to be a bloodbath. >> you can be sure that the news organizations that provided nothing short of hysterical coverage for days
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over president biden saying the word mexico when he meant the word egypt in an otherwise completely cogent assessment of the crisis situation in the middle east will have much less to say about donald trump's bloodbath prediction, and they will probably have nothing to say about the other insanity that came as the gift wrapping on the bloodbath prediction. donald trump actually got applause from the most uninformed voters who have ever listened to a political speech when they clapped for the bloodbath and they clapped for donald trump's promise to double the price of new cars in america. yes. he predicted both of those things at the same timeo oo. doubling the price of cars manufactured in mexico and sold in the united states, and the bloodbath. they were wrapped up together and that speech in which he blamed joe biden for cars being manufactured in mexico.
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>> we are going to put 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line and you're not going to be able to sell those cars. if i get elected. now if i don't get elected it's going to be a bloodbath for the whole -- that's going to be the least of it. it's going to be a bloodbath for the country. that will be the least of it but they are not going to sell those cars.d ngse t >> okay, so while promising a bloodbath, donald trump promised that a $40,000 ford manufactured in mexico will now cost $80,000 next year. that, of course, would help raise the price of every other car on the market in the united states, and donald trump's fanatics at the rally, many of whom drove there and cars manufactured in mexico, clapped e r , they all believe the trump lie that tariffs imposed by donald trump are paid by other countries. maybe it is because
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of the history of the boston tea party, but when i was a kid, every elementary school student in boston knew more about international trade than donald trump and his followers do know. donald trump will not impose any tariffs which are actually american sales taxes on cars manufactured in mexico, because those cars are manufactured under the revised nafta agreement that was signed by donald trump. donald trump personally agreed nald every one of those cars being manufactured in mexico right now. and, joe biden had nothing to do with that agreement. donald trump and his followers do not know that since nafta was approved in 1994, the united states has almost doubled the number of cars manufactured ce iin the united statesnu. in 1993, the year before nafta, 4.5 million cars were manufactured in the united
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states last year, 7.6 million cars were manufactured in the united states. something that could not possibly have happened if you listen to donald trump and what donald trump and his followers don't seem to realize is that foreign automobile manufacturers are now manufacturing cars in the united states and adding to our total. most bmws sold in america are now manufactured in the republican state of south carolina. volkswagen manufactures cars in the united states. toyota manufactures cars in the united states and so,ma foreign competition has in fact made the american automobile industry stronger and it has made american cars better, which is exactly what classical capitalist theory tells youam competition is supposed to do, and that is what republicans used to believe, but now republicans believe anything donald trump tells them, and
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sadly, many people who oppose donald trump believe every threat donald trump issues. that is exactly the way donald trump wants it. and that is exactly the way vladimir putin wanted in russia. vladimir putin wants the admiration of people who support him and he wants the abject fear of people who oppose them. alexey navalny would not give vladimir putin his fear, and vladimir putin simply could not bear the fact that alexey navalny did not fear him. this weekend, vladimir putin, through another one of his fraudulent elections, has established himself as the longest reigning dictator of russia since the mass murderer, joseph stalin. vladimir putin desperately wants
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donald trump to run the electoral college because of donald trump does run the electoral college, vladimir putin believes he will finally be able to have the bloodbath in ukraine that he has been dreaming about. vladimir putin will do everything he canut, once again through disinformation and possible espionage, and all the other activities that were documented in the investigation of the 2016 election to try to win the electoral college for donald trump once again and if that happens, donald trump will be very grateful to vladimir putin once again and donald trump will try in every way that he can to emulate vladimir putin and to support vladimir putin and in this country, all that it takes to stop donald trump's voting. it doesn't take courage. it doesn't take the kind of courage it took for alexey navalny to try to stop vladimir putin. donald trump can be stopped with votes.
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you can shut him up about bloodbaths with votes. donald trump is the world's weakest aspiring dictator. you have power over him. if he can't get your vote, donald trump wants to get your fear. alexey navalny would not let vladimir putin have his fear. don't ever let donald trump have yours. leading off our discussion tonight is timothy snyder, professor of history at yale university. he is the author deof road to unfreedom. i so good to have you here tonight. american presidential candidate, former president talking about bloodbaths and
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then defending it, say no, no, i was really just talking about importing cars for mexico. these things do not seem unrelated. >> well, they are related at the highest level and also at the lowest level. the highest level is that kind of acclamation process we just saw in russia, where you have a fake election, the point oft which is just to prove that the authorities can make you show up if necessary, at gunpoint. that kind of acclamation is the kind of thing that trump openly dreams about . if we did have a
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president trump for a second term, third term, fourth term, that is the evolution he would be aiming for and he tells us this all the time but also, as you suggested earlier, it is connected at the lowest level, that the russians are keen to have a trump in office because that is their hope to win in ukraine. they are also keen to have a trump in office because he is a weak, financially dependent, emotionally dependent sort of man who they believe is subject to manipulation. and don't take my word for it. they say as much in the television programming every night. in fact, this evening, they said as much, as well.e lee idm >> what donald trump says these things, it seems to me that fear is exactly what he's going for. that is the result he wants. he had once supported in acclamation and admiration or he wants fear. he wants both of those things at the same time, it seems. >> the way that politics works for trump is that everything is a submission chain. everyone has to be above or below somebody else so he is below putin and his followers are below him and people just
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are supposed to imitate other people and demonstrate their obeisance, demonstrate their weakness, demonstrate their submission. it is all about submission for him, that is what politics is all about, so yes, he is trying to make us afraid but we don't have to be as courageous as the ukrainians were defending their democracy with their lives. we don't have to be as courageous as you mentioned,ira alexey navalny , who would be the real opponent to putin and who of course, putin had killed. all we have to do is not be afraid, knock on doors, make phone calls and foot. when trump talks about a bloodbath he is talking about his dream scenario. he knows he doesn't have enough votes to get close. what he is talking about is getting close enough that he can then scare people so we have to make sure he doesn't get close enough and we also have to make sure that people aren't scared. >> and there will be, if there is going to be a bloodbath by donald trump running the electoral college, ukraine is the place you look to for that. >> ukraine is where it all comes together among the many other terrifying and terrible things trump has said, he spoke of cutting off aid for ukraine. he has spoken of how ukraine could or should lose this war.
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he thrills openly at this prospect of making ukraine dependent on him but it's interesting, even without usaid for the last six months, they are still fighting. they're still winning victories. they are still setting an example that says you know what? even when it appears that you are in a weak position, you can still fight on. you can still make a case. you can still defend your democracy without -- so, there is a lesson there for us. >>ons. ou thank you for being with us tonight. coming up, the breaking defendant trump news of the night is that his favorite federal judge who he appointed has once again tried to help donald trump with a possible instruction to a jury that would infect order the jury to find donald trump not guilty. that is next with andrew weissmann and bradley maas. before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand
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in the breaking defendant trump news of the night, donald trump's favorite federal judge, aileen cannon has once again issued a standing order that reeks of ignorance of the law and the blatant desperation to help defendant trump in every way she possibly can, presumably so that defendant trump can once again become president and appoint judge cannon to the united states supreme court after making clarence thomas an offer he can't refuse, to retire for the
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court for plush retirement in the lap of luxury financed by billionaires. judge cannon issued an order at 6:27 p.m. about possible jury instructions and a cased charging donald trump with violations of the espionage act for his illegal possession of classified documents and other government documents owned by the united states government. in that order, george cannon reveals that she is considering a possible jury instruction that would require the jury to find donald trump not guilty because that jury instruction would say, quote, a president has sole authority under the presidential records act, to categorize records as personal or presidential during his or her presidency. an outgoing president's decision to exclude what he/she considers to be personal records from presidential records transmitted to the national archives and records administration constitutes a presidents categorization of those records is personal under
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the presidential records act. if you think you heard an order in there to the jury to find donald trump not guilty, you're right. you did. what are special prosecutor jack smith's options and preventing the judge from using that jury instruction? for the answer to that question, we turn now to andrew weissmann, former fbi general counsel and former chief of the criminal division in the eastern district of new york. he is the co-author of the best- selling new book, "the trump indictments." also with us is bradley maas, a national security attorney . andrew weissmann, i have never seen a draft jury instruction quite like it. what are jack smith's options here? >> well, there is a reason you've never seen anything like it.
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i don't think bradley and i have either. last week, bradley was trying to come up with the best yiddish phrase for this and i have sort of 2m words for you. michigan, which is what this is, because the choice that was given by judge cannon to the parties is to ask jack smith, so please draft a jury instructions seeming that the earth is flat and the second one is please draft a jury instruction assuming that the earth is square. so the second m word is mandamus. mandamus is the ability -- it is not an appeal. it is for extraordinary actions by a district court that so clearly violate the law that you can appeal it right then and there. it is a very tough standard, but at this point, what she did today is so nutty, and so against appointed bradley has
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been making, which is that the 11th circuit has actually already decided this issue and what she has proposed is against what the 11th circuit is already reversed her on, so i really think to the extent that you think that she is engaging in partisanship, which i do, that really has to be a time that you take her up on it and do this mandamus to get to the 11th circuit before she gets to trial, because that is when she has the unilateral ability to throw this case out and it cannot be appealed. >> i was just checking the calendar on my phone to make sure you, it is march 18th. it is the day after st. patrick's day. and bradley, the deadline is april 2nd, issued by the judge for jack smith and defense counsel to respond to possible
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jury instructions. what happens next? what happens between now and april 2nd? >> so, if jack smith does not seek mandamus, and i actually don't think they're going to do that yet, i think they're going to try to fashion a response to basically say all right, judge, i'm not sure where you were going with that but no. that is not how this works. if you think that is the state of the law is what you put in that second line item, that's fine. issue a ruling. we will take it to the 11th circuit, but that is an issue of law for the judge. that is not an issue for the
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jury. there's nothing for the jury to do with that instruction if that is what they want to trial with. if i was one of trump's lawyers, i would sit there, take a nap for trial, play candy crush in the moment the government rested i would move for a directed verdict of acquittal because you can't lose . the jury instruction automatically grants you a win so they've got to push back before it ends. >> everyone is interested in schedules here. obviously, delay is at hand with what happens next, bradley, one way or the other. >> yes, the bigger issue here is obviously we were supposed to go to trial on this one in may. everybody is a green that's not going to happen at this point, especially after how long she took with the classified issues. now we are talking about july or august so one, why are we just discussing jury instructions in march and we not even close to that yet but if we have to go to the 11th circuit, how long does that take? even on an expedited basis it could easily be weeks if not a month or so to resolve that and push everything into the fall.
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that is where this becomes a problem with these really weird orders of what are you talking about, that's not how this works. if nothing else it simply is going to muck up the process in delays. >> yes, if you have to go to the 11th circuit now over jury instructions, i'm sure there will be many other trips to the 11th circuit that this judge could create. bradley moss, thank you for joining us for this discussion. andrew weissmann is going to hang around for the next one because a judge ruled today that stormy daniels can testify against donald trump in his first criminal trial coming up in manhattan along with another woman to whom donald trump paid hush money, and the chubb insurance company has decided to stop helping donald trump post his bond after we describe in this program last week how the chubb insurance company helped donald trump post bond in the e. jean carroll case. that is next. feel like new... etsy has it. ♪everything i do that's for my health is an accomplishment.♪ ♪concerns of getting screened faded away♪
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here is donald trump lying. >> i don't need anybody's money. it's nice. i don't need anybody's money. i'm using my own money. i'm not using the lobbyist. i'm not using donors. i don't care. i'm really rich. >> and here's what sounds like donald trump lying under oath. >> i don't need the money. you've probably seen the cash. we have a lot of cash. we have substantially in excess of 400 million cash, which is a lot for a developer. developers usually don't have cash. they have assets, not cash but i believe 400+ and going up very substantially every month.
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>> going up every month. today donald trump's lawyers told the court that he actually does not have $400 million, and he cannot find any company that will put up a bond to cover the $464 million judgment against him for business fraud in the state of new york. donald trump's lawyers filed an affidavit in court today saying that donald trump is been turned down by 30 possible lenders and four insurance brokers and that donald trump has been turned down by the insurance company who did post bond for donald trump in the e. jean carroll case. it says quote, while defendant had been actively negotiating a bond collateralized by both liquid assets and real property with chubb, one of the largest insurance company in the world, within the past week, chubb notified defendants that it could not accept real property as collateral.
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g. i hope it wasn't something i said last week. the division of the chubb insurance company has decided to in effect, ensure the payment of donald trump's $91 million judgment against him in the case one by e. jean carroll in which she proved to the jury that donald trump her. it might just be a coincidence that the ceo of chubb, evan greenberg, held an obscure position in the trump administration and on the day when chubb made this very strange but that no doubt will not appear in its tv advertising, donald trump proved to the shareholders what a terrible idea it is to support donald trump's appeal of the defamation verdict that e. jean carroll one, because --
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won, because today it appears that donald trump appears to have defamed, lied about e. jean carroll once again and chubb will not be helping donald trump with his next bond. today, as the sun was beginning to set over manhattan at 5:23 p.m., a judge ruled that alvin bragg can call witnesses in his criminal prosecution of donald trump, star stormy daniels and another woman who was paid hush money by donald trump, karen mcdougal, and that the district attorney can call the trump operative who actually arrange the hush money payments, michael cullen. michael cohen is already been convicted in federal court in that illegal scheme. the judges ordered today said this about donald trump's attempt to block the use of the access hollywood taper he
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confesses to sexual assault. quote, the tape helps establish defendant's intent and motive for making a payment to daniels and then attempting to conceal them. however, the court agrees with defendant that a compromise should be struck to avoid undue prejudice to the defendant. this court rules that the proper balance lies in allowing people to elicit testimony about a videotaped interview which surfaced on october 7, 2016, that contained comments of a sexual nature which the defendant feared could hurt his presidential aspirations. however, it is not necessary that the tape itself be introduced into evidence or that it be played for the jury. the court may reconsider this aspect of the ruling should the defense open the door. andrew weissmann is back with us, and andrew, we saw today that donald trump cannot possibly come up with a way, as of now, to make his bond in the nearly half $1 billion case, which is something that seemed
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to be the situation, the more we looked into his finances. it was hard to figure out how is going to be able to do this. turns out, he can't. >> yes, as you pointed out, he certainly has not been truthful by all accounts with the public about his assets. i'm not even sure he is really representing to the court accurately what has gone on. you know, the filing did not make a lot of sense to me. what he was really saying is, i need to get a bond in order to put up collateral these companies don't want real estate, they want cash. in other words, they don't want something that is not liquid. they want something liquid so that is my problem. i don't really have enough liquid assets. well, if that's true, you can do what lots of people do, which is taken alone on your
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real estate and use that, so something is off. to me, it read like i actually don't have a lot of unencumbered assets, meaning everything is leveraged, whether it is real estate or cash, i just don't have the money, because the filing itself did not make a whole lot of sense as well as you can imagine companies looking at chubb and saying you know what, i do not need this kind of publicity and i don't need to have my feet tied to a man like this who is going to fight me every which way to make sure that i don't make out well, so it is an odd filing. the one thing i would note is that the court could reduce the amount of the bond. that is the one legal out donald trump has. the state, obviously, has opposed that, but that is one thing we are waiting on, to see
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whether they would reduce the bond from 450 million to something lower. >> well, he did struggle to that -- get the bond in the e. jean carroll case. i know rachel would want to ask you about this, so i will. the possibility of paul manafort coming into the trump campaign once again after you prosecuted him, had him convicted, and then of course, donald trump parted him. what would that mean to the trump campaign? >> well, it is worth remembering that paul manafort was convicted of eight felony counts by a jury. they were the ones who convicted him beyond a reasonable doubt, unanimously. paul manafort then pled guilty to additional crimes. he also committed crimes while he was out on bail. that is why he ultimately was sentenced and sent to jail pending the end of his case.
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that is why he actually did time before he was pardoned. to me, i think this is a complete reflection of donald trump saying, i want to free the hostages who are convicted criminals. this is the same. he is basically saying, i want my campaign to be run by felons , if the reports are true. i'm happy to pardoned people who engaged in insurrection. he is really running as an outlaw, and it is just remarkable when you think about what the republican party used to stand for in terms of you know, back in the blue and being pro-law enforcement. there is nothing less pro-law- enforcement than having the campaign manager convicted of multiple felonies. >> andrew weissmann, thank you very much for joining us again tonight. always appreciated. coming up, the highest- ranking jewish elected official in the united states. senator
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chuck schumer is known a sharp public argument against israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu that was unimaginable right up until the moment it happened. that is next. to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections.
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call, president biden warned him against any large-scale invasion of the city of rafah on the border of egypt where palestinians have sought refuge. on the call, netanyahu did agree to ascend and israeli delegate to washington. >> the prime minister and the president spoke at length about rafah today. the president explained why he is so deeply concerned about the prospect of israel conducting the same kind of operation it conducted in gaza city. first, more than 1 million people have taken refuge in rafah. they went from gaza city to rough up. they have nowhere else to go. causes other major cities of largely been destroyed. israel city has not presented us or the world with a plan for how or where they would safely move those civilians, let alone feed and house them and ensure
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access to basic things like sanitation. a major ground operation there would be a mistake. it would lead to more innocent civilian deaths, deep in the anarchy in gaza, and further isolate israel internationally. the prime minister agreed he would send a team. obviously he has his own point of view on a rafah operation but agreed he would send a team to washington to have this discussion, and we look forward to those discussions. >> on thursday, the highest ranking elected jewish official in the united states, senate majority leader chuck schumer said israeli and palestinian leadership has come an obstacle to peace. yesterday, benjamin netanyahu had responded to senator schumer who represents more than 20% of jewish americans. >> i think what he said is totally inappropriate.
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it's inappropriate to go to a sister democracy and try to replace the elected leadership there. that is something the israeli republic does on its own. the majority of israelis support the policies of my government. it is not a fringe government. it represents the policies supported by the majority of the people. >> joining us now is the foreign affairs analyst and columnist from the daily beast. he's also the host of the deep state radio podcast and msnbc political analyst peter byers with us. he is a professor of journalism and political science at the city university of new york. david, what how would you gauge netanyahu's response to schumer? >> the question is how many times can he lie in such a short clip, you know, complaining that it was inappropriate for an american
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official to intervene when he does it all the time and this past week and said he was rooting for donald trump is of course hypocritical. him saying that the majority of the israeli people support him is ludicrous at this point. the majority do not support his work plans and he has a tiny rating in terms of his political future, and you know, he was trying to make a point that the american people are behind him, and they are not, and i think the schumer speech indicates just how far the base that was traditionally supporting israel has moved away from this is really government because it has been so odious and brutal. >> peter, for people who have been watching this a long time and watching these people in the center of this drama a long time, senator schumer was somewhere at the bottom of my list of not on my list of people from whom i could expect a speech like he gave on the senate floor last week.
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>> right. when it comes to foreign policy in general and israel in particular, schumer is on the right end of the democrats in congress. this is a guy who posed barack obama's nuclear deal in 2015 and i think the most interesting thing he said in his speech is not his call for netanyahu to go. he said he was open to the u.s. furnishing military aid to israel. that is a huge shift. before this war started, only bernie sanders was open to that. schumer is now saying this is now a widespread position among democrats in congress. the united states has not essentially conditioned military aid to israel since the early 1990s. that is how big a transformation this is. >> david, you would think prime
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minister netanyahu would be concerned about repairing, preserving relations with the united states in both parties. i don't see any effort that he is making to hold on to support in the democratic party when you see majority leader schumer go as far as he went last week. >> he made a bet nine years ago that he was going to play politics in the united states. that's when he went to the u.s. congress around president obama and ever since has essentially joined the trend move -- maga movement in the republican party and essentially turned his back on the people who have primarily been the support of israel for a long time, so he has made a political calculus. i think it is the wrong political calculus. he has made the wrong military calculus here and what he is saying is not just the senate, but this administration trying to move away from him, trying
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to constrain his behavior using all the tools at their disposal, or at least now considering them, as peter said, which is overdue but welcome. >> senator schumer called for a cease-fire. peter, i don't know anyone who is more careful about his approach to policy in the middle east then senator schumer, and his careful deliberation brought him to that point last week. at some point, prime minister netanyahu is going to have to deal with this new reality in the united states senate and in the congress, or is his strategy perhaps just to wait to see if he can get donald trump is an ex-president?
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>> i think that is his strategy, and i think that is precisely why he, in addition to being such a disastrous prime minister for israel and having presided over this catastrophic mass slaughter of palestinians, he also represents a real threat to joe biden's re-election prospects, because in continuing this war, continuing this humanitarian crisis, potentially going into rafah which would escalate the slaughter and starvation even more , will further alienate joe biden from a democratic base that is already pretty alienated. if a democratic president like joe biden can't to speak on a college campus without having a speech disrupted, that is a problem. i think schumer believes what he is saying. i also think he recognizes that netanyahu represents a real threat to joe biden's re- election campaign and that is why he acted. >> peter beinart in david rothkopf, thank you very much for joining us tonight. we will be right back. ight ba about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start. it's the #1 prescribed branded chronic migraine treatment. so far, more than 5 million botox® treatments have been given to over eight hundred and fifty thousand
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