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tv   Ayman  MSNBC  March 17, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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house gop impeaching biden has collapsed into an embarrassing failure, they have come up with nothing after a year, republicans know it, democrats know it, and the white house, certainly knows it. in a letter sent to house speaker johnson this week, the white house counsel wrote, it's obviously time to move on, mr. speaker, the impeachment is over, there is too much important work to be done for the american people to continue wasting time on this charade. even house republicans are admitting that they did hit a dead end, colorado congressman buck decided to leave -- leave congress this week because quote, we have taken impeachment and make it a social media issue as opposed to a constitutional concept. congressman troy meals, and
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abiding critic has been blunt on the gop's chances telling fox, quote, i don't think we have the will to impeach joe biden. the letter also pointed to the criminal indictment of the gop star witness, alexander smirnov who was accused of lying to the fbi about bribes he said the biden's took. despite the white house essentially telling house republicans to put up or shut up, let's be real here, they are unlikely to do so. house oversight chair, is pushing forward with his plan b, according to political this includes legislative reforms like tighter financial disclosure and foreign lobbying guardrails, and others to the doj, potential lawsuits, and calls from some within their own conference to just keep investigating., told the outlet that his number 1 priority has always been, not impeachment, but to pass influence peddling
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legislation, really? because comber was singing a very different to last year when he credited his investigations for biden's poor poll numbers. that's what his impeachment push has always been about, getting revenge for trump's to legitimate impeachment and of course, trying to hurt joe biden. but let's say we take comber at his word about tackling influence peddling. i say, go for it, because as my colleague writes for msnbc, any legislation that republicans might draft in an up attempt to embarrass biden may be guaranteed to hurt donald trump. republicans know this so he esd actually do it themselves, quote, of course the point out the president hasn't done anything wrong but they can say that they share their republicans concerned about the need to strengthen the goal guardrails surrounding the white house. after all, donald trump reportedly took him at least 7.8
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million dollars from foreign entities while in office, and we know people in his orbit have been accused of profiting by acting as undisclosed foreign lobbyists, and of course, there is his son-in- law, jared kushner, who continues to develop overseas deals as his father-in-law runs for reelection. but it's hard to say where exactly house republicans will take this crusade maxed but one thing is very clear, they are not going to save themselves from further embarrassment, and democrats may soon be thinking that james comer for an unintentionally brilliant idea. we have an all-star panel to break this down. it's great to have all three of you with us, i will start with you, given everything that we have outlined, where do
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republicans go from here, i mean are they too far in now to give up on this fantasy idea of impeaching joe biden? >> well, look, they have two things that are driving them, one is the psychological need to come up with some way to rationalize what happened with donald trump. you can't see this in isolation. donald trump is one trial after another, one scandal after another so psychologically they need to make a case, and obviously this is a political dynamic, donald trump is going to demand they move ahead. there's no way that they simply say, we don't have anything on biden, sorry, donald. you are going to have to twist out there in the wind by yourself but between the need to find a way to rationalize supporting donald trump, by saying, you know, yes, but, look at the biden's. and donald trump's political necessity of throwing up all of
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this smoke and dust to say look, everybody is a, i don't see how they back out of this, even though, as you point out, they have fallen flat on their face. >> is this smart from them to call out mike johnson in this letter and go on the offense by calling them out, for the nothing burger that they are chasing after? >> i think it's always smart for them to call out the ridiculousness, just to affirm that this is a nothing burger, the republicans try to look you will, they try and try to say, hey it's the democrats doing something crazy and corrupt thinking that americans aren't going to be watching and looking at what they are doing including, their chief, donald trump. it's important that we remind people over and over that that is exactly what this is. it is a distracting tactic, with absolutely no merit. so i do believe that it is wise for the president, certainly,
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but for everyone, all of us, in the media, to constantly remind people that there is nothing here. they found absolutely zero evidence of wrongdoing. and so, this is going to go nowhere and the more we talk about that, i think it helps to cut into the circus that they are creating where they are really just trying to rile people up, distract them and create some crazy reality show drama thinking people would be far more entertained and looking the other way. >> brian, is this the natural end for this impeachment fiasco because you have comer boasting about how this investigation helped to bring down biden's poll numbers but there's no evidence to actually support that but where else could this possibly be going for comer and his cohorts? >> i think they hoped all along that this would amount to something more significant. they have kind of relied on treating their own supporters kind of as ignorant as they
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hoped they would be, but the american people are smarter than that. we've all been able to recognize that there is no there there. but this is a well tried path republicans, you brought up troy nehls in the earlier segment, he was asked early on in the impeachment effort, what the point of this was, what basis there was for this and his response was, donald trump, 2024, baby, that's what he said out loud, so the point was always to help donald trump, and this is the first time they've done it, if you look a decade and a half ago, kevin mccarthy did the exact same thing with up in the select committee where he said the whole point was to hurt hillary clinton's poll numbers, so they try this again and again, whereas it may have worked in the past, it's clearly not working now. >> some republicans are going forward with the impeachment. watch. >> i would love to be able to vote on the impeachment of joe biden, for one, the border, and
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the atrocities that happened there every day and intentionally violating the board but also, all of these federal crimes and we now have evidence of it. >> i'm not sure you understand what impeachment is but it seems like the border now is the new goalpost for him and his colleagues. >> yeah, it's clearly performative at this time but again, this is something that they've been pushed to you know, by donald trump. he understands he is the twice impeached president. if he can have joe biden impeached, if everybody is impeached, then nobody is impeached. if everybody is corrupt, then it becomes a wash and that is the drive. how do you bring attention to some other issue that has nothing to do with high crimes and misdemeanors? the problem is they just don't have the votes. but i'd like to go back to something you said earlier, this idea of turnabout is fair
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play. this is really, i mean, i think we do need to step back, republicans who are supporting donald trump are concerned about conflicts of interest, concerned about ethics. let's talk about what donald trump did in the white house, let's talk about ivanka and jared, this has been hanging out there, and part of me is thinking we've gotten so normalized to the graph and the grab of the trump years that we kind of assume that that is you know, that people understand that but i don't think they do. and i think if republicans do want to spend valuable congressional time talking about this, let's do that. let's have hearings, let's have legislation, they would target the kinds of things that trump did in the white house that his family continues to do and he's likely to do whenever he gets back there. >> when it comes to influence peddling, you are not really a member of congress unless you had some form of influence and progressives have wanted to get
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special money out of politics. do you see that actually gaining momentum or is this the tricks and performance? >> i think that way to answer that question is to look at what happened at the border. republicans have spent months, years, decades wailing about the border and joe biden came in and he proved himself a will for participant in the negotiations and said fine, let's do a border deal, we will get conservative republican james lankford to negotiate it and when he did exactly that and handed a border deal, that didn't have any comprehensive immigration reform which it always been the quote unquote, poison pill, still republicans box, so in terms of taking them at their word and believing them when they say they want some changes, i think their reaction to the border bill explains it all. >> aisha, what do you think, in terms of whether or not this actually has any substance to it or is it just purely performative at this point by republicans?
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>> we know all they are is performative. there hasn't been one real piece of legislation to solve problems for american people that they have been eager to move, to discuss, to hear comment on, and then to actually try and pass through the congress. at the end of the day, they are not really interested in legislating, in a way that benefits the nation. they are using their roles in congress right now, to create, to open up, political opportunity on the ground for elections, and that is that there there. that is why we are in this nonsensical conversation over and over about trying to persecute, prosecute biden and impeach him for something that just isn't true, like the facts are clear, right? they are full of lies and
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deceit and yet, it doesn't matter because at the end of the day they don't want to pass any type of legislation that is meaningful. they want to use it as a political football. >> they are too busy chasing after tiktok. everyone, please stick around. more to discuss, we will talk about the new fault lines that are emerging in the republican coalition thanks to none other than donald trump. some members say they feel disappointed, directionless, and downright bored. right bored. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ we really don't want people to think of feeding food like ours is spoiling their dogs. good, real food is simple. it looks like food, it smells like food, it's what dogs are supposed to be eating. no living being should ever eat processed food for every single meal of their life. it's amazing to me how many people write in about their dogs changing for the better. the farmer's dog is just our way to help people take care of them. ♪ have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture.
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watch this growing tiff between trump's maga movement and house republicans. last week you had house speaker johnson, holding a strategy retreat in west virginia on the goal was to unify the caucus but that was only possible if members showed up. many did not, and some said they had to attend events back home but others, like arizona republican eli crane, cut it straight saying, quote, i just don't see it as a valuable. those who did attend based on the daily beast reporting, walks away feeling disappointed, directionless, and downright bored. he blamed the fractures in unity and enthusiasm for unity on the maga movement trend towards authoritarianism. authoritarians romanticize order, imagining a society where everyone falls in line without coral, and in the real world however, it's hard to communicate much less organize, without some tolerance for disagreement. when authoritarians get together, it's a clash of the egos of people who all think everyone else should
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unquestionably obey that. it's not just that they fight, they have no capacity to work through disagreements, skills like listening, empathizing or compromising run counter to the maga mindset. my panel is back with me. charlie, what do you make of this disconnect between maga and i guess i will say, congressional republicans, will the disarray lead to doom, come november? >> it certainly could, look, this is what you get when you have a party that doesn't have any coherent ideology. i have nothing that binds them together except loyalty to donald trump. you have a lot of egos, who are performative, and don't see any reason to work with one another. it's interesting that the two narratives are true at the same time, this is a party wholly owned and controlled by trump but it's also at war with itself, the coast you have so many egos, and so little
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intellectual or principled coherence behind the party. >> speaker johnson clearly has an issue angling his congress, they don't care about attracting non-trump republicans, where does this go next? >> ultimately this was their plan all along, the whole point of what today's republican party is doing is to break government and point to the government that they have just broken as evidence that government can't work so they can go and tell voters out there, that you have to elect small government republicans because clearly the government can't work and we are the only ones that want to go in there and deal with the government that should be shrunk to as small as possible, so this is their plan in action, and as a minority party, that could work but in the majority, we are seeing no legislation, even their own professed priorities fall by the wayside. i think it is probably a boring
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situation for them. >> aisha, how does the biden campaign leverage this disunity among republicans to voters? does it even matter for them? >> perhaps it's an opportunity to pull some independent voters or people who are really tired of the reality show, name calling, lies and deceit, celebrity culture that is based in something really sinister, as opposed to real values and passion for supporting people. perhaps there's an opportunity for this administration to hold those folks off. because this is what is interesting about the way the party is combusting. you used to be able to kind of point to the conservatives and the republican party and say they are all in alignment, right, that is what made them powerful. now, they are not. so they are fracturing themselves and it's putting some of the voters off. >> you have representatives like matt gaetz campaigning against colleagues who are facing primary challenges despite speaker johnson's
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challenges not to do so. is this another sign of the chaos in the caucus that they are willing to primary each other in this way? >> absolutely, this is scorpions in a bag, to watch them go at each other and of course there are the grown-ups in the caucus that are just retiring thing, i don't want to spend another two years sitting next to marjorie taylor green matt gaetz and lauren boebert, you do see this kind of division and of course there's donald trump who sets the tone, spent the weekend just lashing out at other republicans, including going after ron desantis, nikki haley and her supporters. there's no interest in unifying the party, so, when they watch donald trump lashing out at other republicans, they get the queue, why should they care about it? >> when you think of people like ken buck calling it quits this week, what do you make of
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the rush, of congress members fleeing before the end of their term? >> well, i think it's a mixed bag year because of course, it's good to have people who are willing to stand up, even for the mildest amount of you know, sanity here, in terms of what he did by trying to play his hand so that lauren boebert went able to immediately take over his seat but the sad part of this is for every ken buck who speaks out against his party or their unwillingness to actually do the work of governing, for every met romney or liz cheney or adam kinzinger, they will speak out for the moment, they will be a thorn in their own parties side and then they will be replaced by somebody, who is going to tell the party line. so that's the bad part about this. we can apply these people but at the end of the day, you know, the republican party will become more and more homogenous and that will be worse for democracy at the end of the
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day. >> he's absolutely right about this. the part of the problem is that in fact you do have the reasonable grown-ups who are leaving, who is going to take their place? what is happening to the gop bench and it is becoming more maga, it is attracting people who do things that just announced more social media hits, spots on fox news rather than actually governing. so you think about what this party will look like five years from now, 10 years from now, 20 years from now, we will still be feeling the effects of this. >> some have cited the biden impeachment effort is bad for the republican party at large but good for the base that once to go on fox and rile up there crowds, what does it say when a party being so toxic is better than providing solutions. >> it demonstrates how they lie and cheat and jerryrigged to
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create districts that is designed to be and i go chamber. at the end of the day, here's the thing. the maga movement is a small minority of the overall population of america, we have a democracy that is broken, where the majority of people in this country no matter what party support abortion rights, the majority of people want some kind of path, the majority people are not racist, they care about lgbtq rights, and yet, we still have a jerryrigged government they are able to carve out districts where they are able to govern even though they are in the majority even though that's not the sentiment of the people. >> for every ken buck the republicans lose, they gain a george santos. so we will see how that goes.
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thank you to the three of you, i appreciate your insights, as always. a coalition of progressive groups plan to take on a powerful pro-israel group. pro-. [cough] flare-ups that could permanently damage my lungs. with breztri, things changed for me. breztri gave me better breathing. starting within 5 minutes, i noticed my lung function improved. it helped improve my symptoms, and breztri was even proven to reduce flare-ups, including those that could send me to the hospital. so now i look forward to more good days. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating,
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is she? playing with the confidence of a pro and getting all up in that grass as if she doesn't have allergies? yeah. nice. pro-palestinian voices in congress cut back up in recent days. monday, over 20 progressive organizations came together to launch the reject aipac coalition, and to counter the pro-israel groups to primary democratic lawmakers who have been critical of israel's assault on gaza, since its founding in the 1950s, aipac or the american israel public affairs committee mostly stay out of the fray during campaigns and since entering the efforts on shoring up bipartisan support for that country in congress, however, in recent years that has changed. aipac and their election or
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chance financed by major donors including seven several republican cleaners has started imposing expensive consequences for lawmakers who expressed criticism of the usn their unwavering support for israel. in 2022, aipac waited until the democratic mayfield for the first time, pouring millions into a campaign against then michigan condiment andy levin, a vocal critic of israel. in total, aipac and its allies spent over $30 million in the midterms, and that's more than the other 80 packs active in that election cycle combined. this time around, they are more than tripling that number expected to drop $100 million to help oust democratic candidates who it views as insufficiently pro-israel.
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former congressman andy levin joins me now. thanks for coming back on the show. we know polling shows a majority of democratic voters are more aligned with views of progressive lawmakers on israel, they support calls for example for a permanent cease- fire, some conditioning weapons aid to israel. explain how lobbyists throw a wrench in lawmakers legislating as their constituents demanded. there is a disconnect here between what the voters want, and what the lobbyists want. >> ayman, a huge disconnect. i mean i'll just, i'll just give you one example. i wrote a bill called the two state solution act after the last war in gaza which was tiny compared to this one, and it was really not a very radical bill. called on palestinian and israeli leaders to do what they need to do to get towards a two state solution which is
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beneficial of u.s. policy of every democratic and republican president except trump, for decades but this was too much for aipac. and here's the thing, before it was even election time, i have colleagues come up to me on the floor and say, andy, i read your bill, first of all, ayman, it's great when your colleagues actually read your bill. it's like wow, fantastic. and they flattered me, i mean they seemed serious, it's smart, it's great policy and of course, i'll never sign on as a cosponsor. and they didn't have to say anything more. it was because they are afraid of aipac because aipac would come after them. and this is distorting -- look, what aipac wants isn't even good for the future of israel, the only way to have a secure and peaceful homeland for my people, the jewish people, is to realize the political and human rights of the palestinian people alongside of, that's what judaism and all other religions require, you know, that we love the stranger as
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ourselves, we treat them as we want to be treated and until, u.s. policy can actually move towards demanding that we stop this carnage, that we stop providing these offensive weapons, this isn't about the iron dome or something, defensive weapons are fine, but as providing 2000 pound bombs that are decimating neighborhoods in gaza, of innocent people, it's completely unacceptable, and you know, the american people need to stand up and say so. that's what they think. >> let me ask you about the strategy here. part of the strategy of this reject aipac coalition is to give democratic candidates to sign eight plan to outright reject money from aipac and many of the financial backers of the group are republican donors, so, why i guess my question is, why are so many democrats reluctant to turn down this money from aipac that is coming from republican
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donors with these sinister motivations to undermined democrats in the primary and those that have already built a foothold in congress? >> well, first, ayman, let me put a finer point on this. this is really astounding. nine of the 10 largest donors to aipac are republican billionaire mega donors to drum, we are talking about the founder of whatsapp, bernie marcus, paul singer, jonathan jacobson, these are huge republican donors. why should we let them determine who wins the democratic primary, right? so i think what's happening is what how fast things are changing, this is a war that is hard for all of us to accept. by october 7th was hard for us to accept, and this war and now, just for example, you know, children killed in gaza, 12,500 in five months. less
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than 3000 children were killed in all wars in the world in 2022. so, people are having a hard time accepting this and i think what you saw on chuck's schumer speech, is that things are beginning to change. this is great, basically a group of liberal democrats, progressive groups, different kinds, they are coming together to say, this is toxic, right, to let this dark money come in, and try and dictate who wins democratic primaries, it's unhealthy for the democratic party and it's unhealthy for our democracy, and it's not helpful to regular people who we need to encourage to come together and make peace. so -- >> i was going to say real quick, you brought up senator schumer's comments how
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significant are they, do you see this as a watershed moment and how concerned should the white house be that senator schumer went ahead and made this statement and now it puts the ball in president biden's court to follow suit when it comes to changing course in this war? >> 100,000 voters in michigan have put the ball in the president's court and voters in minnesota and washington and hawaii and other states, we want our president to stand up and lead in the way i know he can, ayman, to shift the whole discussion to a major diplomatic way to peace, stop providing offensive weapons are killing people, bring the israelis and palestinians together to let them come up with one want. you know 70% of
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democrats, 60+ percent of independent voters, the majority of all american support a cease-fire and you know what, ayman, regular palestinians and israelis, they just want to live in peace, they want this carnage over. so we have to support them in making that happen. >> former congressman and 11, sir, it's always a pleasure, thank you for making time for us. >> take care. a despicable truth, the tildren in gaza are still paying the price of war more than anyone else. anyone else most common side effects were nausea, indigestion and stomach pain. talk to your doctor about nurtec today. get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a digital money coach in the chase mobile® app. use it to set and track your goals, big and small... and see how changes you make today... could help put them within reach. from your first big move to retiring poolside - and the other goals along the way.
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with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt. more children have been killed in five months of israel's war in gaza than in four years of all wars around the world, that's according to figures released by the united nations and gaza's health ministry. more than 12,000 children have been killed since october 7th with many missing in the rubble. children are not only being killed by the bombs but also by
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starvation and dehydration. the health ministry reports at least 23 palestinian children have died of salvation, children bearing the brunt of israel's occupation is nothing new. the report by the un special tour for the occupied house, details decades of oppression under israeli occupation i have a chance to speak with francesca a short while ago. >> let's talk about the un figures that were released this week. more children have been killed and five months of israel's war in gaza than in four years of wars around the world, combined, which is just an absolutely staggering statistic. talk is through these numbers and the significance of them? >> i don't know, what can i say, 13,000 children killed in five months. and there's no sign that it will stop, there's no
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indication that israel is going to seize the military operation, and there is no pressure from outside. no pressure, whatsoever, to cease this. it's the only way to stop the carnage. now, the figures we have are primarily of children, who have been killed by fire and bombs. but we also have staggering numbers of children who are dying because of malnutrition, starvation, and waste, and this is not just preventable, this is a human made catastrophe. >> your report from october is
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also very significant because it talks about how palestinian children were suffering long before the war started on october 7th. could you explain to our viewers, how what we are seeing now is actually a decades long combination of oppression, take us through some of the top takeaways from your report? >> yeah, i can tell you, i'm just about to present my fourth report to the united nations in not even two years of work. i've added a segment of analysis, and overall picture of the frustration and annihilation of the palestinian people under israeli military operation. it's worth reminding everyone that the basic right to exist as a people. i could see the indications of
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an intent to annihilate people,. this is something that i can say that what we've seen over time, is a tragedy foretold. we have, in a way, we have warned what we are seeing today, this tragedy unfold. the elimination and the annihilation of the palestinian people but ayman, even in the face of 13,000 children killed, with the prospect of more children dying out of starvation, it doesn't stop what israel is doing, what
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else, what else. >> i'll get to that in a moment. i wanted to get your thoughts on the future generations, talking about the numbers now but this also will have a lasting impact for many decades ago. unicef estimates that at least 17,000 children are now unaccompanied or separated from their families, even if a cease- fire were to be reached today, as you just said, the death, destruction, lifelong trauma of these kids will have to endure, is also staggering and will undoubtedly curb the development of the palestinian people for generations to come, no? >> for sure, but ayman we shall remember that even before the 7th of october, gaza had the highest population of young population affected by depression like symptoms. we were already talking before this, of a highly traumatized population, half of whom was and is made of children. with all the horror that has befallen the gaza strip which
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has been traumatized, to be clear, all palestinians in the gaza strip and the rest of the territory, in israel, and wherever they are in the diaspora, of course, the trauma is going to be going across generations, and i cannot imagine how the palestinians will recover from the high level of trauma they have endured. mentally, physically but what they have seen in terms of destruction, immolation, death, and what it means, they will not be able to resume life, even if a cease-fire was agreed upon today. because, gaza is destroyed. >> francesca when you look at everything that's happened since october, when you take
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account the statements made by israeli officials, military officials, politicians, when uss nc and report on what has happened inside gaza in terms of death and destruction, do you believe what is happening inside gaza constitutes a genocide? >> i do. i do. and i'm not the only one. you know, special reporters, have learned of the risk of genocide since mid-october, and the serious risk of genocide, and in my last report, which i will present next week, i have articulated how i see, based on context, facts, legal analysis, i see this genocide has occurred for the people of gaza. >> we will wait to see that report when it comes out. thank you so much.
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we greatly appreciate your time and insight this evening. thank you. next up, putin is predicted to win, you get six more years in d power, what does that icmean fo the world?
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shortly after he was to clear the presumptive winner of the election he arguably rigged, vladimir putin spoke by name of his fallen political photo alexei navalny, a man who should have been on the ballot today and said, you died in a russian prison last month putin put him in february of 2021. today putin called his death a sad event and when asked about the volley, he claimed he had agreed to some kind of deal to swap him in the days before he died on the condition that he never returned to russia. we cannot be clear enough,
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these are just nothing more than claims by putin for the time being, we certainly don't know whether or not they are even true because we don't have any confirmation from that however, and a display of solidarity today, some russian citizens followed one of the final wishes of the late opposition leader who had called on supporters to protest by coming to the polls at noon, and the lines outside a number of polling stations inside russia and out, and it's embassies around the world, appeared to swell around that time. some protesters poured dye into ballot boxes and attempted to arson in sporadic acts of protest during the presidential election but of course, nothing could stop him from returning to his fifth term in office. early returns show that he is nearly 88% of the vote according to russia's electoral commission. of course, like all dictators, he has a strategy to outlast everyone and he has done that by controlling the media, extending term limits, crushing
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dissent, sometimes even poisoning and killing critics. it's a decades long effort to deprive russians of even imagining a country without his leadership. remember, he has held continuous positions as russia's president or prime minister since 1999. as michael cambridge and maria lippmann right for foreign affairs, because it's impossible to counter him today, the thinking goes it'll be impossible to counter him tomorrow. the prevailing sense of forever putin provides russians with a sense of stability. if the political continuity they know best and because of this sense of stability, that has the power to bolster anti- democratic forces around the globe. it positions russia to remain a long-term conflict in ukraine, one in which his key western rivals may not be ready for. and as the association press notes, putin made be motivated to test the resolve of nato and
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for that, he needs the west to be more fractured which is a real possibility if trump wins back the white house in november. we know the ex-president has threatened to withdraw from the alliance and encouraged russia to quote, do what ever the hell they want for any country that does not pay enough. and even if biden wins, he will still be -- as a critic recommends, democracy loving countries must deny recognition of putin as the legitimate leader of russia in the same way they have refused to recognize maduro. western leaders often speak of the determination to stand up to the kremlin, sometimes the most powerful tool of all, simply telling the truth. putin is not a legitimately
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elected president. he is a dictator and a usurper of power and it's time the free world finally says so. thank you for making time for us tonight, make sure you catch ayman every saturday and sunday at 7:00 eastern and follow us on x and instagram, until we meet again, have a good night. . it's not wet food. it's just real food. it's an idea whose time has come. with nurtec odt, i can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks, all in one. don't take if allergic to nurtec. allergic reactions can occur, even days after using. most common side effects were nausea, indigestion, and stomach pain. ask about nurtec odt.
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6:00 pm
that evening and welcome to a special hour devoted to the trump indictments. we are both nyu


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