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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  April 28, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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that's our show for tonight, now it's time for the last word with jonathan capehart in for lawrence. good evening my friend. >> hey, good evening alex. great to see you, have a great weekend. >> you too. >> america, republicans are gaslighting you. it's only april, but america has already had 17 mass shootings. republicans want you to believe that most people aren't bothered by mass slaughter with military grade weapons. republicans want to believe that most people feel the solution is to arm more people in more places. republicans want you to believe that most
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people would think it's cute, not crazy, to give guns to a toddler. >> little miss adi, who was almost two, they have brought us so much joy. now adi, who you know, soon will need them, i want to reassure you, she already has a shotgun and she already has a rifle. and she's got a little pony name sparkles to, so the girl is set up. >> only 1% of americans are members of the nra, but the nra controls 100% of the republican agenda on guns. here's tennessee congressman andy ogles, 2021 christmas card. he represents the district where three and nine-year-old children and three adults were killed at the covenant school in nashville last month. congressman ogles deleted the photo of his social media, but not before defending the photo after the mass shooting at a nashville elementary school. here's what americans actually think about anti gun violence
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member -- according to new fox poll. 87% of voters support background checks for guns. 81% of voters support improving and the enforcement of the existing gun laws. 81% of voters support raising the legal age to buy a gun from 18 to 21 years old. 80% of voters support requiring mental health checks on gun buyers. 80% of voters support allowing police to take guns from those considered a danger to themselves, or others. 77% of voters support requiring a 30-day waiting period for all gun purchases. 61% of voters support banning assault rifles. this poll, coupled with the republican response or lack of a response, after every mass shooting, shows just how out of step republicans are with the american people. those are super majorities in support of
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common sense reforms. and today, democrats are taking action in states across the country. colorado's democratic governor jared polis signed for anti gun violence bills into law. the laws established a three-day waiting period to obtain a firearm, make it easier to sue gun manufacturers, expand the states red flag law, and raise the age minimum to purchase firearms from 18 to 21, raising the age minimum to 21 to purchase firearms is something that you've all day families have been funding for. next month marks one year since an 18-year-old murdered 19 children and two teachers in a mass shooting at robb elementary. for the last 11 months the families of those fifth graders have been learning to live without their children while the nightmare for the families of the three nine year olds who were murdered in nashville is just starting. >> what about the
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thousands of people who were here that thursday, who you never recognized? what about the thousands of people here, who your colleagues never made eye contact with, or smirk that and gave a thumbs up or left up? what about the thousands of people who came here saying we need to end gun violence, we need to do something, and they recalled insurrectionists by the speaker of this house, what about the thousands of people who marched this streets of nashville and came to the capitol asking we do something, but instead of getting just legislation that might protect our schools we're seeing more guns in schools -- >> joining us now, state representative justin j. pearson of tennessee. and texas state senator roland gutierrez who represents uvalde. also with us, shannon watts, she founded moms demand action after the massacre at sandy hook. thank you. all thank you will, we'll get that figured out. sandra guitarist, but thank you all very much for being here. representative pierson and senator gutierrez, we all know no covenant and robb elementary, but shin watts, i want to ask you first. you've
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been organizing voters since 2012. do those numbers in the fox news poll that i just read extensively surprise you? >> they don't. you know, i think we talk about this, so it's a polarizing issue in america, but in fact the vast majority of americans have and continue to believe that stronger gun laws make us safer. that the second event amendment can go hand in hand with responsibilities. i think this polling is a very bad news for the gun lobby, but it's very good news for public safety. we have known for a a long time that this is not a red or blue issue, it is a long time that this -- is a life or death issue. and that more and more americans are going to the polls and they're voting on this issue, because they don't believe their families or their communities are safe. and let's
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make no mistake, what we saw in places like tennessee and other legislatures are run by maga republicans is the fact that there is this toxic stew of gerrymandering, of racism, of gun extremism, and it is ensuring that there are more guns in more places, resulting in more violence and more gun death. >> and representative pierson, the poll taken after covenant, not even a year after you've all day, have you seen minds changed on the ground? >> i don't know if it's many minds have changed for the republican party after the tragic nashville shooting, as the perspective it's changed. there is thousands of thousands of hundreds of thousands of children and teenagers and young people and parents who are advocating for sensible gun reform, and they're not going away. whether the republicans or democrats, the moral problem that we have about what this is right or wrong is being answered by the people who are supposed to be getting represented. and we are saying that is right for kids to go to skull and it is right for kids to have to go to a bank and go home, and for people to go and
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live their lives normally without the fear of gun violence. it is wrong for the nra and the tennessee firearms association to have a hold on politicians. it is run for peoples money to be determining the public policy of a state like tennessee, and so i am hopeful that some people are really realizing the power of this movement in this moment. >> senator gutierrez, you introduced a bill to raise the age limit to purchase certain weapons, making texas the tenth state to do so. the question is, do you have the republican votes needed to pass the bill? well actually jonathan, we have an age limit on handguns. unfortunately, we have no such age limit on loan rifles like ar-15s, which makes absolutely no sense. our bill hasn't moved much. the hospital has finally got a committee hearing, seems to have found some obstacles, and we've got to keep pushing forward. the families from uvalde aren't going to stop. they're not gonna stop fighting for justice, i'm not going to
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stop fighting for justice, i'm so proud of everything that justin and his colleagues have done in tennessee, even getting -- to acknowledge that you need extreme risk protective orders. texas seems to be the last day to the dance. these republicans don't want to do anything in the state to protect our children. >> speaking of uvalde, family senator, your bill and others like it have the support of uvalde families, and kimberly mucha rubio who lost her daughter -- in the texas house quo, had this bill been the law in the state of texas one year ago, the gunman would not have been able to purchase the semi automatic weapon that used to murder or daughter. our hearts may be broken, but our result has never been stronger. senator, or their pleas to back stronger gun reform bills having any impact on republicans in your state? >> well, because of their hard work, they managed to get a hearing in the house of representatives. it's a shame and that lieutenant governor will not do so in the senate, but the families are resolute, and they're going to keep moving forward to find justice
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here. it's important to know that what happened in uvalde, we have to look at these things and they don't happen in a vacuum. all of that failure that the entire nation saw, we have to understand that we were also talking about gun violence on the dish in a loss of life that happened when you have all these goods guys with guns, children still die. >> representative pierson, axios is reporting that tennessee lawmakers probably won't return to the legislature to consider gun reforms until after july 4th. the republican supermajority has historically been against a gun restrictions. do you think this time, it'll be different? >> no. this time it must be different. the reality is, this movement of people is not going away, and it is not being silenced, it it is yet to see the government make some steps, but we need to have risk
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protection orders. we need to have an age limit on rifles, we need to ban assault weapons in our state. there's so much that we can do to make sure not only schools are safer, but our communities are safer. so that we don't have to go to funerals as i had to go with my own classmate, lurie thorn, earlier this year, because of gun violence. we are living in a gun violence academic, and we have to take much more serious action as legislatures, particularly at the state level, to do something about this to stop this violence from happening. i'm hopeful that in tennessee, we're going to see not just one law, but several laws pass that actually make our communities safer, rather than these full solutions of arming teachers, or arming security guards. things that we know will not have a serious impact on our communities. >> what more on that representative pierson, since your reinstatement, have you spoken to any of your republican colleagues about gun reforms? >> my republican colleagues have not heard the subject of a gun reform, the only things they have talked about is army teachers, making it so that people between the ages of 18 and 20 could be up to have a gun, whoever i've seen some statements that folks are willing to go to a special session with the governor's bill to amended in some ways, and again, i believe people are
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saying that this moment, this fusion movement about black folks, white folks, rich folks, poor folks who are paying attention to the epidemic -- and the bad policies, is going to create positive change our country. >> shannon watts, would you say to people who don't understand the disconnect between at the policies that are passed and what the public actually wants? >> when you have conversations about this with every day americans, with your family and friends, you realize that you have more in common than you don't on this issue. it is these gun extremists that we've elected to state legislatures or even in congress who are standing in the way of global movements. i want to be clear, we are making huge progress on this issue. we have passed over 500 new gun laws in the last decade, we stop the nra -- 90% of the year -- for the last eight years in a row, we are educating people about secure gun storage,
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changing this issue legislatively, electorally, and culturally. in fact 100 of her own volunteers ran for office and won this last election cycle. so huge progress is being made, but obviously we need more people to get off to the sidelines and use their voices on this issue, out encourage people who want to get involved in our mother's day action to text the word fed up to 64433. we have to show our lawmakers that there will be consequences for inaction. >> representative pierson, let me get one more question in to you before i go to senator guterres. let me read you something -- wrote in the new york times today. he wrote, biden talks a lot about the struggle between democracy and authoritarianism. at its
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deepest level, that struggle between systems that put the dignity of individual souls at the center and systems that operate by the logic of dominance and submission. you met with president biden this week. what do you make of that? >> i believe david brooks is right. we talk about president biden and vice president kamala harris. i believe that they too recognize is that what we're seeing at the legislators is the erosion of our democracy by expelling law makers who you disagree with. now, in montana, silencing those lawmakers who are seeking to advocate for those who have been pushed to the -- and bringing their voice is the center. we are seeing a real scary time in our american history, with the erosion of our democracy and the assault on our democracy instead of real attention on issues that really can help people focus on health care, eradicate poverty, things that we know government can do if we focus on caring for the lives and the lost -- but instead where seeing authoritarian and really anti-democratic behavior from leaders in her houses, like speaker -- who silencing members and he protects who committed sexual assault
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against a 19-year-old intern at the same time that he was expelling us for advocating for the bab on assault weapons. we must -- by advocating people who have been oppressed, and i believe mr. brooks is right. >> senator gutierrez, we all now know that police were afraid to go into the classroom at robb elementary. are any law enforcement officers saying privately that they don't want to face those kinds of weapons on the street? would that make a difference in red states? >> well jonathan, i've seen hundreds of hours of body cam footage, and i've seen all of the exit interviews. the police were absolutely afraid, and their exit interviews and they were absolutely afraid of the ar-15. the speed of that bullet goes three times as much as any other regular pistol, the kind of bullets that this young man used turned back on themselves and tore through these little
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babies just obliterating their bodies. america needs to understand that we are in a real crisis here, that we are really broken here. and that the republican party has truly made our community more dangerous. let's be very clear here. the access and the proliferation of weapons in our country by the republican party have made our communities more dangerous. >> senator gutierrez, as we approach the one year since the mass shooting at robb elementary, tell us about the families and how they're doing. >> it's been very hard, jonathan. i am so proud to be their friend, i am so proud they brought me into their lives, i love these people. they are the strongest people i've met in my life. i don't know that i could do it, and the whole thing is just the most horrific thing you can add manchin. if you have children, it breaks your heart. i am just
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glad to be part of their world. we need to give them a lot of love, and a lot of support. we need to understand, this could happen to any one of us. we need to change things. we are broken in this country. we need to change this, now. >> texas state senator, roland gutierrez, tennessee state representative j. pearson, and shannon watts, thank you all for coming to the last word tonight. >> thank you so much. >> thank you, we will keep fighting. >> coming up, president joe biden has made it official, he will seek reelection with vice president kamala harris as his running mate. for the president, that was never in doubt. more on that, next. doubt. more on that, next. doubt. more on that, next. r of art deco elegance and good times. someone who likes it hot but knows how to keep their cool. is this you? find me at living with diabetes?
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run in reelection for president joe biden. as vice president of the united states of america. so that we can finish the job. >> that was vice president, kamala harris, speaking at her alma matter in howard university. they have a rally on reproductive freedom. it's a first remarks since president
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biden announced on tuesday, the two would be in reelection for 2024. the appearance at that event, at howard university, a historically black university, highlighting the unique role they occupy vice president. as the first black, and south asian vice president in u.s. history, harris represents an idealized picture of american progress, serving in a role that, nearly decades ago, would seem impossible for anyone who looks like her. and, as the first woman to occupy the role, harris is uniquely equipped to lead the biden administration in its fight against republican attacks on reproductive rights. an issue that, will no doubt, to be key to turning out voters in 2024. >> what's happening in our country right now? these extremists, the so-called leaders, would dare to tell us what is in our own best interest. i say, i trust the
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women of america. i trust the people of america, to make these decisions about themselves. i trust them. so don't get in our way, because if we do, we will stand up. we will organize, and we will speak up, and we will say, i'm not having that, we not playing that. >> there was speculation about whether or not joe biden would select kamala harris as his 2024 running mate given some, frankly, undue negative coverage the vice president had while in office. but, for president biden, it was never a question. he said it himself. she makes him look good. that's both here, and abroad. nbc news report, vice president harris has made 29 trips to at least 17 states, speaking about issues that are central to biden's reelection pitch. voting rights, police violence, environmental justice, economic
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barriers, gun violence, and abortion rights. the vice president has been playing a crucial role in u.s. foreign affairs. just this week, she welcomed the president to wear the dual toured nasa facilities, and discuss their contributions to strengthen a bilateral, space partnership. last month, she did an eight-day tour of africa, announcing one billion dollars of new investments to support african women in business, as the u.s. looks to counter growing chinese influence in the region. during that same trip, she spoke in ghana at the cape coast castle. one of the departure points from the african continent, for thousands of people, who were forced into slavery. >> being here was -- it was immensely powerful, and moving. when we
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think about how human beings are treated, by the hundreds of thousands, in this very place that we now stand, the crimes that happened here, the blood that was shed here. >> since the beginning of vladimir putin's illegal invasion of ukraine, president harris has been the face of a biden administration in europe, working to sustain nato from ukraine as a defense whistle from russian aggression. eugene robinson writes, in the as has been the case of every vice president since the nation's founding gets a bad rap. they
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were trying to avoid upstaging the president, which means surrendering any political autonomy, and never being out in front of the west wing, on any issue. as the first woman, and first black, and south asian american to serve as vice president, harris was destined to be held to in impossible standard. as a reelection campaign begins, she can show the talent, and drive, that got her there. joining me now, keisha middlemass is at howard university, and for the political science professor at florida university. professors, welcome to the last word. it is a point made in the washington post pieced. it is a talent, and the drive, and vice president harris is part of this reelection campaign. >> she is, first of all, very talented, and it is elected local state, and national
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politics. she, of course, ran her own presidential election. it is a drawing that is nominated for biden's vice president. she is an important component, because she is reflective of america. she energizes the base of the democratic party, black women, but more importantly, as she energizes young voters. i think any distraction from her past, as a prosecutor, is in the rearview mirror. it is a record of 30 months or so of being vice president, representing the nation, as you mentioned it, in your opening across 17 nations. she has been across the country, giving us speeches, energizes crowds and, that would translate into a positive outcome in 2024, for the biden harris ticket. >> professor, republican presidential candidate, nikki haley, who was previously calling for a competency test for any politician older than 75 said
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this, on fox news. if you vote for joe biden, really, you are counting on a president harris, because the idea that he would make it until 86 years old is not something that i think is likely. what in the entire -- professor, what should the biden harris counter to that messaging be? >> yes, jonathan. we know the republican party will come out with a lot of ageist tactics, and no surprise from nikki haley that she needs to say that to detract from her lack of record. i think the biden harris administration needs to stick to the facts. look at the winds they have had these last few months. they are put towards helping americans, and they are trying to push the country towards fascism. the fact that they are thinking about this, and not trying to frame it as this base level, pro-life argument, which is not what it is. you think about
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education, and gun control, and this matters to, usually, two thirds of americans. the republican party, right now, is out of step with the vast majority of americans, and what they want, as far as a republican opinion. it is the republican party that is trying to scare the voters and to essentially, saying, if you deviate from us, he will essentially be putting a black woman in charge of the nation. so, the biden harris administration needs to just stay the course, and think more about policy, and what we've provided for americans to hold him accountable. >> nbc news is reporting that the white house wants to elevate harris's work getting into 2024. a person familiar in the white house said, quote, they know that she is the target, and the attacks have always been intense. the anti will be upped. they want to make sure that she is the best possible footing. how do they do that? it seems to me that the times are doing that, between attacks on reproductive
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rights, the small d democratic things that are happening in tennessee, and in montana, mass shootings, and the times are meeting. is that how they do that? >> the biden harris administration, and vice president harris in particular, just to stay on track. they are doing a fabulous job, they have to stay on message, they also have to be prepared for the racist, and massage a stick attacks that are bound to increase in frequency, but also, in the speed of them. there will be undercurrents on social media, the national rag, for a lack of a better description, will attack her. so, if the biden harris team, literally, have to be ready for those attacks, they also, as you mentioned, just have to say, we are all for reproductive rights. we are all for lgbtq+ rights. and, we do believe in protecting the environment. by the way, we also believe in gun control. really, it is a simple
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us talking about policies that americans care about, that matter in the day today lives, it did to have the outside of the white house doing those attacks against the gop. to bring forth up and coming, but also, the statesman of the democratic party, to make sure that any attacks against terrorists, in particular, are countered in an effective way. >> aren't attacks against vice president harris, particularly by republicans, a sign of her strength? they know, if they don't hobble her now, since day one of the administration. do you know how far that they can go? >> we do also note, to be
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realistic johnson, that we've never had a black female governor in this country. we've only had two black female senators, kamala harris being one of them. there is something in the intersectionality of race, and gender, when it comes to black women, and leadership. it makes certain people apoplectic. what people will try to do is put away black male voters. they will try to double down and their time for the attorney general. really, to exacerbate certain parts of our resume. it is most are have either from the middle, to the left, or to the right. it is an honest conversation about kamala harris, as we have seen an evolution of her as a polished titian, into the role of vice president, which is never defined. it is a different role we see in front of cheney, to our core, and all of the others. so, joe biden, serving barack obama for eight years. so, i do think that attacking it right out, it will also be to chip away at
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moderate democrats, especially black men specifically, in trying to score the record and good time for the district attorney. >> here is a preview, and it is an end of show commentary for these topics. how about that for a tease? christina greer, thank you both for coming to the last word tonight. >> thank you. >> up next, republicans, in texas, back at it again. trying to suppress the vote. texas democrats, yet again, are not having it. two of them, joining us, next. us, next. that's it. miracle-gro. all you need to know to grow.
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trinet serves small and medium sized businesses... so they can do more of what matters. >> there will not force a benefits. payroll. compliance. trinet. people matter. voting suppression bill down our throats, and expect us to take it. we will fight, we will fight, we will fight. >> that was our next guest. texas democratic state representative, trey martinez fischer. two years ago, fighting against republican efforts to pass voter suppression bill in texas. tonight, texas republicans are at it again. two years ago, texas democrats made national news when they
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walk out of a legislative session, killing the republican legislation, fled the state, and brought their fight against voter suppression to washington, and the national press corps. in response, texas republicans cowed, walking back some of the worst provisions, stating, horrendous policy that it would never be healthy for the democracy. now, two years later, the right to vote is being challenged, again, in texas. on thursday, texas house republicans voted for a bill that would make it a crime to vote, illegally, even if there was zero intention to vote -- commit voter fraud. democrats noted that a study by the aclu of texas found, 86% of prosecutions for alleged offenses, not convictions, which are rare, was prosecuted
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in communities that were majority nonwhite. but, according to a texas republican cosponsor of the bill, this voter suppression legislation does not see color. >> this bill does not see color, race, or gender. we just want to make sure that our elections are fair, secure, and we can rely on them to be accurate. simply, that is what it does. >> joining us now, democratic congresswoman, she's a member of the house oversight committee. democratic minority leader of the texas house of representatives, trey martinez fischer. thank you very much for coming to the last word. congresswoman crockett, you've just heard texas republicans say, their voter suppression legislation, quote, does not see color. your reaction? >> jonathan, listen. are we at sunday already? we need to go to church. somebody needs to pray. i'm so sorry they're playing games. we know they don't see anything but color, and they recognize, the state of texas is, actually, more full of color than not. we are majority, minority state, we know that the census revealed that, we added 4 million new people in the last decade, 95% were people of color, so all of a sudden, now, our elections are un-secure. even though they have, already, gerrymander their way into their seats in the first place, and have been so excited that the federal courts are not stopping them, like they used to, when we had voting rights legislation that protected us. it is not enough. they know that their policies
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are failed policies, and these radical republicans only give rise to people like me. rising new democratic stars. this is why i'm in d. c. right now, this is why we know justice jones, this is why we know justin pearce. so, this is on them. >> state representative trey martinez fischer, you have been fighting republican voter suppression for years. how are these new republican tactics impacting your community? >> i'll tell you what. when they say they don't see color, i think they are right. they don't see all of our brown black and brown faces on the house floor saying, what are you doing? this is just two years ago that they lowered this to a misdemeanor, at the request of the republican attorney general, ken paxton. all of a sudden, without any massive voter fraud, or any prosecutions, or anything, for that matter, they want to turn this back into a felony. look, congresswoman crockett is right. these republicans were afraid of something. they can see into the future, and i think that they're worried about the change that is happening in states like texas,
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so maybe, the only way to hang on to power is, if you can't persuade them at the ballot box, maybe we change the rules, and keep people from voting. i think that is how you hang on to power when you are desperate. >> congresswoman crockett, changing the rules to the point where there is a threat of prosecution. how does that threat of prosecution impact voter participation? >> yeah, of course. we know that the people who are, definitely going to say that it's not worth it, because they have historically been disenfranchised anyways, are already sensible about the voting process. now, to add to that, another thing that somebody can go to jail for. black and brown people been over prosecuted in this country for decades. so, now, it is a matter of, oh gosh, this is another threat, another thing to take me away for my family.
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it just is not worth it. it is those people who get into office, they won't do anything for me, they will not hear me, they don't feel me, these people are desperate, like he said, and it is really unfortunate. i was green enough to believe the top democracy was a real thing we believed in, we trusted in, and we would fight for. but, right now, it is clear, there is only one group of folk that fights for democracy, and another group of folk that actually just want to rewrite the script. >> congresswoman jasmine crockett, democratic minority leader of the texas house of representatives, trey martinez fischer, thank you both for coming to the last word tonight. coming up, it is been a bad week for defending trump, with no indication that next
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week will be any better. the latest on the multiple legal problems, the twice impeached, criminally indicted, former president faces, up next. >> >> >> >> alone. it worked guys! ♪yeahhhh♪ downy rinse and refresh. i brought in ensure max protein, with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. uh... here i'll take that. ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar and nutrients for immune health. ♪ my most important kitchen tool? my brain. so i choose neuriva plus. unlike some others, neuriva plus is a multitasker supporting 6 key indicators of brain health. to help keep me sharp. neuriva: think bigger. as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks.
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fani willis, told law enforcement to prepare for indictments in her case, probing donald trump, and his allies efforts to overturn the 2020 election results, in georgia between july 11th, and september 1st. on tuesday, just blocks from where he was arraigned, earlier this month, on 34 felonies in the hush money case, the civil rape trial against donald trump began. writer e. jean carroll, accusing donald trump of raping her in the mid 1990s, and then defending her when she went public with the allegations. over two days of powerful, and emotional testimony. e. jean carroll, describing, in vivid detail, how donald trump raped her, and the impacts it has had on her life to a jury who will decide whether to award monetary damages, if they find donald trump liable. last night, we learned that former vice president, mike pence, testified behind closed doors for more than five hours to special counsel, jack smith, federal grand jury, investigating donald trump's role in the january 6th attack on the capitol. joining us now,
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face gay, former prosecutor for the eastern district of new york, and glenn kershner, former federal prosecutor, and an msnbc legal analyst. he is the host of the justice matters podcast. faith, e. jean carroll, taking the stand again, monday, for trump's lawyer to finish cross-examination. how do you expect us to go, given the dynamic that we saw yesterday? >> jonathan, in a jury trial, every day is a brave new world. last week, carol had the jury mesmerized. they could feel what trump did to her, and it's sickened them. this week, the entire game can change. i doubt it, but the game could change. trump's lawyer will, probably, be trying for a whole day, maybe part of tuesday, to show that this powerful story, by jean carroll, is nothing but just that, a story. a fever dream. that there is no evidence, no witnesses, no police report, that you didn't even bother to write it in her diary. diarrhea such showed every time she walked her dog, whatever she ate for breakfast. so, the entire idea, right now, will be to show what jean said last week is nothing. that it will disappear into thin air. i doubt it will happen, but that is what the attempt will be on
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monday. >> let me follow up with you. so far, do you think that the defense has made its case against e. jean carroll? >> at this point, not at all. it seems to me, if the jury is voting today, carol winds, hands down. what we do have ahead of us, of course is two other women who were sexually assaulted by trump. their testimony is coming in, the judges said it's coming in, trump may or may not testify, i doubt he will, his deposition was a disaster. so i would say, right now, carol is definitely in the leading seat. not only is she winning, but winning with big damages because she made very clinical statements
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that this man, donald trump, had changed her life forever. she has had no personal relationship, no intimate life, for the past 30 years, because of this incident with the former president. >> glenn, let's switch gears to vice president mike pence. former vice president mike pence, here in washington. how helpful, do you think, his testimony was? does a signal that jackson's investigation is nearing an end? what about their case? >> so, not just helpful evidence, but i suspect, it is sharply incriminating evidence. i actually say that because of something that mike pence put in his book. first, what is important is that mike pence has evidence, directly, from the mouth of the target of the investigation, donald trump. recall, during the january 6th select committee hearings, we heard a lot of hearsay. we heard things from cassidy hutchison, for example when that pat cipollone said trump
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said xyz. mark meadows told me, trump said x y and z. in mike pence, you have a witness who has testified, before the grand jury, who can say, this is what donald trump told me, when he was pressuring me to try to, corruptly, refused to certify joe biden's win. and, in his book, which i think is ironically titled, so help me god, mike pence said the following. he said, during this pressure campaign, donald trump, at one point said to me, you know what mike? you know what your problem is? you are too honest. that is important evidence to prosecutors. what that proves is that donald trump knew what he was urging mike pence to do, called for dishonesty. that is evidence of his corrupt intent. i say the title is ironic, jonathan, because the last words that mike pence would have uttered, so help me god, would have been part of the oath was administered to him, right before he began to testify
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before the grand jury, and incriminating his old boss. >> and unfortunately, we are out of time in the segment. glenn kirschner, you and i, we will talk in a few hours on the saturday show so that we can continue this conversation tomorrow morning. fifth day, glenn kirschner, thank you both for coming to the last word. tonight's last word, is next. their neighbors down the hill. but one thing they did know is exactly how much they'd pay. because vrbo is different. you see the total price up front. of course, it's good to leave room for some surprises. boo! ♪ remember the things you loved before asthma got in the way? fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's designed to target and remove them and helps prevent asthma attacks. fasenra is not for sudden breathing problems
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have breaking news from montana. it has now become the latest state to ban gender affirming health care for trans minors. republican governor, greg jan forte, now signing that bill. this is the same bill that montana state representative, zoe zephyr told state republicans would leave, quote, blood on their hands. zoe zephyr, who is banned from the state house by republicans, earlier this week, now, has the support of the senior u.s. senator from montana. here is senator jon tester, speaking on a call with montana radio reporters. >> what i would rather have us make national news four is keeping 11 restaurants are closing, and making homeownership affordable. barring a duly elected representative who, quite
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frankly, represents thousands of montanans, is extreme. i think it is undemocratic. >> state representative zephyr, sharing this photo, today, on social media. the caption reads, republicans used a series of procedures to remove every bill from my committees. silencing my constituents, beyond what they already voted to do. my constituents elected me to speak on their behalf. in committee, and on the floor. stopping me from doing so, is anti-democratic. tomorrow, at 9 am eastern, i will be joined by montana state representative, zoe zephyr, on the saturday show. also joining us, congressman james clyburn, who is a national co-chair for president biden's reelection campaign. that is tonight's last word. the 11th hour, starting right
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now. >> tonight, a convicted capitol rioter, calling for the execution of mike pence, and members of congress. trump, comforts her with a hug. new abortion restrictions, actually, failing and red states. our conservative lawmakers waking up to what voters want? plus, russia launches its largest missile strike in nearly two months. ukraine gears up for a much anticipated counteroffensive. the 11th hour gets underway, on this friday night. >> good evening, i am ali velshi, and for my friend stephanie ruhle. during a campaign stop in a new hampshire diner, the former president praised, and hugged a woman who served prison time for her actions during the capitol attack. and we see news reports of trump told her to, quote, just hang in there. then he added this. >> what they're saying is so sad. what they've done to january 6th. so bad. patriots. i mean, here the woman, she's a terrific woman. >> a terrific woman. told nbc news that she believes, members of congress who voted to certify biden's presidential