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tv   The Beat With Ari Melber  MSNBC  April 13, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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during these extraordinary times. we are grateful. "the beat" with ari melber starts right now hi, ari. >> thanks, nicolle welcome to "the beat." i'm ari melber we are tracking several stories, including maya wylie we begin with the escalating heat on defendant donald trump the nation watched as he came to new york for the first criminal arraignment of his life, a legal requirement, not a choice. trump had to sit in court for this unusually long i rainment which included a rare rebuke by the judge for threats he had been making. those threats part of a second civil case also filed this week by the d.a. dealing with the clash of some house republicans. here's the news right now. today donald trump is back in new york again and again under court order. these are not trips that he chose. they have been forced on him by the law and how often he is on
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allegedly, under the allegations, the wrong side of the law. if you're trying to keep track or it seems like this stuff is happening more and more, it is if you're wondering whether this is normal, it isn't. the president forced to sit and take questions under oath in his criminal indictment. that's a scene we haven't seen before this scene is from a different date, but a date he was also sworn in to testify under oath this a.g. probe, after his last appearance came after he was -- and he did something he used to assail others for, although something that is his legal right, he pled the fifth not once or twice, or on a tricky issue, over 400 times ers the a.g. alleges a money scheme, basically alleged fraud, and she's seeking $250 million
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in penalties as well as forced changes they say will protect the citizens of new york and protecting those doing business honestly they'll seek a judgment to permanently bar donald trump and his family colleagues from doing this business in the state the argument being while in this other case he's not facing criminal punishment, the argument being if he's convicted through this process, they have to protect others from this kind of habitual fraud. in that case, civil is a smaller case than we have been uncovering the d.a. is under offense. he's suing trump's maga allies. suing the court to protect the independence of this probe we have been reporting on this, how d.a. bragg is using a more proactive and legally aggressive approach than the past prosecutors who have tangled with donald trump, who is an unusual defendant. i think even he would say so it appears to d.a. has learned
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something, maybe learned that where mueller and merrick garland have tried to really play by the most traditional, historic standards -- and many people can discuss why that is sometimes advisable and very fair -- he has learned that doing things exactly the same way with this defendant may not be the best course of action we've heard from prosecutors including last night on this program, that you do have the change gears sometimes and that the d.a.'s aggressive approach is solid that doesn't mean the d.a. will win this case against donald trump. only time and the jury can decide that. but it does mean that donald trump's typical plays, the things he does so effectively to the great consternation of so many people, those plays may not work as well right now we all know what he does it's a defense that goes on offense. they use his public lies and pressure donald trump sometimes will risk breaking new laws to duck accountability for past alleged crime, and some of it seems like it's working, just like it
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worked when john gotti threatened the court system and jurors it worked until it didn't. right now may not be as effective. i mentioned mueller. i have his well respected former deputy, prosecutor leading that case, that probe of donald trump on hand with me. but i'll tell you this -- when you take it all together, look at the again, not normal activity of donald trump making his second compelled trip to new york under court order this week in a related case, you have to remember, everyone said, it's so unprecedented if he indict this former president it's so unprecedented. what would we do so unprecedented when he's an active candidate although he declared earlier than most people to create that situation, for people to wring their hands about what's unprecedented. i'll tell you this i always to keep it real with you, before we bring in our analysts you know what else is unprecedented? a president having more than one aide convicted and indicted in
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one term having someone indicted and saying in public, the reason that he shouldn't go on trial is he will summon death and destruction and violence against the very government that he once led. so you know what else would be unprecedented? to waiver or back down during this relatively new, week and a half old test of our justice system let me bring in our esteemed experts. the prosecutor from the former mueller probe, head of enron task force, andrew weissman. other titles, but we only have so much time. >> let's get to it. >> danny greenberg, a long time decorated lawyer when you look at the criminal arraignment room, you know your way around that you have overseen the lawyers who defend people with less resources than donald trump, indigent, correct >> yeah, not one of whom paid off a porn star. >> there we go, we can start
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there. i should mention you're here for your legal acumen, but you're a family friend as well. people can factor that in. >> whatever it does. >> whatever it does. >> fine with me. >> it's transparently disclosed. >> andrew, highlight what we learned and why it matters he's back under court order today what do you think? >> i think the reporting, which is that although donald trump the first time around, as you said, took the fifth over 400 times, the reporting is he is actually answering questions and the issue is, is that a good thing or a bad thing in thinking about it from his perspective, there are a lot of pluses in terms of his trying to answer questions and not assert the fifth amendment. one is he can tray to get around an adverse conference. if he lees the record as it is,
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h letitia james has the understood lying proof and that makes her case easy. >> bad he wouldn't answer why the numbers don't add up in the alleged fraud. >> exactly, civil case criminal case, you'd be thrown out if you tried to do something like that. second, he has a better chance of knowing what to shoot at, because when he first took the fifth, james hadn't brought her case yet now he has a detailed complaint. it is voluminous. he can look and say, i know where the pole jump, where not to get in trouble. those are all pluses i say another potential plus is that he's unlikely to be saying anything related to the mar-a-lago criminal investigation or the january 6th criminal investigation, and you can tell there's a big but coming here. and the "but" is that by all
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accounts, the current d.a., alvin bragg, has said he still has open his criminal financial investigation. in other words, the criminal component to what letitia james did. if donald trump said something that is any way false and alvin bragg can prove it, his case gets much, much stronger, and many defendants go down because they have a lot of hubris, and they think okay, i can bs my way through this if you get caught with one or two false statements that the d.a. can prove, that case gets much, much stronger. >> have you ever sent arrogant people to jail >> i used to prosecute basically a bunch of rich, white executives, and many of them, almost because of the nature of their work, are sort of type "a" people who sort of feel like
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they can control everything, and that is a really hard client to have, as danny knows when you are a defense lawyer you really need to control those people and reign them in from their world impulses so here, if that is going to be the issue -- there's one really really dangerous third rail, which is, is he going to say something that the d.a. can show is false and because of his hubris he thinks he's not going to get caught >> i haven't heard what anyone flesh out what that criminal exposure is today, and there's so much going on, that's striking danny, before i get to the heart of the question for you, which is what you offer for trumps after defense in this kind of case, i did mention, that arraignment room, you, your lawyers know it well i'm curious what you thought seeing not only a former president in general indicted but specifically in that room. i worked very briefly as a public defender. you ran legal aid for years. what did you think
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>> it's interesting. one of my favorite stories about arraignments was about a friend who's a clinical teacher, and one day he was showing japanese lawyers around, and it was night court. and after about an hour, one of the lawyers came up to him and asked him, where's the other part that's open and he said, there is no other part at night it's just one part. the lawyer came back about a half hour later and said, i don't understand and so my friend said to him, why are you asking me the question he said, i want to know where the white people are arraigned he had sat there for an hour and a half in night court and had not seen one white person arraigned in manhattan criminal court. so when i hear people talking about how unusual it is that a former president is arraigned, the real thing is how unusual it is that anybody is arraigned who isn't somebody who's been a victim of stop and frisk and the rest of it >> yeah. >> i hear about how unusual it is -- will we really have an
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able to prove the felony you've gone into this so well. andrew has as well a d.a. overcharging someone? shocked about this a d.a. always does he overcharges because he wants a plea he overcharges because he wants a jury to come back with a verdict that's a compromise, okay so, on one hand, i look at this and of course i recognize how unusual it is, but a part of me just says, this is business as usual. this is what happens >> you put it -- it's so important what you're saying danny, and you're saying it from a lot of experience, not from observation or punditry. you're saying from that room i refer to the references of unprecedented. when people feel aspects of unprecedented because you're not accustomed, that's not a good reason to be against it.
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i don't care how unpopular he is as a politician. let's see the evidence he's afforded those rights but when he say unusual for some uncomfortable, that ain't good enough now to the harder question as we wrap this. as a criminal defense attorney, what are the best defenses someone in this position can make >> first, the best thing i would do if i were a lawyer for donald trump is get another client. [ laughter ] >> i think it's just kind of impossible i think andrew sort of put it well when he said that it's -- well, let me try to say it this way. andrew said it's unlikely he'll say anything about other things. the thing about donald trump is that that's actually not accurate he is such a wild card the most important thing that a criminal defense lawyer does or any lawyer -- any lawyer at all -- is sit with a client and brief them that's what's going to happen. right? we watch television.
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there's the defense lawyers being harsh, and someone says, don't do it? you're making your client cry. and the defense lawyer goes, you think i'm hard wait until she gets into this courtroom. so that's real do you that to your client you say, this is going to happen and most clients -- listen, their liberty or their money is on the line -- >> he was quieter than usual during his arraignment. >> he was quieter than usual during his arraignment, but what did he do that night he had an opportunity to go on national television and not go to his base, but go to whom he needs to be elected once he becomes -- >> i'm going to press you on this now it's happening the question, though is, what is the best attack on these charges? >> that's what he should have done he should have stood there and instead of being a victim for an hour, he should have stood up there and said, i didn't do this and what's going on now is going to be proven you've heard some of the experts talk about how the fact that
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this is an unprecedented kind of calling it a felony. they wouldn't have done that to anybody else maybe there was some business things by the way, when i ran for president and when i was president, i wasn't involved in the day-to-day things of my organization. >> right, get some distance and say basically paper work. >> and then. >> i'm only moving us, because so far, longest segment of the show, believe it or not. secondly -- >> sblame cohen. say he's a felon. >> they have done that now the yes or no question would you put this defendant trump on the stand >> i don't think you're going to have a choice. i think this guy is going on the stand. i heard everybody say he won't this guy wants to chance to tell to american people. >> andrew, yes or no >> no way. there's an example of this he said for years he was going to testify and welcomed coming into the mueller investigation we knew that was never going to
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happen he obviously listened to his attorneys, and that was really good advice not to go in i don't think he's going to do it. >> i'm going to agree with him, because he's so smart. >> i said yes or no, two lawyers went longer than a one-word answer you know how profiling doesn't work profiling. you know, someone that started this segment would watch both of you say, two really senmart lawyers. you're so similar. in fact we have a veteran prosecutor and defender. and we got great insights both sides of the case. thanks coming up, we get into the scandal that keeps growing did you know there's a new secret land deal that clarence thomas got paid for? keeps getting work florida now passing, according to the legislature, at least, a six-week abortion ban cecile richards here on that santis expected to sign it into state law. first, a fox audio recording that has everyone over there panicked we're back in one minute
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for many years people asked, will fox news anchors, many caught lying, be held accountable? what if they settle for a nominal fee? tonight i can report this is going all the way. tonight the court announced the jury will be seated monday after a day of selection rupert murdoch will be on the stand under oath as soon as next week facing over a billion dollars in potential penalties. and now there's new evidence our colleague here at msnbc reporting on the audio from former fox staffer abbie grossberg. this is something fox didn't disclose why they're in trouble when's new is the audio, you have giuliani and a fox host off
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air, and they're discussing the whole voting machine issues with dominion this is right after november 8th, 2020. >> i'm going to ask you as much as you can tell us about these lawsuits, whatever you tell us in terms of evidence would be really helpful >> i can tell you pexactly what we have. >> perfect and what about this software, this dominion software >> that's a little harder -- >> troubling. >> it's being analyzed right now. i mean, there are a couple of races that have been reversed because the democrat was triple-counted two already in michigan. whether that applies to the whole state or not i can't tell you yet. >> this dominion software, does nancy pelosi have an interest in it >> i've read that. i can't prove that. >> giuliani basically being potentially more candid in
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private about what he can't prove. then he goes on air. >> do you have the dominion hardware in your possession? do you need to have that hardware in your possession to prove it can you prove the case without the hardware or the software >> we have people that i can't really disclose that can describe the hardware in great detail. >> i mean, he's supposed to be that person, those people. that's what he says he's doing there's a contrast here between what they were saying secretly and how they're representing it to their viewers now, this is really bad, whether they actively misled the court i noted in fairness this week, sometimes these things can be failed to be produced as a mistake. there's a lot of different evidence the judge rebuked them for hiding it. i will tell you what fox news said they explained to the court, that's the judge, they did produce this information from the producer when we first
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learned it the judge disagreed, and that suggests they will be under significant pressure i'm joined now by attorney maya wylie. welcome back. >> thank you good to be back. >> what do you see here in this actually going to trial and something that isn't the core of the case -- you're not going to win or lose the whole case over whether or not this was hidden, but the judge seemingly done with some of fox's defenses on that issue. >> interesting because in this case, we already have this judge saying there is no question that all these things being said about dominion were not true >> yeah. >> they were false what remains is whether or not a jury will agree that it was intentional or what we call reckless, meaning that the host did really have lots of reasons to question or believe it deeply that's why the tapes are relevant and relevant why this judge thinks they were not being
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forthcoming because they help make the case that dominion is trying to make, which is you all know that you had no business believing this. >> mm-hmm. >> that it would be reckless that you actually go out and make statements like you made, because you were having conversations that suggested that you knew you couldn't rely on it, and that's -- essentially we don't know, but we have a judge that says these were lies, it's going to the jury, and we have a judge saying, and i don't believe you weren't trying to hold this back so what i hear, that's unusual for judges they usually give lawyers the benefit of the doubt mistakes were made. this judge isn't buying it and that tells us something. >> the fox news lawyer says this is the kind of evidence they knew they had the hand over. take a listen. >> among them, the practitioner there have over 150 years of experience, and it's really
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unlikely that they really dropped the ball and just forgot to turn this obviously relevant evidence over. it's more likely they have been hiding the ball, as we've alleged all along. >> well, that's certainly one read, and we certainly have a judge that seems to think so, too, and i think that's the point -- the judge is the neutral person in that courtroom who doesn't have a dog in the race, right? and the judge thinks it's very strange. >> yeah. i wanted to ask you about the jury there's been a lot of talk about the juries will donald trump get a jury in new york people know who he is. how does fox -- its whole influence and power is being on in so many households. how does it get the jury and they have been selected. here are some of the questions they were asking in the voir dire do you know any employees of these companies? that's standard. do you happen to know mike lindell. where do you get your pillows?
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maybe he comped. rudy giuliani, sidney powell do you work in the newsroom? booted for being too close to it do you avoid fox would that affect your ability to be impartial. they deserve a jury that's not predisposed against them. >> exactly right they're trying to make sure they're not getting someone who says, i know you're a lying outlet and i can't watch it because i can't believe what you say, because you don't just give opinion, you have an agenda. and we know that there are a lot of people in this country who believe that, so to ask, if you're looking for a neutral juror, you want someone who is not going to assume you're lying or that you know better than what you're saying, so you're not going to want a person on the jury who says, y'all been lying for years, which is what a lot of people think.
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>> i know some people who couldn't be on this jury. >> i do, too. >> maya, wecome to you on so many issue them one is important. we're going to watch this trial. i know you are thank you for being here we have a lot coming up tonight. florida passing a six-week abortion ban that's what's happening in america. governor desantis says he will be signing it. we also have a huge star, john leguizamo here on "the beat. we're going to talk what he's doing at msnbc politics, how he's engaged on all this, and even -- his choice, not mine -- hip-hop, when we come back. dovato is for some adults who are starting hiv-1 treatment or replacing their current hiv-1 regimen. detect this: no other complete hiv pill uses fewer medicines to help keep you undetectable than dovato. detect this: most hiv pills contain 3 or 4 medicines. dovato is as effective with just 2. research shows people who take hiv treatment as prescribed and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit
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boy, do we have something special right now. talking about going from the stage to the streets, the emmy award winning tony actor john leguizamo, he's here, "beat" debut. >> i'm thrilled. >> you might know him from things like moulin rouge, the ice age, namesake behind bruno born in bogota, columbia, he grew up in jackson heights, new york he starred on broadway, won a tony for a little thing called "latin history for morons,". latest gig, hosting the iconic "daily show. >> the report is they're going to try to negotiate his surrender. either that or they'll lead a
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trail of big macs leading to the prison a lot of pundits like lindsey graham are saying this is going to be good for trump but [ bleep ] why don't you get arrested and see if it's good for you! >> you see him there on a type of news. a lot of people get their news from that stuff. but he's also here making news on msnbc with a new six-part series, new tonight, we're debuting all this information. john leguizamo does america premiers this sunday first installment. travels the country celebrating so many things that can make our community more diverse food, fashion, politics, and -- he did it not me -- hip-hop. >> yes [ speaking non-english ] >> which means without corn there's no country doesn't rhyme in english but rhymes really pretty in spanish. >> this is the first time i heard spanish rap on a hip-hop record ♪
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>> cousins, aunts, uncles, all worked in factories. >> but chi, versace. >> i'm creating content that's latino. >> only free standing latino theater in the district. >> today every new yorker, latino or not calls a corner market a bodega. >> i don't know what new york would be without latinos. >> here we are, john leguizamo now part of msnbc family with this project thank you, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> thrilled you're talking an "the beat" tonight tell us what you're doing with this project. >> well, i'm going to six cities in america looking for latin excellence, and i sit down with architects, hip-hop artists, dancers, choreographers, chefs, and we eat a meal together, a latin meal we drink a little, laugh a lot,
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and dance. >> i love it you really hit the way the culture can be inclusive sometimes, people in politics, want to make it about against. anyone who's ever been -- not only in new york, but you see a movie about new york you know the bodega. >> i got a thing of you going to a bodega i don't know if you're ready for bars i don't know if that's something you can handle now meek mill said, i started out at the bedega now my house so big i got no neighbor and the bodega means something let's go i can't rap, i can only speak it that's my limitation. >> you're a poet then. >> let's look at you at the bodega. >> that's the beautiful thing about bodegas, too, you knew the owners if you didn't have credit they would front you cash so you could get the things for your house. this way you could get your latin food, and latin food like avocado. we gave this -- the aztecs gave
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us avocado without the tomato, after the world cuisine would be over. italian food, wouldn't have it zuc zucchini gave the squash of the world. >> dropping knowledge, dropping vitamin "k." >> there you go. what does the bodega mean here in latin life in new york? >> place we could get the fruits we grew up with -- fresh fruits. food deserts we had to bring our own food so we could have -- we brought that to the world. >> yeah, and does it mean something to have that shared space? like, in the business culture, star bucks and these companies they say, that's a shared space. i think, how shared sit if you have to buy something? how long are you allowed to sit there? in new york, particularly brooklyn -- not only brooklyn bug street culture no, this is really shared.
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you could stand there with a 75 cent drink and hang out. >> for hours these are places that give you credit, help you out in a time of need, let have you food for free bodegas were part of the community. >> before i lose you, you're busy, take a look at hip-hop. >> hip-hop so important to me on so many levels because it was counterculture it was subversive, because we latin and black people were kept out of the limelight them culture came out of the hood it's black culture, but we assisted. >> tell us about it. >> it's amazing. we obviously grew up in the same neighborhoods, black and latin people, and hip-hop came when -- in the '77 blackout, because we looted and all of a sudden we had equipment, and we had all this equipment to do block parties, to do rap battles, and that was the birth of hip-hop. we were there to assist. we had rappers, musicians, all
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the photographs from that era are by this latin dude. >> what does that mean to a community -- again, hip-hop culture is in the street, on the walk, to share that? >> it's incredible gives you a sense of importance, of self-worth, to hear yourself and see your people and your culture represented. and you heard it in music. tony on the show used to do the mix tape, because rap was not put on the radio it survived in mix tapes. >> i love you saying that. we just had deejay drama on this week like so many things when dealing with marginalized expression -- see the book bans today -- i'm going fight for that autonomy. >> to be seen, heard, written, and put into textbooks it's always a fight. you keep getting margi marginalized -- -- cha-cha. two steps forward, three steps
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back. >> dance version of progress we're excite to have you. >> wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them gave me the space. >> got on the screen so folks can check this out. >> you want to light it before you go >> i'll take just one. just a few. >> for later. >> do what you got to do. >> i got a lot of family my uncles, aunts, family, grandfather. everybody wants to ari lighters. don't be jelly. >> that's how you do a walk-off. we'll put it on the screen leguizamo does america that's exciting. we have a lot more news coming up cla clarence thomas with a new bombshell. holding, scandals, ethics and holding judges accountable that's next. the entertainer... her place might look expensive. don't let it fool you. and me, the lounger... i get just what i need with a tap
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so they can do more of what matters. benefits. payroll. compliance. trinet. people matter. turning to new and damning developments in the ethics scandal facing supreme court justice clarence thomas. you may have heard part of this -- he's under fire for secretly pocketing millions in gifts from this connected donor, who also has a signed copy of mein kampf from hitler just everyday business news breaking the same donor also secretly paid thomas directly in a secret property sale suspicious which was not reported, kept secret there are calls for investigation, but even serious
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talk of potential impeachment, although that's a very high bar. while clarence thomas' grifting is so obvious, it goes beyond what judges have been caught doing, there's a wider problem that supreme court has terrible oversight, which means you're hoping people don't do this, there's not a lot of oversight there's also calls for a stronger ethics code like policies that bind other federal judges before this particular story broke, a group launched something called the supreme court integrity project to clean up the court danny greenberg is one of its leaders, so we also wanted to get his views on these developments tonight back with me is long time defense lawyer and advocate for supreme court ethics reform, danny greenberg. thanks for coming back. >> thanks, ari thanks for having me. >> your response to the scandal getting everyone worse you had millions in secret payments, an mein kampf
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connection, which you can take seriously or say it sounds like what villains do in movies and now the secret land deal your view on that and what people should know as we question what kind of country we have. >> it is totally shocking a supreme court justice would do this probably the first thing you learn in law school as a first-year student is the appearance of justice is just as important as justice itself. right off the bat he's doing anything with an appearance, but the notion he defends this assaying, maybe i should have reported it, but i didn't get advice to do that. it's not about reporting, it's about what he's doing. and the notion that somebody could behave in this way -- if i go out to dinner with friend, that friend affects me i choose who i'm going to be with i listen to them they have something. if i go out with a judge, i've never paid for a judge to have lunch with me. it's just not done now, imagine if that's not
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paying for the lunch behind the courtroom, but now we're talking about millions of dollars. it's inconceivable that it didn't affect him. here's the bigger problem, though -- the bigger problem is the supreme court are the only nine judges in the entire country without a code of ethics you have a code of ethics, right? nbc has it every business, school, college has it when my kids played socker in brooklyn, the coach had it nine justices of the supreme court have no code of ethics to which they are responsible they decide when they're going to recuse themselves they decide whether or not they're going to sit in on a case, if they have somebody involved who knows about they decide whether or not they can take this kind of largess from people. there's no code that binds them. i think one of the better things that's come from this thomas scandal is people are now talking about that i'll say one other point this is my friend susan who's
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part of the group we're talking about. she made the observation that here's thomas, who imposes his values on all the rest of us women can't choose what to do. gay people don't have any rights in somebody is religious and doesn't want to hire them. anti-discrimination laws but if you say to judge thomas if you say to chief justice roberts, you should have a code that you're bound by -- oh, no oh, no we look at it, we decide what we're going to do, but we're above the law. we can make the law about you, we can impose personal values on you, but don't you dare try to tell us. now, right now i'll just say that dick durbin and shell don whitehouse are contemplating legislation, because it's clear judge roberts is not going to do anything. >> you see how broken the system is when this is not allowed but way over the line. danny, on more than one topic, thank you for being here
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when we come back, cecile richards on what's happening in florida. your best defense against erosion and cavities is strong enamel- nothing beats it.
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ruling that protects some access to the abortion pill the appeals court basically ruled this abortion pill is available, meaning people will have access, but there are additional restrictions. including three office visits in person, above the original one and it also in a sort of legal twist, would still ban shipping the pill by mail there's a trump appointed texas judge who had halted the fda approval of the drug last week we're joined by cecile richards, the former president of planned parenthood you and others warned what would happen if roe was overturned is it happening? >> absolutely, ari i think looking at what's happened in florida, as you say, they just passed a six-week abortion ban, which is effectively a total abortion pan since most people don't know they're pregnant at six weeks. and in fact, the republicans in the state even refused efforts to say that you could get an
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abortion if you had life-threatening medical conditions i mean, they refused even that so this is about as extreme as it gets. and it's interesting because, of course, this comes on the heels of last week's vote in wisconsin supreme court election where it was clear, again, that the voters of this country do not want abortion to be illegal. and there's no better evidence than when the people go to the polls and vote but therepublican party clearl doesn't care, and we're seeing, as we saw today in the fifth circuit, two trump appointed judges basically agreeing with a trump appointed federal judge in amarillo that somehow they know better than the fda about what medicines should be available to the american people. >> what is the logic to saying in the appeals ruling which is new and some were worried it would be completely banned it dwidn't go that far, but the ruling still allows for a mail
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ban. is there any logic for that? if this is accessible and it's fda approved, why can't it be trafficked through the mail? >> well, i mean, you probably know, ari, what they're referring to there is an 1873 law, the comstock law, that prohibited mailing of medicines that could be used for abortion. that is what they're relying on. this is a terrible decision out of the fifth circuit it's outrageous that they would say somehow that their opinion about medicine in this case, a medicine that is very safe, mifepristone has been used by thousands and thousands of people, not only here in the u.s., but around the world, that they would say they have the right to make this judgment rather than medical professionals. i was trying to think today of any decision by a court that could somehow unite the pharmaceutical industry, the medical community, and every
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woman in america they have just done that they are basically trying to say we know better than all of the rest of you. and i think that's why you're seeing the kind of outrage we are across the country >> in florida, with the minute we have left, you are someone who has advocated for rights human rights, constitutional rights, but you have also been in the political arena what do you think about the potential backlash are there people in florida who may not realize what is about to hit them and it's from desantis? >> absolutely. i think this may help ron desantis become the republican nominee for president, but it's absolutely going to mean he will not become president of the united states. we saw it in the midterms, people are not going to vote for someone who wants to make abortion completely illegal in this country and that's essentially what ron desantis is about to do in the state of florida. >> and to your point, when you talk about how this all works, it's not dooms day it's not hypothetical. and again, i always say on the program, people can vote how they want, but you're making
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aphictual point, the republicans control the house. if you macke ron desantis president, they would be able to do a federal ban on abortion you could watch in new york, california, or anywhere else, it's exactly what people warned about even as apologists said it's going to be limited cecile richards, thanks for coming on "the beat" and walking us through some of this. we have covered a lot of topics i don't know if you feel like we have a lot going on. what i want to show you next is something you may know about it's something that's lit, and it's a nice way to end the hour. we'll be right back. makes trading easier. with its customizable options chain, easy-to-use tools, and paper trading to help sharpen your skills, you can stay on top of the market from wherever you are. power e*trade's easy-to-use tools make complex trading less complicated.
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