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tv   Yasmin Vossoughian Reports  MSNBC  April 9, 2023 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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in for yasmin. demands for action and promise of protection, after rulin that puts the future of a ke abortion bill in jeopardy. >> we will continue to protect a woman's right to reproductiv services, and we're gonna do everything we can to make sure that no one in america fails t have the health care they need >> one lawmaker ousted from th tennessee house could get hi seat back as early as tomorrow as democrats, to defy th action from republicans. >> the messages we wil continue to resist, this is no the end, their decision to expel us is not the ultimate authority, the people will hol them accountable >> rocket attacks and deadly violence in the middle east as israel deals with a growin crisis the white house scrambling t find out how classifie
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military secrets, including ke information on the war i ukraine ended up going public. and donald trump facing th eminent testimony of forme vice president mike pence at a special counsel investigation, as well as the looming legal action in georgia. we'll get into that, coming up in this hour the uncertain fate of the most common method of abortio throughout the country, righ now, we have two conflicting rulings from two federal judges, one in texas, one in washingto state, it put the future of th abortion medication known as mifepristone at risk setting the stage for what could be a lengthy legal battl that could make its way to the supreme court. nbc's all league has bee following the reaction joins us from the white house. ali, what are you hearing from folks in the administration? >> well, lindsey, even thoug this decision from this federa judge in texas was expected fo weeks, it sent shockwave through the bide administration, because it signals a much larger battle over abortion access and it could reach even be o that to other fda approved
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drugs. president biden and vice president harris slammed the texas decision as a dangerou precedent and they vowed t fight it if it were to stand we also heard from hhs secretary, javier becerra toda who touted the safety of mifepristone after over 20 years of fda approval. he also confirmed that the justice department has already filed that appeal to the texas decision and is waiting for it day in court, while also layin out how this decision extend beyond just abortion access. listen to part of his intervie here >> the scientific judgments of the medical experts on those who did all the clinical research is now bein questioned, second guessed, by one judge in one state in on court. if you could turn upside dow the entire approval proces that the fda relies on, no just for mifepristone, but insulin, vaccines, you name it a drug goes through a proces with fda if this judge says you can
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overturn that and 23 is of evidence shows it is safe an effective, you put essentially every drug in america at som form of risk >> now, he wouldn't say whethe he believes the fda should ignore the ruling and keep the drug on the market, that i something that can do. but he says all options on the table for the bide administration as it continues to fight this, lindsay >> ali, what are the next step the administration plans t take >> well, the justice departmen could file an emergency appeal with the high court, while i also tries to get that texas order blocked by the fifth circuit, that's actually a strategic call we expect t become more clear this week. but right now, what's stil unclear are the preparations the biden ministration be able to take to secure abortion access should the drug n longer be available after this weeklong pause granted by this texas judge. that pause given to the federa government to be able to respond to this. the pill is expected to be
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available throughout the appea process because of emergency request by the doj and mifepristone's manufacturer. but it's still unclear wha else can be done while we wait for this process to play out through the courts final decision on this could possibl reach as high as the supreme court. that's not expected to happe anytime soon, lindsey. >> ali, thank you. coming up later this hour, former texas state senator and current senior writer fo planned parenthood texas joins me to talk about how stoppin access to abortion pills would impact women in states lik hers where abortion is already essentially banned breaking news from the middl east, during a rare convergenc of easter possum run ramadhane the city of jerusalem is o high alert right now, as worshippers gather near th al-aqsa mosque, one of the holiest sites to islamic judaism. police raids at the mosque hav plunged it into violence, with palestinian militants firing daily rocket attacks for tel you shouldn't. israeli forces responding with airstrikes those attacks are now reaching
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neighboring countries with israel, targets in syria thi morning. a live report from israel late in the hour. and in taiwan, another show of force from china's military, for a second in a row, china has simulated precision strike drills against key targets across taiwan. the drills are part of a stern warning to the island, according to beijing it's in response to tammy' president size trip to the u.s last week. meeting with house speaker kevin mccarthy the island's defense ministr also spotted at least 71 chinese military planes an nine ships are on the island today. house foreign affairs committe chair, michael mccaul, visited taiwan, falling speake mccarthy's meeting last week and discussed u.s. militar support to the island earlie on meet the press. >> how would you assess thei defensive capabilities right now? >> they're not where they need to be. if we're gonna have deterrence for peace, we need to get thes weapons into taiwan. i sign off on all four militar
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weapons sales, 22 weapon systems, over three years ago, that have yet to get int taiwan, on to the island that will provide deterrence - to think twice about a invasion >> shifting gears, now u.s officials not believ classified documents about ukraine's war effort tha appeared online are likely rea and the result of a leak some of these documents ma have been altered before the were posted. this all according to senior u.s. official. nbc's matt bradley joins us no from kyiv. so, matt, what can you tell us about these documents and what they reveal? >> yeah, lindsey, thes documents to show quite a bit. they show some things that hav not been published before, including ukraine, russian military capabilities. crucially they show one detail of the expenditure rate or the burn rate of ammunition in himars, those are the powerful weapons the u.s. has been using, the u.s. has been providing to ukraine to use against russia. and, you know, this is the
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detail that had not been published before it's interesting to see. when it comes to the ukrainians, they're not gonna be all tha concerned. in fact, a lot of them already have been pouring on water o this all weekend long. the fact, is these documents really are six weeks old, they don't show much about what could be or what are these plans for an upcoming ukrainia offensive. that's what ukraine has been broadcasting loudly, considering this is kind of top secret plan. they've been talking about thi very openly that they are goin to be launching a defensive, w don't know exactly where and how they're gonna be doing that those documents don't say much about that what they do say, and i thin what the real impact is gonn come in here, it's on th frontlines here in the warre ukraine, but on americas intelligence frontlines when i comes to dealing not just with allies, both enemies these documents show the exten of america's eyes and ears worldwide, and they really d show that while they have an extraordinary intelligence capability when it comes t spying on the russians and wha they're up to, they're als
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looking into the israelis. allegations and these document that the israeli intelligenc agency has actually urge peopl to come out and protest agains the government in israel factoring those protests las month. now, that was met with a harsher bottle and denial of from the israeli government, just in the past couple of hours. spying that was done in seoul, south korea. so, again, we're talking about capabilities that show, an these documents reveal that th u.s. has been spying not jus on their enemies, but also o their allies that is something that could really cause a lot of tensions going forward. the united states isn't th only game in town, they're relying on a lot of shared intelligence for them to show that there, you know, spying on everyone else, and to have that leaked, which is a major, you know breach of intelligence capabilities, that is not goin to inspire confidence amon america's allies lindsey? >> matt bradley, thank you we're back in 60 seconds with look at a big week ahead for the two lawmakers ousted fro the tennessee house.
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reverend sharpton joins me wit his perspective next ways working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass. that's service on our time. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ paradontax blood when you brush could lead to worse over time. help stop the clock on gum disease now. parodontax toothpaste... 3x more effective at removing plaque bacteria, one of the main causes of bleeding gums. parodontax. the gum experts. at t-mobile, your business will save over $1000. what are you going to do with it? i could use a new sign. with t-mobile for business, save more than $1000 versus verizon. and with our price lock guarantee, we'll never raise your rate plan. ever. >> it's easter sunday, the
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vatican this morning, pope francis has made his return to the pulpit to hold easter mass the vatican estimates around 100,000 people gathered in st. peters square. this comes just days after pop francis visited the hospital due to about a bronchitis, als forced him to skip the outdoor portion of good friday services joining me now from rome's embassies and thompson and, the service is a lot of work for any pope here how was pope francis today how much interaction did h have with the crowds >> he was actually very strong lindsey. he was brought to the alternat wheelchair, which is typical because he has a chronic kne problem. but what we saw was ystad several times on his own durin mass and then when he gave hi
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address here at the centra balcony, he did the same thing he stood up on his own in that way, he seemed to be feeling better his voice was certainly strong during mass and during his message he did cough a bit i guess that's to be expecte for somebody to spent thre days in the hospital for bronchitis just a week ago the interaction with the crowd was really spectacular it certainly seems to energize pope francis there were about 100,000 peopl here when he gave his speech and before he spoke he took ride through on the pope mobil through the crowd. people just rushed to th barriers it's quite something to see. everybody had their cameras up they were shouting, the vela pop, of evil a papa, i love th pope it was, he responded unkind, blessing people and smiling an waving it really was very good site talking to people, they came because, a, it is easter, an
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it is the most holy day in the christian calendar it's the commemoration of th resurrection of jesus christ that was a big reason wh people came. but the other reason why the came as they wanted to see pop francis for themselves they wanted to see if he was healthy, and they were ver happy with what they saw lindsey? >> and thompson, thank you we promised you reverend sharpton, and we're gonn deliver, he's gonna join m after the break on the lawmakers ousted from th tennessee house. and, amid a wave of anti-trans legislation and support from the white house, the trans community safety concerns ar at an all-time high. and when i talk to one state senator who's having to figh anti trans policies just month after losing her trans son t suicide. >> our children, i'm no longer speaking about my child, you know my child is dead, so, i a speaking for every mother an father who has held my han
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trump's lawyers and speaking publicly today, mounting legal challenges for his client. james, one of the trustees o the case spoke with our own -- >> do you know this for a fact that there are no more classified documents a
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mar-a-lago >> yeah, for sure. you >> know whether the former president got involved in th unpacking moving of the boxes? >> yeah, i mean, can you imagine, i mean, does anybod in their right mind really think that donald trump came down to mar-a-lago was still president, i guess, in january and said, hey, these are the boxes i packed >> separate from that case, he also talk about former president's numerous attacks o the prosecutor in the new york case listen >> as his lawyer, do you think this makes sense to go after the prosecutor in such deepl personal and aggressive terms? >> yeah, look, i'll just say this, that is the politica lane in the legal lane i'm in the legal, and i'm no gonna worry too much or be abl to try to control the politics of the moment. >> let's bring in kathry christian, former assistant da from manhattan district a -- legal analyst. and glenn kershner, former u.s attorney, also msnbc analyst catherine, this is sort of a
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familiar argument that we're hearing from trustee, from tacopina, saying, look, i'm no his pr guy, and his lawyer, an can make him do anything what do you make of that argument >> well, it is true that the have no control over him we've all, if you've been practicing lawyer for a long time, you might have a clien that you ask to not do something, and they do it. this is really out of control. because they are in the cour when he was there, mr. trump he was sober and respectful, h didn't say anything. the judge specifically did not issue a gag order, requested that he in the prosecutors witnesses refrain from sayin things that would cause violent, civil unrest, or endangered th safety of individuals. and then that night, mr. trump went on to florida now, he would argue, of course he said he would not cause violence or endangered the safety of individuals. you know, when you are speakin
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in personal terms about th judge, i believe his son posted a photo of the judges daughter, he spoke negativel about mr. bragg and mr. bragg' wife, and very personal terms, you know, first of all, wouldn't be a lawyer for him but if you're a lawyer for him it has to be, you don't know what to do i can say these attorneys th manhattan case have been very, and they're not engaging i that rhetoric. >> glenn, let's talk with th documents case, that we hold trustee, say look, can you imagine here that, trump while he was president, was goin down to florida, saying thes are the boxes that i want, how do you see the strength of tha argument in the legal sense? >> you know, mr. trusty is doing what defense attorneys are hard to do, to defend th client, including in the court of public opinion. and yet, we all saw donald trump recently in an interview
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given to sean hannity, whe sean hannity tried to throw hi a lifeline and said, i don't imagine near the kind of perso who said, bring me the boxes i'd like to go through the myself and donald trump refused t grab hold of that lifeline instead he said things that contend are incriminating, like, i would do that, of course i would do it, i have a right to it i have a right to take those documents. and then he added, lindsey something that is sort o rarely heard by criminal defendants, he provide evidence of the motive he said, do you know tha richard nixon got $18 from the documents he had that, i would argue, is donald trump telling us all what hi motive, at least in part was for taking these documents tha did not belong to him. it was financial gain. >> catherine, i want to play more from trump's attorney i the new york case from thi
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morning. >> if there is an actual legal basis for disqualification bill purcell i think there's gonna be som very well placed motions t dismiss, based on the lega frailties of this kind of, you know, mental gymnastic indictment alvin bragg i trying to piece together >> i misspoke, that's hi attorney again from th documents case catherine, what motions coul you see that they would file and how do you view th strength of those arguments? >> to start off with what my colleague said, everything mr. trump says publicly can an will be used against him, in manhattan, and his civil cases in the georgia case if tha proceeds by the specia counsel. in terms of the strength of th case, this is a strong case in manhattan. you can argue that it's not as serious as the georgia electio interference, it's not a serious as the special counsel but that does not mean it's no a strong case. there are 34 felony counts each count charges a crime tha
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he allegedly committed while h was in the white house so, every -- 2017 the alleged scheme to falsif the documents in order to hide you know, the playboy model, the door men, and the porn sta occurred right before th election but it's very strong evidence, you can argue when there is serious case or not. this is the charge that ha been routinely charged by th manhattan da's office an investigation division fro prior da's, since this charg came into existence, falsifyin business records it's the charge that you would use when you're investigating company who is corrupt they are clearly, if they're committing crimes, they're falsifying the business record of their company, as allegedly mr. trump did. >> let's dive a bit into the georgia case, this is from new york times, on where thing might go if local prosecutor fani willi chooses to seek indictments in the georgia case, which may do so after new york grand jury begins its work in the secon
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week of may. the, nothing is set in stone typically presenting such case to a regular grand jury is a short process that takes a day or two what do you make here of thi timeline we know that she has said that it could be imminent, of course, that has a different meaning probably in the legal world. >> interesting i'm sorry, just attorney fan willis said, i think precisely that her charging decision were imminent. and i think we all heard tha as the indictments are imminent but let me tell, you lindsey as kathryn knows, just because prosecutors ultimately mak charging decisions particularly in a case where w have seen reporting that there are 12 and perhaps as many a 20 targets of da willis' investigation that may end u being indicted, once you mak those charging decisions, what you have to then do is reach out to lots of the defense teams for the people that yo
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may be inclined to indict, t see if there's one las opportunity for, for example them to decide to plead guilty cooperate with the government, that way they would, you know, remain off the indictment. that is ultimately returned, and they would becom cooperating witnesses. i take fani willis at her word that her charging decision were imminent and now we hav to await the indictments, whic she will ask the grand jury to return in good time. >> catherine and glenn, than you both coming up, violence, rocke attacks, and mass protests we'll get the latest fro israel on the chaotic an dangerous siattuion there. so it's decided, we'll park even deeper into parking spaces so people think they're open. surprise. [ laughs ] [ horn honks, muffled talking ] -can't hear you, jerry. -sorry. uh, yeah, can we get a system where when someone's bike is in the shop, then we could borrow someone else's? -no! -no! or you can get a quote
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metro council could hold a vot as early as tomorrow on whethe to reappoint former stat representative justin jones. he is one of the two black lawmakers expelled this week for protesting gun reform. here's what he and his outside colleague, justin pierson, sai on meet the press a short time ago about potential votes to reinstate them >> representative johns, do yo plan to accept a reappointment if it is indeed the case and i not do you plan to run any special election to come back? kim >> yes, and yes. >> represent of kherson, sam question for you >> yes, i would be honored t accept the appointment of th commission >> joining me is the host of
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msnbc's politicsnation o president of the nationa action network, reverend a sharpton right, we know they are vowing to go back at the same time, they now hav to be appointed, they now have to spend time doing this special election, and 140,00 people in memphis and nashvill are without representation the issue, there is a national spotlight on nashville right now, how do you view this issue? >> i think that the fact tha the young men were excluded an their colleague, representativ johnson, a white woman, wh stands with them, was not, and she talked, she was on politicsnation yesterday evening, she talked about ho in committees, there played lot of racism. they tell jokes about frie chicken in front of her, because she is why, and even when they were talking about the death, why do we just go back to a tree in a row? if you have these kinds of people talking like this, then clearly, you know, they were
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penalizing these young men, no only because they're standin up for gun safety, but because they were black and they got out of their place representative johns will be with me at five on politicsnation i think their determination is to build an interracia intergenerational movement there in tennessee which connects with all of us around the country. >> manchin gloria johnso ursula silas play part of that. >> it wasn't just a few week ago, i was sitting in committe as the republicans had a bil to bring back the firing squad and bring back the electri chair, and one of the member said, i really like this bill, and i think we should brin back hanging by a tree >> i, mean that this is 2023 we're hearing something like this are you optimistic do you believe that because of this movement and the pressure here, do you feel like something can change either regarding the conversio of all these issues, including race, including gun reform >> i do, i think that when w
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see what is going on i tennessee, when we see what' going on in other parts of the country, network is having thi convention this week i contrast to the nra convention this week. we have as many young people a old coming, vice president harris is coming all the way across i think the mobilization we sa around the country with george floyd has not died and it is expended and i think that we must kee the pressure on. movements don't happen in moment it takes sustained indignation and i see it happening over an over again to show that that drive, that passion, it has no gone anywhere, nashville, th latest expression of that. >> let's talk about the fact this is happened the same week as the 55th anniversary of the assassination of martin luther king junior in tennessee, talk to us about the larger picture here, and also tennessee's rol in the civil rights movement >> i think the fact that dr. king was killed on april 4th i
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memphis, right down the road representative pierson represents memphis and was with us just two o three months ago when we wen to memphis to deal with th killing of tyre nichols, his parents would be here at the national convention. i think what we're seeing, big picture, is that these racia inequalities, the fact that we need gun law's, the fact tha we need to deal with issue around equity and fairness, it is still something that we face dr. king died fighting this. we have made some progress, bu we're not where we need to be. but thankfully there are those that will stand up and fight for all communities. >> thank you so much for joining us of course, i know you'll hav much more on this on politicsnation today, as w mentioned. you can have interviewed justi jones and steven horsford, chair of the congressional black caucus that's today at 5 pm eastern coming up next hour, i'll be joined democratic congressma and member of the blac
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congressional congress, ji clyburn, with his reaction t the tennessee ousting's, which he called republican suppression of those urgin action all right, everybody, we have much more news ahe we will be right back. using the services you want in the clouds of your choice. with flexible multi-cloud services that enable digital innovation and enterprise control, vmware helps you innovate and grow. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we're always working and eon a project.trol, while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass. that's service on our time. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need.
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it's a sacred place to bot faiths, marking passover and ramadan, after a week of violence a series of israeli police raids at the mosque have stoke outrage across the arab world, with palestinian militants launching daily rocket attacks in protest israel retaliating wit airstrikes violence now threatens t engulf the region as israeli forces today bombed targets in neighboring syria, just days after striking groups in lebanon. -- josh lederman is falling at al from tel aviv. josh, this mosque has become a flash point for violence ove the last week. we have this rare overlap of multiple religious holidays. what is the security situation that we know >> well, so far, today, it i mostly calm, lindsay, with bot jews and muslims able to pay visits to the alaska mosque, the third holiest site in islam, the holiest site for jews. we know that israeli police, israel's military, they're dispatching additional force throw israel and specifically in jerusale
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as well. in response to the recen violence that we've seen, some of these terrorist attacks trying to ensure that th situation doesn't spiral int further violence and it is only two years ago that similar tensions over jewish and muslim visits to th al-aqsa mosque compound was at the center of a brutal 11-da conflict between israel an hamas, the gaza strip, the concern, of course, is that th recent tensions we've been seeing, once again, at thi holy site, could lead to conflict like that >> israel has now bombed t neighboring countries, what ca you tell us about thes airstrikes in syria? and where israel's relationshi standing with its neighbors at the moment >> well, both of these neighbors, lebanon and syria they do not recognize israel's existence. suffice to say that relation are not great to begin with. certainly the concern is tha these israeli strikes targetin sites inside of these tw countries could potentiall pull lebanon and syria int
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this conflict. in the most recent strikes overnight, israel's military saying that it first attacke sites that were used in syri to send rockets into israel, iran used israeli fighter jets to attack military radar sites as well as artillery capabilities of syria's arme forces so far, we have not seen tha escalate beyond that, you know one day of back and forth. but certainly, israel' military watching very closely to see if there's an additiona tit-for-tat, if additional rockets are launched fro syria. it's not believe that syria' government launch those rockets, we should say, responsibilitie been claimed by a palestinia militant group but israel's military saying that hold syria responsible fo any attacks that emanate fro its territory. therefore, it launched those retaliatory strikes overnight, lindsey. >> josh lederman, thank you. over the last few days, we'v seen the most consequentia decisions on abortion rights
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since the dobbs decision las summer that overturned roe v wade in addition to a ruling from a texas judge that could potentially ban abortion medication in all 50 states. several other states have move extreme anti abortion rights legislation forward. idaho just became the firs state to explicitly ban out of state travel for abortion with women they're facing up to fiv years in prison for doing so along with any adult facin arrest if they held a minor fo that trouble and in florida, the stat senate just passed a bill that bans the procedure entirel after six weeks of pregnancy that ahead to governor desanti is discussing is the and bring in wendy davis senior visor planned parenthoo texas, former texas stat senator. long before this ruling in texas, your state already ha some of the strictest abortion laws in the country. how are you when you organization responding here t the climate there? and what should women in texas mel? >> that's right, lindsey for almost two years now abortion in texas has been
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almost entirely banned or ha been the case since dobb entirely bend. and what that means for people in texas is that women who faced decisions about wantin to terminate a pregnancy are facing really dire circumstances. either traveling out of state, if they have the means to do so, or trying to find other mean in order to access the car that they need at planned parenthood, we're o the frontlines of fighting these battles, both politicall and legally. and as you saw, of course, a court was chosen to be the court that would not only, o course, continue to double dow on the restrictions that exist here in texas, but also to expend them to every other state in the country >> nearly two thirds o americans believe abortion should be legal in all or most cases. , so how do you square tha
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kind of action that we'r seeing with what the majorit of people actually want? >> that's exactly right. i am so glad that you made tha point, lindsey what we're experiencing here and in other states around the country are seeing, it's truly an example of tyranny of the minority we are represented by lawmaker who aren't reflective of who w are, because we are subjecte to the regulations and rulings from lawmakers drawn int districts through extrem partisan gerrymandering. and what that means is whether we're talking about gun safety or reproductive rights o caring for our trans children. the decisions that these lawmakers are making are completely out of step wit most texans want and with what most americans want as well. and it calls upon all of us to fight and not be, you know, to be unyielding, to be
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relentless in showing up and continuing t demand that these lawmaker kira's, that they are reminded that they are meant to represent and reflect us and that we are going to hol them accountable when they don't. >> the judge in texas issued this ruling, matthew, it was handpicked by donald trump for the fifth circuit, and the washington post just reporte that he addressed his toddle in a shirt that said i survive roe v. wade. we talk about judges and conflicts of interest, do yo see this as one? >> i mean, we know that this i a very conservative judge. of course, there are objection from every democratic senato when he was going through th approval process to become a district court judge in amarillo, it is no surprise of course, that this is th kind of ruling that he would hand down. he was handpicked by these plaintiffs to consider upendin
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more than two decades of fda approval of a drug and let's think about ho completely out of the norm thi is congress empowers the fda to have the authority to determin whether drugs are safe and can be on the market it has never been the case tha a court has overturned an fd approved drug and th transmission and transport o that drug, as has happened i this instance. this is absolutely outrageou and we need to make sure tha we are all speaking up and crying out against it. and i hope that we are going t continue to see attorney general as - the filed a case in washington where they got a competing ruling recently. we need to keep that fight up. no matter what happens in that case, i do want to make it clear that unfortunately, here
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in texas, abortion is banned that is the case now in 18 o more states across the country and in those states, we have s much work to do to get back to a place where we are givin people the health care tha they need. >> okay, wendy davis, thank you. still ahead, fighting the floo of anti-trans legislation. kentucky state senator, kare byrd, lost her trans son t suicide, joins me next with he message to the trans community as she battles with lawmaker for their rights >> do not give up hope do not hurt yourself [inaudible] do not go out an hurt someone else over this. >> hello, i'm alicia menendez, this sunday on american forces the political earthquake i tennessee, it started as a protest for gun safety, we can hear from two students who organized it and where thing go next.
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gamechanger for my patients- it really works. the supreme court on thursda
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rejecting our class by republicans in west virginia to enforce the states ban on transgender girls competing in women sports that same day, the u.s department of educatio announced proposed changes t title ix which would prohibit lands lik west virginia has, but allow for some restrictions on trans
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students participating in high school and college sports. and it comes after republican-led legislature about kansas and kentuck overrode vetoes for democratic -- to enact their own anti-tran legislation. i want to bring kentucky state senator karen barbe. whose trend understand, henry, died by suicide last year. thank you for being with us. tell us about what your son, henry, went through? >> when lindsey, thank you ver much for having me and my son came out at the age of 15. he was 14 or 15 years old. and honestly, the struggle that he had being accepted as trans male - not the entire reason. but a big part of why henr eventually did commit suicide. he worked for the human rights campaign, he knew the stat legislative session was gonn
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be - terrific and honestly, he talked to m in his father about. it i think he didn't want to bait face it, he knew what wa coming and i think he was tired, an that's what happened but lindsey, my message shar is that what we're doing t trans children, across the country. is first of all, hurting young children and families. it's hard, and partial of what we saw honesty in tennesse this week. of what we're seeing in indiana, arkansas, what we're seeing in texas, what we're seeing i florida. it's a national, ver well-funded movement here in this state supported b the alliance defending freedom it's intentionally bringin this type of legislation to ou state houses, not anti-trans
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bills, dragged bills, bannin bills. bills to extend open care. we had a bill extension open [inaudible on college campuses. it's part of our right-wing, national agenda. that people have got to star becoming aware of. and paying attention to. this isn't what's happening in state houses all over th country. it's not a medicine. it's not science it's right-wing politica activism that has gone so far to th right that they don' understand that they'r actually killing our children. >> karen, you say your son henry saw what was coming. and this group on the othe side as well funded. how do you take those facts, and do the work that you'r
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doing. what's your goal is it to open people's eyes to what's happening at the stat and local levels what do you want people to know, and how can they get involved? >> honestly, when i [inaudible in the state of kentucky banning medicaid, i'm goin legislation. i never dreamed in my life tha i would be facing the type o onslaught of ultra right wing, anti drag, - no health care for trans kids. literally in kentucky, in that lawyer not allowed to talk about being gay or trans o straight or anything else in school you're not allowed to be - i had no idea this is what w were facing. i had no idea that this wa gonna be coming. and honestly, people who are not involved in politics
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people whose everyday lives ar so busy, that kids don't hav time to look up that - we need to know what's happening in these states. we need to understand what i means when you have supermajority republicans, wha it means when literall legislators are silenced this last session in kentucky, i could not talk about gun law whatsoever there would have been no, would've been silenced immediately. this is part of a concerte effort, a while funded of her, that people need to be aware of. >> kentucky state senator kare byrd, thank you. or thinking about henry. thank you. >> we've got a lot more coming up you're watching msnbc our second hour starts right now ♪ ♪ ♪
12:00 pm
welcome back i'm lindsay rison in fou yasmin vossoughian not backing down, at the fight to get to ousted black lawmakers back in the tennesse house heats up tomorrow. as one is expected to be reappointed to his seat. and the other vows to fight as long as it takes >> we're gonna fight to be bac in the legislature through the appointment process, in th shelby county commission in addition to running for our seat again in the specia election to serve district 8 in the state house because that's what the voters want they want advocates who ar gonna left up the issues tha matter in our community, poverty, health care, education, environment, and gun violence. >> and just a moment of talk t congressman jim clyburn about. this as well as a developing story in texas, we want to ask him about. also this hour, battle lines are drawn after dual rulings that put the future of a abortion pill in jeopardy. >> i do not believe that the courts have the


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