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tv   MSNBC Reports  MSNBC  March 31, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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as a nation that fortune favors the doers. whatever you do says psalm 1:3, so don't give up keep pressing toward the mark of the prize, philippians 3, and remembering that if you keep persevering, it's like the story of the four soils in matthew cha chapter 13, 75% of the seeds miss good soil fell among the thorns, they fell among the wayside, trampled under feet birds took them away, but when it hit pay dirt finally, continuing, that's what we need to do. persevere, god is on your side >> amen. >> senate chaplain barry black, thank you so much for coming on the show this week we really need it this week more than ever. thank you. this just in to us, two
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sources familiar with the matter tell nbc news donald trump faces about 30 counts of document fraud-related charges in the indictment of course we'll know more when the indictment is nsealed, and of course next week will be a big week as it's expected he will surrender to authorities early next week. that does it for us this morning, josé diaz-balart picks up the coverage right now. ♪ >> and good morning, it is 10:00 a.m., 7:00 a.m. pacific. i'm josé diaz-balart, and we begin this friday in uncharted territory, a former u.s. president indicted moments ago we learned from two sources familiar with the matter that there are about 30 counts of document fraud-related charges in the indictment. the case, of course, involves a
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hush money payment made to adult film actress stormy daniels who said she had an affair with trump, when he denied. we expect donald trump to surrender to the manhattan d.a.'s office to be arraigned next week. he'll have his fingerprints taken and will be photographed for his mug shot trump's attorney tells nbc news the d.a. originally wanted trump to surrender today the former president reacting to the news calling it, quote, an attack on our country. meanwhile, the sitting president not getting involved when pressed by reporters this morning. >> the indictment? >> i have no comment on that no, i'm not going to talk about something -- >> trump's own lawyer saying there is zero chance trump takes a plea deal setting us up for what could be coming as we watch all of this play out in the coming days and weeks. >> he decided we have to fight now, and he got into, you know,
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a typical donald trump posture where he's ready to be combative on something that he believes is an injustice >> we begin this morning on that historic indictment starting us off, nbc's gabe gutierrez outside the d.a.'s office in lower manhattan. nbc's dasha burns outside mar-a-lago in west palm beach, florida, barbara mcquade, former u.s. attorney and law professor at the university of michigan, laura jarrett, and charles coleman former new york prosecutor and civil rights attorney, both charles and barbara are msnbc legal analysts we just got news about what could be in the indictment what have we learned >> yeah, according to our colleague at wnbc, jonathan dienst, we are told that the indictment has roughly 30 counts related to document fraud, which as we have reported and other out lets have reported primarily relate to this issue of falsifying business records. we know that in the days leading
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up to the 2016 election, michael cohen, trump's former lawyer made a payment of $130,000 to stormy daniels he says to keep her quiet about this alleged affair, which trump denies trump then reimburses cohen over a period of months in 2017 while he's actually in the white house and he did that not as a lump sum but as a series of different payments over the course of that year 11 different payments and perhaps that's why you are now see what we expect to see, 30 different charges. we have not seen the actual indictment yet we do not have that paper, jose. >> security around the d.a.'s office is wrapping up ahead of next week's arraignment. what exactly are the steps that are going to be taken? >> reporter: good morning, yes, as you said, there has been a visible security presence here the former president is expected to be arraigned in the building behind me, and preparations now are underway
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nypd officials have been in contact with other law enforcement officials as well as the secret service we understand discussing the next steps as laura mentioned, the indictment remains under seal and several sources tell nbc news it's expected to remain under seal until that arraignment which according to tr trump's legal team is expected on tuesday he will come here to new york, he will be fingerprinted, a mug shot taken it still remains an open question whether he might be handcuffed this is unprecedented. he will be traveling with secret service. i can tell you also here there are security barricades that we have seen for several days, and speaking with the mayor's office this morning, we understand the mayor's office is in contact with the nypd, but as of now, there are no cred tible threats here in new york city, but the nypd is on very high alert, jose. >> and dasha, trump's lawyer
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says the indictment caught the former president's team off guard. what are you hearing from inside mar-a-lago and from folks outside mar-a-lago, his supporters >> reporter: well, trump has been posting relentlessly today over the last couple of hours, we've seen more than one and a half dozen posts from trump on his social media platform, mostly posting clips of folks supporting him coming to his defense on other news platforms, fox news, news max we have seen his allies in congress, republican operatives coming to defend him here. we just saw from marjorie taylor greene, in fact, calling for protests on tuesday saying that she's going to new york on tuesday, saying we must protest the unconstitutional witch hunt. lindsey graham calling it a shocking and dangerous day for the rule of law, and jose, even some of his likely rivals in the 2024 presidential primary are
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also criticizing this indictment florida governor ron desantis saying it is un-american and saying florida will not assist in an extradition request. senator tim scott who also is potentially going to throw his hat in the ring saying that this pro-criminal new york d.a. has failed to uphold the law for violent criminals, yet has weaponized the law against political enemienemies. and look, while this is a historic moment because this is the first former president to be indicted, we also cannot forget because mr. trump certainly has not forgotten, that this is also significant because this is a current candidate for a president who has been indicted. and this is something that trump has been using to propel his campaign in fact, we've seen multiple emails asking for donations. he's using this moment to fund-raise and get his
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supporters to really rally and come together around him this momentment he has said before he thinks it's possible and his allies have said this indictment could help him in this primary the question is, though, it might help in the primary, but what will happen in the general. we did talk to some of his supporters, some of the voters here in florida and elsewhere. there was a gathering here in west palm beach overnight, and just outside of mar-a-lago this morning. take a listen to what one trump supporter told us this morning he said he traveled here from his vacation spot just about 45 minutes ago. he came down to florida for vacation and when he heard that this had happened last night, he decided he to come right out is and protest. take a listen. >> i'm upset about what happened i saw the news last night. it shocked me that a political figure in a campaign would be indicted under these kind of charges. it seems un-american to me
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>> this is going to have a massive impact, of course, on the 2024 republican primary. i can't imagine what is happening inside of the war rooms of other candidates and potential candidates right now, as we know that this indictment and there are other investigations coming and potential indictments coming right now as well. this is going to suck all the oxygen out of the campaign season for who knows how many months now jose. >> so laura, starting with the promise that we don't know exactly what is in this indictment, but for prosecutors to elevate this from a misdemeanor to a felony, they have to show -- they would have to show that trump did all this to conceal another crime is that correct? >> part of the sort of mystery is what would be that second trump crime. as you said, normally a falsification of business records under new york law is a misdemeanor. if you want to step up that charge, you need that extra hook and that extra hook they have to
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prove an intent to commit or conceal a second crime it could be a state crime. it could be a federal crime. we don't know. w if it's a are federal crime, that's why folks are saying it's legally risky. that's the part that's untested. state prosecutors are not bringing federal charges federal prosecutors bring federal charges. there's a whole idea of federal preempting state law that's why it's seen as a risky move you've never seen a jury conviction upheld in new york courts using the falsification of business records based on a federal election crime we just don't know the hook there might not be a federal crime. we're going to have to wait and see on that. >> and then the fact that there may be as many as 30 counts in this indictment, that, laura, could be as simple as every single one of those checks that was sent to a lawyer >> exactly. >> what could a count include or exclude? >> again, we just don't know, right? he could easily include every single time that he's
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reimbursing cohen. as we know that the prosecutor certainly on the federal side has laid out a lot of that evidence in connection with michael cohen's plea deal on illegal campaign contributions a lot of this documentary evidence has already come out, but they may have more we understand that d.a. bragg obviously, you know, spoke to a lot of different witnesses there was a lot of different testimony before the grand jury. there may be other things we just haven't seen yet. >> and barbara, trump's lawyer joe ta ka pino was on the "today" show. >> i think it's all going to rise and fall on the issue of this settlement agreement, a v and how it applies to campaign finance laws. >> could this be a preview of trump's defense here >> it seems like his goal is to kind of float some trial blues out there and see what their
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reaction is to some of these kinds of things. i think one thing that's going to be important in the courtroom and will be made clear in the courtroom, it is not the fact that donald trump paid hush money alone that makes this a crime. it is the fact that he tried to conceal it as legal fees that makes it a crime and that the purpose of doing that was because he failed to disclose it on his campaign finance reports as a campaign expenditure. so it isn't about sex, it isn't even about a nondisclosure agreement. it's about those two separate crimes although he can say a lot of thing in the court of public opinion and confuse people and be very bombastic. a judge is going to give a jury very clear instructions about what this is and is not. the lawyers are going to show documents. they're going to show the elements of the offenses and a jury's task will just be to follow that law. and so i can't imagine that alvin bragg has brought this charge without being sure it is bullet proof >> charles, i mean, you're intimately familiar with the
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justice system in new york this is a flowchart i want to show you of all the steps from indictment all the way to trial. in between there's arraignment, which we expect to see on tuesday, and then pretrial hearings where the case could still be dismissed, what are the hurdles that this case has and still needs to jump over >> there are a number of different legal maneuvers that i anticipate trump's defense team pulling throughout the course of this litigation. i think this prosecution is going to feature a few motions to dismiss on a number of different grounds. i expect we will ultimately see them try to dismiss because of political prejudice or any other grounds saying that the case was tainted given the amount of media attention that has been given to it. i don't think that is a strong defense. i think it is something we are likely to see. i also am predicting trump's attorneys are going to move to try and switch the venue here. they're going to look to change the venue and get it out of the five boroughs. get it somewhere in westchester
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or long island somewhere they may be able to get a more favorable jury pool at the point of trial. in addition to each of these pieces, discovery, all of those things you're talking about, we are likely going to see a number of different motions and different legal maneuvers pulled by trump's defense team to try to not only prolong the process but also favor the deck, if you will, in a way that makes donald trump as easy to try to go about this trial as possible >> and charles, is there anything particularly unique about the new york justice system compared to other states? >> well, i think that, you know, every state is going to be a little bit different i think when you're talking about the pretrial process, when you're talking about arraignments, for example, when the indictment is actually filed and then it's unsealed, you know, that's something that in new york, for example, we don't do cash bail anymore at the criminal level, and so for a lot of people they have been wondering is donald trump going to -- is there going to be bail
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so he's going to go to jail. that's very unlikely this is a nonviolent felony offense. laura talks about the fact that you have to have additional charges and we don't really know what's in that indictment. by and large, it's very unlikely that he is going to have bail set at all we are not a state that does cash bail on nonviolent felonies that's one way that it differs another way that it differs is that we often engage in open file discovery what that means is instead of quibbling with the attorneys back and forth about what's going to be turned over, there is a basic agreement between prosecutors and defense attorneys that prosecutors say, listen, we're going to turn over everything that we have, we're not going to make you file motions to try to get everything that you have. what that does is it expe ddite the process. discovery does not have to be done through motion practice it's done on the agreement between defense and prosecutors. >> gabe gutierrez, dasha burns, barbara mcquade, laura burns,
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charles coleman, i thank you very much. next, how law enforcement in new york are stepping up security and what it could look like when trump turns himself in to authorities plus, what republicans are saying right now about the indictment and the impact it could have on 2024 and reaction to this historic moment from someone who worked for the former president at the trump organization a lot more "josé diaz-balart reports" when we come back in just 60 seconds. e it's going. (dock worker) right on time. (vo) robots can predict breakdowns and order their own replacement parts. (foreman) nice work. (vo) and retailers can get ahead of the fashion trend of the day with a new line tomorrow. with a verizon private 5g network, you can get more agility and security. giving you more control of your business. we call this enterprise intelligence. from the network america relies on.
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with the news of donald trump's unprecedented indictment, law enforcement officials are preparing for an unprecedented security there's a long path from the indictment, arrest, hearings, and potential trial. we've gotten hints about how law enforcement agencies are preparing to make sure each step goes smoothly. joining us former fbi assistant
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director for counterintelligence frank figliuzzi and retired seattle chief carmen, all uniformed officers are on duty as of 7:00 a.m talk to us about how much of an all hands on deck situation this is. >> good morning, jose. it's going to be a full court press so to speak, all hands will be on deck, high visibility, high presence. we all saw what happened when the rally cry went out on january 6th, the level of violence, officers injured, people died, certainly no law enforcement official wants to see that, so they'll have uniformed presence probably in every quadrant, every area of the city some very polarizing, you know, cries to show up and protest certainly people are allowed to do that, but because there has been violence in the past, we're going to try and make sure that's avoided down the line.
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>> what would you expect preparations to look like for the day of trump's arraignment, which we expect next tuesday >> so in addition to this really almost unprecedented physical presence of all officers being in full uniform, think about that, 38,000, you know, around 38,000 people everywhere on the streets, great visual deterrent, you're going to see some things that include likely scouring flight manifests at the airports who's coming are there more people than usual coming from where. also train stations, grand central, penn station, lots of detectives looking at what the crowds look like, who's coming in, what's unusual about that, and of course a massive intelligence collection operation. sources, informants at the federal level, especially really scouring the nation for information about who's planning what of course much of this happens, jose, online, and so there will
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be all kuinds of activities wit all the proper legal constraints to see if violent extremists are planning anything at all we may even see preemptive actions, knock and talks is what the fed calls them, they think someone's up to something, they knock on the door and say don't even hi think about coming to n york city, we're on to you my sources tell me they're planning for all potentialties they have to think worst-case scenario one of those i'm told is the possibility, though remote, because ron desantis said he will not cooperate with an extradition request out of florida, that it's possible that this new york judge could tell trump he has to stay in new york if he shows up on tuesday for fear that he'll hunker back down in florida if he doesn't like how things are going that would be significant from a security challenge it would make new york city the central place, make trump tower the central locus of protests.
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everything's on the table. they're planning for all contingencies. >> an official tells nbc news that the secret service has been in conversation with new york authorities to help coordinate precisely what we're here talking about, travel and security needs for trufmp to comply with legal challenges what could that look like, frank? >> unprecedented, of course, but the secret service has been planning for this for a while. certainly, if there's any benefit to trump having come out very early and inaccurately predict the day of his indictment, it is that he gave law enforcement plenty of time to plan this my sources tell me they're also prepared for the possibility that he's lying to his lawyers, that he won't show up, although he loves the spotlight, that it's possible he could change his mind and that would mean mar-a-lago becomes almost a barricade situation. the secret service is thinking through the possibility that new york could issue a fugitive warrant for this former president and it's possible that would go to the u.s. marshals who would then have to come and
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take trump from mar-a-lago so everything on the table here. >> frank figliuzzi, and carmen best, i thank you both very much. next, reaction to this indictment from the former top executive of the trump organization >> plus, what former vice president mike pence who could potentially run against his old boss in 2024 is saying about the indictment as republicans and top allies rally around the former president >> this is literally legal voodoo this is the most irresponsible and dangerous decision by a prosecutor in the history of the country. ♪ we'll build freelance teams with more agility. ♪ ♪ the old way of working is deader than me. ♪ ♪ we'll scale up, and we'll scale down ♪ ♪ before you're six feet underground. ♪ ♪ yes, this is how, this is how we work now. ♪
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26 past the hour in the hour since news of trump's indictment dropped, the former president has been met with a show of support from other members of the republican party, with everyone from governors to congressmen and conservative leaders condemning the actions of manhattan d.a. alvin bragg, and rallying to the former president's side. that includes former vice president mike pence who weighed in on the news last night. >> the unprecedented indictment of a former president of the united states on a campaign finance issue is an outrage, and it appears to millions of americans to be nothing more than a political prosecution >> nbc's ryan nobles joins us
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now from capitol hill. also joining us is michael steele former rnc chairman and an msnbc political analyst what kind of reaction have we been seeing from members >> it's really fallen along party lines as you might expect, jose first, democrats applauding the efforts of the manhattan district attorney asking for the process to play itself out and then pointing out that in their minds this is an indication that no one is above the law, including a former president of the united states. and it's, of course, the exact opposite reaction from republicans, particularly house republicans that were quick to rally around the former president, attack alvin bragg as engaging in a political prosecution, and then even taking it a step further saying that house republicans in particular will find a way to hold him accountable this is what the house speaker, kevin mccarthy said yesterday. he said the american people will
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not tolerate this injustice and the house of representatives will hold alvin bragg and his unprecedented abuse of power to account, and of course we already know, jose, that three different house committees, the administration committee, the oversight committee, and the judiciary committee have engaged with the manhattan district attorneys. they want alvin bragg to come for a transcribed interview. they've asked for documents. it's not clear, though, that they have the authority to do so, and the district attorney's office just this morning responding to these committees saying that they will not allow their request to interfere with their prosecution of the former president. so there's no doubt that members of congress at this point, jose are going to be sitting objn th sidelines in this dispute. they seem to be actively involved in it of course they have nothing to do with the prosecution itself it's really about the court of public opinion that you see both republicans and democrats engaging in. >> michael, i just want to start by getting your reaction to the
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indictment, and then to the reaction to that indictment by many in the republican party >> yeah, look, here's the thing. there was an impanelled grand jury of 23 new yorkers the district attorney brought evidence and testimony before those individuals. it took a majority of them to say, yeah, they're the there there. and here's an indictment to move forward with the potential prosecution. that's the process there's nothing political about that it's never been political up until these individuals in congress try to insert themselves and make it such. so if he didn't engage in the behavior for which an individual has already served time in jail, okay we can't miss that point, that michael cohen's already spent
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time in jail for this very same series of events including the payment of money to a porn star to keep her quiet about a relationship that the president shouldn't have had all you good little christian republicans, in the first place while his wife was pregnant with his child, all right? give us context here, people, right? so now this reaction is what it is, performative it's required. it is expected of them there's not a brain cell that kicks in and goes, oh, i have to say and do the right thing which is shut your mouth up because you have no jurisdiction here. any of the committees you mentioned have no jurisdiction here, and alvin bragg's office said the right thing don't get in my way. this is a state issue. it's not a federal issue you can't haul this d.a. in front of your committees and grill him. there's no requirement under the constitution that allows you to do that. so everybody needs to understand
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what's happening here. republicans are doing the performative thing they have to do because donald trump requires it, that fealty piece, right that fear of their base piece, conscious, i don't know, what's right, all of that doesn't matter it's all about the performance >> and michael, it's not just in the house of representatives i mean, a strong ally of trump senator lindsey graham gave this plea to his supporters last night on fox take a listen to that. >> you need to help this man, donald j. trump. they're trying to drain him dry. he's spent more money on lawyers than most people spend on campaigns. they're trying to bleed him dry. do, go tonight, give the president some money to fight this [ bleep ]. >> also, trump is already trying to fund-raise off of this news sending out an email blast selling an i stand with trump shirt.
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michael is this going to be something that can generate a lot of support, both political and economic support for the former president >> look, absolutely on the economics. there's no doubt about that. this is all about the grift, baby someone's going to get paid in all of this and the fact that you have a united states senator shilling for donald trump on national television, absolutely. someone's going to get paid, and it's going to be donald trump. the other price that will be paid in this is how the american people are affect ed by this drama that is manufactured and created. i don't want to down play the unprecedented nature of any of this we've never had a president do the things that donald trump has done so, okay, there's that. now you have this environment in which you have these politicians creating a lot of noise around an issue that involves the bad behavior of an individual that
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they seemingly want to ignore that bad behavior and so, yeah, we're kind of caught in this space, jose that is going to make the next few weeks and months very, very difficult because they're more serious potential indictments coming down the pike than this one. this is the reaction to $130,000 payment to a porn star, wait until you see what jack smith brings and the reaction to that, so buckle up >> ryan nobles and michael steele, i thank you very much. i want to turn now to barbara -- former executive vice president of the trump organization and author of the book "tower of lies: what my 18 years of working with donald trump reveals about him. i want to thank you very much for being with us. the title of your book says a lot. 18 years working with the former president. what do you make of this indictment after all that time
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>> yeah, the knee jerk is to say, well, it's about time trump has gotten away with so many, many things. even when i was working with him there were little things, and sort of bordering on the illegal, things that i wasn't working on like the casinos. i understand there was some stuff going on with the environmental people and suggested we do something, we just didn't do it if it wasn't either right or ethical or legal. so now finally he's gotten indicted on this and it's not a little thing, and there's, i don't know, 30 different charges so who knows what's involved in it i'm sort of like, yeah, finally. now, will he get convicted i don't know
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maybe. he should, but i'm more interested in the other charges, the documents at mar-a-lago and especially, i mean, how can he possibly not get convicted when he actually asked the person in charge of votes in georgia to give him votes that he didn't have i mean, i can't -- what do i think he thinks? i think he thinks he's not going to get convicted, and i think he thinks he's going to energize his base and make more money, collect money, and it's disgusting and lindsey graham, disgusting that they're looking for money out of this. >> you came on the network recently and said you don't think trump would have been afraid of potential criminal charges. now we've seen reporting from "the new york times" that trump was caught off guard by the indictment, even after he predicted his arrest two weeks
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ago. what do you think is trump's mind-set now going forward that he sees that, yes, there is an indictment and that he has to as early as next tuesday go in for processing >> i think -- i don't know that they're all that surprised that this came down so soon i mean, it was coming down but as far as how he sees it, he's not happy that he got indicted, but then he spins it and in his own mind he now thinks it's a good thing he's going to raise a lot of money, he's going to energize his base, maybe even get his people to do scary stuff, like maybe commit some crimes, maybe some murders i'm sure that's what he would like to happen to scare away other people from, you know, other indictments and convictions, but no, he doesn't think he's going to get
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convicted. he's not capable of believing that negative kind of thing because his life has been built around believing something, lying about it, getting everyone to believe it, making it true and him believing it himself >> and i just want to be very clear on that there is no indication, certainly no comment by the former president that anyone should be committing murder or anything -- >> i'm sorry. >> -- like that. >> maybe i should -- he wants some action. i'm sorry, i shouldn't have said he wants murders committed, that's just in my mind. >> in your mind, but he's never said that or even intimated that i thank you so much. >> death and destruction, did he not? >> he did say that barbara, thank you so much >> pleasure s. >> appreciate it. >> you heard the names michael cohen, stormy daniels, so many times before, but who exactly is alvin bragg, the manhattan d.a.
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bringing this case against the former president that's next. we're back with a special two-hour edition of "josé diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. you need to deliver new apps fast using the services you want in the clouds of your choice. with flexible multi-cloud services that enable digital innovation and enterprise control, vmware helps you innovate and grow. ♪ ...i'm over 45. ♪ ♪ i realize i'm anno spring chicken. ♪, ♪ i know what's right for me. ♪ ♪ i've got a plan to which i'm sticking. ♪ ♪ my doc wrote me the script. ♪ ♪ box came by mail. ♪ ♪ showed up on friday. ♪
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42 past the hour this morning, there is a sharp focus on the key players that led to the manhattan d.a.'s indictment of former president trump. the star witness of the case, michael cohen, he was trump's former lawyer who claims trump directed him to pay $130,000 to adult film actress stormy daniels in the final days of the 2016 presidential campaign then there is stormy daniels herself who was paid that hush money. she proceeded to go public about her allegations of 2006 affair with former president, which he denies but there's also a newer player at the center of all of this, manhattan district attorney alvin bragg who pushed ahead with the grand jury looking into the hush money probe when he took office last year.
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joining us is nbc news justice and intelligence correspondent, ken dilanian ken, good morning. talk to us a little bit about alvin brag >> good morning, jose. alvi alvin bragg is a democrat who took office last year after becoming the first black person elected as manhattan district attorney he spent much of his career as a prosecutor, first in the federal system with the southern district of new york, and then with the new york state attorney general's office he now runs an office with about 500 lawyers and $150 million budget he campaigned as a progressive reformer and was criticized over an early memo suggesting that some gun crimes did not merit prison time. after a spade of shootings in new york city last year, he began taking a tougher stance on guns bragg inherited at least two trump investigations, another about potential fraud by the trump organization his office won a conviction against trump's long-time chief financial officer and against the business itself, but so far
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has not charged the former president or any of his family members with those other fraud offenses despite criticism from some former lawyers in his office who said it was a good case it came as a bit of a surprise, frankly, when we learned that bragg had revived this separate hush money case, which had been dropped by federal prosecutors and also by his predecessor. as this investigation has heated up, officials say bragg has been the subject of dozens of credible threat, and he's now the first prosecutor ever to have indicted a former president, jose. >> and ken, we're of course going to be hearing a whole lot more about the judge trump is expected to appear before next week what do we know about him? >> yeah, marshan last year ran the trial of the trump organization which was convicted of tax fraud and presided over the guilty plea of allen weiss weisselberg. he was born in bogota, colombia, moved to the u.s. when he was 6. he worked his way through baruch
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college as a hotel night manager, and after law school he became a prosecutor in manhattan and later the state's a.g. office he was appointed to the bench in 2006 by mayor michael back-to-schoolberg lawyers describe him as a meticulous and careful jurist, someone who reads every file and every footnote donald trump is already attacking him, falsely stating in a recent truth social post that this judge was hand picked by bragg trump said the judge strong armed allen weisselberg and treated my companies which didn't plead viciously president biden has just landed in jackson, mississippi, moments ago, he is there to get a firsthand look at the recovery efforts after the deadly torna tornados that tore through the state. he does not seem likely to talk about his predecessor's indictment joining us from the white house,
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kelly o'donnell. reporters actually tried to ask the president about his indictment what was his response? >> reporter: well, i was among the group of reporters who were on the south lawn earlier this morning when the president was leaving the white house heading to mississippi for that tornado damage we asked him in a couple of different ways he declined to comment we've just learned from the white house a new detail they tell us that the white house learned about the trump indictment from media reports and then it was chief of staff jeff zients who briefed him on what they had learned. it was not something they got any advanced notice about or inside heads-up from alvin bragg's team in new york they learned just like the rest of us. when we were talking to the president this morning, this was an opportunity for him to speak on this issue and the fact that he addressed reporters at all was a decision we were not even certain he
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would do that because we know that the president doesn't want to engage in the politics of this to give you a sense of how we interacted with the president, was one of those who put a question to him about the rule of law and what this means with the trump indictment here's a bit of the exchange th president had with me and other reporters. >> in the wake of the indictment >> no, i'm not going to talk about something -- >> the rule of law -- >> i have no comment at all. >> the charges against trump are politically motivated? >> i have no comment on trump. >> and the vice president in zambia, part of her three country tour to africa was also asked about this she said she would not comment on an ongoing criminal matter, and that is the position the white house is taking. they will not engage on this the democratic national committee will talk about this from a political point of view of course the president is the head of the democratic party, and so that is what we will
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expect to see from this white house going forward. jose >> kelly o'donnell at the white house, thank you so much. we're also digging into the other investigations donald trump is facing from georgia to the special counsel. that's next. you're watching "josé diaz-balart reports" on msnbc. (dock worker) right on time. (vo) robots can predict breakdowns and order their own replacement parts. (foreman) nice work. (vo) and retailers can get ahead of the fashion trend of the day with a new line tomorrow. with a verizon private 5g network, you can get more agility and security. giving you more control of your business. we call this enterprise intelligence. from the network america relies on. you're doing business in an app driven, multi-cloud world. that's why you choose vmware. with flexible multi-cloud services that enable digital innovation and enterprise control, vmware helps you keep your cloud options open.
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or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®... ask your doctor about tremfya® today. 52 after the hour. donald trump is the first former president ever to face an indictment, but the new york state hush money probe is just 1 of 4 current criminal investigations into him. there's the special counsel looking into his actions on january 6th and his handling of the classified documents and in georgia, d.a. willis is also investigating his alleged interference into the 2020 election joining us now is the state attorney for palm beach county, florida. thank you for being here this morning. there's a lot to sift through.
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the manhattan indictment is historic is this one of more that could be coming? >> yeah, good morning. i think willis will be next, and i think jack smith has trump in his sights and his move ahead with charges relating to the mar-a-lago documents and possibly january 6th although alvin bragg is the first prosecutor in the history of our country to indict a former president, he's not going to be the last >> former vice president pence has been ordered to comply with the subpoena in the special counsel probe. what kind of exposure does trump face in a case like that >> well, the greatest threat to trump's future freedom is with the mar-a-lago doc so it's a direct tie between the mar-a-lago documents and donald trump, and obstruction will get you up to 20 years in prison w
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when it comes to january 6th, it's more tenuated the violence tied between trump is not as direct, and pence could be the key because pence had all those conversations with donald trump, and pence is now being forced to testify. i think pence wanted to be forced to testify because he's going to be running for president, and he doesn't want to anger the maga base he knows that when it comes to the maga world, snitches get stitches to use the phrase, and he doesn't want to anger them by looking like he's a willing accomplice and going after the guy who wanted him to be hassled about certifying the election. so he is going to, i think, gladly testify now that he's required to do so. even with a speech or debate clause, he has to testify as to any potential criminality involving donald trump, and so he could be the key witness there. >> thank you so much for being with us this morning appreciate it. we have much more breaking news coverage in our next hour of jose diaz reports including
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good morning it is 11:00 a.m. eastern, 8:00 a.m. pacific i'm jose diaz, back with you for another hour on msnbc. the manhattan district attorney's office confirmed a grand jury voted to indict donald trump yesterday


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