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tv   American Voices With Alicia Menendez  MSNBC  March 26, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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is closed for better preparation. >> we see extreme weather events increasing. only increasing and gravity, and severity and in frequency. and we have to build our communities to be best prepared for them, to prevent the devastation to the extent possible, to be able to quickly respond and recover we cannot do that alone. we need one another. >> you will be bringing you the latest from rolling fork in just a few minutes. now, to former president trump's rage and revenge tour kicking off his reelection campaign and waco, texas, with a promise of quote, retribution. trump began the rally with the tribute to the capitol wires. in a song called, get ready for this, justice for all. the images of the insurrection appeared behind it and trump to get lashed out at the manhattan
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da alvin bragg. the grand jury sutter reconvene for the hush money case. -- fending off -- testimony. he says the gop request soul moves only to hinder, disrupt and undermine the legitimate work of our dedicated prosecutors. meanwhile, new york authorities are preparing for possible -- a potential trump indictment. court houses are already stepping up security and -- the fbi is monitoring -- . >> i have been leached by the fbi. they say they are feeling prepared. they see no specific straightens but the level of rhetoric and on some of these . joining me now, nbc news correspondent -- west palm beach, florida, jim weinman's. emmys -- chicago hashtag -- and popular, georgetown law
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professor and and this nbc legal analyst. good to see you all. we will start with you. your at the rally in waco, last night -- on the plane back home. >> bright. from donald trump, this is really not so much a presidential campaign trail event. for donald trump this was the campaign to bring the basis for it, that he -- go and essentially be part of a mass movement to try to undercut the investigation into him. for donald trump, it is about consolidating the support and power around him. from the stage yesterday, he went through the myriad, numerous cases involving him. he called his prosecutorial misconduct and he suggested that this was a witch hunt. the science behind him said it all their. but i think it was also the ap, luci's photo, that really captured the moment there.
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it was video of the j six verdict, but playing behind him as the song play. he was reciting the pledge of police jen's with j six prisoners, the choir singing the national anthem. and this was as the insurrection footage play behind him there. it was telling moment that spoke to the level of grievance in the way he views the indictment, potential indictment against him. -- a part of our conversation, on the plane right back from texas, here to florida, that i asked him the extent to which his frustration existed for donald trump. he has denied that he is frustrated. take a listen. >> i am not frustrated by anything. -- just a speech for two hours, i am not frustrated by anything. i didn't do anything wrong. i have a lot of confidence. i did nothing wrong. -- under-percent. was >> the reality is that
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donald trump would be indicted as soon as tomorrow by the grand jury manhattan and i asked him it's real questions related to the investigation and he frankly -- -- the plane and for donald trump i asked him specifically about michael cohen. when did you become familiar with the fact that his reimbursement track was going to repay that michael cohen stormy daniels payment? he has denied that he directed those payments. but then he denied everything and he refused to say when he became aware. he was paying out of his personal track broke up until december of 2017. michael cohen, for that reimbursement. but donald trump and somebody who is not wanting to discuss this specifics with any of these cases, from manhattan to the special counsel investigation, to fulton county, and has had he is bristling at every suggestion to dive into the specifics.
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>> listen to that back and forth there between ron and the disgraced, twice impeached former president. me thinks the lady dot protest too much. this is the problem, all of his threats on his knockoff twitter, they are not -- did you know that alvin bragg has already received death threats? talk to me as someone that has been a part of one of the most high-profile cases in our nation's history. what do you think it is like for manhattan da alvin bragg in this moment, the spotlight he is in an under? >> the spotlight is one thing. the threats are another. this is worse than watergate. we were never threatened by any of the presidents men, by the president, by any of his supporters in congress. it would have been unthinkable that that would've happened. this is appalling. the fact that he played the january 6th choir with him saying the pledge of allegiance
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not states me. it should terrify everyone who is interested in democracy and justice, and justice demands accountability and i am afraid that bragg is going to have to go through with what he has said. the facts and the law will determine his decision whether to ask the grand jury to indict. that it is up to the grand jury to evaluate that evidence. based on publicly available evidence, they will return an indictment. but why we are looking at the -- all the other cases that are pending. it is not enough to just say, will brad be the first? if he is, he won't be the last. >> to your point, this past week think we all had our eyes fixed on what was happening in new york. then it turned out some of the biggest action actually ended up happening in -- the investigation. i have to ask you about the threats, since you specialized
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in public corruption. how do you handle security? with a high-profile defendant, literally -- the conversations that are happening this week in new york and -- >> well, if trump is ultimately he prosecuted, the case goes to a criminal trial courtroom. that judge will be shot down trump's threats and his insults to the prosecution. you know, you have people thinking about all of these different investigations about trump and all of the jurisdictions and sometimes asked if the prosecutors are coordinating. only they are. but they certainly are paying attention to each other's cases. i think it means something to special counsel jack smith, when he hears donald trump trying to incite the same kind of violence in new york that he incited on january 6th. it demonstrates how dangerous trump remains. if he is not held accountable
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in a serious way. >> here's the thing, paul, i know i am not telling you anything you don't know here, it is both trump and the republican people who have become his backup singers. i want to go listen to -- said about how democrats are being deliberately kept out of the loop by jim jordan and -- take a look. >> jim jordan is not conducting himself in a honorable way on -- first of all, in terms of practice. he put out a notice that there is going to be a hearing, what the hearing is going to be about, he does not give our staff and others a list of what the witnesses are so that we can also be prepared, he gives median visor, rather, instead of being an honorable colleague and sharing that information. >> and the truth is that they are telling on themselves. just talk us through what rights to republican legislators in the house have
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to this ongoing criminal investigation in manhattan? >> congress has no jurisdiction over this criminal case. i do usually -- congressman that their job is to pass law and a criminal investigation of donald trump in new york state has nothing to do with that job. the da's office is required by federal and state law to be independent of political interference. what the republican congress members are asking da brag to do violates the constitutional principles of power and it would actually break the law for da brag to reveal how the grand jury information, for the da to comply with this request, he himself would be committing a crime. >> jalen volyn, i've only got about two minutes left. i want to make sure i get each of you. jill first. what are you watching, legally speaking, this week? >> i am watching to the indictments that may be coming
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and where they are coming from. and i want to say, to add to what paul said, that it would be improper for the congress to ask any federal prosecutor to come and talk about pending investigation. even more improper to ask a independent state legislatures later, prosecutor, to do that. that violates state -- rights of defendants and the secrecy of all ground jury proceeding. >> let's circle back to this question about whether or not potential indictments, how that will play out in our american politics. -- poll numbers. you actually have been with these voters. your sense after being on the trail? >> the question is, which other republicans, if we are talking about the gop presidential primary process, which other republicans are going to come to donald trump's defense and which are not here. in a way, the validation of this field to actually expect to play out --
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the rally yesterday, before donald trump took the stage, -- for not being at the rally with donald trump yesterday. donald junior, donaldson, then echoed him, calling out where the senator was and whether he was still aligned with donald trump. this is, for the republican party, we have seen them for years, they are coming to donald trump's defense. now the question is, who is going to be aligned with him now here and who will ultimately be a part of this alliance? one person on the trump campaign told me that if anybody goes and john's ron desantis's campaign they will never be welcome back to the donald trump campaign or within the trump administration. so the battle lines are being drawn. are you in the defensive of public consciousness now. ? because they are trying to make their own campaign right now. the american public, this is the prosecutorial effort that undermines -- >> the question is is that --
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despite whatever jury -- donald trump's commission with the. >> incredible that that is the question and, given all the legal parallels that he is on. >> jill, paul, thank you all. next, eyes on the -- state as the supreme -- changed abortion ban. and it would be on the books since 1949. plus, the maga crowd isn't as quick to -- as you might think. why trump's drop to the florida governor might not be lying eating. and later, trump might be aligning himself to russia and putin. -- nbc news presidential -- all in historical context. first, georgia -- look at the other big stories. you are watching this hour msnbc. richard. >> alicia, good day to you. the latest recovery efforts on the way to mississippi and alabama after an outbreak of tornadoes, killed at least 26
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people and devastated towns there earlier today, by the way, president biden declare a major disaster in mississippi that. makes federal -- clean up there. more severe thunderstorms expected throughout the area tonight and tomorrow that could bring more tornadoes. nbc's -- has more on the recovery in mississippi. what >> this is the scene this is the scene of destruction and rolling for it, mississippi, as crews are working to clean up some of the areas with debris. this is what used to be people's homes, destroyed as far as the eye can see. workers have been here all day, cleaning the areas. we also have crews from the power company doing what they can to restart save us. we've seen downed power lines and polls that were torn out by the tornado. this is one of the -- installed in place. there's a lot of work to be done. now, there's also a message being sent by authorities --
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as you have all of this work happening, we can also see some residents coming in to try and find valuable objects and what used to be their homes. so authorities are warning them, because of the hazards that -- in the area, in the debris, and as the workers aren't doing what they can -- the messages for people to be careful when they arrive in these areas of debris. also, structures like the one behind me, they're pretty much torn apart. they don't know -- any point. he fought to keep in mind that some of these structures are still vulnerable. see men have been found. they're helping as much as they can. the residents here, and mississippi. back to you. >> thanks, ron, so much. more american voices right after this break. for more breakthroughs like that... ...i need a breakthrough card... like ours! with 2.5% cash back on
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voting rights -- it's what makes this the most important race of the year. >> wisconsin has probably the most gerrymandered state legislature in the country. 50/50 state, democrats have only about 35% of the state legislature. strictly as a result of the way and which the lines were drawn. it's unbelievably jerry mandate. the supreme court and wisconsin would have the opportunity if the lawsuit are brought to decide whether or not those lines as john were consistent with the constitution of wisconsin. >> -- wisconsin democratic party an msnbc political analyst, jennifer reuben. she's an opinion columnist for the washington post. i've asked this before. we're now very close to this election. off you to do this again. set the stage for why this race is so important not just in wisconsin, but all across the country? >> in wisconsin, the --
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legal abortion is on the line. the future of our state legislature -- basically permanent control over state policy is on the line. but for the whole country, you want to tune in on the consequences for what happened on april 4th, what happened in 2024. if we get to 2024 and it's a close election, wisconsin is the state most likely to tip the entire presidential race one way or the other. and -- dan kelly, who advised the gop on the big elector plot, and was on a big lie tour of the state in 2021 in 2022,÷a■i we cd have a situation where the republicans -- pushed the country into a constitutional crisis. if we -- we will know that the wisconsin state supreme court won't interfere with voting rights are the certification of the next presidential election. and just one note on this, this is a ten-year term. we're talking about 2024, 2028, and 2032. on the line on april 4th. >> imagine we talk about
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redistricting, we talk about how it's a long and consequential piece -- you had a great piece in the washington post. talk to me about the extent to which this race is -- how you think abortion has been shaped in 2024. >> you can't get a more purple state than wisconsin. if -- it's considered a landslide. so, what we're testing right now -- with the proposition is, even in a very closely divided state, if the majority is actually overwhelmingly pro-choice -- while republicans, well independents, join with democrats to defend women's rights to autonomy? will they join with democrats in a pro democracy coalition to preserve rights? it really is a test for democracy itself. and i think the way the election has played out, certainly that can be no one in wisconsin who has any doubt the
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dan kelly is a tool of the far-right in the republican party. he's accepted millions of dollars for out of state -- out of sight state right wing political activists. he has a bias to the republican party and the electorate. he's been an adviser to -- this is not a person who's gonna come -- independently with an open mind and look to enforce the laws and rights of wisconsin voters. i think the states that are looking to put, perhaps, propositions and referendum on the ballot in 2024, they're gonna look to wisconsin and say, how did people turn out? what is the message that's being sent? how does one side or the other appeal to those people in the middle we don't necessarily think of themselves as super politically active? i think it's gonna be an incredible test case, and having been in wisconsin only a year, i can tell you that although some people may be fatigued by trump and the post
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trump era, there is action on the ground. there is excitement. people engaged. -- he's organized an incredible get out and vote operation. i think the notion that people engaged -- not paying attention, not in wisconsin. they're all ears, many are knocking it doors even though it's pretty cold still, and we still see winter in most parts of the state. >> no pressure at all. and when you go back to something that jennifer stead -- said at the top. this is likely to be close because of the composition of the state and the composition of the electorate. the last time -- forecast of a close race. now that we're just a little over a week out, how are you feeling? how is it looking? what's on your radar? >> some, republicans have leaked their own internal
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polling. -- ahead of the republican candidate ben kelly. i think, from our own research, where i had at this moment. but it's happened before. -- i was i had, and, then right wing dark money flooded the state. a republican candidate won in 2019 by less than half of 1% of the vet. we're in turbo mode. republicans -- just last week for the final stretch. if anyone was to help in this final stretch -- text join to 7440 for to join -- the last six presidential races came down to less than one percentage. it can really come down 1 to 2 -- just one in a landslide. we're gonna treat this like or ten points behind, but these final nine days, to turn out every possible voter -- and bodily autonomy, overwhelm the far-right to control the
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supreme court -- >> and will dunaff to remember when a candidate dropping the url it was a sign that they were properly prepared -- managed to get in a text message number, impressive and it's off. ben, i know this is a busy time for you. thanks for making time for us. jennifer, you're sticking with me. coming up, the tale of two florida man. trump might have been in texas last night -- but that couldn't stop them from focusing on his current home state rival. one desantis. and later, officials -- after dozens -- tornado outbreak from -- from the ground, coming up. and if you don't have the right home insurance coverage, well you could end up paying for all this yourself. so get allstate. (vo) when you love the environment, you work to protect it. well you could end up paying for all this yourself. the subaru solterra electric suv. subaru's first all-electric, zero-emissions suv.
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pandemic. the scientist has yet to announce his official white house run. trump is already working to discredit his record in the eyes of gop voters. nbc news reports the range of views on desantis among trump's most ardent backers -- this early stage in the context. but having entered the race, desantis already -- the most serious threat to trump. joining me now, anita. she's the host of -- what a day podcast. back with me, jennifer reuben. both are msnbc political analysts. anita, how much longer do you think desantis can waited out on the sidelines as trump ramps up these attacks? >> -- i would describe him as getting on the sign lines, but i will say he has to commit to these responses in attacks to trump. what he's done so far as barely register for voters. --
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over the next few weeks and months, he's gonna lean into it. commit to it. and if he's gonna announce his position of trump -- this is a moment for him to define himself. >> but jennifer, you nailed it on the head there. he has taken on so much of the trump-ism of trump and tried to make the differentiator not even necessarily, i'm trump without all the legal baggage, more just, i'm trump without all the drama. and that still -- doesn't seem to be totally resonating. new reporting from the washington post that diving into the shifting view of 2024, among desantis allies in particular, it reads, quote, throughout this age -- insisted they're thinking about the contest, according to the peoples knowledge of the discussions -- other spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe private
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talks. some allies have been anticipating a coronation -- desantis factory will require a lengthy 50's a delegate. i'm just wondering what world, jennifer, they thought that there was going to be a coronation? >> i'm thinking, these people are not ready for primetime if they think -- and we're talking about the primary states. this is the hard-core republican supporters. they're overwhelmingly in support of trump. they're not gonna be a fight. that's part of the problem. he really isn't fighting back. and yes and coming up with a coherent argument against trump. if you are really fighting back, he'd say the guy is nuts or too old, or didn't control china. so far, he hasn't made any kosher arguments that are gonna resignation with the base. frankly, all his cultural issues, culture war kind of nonsense -- all that stuff is gonna pale in
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comparison to trump. what, he's gonna out-maga the guy who literally invented micah? i don't see how that works. if people want that, but gonna go to the real thing. so i don't quite understand what the appeal for desantis's at this point. if he's gonna stretch his expertise, his professionalism, what's he running for? people don't care about this. this is on another planet. so, what, he's gonna be trumpet better organized? i don't think that appeals to anybody. number one, he has to figure out how hard he wants to hit trump, where he wants to him, and then come up with an argument for himself. why him rather than trump? what can you do for the country, and voters, that trump can't do? one argument would be -- rather than being self absorbed with myself and my legal problems, i'm gonna listen to the voters. and that's a powerful argument. he hasn't made that. he hasn't made any argument for
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him. but calling trump self absorbed, egotistical, detached from reality -- those are the kind of charges you make if you're really planning to win. let's see over the next few weeks and months -- if he's ready to do that. if not, he should go home, go back to florida, enjoy the rather, and -- >> yeah. and we'll see if this changes as we watch for these possible indictments to come down, if their calculus switches at all. -- build on jennifer's point here, it would seem that would be a space open for someone to come in and be like, forget all this doom and destruction, it's actually offer a vision of what america can look like. here's my governing philosophy. here's an idea of how we take -- world stage. from the domestic issues to the international issues -- so much grab that to me, it's clear there's no republican
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who's gonna come in and make the argument. but it leaves the lane wide open for democrats to own what is a pretty, i think, persuasive message to a large swath of american voters. >> i think democrats have been doing that pretty clear, and -- emphasizing that republicans offered nothing of substance. they offer nothing in the way of a positive vision -- anything that will help people. all they do is -- the reason desantis hasn't that that, is he also doesn't have a positive -- jennifer's point about what is argument could be, a positive vision -- called trump a three-time use -- three time loser. that's all he has to say. remind them of that fact. remind them, and define trump as the loser he is, and that could be sufficient. but trump is still in this gop primary race. we know there and cited an invisible -- invigorated by trump's lies.
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that's why i don't think desantis can step into that lane just yet. but as you mentioned, alicia, -- if these indictments do come down, polling has showed that desantis is the number two pick, a lot of the republican primary voters will be willing to take a look at. and the range of 40 to 46%, but looking at him as another option. the passion still there. will desantis step into it? i'm not -- . >> i give it to you, trump is a three time loser, and that's a lot stronger argument than just i'm trump, but better organized. thanks so much. up next, the latest from mississippi where dozens are dead after a tornado outbreak in the area. >> -- it was like a train. [inaudible] i had -- [inaudible] it was just scary.
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ground in mississippi as communities real from the deadly tornado outbreak that killed two dozen people on friday night. the community has lost loved ones -- those who survived lost everything. nbc's in mississippi, talking to residents about the devastation they endured. >> alicia, this is a community that is utterly devastated.
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just completely -- if you look around, as we drove into town just a mile out, it seemed completely normal. building still standing. then, we arrive here, and homes, just gone. a funeral home to my left, the first opening up -- a hole punched in the side of the hearse. i spoke to the owner of the home behind me, hunker down with his wife, his daughter and his grandchild. he miraculously survived a tornado that ripped through here. i spoke to two sisters who came to rally around each other after learning their other sister had died, because her mobile home had been completely flattened and devastated. it's unbelievable to see what a tornado does to a neighborhood like this. and they're waned that they will be forgotten. they worry that as the new cycle moves on, the aid will also dissipate and go away. i spoke to jeffrey who survived this tornado with his mother and his grand nieces and nephew,
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and they braced for life as that thing tore over the house, leaving only half of its standing. this is jeffrey. >> it sounds funny, but i was literally bracing for flight. what happened saturday it was two seconds of chaos, screaming -- it took them five minutes to stop screaming. and it was just -- yeah. i kind of tried not thinking about it, you know, but you get scared. i never knew it was like that. you always hear stories, but once you look at the past took, i was right on top of this house. >> alicia, this is a community that so thankful that so many of them survived. 26 lives in total that have been lost. 25 -- one alabama. thankfully, they still have their lives. someone like jeffrey, his family. but knowing so many other people are mourning right now, and wondering what comes next. what's jeffrey's mother gonna
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live? where so many people gonna live? they spent their entire lives here in rolling fork, mississippi. in an instant, in seconds, the lives changed. from sitting at a dinner table to bracing for their life. two emerging and seeing other destruction. of that here in rolling fork. >> absolutely devastating. thank you. up next, putin is changing his approach -- technical weapons in belarus by the summer. plus, trump's quick throw so many republicans up on the bus, but they still stick with him. why there do or die for the former president. get directv with a two year price guarantee. y'all wayfair's got just what you need for your home. do they have stylish beds at great prices? whoo, this bed is dreamy. you're kelly clarkson? yes. and you're in our bed?
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we are going to stop bowser! astrazeneca may be able to help. how? look at us. we're adorable. let's go. yes! >> russia's war in ukraine april 5th. rated pg. rages on. vladimir putin appears -- nuclear weapons to the fray. russian president announced on saturday that --
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weapons in belarus. a country that shares borders with ukraine and poland. a nato member. the deal is expected to go into effect on july 1st. adding to the alarm, donald trump's -- apparent willingness to let russia claim chunks of ukraine. >> i don't want to have the disastrous war between russia and ukraine settled. it would never have happened. i used to talk to putin. i got along well with putin. i used to talk to putin about it. they started putting soldiers on the border. he didn't want to do it. he wanted to get peace. now, it looks like he'll end up publicly getting the whole thing. >> to make sense of this -- and we presidential historian michael. michael, i'm very selective about the sound that i use from the disgraced twice impeached former president, but i thought that sound was important, because there he is telling on
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himself. we use the word unprecedented a lot. it is unprecedented for a former u.s. president to openly sympathize with a repressive dictator accused of war crimes. >> yeah. that's for sure. and where can we begin? you know, i begin by saying since the 1930s, there's been relative agreement between the two parties about american foreign policy in the world. nuances different. something so different. but in terms of what we should do, and terms of the dire situation, and especially since the late 1940s when the red army was trying to roll into western europe, if you elected a republican president or a democratic president, as i say, there would be differences in nuance. but no one had to wear a that you would have a president who might be secretly allied with the russian leader, as you have to be worried about donald trump. with financial connections. even worse than that, philosophically, say that, you
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know, putin is a great leader, and maybe it's not a bad idea for someone like putin to use the russian army to attack its neighbor, ukraine. that is something we haven't seen for the whole history back to at least world war ii. that's all different now. given what donald trump has been saying and what he said last night, and alicia, i thought the bites that you showed were perfectly representative of what trump said. we have to assume that if donald trump were elected president a year from november, he would either side with putin or be neutral, or say, as desantis did, this is just a territorial district that's not a big priority for the united states, and the future of the world could be very different. >> well, i'm glad you brought up desantis. i think there are a few threads that time what we saw on that stage together with the possible indictment coming down from the new york da.
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a number of other cases across this country, which is also unprecedented -- that the political party tied to that president is simply following in suit. right? the fact that he now has members of the gop singing from the same song book vis-à-vis russia and ukraine -- that is astounding. the fact that he's facing multiple possible indictments and they're continuing to protect him. that piece is unprecedented as well. >> it's mind-blowing. and it's a moment that i thought and hoped i would never live to see. but now, we have to face. and here, we have donald trump even taking people who were pretty tough on the invasion of ukraine by russia a year ago, almost switching 180 degrees, saying, you know, and second thought, i don't think it's that important. and -- the specter of the republican party being, if not the pro russian party, the soft on
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russia party. we've never seen anything like that since world war ii. the other thing is, there's a principle at stake. you and i have talked about this before. that is not above and beyond relations or conflict between america and russia, there's a principle at stake which is, can any strong country like russia attacked a weaker neighbor like ukraine just because it feels like it? if we do nothing, that's gonna happen all around the world. with taiwan and other weaker states that are next to larger states. and so, if we don't draw the line here, if we don't help ukraine, if we don't stop the spread that putin is threatening of nuclear weapons from russia to other states like belarus and others, we could have not only a situation in which powerful states decide to redraw their borders with their neighbors and conquer the neighbors -- we conceivably have a nuclear
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wire that could lead to genuinely threatening world war iii. >> let me make a pivot -- all the stories are interconnected. we have gop members of the house going to visit people in jail who were part of january 6th. i'm just so struck by this ongoing effort to whitewash what happened on that day. what is the danger of allowing them to do that? >> well, as far as i'm concerned, january six was one of the most tragic and horrible days in american history. so is another candidate going to -- show film of the assassination of jfk -- a little extreme, but conceivable with the way things are going. we have to be sure that americans understand that are democracy was -- you've got a president who holds up these people as heroes. alicia, did you hear the
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star-spangled banner play at that rally lastly? >> what an incredible point. michael, as always, thanks so much for spending part of your sunday evening with us. >> thank you so much. always a pleasure. >> at the top of the hour, one of the breaking news we've been following all our. help us on the way after an outbreak of tornadoes killed at least -- in mississippi and alabama. trump worked hard to paint a grim picture of america last night in waco. how he used his first official campaign rally to position himself as a victim. and later, a decision could come down any day that could change the face of abortion in this country. we'll talk to congressman cher jacobs about what congress can do. we're gonna take it back. we're gonna take it back. with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps your lawn growing strong. glorious! -agggghhhhhh! -aaagghhhh. no no no. get a bag of scotts triple action today, it's guaranteed.
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4:00 pm
i knew our. storm-ravaged mississippi -- president biden declared a state of emergency for four counties as more powerful storms approach. plus, the former president coming off his first campaign rally looking ahead to what could be a week of trouble. leaders are unwavering and their support for trump, even -- meddling in an active criminal investigation. -- an election and wisconsin -- huge implications for reproductive freedom across this country. this is american voices. >> as donald trump moves far and with his 2024 presidential


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