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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  March 23, 2023 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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evening, we'll see you again tomorrow, now it's time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell, between lawrence. good evening, alex, we have raphael warnock join us tonight. haven't seen him in, while i'm excited as you are. >> i'm so excited, i can't wait for that conversation. >> thank you alex. >> have a great show. >> well, new york city have courtrooms, 135 years before ohio did, and today, it showed. and ohioan, who is a graduate of capital city law school, but as never passed the bar exam, so is not a lawyer, congressman jim jordan, got a reply to his letter, from harvard law school graduate evan, bag the district attorney of manhattan. alvin bragg's reply letter to jim jordan, is the single most humiliating letter ever received, by a chairman of the house judiciary committee. every one of whom, has known
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much more about the law than jim jordan. jim jordan, and other house republican chairman, had written a letter to outbreak, asking him to this avoid her -- i stood on this program that alvin bragg could simply rip up that love letter, the way nancy pelosi ripped up don't trump's state of the union address, and ignore it, but also know that alvin bragg would probably reply in a fully ripped professional manner which he has now done. alvin bragg five-page letter to jim jordan any other chairman, points out, that what they are asking for, would be interference with law enforcement, and that their request is, quote, an unlawful incursion into new york's sovereignty, but something that is been true and obvious for every day of the existence of the united states of america, and you don't have to go to law school to know that. alvin bragg told jim jordan,
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quote, it is clear the congress cannot have any legitimate legislative challenge relating to the oversight of local prosecutors, enforcing state law. and, alvin bragg may jim jordan and offer that he can refuse and probably will refuse. quote, the da's office, therefore, requests an opportunity to meet and confer with committee staff, to better understand what information, the da's office can provide, the relates to a legitimate legislative interest, and can be shared consistent with the district attorney's constitutional obligation. jim jordan and his staff would be right if they regard such a committee, as a trap. will be a trap by smart people of stupid people, the unprofessional hacks who work for jim jordan, including any of those who may have passed the bar exam somewhere, now have the choice to travel to
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new york state, to be interviewed in a manhattan district attorney's office, about what they are of two. they will be surrounded by prosecutors taking notes and everything they said. jim jordan is out of moves with alvin bragg. at the end of round one. >> the new york times has been reporting on the activities in manhattan courtrooms for 172 years and so we will defer to the new york times tonight but where things stand in embrace grandeur vista geisha of his hush money payoff to -- listen leaving the building, suggestions that some activity may have taken place. none of the witnesses relevant to the house money manner have been seen going into the building, where the jury sits
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on thursday, because the grand jury does not meet on friday, and the indictment would not come until next week we. of course donald trump famously predicted that he would be arrested by the manhattan district attorney, two days ago, and he asked 74 million trump voters in america, but to come to manhattan to protest that arrest. and i said at the time, there was no reason at all to be worried about the possibility of manhattan being filled with a trump pile and trump mob, such as we saw on january 6th in the capital, our daily shows jordan clapper did his duty on tuesday, and spoke to every trump protester, who showed up, we outside the courthouse in lower manhattan. we -- >> so trump went on his own social media, and he called out
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people, his, supporters to come out here and support him, and right now that's just you. >> i'm, here i'm here. >> that's a crowd. >> no, i got this. >> okay. >> every day of donald trump's life are his worst in the day before, because he knows he's one day closer to financial ruin and all the lawsuits east facing involving the january 6th attack on the capitol, and because he knows that every day is one day closer to becoming a criminal defendant trump. now that donald trump knows for sure, that the protesters are not coming to and hadn't, he is lashing out of her more viciously at this attorney, alvin bragg, who's busy ignoring donald trump. today, alvin bragg and announced the sentencing of trevor williams forest, also known as sheikh abdullah faisal, alvin bragg got a sentence, of 18 years, for that 59 year old
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criminal defendant for quote -- also known as ice. that's what alvin bragg was doing today, we're not a single republican in washington was doing single thing, to stop terrorism of any kind, in this country. hello trump was posting his hatred of alvin bragg and social media, today alvin bragg was putting a ices recruiter in new york state prison, for 18 years. in hisk (b■ statement about that sentencing, alvin bragg said, tragically, manhattan will continue to be a target, for those who want to harm this country. that sentence, of course, applies to donald trump. that is his tactic. >> he sent a violent mob to the
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capitol on january 6th, to strike terror into the hearts and minds of members of congress so that they would vote to keep donald trump in the presidency. that was trump terrorism on january six. donald trump terrified people around the country this weekend, on saturday, when you predicted he would be arrested in your come tuesday, and then, told his followers to protest, and to take our country back, millions of people are terrified, if that might mean donald trump would cement his violent mob of attackers, to attack the way he did in january 6th. a particular trump tara tactic, did not work on me, but i know it worked on a lot of people. i spent days time people privately and publicly on this program, but i didn't think that was going to happen. i don't think there's any reason to be terrified but what
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we would see in manhattan this week. but terrorism works, sometimes by acts of violence in something simple lead by the threats. and donald trump's threats were enough, -- and eugene carlo's lawsuit against donald trump, the claims she was raped by trump. a judge in that case, one of the during the upcoming trial, to be anonymous. the jurors names will not be publicly revealed, ian anyway in the courtroom, or to the news media, as a standard in over 99% of trials. the judge ordered an anonymous jury, in a civil lawsuit, in effect because donald trump is a terrorist. the judge noted, quote, some individuals charged with crime in connection with the january
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6th 2020 right at the capitol, have argued that their actions were attributable to what the individuals perceived, either or wrongly as incited by mr. trump. mr. trump's quite recent reaction to what he perceived as an imminent threat of indictment by a grand jury, sitting virtually next door to this court, to encourage protest, and to urge people to take our country back. and, it bears mentioning the mr. trump repeatedly has attacked, courts, judges various law enforcement officials and other public officials and even individual jurors in other matters. the judge noted, how rare it is, for juries to have to remain anonymous. quote, anonymous juries, historically, have been ordered in criminal cases in which the risks of tampering with, or violent retaliation against juries by criminal defendants, where the confederates, was
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palpable. most often in terrorism, a huge work-arounds crime. so this judge, is treating a civil lawsuit against donald trump, in a manhattan courtroom, the way they would treat terrorism and organized crime cases. because the defendant, is donald j trump. donald trump's terrorism, often targets individuals, and this week, it's alvin bragg's turn. today, donald trump called alvin bragg, where is that he is called other people, his repeated use of these words, don't make them any less sickening. animal, human scum, here is
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someone donald trump has never referred to, as an animal. he is the white supremacist who is convicted of murder for speeding his car into a group of people in charlottesville, virginia, for protesting white supremacists and not cease. he's serving life in prison after the murder of heather hire. trump's never called him an animal. here's someone else donald trump is never called an animal, he kept his knee on george floyd's neck for nine and a half minutes. murdered him while george floyd was calling out his mother, when george floyd knew he was dying. donald trump never called him an animal. donald trump has never called kim john in an animal. he is suspected of murdering his brother, has definitely murdered countless officials in his government, and has starve to death, thousands and thousands of people in north korea and donald trump not only does not call him an animal don
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trump says he found and love with him. and those people are not animals, they're human beings, they're human beings that committed murder, but they are main human beings in the eyes of the law, and according to the clear christian teachings. donald trump's supporters, claim that they follow religion. but they don't. donald trump, called avonburg something else today, he said that this attorney alvin bragg, is the gestapo. but worse. the gestapo were adolf hitler's not secret police, who murdered people, rounded up people, sent them off to death camps to be gassed, by the millions, and of germany, the trump for the district history of manhattan is a gestapo, but to make very clear what he means, he then
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says, but worse. it doesn't say the district attorney we is the gust, but not of that is the guys who spent 6 million jews to their deaths announcing death camps, donald trump says in that manhattan district attorney is worse. worse than the people there who executed the holocaust. donald trump insults the memory of every victim of the holocaust in that statement. donald trump insults every person in the world who has the decency to vow to never forget what happened in the holocaust trump says the manhattan district attorney's worst in the nasties who committed the worst crime against humanity of the 20th century. there is a rule of public
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discourse in american politics they must never compare anyone to hitler and must never compare anything our politics nazism. but donald trump did that today don trump uses naci tactics every day don trump says some of the nasty's marching in charlottesville, were good people, nothing donald trump does and nothing white supremacy this like the dominion lawsuit proven liar-y tucker carlson and fox say are as bad as moderna seized in world war ii they will never be that bad. but if there is anyone in american public life to be compared in any way to not seize, it is not its district attorney of manhattan, or any district attorney of manhattan in history, it is the terrorists.
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so terrorist animals and human scum just pure naughty language for human beings it is a terroristic of the manhattan district attorney, the gestapo but worse. it is the terrorist, who every day now, steps closer to coming, but criminal defendant trump. can offer discussion night is charles blow, thomas and there are times an msnbc political analyst his latest column for the new york times is titled trump may face prosecution, america faces a test charles what is the test facing america. >> test is what i like to call with a situation where we have
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causes inconvenient. the inconvenience of necessity markers faces several times in the history whether they know there's something we did should do they don't do it for political reasons. we allowed reconstruction to fall we allow jim crow to rise weed and step in in a major way because it was politically in communities so. america faces yet another one of those tests with whether or not to vigorously in appropriately prosecute donald trump. and there are too many people to my man having annoying about this, on both sides of the aisle but for different reasons they basically are living by the omar from the wire philosophy, which is if you come for the king you best not mess. well, i saw on the founder side of the ideology on this, which
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is that in america there are no kings. in fact, in america, you're supposed to be ruled by law and not biking. and if that is true, and if donald trump has committed a crime. then it is incumbent on the district attorneys, to pursue criminal charges against him. one of the most curious things about this whole discussion, is that the people who are reticent about charging him, are coming out and defending him, to not so do sauna basis of the law, by and large, they don't say he didn't do it, they say, that it is the discretion of the prosecutor, as to whether or not to prosecute, and prosecute will be problematic, and political, that itself is problematic and political. and it's the advocacy of prosecutors, making the political decision not to prosecute.
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it's pretending the decision not to prosecute for not be a political decision. >> there is no way to escape politics in any of this. the moment that we have society decided we were going to elect prosecutors, and some cases elect judges, there is no way to separate completely politics from any of these people. that said, as people stop to go by the law. and xavier from that, and those corrective measures in place, all the way up to the supreme court. we need to check that. but the idea of saying, of his politics and tons of things. the fact the members of congress, i actually defending this or defect checked into this, that's political. there's no way to get a lot around, when a person is committed this crime is former
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president. all that, said it still boils down to this. either he did or he didn't. and if he did, and there's evidence to suggest that he did. as a prosecutor, who can build a case, the prosecutor is bound, in my opinion, to charge a case. >> charles blow, thank you very much for starting off our discussion tonight. >> thank you. >> and coming up, i guess tonight for the rest of this hour, will include andrew weissmann, barbara mcquade, senator raphael warnock, and the host of msnbc's new hit we can show, jen psaki, all coming up after this break. you add a hotel to your flight. so you can have a bit more money, to do even less. moderate-to-severe eczema. it doesn't care if you have a date,... ...a day off,... ...or a double shift. make your move and get out in front of eczema... with steroid-free cibinqo.
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comcast business. powering possibilities™. corcoran is suspected to make up appearance tomorrow for the grand jury investigating donald trump's handling of government records, including classified documents and the new york
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times reports tonight that according to two people familiar with the he is not intending to invoke his fifth amendment right rights underscoring that he is not the target of the special counsel's scrutiny. devin corcoran's expected grand rivers tomorrow comes after a fast-track ultrafast track peels court ruling earlier this week, tonight requests from donald trump to block evan corcoran from effectively becoming a witness in the grand jury. the times has new details tonight about the initial ruling from judge barrel howell, it shot down coming corcoran's attorney client privilege protections. times reports most notably, in a lengthy memorandum of law didn't accompany the ruling, judge howell, according to two people briefed on the matter, laid out damning assertions made by prosecutors, mr. trump knowingly deceived the government, and caused mr. corcoran to mistake to
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prosecutors where the documents were being held in mar-a-lago. last summer we'll be national archives the fbi were tending to read the documents. i've been corcoran drafted reinstatement those later drafted by -- asserting that a diligent search had been conducted to find any and all relevant government back cuts. the fbi search later turned up more than 100 additional classified documents including classified documents that was found in don trump's desk. joining our discussion now andrew weissmann, former fbi general counsel, former chief of the colonel division in the eastern division of new york, he's a professor of practice that and why law school. former u.s. attorney, a law professor at the university of michigan law school, they are both msnbc legal analysts, and andrew, what does this tell us, if true, in the new york times
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reporting that mr. corcoran does not expect to be taking the fifth amendment? >> well, it means he does not think that he has any criminal exposure. the standard for asserting the fifth amendment is actually fairly low, i need to have is really a good faith belief that your testimony, we tend to incriminate, you i think here, what we are likely to hear, there is reporting on, this is that he's going to say, i withhold the information, and believe the information that i put in the draft certification, and then gabe, by the way, to christina bobb to sign, which is a little suspicious as to why he didn't sign it himself. when he's going to say, this is where you wanted formation, that is the critical for the u.s. -- government was, knows where did you get information? and it could be really
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compelling evidence, that is in the hands of the judge, because they could have a witness, mr. corcoran, having direct conversations with the former president, saying exactly what should be on the certification, but all documents have been returned to the government when we know that is not the case. so this could be quite an eventful day for jack smith not investigation, and it's not clear after this how much more they need to do, to bring charges here, particularly with respect to obstruction of justice, and false statements, based on the testimony of mr. corcoran. >> so barbara, here's what i'm wondering about, evan corcoran, here he represents a pathological liar, someone who knows is a pathological liar, before he ever goes to work for him as a lawyer. that pathological liar, says to him, there's no documents over there.
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this sounds to me like, you know, we some giant organized crime boss, says to the, lawyer don't look over there is no guns over there. and the lawyer says the fbi, there is no guns over there. doesn't a lawyer at some point in this transaction have a responsibility not to just kind of innocently conveyed to the fbi, and to federal prosecutors, what a pathological liar's told him. >> yes, so lawrence, you're define a phrase known as willful blindness. nothing to see here folks look the other way don't pay attention to saying, well certainly a lawyer has a duty of diligence, and diligent inquiry, and he would have to report to the fbi, in this instance what he believes to be true if he's making an assertion, to the justice department about the location of these documents, that's why
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this test my is so important, and why jack smith wants to talk to, wants to find out exactly what donald trump said to him. was it simply just, don't look over there, or did they have an extended conversation? ordinarily, the reason we have attorney client privilege, is to encourage candid conversation, in the same way we want encouraged to be very candid with the doctor, and tell them about all that ails you. -- some of the climb feels comfortable, telling everything about it. but as we've seen here, there is that exception, when your privileges we news to advance a crime, then it may be pierced and that's what happened here. it because we had a situation that's very rare we let something even more rare than that. and appears that donald trump may have been using his lawyer as a pawn perhaps an [interpreter] unwitting agent timelines that
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he knew would be repeated. >> we see we'll see when it's learn something but what happens that jerome tomorrow. >> thanks very much for joining us tonight. >> welcome. >> thank you. >> coming up senator raphael warnock of georgia will join us next. bye, bye cough. later chest congestion. hello 12 hours of relief. 12 hours!! not coughing? hashtag still not coughing?! mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from chest congestion and any type of cough, day or night. mucinex dm. it's comeback season. ancestry's helped me really understand my family's immigration experience and what life must have been like for them. and as i pass it on to my daughter, it's an important part of understanding who we are. there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings.
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congress have a different value set. they want to repeal the
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inflation reduction set, they value big time over drug cost seniors. -- they voted to repeal and weaken the act 50 times, in the first five years. they made repealing part of it, virtually every single republican budget since the law was passed. and then back in plans that we've got it again, get medicaid. >> that is president biden's room of the white house today, celebrating the 15th anniversary of the signing of the affordable care act. no new legislation passed by the democratic congress last year and signed into law by president biden. the out of pocket cost are now capped at $35 per month for medicare. earlier this month eli lilly announced they will cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month, for patients with private insurance.
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president biden responded to that, news in a tweet saying, huge news, last year's cap insulin prices for seniors on medicare, but there is more work to do, i called on congress and manufacturers to lower insulin prices, for everyone else, eli lilly is heeding my call, others should follow, a recent poll found that 84% of americans, support place in a 55-dollar per month limit, on the out of pocket costs for insulin. joining us now is democratic senator raphael warnock of georgia, senator, thank you very much for getting up tonight, a real pleasure to have you. >> it's good to be with you, lawrence, thank you so much. >> so, the president called on the companies to do this voluntarily. he also called on you called on congress to pass legislation, to make 35 dollar a month cap, available for everyone. >> well absolutely, it is a year ago in february then i
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introduced a piece of legislation that was focused on capping the cost of insulin for folks on medicare and people with private insurance. as god cabbage for folks some medicare today. i introduced piece of legislation, along with my republican partners, in this effort, senator jon kennedy there would cap the cost of insulin, for folks on private
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insurance. and also for people who have no insurance at all. i am a united states senator, but this isn't formed in the first and, from my work as a pastor. i cannot tell you how many times, i've stood in waiting rooms, families, i've stated bedsides when folks have gotten news of what happens, when diabetes is on managed. amputations, the kidney disease, because out of control, i need for a new kidney $1 of it $4 and a health care system is spent on people with diabetes. and so quite frankly, lawrence, this is why do this work, this is why put up with politics, because every now and then there's an opportunity to do something, that's really gonna help people, that's gonna help a lot of folks. >> to our prospects, it sounds, like in the senate for getting a bipartisan vote on this. >> well, as i, said i
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introduced legislation today, this is something i've been working on for a long time, i'm glad that my colleague on the other side of the aisle, john kennedy, is a cosponsor this bill, we are committed to getting over the finish, line and here's the thing, we're also committed to paying for, we don't add any more to the national, that i think it's necessary to get this done, so written into the provision of the law itself is that we will have to have it paid for. we will find, it and hopefully get this across the finish line, there's some 20 states, that have already cap the cost of insulin, many of them are red states like alabama, utah, oklahoma. diabetes is not a partisan issue. it's a public health issue, it's a human issue, when it's on they have seen up close, my guess is the state of the union we was a young woman named lacey mcgee, she's a graduate
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student years ago here in georgia, and she tells harrowing stories of many people on facebook, and connecting with, them and dimly lit parking lots to get high, not to get, high but stay alive. one of four people have ration their insulin. people rationing insulin, taking expired insulin, borrowing insulin from friends, left over from their dead relatives. we saw moral, it's, unnecessary but today we began important step into correcting that. >> we connect democrats in the senate have confirmed 118 we -- appeals court judges, one supreme court justice, this is a record number i think we know now how important these
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judicial importance, our suspicions last week when the circuit court of appeals during washington, fast-track of a very important appeal on the trump investigation cases. in doing it in lightning speed that would not have happened with other judges possibly sitting on that case. do you expect to be able to keep up that pace? you're getting to the point where there aren't many vacancies left, in the federal courts. >> well, you know, a federal judge has a lot of, power and it's important that we have people in these positions, who respect the law. and who represent the broad range of human experience. we don't simply need corporate lawyers, although they bring a certain kind of experience to this. you defended other people who stood up with people.
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for ketanji brown, jackson first black woman elected to the ninth state supreme court. i wrote a letter to my five-year-old daughter, explaining that we had confirmed someone who look like her, with hair like her, i think it's important that traditionary look like america, i'm proud to be a part of this effort. >> senator raphael warnock, thank you very much for joining us again tonight. >> thank you. >> thank you. coming up, 46 years ago today, richard nixon, uttered one of the most infamous quotes, ever spoken by former erica president, bye to trump. jen psaki, who's worked for two american presidents sedans, will join us next.
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illegal. by definition. >> after donald trump survived, excitement he's been trying united states senate, where several republicans voted to complete donald trump, the republican senate leader said this. >> president trump is still liable for everything he did while he is in office. as an ordinary citizen, -- still liable for everything you did, well use an office. then we get away with anything, yet. we have a criminal justice system in this country, we have civil litigation, former presidents are not immune for being coachable way through blood. >> during his knowledge and, sake former white house press secretary, in the biden white house, her new show inside with jen psaki airs sunday at 12 pm
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eastern on msnbc, and it's already a huge hit with the biggest weekend audience of last weekend, jen, congratulations on that first show. >> thank you for watching, and eating a bagel while you watch it. >> as there every minute, i was there before it started. >> while more bagels as, weekend put in your order. >> i'm so fascinated by the arc from nixon to hear, because when nixon said in 1977, no one believed. no one working in the white house believed, that the president does it it's automatically legal, and everyone believed richard annexing is the proof that that is not the case. that's why he's not president anymore. and a lot of us believed we would never have to live through anything like that again, because everyone would've learned the lesson of nixon. >> there is a moment in history for almost anything, and i love
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those historic case, probably from an nbc news archive case lawrence, that show us and remind us, of what we're looking at, and what we're experiencing right now. and donald trump is where he is right, now whether he's indicted next week or not, or whatever it might be, or is indicted in one of the other three criminal cases, because of the actions he took. that is historic, when over half of it is a response to holding a president accountable. his actions, his rigging of a, law his fomenting an insurrection. those are historical actions, -- a video reminds us of history here. that is mitch mcconnell standing up, decades after nixon said, that contradicting richard nixon and say look you can criminally prosecute him
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for anything he did while he was president. >> exactly. and, i think, you know, we've spent a lot of time focusing, of course, on the hush money payments to former adult film star in recent weeks, but she may or may not be indicted for soon. but remember, who while he was in office, he also fomented insurrection. the worst attack our nation's capital nation's history. he also intervene him self into the outcome of an election in georgia. that's not something that is presidential behavior. not only took classified documents, but now we learned in the last few days, lawrence, he lied to his own lawyer about those classified documents. those are historic actions, as well. i think that's important to remember. as you mentioned earlier, our 42 presidents, i think it's important for the public to know, this is not just not
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normal behavior, but the vast, vast majority of people who serve in the oval office, who said the resolute desk, or whatever test may choose, do it with respect for the dignity and the signatory of the office. and this is disrespect for the office, it's not normal, it's not what the president does -- >> jen, you are in the white house, in that building where you can't walk through the door, without feeling the import of what's happening there, we -- have the feeling of the cleaning of the temple. >> a bit, lawrence. i would, say when i came in with president biden during his
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transition, now is far from a normal transition, there wasn't participation by the outgoing trump team. obviously, he is stirring up rioters to attack our capital, so that was certainly happening, but even before that there is not a respect for the continuity of power. it is not a transfer of information, there is withholding information, as also there when obama came in and we had that overlap with bush administration lots of policy disagreements between president obama, and president, bush about the iraq war, but a range of issues. that was a smooth transfer of power where they actually work together to make sure there is overlap, leadership during the worst financial crisis in decades in our country issued memos they issued briefing materials. we said when trump is coming,
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and president promised to, us we need to follow that same model. we tried, but obviously that was a different transition as well. >> jen psaki, thank you very much for joining us, we will be watching on sunday at 12 noon. >> thank you, lawrence. >> and the, sunday jen psaki will be joined by former obama attorney general eric holder, who she knows well. and that program again, 12, noon eastern right here on msnbc, tonight's last word is next. we're gonna take it back. we're gonna take it back. with scotts turf builder triple action! it gets three jobs done at once - kills weeds. prevents crabgrass. and keeps your lawn growing strong. glorious! -agggghhhhhh! -aaagghhhh. no no no. get a bag of scotts triple action today, it's guaranteed. feed your lawn. feed it. ♪ ♪ no two dreams are the same.
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where the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. tonight, the legal battle over mike pence's testimony, one of trump's lawyers who could've been before the grand jury tomorrow, in court today, challenging subpoenas for the former vice president. and, ron desantis walking back his comments on ukraine, we'll struggling to answer softball questions from a friendly interviewer. then, the clock ticking on tiktok, the company ceo grilled on capitol hill for hours, over security concerns. what it means for the absentee