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tv   Chris Jansing Reports  MSNBC  March 23, 2023 11:00am-12:01pm PDT

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minute to minute where that toothbrush is. well, that's not been possible for organ transplantation, even toe what we do is considerably more important than organizing a toothbrush. >> unos is committed to reforms, we welcome a competitive and open business process for the next contract, to advance our efforts to save as many lives as possible as equitably as possible. reforms won't go into place right away as the government works with experts and organizations to design the revamp, but for lq. >> i'm just waiting and waiting every day. >> reporter: it gives her hope that she'll get the call for her transplant soon. kristen dahlgren, nbc news. we have a lot to cover in the second hour of "chris jansing reports." let's get right to it. at this hour, looks can be deceiving, that's how one federal prosecutor described a
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young woman charged with aiding the theft of nancy pelosi's laptop on january 6th. the latest inside the courtroom where she's been sentenced. day three of a massive public school strike in los angeles, and now the mayor is stepping in. what teachers and staff are asking for, and can it bring an end to the strike? we have a live report from colorado where the body of a 17-year-old suspect was found in a wooded area miles from where he shot two administrators at a denver high school on wednesday. plus, new developments on multiple investigations into former president trump. our nbc news reporters are following all the latest developments. i want to get right to vaughn hillyard, working hard, trump calling for all officials investigating him to be removed. it's not necessarily new, not necessarily shocking but give us the details on the latest on all
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of this. >> right. well, donald trump holds firm here at mar-a-lago. in florida, he's trying to play offense to the extent that he can. of course he can not personally interfere these investigations as they unfold. but here just in the last hour, he is now calling for the removal of not only manhattan district attorney alvin bragg who is overseeing the hush money payment investigation related to stormy daniels, but he's also calling for the removal of fani willis, the district attorney in fulton county, calling for the removal of letitia james and new york attorney general bringing her civil suit at trial later on this year against the trump organization. he's also calling for the removal of special counsel jack smith. of course jack smith here is making progress in his apparent investigation into the mar-a-lago classified documents case. evan corcoran who is donald trump's lawyer, he called testify as soon as tomorrow before the department of justice
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related to that mar-a-lago raid last august in which more than 100 classified documents were found despite donald trump's lawyers, including to our understanding, evan corcoran signing off that all the relevant documents of interest had been turned over to the national archives. there's a letter coming from alvin bragg's office, pushing back against james comer, suggesting alvin bragg should go before them as part of an inquiry. all ahead of an indictment of donald trump looms. >> vaughn hillyard on a busy day at mar-a-lago. thank you for that. nbc's morgan chesky is in colorado, where officials found the body of a 17-year-old suspected school shooter with students and parents demanding action. morgan, do we know anything about a motive here, and what about those calls we're hearing and that it's ignited over armed officers at the school?
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>> chris, this remains a dynamic investigation right now. a press conference has been set, we're headed there shortly during which time we intend to ask if there's information about this 17-year-old gunman that members of a s.w.a.t team found late yesterday about 50 miles away from where the shooting took place at denver's east high school. we are curious as to how he obtained that firearm, if there was any potential motive here amongst other things. important to note here, chris, that as this 17-year-old was entering or about to enter the school yesterday, he was patted down by two members of the staff in which officials say was part of protocol that had been put in place specifically for this 17-year-old student, due to a violation of rules or policy until the past, although they would not elaborate any further there. in addition to that, chris, we're also hearing from cherry creek school district here in the greater denver area, that
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17-year-old gunman was expelled from an aurora area high school last year before then being able to enroll here because of another infraction of some sort. so a lot of questions about this 17-year-old here, chris. as for those two members of the staff here at the high school that were wounded, we're told one was released from the hospital overnight. another, however, remains in serious condition. chris. >> morgan chesky, thank you for that. right now l.a. public schools are closed again as school workers strike for the third straight day now. mayor karen bass is stepping in. maura barrett is on the ground in los angeles for us. what's the latest on the negotiations? >> reporter: you might be able to hear that music playing next to me and the union workers gathering behind me as they prepare for another rally on the third day of this walkout, effectively closing school for three days in a row here in los
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angeles because the strike is ongoing. negotiations are ongoing, despite mayor karen bass getting involved yesterday. i want to play a bit of sound from a special education teacher to remind you what these union workers are fighting for. they said that they're fighting for fair wages as well as fair labor practices. i want you to hear from the special education teacher about what he deals with, given his paycheck each month. >> so called affordable housing units, these are apartments that the district built to help employees with housing. but my so-called affordable apartment i pay 1,300 a month. i get paid twice a month, and neither one of those checks will pay for the rent by itself. i must work a second job to make ends meet. >> reporter: now, mayor bass says that she wants to help reopen schools for students and teachers, as well as come to a fair agreement where l.a. district workers feel they're
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treated fairly. this is gardeners, custodians, aides, essential for students to learn. legally the workers can strike for three days at a time. they will return to school tomorrow. the union and district saying they're reassured by mayor bass getting involved in these talks that these underlying issues that spurred the strikes to begin with are not solved. they're hoping this means they could face negotiations with the district, but again, students will be able to return to class tomorrow, but we don't know if negotiations will resolve by then or if this means there could be another strike in l.a.'s future. >> laura barrett, thank you for that. ken dilanian has the latest on the three-year prison sentence for a january 6th defendant who led a mob to then speaker nancy pelosi's office. take us inside the courtroom and the arguments on both sides. >> neither side got what they
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wanted today, chris. the attorney for riley williams portrayed her as a misguided 25-year-old woman who became addicted to the internet and was not violent. they asked for a year and a day. prosecutors on the other hand said she participated in domestic terrorism, plain and simple. they wanted the judge to sentence her to seven years in prison. three years was a bit of a compromise. prosecutors portrayed her as an accelerant. she led a crowd into nancy pelosi's office. the jury hung whether she participated in the theft of nancy pelosi's laptop. she was convicted of six other charges. everywhere she went, she acted as an accelerant, exacerbating the mayhem. when others pushed back, she pushed forward. she recruited larger men, gathered them together, and pushed them forward like a human ramp. although she was not accused of picking up a weapon or assaulting police officers,
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prosecutors portrayed riley williams as playing a significant and integral role in the violent on january 6th. >> ken dilanian, thank you for that. florida governor ron desantis, did he flip-flop on russia and putin after pushback from fellow republicans or did he just clarify? what it could all mean for his potential 2024 campaign. plus, a rare and terrifying tornado ripping through7tí■ california, 8 miles from downtown l.a. we've got the latest from the damage as well as the clean up having ahead. those pictures are unbelievable. and president biden marked 13 years since the affordable care act was passed. could more be done? i'll ask the health and human services secretary later in the show. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc.
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who needs to face consequences. those who comment after he was slammed by fellow republicans for calling russia's war in ukraine a territorial dispute. joining me now, nbc's sahil kapur, and elise jordan. good to have both of you here. what is desantis say and is this a move to shore up support ahead of a 2024 campaign launch? >> reporter: this is quite the shift in tone from governor desantis, saying ukraine is not a vital interest, minimizing the war as a territorial dispute between ukraine and russia, now governor desantis says in an interview with piers morgan that putin is a war criminal who should be held accountable. he never meant to argue that the invasion was justified. now, this does come after desantis faced heavy criticism from fellow republicans for the way he minimized and down played that war of aggression by russia
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in ukraine. it shows what a challenge desantis would have in unifying these two very divided wings of the republican party on the issue of foreign policy. there is this neo isolationist wing that wants to pull back from world affairs and says that the russian war in ukraine is not a major u.s. interest. there's a whole other wing of the party that believes in the post world war ii order, and sees putin as a threat to that. they believe the u.s. should support ukraine. notably he does not take an issue on the aide in ukraine, which he would have to confront if he was president. this is the challenge desantis will have in the path of the presidency. he has to do that while holding on to traditional security hawks within the republican party who have a very different view of foreign policy who have
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supported past nominees like mitt romney and john mccain. an early test for governor ron desantis, if he chooses to run for president, shows how much he has his work cut out for him. >> elise, do you think this change in tone or perhaps some people would go further and say flip-flop is going to appease some of the folks who were worried about whether or not he was ready for prime time? >> chris, i don't actually see it as that extreme of a sthift shift in tone. the original statement where he said that ukraine was not a vital national interest, that was in written comments to tucker carlson. there was a fair amount of nuance there actually that threaded the needle of between not being isolationist and not being a republican security hawk. frankly, i think that's smart politics for ron desantis because that's where the
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republican electorate overall seems to be. you will have the more hard core wing that really doesn't want any foreign intervention, but then there are plenty of republican voters who are questioning what desantis called in his comments to tucker carlson the biden blank check policy, and so in those remarks, which were longer, he did have a little more nuance, and then what he said to pierce morgan didn't exactly backtrack and say that ukraine was in the national interest, and so that's the big overarching question, where does ukraine fall in the american national interest, and he didn't really recant that. >> all right. let's show you a little bit exactly. we don't have a lot of it because it's going to air later, but among the clips we've seen with piers morgan, who's a friendly interviewer, is this one. let's take a listen. >> i think he's got grand ambitions. i think he's hostile to the united states, but i think the thing we've seen, he doesn't
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have the conventional capabilities to realize his ambition. he's a gas station with a bunch of nuclear weapons. >> so i guess there is this obvious question about where the republican party is on the question of u.s. involvement in ukraine, where are they on foreign policy in general. when you look, though, at a potential 2024 campaign against donald trump and who knows else, nikki haley who obviously has a background in foreign affairs, how important do you think that will be in the primaries? >> is that for me? >> yeah, elise, sorry. >> i think it's one of the questions that's going to loom large, but i think that it's going to bump heads with the question of the border which the voters care more about than foreign policy in general. the two are threaded together. that's what desantis and trump are trying to do, connect ukraine being the largest
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recipient of american military and humanitarian aid to what they see as not enough action down on the border to stop migration and immigration into the united states, and that's a needle they're going to have to thread. i would much rather be in their position than to be in the position of a more traditional republican security hawk. that's where the elites of the party are. it is not where republican voters are. >> elise jordan, sahil kapur, thank you very much for that. the weather we have been seeing for weeks is now include ing tornados. nbc national correspondent miguel almaguer has more from montbello where officials today are surveying damage. >> reporter: this was the jaw dropping sight in southern
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california, a tornado carving through the streets just a few miles outside downtown los angeles, a twister so powerful it shredded roofs and tore apart met al fencing. the power on full display. this frightening scene playing out at a local school. watch again as a teacher is actually sucked out of a classroom. >> all of a sudden, we open the door a little bit, and then we just see like a gust of wind starting to build up and then it just like got faster and faster. >> reporter: tornadoes are rarely seen in the golden state, but incredibly this was the second twister to hit the region in 24 hours. on tuesday, not far from santa barbara, this tornado devastated a mobile home park. thankfully no serious injuries. >> it was nothing i've ever heard before in my life. >> reporter: miguel almaguer, nbc news. and in san francisco, it was
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raining glass, you heard me. an intense wind storm on tuesday broke multiple windows in buildings along san francisco's mission street, sending glass falling from the sky and littering the streets. now city officials are calling for stepped up window inspections of all downtown high-rises. one local resident said what saved him from injury was his umbrella, telling our affiliate quote, it came down pretty hard, i thought it was just like hail and i realized afterwards it was glass, after it didn't melt when it hit the ground. we've got new details about an expanding take in south carolina. what new documents are telling us about an investigation into the death of buster murdaugh's classmate, stephen smith, and where that case might go from here. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc. ♪ today my friend you did it, you did it, you did it... ♪
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unnecessarily heard of in a hearing, but this sounds like it was something. >> reporter: high emotions are not unheard of in hearings like this, especially when you've got a period of divided government and on policy issues like gun violence, you knew this was going to be a tense hearing. it certainly was both between the members themselves sitting on that dais, and also between protesters who showed up there. i want to show you what happened after a protester interrupted. this is how the chairman of the subcommittee reacted prompting a response from another person on the democratic side on this committee, watch. >> is this an insurrection? so will they be held to the same, i don't want another january 6th, do we? >> trying to overthrow the government, they ought to be held to the same standard, but i think they're trying to express their views. >> does the capitol police not do their jobs? what the hell is going on? >> you're seeing congressman fallon sparring off camera, the other voice you heard, i
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believe, was david cicilline, the congressman on the democratic side. we have seen the idea of january 6th and the insurrection come up in these before. i think it's important, we keep this in mind all the time, not just because of the security precautions but because it informs the way lawmakers relate to each other on the most basic of levels. it looms over and under pins interactions. the protesters that we're talking about here were folks that were taken by capital police outside of the room. congressman maxwell frost explains a little bit of that to us in a tweet, telling us that this was one of the parkland family's, and in frosts words saying that patricia oliver kicked out of the committee hearing, patricia the wife said one thing, and the chair escalated the entire situation. police arrested her husband who lost his son in the parkland shooting. his son was shot to death.
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frost had made gun violence prevention a center piece of his short time in congress and a large part of his campaign as he comes from the florida community and the state of florida overall which has unfortunately seen so much gun violence. on a busy day this was a very tense hearing. >> ali vitali, thank you for bringing that to us, so quickly. also today, new documents and recordings are shedding light on the investigation into the unsolved death of buster murdaugh's classmate, stephen smith. additional agents are assigned to the cold case, and officials say progress is being made. nbc's catie beck has more from south carolina for us. catie? >> reporter: the homicide investigation was opened in june of 2021. that is the same month and year that maggie and paul murdaugh was murdered. now this their case is resolved, the spotlight is shifting to the stephen smith case. state investigators making it a top priority. >> the homicide investigation into stephen smith's 2015 death
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receiving fresh law enforcement resources and bringing renewed hope to his family. >> i've been wanting this for the last eight years and now it's happening. >> reporter: the south carolina law enforcement division says progress has been made. the chief assigning additional agents to work this case in the hopes that those who may know what happened to mr. smith are more willing to speak freely than they would have been in 2016 or 2021. 19-year-old stephen smith was found dead on a rural road, his shoes still on his feet. a short distance away, his abandoned car, the gas cap unscrewed, his wallet inside. at the time, the on scene supervisor telling a detective it appeared to be a homicide, but the medical examiner ruled it a hit-and-run, a determination later challenged by investigators. >> there's no marks from a vehicle, no skid marks in the
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roadway, nothing in the grass. >> reporter: police recordings show the murdaugh family name came up multiple times in interviews from 2015, including with stephen's mother. >> the rumors going around that everybody keeps coming up to me and saying it was murdaugh boys. >> the murdaugh boys? >> yes, whoever they are. >> reporter: other individuals mentioned the name murdaugh in taped interviews. >> who was that? >> mr. murdaugh. >> and i'll be honest with you, buster murdaugh has been on our radar long before this. >> reporter: buster murdaugh, the surviving son of convicted killer alec murdaugh said he had nothing to do with smith's death, and asked for privacy as he grieves the murders of his mother and brother. in a statement shared with nbc news earlier this week, buster murdaugh called the rumors he and stephen had a relationship baseless and denied any involvement with his death, adding my heart goes out to the
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smith family. buster murdaugh was never interviewed by police about the 2015 case. the attorney for stephen smith's mother eric bland says he plans to petition a judge to exhume smith's body and get an independent autopsy conducted. he also said the murdaugh name had high influence in the area and possibly intimidated witnesses. he hopes they'll speak more freely now. back to you. >> c thank you for that. here to discuss, carol lamb, in studio, great to see you in person. i wonder a cold case like this, and the entire tv show dedicated to cold case, and eight years later, what are the challenges for prosecutors? >> as we have all seen on tv, chris, there are obviously challenges both forensic and witness challenges. forensic evidence obviously dissipates over time. it's a little bit harder to find murder weapons, and the body is
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not in the same condition anymore. but witness testimony is also critical in these cases, and you have people who have died. you have people who are incapacitated, memories fade over time. i think one of the interesting things here is a lot of potential witnesses are young people, people in the prime of their life at the time of the events eight years ago. it's quite possible there's good witness testimony that investigations may have uncovered. >> let's talk about possible physical evidence. one of the things supporters have been raising money to have his body exhumed, looked at again, questions were raised about the conclusion that he was a victim of a hit-and-run. could an exhumation shed light on whether or not that autopsy was legit? >> i think that's why they're doing the exhumation. we'll have to see whether there's enough evidence there about the cause of death.
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there seems to have been some question about the conclusions that were drawn at the time by the medical examiner. i have to say, it is such a highly unusual situation where a cause of death would have been concluded to be a hit-and-run where there was so little corroborating evidence and circumstantial evidence suggesting that it was a hit-and-run and that so many first responders on the scene believed that it was a homicide. that's a very unusual circumstance. >> so where does it go from here? i mean, again, if you watch these tv shows, they take those files, and they go back over everything, and then they look for new avenues of investigation. it seemed like a very pain staking process, but what happens now? >> i think now that the investigation is over in a sense, now that investigators have said we are calling this a homicide and we are investigating it as a homicide, the likelihood that people are going to feel freer to come forward and actually talk, especially now that alex
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murdaugh has been convicted and is serving his sentence, i think there's a greater possibility that they may make some headway there in the investigation. there's a probable cause finding that if they can identify a killer or killers, then it would take the normal course of a criminal investigation. this south carolina, interestingly, there's no statute of limitations on crimes, so they have the time, if they can find the evidence. >> and you hope for the family's sake that they find out what's actually happened here. carol lamb, thank you so much. great to see you. fires, broken windows and massive protests on the streets of paris. the new comments from president macron that exacerbated the situation. a live report after the break. plus, here at home, donald trump widening his lead over republicans in the 2024 race, so what will it take to beat him? i'll talk with someone who has tried about the lessons learned. you're watching "chris jansing reports" only on msnbc.
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french fury is on display in paris after emanuel macron doubled down on the retirement age. hundreds of thousands of people are continuing to protest the change from age 62 to 64. macron said people need a reality check, basically telling them i'm sorry you feel that way. at the same time, garbage piles are littering the city, a major protest symbol, touting the beauty paris is known for. in some places the piles are taller than the humans who have been refusing to collect them the last 18 days. meagan fitzgerald is in the middle of all of it. i know you have been watching it up close for days. it looks like a particularly bad night. what's happening on the ground? well, i can tell you, chris, that the protests are certainly
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intensifying. behind me what you're looking at is police putting in place the barricades, corralling the crowd of protesters in. this is something we have seen over the last several days. it's a way to minimize the damage for one certain area. as the night is fall, we are already seeing the violence set in. we know there's been clashes with police, police dispensing tear gas. we have walked into some of that. these protesters are angry. according to the unions we're looking at 800,000 people taking to the streets in paris alone, and we know there's demonstrations happening all across the country. the reason people are demonstrating is a couple of things. they're angry. this is a culture that really values that work/life balance. they have 35 hour a week workweeks. they take their vacations. they pay more in taxes than other european countries and the reward is early retirement at 62 years old. they're angry at the way macron
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pushed through the legislation, bypassing the vote in parliament. i want you to take a listen to protesters we talked to earlier today. >> i think we have to really think about the balance between personal life and profession life. >> i have other goals in life than working. i don't think that is justified and i don't think it's the best solution. >> reporter: these protests are only expected to intensify. protesters say this is just the start. they plan on protesting the next several days. they say even weeks ahead. looking at a president at a 28% approval rating. he's made a lot of people in parliament mad, even people in his own party. he's got four more years left in his presidency. the big question swirling around is how effective will macron be in the four years as he tries to continue to govern. >> as we look at the more
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immediate concern, i'm wondering if there's any indication macron might buckle under the pressure? >> reporter: it's such a good question. it seems like he's not. he's trying to wait this out. he's hopeful that eventually the protesters will go home and they will just accept this as they did when the retirement age increased from 60 to 62. protesters are painting a different story. they're saying they're going to continue to stay out here, continuing to protest, to demonstrate, until something is done, but certainly it just is something that's yet to be seen, chris. >> meagan fitzgerald, thank you so much for that, and take care out there. the way the polls show that donald trump is widening his lead over ron desantis. specifically, the monument poll shows trump has gone from 26% in december, to 41% in march. conversely, desantis has dropped from 39 to 27%. others are in single digits.
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what will it take to beat the former president for the nomination, and are the polls like to deter others from getting in. let's ask one of his 2016 rivals, john kasich is the foreigner governor of ohio, and newly an msnbc political analyst. welcome, governor. it's good to see you. >> well, chris, you can see the background where i am, your old alma mater. >> i know your office is there. we can talk about that another time, let's talk politics now. we know a thing or two about running against donald trump. in your 2016 campaign, which i occasionally covered, one of your most reliable applause lines was a promise that you would not take the low road to the white house. do you think there's anything that ron desantis or any other candidate can learn from donald trump's previous runs? >> well, i don't think you ever take the load road to anything in order to achieve something, chris. and look, if i had to pinpoint
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the single biggest -- there was the media covering donald trump's empty podium before he spoke. donald trump got a billion dollars worth of free publicity that the media had
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