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tv   American Voices With Alicia Menendez  MSNBC  March 18, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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rk that's always improving, getting faster; more reliable; and more intelligent to keep you ready for today and tomorrow. the choice is clear: make your business future ready with the network from the most innovative company. ♪ ♪ ♪ comcast business. >> i'm alicia menendez and thi
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is american voices we began this weekend with breaking news. reacting to former president trump's bombshell claim that h will be arrested on tuesday. trump says that he's receive quote, legal leaks about the manhattan district attorney' investigation. -- on a shrewd social account tha will be taken into custody o tuesday. earlier this, week trump attorney said that if th former president were to b indicted that he would surrender to authorities trump himself already callin for protests to be clear, no evidence tha trump has indeed been indicted the manhattan da's offic declined to comment. just minutes ago, michael cohe shedding light on the gran juries possible timeline >> the grand jury meets you sa monday, wednesday, thursday. which means he's gonna b arrested next tuesday? they would've had to vote an indictment thursday. because you were there testifying on wednesday? >> correct >> just yesterday -- the claims of harassment calls
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for protest nbc learned at least five law enforcement agencies have been preparing for potential unrest, it includes the nypd and the fbi. they're discussing how t protect the manhattan criminal court, were trump may go o trial if he's in data. nbc news correspondent gar grumbach, joins me now fro mar-a-lago gary, what are you hearing fro trump, the gop in the possible indictment >> something i find real interesting, alicia, as no only who the republicans are that are continuing to bac former president donald trump. but how strongly they're continuing to back the man the most powerful republican i the nation and how speaker kevin mccarthy said in a tweet today, here we go again an outrageous abuse of power b a radical da, who lets violent criminals walk as he pursues politica vengeance against presiden trump. he says he's directing relevan committees to immediatel investigate the federal fund are being used to subvert ou democracy. by interfering in election with politically motivated - the most powerful republican i
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the nation saying that then you have folks like marjorie taylor greene, wh forced a very good friend of donald trump, she's never no been a friend of trump's, she' also perhaps even angling for vp spot. calling this, fake a outrageous but then you've got somebody like former vice president mik pence. by no means a current friend o president donald forme president donald trump -- in des moines today th following, take a listen >> the idea of indicting forme president of the united states -- it's tens of millions of americans. we and what appears to be political charged environment. in new york where the returnin general and other electe officials literally campaigned on a pledge to prosecute the former president >> not only was the former president calling folks to get out and protest in the truth social post this morning but also throughout the da that sending various
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fundraising emails seven by -- when the fbi raided mar-a-lago behind me. but another email sent out trying to raise money for th campaign >> raising never and scary, thank you so much for being with us. joining me now democrati congressman, eric swalwell, wh sits on the judiciary kitty an homeland security committees and former 2020 presidential candidate. congressman, great to see you, your response to mccarthy' tweet? >> it's very irresponsible alicia, in fact it only will the legitimize law enforcement i worry about law enforcemen that it puts on their back all of the federal law enforcement -- wants to be, the most powerful republican in the country th speaker of the house as second in line to the presidency a but it's a legitimate, so it puts them in their lives, thei families at risk
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this is a somber time that we're approaching for ou country, we never had president in this position and donald trump deserves equa protection under the law he deserves the same right that any defendant would receive. it's something that happens no to celebrate, or destroy, so i hope that every -- approaches this responsibly an with caution >> congressman, as you pointed out it was donald trump will broadcast the fbi search for mar-a-lago for classifie documents. it turned out that part to b true he's now broadcasting in arrest, his preferred response from hi followers, we don't know yet i this is based in, fact togethe will come to fruition, tha said there is reporting that predates trump's remarks o truth social what preparations do you wan to see put in place should any of this come to pass >> it's clear, alicia that the fbi cannot publicized to effor to give back the stole documents, donald truck di that, an fbi office within a
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couple days was shot up. it was attacked. and now here we have potential indictment, donald trump again is suggesting he knows the day that's going to happen and that's going to inspire, and site violence. and my fear is that we need to be prepared for that and again, america's leaders need to be very measured careful. and how we talk about that that means not undermined la enforcement and it means not cheering for indictment, and sharing rather for the rule of law. we're gonna prepare the high note, my team for any violence because we're seeing a increase in threats to me, m family over the last week or so i hope lawn for small across the country's prepared >> i gotta ask you as a former impeachment manager, when yo look at this case, when yo look at georgia which is jus hanging out right there in the background
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where do you believe this al fits in the broader quest fo accountability >>, certainly there's th potential that this will not b the only indictment. and that's what worries me the donald trump is preventing her box like environment he's ready to drop the match with his rhetoric. you have georgia, a potentia indictment, you have january six, and also theft of those top secret documents that ar being investigated there's a cascade, of civi suits that are going down th track. and raining and meant fo dispositions and perhaps a trial. his words have impact, again i has inspired violence in the past and i'm fearful that if we're not preparing americas leaders don't condemn this they could be much worse >> what congressman eric swalwell, thank you so much fo your time i want to bring in davi rohde, executive news for -- msn d.c. contributor lisa rubin, emily littlest -
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i want to start with michael cohen, saying that this is the fundraising opportunity for th former president take a listen. i don't know if we have that sound. hopefully you saw it earlier with the rave. i wonder, big picture how do you think -- legal team needs to be about this manhattan case? >> i think they need to be worried, alicia, but i do agre with congressman swalwell that this is one of multipl investigations that can caus real damage to the forme president. and probably the one that he stands to have the least exposure, in terms of potentia prison time. many people including many see this as the least serious. michael cohen's comment abou this is just a fundraising opportunity for donald, he sai something to that effect earlier on our air it continue -- even isa - >> lisa, hold on let's play it for years yo could see it >> not only does he want there
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to be another violent protest. he's also looking to do th great grift, continue the grea grift, and obtain campaign contributions all for this attacking the fame president $75, send me $10 it's part of the great grift >> lisa, as you are. >> now, i was saying you and i have talked in those terms man times before about how the grift continues. every victimization is a further opportunity to mak money. one of the things i pose tonight on twitter, alicia, is donald fronts gave this -- speech last week where he said, i'm you retribution, and my question t his supporter is is that reall true are you his retribution? is he using you. and your hands and you prospect of violence to get ou how his revenge he think erroneously has been wrong >> there is that question to the followers, david, there'
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also the question to the republicans, you saw mccarth coming out as full-throate defense. i've read the pen soun differently than my colleagu garry run back, to me this i exactly the line that mike pence has been trying to walk, where he's trying to - have it both ways, calls for accountability, not this particular form of accountability he doesn't want to be a part to it. i'm not particular surprised b the fact that this is the act. >> i think bluntly, politically, this helped donald trump wit his base this helps is possibility of wanting the republican nomination but i think -- >> if it stands alone. >> in this one case i agree with lisa, it's the weakest case of the three. alvin bragg, i hope she has ne evidence or some new theor that the case that we haven' heard so far but suburban independent voter who voted against trum candidates across the country, in the midterms, if he's inciting violence may not help
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him with the general election. it's a critical few days, th other point i want to make i what's so ridiculous, what's happening and even us in the media,, look donald trump is gonna be indicted, he'll b asked to voluntarily appear in a courthouse which dozens of people do every day across the united states. paul manafort did it, michae flynn did it, steve bannon's done it multiple times he will come in, he will b arraigned, he'll get bail this is not a violent crime he'll get a fair trial there's no need to be incite violence here. he won't be arrested the prosecutors and defens attorneys work out of time and place, and he will, the justic department will proceed. and, frankly maybe hold be acquitted enough that's what a jury decides, that's our system >> we're living in a world o -- these are all, if the manhatta da has not yet confirmed any o this lisa, i gotta ask you. michael cohen spent hour speaking to the manhattan gran jury this week after trump turned down his own invitation to testify your sense of what that signal
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about a prosecutor's progress? >> i think we're coming to the end, alicia. and i would've told you, it wa the and. but for the fact of the ne york times reported today that we should expect at least on more round jury witness. who that witnesses we don't. now obviously, stormy daniel had a meeting last week with prosecutors. it wasn't testimony, it was meeting with prosecutors whether she's gonna be tha witness, i should say under ne york law, you need to appear i person to speak with the groun jury or whether there are some othe witness we don't know about. it's not clear i think donald trump will be indicted in a matter of days not weeks, or months but i don't necessarily believ that michael cohen's the las witness that will seek going into background jury i think it's very soon, we'l see this ground jury being asked to vote a true beloved indictment and give it the upper down >> lisa and david, this isn' the only legal case we need to talk about you're both sticking around. the legal headache for the
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former president doesn't and i new york nbc's learned another phon call between donald trump an another georgia fish all will dig into trump' mounting legal troubles just ahead. that, and as we await a texa judge's decision whether t brandon essential abortion medication one state is not waiting becoming the first in th nation to explicitly and the abortion pill. and a head to head political duel between donald trump an ron desantis heating up, but this eithe have what it takes to ru voters nationwide? that one american voices returns. but first -- look at the other big storie we're watching this. our on msnbc jessica. >> alicia, thank you are shooting at an after hours club in columbus, ohio left two people dead and fou others hurt this morning police say the street near the club will remain closed. what police investigate this no suspect has been taken into custody at thousands of people in franc are protesting president emmanuel macron's pensio reform which would raise the entire
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mud age from 62 to 64. today, paris police and -- to hotspots citing quote serious risks of disturbance to public order and security the move though has no determined demonstrators a they turn to other places to protest. and a 6.7 magnitude earthquake hit the second largest city of ecuador [interpreter today. at least four people wer killed, residents hit th streets with panic as the earthquake severely damaged their homes an buildings. people in northern peru sa they also felt the quake i'm just collated, mor american voices coming up afte this break money with a simple text. like what you see abe? yes! 2b's covered with zero overdraft fees when he overdraws his account by fifty bucks or less. and 2c, well, she's not going to let a lost card get her stressed. am i right? that's right. that's because these neighbors all have chase. alerts that help check. tools that help protect. one bank that puts you in control.
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and get healthier with golo. reproductive health but abou basic health care. look at what we're seeing in terms of litigation that's occurring right now. in texas
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more politicians are asking court of law to undo a decisio by the fda that was made on the basis o peer review, of the work o medical health professionals 2 years ago. that team the particular medication, mifepristone, to b safe >> in case you forgot that she knows how to prosecute a case vice president kamala harris at around table in iowa stressing what is at stake i texas. were trump appointed judges ar expected to decide the futur of the abortion. paul earlier this, week that judge appeared sympathetic t those who want the pill to b managed. but wyoming, wasting no time holding out for the ruling became the first state t explicitly ban that around over a dozen states have completely banned abortion since the dobbs decision that number is quickly grown look at that map there, this
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week utah passed an abortion clinic pants that they're goin to affect next year. in florida, a six-week abortio back, six weeks. it's currently advancing through the state legislature. and south carolina, republican are pushing to make abortion punishable by. death north dakota's abortio ban remains blocked its only remaining abortion clinic ha left the state despite all that abortio rights activists are giving up the fight, in ohio tha collecting were four and thousand signatures it's par of a ballot initiative t protect abortion rights in the state. joining me now university of california even lab prefecture on the issues podcast, michell goodwin, author of policing th womb, invisible women and th criminalization of motherhood. michelle, having the abortio pill pulled from the market, i would drastically reduce abortion access as man abortion providers are rely so leon that medication if this judge, in texas, ban the abortion pill as expected, talk to me about what it would then take to get it back on th market >> while, alicia, this is a bi
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concern and worry right now. the possibility that thi district's court judge i amarillo, texas, could try and banned the drug nationwide it would affect not only the states that have now restraine abortion, rides but it would also affect the states lik california, new york, colorado illinois more abortions not only legal, but where legislators an people have spoken quite loudl that they believe the abilit to terminate a pregnancy is an important right, it's not even a constitutional right found important embedded within thei states constitution. the effects could be broad especially given that th majority of abortions that tak place in the united states are facilitated throug prescription medication such a mifepristone >> it struck me, michelle, whe bp paris wasn't -- lawsuit against an fda approve
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drug threatens the future of all fda decisions. can you talk to us a little bi about how the outcome of thi lawsuit could potentially go beyond reproductive health care? >> wow, what it does is it set in motion that any decisio that the fda makes after pirro view, after months if not year of study can become vulnerable to any particular coalition ou group that simply does not lik a particular prescriptions being in the marketplace people who are opposed t vaccines, even though vaccines have been critically important to our nation, such as polio vaccine. the smallpox vaccine et cetera but one can be part of a community, or religious grou that doesn't like vaccines being in the marketplace there are people that have bee opposed to covid vaccines that could then trigger perhaps a judge being pressured, petitio
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to make sure those drugs are not in the marketplace the extent of this could b brought. and it's unheard of. and i think it's reall important to note, that fact was conceded by the people tha have brought this particular litigation that this is th first time that the fda ha been petitioned, or there's petition to a judge to overtur a decision by the fda. one of the arguments that ar making is that the fda rush to get the drug to th marketplace. that's an accurate, it's important that listeners viewers understand that. this one through a 54 mont review process the same year that it came o the market other drugs had undergone a 15 month review process we know this drug is safe as well >> i want to ask you something else, another headline aside i mansour his ex wife's friend for helping her obtain a abortion pills to terminate pregnancy last year. abortion of course outlined in the state. do you think we're gonna start seeing more of these cases o restrictive abortion laws bein
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used to help facilitate acts o what i think you can classif as revenge of abuse? >> sure we well. and in fact it's being set i motion by the stat legislature. if we think about the texas la sva, it provides individuals the opportunity to sue other that they perceive as aiding o are betting a person that' terminated a pregnancy there is being embedded in these laws this opportunity fo people to go after, to sue individuals that have assisted a person in terminating pregnancy. it's very broad, there's n limitations on that. it can be an uber driver, lyft driver, a taxi driver it can be a receptionist, it can be anybody that they perceive as having somehow supported an individual in being able to achieve pregnancy termination. and let's keep in mind, th united states is the deadliest placed in the entire
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industrialized world, to b pregnant in many of these, cases we can also be talking about people who are trying to help friends to save their lives. we're not just talking about cases where an individual ma wanted abortion for any reason at all which that should be allowable for, but could b instances where there is lif at stake, could be an instance where a rape are incensed also happens to be at steak >> michele goodwin, or running at a time, i was concerned we were gonna get to this stat about maternal death rates rose 40% in 2021 compare to 2020. and absolutely devastating headline when you think about. it on its own, and especiall in this context. michele goodwin, as always thank you very much i, had trump claims wil be arrested tuesday the lega troubles for the forme president continue to mount. what a georgia grand jury fo -- told nbc, but another wild phone call he made after the 2020 election. look at the latest out o
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without concrete proof that it will be arrested next week and then matt -- no details are merging in th georgia case members of the fulton county grand jury say that there is another perfect phone call o tape five jurors told the atlanti journal-constitution they hold a recording of trump, irma georgia -- on the phone trump reportedly asked rawlsto to convene a special session i the legislature in order t overturn the georgia electio results. joining me now, is greg beuse, -- and msnbc political -- author of flipped, how georgia turn purple and broke th monopoly on republican power lisa rubin, and david rohde ar back with me what did they make of th conversation between trump and
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austin >> we knew there was a conversation between the forme president and speaker austin we do know there was a recording of that call the grand jurors told the -- that basically, paraphrasing a that donald trump once again pressured the speaker to call special position and that th speaker said he do everythin in his power so long as it's appropriate. trump may have seen that a encouraging. but he'd already said he opposed newsom because that wa the legal proper he rejected the idea of callin the special session. they called a grounders called austin a masterful politician. he was good at appeasing trump without giving into hi demands. i think legal experts down her said that that's very importan point going forward. but this tape could help build a narrative, build the cas against donald trump if this case goes forward. >> lisa, david rohde and i debated whether or not w should go to a school to do th type of analysis you do you don't need to be lawyer though to know ho helpful it is for thes
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prosecutors to have recordings of these trump calls >> now, not at all alicia, i want to remind yeah we've known for a lon time that there were multipl recordings when emily kohrs i talked to greg's paper, the atlant journal-constitution last month, she said that she hear multiple recordings of trump o the phone. and then sort of marveled at how many hours of footage ther were of him on the phone. so, on the one hand it surprising to hear that he called david austin directly and pressured him to reconvene the georgia state legislator i a special session. on the other hand, we knew tha there must be some other calls out there beyond that call ibrahim burger, and the call a the election investigator in his office that trump called personally t surprise and delight but sort - mister president, it's nice to hear from you. but i cannot do that >> greg, talk to us about th other evidence, or witnesses
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what did these five jurors say they found compelling? >> another revelation was th former u.s. senator, david perdue, was sitting there an testifying before that groun jury that had not yet come out. he had also been pressurin governor kemp to call a specia legislative session. he says to clarify existin rules inviolate absentee ballots and voting registration during the ongoing runof period but, still it was a myth tha swirl of calls from donald trump and his allies, to call special special to overturn th former presidents -- as well as we also learned the high security includin involving michael flynn' testimony and georgia. and, really it was interesting to read from the ground jurors their perspective, knowing thi is a solemn doing, knowing thi was important, and the way the took it so seriously, they wer worried that these interview had sort of undermined the
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credibility of the investigation, they wanted t make sure the public knew ho seriously they talk. at >> least, set to add more color to what greg was talking about there, the iv the extrem security measures. the bomb sniffing dogs, swat teams. as we sit here, and we have nb reporting that you hav multiple law enforcement agencies preparing for what possible indictment of the former president could loo like, at the manhattan courthouse i wonder how much you can glea from what they did in georgia? >> i think we can claim, that' a tough question >> let me ask you a differen question, i want to make sure ask you this question, a question you can answer. what happens if you have a former president who's indicte into states at once? >> i think if you're asking, can be held him not expectin him to be held without bail or to have to post bail in either of these states. he'll have to comply wit criminal justice proceedings i both states simultaneously that's not unheard of in our
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system there are frequently defendant who are defending themselves for example against state an federal charges simultaneously paul manafort, famously, defended himself in d.c., an eastern district of virginia across the river it's not unheard of in our justice system we say we want donald trump to be treated like everyone else. having to face the consequence in multiple jurisdictions, o his behavior, targeted a people and entities within those jurisdictions is exactly what someone like me, wants to see the rule of law upheld >> i made to sit here with m for 30 minutes on a saturday night so we can talk about georgia. because this is what i forthcoming. >> it is these recordings are reall [inaudible sitting in a court hearing, yo heard donald trump begging the secretary of state to find these votes that he needs. now there's a second call as law there is also some broader rico statute in georgia, the use against organized crime. and you see a group of peopl working together towards a
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criminal enterprise. they also have to equall participate annette. but that stronger in the federal rico statute and tha might make a prosecution easie in georgia, a lot there, all these different people that ar working giuliani, the pressure the georgia officials, and trump that's one way they ca break the case >> i asked lee so who has a lo agree when it means to have former president indited we asked for that as a legal analyst. for you, carrie is the politic of it for talking abou multiple indictments here ho does it change the game? >> i think it changes the game going back to what we're talking about earlier. with independent, moderate voters you could even see a special counsel indictment i think about all these case if there is one thing donald trump deserves to be investigated for, and tried fo it is january six. that was the crime against the american people. i don't know if there's enough evidence to indict him but that's the most seriou thing. if you have three of these investigations,, again i think the manhattan cases we
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he could be acquitted. a conviction could be thrown out but all three of these, and, again how does he choose t respond. paul manafort lent on trial. he should respect the justic system he should show up fo arraignment as i said earlier. he should abide by our laws. and not create this frenzy, no call for violence. and let the system play out. he'll get a fair trial >> david, thank you fo sticking with. me greg, lisa, as always thank you for your time. up, next even if trump i indicted, he says he's in it t win it for 2024. with ron desantis a likely challenger we'll break down the florida man, the florida man matchup and, later it was a week o uncertainty in the banking industry, what californi congressman thinks the collaps of silicon valley bank means for you. and attack industry at large ♪ ♪ ♪ e living longer with kisqali. so, long live family time. long live dreams. and long live you.
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trump is claiming so-calle illegal leaks, indicating will be arrested tuesday -- $130,000 paid totaled film star, stormi daniels, and manhatta da not commenting on trump's latest rack. on his social media platforms, truth social trump has said he won't drop out of the presidential race even if he's indicted. next weekend he's moving forward with his first officia 2024 campaign rally. in stockton,, texas reportin from nbc news quote -- whatever affected indictment o conviction would have on trump's hopes for winning general election in 2024, hi first priority is rallying republicans to capture the nominations. he holds the lead in mos national polls, with florida governor ron desantis, who has not announced a bed, havin distinguish unsolved from th strongest challenger in th early stages of the race joining me now, msnbc politica analyst and host of the strang days podcast, fernand amandi and professor of history at nyu, ruth ben-ghiat, publisher of lucid, a substack newsletter o threats to democracy, when china would subscribe to a soo
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as i get out of. here she is the author o strongmen, mussolini to th president. i want to talk about desanti but ruth, i can't talk to th experts on strongman without asking about within the last hour you have trump's former lawyer, michael cohe discussing trump's call fo protest. take a listen. >> he's trying to threaten the american judicial system tha not just alvin bragg, but fani willis in georgia. washington, any court that thinks that they're going to bring donald trump and i'm gonna call for protests. this is who we this is an autocratic want t be this is the guy that doesn't want to be president of th united states, he wants to be warm monarch, our ruler of, th for. that's who he is >>, ruth an autocratic wannabe what is this reaction from trump over a possibl indictment tell you about what we should expect as he moves forward with his campaign? >> wow, there is no surprise
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there. that he said that he would run for office even if he's an indicted, or even put in jail. and there are many autocrats who run for office while they're under investigation. this is somebody who already staged a violent coup attempt, in order to try and stay i office illegally obviously, anything is possibl from donald trump. but the announcing and calling for protest is important to hi because he has to refreshe victimhood cult. and he's had this whole thin of having everything is a witc hunt against him so, it's very, it's a prim opportunity. normal politicians don't think like this. they wouldn't even run for office with all the lega problems he has. but strongman, think differently, and it's a prim opportunity to show you there victim of people rally aroun you, which had happened on january 6th. >> and to that point, he has
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other republicans in positions of power aiding, abetting hi and this idea that he' affected you saw kevin mccarthy, you sa mike pence doubling down o this idea. i wonder where at least someon like ron desantis? >> i believe some out in the cold, alicia, i've alway suspected that desantis woul not run against trump. or challenge trump unless it was a situation wher trump is literally unable to run. as dr. ben-ghiat said, - he spent the last six year setting the stage for this moment in maga called speak, th indictment that's forthcomin or should be forthcoming is th moment that the deep state wil have tried to silence thei cult leader. trump has been laying th predicate for this moment. i think it hurts desantis, we've also seen it hurt him in the public opinion polls he's dropped significantly
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since trump has begu billingham and engaging in a essence emasculating have. i think this indictment will have the effect for trump of helping him in the republica primary. a sad as it. mayb >> you are not alone - desantis, i want to think abou -- going to stick to it and amortize it, because it' basically the same speech, wherever he goes, where he calls florida a blueprint fo the rest of the nation that so-called blueprint includes a six-week abortion ban, expanding access to guns, cracking down on anythin deemed woke. of course, attacking the media to limit transparency. you know, someone who lives in florida, does florida politics how that is landing in florida i just wonder how you think it is going to land outside o florida, specifically when you are talking about the genera election campaign. >> i guess it will land in marjorie taylor greene's divorced red states. but in the united states, as long as we still have all 50 and 270 is the key to the whit
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house, these are problem positions and problem oz and policies for desantis. because a nearly every singl issue, alicia, desantis is outside of the mainstream on where the american voter is. it may play in florida and we talked about this man times in the past. florida doesn't really hav what you would call democratic party opposition or at least any kind of a organized one. so, it's a little bit of a different scenario here. but the broader battleground o the states united in a nationa election - these put desantis in a very precarious and almos impossible position to work hi way out of, should h miraculously become th republican nominee and run against joe biden in 2024. >> so, listen, ruth, all three of us know the biggest difference right now between ron desantis and all trump i that ron desantis is not facin multiple indictments so, i keep watching for wher it is policy wise that desanti is going to differentiat
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himself from trump and it's in part where i was a little surprise this week that you saw desantis defending ukraine isn't a vital interest for the u.s., also sayin russia's war of choice was a quote, territorial dispute i want you to take a listen to how vice president harri pushed back on the late show here it is >> when you have had the experience of meeting an understanding the significance again, of international rule and norms, and the importanc of the united states of america, standing firm and clear abou the significance of sovereignt and territorial integrity, the significance of standing fir against any nation that woul try to take by force another nation - if you really understand the issues, you probably would not make statements like that. >> if you really understood th
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issues - and ruth, it's not just th vice president you've got republican senators also criticizing desantis over this i wonder what you make of hi comments and this growin isolationist wing of the gop >> i think that -- you know, i see the gop as a autocratic party that once not only to wreck democracy as w know it in america but it's a party that is ver enmeshed and linked to far-right networks all over th world. look at the networks with orban, where cpac has its conferenc in budapest, and tucker carlso goes to film in budapest this was a reality we have t accept, that the gop's foreign policy is to side with autocrats, including putin and desantis is like a weather vane because, the reason i called him a florida fascist is not
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just for his policies he would like to enact nationally but he reminds me of the early mussolini, who said anything that he needed to say to get people on board. and power doesn't like a vacuum and the reason that so man billionaires and murdaugh an people are backing desantis is his destiny can go up as trump 's goes down, in theory. and he represents continuity with all the right wing counte revolutionary policies tha trump also wants - of the gop wants and so, aligning himself wit putin is desantis pushing th most extremist part of the envelope, because he think that's where the voter base is and that's where the party i headed >> i'm still trying to recover from refreshing his victimhood cult what a way to describe what it is we are watching fernand amandi and rut ben-ghiat, thank you both, a always still ahead --
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putin makes a surprise visit t crimea just one day after th icc issued a warrant for his arrest plus, former president donal trump has taken to social media, claiming he will be arrested tuesday in an alleged stormy daniels hush money investigation. what his former fixer michae cohen told our colleague reverend al sharpton just last october -- ♪ look out for the water. ♪ ♪ can't go under it. ♪ ♪ the rocks and the mud. ♪ ♪ can't go over it. ♪ ♪ gotta go through it! ♪ ♪ we're going on a bear hunt.♪ ♪ we're going on a bear hunt.♪ ♪ oh going on a bear hunt!♪ ♪ going on a bear hunt! ♪ ♪ yeah we're going on a ber hunt! ♪ -bear! ♪ going on a bear hunt! ♪ - such a good boy. ♪ going on a bear hunt! ♪ ♪ oh what a beautiful day.♪ [ dog barks ]
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