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tv   The Katie Phang Show  MSNBC  March 12, 2023 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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rk. we're workin' it too. yeah! work it girl! woo! i want to hear you say it out loud. well, i could switch us to xfinity. those smiles. that's why i do what i do. that and the paycheck. everything's changing so quickly. before the xfinity 10g network, we didn't have internet that let us play all at once. every device? in every room? why are you up here? when i was your age, we couldn't stream a movie when the power went out. you're only a year older than me. you have no idea how good you've got it. huh? what a time to be alive. introducing the next generation 10g network. >> this is the katie phang show, only from xfinity. the future starts now. live from washington and lee see. we have lots of news to cove and lots of questions to
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answer so, let's get started. we're hearing from the manhattan district attorne himself, regarding the possibl criminal charges for forme president donald trump how soon will we see i indictment more importantly, let's surviv a trump challenged in court? former vice president, mik pence, speaking out against hi former boss. i want to know, what is causin pence to suddenly develop spine about the events o january 6th? and later, it is oscars day, a the excitement builds, i wil talk to the screenwriter for a turning red, which has bee nominated for an oscar for bes animated feature film. all of that and more is coming up and a good sunday morning to all. i hope we remember to like you clocks ahead one hour fo daylight savings we're gonna start today's show with a widening rift between former president donald trum and his vice president in a speech last night, mike
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pence harshly criticize trump' role in the january 6t insurrection, as well as trump's attempts to overturn that 2020 election president trump was wrong, pence said, and his reckless words endangered my family and everyone at the capitol that day. i know that history will hol donald trump accountable joining us now from capito hill is nbc news congressional correspondent, julie tsirkin julie, good morning, it' always good to see you that some of the strongest language, julie, we've heard from mike pence thus far what else did he say do we have any idea why he chose to say it now? >> yeah, good morning, katie look, former vice president, mike pence, made these comment at a private washington journa last night, in the room wher politicians and journalists. so, clearly he made thes comments knowing they will get around look, and terms of the timin here, vice president mike penc had said that he will announce sometime this spring whether h will run for president
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last night, in the room, h said, quote, i wil wholeheartedly and reservedl support the republican nominee for president in 2024. if it is me. that is also a hint that he is planning to announce soon, w think it's gonna be to gear up a presidential run he went on to say, of course combatting the forme presidents role on january 6th prince and his family were i the capitol that day he remembers that well he said, quote, the american people have a right to kno what took place at the capitol on january 6th, but make n mistake about it, what happene that day was a disgrace, and i mocks decency to portray it in any other way. this is notable, of course, as it comes this week, tucker carlson saying that he has these tapes from speaker mccarthy, bipartisan condemnation, to the fact that tucker carlson, mccarthy, we'r trying to rewrite what happene on that day. we heard from prominen republicans, as well a democrats into that. also, as house republicans
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appear to launch their own investigation under the hous administration committee t look into the january 6t select committee's investigation of the day being led by congressman - of georgia, reportedly spotted giving tours that just ahead o the riots on that day. all of this super notable, coming from pence. also sharply criticize those who downplay what happened o january 6th. he said, quote, towards don' injure 140 police officers b sightseeing, towards don't break down doors to get to the speaker the house, or voiced threats against public officials. there you have, at the forme vice president who is there on that day, he said he did not have a role in overturning the election, that his boss, the former president, was wrong. this is all very notable as it comes against the backdrop o his potential announcement t run. >> julie tsirkin, thank you so much meanwhile, we are hearing from the manhattan district attorne behind the possible criminal charges for donald trump
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although his lawyers hav denied ten pc news that they have been told that charges ar forthcoming. the former president was tol he could appear before manhattan grand jury if he wishes to testify, frankly seems highly unlikely at thi point. the probe is centered on the alleged hush money payment made to stormy daniels in 2016 speaking yesterday to ou reverend - on politicsnation, manhattan d remain tightlipped about the ongoing investigation. but he did give some insight into the team looking into trump's potential wrongdoing >> many observed last year the trial of the trump organization, what i would say is the same team as working with the sam type of professionalism an rigor, the same type of team o our active investigation >> joining me now from war is barbara mcquade, former u.s. attorney in michigan, professo at the university of michiga school of law, and an msnb legal analyst. my friend, thank you so much
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for joining us you and i both know that sound like standard prosecutor media language but what does it tell you that it's the same team that did th trump organization trial that' spearheading this particular investigation into donald trump? >> i think it's significant, katie, one of the reasons alvi bragg probably agreed to thi interview was not to disclos what they're talking about, bu the process and that peopl should be confident that thi is a highly professional tea that has successfull prosecuted the trump organization before. i think he's just trying t build public confidence fo what's likely to come in the next week or so. >> trump is apparently meeting with his legal team this weekend to strategize next steps. if you were trump lawyer, know there's been plenty o them, barr, but if you are trump lawyer, what would you b telling him to do at this point? >> god forbid. one, stop talking about, i don't talk about it. anything you say about this ca be used against you. you know, for donald trump, so
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often, the best defenses t good offense, talk about it as a witch hunt, talk about it as a hoax, as persecution victimhood, et cetera, he's go plenty for those themes if h wants to talk about it for this one, you would be bes to lie low i think the lawyers, you know, have been reported to have bee invited in to talk to th prosecutors. donald trump himself has bee invited to come in and testify i would not encourage him to testify. donald trump has shown that he is a very loose relationship with the truth so, testifying under oath woul be, i think, disastrous fo him. the lawyers themselves shoul go in to find out whatever i is they can about this case an to work to persuade prosecutor to stand down. those efforts can be successful so, if they've invited the trump lawyers in to have those conversations, they should b all means take them up on it >> you know, barbara, speaking of lying low and not talking trump, of course, released a likely statement about thi investigation, denying any
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wrongdoing and saying, in part quote, the following, i relied on council in order to resolve this extortion of me, whic took place long time ago and, additionally, the statute of limitations has long sinc ended and in fact radical left media, one and a half years ago, to the countdown on the statue of limitations, which wa allowed to expire. definitely, barb, we are not opining on the accuracy of tha statement. are either of those really available defenses to donald trump? >> no. statute of limitations, yo know, ordinarily, it's fiv years. where more than five years out from 2016. but in manhattan, during the covid pandemic, the courts tol the statute of limitations so, it bought them extra time, in addition, if any part of th conspiracy spills into tha five-year period, then those activities can count including canceling thos efforts. so, i'm sure alvin bragg has done his calculation, and know how the statute is gonna planned this case. that's a nonstarter. defensive counsel, advice of counsel, it works on som
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occasions when somebody is, yo know, following a lawyer's advice to do something it does not negate your ow wrongdoing in most instances i doubt it would happen here donald trump knew that he wa concealing these busines records, as michael cohen ha said, the payments were done i small segment so that they could pass them off as legal expenses, he paid michael cohe on a monthly basis so that the could disguise it as legal fees that's not something a lawye would advise a client, if they did, that would be a crime that would be subject to crime fraud exceptions to thes rules. neither of these defenses is going to prevail >> you know, barb, with this open door offer for trump to testify before the grand jury, should we be on indictment watch as soon as this week >> i think we should, katie, i think we've got all the signal that this case is nearing eigh and. number one, with michael cohen coming into testify finall after 19 or 20 meetings with
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the prosecutors. that no doubt has been their effort to try to corroborate everything he said to them before they're willing to pu him in because of his history as convicted perjurer, they would want to be sure that the themselves have confidence tha he's telling them the truth an that they can prove it to jury so, hearing other witnesse tell the same story findin documents that support tha claim, it would be important t that also calling trump to testif is typically the last step a prosecutor would make. he would want to make sure you have all the information you can have before you would pu someone like that in the grand jury i also think it's unlikely the would go to the extraordinar step of inviting donald trum to testify before the gran jury, if they were only goin to declined to prosecute thi case so, i think from those facts we can conclude that number one, and indictment is coming number two, it is coming ver soon, whether the end of thi week or the weeks to follow, i think we are gonna see a presidential candidate under indictment >> i guess, barb, you and will be one of several peopl that will be on indictment
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watch for this week. my friend, thank you so much for joining me this morning, i appreciate you >> thanks, katie >> and coming up next on the katie phang show, fox news under fire for the electio lies they were pushing after trump lost in 2020 my next guest breaks down wh they have to be held accountable for those lies we have so much more thi morning, so, keep it right her on msnbc every day, millions of things need to get to where they're going. and at chevron, we're working to help reduce the carbon intensity of the fuels that keep things moving. today, we're producing renewable diesel that can be used in existing diesel tanks. and we're committed to increasing our renewable fuels production. because as we work toward a lower carbon future, it's only human to keep moving forward.
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familiar with the name ruper murdoch. he is the billionaire in charg of the fox news empire it is his son lackland currently the chief executiv for their fox corporation, who is set to inherit the throne on thursday, we are from him for the first time since the release of those damning internal communication involving dominion voting an the 2020 election. it revealed a network did no
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believe the election lies they were spewing but they kept pushing them anyway. lachlan murdaugh issued full-throated show of suppor for the management at fox news and said the brand is, quote incredibly strong. outside that event, a fe billboards commissioned by media matters for america whic presented a different story. joining us now is angelo carr' own, president and ceo of medi matters. angela, great to have you on set. tell our viewers a little bi more about those billboards an why media matters is doing that >> a big part of it was that h was going to do this hug industry event we knew he was going to talk about the revelations at som point. i think part of what we have been trying to reinforce i that this should change the wa we interact with fox news. >> it's huge >> the news media is treated differently. the politicians should treat fox news differently i think a big part of that i it's the first time out. it should not be a norma
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routine. he should not be able to say the brand is strong withou there being something to demonstrate that that is inconsistent with reality. those ads were not attacking o saying anything nasty. it was simply, here's what the did. you go to the website an analysts all the things that fox actually knew that w specifically found out fro dominion this is an important thing i think we have to make sure that things do not go back t the way they were becaus nothing will get better. fox is not just lying abou dominion they lie about a lot of stuff. this is just a key view into their larger partisa deceptions >> was part of the plan to d these billboards to get th messaging about the fox news echo chamber out were only people are hearing the wrong stuff and to get it ou republican something t americans who watch fox news but are walking on the scene i on the bill one might say, o my god, there's informatio there? >> that's a big part of it it's also for the people insid
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the room to say, hey, that's right, i remember, this gu knows no while he is up here talkin about the industry, he can't escape the reality of what h oversaw and continues to oversee a fox news this is the first step in larger, to your point, makin sure that we begin the process of pulling the thread on thi so it doesn't just fall back down into the memory hold. we have to make sure the american public understand what fox news is, that the might not just be a little bit conservative or biased they are actually a partisan political operatio masquerading as news >> propaganda. >> that's an attack on our democracy. it has nothing to do with th fact that they are biased. what we saw there was not just one or 21 of lies but campaign of deception. we actually counted it when you add up all th machinations that we saw in th dominion case, we went back an looked and there were 77 individual instances between the time they started panickin about calling the election and worrying about audienc backlash until shortly befor
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january 6th -- 774 individual instances where fox news attacked the election results! they said they were false, fake, stolen, undermined the results that's what it looks like in practice they literally helped build th scaffolding, in a way, for wha became the january 6th insurrection they validated the lie tha ended up creating all th conditions which inspire people to go there in the firs place. >> you actually said something interesting on alex wagner you predicted that fox new could likely see the sam demise as oan did. is that a fair comparison, angelo, to do a fox news to oa side by side is that apples to apples >> yes from a substantive perspective these days, absolutely in fact, there were dominion claims - even if we just look at it i this one instance, there wer dominion claims which fox news was continuing to made by th end of december about dominion about the election that on american news had actually started to walk back from or correct on the road air.
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in fact, you can - even though it seems incredibl to think about, that's because they are sort of grandfathered into a much different position in our political media we think about the differently. when you line up what happen on fox news, the onl difference is that the there i a different production value and quality of the guests. >> you will and i are simpatic about shareholder derivative lawsuits breaches of fiduciary duty, no due diligence -- basically knowing that you wer walking in the value of th company into a black hole of money. what do you think about th viability of those types o lawsuits about being the spinoff from the shareholders? >> i'm not an optimistic person i sort of understand - i see how mucky this can be. when you look at it, i do thin that what we are seeing righ now is the beginning of series of cascadin consequences the shareholder lawsuit are an
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important part of that the murdoch family does no have majority control of the company. they only have about 39% they have to rely on shareholders to keep them in power. shareholders ultimately want some money back. that's the nature of thi business, a publicly trade company. what he was doing there was in some ways trading on profit fo power. this idea that they were doing it for profit is a consideration. at that moment in time, it was about power. they leave a lot of money on the table. fox's fourth largest pai advertiser because they can' fill their primetime inventory with advertisements because of how controversial it has become why do they allow that t happen for power! they can show some kind of return for shareholders. shareholders will take action. it's in their interest to do so what happened here - their own legal counsel wa warning rupert, hey, we have t do more. paul ryan is one of the fe board members -- >> he warned them. >> i'm reaching out to you a
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my fiduciary he used that word. i think that it is the first - i have already seen this, by the way. there were a law firms who hav been collecting shareholders's complaints to begin the proces of filing litigation this is not just a abstraction. the law process is already underway to file these general directions i'm sure they're waiting to se what happens in this case. >> that's right. >> delaware doesn't have a cap on punitive damages. it could be significant. >> that's right. you and i will be watching march 21st you and i were talking befor we took the break. we have to wrap, but i think there's going to be some summary judgment which happens angelo carusone, thank you s much for being here. coming up next on the kati phang show, imagine meeting legal lifesaving surgery tha your doctor refused to give yo because they were afraid o being sent to jail that was the reality for fiv
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texas women who are now suin the lone star state. after the break, i will spea to one of them about how far she had to go to save hersel and her baby keep it right here >> tech: when you have auto glass damage, trust safelite. my customer really relies on his car's advanced safety system. [alarm] >> instructor: veer right. [ringing] >> instructor: and slow down. >> tech: so when he got a cracked windshield, he turned to safelite. we're the experts at replacing glass and recalibrating your vehicle's camera, so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly to get you back on the road safely. >> instructor: and that means a lot! >> tech: schedule now. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪♪ whenever heartburn strikes, get fast relief with tums. its time to love food back. ♪tum, tum tum tum, tums♪ get help reaching your goals with j.p. morgan wealth plan, a new tool in the chase mobile® app.
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fermentation? yes. formulated to help you body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness, well done. pregnant when she left her hom in texas with her husband an traveled to colorado for a abortion just weeks earlier, she wa excited to find out that she was expecting twins. at her 12-week skin, thing took a devastating turn. doctors discovered the fetuses were not growing at the same rate blood tests later revealed tha one of those fetuses had a deadly a genetic defect. miller was warned that carryin both to term could put her and the healthy twin at greate risk for complications in situations like this, doctors often perform somethin called a single feta reduction. however, in miller's home stat of texas, procedures like that are now harder if no impossible to obtain
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although the state's abortio ban allows exceptions when there is risk of substantial harm to the mother, the threat of possible imprisonment has scared many doctors. miller was advised that to sav herself and the healthy fetu she should seek an abortion ou of state that's exactly what she did, traveling 800 miles to colorado miller and four other women in texas have filed a unprecedented lawsuit aiming t hold the state accountable for her horrific healt consequences after they were denied, quote, necessary and potential lifesaving abortions lauren miller joins me now thi morning. she's here along with moll dwyane, lead attorney on the case and senior staff attorney at the center for reproductive rights lawrence, molly, thank you s much for joining me this morning. i want to start with you lauren you said, how is it that i can get an abortion for a dog bu not for me having to leave your home in texas with your husband for th procedure was, quote, almost
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like we were fully in texa which was such a strange feeling. i mean, lawrence, how did it feel to half to basically flee from your home state to save your own life and that if your baby >> it was a completely surreal experience you never think that the state is going to be this involved i your health care it shouldn't be that controversial to make the best health care decision for yourself in consultation wit your doctor. we couldn't get that in texas. we couldn't even have a full transparent conversation wit our medical team because of th confusion surrounding thes laws they were very rightfull fearful of what could be considered aiding and abetting us it was just feeling persecuted >> molly, the women in the lawsuit all denied abortions despite carrying on viable pregnancies which posed a majo risk to their lives. what specific clarifications
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are you hoping the lawsuit wil achieve when it comes to medical abortions in texas >> we need the state of texa to assume other women who have stepped forward and told their stories should have received abortion care. they are vacation that we ar seeking is that women in their situations and pregnant people in their situations goin forward in texas should be abl to access abortion as th health care that it is if the state of texas thinks the woman in the lawsuit wer not sick enough to receive a abortion, they need to tell us which ones and why >> lauren, event knowledge tha you were, quote, lucky that yo had the means, ability, suppor to go out of state to secure the medical procedures you needed and that motivate you to b part of this lawsuit
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>> absolutely. that is one of the fundamental reasons that i am here i am in the best-case scenario i had so many resources to access, the connections to get out of state, finding th doctors, the money, the time the childcare. i didn't have to go to the brink of death here in texas that's not the reality for mos women or most people in texa when trying to access health care i just don't feel like layer of privilege to determine wh can access health care i texas. >> there are similar lawsuit over abortion exceptions takin place in ireland and south america. they built momentum and gain public attention people need to realize tha your lawsuit is the first time pregnant women themselves have taken illegal action what is the significance o legal action >> the center for reproductive rights is a global
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organization as you said, we have bee involved in efforts to decriminalize abortion acros the world. in the united states, this is groundbreaking lawsuit what's different, i have see as a lawyer working in the space for a long time, is that after the overturning of roe v wade, women and pregnant peopl want to come forward and tel their stories. they are explaining that their health care is being taken away how are these abortion met affecting them and hurting rea people contrary to their stated purpose of being pro-life, these are laws which could not be more anti life, right these are women in this lawsui whose lives were put on th line and the fact of the matte is that even in the state of texas people have a basic huma rights, rights to life, to liberty, and equality. they don't disappear simpl because they are pregnant. that is what we are seeking to
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validate and reaffirm in the lawsuit. >> lauren, your story and thos of the other women who hav joined the lawsuit, it challenges these pervasive stereotypes and misconceptions about abortion and the women who are seeking them some of the plaintiffs in th case are married they already have children i know you were fortunate to have one child and you pregnant with your next. do you hope coming forward might inspire others who hav undergone threat to their live but have not had the courage t speak out that it will embolde him to be able to say that w need change? >> i do hope that because it would be wonderful if people started sharing their storie and realized how common it i to need abortion care. at the end of the day, one and four have had an abortion, s what it means in a lot o instances is that they don't know someone who has trusted them enough with tha information.
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as you mentioned, i married. i already have a son it's a wanted pregnancy. it's not what people expect. i just hope that this inspires others to stand up and share their stories. if they don't, if they are still scared, i get it that's what i'm still trying t be here and be a voice for >> i want to thank both of you as a fellow lawyer, i get it it's going to be an uphill battle especially in tha judicial system in the state o texas. my hat is off to both of you and both of the plaintiffs i this litigation for wanting to battle and fight the goo fight. thank you so much for bein here >> thank you, katie. >> coming up, you don't have t spend very long on social medi to notice how much false information about news and politics splashed across the timeline every day after the break, i will talk with a digital activist usin their platform to fight back against disinformation as we gear up for election 2024.
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unexpected partner in it efforts to sell th administration's policies to the american public -- social media influencers according to axios, the bide administration has offered interviews with top economic officials to viral account like the money coach one historic inflation reduction act was passed i october, influencers fro tiktok, youtube, and instagram were front and center to get their own personal briefing on their legislation. of course, social media is a double-edged sword it's a great way to also disseminate information to a huge viral audience which mean it's a great way to disseminat misinformation and conspiracie to a huge audience
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joining me now to discuss is the founder and editor in chie of the progressive vests, social media-based new platform with more than million followers. good morning, it's great to se you. just a few months ago, forme president donald trump poste several conservative media influencers, one of many win and dine event see as planne as a part of his campaig strategy to get back into th oval office. as we gear up for the 2024 presidential race, how can president biden once h announces deploy social medi even more effectively to reach voters >> i think president biden and the entire white house are already doing a really good jo and deploying digital media. i think they recognize tha there is so much disinformatio out there in the digital world if you really want t counteract that, it has to b done in the digital space. what better way than to ta into people who have the trust of their audience already? i think there is so much are
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for traditional media to b counteracting these messages it has to be done in a digital space. i think that president biden and his team know that and continue to push that. when in the messages are given to social media influencers on tiktok and instagram and all the places, they are not alway going to be exactly compatible a 20-year-old tiktok person is going to be thinking slightl differently. i think that adds authenticity to the whole experience an helps to create a healthie democracy. >> social media has become painfully synonymous wit disinformation as we hav discussed. how do you comba disinformation on your own social media pages you have so many followers >> yeah, katie, it's a goo question it is tricky, to be honest, bu we have to do is - i trained as a journalist back in the day i have worked for many corporate markets.
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you have to verify 1 million different sources. when i say 1 million, of cours i just mean a few, but as many as you can get verify the information you'r putting out there is factual there would be nothing worse than trying to fight misinformation o disinformation with somethin that was not correct we verify, verify, verify. the people we work with, we tr to uplift and amplify as man experiences and voices as we can. we just work with the same people to get verified point of view. there is this ecosystem of creators on all platforms. >> social media does not necessarily have the bes reputation among older audiences. according to research, 33% o u.s. adults aged 18 to 29 an 15% ages 30 to 49 say they prefer to get their news fro social media
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what are the benefits of getting news and politics from social media one of those tiktok influencer who is at the white house ha -- it gives the latest news updates in under a minute. >> i hung out with them an they were amazing. this is the point, you get these bread crumbs it's not a full story. that is part of the joy of it. they can get an overview o what is happening in kind of go, okay, i have my eye on a coupl of progressive issues an political issues which are happening. i'm going to dig deeper. they might be on the train having a coffee, a glass o wine at the end of the day they can remember back to thos bread crumbs which wer delivered and how they want to read more and where they wil read it more from. it's just all about that quick concise information. it's very visual it is a good path for people t read and start the journey o
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what newsday than want to read more of. >> i have less than a minute but i want our viewers to know you are from australia you weren't even born in the red states what you starte this instagram account back in 2018 what inspired you to create th accounts and keep going? you know, you weren't even bor here but you believe so much and making sure that there i the right incorrect informatio that gets out there. >> yeah. well, my husband's american an we started the account together he and i are just passionate about pushing for a healthie democracy. we are scrolling through our facebook feeds going, what i happening? people that we knew were sharing this misinformation -- enough to assume they don' mean to do that we thought we would try to figh fire with fire it needs to be done in a digital way. if it's hurting one democrac
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on the side of the world, it's hurting democracies on the other side of the world. we all participate in democracy in a digital way it can be destabilized ove here, over there, at any second or passion about uplifting a many voices as we can an creating a healthier democracy all over the world >> jo lorenz, amen to that i appreciate you being here. for those of you that are no following the progressivists follow the progressivists on social media have a good day. thank you for being here, jo >> thank you so much, katie. >> coming up, hollywood' biggest night of the year is just hours away. given the slate of contenders, history will be made tonight n matter who wins. after the break, i will spea to the oscar nominated scree writer for the popular animate film turning read on her predictions for the night. do not go anywhere
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for its biggest night of glisten glamour. tonight is the 95th annual academy awards everything and we're all a once is projected to win vegas it dominates with 11 nominations in major categorie including best picture turning red which is a persona favorite in the fang household is nominated for best animated feature film both movies share a focus on chinese immigrants and the relationship intricacies between mothers and daughters. both are helping to put an important and long overdue spotlight on the aapi communit in hollywood joining me now is my frien julia cho, playwright and osca nominated friend for turning right. it's so good to see you. i feel like it's been a minute congratulations on your osca nomination
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what does it mean to you personally to see turning re get this kind of recognition >> oh, it's thrilling. it's actually thrilling. i was just talking to somebody about how you kind of grow u watching the oscars like thi annual ritual. yo be part of it. it's been a delightful journey tonight will be the end of a really great run >> the director's chinese. she's the first woman ever t solo director pixar films. how big of a deal is tha especially if turning red wins the oscar? >> oh, it's a huge deal. i think that it's buried a bit how, many firsts there are there's still a landscape whic is predominantly male, predominantly white. i so often see domee on thes panels are in these talks. you go to these places where w will be the only people of color, the only women of color i think that there is so muc more work to be done
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this is a great crack at tha bamboo ceiling or whatever you want to call it. it's very meaningful to feel like we are at the forefront o many stories like this >> there is a record number of asian actors who are being recognized tonight it's the first year that fou or nominated for officers in one year no asian woman has ever won th actress in a leading role. what kind of message would b sent if michelle yeoh from everything everywhere all at once were to win an oscar? >> i think the message tha will be the most resoundin would be me that this moment - a brilliant career by an standard is finally bein recognized this sense that, you know, you can do work for your entir life of that caliber and we've lived in a world where it wa possible to never get th
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accolades or never get the recognition that it deserves i think that that writing of that would be so meaningful to our community and just i general to be like, yes, the cream does rise. you will be recognized for doing extraordinary work at the same time, it also feel like, who knows what could happen i know i will be rooting for her. even without the accolade, i think we all know in our heart that michelle yeoh is th queen. she's amazing. i don't think anyone could tak that away from her no matter what happens, she is definitely an icon she will remain so for sure. in my heart and in the heart of so many others. >> you are right we stand that goes without saying >> absolutely. >> parasite made the first - minister two years ago when sh became the first korean to win
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best supporting actress. julia, how do you think thes films helped pave the way, helped open that door to bring aapi representation to the spotlight in hollywood >> it all helps. that door is immense and it' very heavy i think that all of these ar needed to push that door open. we've had an amazing run of it there have been a lot of representation recently. i think the highlight of thi has been on immigration an that first immigrant story there's still been a lot o characters whose first languag is another language. i think some of those stories, even though they push open the door, still tell of th narrative where othe foreigners, immigrants - i think what's really exciting is that the stories ar starting to say, yes, we are immigrants and there's the par of the story that you ar really seeing a very america or canadian point of view wher
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it's not just people who hav come from another place. people who are from here who are building a life an identity here. i think seeing that widen, the aperture widening and widening is exciting. i can't deceive the stories to come what's coming next stories about -- stories i don't touch on migration at all, who have a different viewpoint? in this really exciting. i'm excited about what's t come >> i will tell you as we wrap, julia cho, that i embalmed tha for town or not be singing tonight. >> oh my gosh. that was definitely the bigges disappointment that we did not get that song. i still play it in my home it's on heavy rotation that helps >> we live in the same household and. very good to see you, my friend my fingers are crossed for turning red tonight. in a few weeks, you'll be able
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to catch julia cho again on an upcoming msnbc special on sunday, april 2nd i host th culture is aapi, an intimate roundtable dinner with asian american and pacific islande trail blazers and icons. plus, my one-on-on conversation with comedian and lgbtq activists margaret show. what the culture is aapi premiere on sunday, april 2n at 10 pm eastern on msnbc an streaming on peacock my thanks to all of you. the sunday show with jonatha capehart is up next. do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervivenerve relief from the world's #1 selling nerve care company. nervive contains alpha lipoic acid to relieve occasional nerve aches, weakness and discomfort. try nervivenerve relief. there's always a fresh deal on the subway app. like this one! 50% off?! that deal's so good we don't even need an
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6:00 am
president biden unveils hi budget proposal and challenges republicans to do the same onb director philando youn joins me with the latest o what happens next. bank rupture california congresswoman, kati porter, joins me live to discuss the fall of silico valley bank and why we all should care. he speaks former vice presiden mike pence makes his strongest comments yet on donald trump and the january 6t insurrection and a little lol from snl. >> oh my god, it is george santos >> no, no, i am definitely thomas q


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