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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  March 7, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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as the show for tonight, we will see you again tomorrow. now it is time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. good leaving. lawrence good evening alex. this dominion filing is so massive. we keep turning pages and discovering things, we are discovering things during your hour that you will be discovering, i am sure. there will be more tomorrow. there's just so much of it. we will keep digging through it. >> we had a stack this big and that was not all of it, and there is going to be more -- and you had a time limit of the gun by 9 pm, i had a time limit. there is no time limit on this, tomorrow there will be more and we will be finding more.
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it is just incredible. it >> is explosive. explosive. >> my first -- about something, rupert murdoch proposed in an email to paul ryan that might not be legal and so i have to get a legal opinion about that one. >> yes you do. i need to find out what that is. -- a >> little something go to pardon. we will have a lot to cover. stay tuned. have. goodnight >> tucker carlson's paranoid and crazy and those are his words describing himself. in a massive new -- in the dominion -- for lying about dominion's voting machines in the last presidential election, claiming that those machines switched votes and everyone at fox knew that was a lie, everyone at fox except maria bartiromo knew
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that everything from fox was spewing about dominion was a lie and everyone except maria bartiromo new. everything donald trump's lawyers said who's licensed practice law has been suspended, everything she was saying about dominion was a lie. tonight's release, fox 10 pm lauryn greene texts cuff tucker carlson saying, sydney powell is a bit nuts, to which tucker carlson says she is making everyone a bit paranoid and crazy, including me. the text messages and emails from inside fox show tucker carlson mostly tells the truth when he thinks he is communicating privately in fox, he constantly, constantly throws palace the logical lies at his t v audience who he firmly believes is way too stupid to figure out that a self paranoid and crazy fox
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host is lying to him. as he did last night, by claiming that there was nothing violent about -- on january 6th because -- but video supplied from the capital, -- tucker carlson found some moments as i told you he would wear no one was being the day that john lewis -- was almost beaten to death for daring to crowds -- like this one. of the alabama state trooper viciously beating john lewis. but if you had a camera on that same state trooper, same guy in that photograph, if you had a camera on him from a couple of hours before that moment, tucker carlson would tell you that that was a perfectly peaceful law-abiding police officer who never did anything
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wrong that day. most of the news footage of president john f. kennedy's -- november 22nd, 1963 shows a spiraling president being welcomed by the people of dallas, -- tucker carlson could show his audience that film of the smiling president waving to the crowd in his motorcade to prove to his audience that nothing bad happened in dallas that day. that is all tucker carlson thinks he has to do with his audience. just don't show them the true film of the bullets and during the presidents debt. back of the head in the neck. don't show that. you can tell tucker carlson's audience that john f. kennedy was not assassinated in dallas that day. and may still be among us. that is exactly what tucker carlson did last night in his peak version of being paranoid and crazy and spewing
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pathological lies at the very same time. kevin mccarthy pick the person rookie not named murdaugh who has been most protests we exposed in the legal filings as being paranoid and crazy and a pathological liar. that is the person who kevin mccarthy picked took, for carlson -- have all the people he could've picked to give him the video taken by cameras on the capitol campus on january 6th so that tucker carlson, the crazy, paranoid, pathological liar, could pretend that nothing violent happened at the capitol that day. so that tucker carlson could pretend nobody committed a crime. so that tucker carlson could pretend that the thousand people who have been arrested and charged with crimes by the justice department did nothing wrong so that donald trump couldn't say today as he did in
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his review of tucker carlson's video last night that everybody, oh thousand of them, charged with a crime on january 6th should be emmy's elite released from custody and prosecution. there is a massive amount of material in this latest file including an email from report murdaugh -- who technically holds the ridiculous title of ceo of fox but is really just a rupert murdoch assistant. the email is the day after joe biden's inauguration -- begins the day in a meeting with mitch mcconnell and lindsey graham and he tells suzanne scott what he heard in that meeting. still getting mud thrown out us. is it an arguable that high profile fox voices fed the story that the election was stolen and that january 6th, an important change, to have results overturned? an important chance to have results overturned. maybe john and laura went too far.
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all very well for sean to tell you he was in despair about trump but what did he tell you his viewers? rupert murdoch knows exactly what sean hannity told his viewers, he paid sean hannity millions upon millions, tens and tens of millions of dollars to tell his viewers what rupert murdoch had shown him. you believe those viewers wanted to hear, that the election was stolen. that the trump presidency would be restored. under oath rupert murdoch said he was aware of no evidence whatsoever, of any election fraud in any state and he said under oath that he had no evidence whatsoever that there was anything even slightly wrong with a single dominion voting machine anywhere. all of foxes coverage about dominion, all of it, was based on a woman who calls herself wackadoodles. this woman supplied sydney powell with her theory of the case.
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everything donald trump -- and fox was saying about dominion came from someone named marlene for in. a few hours after all the networks, including fox, called the election for joe biden on saturday, november 7th, 2022. we have this email that day, because sydney powell ordered it. and to maria bartiromo that -- of course there is election fraud. only maria bartiromo believed this. maria bartiromo is the only person at fox who was not trafficking in pathological lies, because she believed this email. from marlene bore. it was forwarded to her in its entirety from sydney powell. marlene byrne explains that the devil was in the software. it is the software, a piece of code was inserted such that,
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once ballots were fed into the database for calculation, up to 3% of votes for mr. trump would automatically switch to mr. biden. this was kept 3% because it was supposedly determined that anything higher than that would raise suspicions, but that 3% would be enough to tip a tight race. she said that the software was rigged to do this in spain. it's the spanish to decide who wins our elections and who doesn't. and then she says something about the 3% that maria but aroma red, but then decided to never tell her audience. marlene born said 3% quote, also happens to be the cut that jared kushner gets from all donations to the gop, which is line item in the software he helped to create, with his brother, i think it was, as a transaction fee. i thought i throw that in there in the interest of fairness to both sides.
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of course, there's no evidence that what she said about jared kushner's true either. she went on to say, there's also an issue with mail-in paper ballots. not the absentee ballots, but the mail-in ballots arbitrarily sent to people. those are identical ballots. all absentee ballots in history have been mail-in ballots. o absentee ballots now are mail-in ballots. see she then said that the rupert murdoch quote, and a handful of other non u.s. owners of the major u.s. media outlets secretly had almost days to determine how best to portray mr. trump as badly as possible. first of all, there are no other -- like rupert murdoch who own any of the big tv networks. the reason maria buttery mose -- rupert murdoch tries to portray donald trump as badly as
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possible was quote, as a political outsider, mr. trump has disrupted a well oiled global money laundering operation. so, the woman, maria bartiromo believes about dominion voting machines is telling her, in that same email the that her boss, rupert murdoch is one of the masterminds in a global money laundering operation. did maria but romo believe that part of the email? it is a very long email. most of it is not about the dominion voting machines. it is about more rupert murdoch money laundering and other stuff. most of it is even more paranoid and crazy than tucker carlson. most of the email is paranoid and crazy. at a level that even maria bartiromo should be able to detect, but apparently maria
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brother romo is not informed enough to be able to separate fact from fiction in the most obvious way. marlene burns email says, as an aside, offer this out there just because it's so interesting, and related. scotus justice scalia wasn't accidentally shot during a hunting trip on john poindexter's texas ranch. he was purposefully killed at the annual bohemian grove camp, a club for members of the mega group, during week long human hunting expedition. never accept an invitation to be a guest at that camp. ever. a human hunting expedition. justice scalia was on a human hunting expedition. to hunt and kill human beings, somehow he ended up at. bohemian grove is a largely rich republican businessman's retreat that happens every summer in california.
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justice scalia died in his sleep as a houseguest in texas. february 13th, 2016. maria bartiromo apparently has no idea when or how justice scalia died, because she based all of her coverage on this email. the last third of the email answers the question, marlene born asks in her email when she says, when i? and how i do i know all of this? she answers, i spent most of my career, 15 plus years, as a successful technology analyst. that is it. that is her qualification for fox to base all of their coverage on dominion on this person. and there is more. she wrote, i've had the strangest dream since i was a little girl. most were just odd, others were
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clearly predictions. overtime, they became more vivid and more interactive. about ten years ago, an event took place that seem to amplify these abilities, by vastly more than an order of magnitude. it is more like time travel in semiconscious state, and all senses are involved. but that's not all, when i'm awake, i see what others don't see, and hear what other stone here. like voting machines changing votes. she sees that. here's that. she quoted a movie in which one character tells another character to listen to the wind. and then she wrote, the wind tells me i'm a ghost, but i don't believe it. although, it appears that i was shot in the back shortly after submitting a tip to the fbi two years ago. at the time, i thought i just tripped and fell during a walk and bruised my ribs, but i had a vision about a year later in which i stood in the same spot and felt my soul leave my body. it was like having a band-aid
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being ripped off your skin. and yet, i continue to walk the earth. despite that, the wind tells me that no one can harm me. it protects me and keeps me safe. anyway, i've gotten a little off track, and be the first to admit that while the last bit is pretty wackadoo dole, it's relevant. and i can tell you this about everything else -- time always, eventually, prove me correct. kindest regards, the mars. that is the email. that is the email from marlene born on which fox based ole of its attacks on dominion voting systems. tucker carlson knew that sydney powell, who was pushing that email, it was crazy. i did too. everyone get. i covered sydney powell as he
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paranoid as crazy person, inflicting herself in america thanks to donald trump, covering sydney powell did not make me paranoid and crazy. but sydney powell made tucker carlson paranoid and crazy. he says she did. but the reason sydney powell was able to make tucker carlson paranoid and crazy is that he already was. tucker carlson seeds which with hatred. he exhibits it every night, hatred for masses of people, hatred for individuals. tucker carlson hates passionately. and i know that because he has told us in writing. as dominion reveals that on january 4th, two days before tucker carlson was absolutely certain that congress would smoothly certify joe biden's
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election on january six, although tucker carlson was afraid to tell his audience that, tucker carlson texts, we are very, very close to being able to avoid trump most nights. i hate him passionately. that is tucker carlson. saying he hates donald trump passionately. and that is now the washington post headline tonight about tucker carlson, saying i hate him passionately. about donald trump. donald trump has been pretending to his audience that his only problem with fox was rupert murdoch, donald trump has been ignoring all of the negative messages by the prime time fox hosts about donald trump, that have been exposed by dominion. and so it is most likely that donald trump will help tucker
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hide his biggest secret ever from his audience, that he hates donald trump passionately. no one in tucker's audience is going to know that tucker carlson wrote i hate trump passionately. and donald trump is probably going to protect tucker's secret. but the truth about the paranoid and crazy and passionate hater and puff allowed trickle wire tucker carlson is that tucker carlson hates donald trump passionately. and tucker carlson has proved that he hates the truth even more passionately. leading off our discussion tonight is -- former fbi general counsel and former chief of the coalition -- professor of practice at nyu, law school, msnbc legal analyst andrew. i want to begin with you on
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this one point in an email that we just got before coming on the air. it is from rupert murdoch to paul ryan, on january 12th, so this is almost a week after january 6th attack on the capitol, he says to paul ryan, rupert murdoch says, everything changed last wednesday. -- he then says could he, meaning trump, could he still resign and get pence to pardon him, then just disappear? would mike pence agree. rupert. so that is rupert murdoch's question. to the former republican speaker of the house. in all of the historical digging that has been done around gerald ford's pardon of reproductive richard nixon, no one, including me who wrote a book that entered that arena, has ever been able to find
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anything like that, any communication like that. from richard nixon to jerry fort, the kind of communication that report murdaugh is proposing here. richard nixon seemed to believe that it was possibly illegal for him to request -- from jerry forte, the vice president, in order to then hand over the presidency to him by resigning. is what rupert murdoch was advocating there, that trump make a deal with mike pence for -- resigned, pence becomes president, gives him a pardon, could that be illegal deal report murdaugh was proposing? >> so, i have a factual and, legal answer for you. i think the factual part is important to note there is this is just a week after january 6th and you have the head of
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fulton's realizing that donald trump has criminal exposure for what just happened. this, it didn't take the january six committee to do that, but he knew exactly what was going on. he -- because he thinks there is no potential liability in that by the way, -- this is just relating to what happened six days before that. so that is sort of a important factual point. just as an aside, this is, this is the new station, news in square quotes that kevin mccarthy thought it was useful to give exclusive access to january 6th videotapes. which tells you just how -- republican party still is to the fox corporation. and then on the legal issue, i actually think it can be done. you know, we actually speculated that this is something that donald trump might do, because there is a
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real legal issue about whether the president can pardon himself for herself and one way around that conundrum is you leave the way nixon did and you have your vice president can the pardon. the reason we never thought that would happen is because the idea of donald trump voluntarily giving up office seemed like something that would never, ever happen. that is just not part of his dna. so this is sort of a legal issue, with no real possibility, obviously didn't happen. obviously no supreme court case has ever been on this, because like so much of what happened with donald trump, nobody has ever had to deal with this because no one has ever dealt with the president like donald trump with all of his shenanigans and skirting the law. but i do think would probably be withheld i, upheld that if he left, the deal was that it was understood that this would be part of what he would do. i also think that the reality
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and you know more than i do on this, they wouldn't need to say this is the quid pro quo. it would be sort of understood in a way that happens unfortunately all too often in washington. >> that has always been the guessing of nixon and jerry ford. nixon was afraid to say it because he was a lawyer and he thought it could very well be illegal, it could be considered a bribe, i am giving him the presidency in exchange for -- but the hope in the air i think was thick enough for jerry forged to not -- we have to squeeze in a very quick break here. we have so much more to discuss in this filing, we will be back with andrew weissmann and charles -- charles -- moderate-to-severe eczema. it doesn't care if you have a date,... ...a day off,...
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those are the bad guys. are they friendly? the 10g network, only from xfinity. >> thanks to 1.6 billion dollar one giant leap for mankind. defamation lawsuit filed by dominion low voting systems against fox, we now know what tucker carlson really thinks about donald trump and about donald trump's presidency.
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on january 4th, at 10:50 pm, less than 48 hours before the attack on the capitol by a mob of trump supporters, tucker carlson sent this to an unknown associate at fox. quote, we are very, very close to being able to ignore trump most nights. i truly can't wait. i hate him passionately. the minutes later, tucker carlson said this about the trump presidency. that's the last four years. we're all pretending we've got a lot show for it because admitting what a disaster it's been is too tough to digest. but come on. there isn't really an upside that to trump. still with us is andrew weissmann, -- charles blow, -- msnbc political analyst. charles, the washington post -- right now at this hour's i hate passionately.
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quoting tucker carlson about donald trump. which probably is the single shortest quote that depicts the full space -- fox hosts actually think and what they said to their audience about trump. >> right. it is kind of in line with what we know about a lot of lawmakers -- who will say things off the record and in front of the cameras, say something completely different -- he didn't want to be disappointed, he said whatever -- didn't want to do that, so he just played along. pretending that he get along with him. so he was doing the same thing. a lot of the fox hosts are doing the same thing on the air. pretending to be journalists, and doing it to their audiences. those audiences are still tonight in the dark --
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we do not have a media environment in america right now where people are fox watchers, they are back and forth between msnbc and fox and cnn, because they are not, unless they are watching. so, it is a small group of people. people are -- at fox, i am not hearing what you are seeing tonight. about what tucker carlson says. and tucker crossing himself is never going to admit on his show that this is how he feels or how he felt about donald trump. so he will just do what fox, i'm sure is going to do, just completely ignore that this is happening. they have the pay, they pay out of pocket and out of the backdoor, they continue to pretend that none of this is real and none of this is happening. >> andrew, i want to read you what andrew, what murdaugh said under oath about why they
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behaved with trump the way they did. at that network. it said, a at one point you suggested your son lackland that perhaps we could have gone first, but being second would save you from a trump explosion. right? that means, in calling the election. what did you mean it saves us a trump explosion! answer from rupert murdoch. trump still had a huge following. and you know, when he gets mad, he stirs people up. i mean, you would rather not have trump as an enemy he was still president. andrew, that never inhibited me. i started calling donald trump a liar in 2011. he started attacking me than. the idea that these people were afraid of donald trump, they are the only people on television who are afraid of donald trump. no one here was. no one anyone where else except
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at fox. rupert murdoch admitting it under oath, we fixed our coverage because we are afraid of donald trump. we >> it's really important to remember that we were fox station is essentially state run media. there is the symbiotic relationship between fox and the republican party and it is not just trump. what kevin mccarthy just did, by handing these videotapes exclusively to tucker carlson tells you that it is still cooler. who is just so pernicious. because you don't end up with an independent -- you could relate this to what desantis is trying to do in florida, where he is increasing liability or -- if they report the news. the whole idea is to have a
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hegemony over what gets reported. so i think you are seeing that with somebody's powerful and as richest proper murdaugh saying we are toeing the line that has nothing to do with blue or red, in his words. it has to do with green. and it has nothing to do with the truth. that is why they're facing such a huge problem now. because, do you go to trial. we're more of this is going to come out. or do you settle, or you that have to have an admission that you did something? if you have an admission that you did something, how do you do that. when you are going to really pass off all of the viewers that you are lying to? so they are in a huge conundrum, because of the relationship they have with donald trump and the maga republicans. >> charles, in the same sequence of texts in which tucker carlson reveals that he hates trump passionately, he
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also says, basically we have nothing to show for it. the trump presidency, the four years, we have nothing to show for it. we are just pretending, he uses the word pretending, we are all pretending, meaning everyone at fox is pretending that the trump presidency actually achieved something. >> right. you have to remember, at that point, i after the election, fox started to lose some of its viewers to competitors. so they are all freaking out, part of what he is saying about not having anything to show for it is that they are now facing -- upstarts. upstarts that may, in the future, they believe, pose a real threat to bottom line into their pockets. so they are looking at this and thinking, trump is the reason for this. trump started to attack fox news after they made an early call on election night. that is when they got in
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trouble with the trump -- that is why rupert murdoch's paranoid in that text, it is because they don't want to get too far on the wrong side of trump. not because they are afraid of the man, they are afraid of the -- law and if they roll those eyeballs in trump trump kicks them to the curb -- away from fox news that hurts them. they don't want to be in the position of losing that money. >> andrew, i read on the other side of the commercial break that the email to sydney powell that sydney powell forwarded to maria borough mall, this email is the entire case for sydney powell's attack on the dominion voting machines and for fox's attacks. and the last third of the email written by this woman who we have never heard of before this email or since, she is talking
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about how she listens to the wind, she has visions, she sees things and hears things that no one else can, she was shot once but there was no evidence of a gunshot wound. all of these unbelievable delusional, insane things. they are all right there in the very same email that maria bartiromo and fox used as there are proof for the case for making against dominion. that email is going to be in court as an exhibit, it is possible that dominion could call that woman who wrote that email as a witness but if we get to this stage, this trial stage in this case, how is the jury going to see an email like that as the basis for your tax on this company? look >>, you are asking the
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lawyer in this group and i am talking to two journalists here. what either of you ever, in 1 million years, read something like this and report it out? the answer is of course not, anymore than i would think -- a criminal case or even a civil case on this woman's testimony. she obviously, it is sort of sad, she obviously has mental issues. what is not sad, and is the way it was weaponized, to use the republican term, because this is a leading exhibit at the trial. it is so damaging to that, you have a host of a nightly show who saw this and read it and was exposed to it, it wasn't just sidney powell saying trust me, i have got a source, they
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had it in their hand and yet they went forward law so this again is why -- it is hard to imagine what their legal strategy is that allowed this case to go so far to allow all of this to come out. the one final point i want to make is just to be clear, if they hadn't attacked dominion, we would not know about this. they would have been lying -- just as much about donald trump in everything that happened, you only reason we know is that happenstance that they went too far, because lying to the american public is not going to be a lawsuit that you can bring against that. but because they lied and hurt dominion, that is the reason that we know about not just what they did to dominion but what they were doing to the voters. it is, that is really the take home of this, it is just gratuitous that we are lucky that dominion brought this lawsuit that then benefits all
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of us to see what was going on. >> it turns out as we know tonight, dominion's machines worked. they've delivered an accurate election. we are lucky enough that that company had the resources to be able to sue fox. they had enough money, which takes massive amounts of money, to get this far. in this lawsuit. and a lot of other companies wouldn't be able to do it or they just would choose not to do it. we are going to have so much more on this as we continue to cover this lawsuit. andrew weissmann, charles blow, thank you so much for joining us on this important -- really appreciated. >> you're welcome. >> thank you. coming up, the pathological lies of tucker carlson about january 6th, that he delivered last night. went too far for mitch mcconnell. and other republican senators. and any this -- person with a sense of decency. congressman adam shift, member of the january six committee, will join us next. join us next.
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tucker carlson's lives last night. >> with regard to the presentation on fox news last night. i want to associate myself entirely, the opinion of the chief of the capitol police. about what happened, on january 6th. >> clearly, the chief of the
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capitol piece, in my view, correctly describes what most of us witnessed firsthand, on january 6th. so that's my reaction to it,, it was a mistake, in my view, for fox news to depict this, in a way that is completely at variance, with what our chief law enforcement official here, at the capitol thinks. >> history might show that that is very first time mitch mcconnell has used a mistake, to describe what fox does the statement that he was holding up by the capitol police police chief john guyger said last night because they saw the commentary, that was full of misleading conclusions about january 6th, the program conveniently cherry-pick from the camera moments, a 41,000
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hours of video, the commentary fails to provide context but the chaos and violence that happened before or during, these last tense moments, finally the most disturbing accusation of last night, was that our late friend and colleague brian steph, and i think you do with this heroic actions, on january 6th, the department maintains as anyone with common sense, would that had officer sicknick not fought valiantly for hours on the day he was violently assaulted, officer sicknick would not have died, the next day. in response to the program the family of bryan said it released a written statement saying, what will it take to silence the lives from people like carlson? what will it take to convince people that the january 6th insurrection was very real, was very violent, and the event was orchestrated by a man who is every bit as corrupt, and evil.
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as vladimir putin. >> joining us now is democratic congressman adam schiff california. he was the lead impeachment manager, he's currently a congressman's senate california. one of the strange things, that we were learning tonight about the statement we just heard. -- privately agrees with that view of donald trump. the sicknick family did not say, we hate donald trump passionately, tucker carlson said that, that he hates trump passionately. >> you're absolutely right, it really takes your breath away. but we also come to accept this or the tucker carlson's of the world, eli to make money, you
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lie to mislead people, eli to get ratings. that's top of carlson's world. donald trump is the original profiteer of the lives, tucker carlson is the amplifier of the lies. to see so shockingly and black and rightly, saying his acknowledgment that it's all a lie, and nothing matters but the ratings in the money, and this is the person that kevin mccarthy decides to trust with 40,000 plus hours of capital surveillance video, just shows how bankrupt the republican leadership, is mccarthy's described sometimes there's an empty suit, he is worse than empty suit. he's a suit is filled with nothing by ambition and lives, and to try someone like tucker carlsen with that footage, to help him to aid in a bit further misleading in american people, it's just unconscionable. >> we're gonna squeeze in a
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commercial break right, here is we can keep our discussion going. we're gonna be back right after this, with more from congressman schiff. ngressman schiff (fisher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our clients' portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid before it begins. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium.
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tourists, santos got caught up on things. but when you see police barricades breached, when you see police officers assaulted. all, that we had to be in close proximity to it. if you are just a tourist, you should've come in on an orderly basis. >> is adam schiff of california, remember the congressman committee. the speaker congressman said that you can see what he gave him all this video and said it's not important enough to not watch what tucker carlson did with it. tucker carlson did the obvious, which was to show some piece of it where there was no violence, of course that day, that we all know that that kind of video exists. we cover mccarthy's brittani doesn't know what happened. >> no believe kevin, mccarthy he knows exactly --
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this is a violent effort to stop the peaceful transfer of power, but more it's the return to the rioters are gonna take to stop tucker carlson massenet's lies, to start to re-write the history of january 6th. because of, fox if we talk a carlson, rumored murdaugh, all these, people lower ingrown, but it's only about the money, the ratings of money, the only way to stop it is for dominion to succeed. for the cause fox meadows, but what's more for and companies to decide that as long as murdaugh and fox, are putting these devices, the sociopathic liars on the air, companies are
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gonna advertise there anymore. the only way to stop a corporation that is gone completely off the rails, and is tearing the country apart is to say i'm gonna stop paying for that. this is what has to happen, in terms of the broader opportunity to rewrite history. you have to stop enabling people like kevin mccarthy around the house of representatives. has to be both an attack on fox news profit at all cost mode of motive, and putting someone like mccarthy in charge of an institutional government. >> kevin mccarthy knows it was so violent that he was moved from the capital put in a car and driven away to another location. in military location, that's how dangerous wives. and kevin mccarthy knows that, congressman schiff thanks so much for joining us tonight. >> thank you. >> we'll be right back. >> we'll be right back i think i waited this long to get botox® cosmetic because i take like no time for myself.
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