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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  March 2, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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get through. santos's office has acknowledged the ethics investigation and tweeted that the congressman is fully cooperating. for those of you keeping a score at home, this is now a congressional probe that santos faces in addition to local investigations from district attorneys in two new york counties, the new york state attorney generals office, the justice department, lot enforcement in brazil, and again the ethics committee in a house where he is part of the majority. that is probably not the list of accomplishments santos's constituents were betting on for their freshman representatives but it is nonetheless an impressive feat for someone who has only been in congress for two months. that does it for us tonight, we will see you again tomorrow, now it is time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell, good evening lawrence. >> good evening alex, serial liar, i personally go with pathological liar on george santos. i mean, --
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>> when do you cross the threshold to pathological liar? i think george santos has crossed the threshold. >> you're not inconsistent, i guess that you could use either one. i just think he's the next degree of liar. >> should it be that and he's a serial liar? >> as the night goes on. much like george santos himself started out as a serial liar and as time went on became more -- >> that's probably true. we may never know, but that is probably true. >> we probably will never know. >> thank you, alex. >> well, in tonight's pathological liar news, donald trump posted online attacks today of rupert murdoch and paul ryan for the revelations into the dominion voting systems lawsuit against fraud, that revealed that everybody in fox including the board of directors, rupert murdoch, which includes paul ryan and, the faces of network on television, sean hannity, they all knew that everything donald
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trump said about the 2020 presidential election was a lie, and they all helped push that ally for fox viewers. your business school professor jeffrey seinfeld says that there is much more at stake for rupert murdoch than just money in the dominion lawsuit. it could lead to rupert murdoch losing control of the company. jeffrey seinfeld will join us later. another pathological liar news, george santos is now officially as alex reported, the subject of i house ethics committee investigation for filing false statements and sexual misconduct, among other things. that's just for starters. and importantly, in defendant trump news today, another huge setback for donald trump in cases where he is already a defendant.
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a defended in cases in which donald trump could lose hundreds of billions of dollars if donald trump does lose these cases. he will no doubt spend the rest of his life trying to appeal the judgments in these cases, which means he would remain defendant trump for the rest of his life. donald trump is now facing the most threatening lawsuits he has ever faced in his life. a group of lawsuits filed by capitol police officers and members of congress against donald trump for inciting the attack on the capital which threaten the lives and injured many of those police officers and threatened the lives of members of congress. donald trump has claimed that he cannot be sued in these cases and has complete immunity because on january six everything he did, everything he said, was said and done within his duties as president in united states, including delivering a speech to a trump mob who he knew was armed and
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who he told to go to the capital and, quote, fight like hell. the justice department disagrees with donald trump's defense. if justice department agreed the don't trump was acting within his duties as president the, justice department would use all their legal might to defend donald trump in these cases. but the justice department filed a brief with a federal appeals court in washington, d. c. today, supporting a washington d. c. federal judges finding that donald trump does not have immunity from these lawsuits. they're 23-page brief supporting the denial of their immunity to donald donald trump just fragment said, here, the district court concluded the plaintiffs complaints plausibly alleged that president trump speech at the rally on january six 2021 precipitated ensuing attack on the capitol, and in particular that the complaint
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plausibly alleged that the former presidents speech encouraged imminent private violent action and was likely to produce such action. the united states expresses no view on that conclusion, or on the truth of the allegations in plaintiffs complaints. but in the united states view, such incitement of imminent private violence would not be within the outer perimeter of the office of the president of the united states. the justice department also agreed that the presidential speech, is generally afforded broad protection due to the wide-ranging nature of the presidents duties. those protections do have limits. this department said, speaking to the public on matters of public concern is a traditional function of the presidency, and the outer perimeter of the presidents office include the vast realm of such speech. but that traditional function
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as one of public communication. it does not include incitement of imminent private violence of the sort the district court found the plaintiffs complaints have plausibly alleged here. there's a department found the don trump's speech on january 6th was in effect a campaign speech and therefore not subject to the protections that extend to a president fulfilling the duties of his office. the united states agrees with the district court that the office of the president has no preference for who occupies it and that article two is agnostic as to whether a sitting president is elected to a new term. a presidents, private parties san electioneering activities, lacking any significant nexus to his responsibilities as president, may therefore fall beyond the outer limits of his office. the attorneys filing this brief
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work in the civil division of the justice department. they know that the criminal division of the justice department, under special prosecutor jack smith, is investigating the same actions by donald trump on january six for possible crimes committed by donald trump leading up to and on that day. so today's brief by the civil division of the justice department carries a veiled acknowledgment of, and a clear line of separation from, that criminal investigation which the brief does not specifically mention. here's what the brief says about. that the absolute immunity at issue in this appeal concerns only a president liability in a private suit for damages. in addressing that question, the united states does not express any view regarding the potential criminal liability of any person for the events of january 6th, 2021, or acts commit connected with those events. in other words, don't take
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today's brief to in any way indicate whether the criminal division of the justice department is going to find that donald trump committed crimes on january 6th. leading off our discussion tonight is democratic congressman mark swalwell of california. he was the house impeachment manager in the second impeachment trial of donald trump, and he's a plaintiff in one of the civil suits against donald trump for his role in inciting the january 6th attack on the capitol. congressman swalwell, thank you for joining us tonight. this was a big win for your case. there are a few of the civil cases that are being treated basically the same way. what was your reading of this brief today by the justice department? >> a very big win, lawrence. frankly, it reminds me a little bit of that, a player that meatloaf song, a president can do anything with immunity, but you can't do that. and they went to great lengths to lay out all of the immunity and privileges that a president has. and frankly, it's really in the prerogative the department of
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justice to protect the privileges and immunities of the president, recognizing the down the track you could be challenged, and you wouldn't want to give up an immunity or a privilege. but to say that donald trump was so far outside the boundaries or immunity i think shows just what he did that day is nowhere near, not even within a country mile of duties within the office of president. so it's a big day to set the table for your viewers, we won the motion to dismiss in a district court. they threw that out. the president appeal that to the court of appeals. we have oral argument in december. the court of appeals asked the department of justice to weigh in, and so we believe a decision from the court of appeals is probably imminent in the next couple of weeks. >> and that's a crucial decision. if you're able to survive general and civil suits, a motion to dismiss the case, that's kind of the key hurdle to get over, because that means you are very likely going to get your case to a jury.
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that motion can be reintroduced after the plaintiff has completed their case to a jury. sometimes civil suits are thrown out in the middle of a trial because of that. but what you are seeing in the justice department filing seems to be saying that in effect what they are seeing in this evidence, if taken the way it is presented by the plaintiffs, indicates that there is absolutely no immunity for donald trump, and in his case, the flip side of that, the flipside of no immunity is, you had to do something wrong to lose your immunity. >> that's right, lawrence. and again, it's their custom and practice to want to guard insulate the president no matter who that person is, no matter who she or he is, from suits like this.
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so that just shows how far outside the bounds don trump went. and to your point, the next step, if we were to survive this round, would be depositions and what we call discovery. the jerry six commission made a lot of progress in learning about what donald trump did that day and didn't do, and what the people around him saw from donald trump, but they were also stymied by many of the privileges that the trump team throughout. they didn't want to litigate years in court before they issued the report. as private plaintiffs, we would not be stymied. the president and his team would not have the same privileges, and there wouldn't be this clash of two different
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branches of government. we are bringing this in our private capacity, and that would allow us to learn a lot more than anyone has learned in this endeavor. >> and we have seen a similar situation, a lawsuit against donald trump in new york. she has managed to, it took quite a while, especially because it started while he was still president, but she is managed to get him under oath in a deposition, where, of course, donald trump took the fifth amendment many many times. as he may well do. if and when you get him under oath in a deposition in your case. but what is very clear now a civil procedure is that donald trump has absolutely no way to avoid subpoenas for depositions in civil cases where he is a defendant. he must give that under oath testimony if you seek that under oath testimony and delay tactics he was able to use as president have disappeared for him now. >> that's right, and also,
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asserting the fifth amendment mean something completely different in a civil proceeding. it can in ways be used against you whereas in a criminal proceeding the jury's told you can't use that against a defendant or witness. and so again, we believe that this is a big day for us, a big day in seeking accountability, and for the sake of the case we are bringing, it's a big day for discovering much much more evidence about what donald trump did to inspire, insight, and a mad mob at the capitol. >> as you go forward, what do you expect the timetable to be in this lawsuit? >> if we survive the court of a appeals, and frankly both sides will appeal this decision in the supreme court, and if we survive in the court of appeals upholds the district court decision that is no immunity here, only a question for the supreme court. as you know, they don't have to
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take the case. and in many of the cases around the 2020 election and donald trump, the court decided not to take the case, and so if the supreme court decided not to take an appeal from donald trump we would go right to discovery and depositions, but we do expect that whoever comes out on top in this ruling that it will be appealed in the supreme court in that decision and that decision will be pivotal. >> what is your reaction to the ethics committee today announcing an investigation, a formal investigation of george santos? >> we don't need the ethics committee to remove george santos from the congress, but we do need a republican to come forward for that expulsion motion. i say that, lawrence, because it's important that the ethics committee look into what federal courts and state courts and even international court in brazil is looking into, but george santos has copped to most of these allegations. he's admitted that he never went to the college he said he went to. he is admitted that he never held the jobs that he had. he's admitted that he does not practice the religion that he told the voters he practices.
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and so he's a 24 karat fraud by admission, and to me that would seem enough to throw him out. but again, he's a part of this corrupt bargain that kevin mccarthy relies on to hold the title of speaker. but of course not the job. and so it's really a matter of, do republicans want george santos to represent their conference and their values, or can they just throw him out? >> i want to go back to a point i made to the audience before, the donald trump is likely, in my view, to remain defendant trump literally for the rest of his life, based on your lawsuits, if they get to judgments against him. because he would obviously appeal the judgment, trying to get the whole thing reversed, trying to get a new trial,
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trying to get that case thrown out. he'll take that for as long as it takes. but then if you do have a judgment against him, and i imagine the police officers case could have judgments of 100 million dollars each against him, just massive judgments against him. he will then constantly be going into court fighting the collection of the judgment, which you know as a lawyer is the really final part of civil litigation. it's one thing to get a judgment against someone, it's an entirely different legal exercise to try to pull the money out of them. and i would expect on trump to literally spend the rest of his life fighting you on trying to pull that money out of him, if you get a judgment against him. >> i think you're absolutely right, lawrence. he's legal terrorist. but what i like about this case, and the other cases that are being brought against him is, for the first time in his life we are playing on his side of the field. we are on offense in our quest for accountability. >> congressman eric swalwell, thank you very much for leading off our discussions tonight. >> my pleasure. >> coming up rupert murdoch
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could lose everything that matters to him as a result of the dominion lawsuit. he could lose control of a company he has been able to control even though 61% of the stock is owned by other people who could decide it's time to take the company away. from the reckless rupert murdoch. that's next. th three times the pet hair fighting ingredients. just one sheet helps remove pet hair from your clothes! looking good starts in the dryer with bounce pet. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪things are getting clearer♪ ♪i feel free to bare my skin♪ ♪yeah, that's all me♪ ♪nothing and me go hand in hand♪ ♪nothing on my skin♪ ♪that's my new plan♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ achieve clearer skin with skyrizi.
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you possibly vote for donald trump? donald trump's hatred for dogs is relentless. it is a lifetime of hatred for dogs that he exhibited once again today in an online post attacking former republican house speaker paul ryan, who is now a member of rupert murdoch's incompetent board of directors at fox. trump wrote, rumors are flying high that idiot rino paul ryan, who has greatly hurt the credibility of rupert murdoch with his ridiculous stance that the 2020 election was all peaches and cream will be fired like a dog from the fox board. whenever donald trump uses the word the phrase like a dog, it is never with affection. it usually comes after the word fired. we have no idea why donald trump is so attached to that phrase. since we know he has never fired a dog or had a dog in his home. president calvin coolidge once said that something i never
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took seriously. until donald trump. any man who does not like dogs and want them about has not deserved to be in the white house. the man who did not deserve to be in the white house also posted today, i think that fox board member rhino paul ryan now put his boss rupert murdoch and great legal jeopardy by convincing him to go against his news anchors and there believe that the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. paul ryan is bad luck for fox. he should resign or be fired. and they're donald trump has obviously decided to cover up the truth about his false friend sean hannity and the out-of-control liar tucker carlson, both of whom said in texan emails obtained by the dominion lawsuit, they never believed a word of donald trump 's lies about the 2020 election. rupert murdoch is frequently referred to as the owner of fox, but as he'll business professor
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jeffrey sonnenfeld points out, 61% of the stock of that company is owned by other investors. each of those investors is now in a position to bring a lawsuit against rupert murdoch and the fox board for the irresponsible and dangerous way they have been managing the company. those shareholder lawsuits could be far more damaging to rupert murdoch than the dominion lawsuit which at worst can only cost rupert murdoch money. shareholder lawsuits could ultimately force rupert murdoch to lose control of the company. joining us now is jeffrey sonnenfeld, senior social dean for leadership studies at the yale school of management in a cnbc contributor. professor sonnenfeld, thank you very much for joining us tonight. i have been absolutely fascinated by what you have emailed to me about the possibility and the opportunity for a shareholder revolt in
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effect here at fox. how would that play out? >> it would play out, there is a major institutional investors, places like vanguard and others, the donor large stake on our behalf. they are custodians of our money. other individual large or owners that control that 61%, it's a derivative lies to. that could be devastating because this litigation itself and the liable of litigation any first amendment and defamation attorney you talked to will say that they have never seen a case that is this clear, this black and white, that the evidence is so strong. they can't lose this. and 1. 5 billion dollars are asking for impunity's could be sky high. who knows how many billions they could ask for? so the shareholders have got to be mad that it has destroyed the value of this company, not just the cash but whatever credibility fox news had, it's clearly fox news now. so that is great value.
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and if they can come together and in fact i've heard from a number of them and i'm familiar with a few of the plaintiffs law firms that are looking into this. >> what are the responsibility of the board in a situation like this? >> the board has two priority do 80s as the -- cooperation they. are they have the duty of care, dylan diligent, alerting, foreign director, and duty loyalty. not loyal to the management or to the former president, this is loyalty to the owners and stakeholders of the company. and clearly they have shown a reckless disregard and lack of managerial oversight. there was charlie sykes had an interview with bulwark, you may have seen yesterday with paul ryan. it was just devastating. they asked him what line when you dries a board member? where you would quit? he said i don't, know i registered my quiet concern. that's cowardice. that cowardice shows complicity. there's -- another board member, even rupert murdoch himself is complaining and being trampled on. it's almost, i don't feel sorry for him but you almost think it feels like this is a citizen cain type situation, where he
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is just lost control, like a fox and steen he's created a monster. he can control it. -- doesn't pay attention to him, apparently temples, overtime and suzanne scott, a pretty troubled successor to roger ailes's pretty tough executioner. >> what does paul ryan have to fear in the current developments? >> well, he feels, he fears a lot of exposure, because the directors and officers liability require that they show a duty of care and duty of loyalty. given that he did not show that, the directors and officers ensures that he had, and we saw this happen it enron in other cases, world common particular, where they weren't protected by their insurers. they were individually and separately liable for massive damages because the insurance company found that they had
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failed in their duties to guarantee become hurt by insurance. so that's a tremendous personal exposure there. and of course the reputation is devastating. for trump it's weird that he makes one of paul ryan. a right, every one of those anchors said they were disgusted by trump. sean hannity is the term disgusted by trump. they all made fun of giuliani and of course sydney powell. they were all making fun of her. and laura ingraham and tucker carlson. therefore really evil, it seems, anchors and reckless, pandering and peddling clearly false information, as they said. in all fairness they are four and five brilliant journalist in their. i feel bad for shepard smith reporting ushered out of there, i guess, but he tried to do something. neil kudo, he was ostracized. a few others. again a bill simmons who was very admired. i'm sure you know his work. the political statistician that predicted and called the arizona election. these people were treated
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really harshly for doing the right thing. and the board should hold an investigation. they should go after some of the management. the same general counselor -- who has admitted under oath he didn't fulfill his duties, which is to make sure that they are reinforcing the truth in office there, that they had people putting out false information, and he knows that he, that he put up false information. he's a very sophisticated attorney. in fact they have a guy on their board, a guy named william burke. he should know better. a very prominent law firm. and i can't imagine anybody is proud to have bloomberg on the board just sitting there making half 1 million dollars a year for four of five meetings here. one of the world are they doing to earn that money? >> well, in the well run version of that company, if it was a very well run company,
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the truth of the matter is, for half 1 million a year or so or more to be a board member with other stock investment opportunities in that spot, and you have to show up for five times a year for, half of the day, they don't really have to do anything. i mean, that's the big sort of not-so-secret truth of board life. but when a company is being constantly and relentlessly mismanaged, that's when the responsibility really weighs on them. >> they don't have any physical labor to do. they have not working on the assembly line. they are not doing their own analysis. but they do have a requirement to fortify the character the firm, the integrity and legal compliance of the firm. mccarrick to the firm and also the financial health and well-being of the foreign. and these are the duties in the care duties of loyalty that they have violated. so they are very exposed. this whole place becomes tumbling down pretty badly. it's quite tragic. if you care about this. i love the framing around the dog issue. you're so right.
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as dogs are truly angels on earth and of all things to suggest that these people are created with the dogs, that's an insult to the canine world. >> it's always amazed me that the flunkies round trump have never been able to tell him you, know america loves dogs. not a great idea, that particular phrase. professor sonnenfield, could you stay with us, because we want to discuss the russian economy next and you have been leading our guide our discussion. after the commercial break will come after. that russian billionaire created by vladimir putin now says russia is going broke because of vladimir putin. something professor sonnenfield predicted. that's next.
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year. that can't be good. that is the prediction of russian billionaire oleg deripaska, a billionaire thanks entirely to vladimir putin's corruption he. has been sanctioned by the united states in 2018 and today he said that the sanctions organized by president biden has shrunk the russian economy to the point where in his words, quote, there will be no money already next year. we will need foreign investors. foreign investors fled russia
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after vladimir putin invaded ukraine and president yet biden united european allies in imposing harsh sanctions on russia, to bring foreign investors back to russia. oleg deripaska says they will have to be guaranteed that russia will operate under the, quote, rule of law, and stop, quote, barbaric stone age practices of imprisoning every other person for nothing, it and he said this at an economic forum in russia today. there are no reports yet of mr. deripaska falling out a window at that economic forum, which is usually what happens with a russian businessman who publicly disagree with vladimir putin. also today, secretary of state anthony blinken met with russian foreign minister sergei lavrov for the first time since the start of russia's war in ukraine. >> i told the foreign minister what i and someone else said last week at the united nation and what so many g20 foreign ministers say today. and this war of aggression.
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also the and the wrongful detention of paul whelan, it is i have a spinning occasions. the united states for a special appraisal, and moscow should accepted. >> joining our discussion former analyst and host of the deep state radio podcast and still with us is your professor jeffrey sonnenfield. david rothkopf, how does oleg deripaska get away with this? it's not the first time he has sounded a contrary note to vladimir putin? >> well, he has a lot of money. he's got a lot of power. there are a lot of people that agree with him. and frankly putin's position is being weakened on many fronts. it's not just people like deripaska, you have the head of the head of the wagner group saying that he doesn't think the war is going well. you have blinken in a meeting last week with the kazakhs who
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are supposed to be close to the russians, and them saying hey, let's strike a deal. you've got the chinese trying to show that they want to be supportive, but not rushing to the support, not rushing to provide the russians with a lot of the kind of lethal weapons that they want. so right now putin is getting this from all sides, and it would be difficult for him to lash out at one of the pillars of his economy. >> professor sonnenfield, you have been charting for us the way the sanctions are working in the russian economy and working better in some situations than expected. but to hear deripaska say today, it was as if he was hearing your talking points at an economic forum in russia. >> yeah. we do know that the research that was done that goes out the scholarly journals something like this is our, and the number one downloads are in russia including the bank of russia, one of the biggest consumers of our scholarly
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material and how bad their economies. it's getting in there to somebody. your question is fascinating. i'm intrigued by david's answer. i'm a big fan of david's. until this moment i would've thought that he's going to be number 34 on that list of 33 of oligarchs who fall out of windows. it's not a joke anymore. just 87 journalists, truly just since the war began the head of lukoil, get of gazprom, really major parties. but knowing all of that, wouldn't have done this if you didn't think there was a gathering storm on his side. and again, i haven't considered that until david raised just now, it does sound like someone's some of its getting through. russia is no longer an economic superpower. it's a economic irrelevancy. two thirds of their exports were oil and gas. they're losing half a billion dollars on energy. no matter what you hear from
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some misguided self interested energy analysts, they're losing their, everybody's have a bumper crop in the world except tragically food insecure africa. even the ukraine had a bumper crop this year. it's remarkable. almost every metal, and they say we need russia for, we don't need them at all. nobody needs anything from russia. russia brings not new to the world market place besides raw materials other people can get. no finished goods. the like of fading colony. it's a vassal state of china. it is, you know, what is really troubling, if i could say something that i've not said publicly before nobody on the show will have heard before, so i have to hire attorneys as soon as a hang-up, the imf is unwittingly complicit here. the imf is the only party that parrots putin's propaganda. i have them, i actually have them recorded and i have their written records, where they admit that they are taking putin's material and completely, without analyzing, it because they have no access to information, they are flying blind, they have admitted this to me, their top economists, they're taking what putin gives
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them and they are canonizing it, they're credentialing it. so when you hear me talking about how every sector of the russian economy, from retail down, 65%, automotive's down 99%, thousand companies pulled out 3 million of the high most talented workers fleeing half 1 million to uzbekistan alone. and then the imf says they're gonna have faster growth, higher growth in russia than germany in the uk? no, there's something going wrong here. what they don't do is not contributing the 60 pieces of information that they are required to be a member of the imf since war broke out they have concealed it. nobody knows this. >> david rothkopf, why did secretary blinken choose this moment to meet with sir jay lavrov? what does it mean? >> first of all, there was international meeting there and we were meeting on the inter edges of the international meeting. but i think one thing that we sometimes lose sight of is the
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constant diplomatic offensive that is going on from this administration with regard to this war. some of it is direct with russia. we saw that the u.s. was talking to russian president biden's trip to ensure that there was deconfliction there. the united states is talking to russia constantly about red lines and trying to be careful even as we give the ukrainians arms, not to trigger those red lines, and of course there is the massive diplomatic effort going on between the united states and all our allies to persuade the chinese not to support the russians. but i do give a lot of credit to secretary blinken, not only for orchestrating this but for recognizing that a centerpiece needs to be communicating with the russians. even in the worst of times in the cold war, we communicated with her enemy. that's an essential to avoid disastrous outcomes. frankly i wish we were able to do it better with the chinese. >> david rothkopf, then law professor jeffrey sonnenfield, thank you very much for joining. us and professor sonnenfield please keep tracking the
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russian economy for us and please come back we. will invite anyone from the imf to join you here in our next discussion. thank you both very much. and coming up, a man who used twitter, used twitter to send death threats to jewish elected officials, has been arrested by federal authorities after twitter did absolutely nothing about those death threat tweets. that's next. when your v-neck looks more like a u-neck, that's when you know, it's half-washed. downy has 7 benefits that condition and smooth fibers so clothes look newer, longer. feel the difference with downy. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? >> vo: for us, driving around is the only way we can get our baby
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new dove body wash now has millions of moisturizing microdroplets - for 24 hours of continuous care. change is beautiful. new dove body wash. >> today the justice department revealed that a man was charged after using twitter to threaten to kill officials in the state of michigan who are jewish. quote, according to a criminal complaint filed in the case, on february 17th, 2023, jack eugene carpenter iii, 41, of tipton, michigan, using twitter while located in texas, weighed threats against jewish government officials in michigan. one post read, in part, i'm heading back to michigan now threatening to carry out the punishment of death to anyone that is jewish in the michigan government if they don't leave or confess. carpenter continued his threats
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of violence in a second post, which read, in part, i'll be coming back to michigan, still driving with expired plates. you may want to let everyone know, and wayne county sheriff as well, any attempt to stop me will be met with deadly force in self-defense. twitter has not yet read those trees, turned 49 they have had called in all day to remove those tweets. they are still there right now. those tweets threatening to kill jewish government officials are still perfectly okay with twitter as of this minute tonight. threatening to kill law enforcement officials in michigan. twitter has no problem with that as of 10:50 pm tonight. the criminal complaint did not list any officials who were actually targeted by michigan
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attorney docile dana nessel who was a guest here last week confirmed that she was among the people targeted and she issued a statement saying the fbi has confirmed, i was a target of the heavily armed defended in this matter. it's my sincere hope that the federal authorities take this offense just as seriously as my hate crimes and domestic terrorism unit takes plots to murder elected officials. matt williams, who worked on a study of antisemitism for the anti-defamation league, told the washington post, antisemitism in its classical fascist form is emerging again in american society, where jews are too secretive and powerful, working against interests of others, not sharing values, exploiting, the classic conspiratorial troops tropes. joining us now is jonathan -- author and columnist as well as an msnbc political analyst. jonathan, so many stunning components of this. the exact wording of what he said in these tweets is just so poisonous and painful to read. and twitter leaves it up.
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no interest. whatever >> what the hell is going on in that organization? we've been reading about elon musk. they've obviously laid off a lot of people. but have they given up on content moderation are altogether? are they not checking anything? what are the implications of? >> the tweets in this news cycle that are cited as exhibits in a crime, and they're still there. but what about the atmosphere in which this guy is completely confident of just sending out those tweets? and is inspired to send out those tweets? >> this is shocking, but not sharp surprising because of the country that we are living in right now. we have a situation where currently tucker carlson is planning to do a new narrative about january 6th, right, and
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somehow, my guess is that narrative will not include the guy in the camp auschwitz t-shirt. no, he was not there, it was just another tourist, no matter what fox might tell us. so as you have this soup of antisemitism, when you see the former president having dinner with kanye west, who is a nice things about not sees, and a member of the nancy party is a second guessed. how do people absorb these messages? how does that connect to mental illness in some of these people? and this, look, antisemitism is a virus of history. we've always had it and we always will. but there are certain moments when there are social conditions that allow it to
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break out in ways that can lead to violence and as we all know, death. >> it seems like this is the trump era has become an era in which these kinds of people believe that their message is welcomed. not something to hide. >> yeah. that's a big change. so again, we've always had this. but there's almost a permission slip that they are getting. and we have seen the results at the synagogue in pittsburgh. the anti defamation league reports sharply increased, not modestly, sharply increased number of antisemitic incidents all over the country. that can't be a total coincidence. >> jonathan alter, very sorry to have you here on this subject, which i am afraid we have not heard the last of. thank you so much for joining us. tonight's last word is next. ing sniff checks? secret dry spray. just spray and stay fresh all day.
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responsibility for wednesday's attack on congress by mob rioters. he should have immediately denounced the mob when he saw what was unfolding. these facts require immediate action from president trump. except his share of responsibility. quell the brewing on west, and ensure president elect biden is able to successfully begin his term. >> kevin mccarthy, who told the truth about donald trump exactly once in his life, gets tonight's last word.
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the 11th hour with stephanie ruhle starts now. >> tonight, a shocking ending to a bombshell case the arrest of the. country rupert murdoch, the color from inside the courtroom and what happens next. then donald trump lost again, but the doj is now saying about his civil liability for january 6th. and if you are keeping score, george santos now under local, state, federal, and international and now congressional investigations is 11th hour gets underway on this thursday night. >> good evening once again, i'm stephanie ruhle. guilty a south carolina jury's come convicted former attorney alex murdaugh of killing his wife and son back in june of 2021. we'll have much more on all of that in a moment, but we are also following a key development in the efforts to hold donald trump accountable in the january 6th riot. a new justice department filing says trump can be held liable in a civil court for the actions of rioters at the capitol. doj rejected trump's claim of absolute immunity from civil lawsuits filed by police officers and members of congress.
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