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tv   Way Too Early With Jonathan Lemire  MSNBC  December 6, 2022 2:00am-3:00am PST

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the best news from the archives today is that holly and her husband, kevin, have just had a brand new beautiful bambino. she was born last week. her name is kiera hanora. holly and kevin are over the moon. they say kiera already loves snuggles and parents and buffalo bills. she watched her first bills game last thursday and the bills won. i'm not saying those things are related but i'm not saying they're not. you're the best new thing in the world today. we can't wait to see you. that does it for us tonight. we'll see you again tomorrow at 6:45 eastern as we start our special it's election day in georgia. voters are heading to the polls to cast their ballots in the high stakes runoff between
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democratic incumbent raphael warnock and herschel walker. plus, former president donald trump tries to walk back comments he made about terminating the constitution. but he's facing growing backlash from fellow republicans. we'll play that new sound for you. also ahead, ukraine attacks deep inside russia. we have the latest on the escalating war in europe. ♪♪ good morning and welcome to "way too early" on this tuesday, december 6th. i'm jonathan lemire. polls will open across georgia for the runoff election between raphael warnock and his republican challenger herschel
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walker. before any ballots are cast today senator warnock already has momentum thanks to a sizable early vote lead, as well as several recent polls showing a four to strong election day turnout to win the senate seat. candidates spent t campaign day yesterday barn storming the state, making a final push to voters to get to the ballot box. >> i want to say this is about turnout. this is about turnout. and now we got to get in the game and we can't sit on the sideline anymore because if we sit on the sideline, y'all see what we're going to get. we're going to get people that you can't trust anymore. get your friends to vote. call your friends to vote. this is so important. i say this, if you don't have friends, what do you need to do? make some friends and get them out to vote. >> listen, the people of georgia
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are showing up, and i think that's because they understand what's at stake. we have seen record voter turnout day after day after day. i want people to understand that although we're seeing record voter turnout during this early voting period that ended friday, we need people to show up again tomorrowment given my opponent, this race isn't even about republican versus democrat, red versus blue, right versus left. it is right versus wrong. and i think people see that. >> warnock with our colleague joy reed last night. joining us now shannon mccaffrey. good morning, shannon. thanks for being here. you have done some reporting for the paper and senator warnock's different strategy. tell us how voters are responding. >> yeah. in this final stretcher we have
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seen herschel walker go up to north georgia. a lot of republican votes up there that he needs to turn out. he's keeping his message the same. he has just been continuing to hammer away at raphael warnock for being connected to joe biden and voting with joe biden. you haven't seen much new from him in terms of anything substantive on policy or anything like that. it is just continuing to attack senator warnock. senator warnock has spent the last day or so in atlanta. he was at college campuses trying to rally young people. from the early voting turnout we saw there was a higher turnout among older folks. that was benefit walker a bit. but the early voting, coming from the locations it has and with the demographic groups coming out, warnock does have an edge coming into today. but you never know.
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runoffs are unpredictable and they can be, you know, unpredictable right to the wire. so we'll see what happens today in terms of turnout. yeah. you're absolutely right. it looks like warnock has done well in his record early voting totals. the stakes of this have changed. it is no longer for the senator majority. very useful to have 51 votes rather than 50. there is no greater cliche in politics than it is all about turnoff. but particularly for him it is all about day of turnout. are republicans there energized enough to get to the polls? >> well, you know, there are two things to note about that. one is that it's supposed to rain most of the day here in georgia. that may seem like a minor thing, but bad weather typically does depression turnout. so that's bad news for him. the other hit we got was after
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not coming into the state for election, donald trump did do a telerally with herschel walker. it was really with core supporters. so that suggests that he really needs a bit of a boost in this last stretch among the core base. at this point, he's not reaching out to anyone in the middle or any independents. he's still trying to rally the very hard score base which, i don't know, that doesn't sound like good news heading into the final day of the race. >> atlanta journal constitution's shannon mccaffrey. thanks for joining us. and we will have a lot more on the georgia runoff as our show continues. donald trump is now denying that he called for the termination of the constitution over his false claims of election fraud. he posted on his social media site this. the fake news is actually trying
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to convince the american people that i said i wanted to terminate the constitution. this is simply more disinformation than lies. but in a post saturday did did write in his own words masstive allows for the termination of all rules and articles, even those found in the constitution. we heard reaction from more republican lawmakers yesterday. all of them defended the constitution, but only a handful were willing to speak out against trump. take a listen. >> well, the republican party has long been the party of the constitution. so when president trump says he wants to suspend the constitution, he goes from being maga to be rhino. we're the constitution party. >> well, obviously, nobody is terminating the constitution. what's going on here is a clown that's trying to sell tickets to a circus. as a conservative i want three
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things. i want to defend the constitution. i'd like republicans to win elections again unlike the way this guy's made sure my party could snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in 2018, 2020 and i think 2022. people will have to choose if they're for the circus clown or the constitution. >> the constitution is enduring and it will be for millenia to come. >> i think that's irresponsible. >> do you think it's disqualifying? >> well, it's not clear who's gonna run. >> the voters will determine who's going to be the nominee
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for the republican party, who will be the president. so i know you don't want him to be in the mix, but he'll be in the mix. i'm glad he walked it back, what he said was wrong, but there is a never unending desire to bend the rules to get trump. and there is a lot of frustration on our side. and we'll see how this plays out. >> well, i think you can take an oath to the constitution, you don't take it provisionally. and i can't imagine that a former president would make that statement. >> a lot of people see a statement like that and say, you know, what's it going to take for other republicans to say like enough is enough with this guy? >> well, i think that's about all i have to say. >> not exactly a lot of profiles encouraged there. a few more republicans weighed in. senator mike brown tweeted this.
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as elected officials, we take an oath to support and defend the constitution. we should never dishonor that oath. no one is above the constitution. anyone who desires to lead our country must commit to protecting the constitution. and from lisa murkowski of alaska, suggesting the termination of the continue constitution is not only a betrayal of our oath of office, it is an affront to the office. he plans to offer remarks on the issue later today. let's go overseas now. there is new reaction to the situation in iran amid confusion of possible women rights in that country. the country's attorney general said on saturday that iran had disbanded its so-called morality police and is considering altering the requirement that women cover their heads. his claim has not been officially confirmed by iran's
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government. now a state department spokesperson tells nbc news that while they have seen reports of these ambiguous or vague claims by iranian officials, they have seen nothing to suggest that iran is improving its treatment of women or protesters. yesterday a spokesperson for iran's ministry of islamic culture and guidance was quoted as confirming that the morality police has disbanded but then indicated the group could return in a different form. iran's ministry of islamic culture and guidance enforces the islamic rules by which morality police would need to abide but it does not hold the power to abolish them. meanwhile, iranians are still protesting. unrest continues to grip the country. more than 400 people have been killed and more than 15,000
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arrested in the country's crackdown on protests dating back to september. state officials say 200 people have died in the protests, including some in the security services. meanwhile, the war in europe escalated again yesterday with ukrainian forces reportedly launching drones at two military bases deep inside russia. one of them just about 100 miles away from moscow. according to russia's defense military, three were killed when drone strikes targeted an air base. the kremlin says the drones were intercepted by air defense systems before they could land. speaking to "the new york times," the angles base is being usd as a staging ground for russia's recent attacks, many of those done by themselves.
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meanwhile, on the ground, ukraine has liberated more than half of the territories seized by russia since the war began. that's according to the uk ministry of defense. russia still controls 18% of ukraine, including the donbas and the crimea area. still ahead, the supreme court revisits lgbtq rights in a case involving a religious web designer opposed to creates same sex marriage wedding rights. we will take a look at that. plus, the latest from north carolina where thousands of people with still without electricity after a deliberate attack on a substation. those stories and so much more when we come right back. ht back.
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welcome back. lgbtq rights, free expression and religious liberty. these are the decisions at the heart of arguments delivered to the supreme court yesterday. the case a colorado web designer which beliefs her state should exempt her from a state law barring her from discrimination against same sex couples. kelly o'donnell has more. >> this colorado web designer reached the highest court in the land and argues she should not be compelled by the state to design wedding websites for same sex couples. >> colorado is trying to force me. >> under public accomodation laws, businesses open to all cannot deny services based on a customer's race, gender or sexual orientation. >> you can't define your service so you exclude an entire
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category of people. >> liberal justice said gay couples want to buy the same services for wedding websites as same sex couples. >> she contends her work is protected by the first amendment. justice sotomayor objected. >> you're not inviting them to the wedding. lily and mary are. >> but clarence thomas noted that creative businesses are different. >> this is not a hotel. this is not a restaurant. this is not a river boat or a train. i'm interested in the intersection of public accommodations law and speech. in other news, police have still not identified a suspect or motive for the targeted attacks on two energy
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substations that have left tens of thousands of people without power in moore county, north carolina. but many speculate they were intended to shut down a drag show performance. the theory came after weeks of threats and protests from far right activists against a drag though performance expected to take place the night of the attack. moore county authorities say they have not ruled out a connection. the fbi has been called in to assist with the investigation. hollywood is mourning the death of one of the stars of a classic tv sitcom. kirstie alley died. she rose to fame after her brokeout role in "cheers." she also starred in the popular 1990s film "look who's talking."
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kirstie alley starred in several reality shows to "dancing with the stars." kirstie alley was 71 years old. nike has now officially cut ties with kyrie irving. we'll have an update surrounding the brooklyn nets star. we'll be right back. ar we'll be right back. day energy with melatonin to help you fall asleep naturally... plus extended-release b-vitamins. wake up feeling refreshed. pure zzzs. sleep better. wake up your best. for people who are a little intense about hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost lightweight. fragrance-free. 48-hour hydration. for that healthy skin glow. neutrogena®. for people with skin. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's every-other-month, injectable cabenuva.
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worsen kidney problems. join the millions already taking ozempic®. ask your health care provider about the ozempic® tri-zone. announcer: you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. ♪♪ you pour your heart into everything you do, which is a lot. so take care of that heart with lipton. because sippin' on unsweetened lipton can help support a healthy heart. lipton. stop chuggin'. start sippin'. it's third down. underneath. and touchdown rachaad white! >> there is tom brady and then there's everybody else. the buccaneers quarterback connecting with rookie rachaad white for the go ahead score with a few seconds left in the fourth quarter to bring tampa back from a 14 point deficit against the new orleans saints
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last night. on the verge of being held without a touchdown pass for a third time in a row against the saints, brady through two over the final three minutes of the game, capping scoring drives of 91 and 63 yards on the way to that improbable 17-16 victory. it was 16-3 with five minutes to go. tom brady then went to work. the bucs now 500 record, good enough to keep them on top of the nfc south. chiry irving is no longer a nike athlete. the sportswear giant ended its relationship with the star yesterday one month that have they suspended him over the fallout of an anti-semitic film. phil night said kyrie steps over the line. irving's agent yesterday called
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the decision mutual while irving appeared to address the matter on twitter writing this, anyone who has ever spent their hard earned money on anything i have ever released, i consider you family and we are forever connected. it is time to show how powerful we are as a community. irving also posted a meme captioned there is nothing more priceless than being free. irving's signature shoe was the second most popular franchise behind that only of lebron james. the mets have found a high profile replacement for ace jacob degrom who left new york a few days ago for a block buster deal with the texas rangers. justin verlander has reportedly agreed to a two-year contract with the mets worth nearly $87 million. the 39-year-old american league cy young winner steps in for degrom in new york where he'll
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reunit with max scherzer. verlander and scherzer played together for four years with the detroit tigers. two total aces but both in their 30s. high risk, high reward move there. the phillies have signed star shortstop trea turner on an 11-year deal. the world cup's round of 16 concludesocco set to face spain and portugal taking on switzerland this afternoon. meanwhile, brazil will be croatia on friday. croatia advanced after defeating japan 3-1 in a shoot-out. three days off for the world cup which will resume on friday. time for the weather and let's go to michelle for the forecast. we heard earlier it was going to
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rain in georgia on election day. >> we are seeing rain falling right now. some of it is moderate. we will see that falling throughout the day. also portions of the carolinas seeing rain. we could see localized flooding in the lower mississippi valley. and that will be the story as we go throughout the day. so we have a warm front moving through sparking showers and the chance for storms in the ohio valley. also wednesday because it is not going very far on wednesday. another cloudy and damp day in the northwest. he could see up to four or five inches of rain in some spots. back to you, jonathan. >> michelle grossman, thank you so very much. still ahead, president biden is off to arizona today. we'll tell you what's on the agenda for that trip. back with that and plenty more. e support your immune system with a potent blend of nutrients
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welcome back to "way too early." it is 5:30 a.m. on the east coast. 2:30 out west. thanks for being with us. arizona has certified its 2022 mid-term election results. in phoenix yesterday secretary of state and governor-elect katie hobbs along with arizona's attorney general signed documents to certify results from the state's 15 counties. it is a routine step in arizona's election process that was delayed after some republicans claimed without evidence that there were
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problems with the vote count. at yesterday's bipartisan ceremony, dobbs spoke about protecting our democracy. >> arizona had a successful election. but too often throughout the process, powerful voices proliferated misinformation that threatened to disenfranchise voters. democracy prevailed but it is not out of the woods. 2024 will bring a host of challenges from the election denial community that we must prepare for. meanwhile republican carie lake suggested she will file a lawsuit protesting arizona's election results. blake has yet to concede her defeat. president biden is heading to phoenix today to taut a $40 billion investment in u.s. made semiconductors. the semiconductor company has already begun construction on
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two arizona plants, which administration officials say could meet the entire u.s. demand for chips when they're completed. while president biden is in arizona, he is not expected to go to the border with mexico. joining us now white house reporter for the associated press, our friend darlene. darlene, good morning. it was noted by many that president biden never did go to arizona during the campaign. the candidates there thought he would do more harm than good in that battleground state. but now he's off to talk about an economic advancement. tell us about the calculation the white house makes her, how relieved they are to have it in place. there will be electoral challenges there in 2024. >> good morning, jonathan. yeah, that's right. it is very important for democrats to have democrats in positions in arizona, for
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example, in the governor's office, in the secretary of state's office because it is going to be very important when 2024 rolls around and president biden may run again for re-election and you want democrats in those positions who will follow the law, certify elections and not claim that election are being stolen. >> yeah. stakes were so high in many states. pennsylvania another one where it is important to get democrats in place there for certification of the vote. but we know one thing the white house said the president is not interested in doing, a political stunt. that is what she deemed an appearance at the border would be. we know republicans have been trying to make this a suggest can't issue, crossings at the border. what is the white house's issue of what needs to be done? >> well, yesterday the white house press secretary got
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several questions about whether the president would be going to the border. he is visiting a border state later today, and her response was that they are waiting for republicans to come to the white house and try to work with them on a bipartisan basis to solve whatever problems there are at the border, to make the border more secure. the bottom line is that the president is not going tomorrow. he's not going any time soon to visit the border. they think what republicans have been doing on the border front is just political -- making political stunts out of the issue instead of coming to the table and trying to work with the white house and democrats to work on the issue. >> one would think his trip to arizona, if not the border itself, will pick up if he runs for re-election. thank you as always. still ahead here on "way too early," we will go live on cnbc
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as fears mount over more upcoming interest rate hikes. we'll be right back with. [coughing] hi, susan. honey. yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry.
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[coughing] hi, susan. honey.
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yeah. i respect that. but that cough looks pretty bad. try this robitussin honey. the real honey you love, plus the powerful cough relief you need. mind if i root through your trash? robitussin. the only brand with real honeyand elderberry. after more than a year of record inflation, it looks like prices are finally starting to go down. so take that, annoying people who finished all their christmas shopping in november. >> time now for business and look who's back, cnbc julian that joins us live from london. you have been doing great work covering the energy crisis across europe. she is in london this morning. future is trading up slightly this morning despite growing concerns over upcoming interest rate hikes. what should we expect today?
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>> on, it is wonderful to be back this morning. as for u.s. markets, futures are pointing slightly higher as investors look to shake off yesterday's selloff. bond rose yesterday on the back of a stronger than expected u.s. services data point. the reason this was concerning, well, it was in contrast with recent weak data that suggested man the fed would be less aggressive when it comes to rate hikes, but this strong print made investors concerned they would be to stick to their aggressive rate hiking timetable. we will see what's in store for today. a lot of attention will be on poll tucks with the georgia senate race in focus. >> we still manage to talk about elon musk every day and his tesla is denying reports of production cuts at its plant in china. what's going on there? >> so in the latest, tesla has denied plans to reduce output at
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its shanghai factory following reports earlier in the week that tesla planned to cut december output of that model wide by 20% from the previous month. tesla says this report is untrue. meanwhile, it is very well known that tesla is facing stiff competition in china and tesla shares drops. netflix dropped "harry and meghan." is buckingham palace bracing for more bombshells? >> well, john, spoiler alert, if you haven't seen the trailer, it is dramatic. clearly the relationship between police harry and meghan and the royal family is tense. harry talks about leaking and a dirty game. so far as for the buckingham
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palace response, they have not officially given any comment, but there is likely to be concern around some of the accusations that are expected to come out in this series. if you are interested, dates to watch december 8th, that's when the first of three episodes drops. and then december 15th the final three. >> i'm certain it will be buzzing. welcome back. thanks for joining us today. still ahead here on "way too early" the latest from capitol hill as a handful of bipartisan senators work to strike an unlikely 11th hour immigration deal before republicans take control of the house. we'll be right back with those details. back with those details. then own it support your immune system with a potent blend of nutrients and emerge your best every day with emergen-c
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welcome back. congress could soon end the military's covid-19 vaccine mandate as part of a defense spending bill known as the national defense authorization act. sources are telling nbc news that democratic leaders in both the house and senate are
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considering allowing a republican bill to end the mandate demands. if passed, the bill would direct the secretary of defense to end the vaccine directive for active duty and reserve service members. however, not everyone involved is in agreement on the issue. here's the national security council coordinator john kirby. >> on the covid mandate issue, obviously we're aware that congress is considering putting a repeal in the ndaa, the repeal of the vaccine mandate. secretary austin's been very clear that he opposes the repeal of the vaccine, the vaccine mandate and the president actually concurs with the secretary of defense. >> congress is required to pass the defense authorization act by the end of the year. congress also working out to potentially hammer out a last-minute deal on immigration.
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senators kir stin cinema have drafted an immigration proposal that would path a legalization for two million dreamer in exchange for $25 million in increased funding for border patrol and border security. it is extending title 42 until at least a year until regional processing centers provided for in the bill can be built. it is a trump-era covid policy that allows authorities to restrict asylum seekers from crossing the border to the united states. jake sherman is an msnbc political contributor. jake, your beard won out. he shaved. let's first start, of course, with today's main event, georgia. we'll get a runoff decided today in the senate.
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walk-through us the implications. what will it really mean? we know senate control has been decided, but what will it mean today if the senate controls that seat. >> two things, john. i appreciate my beard has outlasted senator romneys. but two things that are important, number one, the committees. on the committees no longer could things deadlock over party lines. the senate will have to reorganize an organiing resolution and how they issues subpoenas. joe manchin and kyrsten sinema matter much less than they did in the seats. two important dynamics to watch in georgia. senate democrats are really hoping that raphael warnock is able to pull it out because they will have more leverage and
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leeway going into the congress. >> feeling optimistic about the early vote totals but we know republicans tend to do better the day of. jake, we mentioned this effort no congress to pass a by part sap bill on immigration reform before the end of the year. how likely is it that this could happen? >> not. let me put it that way. it is not going to happen. it is interesting to hear the broad outlines of what a bipartisan immigration deal would look like right now in 2022 going into 2023, but there are only a couple of weeks left. and each of these weeks is going to be taken up by very big and very important priorities. number one, a funding bill. the government runs out of money in ten days from now. number two, that ndaa that you were talking about, john. that's a must pass piece of legislation that's passed every year for the past six decades, so something that is incredibly important to the pentagon and national security policy, i cannot see congress taking a
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week to do an immigration bill at this point. i don't think it will be revived in the next congress unless we get into a situation at some point in 2023 where republicans are threatening to shut down the government in exchange for border money, money for the border. so i just think this is not a real live option at this point. >> you just mentioned the importance of the authorization act. president biden and the secretary of defense say they oppose ending the vaccine mandate but we have some democrats willing to deny them to listen to the republicans calling for it. explain the dynamic. >> i think what the administration is saying, if i'm reading between the lines is they don't want the vaccine mandate to be okay but they might be okay with it if they get everything else they want. this is something kevin mccarthy is pushing very hard for. rthy is pushing very hard for at this point, the two sides,
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republicans and democrats are arguing over a host of what we call add-ones to the ndaa. this happens every year because the ndaa is the last train out of the station. a journalism bill would allow journalistic institutions to force social media companies to reconsider how they pay for news. that's one reform proposed by senator manchin. there's a host of policies lawmakers are trying to get into the ndaa, the vaccine measure is one of several. >> we should mention the debate over the>> mandates as the whit house anticipates covid cases rising after the holidays in the coming weeks. give us an update. you mentioned kevin mccarthy on his bid for speaker. where do things stand? >> we're less than a month out. there are still a bunch of public noes. was a good week for kevin mccarthy, he got a bunch of rule changes that the right
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was seeking in the house republican rule package. that's a big win. he has a long way to go. >> cofounder of punch bowl news, we always appreciate it. we'll be looking for the news letterng hitting our inboxes shortly. jake sherman, thank you, we'll talk to you soon. up next on "way too early," new reporting on the plans for the president's first foreign trip of the new year. "morning joe," our man, steve kornacki will be at the big boardki to break down where things stand in the georgia runoff on this election day. >> and my reporting from atlanta as voters begin to cast their ballots. we're going to hear from the top economic adviser ahead of the president's visit to arizona to tout major investments in u.s. madees technology. "morning joe" and all of that just a few moments away. ng joe" just a few moments away. my asthma felt anything but normal. a blood test helped show my asthma is driven by eosinophils, which nucala helps reduce. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection
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joining us now, political reporter for "axios," alexi mccammond, what is the "axios" one big thing today. >> ahead of today's georgia senate runoff, we are reporting on democrats' new efforts as you know well to change their 2024 early primary window. they have been making a big push to add the peach state to those first five states. president biden himself suggested that it be the fifth state but georgia officials including the republican secretary of state brad raffensperger who will be the ones to oversee and approve these changes have basically said not so fast. they say that they have maintained and their legal teams have maintained that republicans and democrats have to have their primaries on the same day. currently, georgia republicans cannot have their primary before march 1st. but democrats are moving ahead, really figuring out how they cannot abandon this strategy that they think signals a nod to voters of color and to a crucial battleground state that has helped them in key victories in the last two cycles alone.
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>> "axios" reporting that a group of lawmakers are calling on the white house to take a more direct approach to combatting anti-semitism. who is leading that push and what are they asking for? >> yeah, that's right. so it's a group of 100 bipartisan colleagues from the house. my colleague sophia chi reported on this. this is coming after you've seen these really controversial clear attacks against jewish people from people like kanye west, even former president trump tweeting things or putting things on truth social that is really worrying folks about the rise in violence we have seen against jewish people and anti-semitism in this country and so they're asking president biden and the white house for a national strategy on how to address this because as we've seen this sort of piecemeal strategy of asking republicans how they feel about it, asking others if there's a plan, isn't working, and so they're getting worried, and they want to see president biden step in before they think anything could get worse. >> white house aides suggested,
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doug emhoff. president biden headed to arizona today but that's not the only trip he's got planned for the coming weeks. "axios" has new reporting about his next one heading across an international border. >> that's right. my colleague hans nichols reported first that president biden will be heading to mexico city next month. he'll be attending the north american leaders summit along with canadian prime minister justin trudeau and others. of course this is important as you know because democrats and the white house in particular need to figure out some sort of solution to curb the flow of illegal migrants coming across the southern border. they need to figure that out policy-wise and politically ahead of the next election, and so that will certainly be part of the conversation for the president when he's there, among many other things. >> traditionally presidents would make their first foreign trip to mexico or canada. north american buddies. that ended when president trump made his first trip to saudi arabia and then president biden of course went to the g7 in
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england because of the need to rally the allies there. of course today's main event, it's election day in georgia, and we don't have a winner yet. we went know until tonight. democrats are feeling good. republicans nervous. what's the level of second guessing among republicans you have talked to about how they ended up with herschel walker in the first place. >> i ignored the electability question in pursuit of power. you see that in the lack of national surrogates who are going out to help someone like walker in the last weekend compared to the number of national surrogates we have seen support senator warnock in the last weekend, and look, the numbers don't lie. the early vote breakdown, those demographics look better traditionally for democrats. of course we don't know yet. republicans know they need massive turnout today. massive in order for herschel walker to end. that's an up hill battle, especially considering it's raining in georgia. >> and the weather forecast does
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play a role on election day. republicans so needful of getting those same day votes. democrats seemingly have banked a lot early. alexi mccammond, thank you very much for joining us this morning. and we of course all day on msnbc will have complete coverage of the georgia senate runoff. we appreciate you getting up "way too early" on this tuesday morning. jam packed "morning joe" starts right now. we got married. we're a little bit crazy, aren't we. >> well done, you grab yourself a


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