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tv   Way Too Early With Kasie Hunt  MSNBC  April 26, 2021 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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you're going to be seeing people wanting to do things outdoors without masks and it's common sense that the risk when you're outdoors we we have been saying all along is extremely low, and if you are vaccinated, it's even lower, so you're going to be hearing about those kinds of recommendations soon. >> dr. anthony fauci, previewing a key announcement from the cdc on outdoor mask wearing. now that more than half of u.s. adults are vaccinated. the question is, how soon before we see a change in those guidelines? plus, new polling on president biden's first 100 days in office. the question is, what do americans think of the job he's
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done so far? and with the "new york times," what it calls a dramatic twist at the end of last night's oscars ceremony. the question this morning, did the academy snub a fan favorite? it's "way too early" for this. good morning, and welcome to "way too early." the show that knows it's an honor just to be nominated. i'm kasie hunt on this monday, april 26th. we'll start with the news. the latest polling shows president biden's approval rating holding strong as he approaches the 100 day mark. he is at 53% approval in the latest nbc news poll. 52% in the new "washington post" abc news poll and 58% in the cbs new gov survey. according to those numbers that puts him ahead of president trump's first 100 days but behind president obama and george w. bush. at this point, in their
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presidencies jump was at 40%, obama at 61% and bush at 57%. president biden also received high marks for his handling of the country's most pressing issues. on the pandemic, his approval of the 69% in the nbc news poll, the "washington post" survey puts him at 64%. the cbs poll at 65. cbs poll also shows a whopping 72% of americans approve of how he's handled the vaccine distribution. and when it comes to the economy, both the nbc news poll and "washington post" abc news poll have him at 52% and the cbs at 57%. the president's infrastructure and jobs plan is also popular with most american, 59% support the propose until the nbc news poll, and 52% in the "washington post" survey, and 58% in the cbs poll. however, the situation at the southern border continues to take a toll on the president's immigration ratings. 59% disapprove of how he's
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handling immigration, according to nbc, and the "washington post" poll shows 53% disapproval, and the cbs poll, 57% disapproval. president biden does have a big week lined up ahead. on wednesday, he is set to deliver an address before a joint session of congress. according to a senior democratic aide, this event is invitation only for a limited number of members of congress due to continued covid health and safety protocols. there will likely be around 200 total people in the chamber. but a final determine nation has not yet been made. meanwhile on thursday the president and the first lady will travel to atlanta for his 100th day in office. biden is expected to participate in the drive-in car rally to highlight how he's delivered on his promises to the american people. one of his ton priorities is his massive $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan which updates the nation's infrastructure and expands care
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giving options for older and disabled americans. joining us now co-founder of punch bowl news anna palmer. anna, good morning. great to see you. thanks for being here. these polls show that president biden still is in that honeymoon period. a lot of it seems to be fueled by the fact that he gets very high marks for handling the distribution of vaccination, and i know certainly that is something that we're experiencing, that i've been experiencing in my own community, that suddenly it's much easier to get a vaccine, people who want one are now able, for the most part to get one and mow shifting toward a challenge of access, making sure that underserved communities are able to get them. but what is the challenge for president biden as he looks into the summer and continuing to wrangle these government challenge, now that that vaccination piece seems to be working well? >> we certainly have been buoyed, by those are strong numbers that we were looking at in terms of all three of those polls but he will have
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challenges when it comes to the next phase, economic rebound, the kind of shifting recommendations from the cdc and making sure that the american public continues to trust him on this issue. i do think we're going to see an emboldened though joe biden on wednesday with the first joint address to congress where he will be taking that kind of really the wind behind him, in terms of american sentiment, to try to push through the next infrastructure package which is going to be a much more difficult task. >> anna, the rebuttal to that state, it's not a state of the union, it's the joint address, as it always is in a president's first year, tim scott, senator tim scott of south carolina will do the republican rebuttal. the rebuttal is not always the best ticket in town. some of them we look back and they don't go so well for whoever may have been chosen, but when they did announce that they had selected senator scott to do this, i thought that felt very obvious, considering
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everything we've been grappling with over the last year and senator scott has been negotiating with democrats and with his own conference of republicans to try and make some progress on police reform. what do you think we'll hear from senator scott on wednesday? >> they're keeping it pretty close to the vest so far. we haven't gotten a preview of what the senator is going to say. i think to your point, regarding policing and some of the real issues that this country is facing, he has been on the forefront of it, very comfortable talking about it, has talked about his own experience with racism, and being pulled over. i assume that we will hear some of those kind of similar themes to come up. i also expect him to be pretty aggressive in terms of responding what joe biden's infrastructure plan is going to be, the cost is too expensive, that raising american taxes is not the answer right now. and i think we will hear a lot of the themes that we already started to hear from republicans as they started to attack the
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infrastructure bill, az they try to find a pathway forward, for potentially some bipartisan bill. we'll see how effective it is. to your point, i think the response will be very fraught, and almost a do no harm position, because many oftentimes, it doesn't work out necessarily as the person giving them expects. >> indeed that is the case. i guess we will see how it goes on wednesday. punch bowl news anna palmer, thanks for being up with us. we appreciate it. let's turn now to the coronavirus pandemic. and those questions of whether those who are vaccinated still need to wear masks outdoors. yesterday, dr. anthony fauci said he expects the cdc will soon update the guidelines on that. >> very soon, imminently in the next few day, very likely, the cdc will be coming out with updating their guidelines of what people who are vaccinated can do, and even some who are not vaccinated, and certainly, what one can do outdoor,
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vis-a-vis masks, is going to be one of those recommendations. >> and after an 11-day pause, the cdc and the fda are allowing the united states to resume use of the johnson & johnson covid vaccine. the two federal agencies made the joint announcement on friday, following a 10-4 vote by a cdc advisory committee to recommend lifting the pause. health officials also recommended adding a warning about an increased risk of very rare but serious blood clot that will now come in the form of a faction sheet for those receiving the shots. meanwhile, a growing number of americans are skipping their second shot of the two dose pfizer and moderna vaccine. according to the cdc, more than 5 million people, that is nearly 8% of people who have received one shot, have missed their second required dose. this figure is more than double the rate among people receiving vaccines in the first few weeks of the inoculation campaign. the white house says they're monitoring the situation, but senior health officials pointed out that 8% is a relatively
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small figure compared to those who returned. 92%. and especially compared to other vaccines like the one that protects against shingles in which roughly 75% come back for their second dose. go get your second dose, folks. it's important. and meanwhile, republican senator ron johnson of wisconsin appeared to have the opposite message minimizing the importance of getting the covid-19 vaccine at all. let's listen. >> with vaccine because it's not fully approved and i think we should have limited the vaccine to the vulnerable. what's the point? the science tells us the vaccines are 95% effective. so if you have a vaccine, quite honestly, what do you care if your neighbor has one or not? why is this big push to make sure everybody gets a vaccine? and it's to the point where you better impose, it you're going to shame people, you're going to force them to carry a card to prove that they've been vaccinated so they can still be a part of society.
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>> it's science and dr. anthony fauci blasted those comments, debunking senator johnson's claims that the vaccines weren't approved. >> we have 567,000 people who died so far in this country from this disease. that is a really, really good reason to get people vaccinated with a vaccine that you've shown is highly efficacious and quite safe. and that's the reason for the emergency use authorization. we are dealing with an emergency. how can anyone say that 567,000 dead americans is not an emergency? >> and now, senator johnson and his team pushed back from other republicans, senator shelly capi
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it. o, denounced yesterday, we should all have confident and we should get vaccinated indeed. still ahead, the new study that shows the covid-19 vaccine is safe for pregnant women. we will have that new recommendation. and as we cover the president's first 100 days we will check in with axios on what they call the president's quote audacious and risky next 100 days. those stories and a check of the weather when we come back. among my patients i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity and gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. ♪ you've got the looks ♪ ♪ let's make lots of money ♪ ♪ you've got the brawn ♪ ♪ i've got the brains... ♪ with allstate, drivers who switched saved over $700 click or call to switch
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the pitch. fly ball right field. and madson balmgarner, no hits and the arizona diamondbacks give up one hit in a double hitter. >> it the diamondbacks
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yesterday, but since the league switched to seven inning double headers last year because of the amend, it means the arizona ace madison baumgarner, the hitless effort from the mound in game two won't go into baseball's official list of no hitters because it only counts games of nine innings or more. the sports bureau, the lone hit allowed over the two combined games is the fewest for a double header in league history. we got to do something about that. that's like incredibly disappointing. let's go now to baltimore. where the orioles ended oakland's 13-game winning streak yesterday. starter struck out six batters, allowing one run with six innings of work. and austin hayes slugged a pair of homeruns and the orioles beat the athletics 8-1. i love to see it. let's go now to cleveland. a defensive gem on a play for a ball hit to left center. watch this. as yankees outfielder clint frazier gets vertical.
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wow. for a catch to take away a hit from his former team. but it's not enough to save, from the 7-3 indians victory. look at that. that is beautiful. and it was another instant classic between nl west heavy weights last night in los angeles, after the seventh meeting in ten days between the padres and the world champion dodgers, ends in an epic comeback. san diego's fernando slugged his fifth homerun in three games. the seventh of the season. and scored the winning run in a sac fly at the bottom of the 11th, following the padres rally from six runs behind entering the 7th. the padres claim the third win of the four-game series 8-7. the teams are set to play at least 12 more times this season. so enjoy that rivalry. and one lucky dodger fan caught two homerun balls in last night's game. but kept only one. a true fan of the home team, he
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tossed back the one that was hit in the fourth inning. but he hung on to the one he caught two frames later, a three-run shot over the center field wall, off the bat of l.a.'s chris taylor. very nice. and finally this, this was a scary moment on the track of talladega speedway, as joey logano's car goes airborne slamming on its roof before landing right side up. oh, my god. look at that. fortunately, he did come out okay after the crash. in a race that featured 35 lead changes, among 27 drivers, team penske's brad kozlowski led for the only stretch that mattered with the final lap, for the sixth evacuate ry of talladega, tying dale earnhardt jr. and jeff gordon for number of wins there.
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glad everyone made it out all right. let's go to weather and meteorologist bill karins for a check on the forecast. bill, happy monday. >> good monday to you, we're going to test the air conditioners this week for the first time in the northern half of the country. so let's me explain the weather pattern this week. as we, actually, a little coolish in many areas in the country. the snow we were tracking. this week, completely different story. so we had the huge storm coming in to the west, a slow-moving storm, out ahead of it, winds out of the south and that means a lot of people will be warming things up. the only problem is typically when you warm things up, you get thunderstorms, and the only chance we have really of severe weather this week is going to be tuesday, not today, going to be tomorrow afternoon, evening and we're talking into the plains, maybe some tornadoes, that typically areas of texas, oklahoma, and southern kansas. and as far as the warmth goes, i mean it's going to be crazy warm today, 92 in kansas, it is 90 today in omaha, so it feels like summer time and windy and that warmth will eventually make its way into the ohio valley and
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into the northeast. dc, 83 degrees on tuesday. chicago, 83. st. louis, louisville, all of those areas in the mid-80s at least and this is some of the warmest air we've seen so far this spring. and on wednesday, that warmth gets into the washington, d.c. area, it has a slight chance of getting up near 90. and new york city, will be up there about 83 degrees. easily the warmest so far this season. so for today's forecast, warm and windy in the middle of the country. a little cool still in the northeast. and a little bit of rain there in areas of the west. so casey, it's always fun when you tern the air conditioner on for the first time each early spring season to see if it works. >> yes, i'm not sure if fun is the word for that. but bill karins, thank you very much for that. you know, the one thing my friends, i'm going to need to know when the cicadas will show up here. as do many of our washington viewers so let us know when the ground temperature will hit 65
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degrees, all right? still ahead, what court documents are revealing about the investigation of the january 6th attack. and turkey responds to the u.s. after president biden calls the armenian empire a genocide. e yes. formulated to help you body really truly absorb the natural goodness. new chapter. wellness, well done. ♪ ♪ smooth driving pays off. saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate. click or call for a quote today. ♪ (ac/dc: back in black) ♪ ♪ ♪ allstate. the bowls are back. applebee's irresist-a-bowls all just $8.99.
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diarrhea, trouble sleeping, tiredness, and anxiety. so much goes... into who i am. hiv medicine is one part of it. ask your doctor about dovato—i did. is there systemic racism in this country in policing and in other institutions? >> no, in my opinion. we just elected a two-term african-american president, the vice president is of african-american indian descent so our systems are not racist. american is not a racist country. within every society, you have bad actors. >> that was senator lindsey graham responding to president biden's call for the u.s. to confront systemic racism. and when it comes to policing, the latest "washington post" abc news poll shows 60% of
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americans say more needs to be done to hold police accountable and 33% say there is already too much interference in policing. 42% say he is doing too little on police reform and 32% say the right amount and 15% say he's doing too much. all right, now finally, the justice department notified federal judges in washington that they expect to charge more than 500 people with taking part in the january 6th rite at the u.s. capitol. roughly 440 have been charged thus far. according to nbc news, court documents show those charged come from nearly every state, with florida, pennsylvania, and texas topping the list in number of residents arrested. the majority of those charged are accused of lower level offenses, like entering a federal building without permission and trying to disrupt the counting of the electoral college vote. a few dozen faced more serious charges of assaulting police officer ors damaging government property. prosecutors have also filed
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conspiracy charges against members of right wing militant group, the proud boys, and the oath keepers. they are accused of playing a more central role in planning and leading the capitol siege, or encouraging others to join in. and almost six months after joe biden won the 2020 election, another vote recount is under way in arizona's biggest county. back in claims of election fraud pushed by former president trump, an audit of maricopa county's 2.1 million vote, even after three previous reviews found no evidence of widespread fraud in the state won by joe biden. overseeing the latest audit is the company called cyber ninjas. whose chief executive has pushed many of the same conspiracy theories as trump. the pro-trump one america news network which helped finance the recount was also hired to monitor the audit as a quote nonpartisan observer. all right, still ahead here,
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white house correspondent for the "washington post," ann garon joins us as we approach the president's 100th day in office. before we go to break, we want to announce as always, why are you awake? email us your reasons to "way too early" at and we will read our favorite answers coming up later in the show. e answers coming up later in the show for skin that never holds you back don't settle for silver #1 for diabetic dry skin* #1 for psoriasis symptom relief* and #1 for eczema symptom relief* gold bond champion your skin i was totally stranded. gold bond no tp? so what happened? well... we started buying charmin super mega roll. charmin super mega roll is 6 rolls in 1 and lasts so much longer. enjoy the go with charmin. guaranteed to fit or your money back.
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welcome back to "way too early." its 5:30 on the east coast.
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2:30 out west. i'm kasie hunt. president joe biden is set to make his first foreign trip since assuming office attending pell gum in june and travel to brussels for the nato summit on june 14th of the president is expected to head bilateral meetings while in cornwall, including with british prime minister boris johnson. in brussel, meet with nato leaders and an eu summit in an effort to restore america's global alliances. and president biden has taken a concrete stance of the killing of more than a million armenians by ottoman turks more than a century ago becoming the first u.s. president to call the event a genocide. former presidents having a knowledged the mass killing but they stopped short of labelling it genocide, due to turkish objections. the distinction came on april 24th for armenian genocide remembrance day in a whose
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statement that reads in part, quote, each year on this day, we remember the lives of all of those who died in the ottoman era american genocide and recommit ourselves to preventing such an atrocity from ever again occurring. according to a senior administration officials, biden let president erdogan know of the decision before a phone conversation friday. turkly has firmly rejected the detection calation. joining us now the white house reporter for the "washington post" post ann garon and msnbc contributor. good morning. thanks so much for being up with early with us. i want to start with this armenia genocide distinction. pretty remarkable, something that the united states has been very careful and handled differently in the part. what drove this decision here, and what does it mean? well, good morning. this was something that the president has promised to do, so what he did was simply following
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through on a campaign pledge. but the reason why to do it has to do with two things. first, biden's own long tenure in american foreign policy and politics. he has been a recipient of the really heavy lobbying by the armenian american community to do this. he is friendly with nancy pelosi of course who has herself backed this change in american wording. and i think he felt himself that it was simply time to do away with what had become an artificial and really problematic distinction that american presidents made. there's some analogies here to what president trump did with the, moving the embassy in israel to jerusalem, these were taboos that one president just decides to break, and then therefore, it's broken and everybody can kind of go on and
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i think that's the way the biden team felt about it, and they just went ahead and did it, and now nobody has to worry about it anymore, i'm sure people get over it and the biden team is confident that they will go on and have the best relationship possible with turkey, which wasn't great to begin with. >> so to that point, that's one of the complicated issues at stake for the g-7 and conversations with nato leaders. what should we expect from this first trip overseas? i mean i think at the very minimum it's going to be a lot different from when we were all biting our fingernails waiting to see just how disastrous president trump meeting at one of these things was going to be. >> right, that was always the waiting game, was any time president trump was going to be around a lot of other world leaders, something was bound to happen. these are two back-to-back marquis number summit events,
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and i expect exactly zero fireworks from other. the g-7 will be economic meetings, it will be very economic focused, almost all of the g-7 members want to take that organization back into the fold of a very economic finance organized, oriented organization, and away from general foreign policy. i think they're going to do that. the pandemic and economic recovery from it gives them a reason to do it that way. >> all right, the "washington post" ann gearan, thank you very much for being with us today. we really appreciate your reporting. and still ahead here, the totally different gathering for the biggest night in hollywood. who took home the top prizes at last night's academy awards coming up next. "way too early" back in just a moment. "way too early" back in a moment
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the oscar goes to "nomadland." >> please watch our movie on the largest screen possible, and one day very, very soon, take everyone you know into a theater, shoulder to shoulder, in that dark space, and watch every film that's represented here tonight. we give this one to our wolf. >> time now for something totally different. that was actress and producer frances mcdormand accepting the award for best picture and honoring michael wolfsnyder who died by suicide last year. it was like in other for the
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oscars, amid the ongoing pandemic, in a different venue with a slight sense of normalcy and historic wins with more women and more women of color with top honors. chloe zhao best director for "nomadland" and the second in the 93 year history. daniel kaluuya won best supporting actor for "judas and the black messiah" and best pouring actress for "minari". >> and in unusual fashion, the best actor category was presented as the last award of the night, and everyone was wondering about this, with the late chadwick boseman favored to win. as a testament to price-waterhouse-coopers commitment to not revealing
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winners to anyone ahead of time anthony hopkins unexpectedly won the category and was not there to accept the award. leaving dj, and joaquin phoenix to awkwardly wrap up the night. that's a shame. other notable moments from the biggest night including a big win for hair stylists mia neal and jamika wilson for their work, and media mogul tyler perry was honored with the humanitarian award urging love and acceptance in the moving speech. the directors of two distant strangers made the statement on the hair down red carpet with custom dolce & gabbana suits with the names of 17 black americans killed by police printed on the inside. and 9-year-old allen kim of "minari" stole the hearts of onlookers last night, with the knee high socks and shorts combo
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and effortless red carpet poses. that is adorable. and vice president kamala harris offered some words of encouragement to a worker nervously delivering a speech on broadband to her visit, during her visit to new hampshire's electric cooperative. this is in fact totally different. take a look. >> and in our rural area, so we work, walked, i'm sorry, we excuse me. >> so all these guys, they may or may not understand what you do, but they need to understand what you do, because what you do is so important. >> thank you. >> you are building up our country. you hear me? i'm serious. you're building up our country. they don't know. there you go. all right. >> we've all been there. the technician confidently finished his speech and later thanked the vp for calming him down. all right, still ahead here,
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we're going to speak to one of the democratic candidates vying to become the first female governor of virginia. "way too early" coming right back. "way too early" coming right back frank is a fan of fast. fast walking. fast talking. talk, talk, talk, talk, talk. fast lunching. thanks, gary. and for unexpected heartburn... frank is a fan of maximum strength pepcid. pepcid works in minutes. nexium 24 hour and prilosec otc can take one to four days to fully work. so frank can get back to fast mowing... fast dining... fast movie watching... and sleeping. pepcid. strong relief for fans of fast. it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, and sleeping. jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one.
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welcome back. the cdc now recommends the covid-19 vaccine for pregnant women. preliminary data from a study of the pfizer and moderna vaccines shows that the shots are safe for expectant mothers and their babies. more than 35,000 women participated in the study, and their ages ranged from 16 to 54. cdc director ra shell wa len ski endorsed the finding say no safety concerns were observed for those vaccinated in the third trimester or safety concerns for their babies. that is excellent news. meanwhile, democratic primary for the governor of virginia race is heating up as early voting kicks off. there are a record five candidates running for the
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democratic nomination, including former governor terry mcauliffe, but a surprising underdog got the coveted endorsement from emily's list, an organization that fights to elect democratic women who support abortion rights and the democratic candidate for governor of virginia jennifer carroll foy. thanks for joining us this morning. i know many of us took note of your debate performance and obviously this endorsement is a huge vote of confidence from an organization that backs women who do support abortion rights. however, you are also running way behind terry mcauliffe who is well known in the state of virginia. how do you see the landscape of the race? what do you bring to the table that terry mcauliffe doesn't? >> absolutely. and there is a question, and thank you for having me, i'm excited to be here this morning, this is a question about the
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future, and i'm excited to usher in what the new face of democratic leadership looks like shoulder to shoulder with people and special interests and dedicated my entire life to public service as a former public defender, hoping to navigate a broken criminal justice system and a foster mom for eight years and helping people regger to to vote and virginiians identify themselves with me because i walked in their shoes and i'm seeing the challenges and that's what they're looking for right now in the next governor, a governor who is right for this moment, moving virginia forward and not back. >> do you think terry mcauliffe will lead things backwards? is it a problem that he has been a part of the democratic establishment for so long? >> i think it's time to shake up the status quo and change politics as usual. listen, we have historic challenges that we're facing going forward. it's not only the economics and the health crisis but the racial reckoning that we're dealing
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with and i can tell you that the experiences that i had, you know, taking on these challenges from a courthouse, and a statehouse, passing bills to inhibit the use of chokeholds law enforcement, and expanding medicaid to virginiians and making virginia a state with the equal rights amendment, something that people have been fighting for, for decades, and working with great organizations to make that happen in virginia. i can tell you that that's what virginia is looking for. we've had a lot to volt against in the last several years and now virginia is looking for someone to vote for. >> and to ask you briefly about your personal story. you were one of the first women to attend vmi, and i imagine as a black woman, that was even more challenging, can you tell us what that taught you in how to operate in, what especially is, politics is still very much a boy's club. >> oh, absolutely. i can tell you that the system,
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the structures in place, aren't built for people like me. and i'm talking about a millennial. i'm talking about a woman of color. a working mom of two 3-year-olds who refuse to be potty trained during a pandemic. >> oh, no. >> oh, yes. oh, yes. and i mean you know what that's like. and to tell you that's why we're not knocking on the door and not asking the patriarchy for permission, we're demanding our seat at the table to bring bold transformational change. i can tell you politicians over the past have said they were going bold and transformational but where were you with the chance of opportunities? some communities in virginia are worse than decades ago. so i can say that vmi gave me the tools i need to work in a bipartisan fashion. i don't care what you have beside your name, my job is to get the job done and that's why i passed so many bills with republican support, with unlifting foster chair and
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veterans and businesses and puts millions of dollars to training and work force development and it is about respect and relationships and i have both and that's why i'll be one of the most effective governors virginia has had. >> candidate for governor of virginia, jennifer carroll foy, we will be watching your campaign andfoy. we will be watching your campaign, and best of luck with the potty training, which probably might be even more difficult than your campaign. so good luck. and we'll hear from one of your challengers in this primary as well, so thank you. earlier on in this show, we asked all of you, why are you awake? chris shares this photo. he's ready to party way too early. oh, cute. daisy tweeted this. i'm up because i get to go sew my sister for the first time in over a year. that's exciting. anthony says, i'm awake because i just submitted my last paper for undergrad at columbia university. congratulations on your graduation. and mike e-mails, up admiring the ball we caught at saturday's twins game. nothing like getting to go games
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again. i love this one, for real. being back at the ballpark has given me life. up next, we'll take a look at the axios one big thing. and coming up on "morning joe," we'll hear from senator amy klobuchar from minnesota about the future of law enforcement in the wake of police-involved shooting cases in her state. plus, a check-in with a leading health expert, dr. peter hotez about the effort to vaccinate the world. don't go anywhere. "morning joe," just moments away. anywhere. "morning joe," just moments away ♪let's make lots of money♪ ♪you've got the brawn♪ ♪i've got the brains♪ ♪let's make lots of♪ ♪uh uh uh♪ ♪oohhh there's a lot of opportunities♪ with allstate, drivers who switched saved over $700. saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate click or call to switch today.
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all right, welcome back. after more than a year of working from home, americans are feeling anxiety as companies begin to bring employees back to the office. nbc news correspondent kristen delgren reports. >> reilly, thank you for sending over the agenda. >> reporter: for lindsay la bennett -- >> before we get started -- >> reporter: a year of working from home -- >> there's a lot that i learned during this pandemic that i do love about working from home. >> reporter: -- will soon be coming to an end. is there anything that gives you anxiety about return to work? >> i'm worried about losing a little control over the personal things. >> reporter: like time with her
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6-year-old. >> i'm also anxious about my schedule now. i will have to travel. i'm anxious about being away from my daughter. >> reporter: she's not alone. in january, a recent gallup poll showed almost half of u.s. workers preferred to continue remote work. >> i think i'll be super anxious and super stressed. >> nerve-racking. >> i didn't realize how much i didn't like working in an office until i didn't have to. and i don't think i could ever go back. >> reporter: leaving businesses to figure out what a post-covid workplace looks like. >> i expect that the future of work is going to be very much a hybrid or distributed workforce. a lot of businesses are moving to a model where their employees have flexible work arrangements. >> reporter: she gets it. working from home has helped her balance life with her kids, but she's starting to prepare them and herself for a return to work. she says the first step is
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talking to your employer about how you're feel and what you want. >> if you don't communicate about what your homes are and how you're feeling, they're not going to know about it and they might think you're just fine. don't forget that all of your colleagues are probably feeling anxious too. >> reporter: lindsay is looking forward to seeing colleagues and returning to many parts of her job in sports marketing if she can hold on to some of what she's learned over the past year. >> whether it is me saying, i'm not coming to this meeting because i want to go to my daughter's gymnastics practice or telling my daughter, i'm going to miss gymnastics practice because i have a very important meeting. we have to be able to extend grace to ourselves. >> reporter: grace to help embrace a new normal. >> always a nice message. our thanks to nbc's kristen dahlgren for that report. joining us now with a look at axios a.m., political reporter for axios, hans nichols. what's the axios one big thing
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today? >> good morning, kasie. the one big thing we're looking at is the next 100 days of the biden presidency. and they are going to be busy. so this week will mark 100 days of biden's office depending on whether or not you count january 20th as a full day, it's either thursday or friday. and what we'll see these next 100 days is a big push on tax reform, energy, we'll get a sense of the scope of the biden agenda. my colleague, mike allen is writing this story for us this morning. and one word he keeps hearing is urgency. and i suspect, kasie, that matches what you're hearing. it's certainly matching what i'm hearing. the biden administration from the president on down, they sense a great opportunity. they sense great peril, but they think they can fundamentally remake the american economy, higher taxes on the wealthy, higher taxes on corporations. getting in and trying to do something on climate that may involve picking winners and losers. and one final caveat on this is that the folks in the biden world don't necessarily think that the american public cares
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about how biden gets this done. they just want to see him get something done, so there's less of a focus on process. >> so, hans, we've talked a lot about over the last couple of years of the campaign that joe biden is a man of the senate and he legitimately wanted to work with republicans. but they're taking a different tactic here. they're saying, we're focused on republican voters and the actions they're taking are a little bit different from that initial message. is that a reflection of biden's evolution of thinking about how the senate is working? i mean, has he changed his mind? >> so, i don't know if biden has changed his mind. he's probably changed his view of what's possible in the senate. and what folks close to biden will tell you is he's always going to try and his first instincts will be bipartisanship, but he's not going to let that hold him back. and you kind of see, it's cast a little bit in sharper relief with this next package, the 2.25
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or the 2.3, the big infrastructure package, whether republicans don't like it to be couched that way, because there's not actually that much infrastructure in there. when you look at his moves there, he hasn't really boxed himself in at all. they've tried to signal maximum flexibility. now with the $1.9, the stimulus package, $1.9 trillion, there wasn't a whole lot of flexibility there, and that's because they wanted to get it done and out the door quickly. i think we'll be able to assess biden's -- where he stands on the bipartisan spectrum or where the bipartisan dial comes in after we see these next two packages. and whether or not anything is off and done with a lot of republican votes. so a $600 to $800 billion infrastructure package or whether it's not all going to be jammed through and purely partisan and then fail as much as my light just did, as it dropped off the back of my computer. but it's monday and i'm still working from home. >> hey, pandemic life. hans nichols, thank you very much for being with us this
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morning. we really appreciate it. and speaking of pandemic life and that kristen dahlgren package that we just saw, it's a reminder, i think, for all of us, but particularly for women who have suffered so much in the workplace in this pandemic, how we go back to work is going to be a chance for companies to lead in helping women get ahead in this workforce in a way that works for them. i'm already starting to hear that from people across the board. and it's something i'm interested in reporting on in the future as we go forward. thank you all for getting up way too early with us on this monday morning. don't go anywhere. "morning joe" starts right now. very soon, imminently, in the next few days, very likely, the cdc will be coming out with updating their guidelines of what people who are vaccinated can do. and even some who are not vaccinated. and certainly, what one can do outdoors vis-a-vis masks is going to be one of those recommendations. you'll see people wanting to do things outdoors without masks and it's common senseo


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