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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  August 28, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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witllbey pain and recurring constipation. ask your doctor. that is going to do it for me tonight. i have one correction to make. earlier in the show for a reason that i don't understand that is buried somewhere in my deep and aging brain i kept referring to to u.s. customs and immigration services when the correct name for that agency now is u.s. citizenship and immigration services. i was just conflating two different things and saying the name of that agency wrong because of what its name used to be back in the day. i apologize for having said that wrong. i will try to never do it again. see you again tomorrow. time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. >> good evening, rachel, thank you. >> appreciate it. last night on this show i discussed information that wasn't ready for reporting. i repeated statements a single source told me about the president's finances and loan documents with deutsche bank
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saying if true as i discussed the information was not good enough. i did not go through the rigorous verification and standards process here at msnbc before repeating what i heard from my source. had it gone through that process i would not have been permitted to report it. i should not have said it on air or posted it on twitter. i was wrong to do so. this afternoon attorneys for the president sent us a letter asserting the story is false. they demanded a retraction. tonight we are retracting the story. we don't know whether the information is inaccurate. but the fact is, we do know it wasn't ready for broadcast, and for that i apologize. tonight freshman democratic congresswoman katy porter is back with us after a day of touring southern border facilities in california. she has much to report about what she saw at a family shelter and i.c.e. detention center and a border station at the california mexico border.
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as expected congressman porter asked the kinds of questions at the border she asks in congressional hearings. the i.c.e. detention center she saw is a 128 bed unit that's now housing 900 people. we'll hear from katy porter about all of that later in this hour and we'll hear from hawaii senator mazie hirono, blocking implementation of trump administration changes in immigration rules. and as we speak hurricane dorian is bearing down on the u.s. virgin islands and puerto rico. congresswoman stacy plasket will join us by phone from the virgin islands. if we can still get a connection to her. a political hurricane of sorts hit the united kingdom today with a shocking announcement by the new prime minister boris johnson that has produced crowds in the streets of london tonight shouti "stop
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the coup," we begin tonight with decisive new polling in the democratic presidential campaign, only decisive at the lower end of the numbers because of who the polling has eliminate f ed from participation in the next democratic debate. the polling forced one of the senators in the campaign to drop out of the race. kirsten gillibrand tweeted today i am ending my presidential campaign. it's important to know how you can best serve. let's go beat donald trump and win back the senate. two polls we released today on the final day candidates could meet the qualifications for participation in the next democratic debate. a combination of polling numbers and a number of donors to the campaign. all the polls taken together, some individual polls the candidate can perform lower but still survive the cut for this debate. that's what's happened here. no candidate, though, appeared to cross the threshold in
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today's final polls so the ten candidates who have already qualified will be participating in the next debate. a formal announcement by the democratic national committee is expected tomorrow on the official lineup of the next debate. the ten canadidates we know. joe biden, beto o'rourke, cory booker and julian castro. a suffolk university poll out today shows joe biden with a strong lead among likely democratic primary voters at 32%. elizabeth warren is at 14%. bernie sanders at 12%. kamala harris at 6%. pete buttigieg at 6 pmt. beto o'rourke is at 2%. julian castro is at 1%. every other candidate received less than 1% support in that
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poll. and a new fquinnipiac universit poll shows joe biden with that same support level of 32%. among democratic voters and independent voters who lean democratic. elizabeth warren at 19%. sanders at 15%. kamala harris at 7%. pete buttigieg at 5%. eight candidates received 1% support. beto o'rourke, cory booker, amy klobuchar, tulsi gabbard. every other candidate received less than 1% support. these polls follow the highly controversial monmouth poll that showed a virtual tie at the top. today's polls sharply contradict the monmouth poll which many considered an outlier in the polling data when it was released on monday and now the
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director of the monmouth poll agrees and issued a new statement. every so often you will naturally have a poll that falls outside the standard margin of error. it occurs very infrequently. but every pollster who has been in this business recognizes that outliers happen. this appears to be one of those instances. the quinnipiac poll matched five of the democratic candidates against president trump. it showed all of those candidates with solid leads over president trump. with joe biden, again, at the top of the pack, joe biden polled 54% against president trump's 38%. bernie sanders is ahead of trump 53-39. elizabeth warren is ahead of trump 52-40. kamala harris is ahead 51-40. buttigieg is ahead 49-40 in the quinnipiac poll. the front runner in the democratic race, joe biden, had a meeting with a small group of people yesterday and we are lucky enough to have someone who was in the room with joe biden
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yesterday in that meeting, nolan mccaskill, describing how the meeting was supposed to go and how joe biden immediately changed the expectation. the report began this way, joe biden's campaign convened a dozen or so black reporters from major media outlets tuesday for what was offered as a private, off the record sitdown with the democratic front runner. but biden opened the discussion, allowing himself to be quoted. and then he started talking and he talked some more and before everyone knew it the former vice president had held forth for 90 minutes, an extraordinary amount of time for a major presidential candidate to meet the media in a single sitting. one of the highlights of the discussion was what joe biden had to say about how he would choose a vice presidential nominee if he wins the democratic presidential nomination and nolan mccaskill is here to tell us all about that. here is joe biden's latest
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campaign ad released yesterday in iowa. >> i was sworn into the united states senate next to a hospital bed. my wife and daughter -- in a car crash. and lying in that bedroom, my two surviving little boys. i couldn't imagine what it would have been like if we didn't have the health care they needed immediately. 40 years later one of those little boys, my son bo, who was diagnosed with -- cancer, and given only months to live, i can't fathom what would have happened in the insurance companies had said for the last six months of his life you're on your own. the fact of the matter is, health care is personal to me. obamacare is personal to me. when i see the president try to tear it down and others to replace it and start over that's personal to me too. we've got to build on what we did because every american deserves affordable health care.
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i'm joe biden, and i approve this message. >> leading off our discussion tonight, three highly experienced political reporters who know how to read today's new campaign polls, and who probably thought they had already heard everything joe biden has to say about everything, but nolan mccaskill has a few things to add to thach. he's a political reporter with politico. and sam stein, and jonathan allen is with us, a national political reporter for nbc news digital. and nolan, start with you and this extraordinary meeting with joe biden yesterday about a dozen of you. and we're all familiar with that style of meeting. it's supposed to be off the record. and you're supposed to gain some insights about the candidate that might not be possible otherwise but immediately, i guess, joe biden put it on the record, is that how it happened? >> it was pretty close. simone sanders, the senior adviser, convened us all and pretty much right before it the vice president began to deliver opening remarks, he informed us
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the session will be on the record. the vice president ended up speaking for maybe 10 or 15 minutes, delivering his opening statement and then each of us were offered a chance to ask a couple questions and able to squeeze them in and 90 minutes later the vice president was still talking. >> i don't think anyone is surprised at that who knows joe biden. 90 minutes is a short run for him. nolan, what were the highlights of this session to your mind? >> i think some of the highlights were the fact that he was very vocal in talking about white supremacy and racism. he was very candid in saying that, you know, racism is a white man's problem. he was challenging white americans to be vocal about it, to speak out about it, to embarrass it, to really highlight things that are going on that shouldn't be happening in this country because he says that's the best way to fight it. he gave insights into his rationale for determining a running mate should he become a nominee. there's a lot of pressure on some dacandidates, particularly
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male candidates to say they'd pick a woman and pressure to have diversity on the ticket by choosing a person of color but the former vice president says while he prefers to have someone who fits that bill. his priority is picking someone aligned with him. his experience being vice president to president barack obama and how much trust obama had in him when he was in the white house. he said that's the most important thing for him. to have someone he trusts even if that person doesn't fit the bill of being a woman or person of color though he does want to consider that. >> nolan as i read your account with the quotes of what he said about the vp choice it did sound like he really wants to go in some -- make a diverse choice. if he gets to make that choice. >> right. yeah, he told us it was his preference to choose somebody who's a person of color or a woman, if not both. but he also seemed to suggest that he's looking at someone who's possibly more of a
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moderate, who really agrees with him politically. the only disagreement he's willing to have with someone on the same ticket with him is a disagreement in tactics but he wants somebody who believes the same things he believes so he can trust that person to dell fw gait the big tasks of the presidency so he can focus on the big things a president has to do. >> sam stein, and then there were ten on the debate stage. >> just ten. >> it's finally going to be a group that you can actually get on the stage all together at once. >> you know, we act like ten's not a little debate stage it's a lot of people but, no, i think there's a lot of democrats who are very relieved. in part because two nights was just tiresome. but also because at this juncture it really is incumbent upon the main candidates, the top five candidates to actually be able to at the bait one another and that was happening up until this point. we'll see joe biden on the same
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stage with elizabeth warren. whether that changes the dynamics here is another question. because still with ten people it's an incredibly crowded debate stage. we're talking about 90 seconds to two minutes for answers tops with rebuttals. not exactly substantive debate but we will be getting to see the contrast we want to see. after this debate the field will narrow even further, naturally or not, and will get an even tighter debate stage after that. >> jonathan allen, we've got the two polls out today and monmouth comes out and says we should all just forget about that monmouth poll and people were leaning in that direction already anyway but there's joe biden with this solid 32% that's right back there and he's right back in that solid position. and everyone else is in an alignment they've been settled into now for a couple of weeks with elizabeth warren essentially coming in second in these kinds of polls. the rest of the field, the way
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they've been lining up in most of the other polls. is this starting to gel, or is this where we still say it's too early? >> you know, i think it's still too early. if you were to come up with a big story line so far joe biden's resilience as the leader, the front runner, with roughly a third of the democratic eledemocrat electorate behind him, number one and number two would be elizabeth warren, coming out of nowhere at the beginning of the campaign up into that position of second, maybe perhaps having plateaued a little bit for the moment. that would be the second story line on the kocandidates. we'll have to see them on the debate stage for the first time to see if that rocks anything back and forth. i think one of the interesting things to watch will be bernie sanders and elizabeth warren, we saw them in detroit essentially locking arms as the people agitating for what elizabeth
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warren calls big structural change and not going after each other at all. it will be interesting to see if they try to do that again with biden sort of taking the moderate position and how that plays out. he certainly is a stronger advocate for that position than some of the others they were on stage with last time. >> nolan, really striking numbers in the democrats versus donald trump part of the poll with biden with this kind of huge lead. i mean, that's just a huge lead in polling terms, 54% to 38% over donald trump one on one, bernie sanders, 53-39, within the margin of error, about the same thing, and elizabeth warren's 52-40 within the margin of error. they matched pete buttigieg nine points ahead of donald trump. this has to be very encouraging for the democrats and actually possibly free up some of that sense that joe biden is the safest possible choice.
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>> right. there's definitely evidence in this polling that joe biden isn't the only candidate who can defeat trump but he does have an advantage, the fact he leads trump by the largest margins and continues to lead the rest of the field by tlarjest of margins, he does well with women, men, white voters, black voters, hispanic voters. one of the most interesting things in the polling is the fact you have this historically diverse field of 2020 candidates but the top three are older white people who continue to dominate and that's just a very interesting perspective. when you talk about who can beat trump other candidates are brooufing that joe biden is not the only one. >> sam, other polling information about what voters are thinking in terms of disapproval of the president, polls that aren't directly related to where the candidates stand that show that the democrats have a very -- at this stage in the polling, this early stage in the polling, have a very strong advantage over
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donald trump right now. >> yeah. you know, i'm not -- i think judging head to head polling at this juncture is a little bit of a fool's errand. things change dramatically as you all know. we could look back at how hillary clinton was faring against trump at this juncture. it matters in the perception of who's electable. the number that struck me is the number trump had on the economy. for the first time voters had a more dismal view about the economic future than a positive one in the quinnipiac poll. that seemed highly dubious for trump. he has really held on to this idea that despite all the histrionics, the drama and the controversy and the lack of ethics that this strong economy, this robust stock market would propel him among voters to a second term. if that starts to slip, if the public begins to start to doubt their economic future i think trump's in a real world of hurt.
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and at that juncture, yeah, you will see democrats across the board scoring well against him in a general election hypothetical matchup. >> if, on october 31st, donald trump's friend boris yeltsen manages to crash the united kingdom and bring a global problem. thank you all very much for starting us off tonight. we introduce you to freshman congresswoman katy porter months ago by showing you her extraordinary skill in questioning witnesses in committee hearings. but tonight she will be our witness, your witness to the conditions at the southern border. katy porter drove down to the mexican border today in california and she made official observations as a member of congress that you're going to want to hear and she brought her own feelings as a mother to what she heard today from mothers separated from their families at
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the southern border. katy porter joins us next. and later the united kingdom has seen it all including world wars, but nothing like this. people on the streets of london shouting stop the coup, protesting the new prime minister boris johnson's decision to suspend parliamentary debate for a full month as the brexit deadline is approaching at high speed. we'll go live to london at the end of this hour for the latest on the increasing chaos in british politics and british life. great riches will find you when liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wow. thanks, zoltar. how can i ever repay you? maybe you could free zoltar? thanks, lady. taxi! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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today katy porter drove south from her california congressional district to the mexican border where she spent the day at three different border facilities asking the kinds of questions we've seen her so effectively ask in congressional hearings, katie porter is a freshman democratic member of the house who flipped a district in california to win the seat in her house. she went to the southern border today as a member of congress trying to discover from government officials there exactly who is in charge of what and why, and she saw the conditions there today the way she sees everything, the eyes of a single mother, which katie porter is, she spoke to mothers at the border. who have been separated from families. katie porter is a former law professor, trained in law school by then harvard law school professor elizabeth warren. today katie porter brought her unique brand of systems analysis to those border facilities, the
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same kind of common sense, economic and business analysis we've seen her bring to cross-examining jamie diamond, the head of jp morgan chase in congressional hearings. we're fortunate tonight to get katie porter's first degree report on what she found today at the mexican border. we're joined by katie porter from california, the member of the financial services committee. congresswoman porter it's an hour and a half, two hours south of your district, you find yourself at the mexican border. what are your most important findings of the day? >> i think one of the big takeaways is the degree to which people are -- those who are presenting themselves at the border or being apprehended at the border are processing, being passed through many different kinds of facilities relatively quickly. one of the things we asked is, you know, what happens here, what happens there, and often the answer was well they're not here very long so we don't do that. they're not very long so we don't do that. so if you think about a family
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who might be transferred four or five times from that port of entry or from apprehension until their final destination at each of those locations, there's a little bit of an effort to say, well, we can't do that here, we hope the next stop addresses that issue. that was something i saw particularly with regard to the need for additional medical personnel and medical training for border patrol agents. i spoke directly with those law enforcement officials and they are finding that those of them who have their emt training are being very strained so i think that's one of the things we can work on funding and making sure the funding we have given border patrol is going to doing prevention and screening, making sure that we are doing that right from the very start when someone's put into the custody of the border patrol. >> i know you have the question of who's in charge of what, and one of the things you're looking at okay who is actually in charge of the detention of this
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person, who decides, where is that decision made, who makes that decision and why is it this person. what did you discover about that? >> this was one of the most surprising parts of the visit for me. as a law professor i took immigration law in law school. i did clinical work, some pro bono work on unaccompanied minors 20 plus years ago. so at the detention facility run by i.c.e. one of the questions i asked, i met with four women and they would all like to be released back to their minor children. two -- one woman, two of her children are homeless now, and living in a car in orange county, as a matter of fact, as a result of her having lost her job and being in this detention facility. so i asked kind of what is the standard used to decide who gets paroled, when people are paroled, they're all adults are given ankle bracelets for tracking purposes, dates to check in and things like that. i said well who makes that decision and i was very surprised to learn that it was
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the head officer there. it's not an immigration judge who's deciding who gets paroled. so one of the things that, you know, he freely said to me is that there's some -- because there's one person kind of in each of these facilities making those parole decisions that there's a lot of inconsistency potentially across our border with different folks having different experiences in terms of how long they're staying in detention. the officials there were very forthcoming. they told us that their goal is to have people in detention for about 45 days to 60 while asylum claims are being heard and proesz sd. when we talked directly to the women they had been there for periods ranging from five months to over a year. >> it's -- you're talking about people who are being taken from productive jobs that they're doing in california, california has about a 27% population of immigrants. and they are then pulled out of those jobs, disrupting the economic order of that job and then disrupting the economic
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viability of their families. >> absolutely. i mean, i asked all of the women i spoke to who had been in the united states and then were picked up, were detained by i.c.e. one of the women was obtained when she went into i.c.e. to do her regular check-in and she was then taken to a facility. she actually had been checking in for months and at one of her check-i check-ins she was detained and taken to the facility. how disruptive this is to their family and local economy. one of the women has four children, all u.s. citizens, described how her holdest daughter dropped out of college in her final semester, right before she was due to graduate, to care for her younger siblings. the youngest of whom is 9. and so there is really a strain being created by putting people in detention for long periods of time, uncertain release dates. because then we're straining the social safety net to try to care for those families. i was able to go visit one of
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the migrant shelters being run by a community organization today and see the incredible work they're trying to do to meet the needs of these families. >> congresswoman katie porter, always an honor to have you join us and we appreciate you giving us your report on what you found there today. thank you very much for joining us. >> thank you. and when we come back the trump administration is trying to do everything they possibly can to make it more difficult for people to enter this country. we've known that. and now they are trying to make it more difficult for legal immigrants who are here legally to remain in this country. senator mazie hirono of hawaii represents the highest number of immigrants of any of the 50 states, new trump rules have created a new level of fear for those in hawaii. fisher investments tailors portfolios to your goals and needs. some only call when they have something to sell.
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senator mazie hirono represents a state where nearly one in five residents is an immigrant, leaving 20% of the population of hawaii at risk of losing immigration status or having relatives lose their immigration status because of a new trump administration policy change that could deny green cards and citizenship to legal immigrants in the trump administration believes there is any possibility that a legal immigrant might at any point in that immigrant's life, even temporarily, rely on government benefits like food stamps, medicaid, or housing assistance. senator hirono said donald trump's public charge rule will directly hurt hard working families by punishing them for
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using critical services or discouraging them from accessing these services out of fear. you have seen senator hirono in action challenging trump administration nominees and trump administration officials in the senate judiciary committee and now she plans to challenge this trump administration change in immigration rules and we are fortunate tonight to have her with us to explain how she hopes to do that in the senate. joining us now from the only place in the united states where it is still afternoon, hawaii democratic mazie hirono joining us from honolulu. senator hirono, i want to get your reaction to the president's new policy here, the so-called public charge rule where if you just temporarily, for a couple of weeks, very, very briefly, fall into using food stamps, he could -- that administration could choose to deport you. >> that's right. this is yet another action in a long line of actions taken by this administration where i have
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concluded that cruelty to immigrants or migrants is the point of all of these actions. and so yes with the public charge rule you have a situation where not only does this administration want to keep people from coming to our country, minority people from coming into our country, but those who are here, many of them for many years, paying taxes, et cetera, could face deportation. in a state like hawaii where there's a very high percentage, in fact one out of three people in the state of hawaii are either immigrants or children of immigrants. so, of course, the children have a tremendous fear that their parents will be deported under this public charge rule. so it's having a tremendous negative effect. and i did talk with a program called a moui economic opportunities practice and some 85% of their clients, which number in hundreds and hundreds
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of people, maui will be negativity impacted by this public charge rule. >> and the a.p. is reporting their analysis, that more than $1 billion in taxes annually contributed by immigrants in hawaii. >> yes. >> and there's an economic side of this question that the trump administration seems to ignore. >> that's because they are blinded in their desire to bring about cruelty to visit cruelty on migrants and you just talked to a congresswoman perry about what's happening on the border so it's a long line of actions taken by this administration. and some of them totally gratuitous, lawrence. there is a parole program for filipino world war ii veterans put in place by president obama. they've been waiting for decades to reunite with their children. this administration even got rid of -- wants to get rid of this program, which is not hurting
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anyone. so it's just cruelty upon cruelty. >> well, along that theme the boston globe revealed this week that the administration is trying to end the medical deferred action program. >> yes. >> so if your child or someone is having surgery, in this case in boston hospitals that they were finding, that the administration is actually trying to deport these people. >> that's right. so yet another example and we all saw they -- i think a 16-year-old boy who is given 30 days to get out of our country so these are people who are here under illegal waiver to enable them to receive medical help that they would otherwise not get so this is a death sentence for many of these people. and then you saw that they -- the huge i.c.e. raid in mississippi, every day, every day this administration is thinking of new ways to visit cruelty upon the high rans. >> senator mazie hirono, thank you very much for joining us, i
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appreciate it. the latest on hurricane dorian heading to the united states, already done damage to the american territories, especially the u.s. virgin islands just east of broke. if the connection still works we will be joined from st. croix by the congresswoman who represents the virgin islands. protesters accusing boris johnson of a coup. a live report on the political hurricane later this hour. i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis.
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starting at $7.99. and get more bites for your buck with late night half-priced apps. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. breaking news at this hour about hurricane dorian, which could hit the east coast of florida this weekend as a category 3 hurricane. we will have an update on the storm's trajectory. at 11:00 p.m. but first president trump approved an emergency declaration for the u.s. virgin islands after heavy rains and strong winds from hurricane dorian left parts of the islands without power. the three u.s. virgin islands, st. thomas, st. john and st. croix are east of puerto rico. puerto rico was spared the worst of the hurricane this time. joining us now is someone who has dealt with tropical hurricanes before, especially the government response to hurricanes. joining us now by phone is congresswoman stacy plasket who represents the u.s. virgin islands. and congresswoman, do we find
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you in st. croix tonight? >> i am. i'm home on st. croix. i'll be heading to the island of st. thomas in the morning with our governor. st. thomas, as you are probably aware, received the brunt of the hurricane as it made its way to the u.s. territories of the caribbean. >> do you expect fema to be on location, will you be able to meet with fema officials tomorrow in st. thomas? >> i have met with fema officials already on st. croix this morning. we have over 200 federal personnel on the ground right now. we really did try to do a really preparation for the storm, whatever it would be. particularly because of the fragile state of our own infrastructure here after hurricane irma and maria. so a number of federal agencies were already here, fema was working closely with the local
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government to prepare for the hurricane. we tried to anticipate that the hurricane would be worse than it was. >> that's two years ago you're talking about the other devastating hurricanes that hit st. thomas. had st. thomas completely recovered from those two, the two years ago, hurricanes? >> we really have not. so we will say some devastation two years ago, with irma hitting the island of st. thomas and st. john. and then maria coming less than two weeks later and really wiping out the island of st. croix. so we've face add situation where we're working with fema, working with hud, several weeks ago hud said it was going to slow down the mitigation funding that we were already anticipating receiving. we're trying to rebuild now from those other hurricanes.
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and so we were concerned about what would happen not only to those individuals we have over 1,200 homes that still have temporary roofs. but also our main infrastructure. i came an hour ago from a hospital on st. croix. we have one operating room, operational after the devastation of maria on the island of st. croix. tree house ventures. we're concerned about what the tropical storm would have done. i think we've weathered it very well. our governor has worked closely with fema to ensure that our most vulnerable families and individuals -- tomorrow we'll be on the ground to do an assessment of those who have had severe damage. >> congresswoman stacy plasket,
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thank you very much for taking the time on this difficult night for the islands joining us with your report and letting us know what's happening. i appreciate it. up next, a live report from london on why protesters have been shouting at the new british prime minister boris johnson telling him to "stop the coup." before we head to a break, one more note about last night's show in our coverage of the daily mail story about brad parscale. i incorrectly said he filed for bankruptcy. it was his father's company that had filed and the trump campaign issued a denial about the reporting that parscale is getting a cut of 2020 campaign contributions. tonight the campaign treasurer, bradley crate, told us as of the date of this memo today, brad parscale has not invoiced or received a percentage of contributions to the campaign or its authorized entities.
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stop the coup, that's what british citizens in cities throughout the united kingdom were chanting in protest after the new prime minister boris johnson took action today that will suspend debate in parliament from october 12th. when it reconvenes they will only have 17 days to find agreement about the united kingdom's departure from the
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european union. parliament would need every minute between now and october 31st to come up with such a complex brexit deal. boris johnson made a forced departure from the european union without a deal. leaving without a deal would mean the united kingdom
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and now boris johnson is ready to chuck the economic structure that has brought more consistent peace and prosperity to europe than europe has ever seen. and to what would surely be winston churchill's surprise boris johnson claims winston churchill as a personal hero. the british people never accused winston churchill of launching a coup. after this break we will have a live report from london tonight in what is a truly dramatic first draft of history that could be the beginning of the end of the united kingdom as we know it. this could cause scotland to break from the united kingdom. it could cause northern ireland to try to leave the united kingdom. but in truth tonight, we have no idea what will happen if boris johnson gets his way. and boris johnson doesn't know either. boris johnson is pushing his country toward the unknown.
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we'll be back live from london after this break. ♪ limu emu & and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪ joining us now from london is cal perry, international
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correspondent for msnbc and nbc news. cal, i know that you've lived in london, but i'm not sure anything prepares you for what's happening there now. >> no. and it's truly bizarre traveling back and forth to the u.s., landing at heathrow airport and thinking boris johnson is now prime minister and there are x days in till brexit. the country is i think finally in a place where there's real fear, and you saw it in those protests today. this move by the prime minister, as you said, just greatly increases the chances that this country, the united kingdom, will crash out of the european union on october the 31st with no plans in place. so there are very real fears about whether or not food will be delivered on time, whether or not medicine will be delivered on time. people are worried about their prescriptions. they're worried about their doctors. and the fear is sort of only growing. those days that parliament has to act, and let's be honest, parliament has proved itself incapable of handling this problem since the vote in summer of 2016, are now greatly reduced. there's only going to be 14 days on the other side of this return
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to parliament, and you have as leading the government boris johnson, who has become more and more like donald trump every day it comes to how to approach the democratic institutions of our time. his view in his act today in going to the queen and getting this dismissal of parliament is to just sort of go forward into the breach with no plan and crash the united kingdom out. opposition leaders are looking at maybe a vote of no confidence. but lawrence, in the same way that donald trump is just kind of boyishly crazy about these things, so too boris johnson seems to just be pushing forward, looking to really, really dissolve not only parliament but the way that this country is with the european union. >> i know nothing of the parliamentary rules of parliament and how these things happen, but is there any way that this decision could be reversed? >> no. look, the queen had no choice. she was kind of boxed in. and we're talking about a
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country that doesn't have a written constitution. so your knowledge is probably equal to that of most people here and there and everywhere. the situation here really is that this was a procedural move. the prime minister did not go out of his powers. he didn't breach his powers. but he created a political crisis. regardless, there's a national crisis that faces the united kingdom. you mentioned northern ireland. how does the united kingdom stay together and move forward in a situation where boris johnson has basically set it up so there has to be a miracle, a long shot to either vote of no confidence, and again, you're talking about now sort of splitting the remain camp and a vote that would take 14 days out of a calendar that just doesn't have that kind of time. the way forward just seems more and more stark every day. and again, in a government that really hasn't done at least a job that many people see as satisfactory to prepare for that hard exit on midnight of the
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31st. >> there's been a lot of suspicion that the people who have been advocating a basically so-called hard exit with no deal have not really meant it and they were using it as a way of trying to force parliament into some kind of deal. are any of those people weakening at this point as this crash approaches? >> no. and strangely enough, on the air today, on the evening news, there was this theory that maybe boris johnson was smarter than we all thought he was and this was his way of signaling to the european union that if they wanted a tough deal they had to deal with him. in reality, the european union has been dealing with boris johnson for many years. their stance on this is very clear. they will go into their own session in mid october. nobody's expecting them to change the deal. and again, sort of the big picture here on democracy while we're talking about overreacting british politicians, john major, conservative prime minister for
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nine years here, compared the move to charles the first, saying that that led to an english civil war and then the beheading of the prime minister. that's where we are here on this side of the ocean. >> this really is the first draft of a very dramatic history. cal perry, thank you very much for joining us. really appreciate it. that is tonight's "last word." "the 11th hour" with brian williams starts now. tonight, hurricane dorian strengthens off the coast of puerto rico, but president trump is tweeting insults at the island and its leadership. plus, division and distractions. trump spends another day hunkered down in the white house airing his grievances at mounting controversies. and an ex-cabinet member rebels against his former boss. all of it as "the 11th hour" gets under way on a wednesday night. good evening once again from our nbc news headquarters here in new york. i'm steve kornacki