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tv   The Beat With Ari Melber  MSNBC  August 20, 2019 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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and that's all for tonight. we'll be back tomorrow with more "meet the press" daily and "the beat with ari melber" starts right now. good eveninging. >> a very happy summer to everyone out there. we have a big show tonight including a special report we've been working on about how a man who caud trump a terrible human being is now a top white house aide, beyond the hypocrisy, there are important lessons for today's politics later tonight. there's no summer vacation for hard hitting lawsuits enforcing subpoenas against trump aides. bill barr trying to shield trump person personally. is that the right role for the attorney general hakeem jeffries joins me live later in this show. chris christie making news. you may know him from his tirades and traffic revenge. you won't believe his new mission. we're tackling that story tonight with the seriousness it merits.
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comedian chuck nice is here on chris christie at the end of the hour. our top story, new signs trump resistance is getting larger more fortified and not only from the left. though the signs here tonight do include movement among draz including on the key issue of impeachment. many saw impeaching trump as a push that seemed to be running out of gas. there were dc pundits assessing that mueller hearing as theater, not as a presentation of evidence and crediting pelosi for seeming to tamp down her liberal members' push for impeachment hearings and potentially impeachment. a funny thing is going down as the summer drawses toward a close. the caucus swelling. it now includes the highest ranking democrat yet, congressman ben ray lew hahn who serves as assistant house house speaker.
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now 126 democrats back an impeachment inquiry. that's the majority of the caucus. meanwhile, a republican leader jennifer horn resigning her post with the log cabin republicans protesting its endorsement of trump's re-election and she boone the be able to look her children in the eye and back trump given what he's done which we know including trans members in the military, noting trump is contrary to everything i've taught them what it means to be a good, decent principled member of society. other trump republicans are using this summer break to try to basically organize a new resistance coalition. today anthony scaramucci made a public appeal in the "washington post" asking fellow republicans get rid of trump for the good of the nation saying it's a question of whether we want to start cleaning up the mess or continue papering over the cracks amidst reports donald trump is worried a recession could end his political career suggesting he knows how precarious things are.
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his approval continues to whoever in the low 40s. that number as you may know doesn't move much. why not? well, he already lost the other 10% or more of americans who typically give a president a chance regardless of party. how do we know that? it's simple. we do so much day to day around here, don't forget the larger history because in the entire history of presidential polling since 1938 from gallup, at this point in their term, presidents average about 53% approval which is a metric that shows that in both parties presidents tend to get some approval from people who did not vote for them. trump though is down stuck at 41% over the same period. that's lower than the average of all presidents and ominously for him, it's lower than the 46% of voters who once backed him in 2016. let's get right out to our
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panel, britney cooper, mark thomp season, and liz plank, host of vox's consider it. what do you think? >> it's about time. welcome to the party. he's a terrible president. we all know it. he has any sort of moral gravity that republicans have had is trying to be the party of family values he has systematically and frankly brazenly erode their ability to claim that moral high ground. so i'm not particularly optimistic that this will work in the sense that part of what i see trump doing is look, we're having gun threats every day. he's still backing off key pieces of legislation and part of what he's doing is whipping up his base almost it seems to incite them if this election doesn't go his way they should be violent in the aftermath. that is very scary to me. so the republicans need to do a lot of work and very swiftly and part of what they need to do is begin to speak to the fears of
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sth their constituency. >> i would agree also, this is a real test social lodgecally even because up to this point, he has been able to implement racism and race-baiting. but when it comes to these elections even amongst some in his base, the bottom line is the economy. and we know the economy has always determined at the end of the day. so we'll have to see just how committed this base is when it comes to an economy. everybody is saying that there's a recession looming. he's been in denial about it. now, today, it would seem over the past 24 hours it would seem now they're ready to acknowledge it. he kind of hinted at it by delaying the tariffs. he's now talking about a tax cut. he must have an indication and he must have gotten it on his own because he doesn't have staff. >> against that backdrop, the
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trump administration first pushing back on the criticism they have no plan for a recession. emergency tax cuts is now something they're offering or maybe rolling back trump's tariffs. if nothing else they concede there could be a downturn. this is important. trump's allies in the press have found some bizarre ways to spin the jitters claiming it's rich coastal elites who want to lose money in a recession. >> it's pretty obvious that these establishment trump hating hysterics all of them living comfortable coast counsel lives actually want a recession because they think that's the best way to get rid of trump. >> to the degree, the media almost did that in december. some people do it deliberately. >> they don't want him to win again and don't like the economy is doing well apparently. >> mark, you are all over the story. it's my job to press the hard questions. >> okay. >> are you a coastal elite? do you want to lose money? do you want to lose money?
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do you want a recession in order to defeat someone you may oppose, donald trump? i'll let you respond. >> i'm not a coastal elite. def not rich. but as if we are encouraging it or others are encouraging it just by talking about it. the fact of the matter is that it is real. we need to be concerned about it. some in his base farmers for example, are being hit hard by these crazy tariffs. so you know, this is going to be a real test for him to see if he can sustain it by using the second amendment, sustain his base by using the second amendment and racism and everything else. but i think he's in serious trouble and it's time that everybody acknowledge it and the rest of it cheer it. >> and while this is happening, he's talking about buy ago greenland and anthony scaramucci. he's clearly using his best sort of weapon which is distraction and he's acting like a reality show star that's about to maybe not get her second season
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renewed and she's picking fights with her friends and her enemies. and it's bake, basic. at the same time, i'm also not interested in this sort of like bachelor in paradise morality edition of the republican party or some members. >> say it. >> realizing suddenly they want to be a good person and that they have a moral conscience two years after the president called neo-nazis fine people, two years after heather heyer was killed. almost a year actually that will children have been separated by their parents. what's going on here? you can say great, i'm calling the fireman and the fire woman but you gave him the matches. how are you going to fix it? it's not about you. it's about all the people harmed in this administration. >> there are two major problems. one is trump is literally trying to undermine our confidence in the 2020 election. this is all the tweeting about what happened in 2016. even trying to undermine google search results to create this
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base of skepticism so no one can determine what the truth is. >> or does google also want a recession. >> of course they do. >> goog is a coastal elite. >> that's exactly right. but the other thing that he's then doing is he's banking on a strategy that the always worked for conservatives which is if you appeal to people's tribalism, the term racism, they will actually very often vote against their own economic interests in service of racism. that's the only reason trump is in office. suddenly his policies were never going to work the working class, white men who voted for him. now they're seeing the chickens come home to roost. he's using a strategy that worked before, this is about whether you get to be classed among thes have or have nots, classed among those from s hole countries or those from the great land of america. he's playing on that tribalism. that's really powerful. so if republicans is don't speak to the fear that drives it, they're going to lose even
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whatever moral high ground they're trying to get to. >> he's a failed businessman. and now he's a failure as a president with this economy being what it is. and to your point about stoking fears about the election, remember in 2016, testifies saying the other side was going to cheat. they're going to cheat and steal it. he was the one who did it. what's he doing now? by doing that again, is he not projecting what he plans to do? he has no choice but to fearmonger and cheat. >> both of you mentioned this. i think it's worth probing a little bit whether or not the economy falters. i for one am not rooting for a recession. i want to put that on record. but there is a bit i've connective tissue here right? when you look at the way we're talking about what donald trump gets away with and what the powers that be, which is the raid forces we have in a democracy. >> including a free press, what
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do we say about lies and racism? it included the democratic party that i think if democrats positioning is there was not impeachable conduct, that's fine. that's your substantive position. but for a while, a lot of democrats had the position that well, it was impeachable and maybe he should go to prison some day but they're not going to hold imimpeachment because of political reasons. i say that context, how do you confront racism if you think it's racist and crime if you think it's crime and lew nascy if you think it's lunacy. some of the lines are moving and that creates barriers can trump has to deal with. we don't assume everything that is false is a lie. first you figure whether it's false. then you do an investigation does someone know they're lying. sometimes trump says things that he may not care if they're
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false. i say that with regard to eugene robinson basically calling it out today. the astonishing thing is the president of the united states is, let's face is, raving like a lunatic. and everyone just shrugs. the truth is, we don't have an actual presidency right now. we have a tiresome reality show who's ratings have begun to slide and whose fading star sees cancellation on the way. eugene is a very careful writer. i'm not sure he'll come on some day and tell me if i'm wrong, i'm not sure he would have written this on day one of the trump administration. the "washington post" says there's a new president, respect the president. we're in a place now where people are saying this is lunacy. >> it's very significant for gene to write that and for the "washington post" to publish it and go on record. those are very, very strong words that you can't walk back. and even to say them now when there's a possibility he might do something else even crazier and then you would have fired
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that gun already. so i think that we're in a place now where he has been enabled too much. he has been normalized too much honestly by some of our institutions and media. you know, i say that respectfully. no one here of course, but that's what needs to change. when we look at structureny that's given other candidates and other politicians, they don't get that the kind of a pass. and we don't expect it and they shouldn't nor should he. >> sometimes is this person likeable? what are we talking about? one more piece of policy i want to make sure people know. donald trump may hope some people don't notice this summer story but there's a new administration rule limiting health care access for 4 million women in america. planned parenthood has to withdraw federal funding that provides money for clinics which
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money for abortion services. here's the new planned parenthood leader speaking out. >> trump and the trump administration are essentially bullies forcing us out of a program by endorsing and enforcing this unethical gag rule. we are just not going to engage in providing substandard care for low income americans. this is a fight we're going to continue to engage in and we're -- we need congress to step in and act. >> if i was buying into -- if i was saying what donald trump wants me to say right now, i would say this is a war on women. abortion is a right all women in this country should have access to do. i'm not going to say it's a war on women. it's a war on people, a war on measures. reproductive rights is about freedom. everyone who is pregnant definitely had a guy involved somehow in some capacity. and so men also benefit from reproductive rights and justice. they benefit from the planned
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parenthood clinics that are going to be shutting down or not give cancer screening, it's also a war on poor people. 75% of clinics planned parenthood clinics, 75% of the people who use the clinics are people who are either on the poverty line or below the poverty line. it comes back to our entire conversation. they want us to make it about identity. they want us to make it about feminism and scare away those voters. it's not about that. it's about poor people in this country many of them voting for donald trump voting against their best interests. >> britney, bring it all home for us. because as liz says, these are constitutional rights. they are gender issues. there is a feminist component and also the facts that this is an administration that over just the past few months as taken this rule which targets many people whom benefit from the services but disproportionately the poor. they're going after food assistance, after school lunches. we did a report on this show.
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the majority of school lunch recipients happen to be poor white measures in rural areas. the question whether we want a government that provides food to hung grill 10-year-olds is the question. these get pushed aside by the noise. >> there is no moral compass on the right, right now. trump is no beacon of anything but darkness oop he's using the law and weaponizing it against the poor, against women, against people who can get pregnant, people of color. the thing we have to remember is all these forms of tribalism and division go together. you don't get a racist president without getting a president who is deeply sexist. that is a moral call to women. most white women voters voted for donald trump in the last election. now they are dealing with the consequences of having this man assault their rights. and as a by-product of that, you see trans people who need reproductive care services being assaulted and poor white women. i needed reduced lunches as a
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kid growing up with a single mom in a poor state. i wouldn't be here today without those kinds you have governmental services. trump doesn't want to create a world where liz, mark and i are helping to drives the discussion. that is the thing that must changing. > thanks to each of you. i think we learned a lot here and a lot of important points at a time when there is other noise. britney cooper, mark thompson, liz plank, have a nice summer. coming up, i have a special report on mick mulvaney and why he might be called in effect the anti-mooch. house democrats saying bill barr's doj is trying to undermine the law to protect trump. also, chris christie wants to the push civility. we have the break down. i'm ari melber. you're watching "the beat" on msnbc. you're watching "the beat msnbc. great riches will find you when liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wow. thanks, zoltar. how can i ever repay you?
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now to our special report on trump critics turned sycophant funds this week politicos focused on another twist, anthony scaramucci turning on his boss. in normal times white house officials don't lash out like that. consider a wider shift inside the gop with policy consequences. think of it as the reverse mooch. republicans turning from scolds to support busy. there's one prominent example you've surely seen, lindsey graham. >> i think he's a kook. i think he's crazy.
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i think he's unfit for office. >> i am like at happiest dude in america right now. we've got a president and a national security team that i've been dreaming of. i am all in, keep it up donald. >> that doesn't add up. you can't be happy about a "the crazy kook" being president. graham works with trump a lot these days. . other republicans have gone further from running against him to working for him. >> donald trump's candidacy is a cancer on conservatism, a toxic mix of demagoguery and mean spiritedness and nonsense. >> my hat's off to the for taking that sand and for sending a clear message around the world. >> then there's the former trump critic at the white hot center of this white house occupying a hub of trump chaos, the same position filled and vacated by reince priebus and john kelly. i'm talking about acting chief of staff mick mull mulvaney.
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>> yes, i'm supporting donald trump. i'm doing so as enthusiastically as i can given the fact he's a terrible human being. the choice on the other side is just as bad. >> there's all kinds of stuff going on. it's wild that this is the state of federal staffing. and it's like the 12th most prominent story to think about. this is not normal and it's telling. donald trump is not known to fib grunls or overlook these kind of things but he's so desperate for bodies in an administration with record breaking turnover, he's hired or teamed up with people who call him a kook and crazy, unfit for office. a cancer on conservatism. a terrible human being. they also say he's not a very good person. they don't particularly like him and he says disgusting and indefensible things. what else? he's actually the most flawed human being running for president in history. this is a lot of very clear character rejection. it's not policy disagreement. it's an prop briiam for who he is. all those last quotes are all
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from mick mulvaney now best known for defending trump on the sunday shows about everything. >> he pushes back, he fights back when he feels like he's attacked. he has zero to do with race. >> to be clear, you believe democrats will never see the president's tax returns? into no, never. nor should they. mr. mueller found no collusion and no obstruction. >> not a crime. what about the ethics or more raflt those things? >> again, the issue is not whether it's ethical. >> do you understand that that is offensive to the americans who do live there. >> i understand that everything that donald trump says is offensive to some people. >> mulvaney has had to turn on his opposition 0 trump but a lot of other conservatives have, too. they said you have to hold your nose to get policy out of this white house. evangelicals supported him because of the supreme court and they got two justices. are for mulvaney this is different. donald trump is exploding the deficit this month. it's reaching close to a
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trillion dollars mulvaney's entire policy agenda in congress was cutting the deficit. even when that planet going after other republicans he roasted the gop budget in 2015 saying there's no honest way to justify it. whatever you think about that deficit talk, it was mulvaney's thing from his first days in office. >> i'm mick mulvaney from south carolina. i can't tell you how excited about these proposals. think anybody up to speed on budget issues should be scared to death what's happening with the debt adeficit in this country. >> cutting spending was so important in 2013, he tried to kill emergency relief for vips of hurricane sandy demanding it will to be immediately offset by budget cuts. we're talking about emergency funds here. >> is the future of all aid after a natural disaster now the contingent, in your view, on corresponding cuts?
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>> well, i think it is until we get our fiscal house in order. >> get that house in order. did any of this change when he was hired to run trump's debt-busting government? not officially. even in his confirmation hearing under oath, he claimed he was still trying to address the debt. >> i believe as a matter of principle that the debt is a problem that must be addressed sooner rather than later. >> how does he justify working for a president spending money on things he can't pay for including the tax cuts which may or may not affect the recession. mulvaney was asked if the deficit would be mentioned and he said nobody cares. does he have low self-esteem? i'm here to tell you, you're not nobody. you're somebody. you spent years caring or pretending to care along with paul ryan and the tea party. was it a lie? in the times this question has been raised, he says this is just adjusting to the beltway.
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>> you it's not hypocritical. it's simply adjusting to the washington, d.c. that we live in. i will always be a deficit hawk. i am today, i was yesterday, and will be tomorrow. because i do think that spending a bunch of money that we reason the is wrong. i'm just telling you that this is the cards that we've been dealt as the administration. >> the cards we've been dealt. when something happens to you out of your control, those are the cards. make do with what you can't control. he wasn't dealt these cards. he ran for office, won a seat, resigned to take this job. so when you get into this level of depth and this stuff is super important to where we're headed remember, you can't understand this story just by listening to mulvaney'sal sxwrinz dig deeper. according to someone who has studied this, to understand mick mulvaney you have to understand mike tyson's famous face tattoo. tim alberta wrote after the election day mulvaney realized after bash agtrump he had to cozy up to him because he was
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obsessed with power. alberta writes he wore his ambition as subtly as a mike tyson face tattoo, upon coming to congress he made few doubt he was the smartest man there and destined for more. the values, pledges, he writes mulvaney chucked out the window watching trump, reading the a"at of the deal," i venned a theer how had to ingratiate himself. he would do what paul ryan had done, sell trump on the value he brought to the team. it worked. trump named him budget director within a month and notice the words that were used there, sell to trump. which for mulvaney meant selling off his past goals, he didn't believe that he said, not about the gop, not about deficits, not about the trump. in other words selling out. some might look down on a job applicant willing to do that. trump likes it. it reinforces his world view
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that nobody believes anything. mulvaney sold out or as cashout explains on his song "cashing out," i'm cashing out, skate on my ice just like you playing hockey. grab your camcorder, press record and go and watch me. you know, we expect entrepreneurs to cash out more than public servants. mulvaney is clearly fine cashing out his blee beliefs for the currency of power. to paraphrase cash out one more time, let's press record and watch him because he sure doesn't sound like he used to. >> i think anybody who is up to speed on budget issues should be scared to death by what's happening with the debt and the deficit in this country. if you're not losing sleep over it, you're not paying attention. >> jamie harrison is actually running for senate in mulvaney's home state of south carolina and joins me when we're back in 30. >> thank you. joins me when we're back in 30 >> thank you get ready crab fans
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'cause crabfest is on at red lobster. with nine craveable crab creations. like our new crab imperial. now just $15.99. or crack into a pound of wild-caught snow crab. now only $19.99. grab your crab crew. crabfest ends september 1st. welcome back to the beat". jamie harrison be challenging senator lindsey graham and is he quite familiar with mick mulvaney's record, the former chairman of the south carolina democratic party. couldn't think of a more locally sourced guest than you for this. thanks for being here. >> thank you for having me. >> what happened there with mick mull vein? ny? was it always a lie. >> it was always a lie about the word hypocrite is too good for mick mulvaney and lindsey graham. they don't have moral
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convictions or values. in essence, they've been playing a game on the people in south carolina and now the people across this country for a long time. and it's all about political power. it's all about gaming the system and becoming what lindsey graham said so poignantly is becoming relevant. and donald trump gives them relevancy because it means they can go on tv every night. they can fly on air force one. and in the end, 80s working people across this country and particularly the folks in south carolina that are at the losing end of their political game. >> didn't mick mulvaney run around south carolina and tell everyone had he these economic principles and they would help the people there? you can debate whether they would or not but isn't a bigger indictment that as the record shows he's chucked them all? >> he has. nick breet john spread who is probably one of the smartest members of congress i've come across.
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mick wants to be the smartest guy in the room, the focus of attention. this is a guy who again has no core. he talked about well, i don't see the data that says why meals-on-wheels and the school lunch program and all of these programs for ot working class people, for the poor and for children, why they have any relevance. but at the same time when it came to this trillion dollar tax cut, he talked about the deficits and he said you know, we need new deficits in order to justify this. again, this is a person with no moral compass, knock core conviction. >> senator graham who you're running against used to talk about donald trump the way you do. >> yeah. >> take a look. >> he's a race-baiting xenophobic religious bigot. he doesn't represent my party. >> do you think he's a racist? >> absolutely not. >> is that a focus of your campaign or are you about moving beyond trump? >> it is a focus. it's not about trump that's the
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focus of our campaign. it's the hypocrisy of the leadership we have in south carolina. therefore 24 or 25 i don't know at this point democrats running against donald trump. i'm running against lindsey graham because he does not represent the state of south carolina anymore. when you take a look at, and again the hypocrisy of both graham and mulvaney, look at the automobile industry $700 million in terms of revenue that comes to the state of south carolina. 70,000 jobs in the state. and it's getting hit hard by these tariffs. tariffs are so bad that even the price of bibles which is a big thing in south carolina, is rising. > is that right? >> yes. >> you're saying that donald trump's trade policy is making it more expensive to pray? >> yes, it is. and. >> depending who you pray to? >> you got to pray more with this trump presidency and having lindsey graham and then lindsay comes back to the state and he says, well, you guy, it's just a hiccup in the economy.
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we're all going to experience a little pain and we have to do this. this guy, i give you a quote. he said this back in january 27, talking about tariffs to mexico. he said tariffs no. mexico is the third largest trading partner to the u.s. any tariff we can levy, they can levy. huge barrier to economic growth. china is our number one trade partner. >> and that goes again to be whether you're ripping the economic interests. i didn't know you would bring receipts. >> i got receipts. >> we'll be keeping an eye on your campaign. we like to mention mr. mulvaney and mr. bush graham were invited on here as well. >> folks can going to jamie >> everybody's got to get it in. up ahead, chris christie going from trump surrogate to a new gig all about civility. wa we'll explain. first, a new movement to attorney bill barr you've got to know about. movement to attorney bill barr you've got to know about g, so we know how to cover almost anything.
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breaking news tonight. house democrats accusing bill barr's justice department of trying to rewrite history in a bid to personally protect trump in response to the justice's department as asking the court to block an otherwise lawful subpoena to get trump's financial records. house democrats say this has no grounding in history of law and that the arguments represent what the department wishes the law were but they are not the law. barr's toshes here have been arguing in court the banks and other entities shouldn't have to comply with these otherwise lawful subpoenas claiming they could distract trump from the energetic performance of his of constitutional duties. we have charted his dale schedu daily schedules before. 221 days on golf properties, unprecedented amount of executive time, tweeting, watching television. that goes to the factual side. what about the legal side in the arguments no matter who is
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president, how they keep their schedule, you would be too distract to deal with the courts with these otherwise lawful requests. president clinton did argue if he complied with every investigation, he would be distracted away from his duties and here's what is supreme court justice scalia said why they ruled against him. >> the president is, it's a full-time job and he's very -- and any intrusion bon his time is intruding. i must say i don't find that terribly persuasive. we see presidents riding horse back, chopping firewood, fishing for fish, playing golf and so forth and so on. >> i'm joined by congressman hakeem jeffries who is a member of democratic leadership. thanks for being here. >> good to see you. >> that was a slightly different context but justice scalia was speaking for why the court ruled ultimately being president is not a get out of subpoena free card. >> donald trump is not a part time school board member with
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all due respect to hard working school board members. he's the most powerful individual on the global stage. he has a responsibility in the context of our constitutional democratic republic to recognize that the house and the senate were the designed to be separate and coequal branches of government for the people. we don't work for donald trump. we work for every day americans and so we have a constitutional responsibility to be as a check and balance on an out-of-control executive branch. we are undertaking a lawful constitutional legislative oversight responsibilitieses. bill barr is rewriting the constitution claiming we have no legitimate purpose. the constitution is our legitimate purpose. >> uh-huh. and that lays out sort of battle in the courts. then you have the specific issue of mr. bill barr. dal la lithwick is a legal
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scholar, an independent expert, not a part of your democratic team but she has argued here on "the beat" there is a problem with how mr. barr's carrying out his role. take a look. >> it feels like barr sort of leaping in front of the president yet again and saying first and foremost, my interest is not the justice department or the united states people. it's protecting this president. >> win or lose, the courts are ultimately going to decide and it could go to the supreme court which we just heard from in a different context what the president has to deal with. are you at all concerned about burglar has interceded in cases that seem more personal than public in nature? >> definitely. the so-called attorney general has long since flushed his personal integrity down the toilet. that's a shame. so many members of the trump cabinet have done that over the last three years or so. and i expect that that will continue because the president surrounds himself with sycophants. look at what is at stake.
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we want those deutsche bank records because we believe that they could show potential evidence of criminality. the deutsche bank employees on the ground recommended that suspicious activity reports be filed as it relates to donald trump's business tufts and transactions in 2016 and 2017. higherups at deutsche bank vetoed that recommendation and squelced it. we want to know what donald trump is potentially hiding as part of our oversight responsibilities so we can share that are information with the american people. >> the last thing i want to ask you about, i understand where you're coming from on that is impeachment. you remember those old toothpaste ads that would say nine out of ten dentists prefer this toothpaste. can nine out of ten be wrong? >> that's right. >> can 126 democrats in your caucus and i know you're part of
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leadership, that's the majority of your caucus that you work with them, like toothpaste, i ask you, can 126 democrat be wrong? >> they definitely can be wrong but there are different perspectives. what we've decided to do is to make sure that every member has an opportunity over the next couple of weeks during this district work period in august to talk to their stuns and follow their conscience. >> but you and speaker pelosi still disagree with them that you should move forward on impeaching trump. >> my view is jerry nadler is in the midst of an impeachment investigation. i'm part of that on the judiciary committee. >> you check me if i'm getting my history wrong. every time we talk about it, you're defending the speaker. >> i believe the speaker has the correct perspective in terms of making sure we be guided by the constitution, come together after the august recess in september. we're going to have to make some decisions. but in order for us to proceed with any form of accountability inquiry including an impeachment
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inquiry, we need fact wits and documents. that's why we're fighting before the second circuit and the dc circuit. eventually we'll have to fight before the supreme court so we can get the information to then present to the american people. >> very interesting getting you on multiple items. thanks for coming on "the beat." we fit in a break and chris christie's road from viral tirades to newfound civility advocate. comedian chuck nice is here. advocate comedian chuck nice is here. berl customized my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. and this is me now! any physical changes to this man's appearance are purely coincidental. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ so, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. the united states postal service makes more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country.
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now we turn to news that could be an onion headline. are you ready? chris christie the famously short tempered and sometimes verbally abusive new jersey governor, has decided on his next project. a think tanking to address civility to the address today's ugly and divisive politics because people aren't having civilized conversations. he is anointing himself a civility cop today. obviously, this has us thinking this is like rab on your wedding day or 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife. isn't it ironic as alanis morissette would say. >> i was wondering why you think it's fair to be cutting school funding to public schools. >> what's your name. >> first off it's none of your business. i don't ask you where you send your kids to school. don't boger me where i send my into compensating me for my
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chicks nor my experience. >> you know what? then you don't have to do it. >> if you want to put on a show and giggletime time i talk, i have no interest your question. >> let me tell you something, after you graduate from law school, talk like that in a courtroom, your rear end is going to get thrown in jail. are you stupid? on topic, on topic, next question. good, thank you all very much, and i'm sorry for the idiot over there. i work the cones, actually, matt, uni was the guy working t cones. >> if you want to have a conversation later, i'm happy to have it buddy. until that time, sit down and shut up. >> isn't it ironic, that song actually hits christie in two places, the irony of the civility quest and the other that could apply to his bridge
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gate stcandal, a traffic jam whn you're already late. it's hard to take this story seriously which is why we turn to comedian chuck nice. chris christie fighting for civility. >> see, here's what you don't understand, though, ari is that sit down and shut up. that was said in love. okay. that's the deal. >> i didn't know about that. >> there's a loving way to tell somebody to go to hell or sit down and shut up or you die. chris christie has perfected that. everything we saw there. >> you're talking about when someone is being really funny and someone says stop, like go on. >> please go on. what people don't understand, and i think what you were trying to let the public know is that chris christie sees himself as a bridge, a bridge to bring about communication between those who might otherwise be at odds. >> a bridge. >> a christie bridge.
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>> a traffic laden bridge. let me ask you this, do you know that we had for this segment, we take this seriously, that's why you're here. >> that's why i'm here. >> we didn't get all the hypocrisy into that set up. >> you can't. >> because who is chris christie's biggest political ally and mentor right now. >> ally, it would have to be, i don't know, donald trump. >> perhaps. >> he chaired the transition, he was the first endorser in the republican field of competitors and look at this, he was asked about this because he's got the civility project and he said no conflict there, quote, the negative tone in our politics existed long before trump. you're never going to agree with anyone 100%. >> and guess what, if you remember last week, trump said this, everything i say is in love. we do love, and so, i mean, listen, these are two peas in a pod that belong together. i like what they're doing here. they're bringing the country together by showing what it is to be a part. >> do you think, and this is my
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final question. this is the most apt question for you. this is what you know. >> all right. >> do you think chris christie is pulling a giant prank on us with this? wow, that's a very good question. >> like in a month, does he come out and be like, this isn't a civility think tank, i'm chris christie. >> i just see chris christie as dave chappelle. i'm chris christie. i'm chris christie. >> watch it. >> what did you expect. that's what i'm saying. like what did you expect, civility. civility? >> can i count up in my thank you to you because i always love talking to you. you make a good news day easier. you did your impression of donald trump. >> right. >> and you did a chappell christie portmanteau. >> there cryou go. >> chuck nice, always making things a little bit nicer. >> love people. >> we're going to fit in a
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break, and i'm going to ask you can you name all the candidates running in one minute. we'll explain, next. candidates running in one minute. we'll explain, next. erage accou, and zero minimums to open an account. we have fidelity mutual funds with zero minimum investment. and only fidelity offers four zero expense ratio index funds directly to investors. because when you invest with fidelity, all those zeros really add up. ♪ so, maybe i'll win ♪ saved by zero so, every day, we put our latest technology and unrivaled network to work. the united states postal service makes more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country. e-commerce deliveries to homes why accept it frompt an incompyour allergy pills?e else. flonase sensimist. nothing stronger. nothing gentler. nothing lasts longer. flonase sensimist. 24 hour non-drowsy allergy relief
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about once-weekly ozempic®. this is when political trivia meets your memory test. des moines register has done something kind of interesting at the iowa state fair. they asked people there who may or may not know a ton about what's going on in politics to name as many of the democratic presidential candidates as possible in a minute and they tested some of the candidates themselves.
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andr andrew yang did the best. >> joe biden, kamala harris, elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, pete buttigieg, cory booker, andrew yang, seth molten, john delaney, wayne, michael bennet, john hickenlooper, bill de blasio. >> the guys got a serious memory. he didn't eventually falter and couldn't come up with every last name. >> 7 seconds. >> 5, 4, 3, 2. >> time jewel hulian castro. >> castro came in technically after the bell. steve bullock was never mentioned. what does this have to do anything, castro did make it in for the deadline before something real, the next debate,
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along with yang. there are ten candidates that will be on the more elite stage for the debate in september. that's your news fix update. thanks for watching the beat. we'll be back at 6:00 p.m. eastern tomorrow, and "hardball" is up next. trump's religious test, let's play hardball. hardball. good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. president trump delivered a message to jewish people, if you vote for democrats, you're stupid or disloyal. that's the extreme he's going to to fire up partisan division from congressman


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