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tv   Deadline White House  MSNBC  August 13, 2019 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT

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show on xm sirius radio and can always find me on apple, snapchat, instagram, facebook, thank you for watching. "deadline" with nicolle wallace begins philosophical. >> hi, everyone. 4:00 in new york, 10 days after one of the deadliest weekends in the losing battle against gun violence. donald trump's message to america, enough about you, back to my insults for cable news posts and the clintons. leading one of the most bizarre eras of his presidency elaborate distribution campaign possibly to keep us from talking about gun reform and racist rhetoric and domestic terrorism and also a sign of political weakness. presidents in a strong point in
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their presidency, think bill clinton and barack obama, able to focus exclusively. it's a political luxury donald trump cannot afford. "washington post," from straws to wind turbines to socially conservative issues, trump is deliberately amplifying public tensions by seizing on divisive topics to energize his base according to white house aides and advisors. trump apparently getting cold feet on the gun reform he promised this past week and passing the buck to majority leader, mitch mcconnell. >> if mitch wants to do something, i gave it to mitch mcconnell. a good man, wants to do something, i feel very strongly he wants to do background checks and i do, too. >> call mitch! >> with public anxiety about gun violence and public support about legislation on the rise, democrats were prepared for some walk back on guns.
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reporting this quote, in a bid to keep pressure on the white house to respond to mass shootings, senate minority leader, chuck schumer, is preparing to ask president trump withdraw requests for $5 billion in border wall funding and redirect the money toward programs to reduce gun violence and white supremism extremism. the gun violence and white supremacists in this country are national security threats plain and simple and time the president and congress start treating them as such. we start with our favorite reporters and friends, lashley parker. with us on set, donna edwards, former republican congresswoman, now independent, david jolly and another heavyweight, former elected official, democratic senator, claire mccaskill. i have to start with you.
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i spent a lot of my political career at odds politically and rhetorically with senator schumer. in terms of these twin scourges of gun violence and the domestic criticism as christopher wray testified to last month, he's spot on. >> he is. i suggest the urgency needs to go even broader to both sides of the capitol and both parties. here's why. what we saw in the most recent three mass shootings, if you count the garlic festival and every mass shooting before was failure of government. our government failed to keep our community safe. to address that failure, legislation is required. unfortunately legislation in the senate would not address the
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failure we just saw. while the background check noble and good and good advancement would not address it. we know the shooter in dayton and el paso each passed the background check. we need to expand background transactions, unlicensed gun show transactions and internet transactions but we're not seeing the reality addressing government said around this table, if these were brown skinned muslim-americans that killed this many people on domestic soil we would have a special session of congress and the president addressing the nation primetime and have a sweeping reform package. my question for republicans and democrats, what are we doing on assault weapons and high capacity magazines? what are we doing to incorporate encounters and background checks for mental health counseling services that may not rise to
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the level of reporting but ideation. this is very difficult. i'm not suggesting it's easy. if there's urgency to be felt, if your issue is not republican or democrat, but reform, we're not addressing it. this is the foundational bill to say, republicans, work with us on this. we're setting up an incremental reform to allow everybody to take a victory lap but it won't change anything substantively. >> let me disagree with one tiny thing. it's not difficult. after 9/11, we treated that attack as a war that came to our shores and we changed everything. let me just say this about republicans. if you need any evidence of the racism, take their different treatment of white terrorists and muslim terrorists. case closed. >> that's it. the power of leadership to set national priorities. immigration polls is the number
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one issue out there right now because the president has wrapped it in xenophobia and fear. if a leader can step forward and say our fear should be easy access to guns and not violent video games and not health platforms but people who chase these environments with easy access to firearms is the pressing national security we face, then the nation's attention will be drawn there. we are not seeing it. i have been critical on this show on house democratic leadership on the issue of impeachment and should have brought the congress back and express urgency on this matter. same thing. suppose democrats returned this week and said, we're moving on assault weapons ban and high capacity magazine restriction. >> how about patriot act of white terrorism? >> at least the nation would be drawn to that and not the president's tweet that further empowers the white nationalism that allows and contributes to
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this. >> parker, i want to bring you in and four stories i have to ask you about. i have to start with the oldest, the one you wrote yesterday, how about being a racist is something donald trump doesn't really like. why doesn't he stop acting like a racist? >> that's a good question. the presidents' aides and allies will say he has the most natural reaction for someone not a racist being called a racist, deeply enraged. some of president trump's comments and behaviors have plainly been racist. there is a reason why he's been given that label, especially by his critics. if you look at president trump's history, he has long walked up to the line of sort of racially tinged or racially charged behavior, dating back to the ad he took out against the central park 5 and never sort of recanted or apologized after they were exonerated and rose on
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to political prominence on the birther line and tweets a few month ago he told members of the squad, all four minority congresswoman to come back from the countries they came from and three were born in the united states. even though he's always walked up to it, for a while he has been able to avoid this brand of racist or dreaded "r" word. now, because of some of his behavior and language has been so racist it will be a challenge to 2020. >> and what about what you've written today about the president continuing to reveal his incredible vulnerability, obviously in his own view, response to charlottesville, something he feels so vulnerable about, he is today tweeting someone giving him that right wing cover, i didn't really mean good people on both sides when it's exactly what he meant when it was a protest and counter
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protest between neo-nazis and white supremacists and people protest their presence. >> one of president trump's political talents is his shamelessness. if someone accuses him of racism or calls him a racist, he will take the challenge back to them. he will say just enough on either side of the issue to claim, i didn't actually say they were very fine people. i also condemned white supremacists and white supremacy to charlottesville, which he did but it was under pressure. it was something immediately afterwards he was facing criticism and wasn't getting sufficiently fair media coverage or lauded, he then often retreats back to his more nativist gut impulses and those were the sorts of comments he
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says, in charlottesville, there were very fine people on both sides. >> he was also undermined by donald trump 3.0. there were three or four responses to charlottesville. i remember everyone distinctly, they all tended to happen around the 4:00 hour. there was the one that said both sides and chief of staff john kelly, a guy with his head in his hands. he undermines himself by revealing his true racist nature. >> i think you only have to look at donald trump's twitter feed, his statements not on a teleprompter and that tells you everything you need to know. when you have a majority of the american people now who believe that donald trump is a racist, that's where we are right now. he can't really walk that back. it's almost anything that he says, people, of course, are looking at that and they're leading reading into it.
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i think it's well-deserved. as far as trying to do something about guns and what we do, calling mitch mcconnell and saying, he's a good man and wants to do the right thing, this is a moment that does require a comprehensive response. if we do it in piecemeal once again, i'm not convinced that can happen the american public will think we solved a problem we haven't really solved. >> claire, on this big leadership, whatever you thought about president obama and george w. bush, in the national tragedies, 9/11, they tried to do huge things, to solve big problems. we have gun violence and the smallest man in the oval office in the history of the country. what do we do? >> we have two problems. gun problem and domestic terrorism problem. the domestic terrorism problem has been given short sh
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relatives for a long time. i couldn't even get the -- shifts -- >> why not? >> they want to ignore it. billions have been spent. i think it is a political dead horse to beat if it's all about the muslims. it's more complicated when we start talking about domestic terrorism, and candid, if it's foreign terrorism, it's one thing in terms of the rules of the road are. they're more difficult dealing with american citizens. there are protections they have. for whatever reason the republican party has not taken domestic terrorism seriously and the budget has been slashed. the number of contractors working on foreign terrorism i couldn't fill the room with the file boxes of independent contractors working on it,
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almost no one working on domestic terrorism. i have to do back and be down right nippy about this. with all due respect, there is only one party that blocked gun safety in the united states capitol. it is not the democrats. the republican party that has been in bed with the nra financially and politically for decades. the notion nancy pelosi needs to call the house back for assault weapons when mitch mcconnell is absolutely owned by the nra. let me get this all out. there are five people that can move mitch mcconnell right now. they ought to move them. they will be in trouble. martha mcphaly, cory gardner, joanie earnst, thom tillis, who's my last one? the five vulnerable republicans. susan collins. i forgot susan. those five are the ones in the most trouble on this issue.
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if those five senators go to mitch, you know what mitch wants more than anything? he wants the title of majority leader. if they go to him and say, mitch, we can't win if you don't give us a vote. i get it, we want to do assault weapons, i voted for it, i get it. if you can't even take the baby step of something 90% of the country's support, that shows how corrupt your party has become in terms of owning the gun lobby. i'm not going to sit here and let the democrats get blamed for not passing gun safety. sorry, i had to get that off my chest. . clai . >> claire, i run into this all the time, as a republican harder on nancy pelosi on impeachment. i wish mitch mcconnell was not the majority leader and would
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not obstruct reform measures. in this moment of national tragedy after three mass shootings, if a democratic controlled house of representatives cannot pass an assault weapons ban, forget about it. >> that's not even a question. >> why not? then why not? >> i think now they could come back and already have plans to. they have work in place. they could actually bring together a really strong package of gun reform. >> i'm sure they will. >> and send them to the senate. i'm convinced they will. the question is what will mitch mcconnell do? if it's assault weapons or background checks all the rest, these enjoy more than majority support in the country. democrats on the right stomping ground. i think you're right. we have to call out a very weakened nra for standing in the way and for republicans walking in lock-step with the national rifle association.
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>> let me ask you a question. i'm not a republican, independent. i left the republican party because i lost all faith in the republican party. >> that's the place to be. >> very publicly i aligned with the blue linen 2018 because i was desperate for them to show leadership in national crisis. for this president at the moment of impeachment, where the hell has nancy pelosi been on impeachment? silent? assault weapons ban? silent. where is she on restrictions? why isn't the house back in session. she has the votes to do it. she has 235 democrats. she can lose 17 people in safe districts. she can give up those 17 votes in the house and can get to 218 and why not? the answer is politics. that's garbage. people like me won't be with democrats in 2020 if we don't have something to believe in. >> don't tell me you will vote
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for donald trump? >> i won't vote for donald trump but i won't put a sign in my yard if i don't see more votes for the democratic majority. i've never been more disappointed with a house leader. >> we have votes for gun safety and impeachment. >> i voted for the ban on assault weapons and have an f from the nra. >> why not return to washington? >> give them two weeks when they come back in session. they will bring it up. who will stand in the way in the next two weeks will be the nra. they like nothing but to hold this window open so they can continue to work the process. >> i don't think the democrats will allow them to do that or let this moment pass without bringing forward high capacity magazines, assault weapons ban, letting the center for disease control do research. those are really simple things
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that can be done. needing the 9/11 moment, when it comes to domestic terrorism, the department of homeland security brought it up over this. >> let me wrestle this question back and put it back to you guys. do you share any of david's exacerbation with nancy pelosi? >> on impeachment, i do. i think democrats should have impeached donald trump and brought impeachment proceedings yesterday. i'm happy with them moving forward now but i don't want them to waste this moment. in the unforeseen circumstance, maybe foreseen for some, donald trump should get reelected, there will be no holding this man accountable for the crimes he has committed. i think it's important to hold him accountable. i don't think it's important about waiting to see if there's a conviction. andrew johnston, bill clinton, never went for removal.
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>> i talked a lot about the kinds of people i talk to about the question of impeachment or national security figures, not people that know politics the way you do, you've lived it. there are certain questions, if x, then y. if the president committed certain crimes in the southern district of new york we know he did. if he committed 10 acts of obstruction of justice, we know he did, why not equal impeachment? >> i think the constitution demands it. for democrats, if you want to talk politics, i don't think this question of impeachment is really about politics in that sense, political question, not about politics. >> political process. >> political process. i think we have to proceed forward and i think our democratic base is expecting us to proceed forward. >> lashleashley parker, there's much more to talk about.
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we'll get to it in the moment. i had to drive from the table for my own sanity, when he sat here, one of the most hardened defenders of donald trump for most of the trump presidency has had, i don't know what to describe it as a moment of luciddity had this quote in the "new york times." he's off the rails, and the honest people in the room know this is crazy. i heard this from other people in touch with the white house, people in the room, on this white house staff are navigating a president who is, i will stick with schis words because they'r on the record. they're navigating something dark, something in donald trump that is unpredictedble. they're back to watching his twitter feeds to understand how he's respond. what does your reporters say
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about the white house staff and principles on? going back to scaramuchie, he has done what nobody else has done, stating an opinion counter to the president and condemning the president. correctly, worth noting, there's a lot of people in the room who will say this privately but i'm the only one sharing this publicly. that's true. not necessarily every white house official uses his word and called the president crazy but there are people in the white house and president's orbit who express a scrambling helplessness when it comes to his tweets. when you ask him what happened in the staff meeting account, trying to reverse engineering policy about what happened in a social media mess-up they
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weren't expecting. you have scaramucci coming out and expressing that now. some of that manifests itself in a leaks. trying to manage the president. you won't believe what he's doing. they all use the excuse, i want to be in the room to change the behavior. the president is beyond being shackled at this point in his life. >> scrambling helplessness also describes what i understand to be the reaction to the president re-tweeting some of the conspiracy theories. business insider has fbi agents livid about bs theories of a death that has not based in reality. trump's actions makes the job harder combatting homegrown terrorists as it poses new domestic terrorism threat. my muscle memory after 9/11, in
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the government i worked, their experience with terrorism, a patriot act was passed and it was quieted for a minute when the laws change. on top of it, making it more difficult to the fbi, the president re-tweeting unhelpful conspiracy theories, anybody trying to tap that down or is hopelessness the mindset there? >> the majority of people in his white house on the whole do not like the re-tweeting of the conspiracy theories. there are people in his world who also traffic in that world of conspiracy theories, people who put them in front of him and print out articles about him and show him tweets he sometimes ends up re-tweeting. this is a world in which president trump is comfortable in. he has long trafficked in conspiracy theories. birtherism is the most high profile notable one relevant
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because of its racist roots and during the campaign suggested perhaps ted cruz's father was culpable for the murder of jfk. it is not news to the staff and who shrug and hope it goes away and maybe something to back manage after the fact. k manage after the fact. >> good time to be alive, claire. you can't make it up. unbelievable. how do you beat it? >> i think what we have to do is stay focused on the things the majority of america's most concerned about. he's busy worrying about his base. everybody who is against the ban on assault weapons and ban on assault weapons are all voting for trump. on the other hand, we have a strong base in our party. you take the two bases together and they're less than 50% of the vote. that's what we forget too often.
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the majority of people don't claim either party. they're watching both sides and trying to figure out who is the most crazy. it will be a bi-nary choice and both will try to make the other look bad and at the end of the day, who am i most comfortable in my living room. who has the most integrity? >> we will win that one. who has the best ethics, we will win that one. >> who tells the truth? we should win that one. after the break, today, weeping over the new trump assault on legal immigrants, bringing you new details on that story. and joe biden's campaign and some worried about his unscripted moments and others shrug them off.
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and the el paso shooting and clarity on donald trump's racism led to calls for him to fight for a senate seat from one of his hometown papers, coming up. it's time for the biggest sale of the year on the sleep number 360 smart bed. you can adjust your comfort on both sides your sleep number setting. can it help us fall asleep faster? yes, by gently warming your feet. but can it help keep us asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. so you can really promise better sleep. not promise... prove. and now, all beds are on sale! save 50% on the 360 sleep number limited edition smart bed.
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would you also agree the words etched on the statute of liberty are part of it. >> they are. give me your tired and poor who can stand on your own two feet would not become a public charge. >> that's not what it says. it's shining a welcome message to all those seeking a better life in america, and the
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national services director, ken cuccinelli and charging immigrants have come here illegally saying those applying for a green charge for citizenship will be penalized if they used public assistance programs like food stamps meaning, wait for it, will be wealthier and whiter. eugene quotes the erratic trump administration had one consistent policy principle, one guiding north star, punitive often sadistic treatment of non-white immigrants. joining us our democratic strategist. michael. >> dive into all of this. >> to be clear it has been on the books since 1982 when the chinese act came into fruition.
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it's never been used like this. i think eugene robertson has been correct that the president wants a whiter wealthier nation. we talk about his racism and supremacy and don't talk about his elitism, something significantly contrary to the way he targeted some white working class voters of his and they still don't see the hypocrisy but we all see it. t in trying to mitigate who comes into this country, democrats and republicans, we don't have a gap, a skills gap. in training those in 2020 lost to automation and biggest working age population in that same amount of time is going to be in africa. we still have not had a
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significant presence there in terms of our economy. we're missing a huge opportunity to actually train the workers that are here, allow a lot of immigrants already here to be fully involved in our economy, and as a result of that we will continue to fall behind. the problem i see on the horizon, this same kind of language by this president will get perpetuated over time. >> i worry donald trump has unacceptable language so much, something like ken cuccinelli at one times was welcome in polite republican circles canned stand up and tout an extremely racist elitist policy. are democrats ready to fight audacity with audacity? >> remember, ken ran a vigorous campaign when he ran in virginia. he's not new to this. i will say, i think that what
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he's just begun accepting some of this language as though it's common place. i think it's really important for us every time it's used in any circle we have to call that out for what it is otherwise we become too used to it and it does become where the bar is. >> i want to show you someone who did something exactly what you're describing. this is last week on the tying donald trump's immigration principles to white supremacy. >> you've been very clear you believe the president is a racist. is the president a white supremacist? >> he is. he's also made that very clear. a dehumanizer sought to dehumanize who do not look like or play like the majority in this country. he said, i wish we had more immigrants from nordic countries. those from haites bring aides
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and others. and he wants to keep out from torture and cruelty. >> claire, that's absolutely correct. i guess i'm worried some democrats trying to win back some of the trump coalition and michigan and erie, pa, bay city, are afraid to say that. that is the tie between immigration and racist policies. that is the danger illegal immigrants, i think the largest recipient of food stamps are white by vast vast majority. i don't even think it's close. targeting illegal immigrants for discriminatory green card application is so blatantly racist. i guess my same question to democrats, are they ready to fight for the audacity of some racism, insidious nature of it. >> i think that insidious nature is something democrats need to understand they can highlight. this is just as bad as trying to convince all black people
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they're welfare queens, on welfare, totally incorrect and wrong. >> the vast majority of -- >> exactly. now, what they're saying is the vast majority of immigrants want to be on the public dole. we know the vast majority of immigrants are trying to find work and get off public assistance much faster. i have an idea. if you are an illegal immigrant here illegally and your employer received illegal benefits you can't stay. >> most are working for large farm operations operating on the government dole. they are, as we speak, getting billions of dollars because he screwed up the markets in china. i used to make a joke, you know, about all the checks distributed across rural missouri. they don't come from any place other than the swamp. most of those companies
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imdprants are working fi immigrants have got, tax credits or economic development or incentive to put a plant there most are working for employers who have government benefits. why don't we say how your employer has. >> i think the words would not be recognized in today's upon party. we recognized a powerful process when and what she wrote that it was a federal jurisdiction to determine federal immigration laws, not state. what she leads with before the passage, we all know, is keep oh ancient lands your story. meaning keep those people you celebrate, keep your wealthy, keep your fabulous, give me, give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses looking to breathe freely. it goes on to say, you letchard
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refuse, give them to us. homeless, give to us. send them to me, i lift my lamp by the golden door. that was the moment at which our supreme court said our nation should define what it means in immigration law. we went through chapters of immigration and racism and nationality. we also saw finer moments around world war ii the first time a refugee settlement legislation was enacted. lbj led us to a family unification immigration plan, not a quota plan, when ronald reagan agreed to amnesty and now we find ourselves in a ken cuccinelli chapter where we want to reverse progress and one of the issues that makes 2020 so important. a question vexing fans and supporters of joe biden who finds safety in the teleprompter
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after several off-the-cuff comments that led to criticism. next. ents that led to criticism next if your adventure...
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question hanging over democrats desperate to deprive donald trump of a second term. does joe biden have what it takes to go the distance. one step forward and two back have democrats privately and publicly starting to wring their hands. the "new york times" said some advisors were privately nervous, that the recent gaffe spree would be in the race and democrats say it would eventually sew doubts what many primary doubters believe is biden's biggest strength, he's best positioned to beat trump. his advisors say he's suffering from an unfair double standard
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something tim brought up when asked about the vice president's mistakes. >> this is hard. you're traveling, exhausted, always a microphone in front of your face. we will all make mistakes. we have to be very careful. when trump says something like it's too bad for the people in toledo, ohio and the shooting was in dayton and i'm trying to make the case i think drum's mental faculties are diminished, clearly diminished from a few years ago, we have to stay focused on him. he doesn't make any sense. sometimes you can't even understand what he's talking about. >> for anyone keeping score at home this hour, that's anthony scaramucci and tim ryan worried about the president's mental faculties. trump hasn't been shy, an excellent case of the pot calling the kettle black, once said frederick douglass was still alive despite being dead
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more than 100 years and praised the healthcare system of nambyia, imaginary from the disney film and calling king florence, one of the wettest storms. and insisted finland prevents wildfires by raking their forest. this pales in comparison to trump's lie counts, while thousands sits in the first part of the first term of his presidency, what biden supporters point out, he may mix up his words but trump is the one doing real harm. i don't get the biden hand wringing. this conversation about biden in the "new york times," this is exclusively fodder to the media and activists. voters never share that. democratic voters.
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>> i don't know who the byline on that story, come on. >> you call obama people, there are a lot of people saying this about biden. >> what do we know about joe biden? we know he has misspoken throughout his entire career. said stuff he didn't mean, mixed stuff up. said stuff awkward but we know joe biden. i really think this -- i think the biggest mistake the biden campaign can make is trying to hold joe biden back to a script. let biden be biden. is it possible he says something that blows things up? i don't think it's possible this day and age. the people in iowa, somebody said, we know what he meant. we know he didn't mean white kids are smarter than black kids or brown kids. he didn't mean that. we know him. we know that's not what he
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meant. i really think what he's got going for him -- i'm not saying he will make it, i'm not saying he's the guy, this notion of him saying things awkwardly somehow makes him vulnerable to donald trump, who is a lie a minute, just lake makes me drink whiskey. >> i take your point. i think trying to script someone who likes to be famously unscripted is not a good thing. it loses some authenticity as a result of that. in the age of donald trump who says some of the most outrageous things i've heard in my life and trying to normalize it, what he says, what biden is saying is someone negligible in the marathon, this presidential race. another reason we're talking about it, it's not happening in a vacuum. you see elizabeth warren ascending, running a tight campaign and cory booker as well
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as others. if you're predisposed to thinking something is wrong with joe biden, all those gaffes do is give more credence to those believes. the majority if they want to like joe biden, they will continue to like joe biden. >> he was beloved, not despite of the gaffe, among voters who had to decide who they were more comfortable in their living room, because of them. before the press could rip him he would make fun of himself. at one of the first white house correspondents dinner, there were a few, you might have wondered when i stayed are the children learning and he turned -- the question is a strategic one, does joe biden need to lean into this. i don't think this was a got
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chicago report, is there a strategic turn to be made by biden to lean into this and turn it into that which makes him relatable. >> i think biden has been laughing at himself before anybody else can do it because of those gaps. bfd was a gap as well in response to the passage of the affordable care act, everybody love that gap. i always used my hair salon test, the women in the hair salon talking about joe biden's gaffe, no, they're not but as a prospective nominee for the party. they would do well to laugh this off and allow him to relax on the campaign trail without worrying about every single thing. i saw that in iowa and he self-corrected. there wasn't a lot of reporting on that part of it. >> there never is.
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>> let joe biden be joe biden and it will be great competition and not about joe biden's gaffes. >> we know that in his gaffes, there's not the malice nor ignorance you see in donald trump's gaffes. how do you cover this? there's a reason. joe biden should have to explain himself sometimes when he has a gaffe about poor kids and white kids. there should be moments he should explain himself just as the other 19 as well and allow him to measure those moments. i was disspoint. he could have found a leadership moment and where are we going in matters of race and social justice and cultural dialogue, that could have been a moment joe biden said, i misspoke and important to clarify that up. no malice as we see from donald
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trump, at the same time they have to explain themselves. >> kamala harris is a bright star and i was making the point claire was making, about our coverage of them. not something our voters are rising up and saying -- anyway, the beat goes on. coming up after the break in the wake of the el paso shooter. saying, come to texas, we need you! we need you! (woman speaking french) are you crazy/nuts? cyclist: pip! pip! (woman speaking french) i'm here, look at me. it's completely your fault. (man speaking french) ok? it's me. it's my fault? no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. (pterodactyl screech) believe it. geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis or crohn's, your plans can change in minutes.
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than any other candidate has and than any candidate on our radar could. everyone is back. what do you think? >> i think go, beto, go home. >> i really think so many people are so focused on beating trump. the majority of our conversations are about the potential candidates and who's going to win the nomination. and of course it's because of where i come from that i understand how our government works. you guys get it. you've been there. the point is if we don't get more senate seats, this -- it's going to be a -- >> mitch mcconnell blocks gun control. >> he blocks everything. and he's loading up a very important part of our country with right-wing ideologues that are very young on the federal bench. so us taking a senate is a big darn deal. can i say damn? big damn deal. and beto would be a really important addition to that
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effort. and i think, you know, sometimes you've got to weigh how does your country need you most? and i honestly believe that our country needs beto to run for the senate in texas. >> look, he's a great candidate whichever race he's in. his team and in his mind he knows when the drop-dead date is to jump back into the senate race. i don't know qualifying in texas, but it likely goes all the way up to iowa that he can see if he gets a ticket out of iowa and new hampshire, if not, pull the trigger very closely. my guess is unless his heart just absolutely is not in a texas senate run, they already have a plan b in the works and can pull that trigger pretty quickly. >> beto wanted to be a senator last time. cornyn is very beatable and gettable. i think i'd love to call him senator o'rourke. he can take all that money he's raised in that presidential campaign and transfer it to his senate campaign so he doesn't start behind. beto, go home. >> i thought that ever since they started --
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>> take tom steyer with you. >> when they started talking about beto as a presidential candidate, i said, no focus on texas. as we talk about places like texas, georgia, the carolinas, the demographics are changing so dramatically. i'm not saying it's going to be a red state -- i mean a blue state, but it does make his path easier. so absolutely for all the reasons that you said, run for the senate. >> are all the beto for president viewers on the show, i hear from them often. there's a second scenario i'm sure inside the beto campaign that last week's clarity and being the first to call donald trump a white supremacist, elizabeth warren who is running a good campaign followed him, then seven more did. is there an argument to make one more run at this president thing? >> no. >> i agree with you. stay in as long as your heart's in it. if not, fall back. >> no. i think he didn't win an argument over that. what he did was give clarity to
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the fact that he could be a real leader for texas. >> the politics in texas are different than the politics in the democratic primary for president. >> that's true. >> he was very tight in that race against cruz, even on guns and other issues. he didn't focus on the more progressive parts of his policy proposals. he's having to do that in the presidential race and his team are aware of that. what are the implications of his presidential policy positions on a potential senate race. >> we have to sneak in our last break. we'll be right back. plan break. we'll be right back. plan memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. the first survivor of alzis out there.ase and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. join the fight with the alzheimer's association.
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basil, donna edwards, david jolly and most of all to you. "mtp daily" with my friend, kasie hunt in for chuck, starts now. if it's tuesday, divide and conquer. the white house offers up a few changes to the famous statue of liberty poem about immigrants, putting the spotlight once again on the president's campaign to stoke racial division. plus, smaller field, bigger stakes. democrats are poised to have the field cut in half in a matter of weeks, if not days. what the looming shakeup means in their battle plan to take on trump. and, one of the world's busiest airports descends into violence. the latest flare-up in hong kong's pro-democracy protests once again raising questions


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