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tv   MSNBC Live With Craig Melvin  MSNBC  June 25, 2018 10:00am-11:01am PDT

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thanks for being with us. now let's turn it over to craig melvin. my colleague in new york. >> good to see you, andrea. good afternoon to you. craig melvin at msnbc headquarters in new york city. law and order. the president of the united states who ran for office as a law and order candidate argues now that we should end the legal process for people who cross our border illegally and just send them back where they came from. can the president really get around that pesky thing calmed due process? also, public shaming. the president's chief spokeswoman asked to leave a restaurant. a cabinet secretary heckled out of another restaurant. now a congresswoman calls for more public harassment of trump
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officials. what's happening to us? and hog wild. harley davidson, maker of those iconic motorcycles making some of its bikes in europe. not here. a direct response to the president's tariff war. we'll get to those stories in a moment, but we start with president trump's new call for migrants to be immediately deported without due process. it's creating new outrage today. it's the latest effort to stop undocumented migrants from crossing the u.s. border with mexico. at the same time, the government is struggling to reunite thousands of migrant children separated from their families as they try to enter the united states. hans nichols is at the white house and garrett haake traveling and the president is making waves on twitter in this controversy. what can you tell us? >> reporter: well, the president is challenging members of his own party who want to solve this crisis by adding more
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immigration judges. the president tweeting earlier this morning the immigration judges actually slow things down, it's part of the dysfunction and talking about the confirmation process how long that is. same time, craig, in the last hour or so, we've heard from attorney general jeff sessions. sessions seemed to put the blame for this crisis squarely on the parents and the families that are sending their children to the north. >> our government spends large sums of money each year to protect and care for unaccompanied alien children who are recklessly sent to the united states by family members or others. >> reporter: now, one of the president's concerns about these judges, he's saying they want thousands of more down on capitol hill. that is not true. the main proposal there is from senator cruz, a member of the president's own party talking about increasing the judges by twofold bringing the total number of jumps to about 700 so they can more quickly adjudicate these cases. >> we should note for viewers
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and listeners the children are not actually aliens. they're not from another planet. they are from mexico. if the president doesn't want to use, hans, use judges, what system would we be using? how would we manage to adjudicate these cases? >> reporter: that's unclear. there is a process within dhs. we've heard from dhs that in terms of making sure the families get reunited quickly. here's what they are saying about that. saying the department of homeland security and health and human services have a process established to ensure that family members know the location of their children and have regular communication after separation to ensure that those adults who are subject to removal are reunited with their children for purposes of removal. the united states government knows the location of all children in its custody and working to reunite them with their families. craig, that's after their cases have been settled, have had some sort of hearing. what you're hearing from the president on all of this talk
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about no judges, sending back immediately, is almost a rhetorical version of the wall that he has been unable to build, unable to get congress to actually fund. he wants them to turn right around so they never actually set foot and their claims aren't heard at all. craig? >> stand by for me, if you can, please, sir. let me bring in garrett haake here in southern texas. garrett, senator cortez -- trying to get a look at conditions in some facilities in which the federal government is detaining migrant children. a few hours ago having trouble getting in. has that changed? >> reporter: not at that facility, craig. we at a facility in brownsville, texas. one that takes care of smaller children, and cortez masto and our team were there, trying to get in touch with these folks for some time. we went on foot personally knocked on the door, tried to get in and were turned away. she talked about the frustration
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and even being a u.s. senator, a member of the upper chamber of the u.s. senate unannal ble to on the conditions, showi ining here and being turned away. >> this is outrageous to me. >> what did they give you? >> the contact for -- contact for the southwest key director of community cases. southwest is the company with the private contract withes had jose hhs we know the president is making over a million annually, profiting off these kids. more outrageous, we've reached out to them, tell them we would be here. last week. say we just want to come and talk. where allegedly the young kids are being held. right? >> saying allegedly. >> we don't know. never seen -- >> that's the problem. we see what they want us to see. >> reporter: so, craig that was the situation at the facility where children are detained.
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we're in a different facility now where adults are detained. an i.c.e. facility. the senator was supposed to be inside about an hour. we're almost past two hours she and some of her staff were allowed inside. weren't allowed to take their phones. we weren't allowed to go inside. we were turned away at a checkpoint but are hoping to hear much more from her after she comes out after talking to some parents, some adults held here. i'll tell you, i talked to a lawyer for a man who's being held here. a woman leaving said she had six or seven clients here. she said the government may say they know where all the kids are and that the families are able to talk to them. logistically speaking it's not really been that simple. this has been a convoluted and confusing process for the adults held in facilities like this one. up to this point. and that continues even now. >> garrett haake on the ground in texas. speaking of lawyers, we have one on the ground in texas. msnbc legal analyst danny savalas is outside the federal courthouse in mcallen where many
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of the migrant cases are being heard. mr. savalas, what's happening in that building behind you? >> right here in the federal courthouse, i've been observing federal criminal hearings. masses of migrants coming to the united states and being prosecuted. mostly in the morning is the session where they cover misdemeanors. a section called 1325. that is just illegal entry with no prior entries, but the practical reality is that many of these people have come to the united states beforehand and have some prior entries. what we've been seeing is that they take guilty pleas en masse, they call them out one by one down the road. the judge hears them briefly. we're well into the sentences. that range from time serves to i've heard up to 153 days out of a total possible of 180 days. of course, after that, all of these folks are likely to be returned to their home countries.
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>> danny savalas. thank you. i want to get to cal perry in texas, those following our coverage, you know that cal has been trying to get into one of these facilities for days now. cal, as i understand it, you just ran out, just stepped out of a tour of the facility there. one of these tent cities. what can you tell us? what did you see? >> reporter: all right. craig, so we've just gotten some clarification -- sorry. someone's in my ear. just come out of our first tour of the tent facility which, of course, a lot of attention on this facility. the breakdown of the kids inside. 326 children inside that camp now. 14 are girls. 23 of the kids inside that camp were separated from their families. a breakdown where they're from. 117 from honduras. 40, al salvador. 102 from guatemala and four from other countries. spent two hours inside. given a full tour after a
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briefing. headline for me and joyce here as well, i think, was the emergency manager who works for a company called bcsf said the following to the media. direct quotes "the shelter would not have been necessary without the separations." "the crisis was made as a result of the decision to separate the kids." "separations should never have happened." "the process is flawed" he said, and it harmed the children. he said he would like to never do this again. he then toured the facility. there are 22 tents on this facility. two are set aside for girls. and there are -- how many girls? i apologize. looking at notes. >> i think fewer than 15 girls. >> reporter: 14 girls. i apologize. in these tents, craig. we saw the kids. the kids are walked around as groups by their tents. so 20 kids at a time. they're led all the time by two of the quote/unquote teachers of the officials. they're wearing sort of yellow t-shirts and walk these kids around in a line. we were able to only interact on
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a basic level with them. hello. how are you doing? told not to interact any further with those kids. they all seemed fairly happy. going into those tents was pretty emotional. there are drawings of kids that they've done. one said, i am 100% honduran and walked 10,000 miles to get here. this facility is on a 30-day contract by the u.s. government. that contract began 11 days ago and will end on july the 13th. throughout the tour we were accompanied by the spokesperson for hhs. >> right. >> reporter: he talked about not knowing whether or not they would extend that contract. it depends on whether or not there's a need. this facility, craig, is a spillover area. the facility was created because, joy, they're moving some of the tender-aged children around the country. >> right. the point was made to us, craig, that the facility would not have been necessary had they not have to make room for nudge younger
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children at facility they're moving kids around the country. we're even told some children arrived with phone numbers of relatives pinned on them, but the majority of these tender aged children are unaccompanied, because, let's make it very clear, they were separated from their parents. when they get moved into facilities that are appropriate for a much younger child, then a bed needs to be freed up for them. the facility we were in was not appropriate for those little kids. so those older kids get moved to a facility like this. >> reporter: 26 of the children inside that facility -- sorry, craig. go ahead. >> i didn't mean to cut you off but wanted to let folks know images you're seeing at home were provided to us by the government. those are images from hhs. go ahead. you were saying something, cal? >> reporter: yeah. 26 of the children in that camp were separated from their families. 3 have already been reunited. look, the thing that didn't make sense about the visit, and i do want to say that access to this facility has made a great deal
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of difference. the emergency manager said it was the secrecy about this policy that has caused so much trouble. he's urging, frankly, the government to allow more press access to the facility. the one thing that didn't make sense to me, joy, is, we talked about -- how to track down the kids. >> right. >> reporter: and the spokesperson for hhs says they know where all the kids are with them. >> yeah. it took a long time to actually get on the tour. a lot of coming from the press how do you match the right child with the xbrarnt they're saying each child is given an a. number. this number followed the child throughout the system but we were told even if the parent and child are physically separated they numbered that correspondent to one another insisted they know where every child is and are making every effort to reunite the child with their parent or another relative in the u.s. they say there's a process they're trying to get through. one thing we told by the hhs spokesperson that i thought was significant, we don't do families. we only deal with children.
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so we are not clear at all what happens when this policy of child and parent separation becomes a policy of family detenti detention. we don't know whether or not an hhs spokesperson like the one we spoke to today will be able to talk to us and tell us what's happening. we don't know if the process will change. those are questions we couldn't get answered. again, this facility is lit ale only there to deal with 13 to 17-year-old teenagers. >> cal, joy can't hear me. can you relay the question? what struck her most about the tour? what struck her most as she was walking through those tents? >> reporter: yeah. craig's asking what struck you most. before you in there, i'll tell you, the kids playing soccer. these are tough kids. they came, tens of thousands of miles. they're 14 years old but look older and tougher and craig's asking what stuck out to you? >> somebody that has two sons. he has re did transported me
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back to when my boys in particular were teenagers. at that age, teenage boys don't talk a lot. they're very reserved. a lot of the boys smiled at us. wanted to say hello. those who could speak english wanted to speak english and tell us hello. the only questions we were able to ask, couldn't ask anything about themselves, how are you doing? how's the food? they were eager to answer those questions. we saw kids lining up to use ly if facilities to call relatives. we saw kids lin up outside doing activities. going from activity to activity. really i don't know. something about it that had a pathos to it. kids who are alone, because they are teenagers and boys, all together, playing soccer together. they seem to be making friends with one another. a lot of them did smile, but some who didn't. just had sort of a blank expression on their face. seemed distant, vacant. it had to be strange for them gawked at by us. a bit uncomfortable to walk through. >> reporter: yes. >> sort of a spectator looking
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at them and they behind the zoo gates in a way. uncomfortable. >> reporter: and didn't know why we were there. we were given a schedule. i don't know if you can zoom in. given a schedule that looks like a schedule you would see at a daycare center or anywhere else, outdoor recreation. shower time, lunch time. allowed two phone call as week. ten minutes in length. somebody is there for that phone call. we were told that was to make sure there's no child endangerment issues. not to monitor the phone calls. they were playing soccer, craig. apparently that is the thing that they enjoy doing the most. there's a 98-degree cutoff. 98-degree heat index cut off then they bring them back inside and allowing the kids to watch the world cup. at some facilities they don't. yeah. >> and craig, one more thing that struck me. i'm sure it struck you, too, cal. when we went into the sleeping tents. it's a very militaristic environment. you feel like you're inside of an army barracks. >> reporter: like a forward operating base in any of these countries. >> absolutely.
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military-style tents, sleeping in bunk beds, perfectly made up. like a military camp in a way but little touches that the kids have put inside of their own tents. these little drawings done in crayon and colorful crayon. one a crucifix with a rose at the top of it. there are others that have sort of affirmative, sort of positive sayings. one that cal mentioned about how far one young person had come from honduras. these are sort of ways these kids are trying to express themselves. that was tough. we really only were aloud to talk with two girls. very much segregate the and separated from the boys. the girls were very reticent and different in a way from the boys. not talking. >> they didn't want -- boys were eager to wave and thumbs up, talk about the world cup. what team they're pulling for. girls came out individually one at a time to let us know they were okay. it was clear again this dynamic being glared at, lack of a better term, was sort of freaking them out.
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>> and told when the delegation came through, strict about what we could ask them. they can -- >> the kids as they leave, transferred, leaving. few belongings behind for kids they know will come behind them, craig. >> you have to get to this sort of briefing offered by health and human services. i'll let you go do that. if there is news, do come back. joy, thanks as also. cal perry a big thanks to you. thank you, thank you, thank you. again, our first look inside that tent city there in texas. we'll go back there in a bit, but the naacp legal defense fund file add number of freedom of information act requests trying to find where each of these children are actually being held. our next guest, senior counsel joins me from dallas now. thanks for your time. you know president trump in a tweet called for the end of political asylum and due process rights for migrants.
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"when somebody comes in we must immediately with no judges or court cases bring them back from where they came, hiring many thousands of judges and going through a long and complicated legal process is not the way to go. people must simply be stopped at the border and told they cannot come into the u.s. illegally." simply, can the president do that? >> no, he can't. we live in a democracy. not a dictatorship. we have a constitution. that constitution provides certain rights to all individuals, regardless of whether or not they're documented and undocumented. two of those most important rights are the rights provided by the fifth and the 14th amendments to the constitution. namely, the right to due process and the right to equal protection. these are more than just sort of fancy words that we all believe in. they guarantee and have a real meaning. they guarantee that an individual when they come into the country, if they have the right to be here, if a person is a united citizen and the person
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reading a passport of a person coming in misreads it, the individual will have the right to have that decision appealed and stay in the country as they should. likewise, even if the person isn't a united states citizen or isn't a documented immigrant yet, if the individual has a credible claim to be in the united states, due to receiving asylum status, they have the right to have that heard and stay in the united states wharnlgts a. >> what are you hoping to get with your requests? >> a lot of it is the basic information you were talking about earlier. where are the children? i understand it's a hashtag, a slogan, but it's also a basic legal and factual question that advocate, citizens, congressmen, all should be looking to answer. where are these children being held? and once we figure out where the children are being held, it leads to all of these other questions. do they have representation?
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and how soon are they going to be reunified with their parents? the plan that the department of home l homeland security issued saturday night just is not enough. we've been talking a lot about the executive order and the executive order, the supposed promise at reunification that it gives, but if you read the fact sheet, the press release that the department of homeland security put out saturday night, it only says that individuals will actually be reunited once the parents have been ordered deported or once they agree to be deported. as long as parents continue to fight to stay in the united states, they're not going to be reunified. >> and correction. senior counsel. thank you. >> thank you for having me. the supreme court weighs in on a new religious freedom case. this one involves a florist phone ed for refusing to sell flowers to a same-sex couple for their wedding. before we get to that --
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civility the long, slow death. white house press secretary sarah sanders znd kihuckabee sa off virginia restaurant, days before being heckled out of a d.c. restaurant by another senator. maxine waters calling for more public shames and heckling. what's happening? and what does it say about us as a country? down to the square block. this is a diamond tracked on a blockchain - protected against fraud, theft and trafficking. this is a financial transaction secure from hacks and threats others can't see. this is a patient's medical history made secure - while still available to their doctor at their fingertips. this is an asteroid live-streamed to millions of viewers from 220 miles above earth. this is ai trained by experts in 20 industries. your industry. hello. this is not the cloud you know.
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and politics between left
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and right growing wider and wider with each passing day. the latest example involves the president. his press secretary. and also a virginia restaurant called the red hen. the owner of the restaurant told chief white house press secretary sarah sanders aside and asked her to leave saying she thinks she defends an uneth unethiccal administration. this morning the president weighing in. the red hen should focus on cleaning its canopies. i also have a rule, if the restaurant is dirty on the outside it is dirty on theness. my guests with me now, and there's a new book on book shelves in october called "the
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red and the blue." the 1990s and the birth of political tribalism, and an important book for these times indeed. mr. meacham, start with you. congresswoman maxine waters call and supporters at a rally to confront trump cabinet officials in public spaces to protest the president's administration. here's what she said. >> if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd! and you push back on them. and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. >> so congresswoman nancy pelosi, leader of the democratic party, at least in the house responded on twitter. in the crucial months ahead we must stride to make america beautiful again. trump's daily lack of civility provoked responses that are
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predictable but unacceptable going forward. we must conduct elections in a way that achieve unity from sea to shining sea. the president weighing in on twitter. the president of the united states talking about congresswoman maxine waters. "congresswoman waters, an extraordinarily low i.q. person, has become together with nancy pelosi the face of the democrat party. she's called for harm of supporters of which there are many. be careful what you wish for, max." you have said we're kind of back to the colonial era in terms of public shaming, and this is an administration now reaping what they've sown. >> john adams rote evwrote even
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the first presidency, the first president would be the subject of all eyes and inquiry. we can argue whether that's a big or bad thing but true for 240 years and i think will go forward and the president introduced and even if he hasn't introduced it exacerbated to a remarkable degree a culture of bullying, name-calling, and heckling. the folks who work for him, who are part of this remarkably unconventional administration. putting it as politely as i can on a monday, i don't think they should be surprised at this reaction. civility is on life support in our politics. i think it will recover, but it may indeed require -- >> what makes you so optimistic we're going to recover? >> well, we had a civil war. you quoted thenaacp.
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and the president of the united states, when he basically criminalized dissent. in our movie toned understanding of history, we tend to think that everything has been a certain way, and then suddenly it changed with donald trump. what trump represents, i think, is the most vivid, and i think most corrosive manifestation of some of the worst parts of our national experience. >> mary, you just wrote a piece. headline. shaming and shunning public officials and listed out and cite jon meacham there. you list out, this example with sarah sanders, as you contend, it's not unique. >> well, it's far from unique, but -- so the question now is, is this playing right into
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donald trump's hands? is this what he wants? when i talk to a lot of people who voted for donald trump, it wasn't so much they liked him. it's that they didn't like the left. now they're giving all kinds of sound bites and video of showing people when they're in private moments. you know? sarah sanders with her family on a saturday. and people are saying it's uncivil. i think, and many, many people in the democratic party are warning, that this is actually not the way to respond to nasty. i mean, donald trump has done things that really upset people. there is anger out there. they think that it's morally wrong what he has done to the environment, to the health care, to the poor, to immigration. but how are they supposed to respond? clearly, what we're seeing now is a boiling up of frustration, but the question is, how to respond. and many people are saying, this might not be the right way to do it. >> mary, these people that are so angry about the environment or about the separation of
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children, the president didn't misrepresent himself. i mean, are folks surprised at what they've gotten? did they not know what they were voting for? in terms of tone, tenure, substance? all of it? oonchts >> i think they didn't know. many thought he was a closet democrat. would somehow change. they didn't like hillary clinton. now we're two years into it almost and there really is a time here where democrats have to rise to the occasion and put up something. something to look forward as opposed to something just to be against. that's kind of got to be the real strategy here, but donald trump is a very competitive and a very clever campaigner. and when he's out there saying these nasty things online, trying to provoke a response, he's getting it, and it may be just helping him. >> steve kornacki, your new book. i just got it this morning. so full disclosure, i've read
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nothing of it, except the back. all road go back to jon meacham. you have a meacham endorsement on the cover of your book. best i can gather, you arguably touched on what's the beginning of tribalism in this country in the modern era. the 1990s. bill clinton, newt gingrich. jon indicated. we tend from, from time to time, speak in superlatives, hyperbole as well, but when we talk about the decline of civility in our political discourse right now, is this the worst it's been in your lifetime or is it an overstatement? >> absolutely true. they've varied through history. there have been really low and dark periods in history. i think a very particular modern breakdown you can dras really to the 1990s. the rise of something. the product of that decade, sort of the conditions we live with today. terms everybody is familiar with. red america. blue america. red states. blue states.
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the idea of almost like a red tribe and a blue tribe. everybody kind of knows which one they belong to. demographically, culturally, geographically. that concept. it can feel sometimes like we've always had the red states and blue states is not true at all. 25 years ago if i said to somebody, we're sitting in blue america, audience in red america. those term wos have meant absolutely nothing. they're a product of the political battles of the 1990s where you had a democratic president, bill clinton, going against this republican congress led by newt gingrich. newt gingrich practicing a brand of politics he's a definition in contrast. you want clear, sharp, unyielding distinctions between the parties and what it did, what this conflict of the '90s did was sorted out the two parties. sorted out the two coalitions, gave meaning to the idea of democrats. this is, they tend to be more urban, more metropolitan as a party. big city america, and republicans more small town
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america. very clear racial, cultural, demographic, geographic distinctions between the parties and the terms red and blue america, came out the election between bush and gore, with us ever since and the reactions you get, they kick up around the dispute in our politics, tribal reaction. one tribe reacting to the other one and the ugliness that comes with that, i think. >> jon meacham, the "washington post" wrote a piece that caught our attention ts morning as well. let the trump team eat in peace. those who are insisting that we are in a special moment justifying incivility should think for a moment how many americans might find their own special moment? what do you make of that, jon? >> well, i'm honestly conflicted about this. not something you often hear on television. but you think about people who really believe on the left and
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center left, really, who really believe that the republic is in danger, and they see the president of the united states apparently with impunity attack, attack, attack. donald trump lives in a hobbesian universal. very little constructive dialogue from the white house. there's no reaching out from beyond his base and it really is, as steve points out, 30 years ago we elected george herbert walker bush. president of the united states. bush was someone who didn't understand nuke gingrich. when gingrich became the house whip, bush had him down to the white house and it was very clear that bush wanted to say something in this meeting, and the congressman from minnesota was with him, and as they were leaving webber said what do you -- mr. president, is there anything that worries you about us? and the president relieved to have the opportunity to say something, because bush came
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from a totally bipartisan world. when he was in the house in the '60s he voted 65% of the timery lind joh lyndon johnson. much have gone up with serving richard nixon. and it did. bush said in this moment, yeah, i worry sometimes your idealism may get in the way of what i think of as sound governance. and that really is a sentence out of a vanished world, and webber told me he always appreciated that bush had said, idealism. he didn't say ideology or tribalism, but that's truly what it was. gingrich was an architect of taking back a house majority. it grew out of a really a reaction. i think steve agrees with this, to a kind of conservative frustration with ronald reagan. reagan had said government is the problem. federal spending rose i think 7% in the 1980s. there was a push for purity on the right.
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and one of the questions we have today, this very hour, is, to what extent should that push for ideological purity be met by a purist reaction from the left? and i have great sympathy for the people who are trying to take on the trump phenomena in whatever they way can. is it smart politics? mary said in her piece, probably not. just playing into trump's hands. but politics is emotion. right? it's visceral, and one of the things about america is that by and large we tend to let reason at least play a brief role. right now reason has taken summer vacation and won't come back. >> leave it there. jon meacham, good to have you. mary jordan and mr. kornacki, talking about your book for a few months. excited that you wrote one. >> thank you. is president trump driving american businesses offshore? harley davidson, a company the
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president praised for manufacturing america announced it is moving some of its production overseas. because of a recent decision by the trump administration. also, supreme court weighs in or a key religious freedom case involving a florist who refused to service a same-sex kwucoupler their wedding. but the battle is far from over. it was here. i couldn't catch my breath. it was the last song of the night. it felt like my heart was skipping beats. they said i had afib. what's afib? i knew that meant i was at a greater risk of stroke. i needed answers. my doctor and i chose xarelto® to help keep me protected from a stroke. once-daily xarelto®, a latest-generation blood thinner significantly lowers the risk of stroke in people with afib not caused by a heart valve problem.
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the supreme court weighed in on case of a florist in washington state fined for refusing to sell flowers to a gay couple for their wedding. nbc's justice correspondent pete williams is live at the high court for us this afternoon. pete what more can you tell us about this case? what happens now? >> reporter: sure. in that florist, refusing to provide flowers, it violate add washington state law saying you can't discriminate against customers on the basis among other things sexual orientation. she was sued by the state and the couple that refused to serve her and she lost. today the u.s. supreme court tossed out that ruling against her and sent the case back to washington with instructions to follow the guidance it gave a couple weeks ago when it ruled in the case of the colorado baker. you may remember, jack phillips, refused to make a cake for a
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same-sex couple, saying it would violate religious beliefs just as the florist in washington state did. the supreme court ruled in the baker's favor but or narrow grounds. saying basically he got a raw deal before the colorado human rights division, made comments hostile to his religion ousz views nap reason and that only it gave a victory to the baker. what lesson that provides the washington state court for the floorist is hard to say. really, it's a sign the supreme court just not ready to engage in this issue of how you balance the right of access to same-sex marriage and the right of religious freedom. >> pete, the only -- shouldn't say the only, but the primary case now we're waiting to see in terms of the president's travel ban. >> reporter: the travel ban is certainly the big one we're waiting for. this is the third version of the president's limitation on visas for coming to the u.s. from certain middle eastern and east
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asian countries. and the government says this is the third time that this one is different. a deliberative process craig, a lot of people are waiting for another ruling from the supreme court affecting the future of public sector unions. unions for firefighters, nurses, teachers. people who work in, are members of a union and work for the state. not federal employees, but public workers in the states. if as expected the supreme court rules against unions, it could be a big hit to their future stability. >> pete welcomes outside the supreme court. we'll check in with you again tomorrow, good sir. thank you. president trump's trade war with the european union is hitting hard. harley davidson says it will move some production outside the united states to avoid the eu retaliatory tariffs. eu started imposing tariffs on
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$3.2 million of goods. harley davidson shares sank more than 5% in morning trading. an outcome of the opposite of what the president predicted last april. >> thank you, harley davidson for building things in america. i think you're going to expand. your business now is doing very well. >> that was february of last year. not last april. josh burros, senior editor at biz insider and msnbc contributor joins me now. here's the impact that the eu tariffs would have on motorcycles. they rise from 6% to 31%. tariffs increasing cost of the average motorcycle by $2,200. clearly something that shows a tit for tat trade war has consequences for real people. >> uh-huh. yeah. because trade is not just imports. it's exports. right? we've seen these countries that the president has been slapping tariffs on. responding not just with retaliatory tariffs, ones aimed at particular iconic industries and businesses in the u.s.
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maximizing the political impact. on bourbon, made in the home state of mish mcconnell. cranberries, peanut butter. harley davidson, an iconic u.s. brand with cache around the world and harley davidson doesn't need to move it to europe. just out of the u.s. have plants in brazil. production in thailand. as long as they're doing business from somewhere not the u.s. able to avoid the tariff causing production to move out of the united states. >> house speaker paul ryan responded to the news through a spokeswoman. further proof of the harm from unilateral tariffs. best way to help american workers, consumers and manufacturers is open new markets for them not to raise barriers to our own market. if other companies follow suit, if this becomes a regular thing around the country, how would you surmise president trump will respond? >> i expect the president to continue escalating. he's done this with china.
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i'm going to impose even more tariffs. the president's view ask basically because we have a global trade deficit, more imports to tariff than american exports for other countries to tariff. his view, because we have a trade deficit, no way to lose the trade war. of course, the issue, it's not a zero sum game. you can have economic damage in the u.s. and abroad from the trade war. interesting to see paul ryan up in arms about this. the president only has powers to impose the tariffs because previous congresses passed laws giving the president power to discretion narrowly impose tariffs in circumstance circumstances. >> why? >> you might be in a complex trade action. wouldn't want to wait to go through the long legislative process. historically presidents had a free trade orientation for several decades and hasn't been an issue. instead of using the powers the way they're supposed to. respond to specific actions from other countries. congress thinks the president is misusing that authority, take it
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away. a number of republican senators trying to move legislation to do that. pat toomey from pennsylvania. and others. leadership in the congress, mcconnell and ryan, haven't wanted to take on the president on this. complain about what he's doing but it's in their power to stop him and they're choosing not to do anything about it. >> thank you, sir. always helping make sense out of this. president trump could not praise defense secretary james mattis enough when he first took office. remember has? an exclusive report reveals by secretary mattis has been pushed out of the president's inner circle. i've never been in one of these before, even though geico has been- ohhh. ooh ohh here we go, here we go. you got cut off there, what were you saying? oooo. oh no no. maybe that geico has been proudly serving the military for over 75 years? is that what you wanted to say? mhmmm. i have to say, you seemed a lot chattier on tv. geico. proudly serving the military for over 75 years.
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he's great. he is great. he's our best. they say he's the closest thing to general george patton that we have. and it is about time. it's about time. >> you remember that. that was president trump 18 months ago heaping praise on his newly nominated defense secretary. but, that was then. this is now. nbc news reports that the president is increasingly leaving general james mattis out of the loop on key policy decisions, from iran, to north korea, even outer space. officials say general mattis keeps getting caught off guard. courtney kube joins me with some exclusive reporting here. we knew these two men had
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divergent views on key policy decisions from the start. what's changed now? >> that's right, craig. at the very begipnninbeginning, then-retired general mattis had different views from president trump in terms of torture, in terms of nato and the nato alliance. what we've seen is that once secretary mattis became seco secretary, he wanted troops to stay in afghanistan and to have no time-based constraints on their deployment there. he won out on that. but my colleague, carol lee, and i spent some time looking at major national security decisions made in the last several months. one thing we noticed is that they tended to either be on the opposite side of where second tar m -- secretary mattis' perspective was or in some instances he wasn't even
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involved in the decision making process. one you mentioned in the lead-in, space corps. a sixth branch of the military, that came up in 2017. in the fall secretary mattis sent a letter to senator john mccain saying how he didn't think it was a good idea to create another branch of service dedicated to space, it just created more bureaucracy. president trump then several days ago came out and said he was directing the military, specifically directing general dunford, the chairman of the joint chiefs, to create a space force despite the fact that secretary mattis had been openly on the record opposed to the idea only months ago. >> we should note here obviously that pentagon national security council spokes people have pushed back on our reporting, calling it silly, calling it ludicrous that general mattis would be out of the loop. your sources report he's spending less and less time communicating with the president. if the past is any indication of what that might mean, is there a
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chance that general mattis could be on his way out? >> we don't get any indication that president trump y with secretary mattis. it doesn't seem like he's going to leave office or that president trump's going to fire him any time soon. he just doesn't really seem to be in the key decision making ring with president trump. part of that is also because president trump now has two people who are very close advisors to him who he is looking to for a lot of these decisions. one many the national security advisor, john bolton, and the other being his new secretary of state, mike pompeo. the three of them have similar views on a lot of these policy decisions and they seem to be an the same wavelength. i think president trump has even used those words exactly. and secretary mattis has sort of been cut out of that inner circle, that inner loop. >> courtney kube, exclusive reporting, thank you. we will send you off with a smile. next.
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i'll push you home. he did. taking 36 minutes to make sure she made it home okay and they recorrected him last week because she invited him to go to church with them yesterday. steve kornacki is back. >> 2:00 and 5:00. an appearance on craig's show, too. >> triple duty. it is 11:00 out west, 2:00 p.m. in washington. that is where donald trump's latest crackdown on immigration includes calls for cutting out the courts completely. starting with this tweet, quote, when somebody comes in, we must immediately, with no judges or court cases, bring them back from where they came. then the president followed up with this -- quote, hiring many thousands of judges and going through a long and complicated legal process is not the way to go. we'll always be dysfunctional. people must simply be stopped at the border and told they cannot come into the u.s. illegally. children brought back to their country. it signaled trump's refusal to back down on the hardline stance
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on immigration that drove much of his campaign during the


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