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tv   MSNBC Live With Tamron Hall  MSNBC  October 14, 2015 8:00am-9:01am PDT

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jerusalem and other cities. today's incident unfolded right in front of our msnbc cameras as correspondent ayman mohyeldin was preparing to file a report. in the last hour authorities released this picture of the knife they say the attacker was carrying when he rushed at police. msnbc's ayman mohyeldin is still at the scene and joins us now live from jerusalem. ayman, what's happening now and also the climate, heightened security? what's been happening for several weeks now there? >> reporter: right now the situation here is relatively calm. the police have once again taken up their position where this incident happened a short while ago. just to give you a little bit of context, right now individuals from the municipality are cleaning up the scene where that individual was killed. according to israeli police, and now that we have seen the footage, he was carrying a knife
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on him. it happened at about 3:00 p.m. local time. an individual coming around the corner here from where we are standing and we were about to go live. we were broadcasting live. police ordered this individual to stop as they have been doing with several other palestinian men going through the area. this individual did not stop. evaded police. according to israeli police, he attempted to stab one of them. it was at that point he ran down the stairs here in the amphitheater trying to make his way into the damascus gate entrance to the old city and israeli police at that point opened fire at him instantly killing him. now according to israeli spokesperson mickey rosenfeld, that individual was carrying a knife and attempted to stab one of the police force that was here. police have man tand a very heavy presence around the old city for the of the pa several days but it was even stepped up earlier today after an israeli security cabinet decision to reinforce israeli police checkpoints all across various parts of the country. what we saw earlier today when we arrived here on scene, a very
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strong police presence. there are several checkpoints just from here entering into the old city. once you are in the old city, there are several other checkpoints. israeli military has deployed about 300 additional personnel to augment the national police force. they are being put on buses and elsewhere into trains and into entrance points into neighborhoods and, in addition to that, the israeli police has deployed more units here in and around east jerusalem. situation remains across the city very tense. overnight israeli police put up checkpoints and barriers in some of the palestinian neighborhoods in east jerusalem to try and restrict the flow or the access of palestinians moving in and out of these neighborhoods. as we've mentioned and as we have witnessed, there have been checkpoints they've been searching i.d.s, patting down individuals and frisking them. in addition, we know they have deployed in areas across the country to try and prevent the very incident which we saw today, which was a plain stabbing. there was an incident
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yesterday -- two separate incidents yesterday in which three israelis were killed. there have been a series of demonstrations across the occupied west bank. a palestinian -- 27-year-old palestinian man was shot in one of those. protesters by israeli forces. he was buried today and all of that is contributing to a much more heightened feeling of anxiety and tension. >> frightening developments playing out in jerusalem this morning. we'll continue to watch that breaking news story. let's turn to politics. first democratic debate turned into a big night for hillary clinton. just some of the headlines this morning. take a look here. this one is from politico. a run-away victory for clinton. from the washington post, a self-assured performance by clinton. and "the new york times," democratic debate turns clinton's way after months of difficulties. and one of those difficulties, the controversy over using a private e-mail server as secretary of state. she got a big assist from her closest rival, senator bernie sanders last night.
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>> let me say something that may not be great politics. but i think the secretary is right. and that is that the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails! >> thank you. me, too! me, too! >> enough of the e-mails! let's talk about the real issues facing america. >> thank you, bernie. >> the former secretary of state was also confronted with other issues, including whether she's changed positions on a series of issues based on political expediency. >> well, actually, i have been very consistent over the course of my entire life. i have always fought for the same values and principles, but like most human beings, including those of us who run for office, i do absorb new information, i do look at what's happening in the world, you know, take the trade deal. i did say when i was secretary of state three years ago that i hoped it would be the gold
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standard. it was just finally negotiated last week. and in looking at it, it didn't meet my standard. >> it all unfolded as former president bill clinton watched his wife from their vegas hotel and in today's gut check, powered by bing pulse, we want to hear from you. now that the first debate is over, do you think vice president joe biden will jump in to the race. vote now at joining me now live for former insight, former los angeles mayor and hillary clinton supporter, antonio villaraigosa, mayor, thank you so much for your time. >> good to be on the show with you. >> you saw the headlines but how would you describe secretary clinton's performance last night? >> a virtuoso performance, without a doubt, commanding. it was very clear that she gave a compelling vision for the future of america, one that rewards work, invests in people. she talked about affordable
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health care and access to preschool and family leave and affordability in our colleges. and i thought she did a great job. she was head and shoulders above the rest. >> it is interesting, there are six debates scheduled. we're now down one and there's been a huge controversy over whether or not that was the right decision. in the beginning of her campaign, which we are still in the early stages, you've had people say this is a coronation. they were happy bernie sanders jumped into the race and even he was picking up steam because he would make her a better candidate if she gets the nomination. do you believe last night was an example of why she needs someone like a bernie sanders who has momentum, who is a threat but can challenge her? >> yes. look, hillary clinton is accustomed to challengers. she's been in a lot of tough races. i was with her in 2008 in iowa, new hampshire, nevada. i've seen her close up. i'll tell you something, she gave a commanding performance last night, but she's going to
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work all the way through. this is going to be a slug and she showed that she's heads and shoulders above the rest but she's go the to continue to do that. and i think she will. she is going to work as hard as she can, although not just through the primary but all the way through election day in november, 2016. >> but obviously the other headline here outside of some of the praise she received is still the concern of her consistency, her changing, whether or not some of these decisions, whether it's keystone and some other things that have been noted, whether this is all for political reasons to fit the calendar. her answer regarding keystone was basically i didn't have a position until i had a position on it. is that enough? >> well, i think what she meant was that she hadn't taken a position yet. when she did she went -- she took a position against it.
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with respect to the teepp, she hoped it was the gold standard and it wasn't for her. i think she makes decisions based on her values and her principles. like everyone else, when she has new evidence she can change her position. look, there are going to be some people who won't accept that as an answer. i think last night most people, at least in the audience certainly accepted it. >> we heard from donald trump this morning. he live tweeted the debate. this morning on "morning joe" he said that he felt that she did a good job and that she did what she needed to do. with that said, you and i know the question still remains whether or not joe biden will enter the race. you've decided to support hillary clinton at this point. if joe biden enters this race, what do you believe will be the impact? >> well, first of all, i i have been supporting hillary clinton since 2008. i mentioned campaigning with her
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back then and i still support her. and i think hillary clinton said it best. she has a great deal of respect for vice president biden, as i do. as president obama said, he may go down as one of the greatest vice presidents in our history. he is a good man. he said that he's got to make this decision with his family. i take him at his word, and so does she. that's a decision he's got to make. but as i said, she's made it very clear that she's the strongest candidate to represent our party around the nation and we'll see what happens with vice president biden's decision. >> mayor villaraigosa, great pleasure having you on with us. >> thank you, tamron. as for senator bernie sanders, his xap now says it raised $1.3 million in donations immediately after his debate performance. meantime, one of the most memorable moments last night came when hillary clinton was asked if sanders is tough enough
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on gun control. >> no. not at all. senator sanders did vote five times against the brady bill. since it was passed more than two million prohibited purchases have been prevented. >> the senator from a rural state, what i can tell secretary clinton, all the shouting in the world is not going to do what i would hope all of us want, and that is keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have those guns and end this horrible violence that we are seeing. >> joining me now live, senator bernie sanders' campaign manager, jeff weaver. thanks for joining me. >> great to be here. >> going in we predishthed one of the tough questions for secretary clinton would be the e-mail server. for your candidate, senator bernie sanders, it would be his record on voting as it relates to safety regulations with guns
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here. he essentially gave her a toss-up with the e-mail server. how would you describe what she gave him as it relates to the question on guns? >> well, look. i think in terms of the e-mail server, senator sanders has said -- has been consistent in saying that we need to talk about the real issues facing america -- declining middle class, a corrupt political system and we should not be distracted by these e-mail issues. there is a process going on and it will play itself out but it shouldn't dominate the political discussion. in terms of guns, i think senator sanders laid out for the american people that in fact he has a strong record on guns, he has a d-minus with the nra. i would say that the proof is in the pudding on this. if you look at a number of national focus groups that were going on during the course of the debate, a number of online polls, in every single case, senator sanders was found to be by voters -- not pundits, by voters the winner of the debate. this is very reminiscent back when secretary clinton used to
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debate barack obama when the pundits would say that clinton won, yet the voters in focus groups and in polls would say that barack obama won. so i think in many ways we're seeing a repeat of 2007, 2008 here. >> overall they took issue with each other on several points, but there was this moment with governor o'malley and senator sanders regarding his gun record, rural versus urban approach here. let me play that. >> i come from a rural state, and the views on gun control in rural states are different than in urban states, whether we like it or not. >> senator, it is not about rural and urban. >> it is exactly. >> have you ever been to the eastern shore? have you ever been to western maryland? we were able to pass this and still respect the hunting traditions of people who live in our rural areas and we did it by leading with principle. not by pandering to the nra and backing down to the nra. >> i don't think i am pandering but you have not been in the united states congress.
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when you -- >> while governor o'malley may not get a big bump as it relates to this debate, did he -- i guess in a sense -- hit senator sanders hard enough where this is something that he needs to come back out and explain his positions on the brady bill, explain what he means about the differences in the rural versus urban attitudes when it relates to guns and protection? >> i think what you is a you there, tamron, is that governor -- it is an example of governor o'malley's inexperience in terms of how washington works. he has been governor in a very blue state. senator sanders represents a state that's much more diverse in terms of rural and towns. i think that puts him in a unique position to forge the consensus in this country to deal with the issue of gun violence. so governor o'malley can talk about his record but it is in a very sort of confined space that's not really representative of the larger country. >> one of the notes of praise senator sanders has received was
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bringing up unemployment amongst african-americans, amongst the hispanic community. i want to play a little bit of what he said regarding the unemployment rate and some criticism he's received. >> today in america, we have more people in jail than any other country on earth. african-american youth unemployment is 51%. hispanic youth unemployment is 36%. it seems to me that instead of building more jails and providing more incarceration, maybe, just maybe, we should be putting money into education and jobs for our kids. >> jeff, you have some people who are fact checking. you say that senator sandersover overstated the number. that the official unemployment rate. with that said, he is though one of a handful, if not the only candidate, whether it's a
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democrat or a republican at this point, who's really focused in on that debate stage on the unemployment rate in these communities that obviously greatly impact the entire country. >> yes. yes. yes. look, those numbers that he was talking about, he had had a study commissioned by economists to look at the real unemployment rate. that includes people who are unemployed, people who have given up looking for work, and people who are underemployed. those people are not included in the official government statistics. those people are still hurting. so for people who meet that criteria, ununemployed, underemployed or stopped looking for work because they've been discourages, for high school graduates who are 17 to 20, those numbers are dead-on accurate. i think what we're seeing here is a case where official statistics don't reflect the true economic harm that's going on in communities of color around this nation. senator sanders knows the truth and he is determined to convey that truth to america at large. >> jeff, just quickly, any
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regrets in how he handled the e-mail server question and response given that it seems to have given a lot of traction to hillary clinton who obviously he wants to beat here? >> look, senator sanders is an authentic candidate. he speaks from the heart. he's not a scripted, canned or calculating. when the question came up he answered it honestly the way he views it. which is there are real problems in this country. i think he spoke eloquently about the issues of income inequality, about the need to deal with issues of racial injustice in this country, the need to deal with the issues of college unaffordability, a corrupt political system. those are the issues he wants to talk about in this debate. there are real policy differences between him and secretary clinton and that's what he wants to focus on, not these e-mails. >> jeff weaver, thank you so much. we greatly appreciate you joining us. thanks a lot. up next, we're also following new developments on the republican side. a new poll out shows ben carson
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is essentially tied with donald trump. and a surprising dip for carly fiorina despite a heavy boost from her debate performance. what's behind her drop. our political panel is up next. and this -- >> he was taking excessivement a of herbal viagra. not to say he wasn't doing any drugs but nobody saw anything like that. >> developing now, the latest on the condition of former nba star and ex-husband of khloe kardashian, lamar odom after he was found unconscious at a nevada brothel. the very latest as we understand he is fighting for his life. we'll be right back. (vo) what does the world run on? it runs on optimism. it's what sparks ideas. moves the world forward. invest with those who see the world as unstoppable. who have the curiosity to look beyond the expected and the conviction to be in it for the long term. oppenheimerfunds believes that's the right way to invest... this big, bold, beautiful world.
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i think she did what she had to do, frankly. and i was surprised that the other potential candidates -- a
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couple of them shouldn't have been up there frankly, and it maybe would have been better. i would have liked to see biden up. but she did what she had to do. >> republican front-runner donald trump this morning on "morning joe," as you heard there, praising his democratic rival hillary clinton. let's talk to our political panel about everything we saw last night. msnbc political analyst and former republican national committee chairman michael steele, long-time nevada political reporter john ralston, and democratic strategist robert zimmerman who is a hillary clinton supporter. john, start off with you. we had the campaign manager on for bernie sanders. he was saying that some of the early numbers in showed that his candidate won the debate. we don't have any polls out exactly right now that show a solid number. i think that anyone could confirm. the bottom line is both bernie sanders and hillary clinton certainly appeared strong when they were asked those tough questions. >> yeah. listen, tamron, i think that
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bernie sanders did well for the audience that he was going to appeal to anyway. he roused the faithful. maybe he brought in some new people because there were so many people watching the debate who didn't know that much about him before. but he got lost a few times on foreign policy i thought, and his essential defense of hillary clinton on e-mails was a great moment for her. i just think she did exactly what she needed to do. she towered over the field last night. maybe it is not that surprising considering that field. it doesn't mean that that's going to affect the poll numbers in the short run in any way. but she was really talking mostly not to the millions of people watching, but to one person sitting in the vice president's residence saying, stay out. i got this. >> i do think that sometimes people take for granted that this is a seasoned politician. she knows how to answer these questions. she struggled through her own admission in answering the e-mail server question adequately from being dismissive to later confronting it head-on.
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with that said, jeb bush has been asked repeatedly about his brother, about the war in iraq, and that's been a part of why he's faltered i think in the polls because he could not navigate the right answer. when you saw hillary clinton face whether or not she was consistent, it seemed that she had mastered the answer. >> well, she had, in large degree. i think that speaks to both hillary and jeb on some of the initial problems that they had. she apparently had a little more practice overcoming those problems, that is that weight around their ankle, in jeb's case it is his brother's legacy as president. in hillary's case it is the e-mails and just the general attitude people have about hadder. polls saying they don't like her, they don't trust her. i think last night she went in, and in a real way began to address that. she was comfortable. she was likable enough, in barack obama's words. and i think that that really helped her. of course, bernie sanders just kind of put the bow on it
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particularly on the e-mail piece. that moment when they're shaking hands really -- that moment hillary was saying to his supporters, i'm okay, you can come hang with me, too. i think that worked for her. she overcame the obstacles fairly easily. >> robert, you are a hillary clinton supporter. chairman steele makes the point that, yes, that may say to some bernie sanders supporters that, hey, she's okay. with that said, my social media page and social media was not saying that last night. bernie sanders still has a strong momentum with young people, with those who feel that he is the outsider according to the social media traffic -- not a scientific study here -- but he had the traction with the people who engage in that way. >> first i have to say, chairman steele who's always been very gracious and very -- always handled himself very well as chairman, i think he and some of his republican friends might have some debate envy after last night's debate after what the republicans had to endure. i think it is also important to point out, and in fair in ness
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bernie sanders, he certainly reinforced his base with his performance but he didn't expand his base. i think what hillary clinton did last night was not only speak to her audience but she also expanded her reach by especially redefining the progressive agenda and connecting with progressives around family issues and women's issues and sick leave issues. i think that was very important. as far as social media, i think you have to go beyond that and look at the polling. polling that's been out there, national polling that's been done shows not only is hillary clinton winning substantially over bernie sanders by 24 points but even on his issues she's running even with him or running ahead of him. issues such as saving the financial institutions. >> we've talked a lot about bernie sanders' gun record and getting no favors from hillary clinton. it actually seemed as if the audience was also jarred by her answer. there was a flat-out "no." and then she launched in. >> yeah. that came really early in the
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debate. i thought that gun control was going to be issue hillary clinton would use. she signaled that before the debate to really separate herself from bernie sanders whose record is not pristine. he can say that he's from a rural state. he can try to explain why he voted certain ways, but hillary clinton knows how to issue resonated. what's even more interesting about that moment, i thought, was how martin o'malley then jumped in and really piled on bernie sanders to emphasize that. i thought at that point that o'malley right mealy try to distinguish himself and say i'm a better alternative to hillary clinton than you are, bernie sanders. but i just don't think he made that case and i think that hillary clinton says gun control is going to help her win this primary. the question is how does that issue play in the general election? some republicans think that sanders' effect is going to push her too far to the left and maic it harder for -- >> i think that's a mistaken analysis. because issues like gun safety, issues like marriage equality, climate change, raising the minimum wage are no longer left issues. they are the mainstream of america. the problem is the republican party has gone so far to the
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right, mainstream looks left. >> but bernie sanders and those supporters for bernie sanders feel he makes a stronger case, he does not have the ties to wall street, as he talks about unemployment as it relates to black and brown. he seems to relate more, being a capitalist and how he described it. that was a big moment for people who support him. >> sure. but i think hillary clinton made it very clear that she shares that agenda but she can actually deliver the goals. >> michael steele, transitioning quickly to what's happening republicans. now you've got a statistical tie with ben carson and donald trump. right now you hear that scream, that's donald trump responding to that new number out though. in addition, mike huckabee live tweeting last night during this debate, tweeting some things, for example that people have said were racist, some of the things -- one point he said, "racism exists because we have a sin problem in america, not a skin problem."
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he also tweeted, i trust bernie sanders with my tax dollars more than i trust my labrador with my chef. >> i think the afterglow has washed often of her so ahead you have this going on between trump and carson. everything up to now shows he really doesn't want to for a whole host of reasons but i think he may have to because that momentum that carson has is built around the fact that people liked his style, they're comfortable with him. they are not even getting upset about his lack of policy understanding -- >> which is so interesting. >> right. so it's an issue for him that donald trump has to address next week.
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>> how do you explain carly fiorina's four-point dip at this point? >> i think a little bit of it -- actually, i think you can explain it this way. she's kind of been off the radar screen since the debate. you have not seen or heard that much from her. both carson and trump have stayed in the news cycle, if you will, even as we were focused on the democratic debate, you still had some bleed-in from carson and trump. you did not have that with carly and i think that's probably contributed to it. >> she'll have to make up a new video, plik michael. >> or run out on the "snl" stage. donald trump gets a chance to have that huge audience december 7th. coming up, a first ever its kind verdict. a wisconsin gun shop once labeled the number one crime gun dealer in america, now ordered to pay millions to officers wounded by a firearm purchase at this store. could this case now go to the supreme court? pete williams will join us with a live report next. today, jason is here to volunteer
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just hours before the issue of gun control played out at the democratic presidential debate, a jury in milwaukee came down with a verdict that could affect how gun dealers across this country do business. after nine hours of deliberations, the jury ordered badger guns to pay almost $6 million to two police officers seriously injured by one of the guns sold at the shop. the officers were shot in the face in 2009 by a man who had someone else buy the gun for him as an illegal straw purchase. the defense argued there was no way the clerks could know that at the time. now the jurors foreperson told reporters they found the shop negligent because they believe the business practices were irresponsible. >> it was memorable the testimony of the defense saying that they didn't have specific
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practices, procedures. they were asked about the federal and state forms. they couldn't identify the fine print. yet they sign their name on those forms over and over and over again. >> nbc justice correspondent pete williams joins us now. pete, we've been talking about this case all a the while, the cloud of the supreme court hovering over it. >> there are a couple of potential federal issues here. one is a ten-year-old federal law that vastly reduces the ability to sue gun manufactures, distributors and dealers. you heard some talk about that last night at the democratic debate about whether that should be rolled back. but there is very little question about what the lawyers for the gun company are going to do. here's the statement they put out yesterday after verdict. they said, "significant legal issues were decided in the case that impacted the evidence the jury was permitted to consider
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and the legal standards they were told to apply. we will appeal." still advocates of more gun control are putting their hopes in this case that it will survive on appeal despite the federal law. i think one of the most compelling pieces of evidence that the jury saw was -- you saw just a little bit of it -- that video as the gun was -- as the form was filled out to buy the gun and the lawyers for the police and the city say that there were all the telltale signs that this was a straw man purchase. that the young person -- the buyer checked the box saying he was buying it from someone else. the question is will that be enough to hold up on appeal. a new poll says hillary clinton has new momentum after
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passing her first big test last night. also developing news now -- former nba star and reality tv personality lamar odom is reportedly fighting for his life after he was found unconscious at a nevada brothel. the very latest reaction and the latest information on what is described as a dire situation for lamar odom. we'll be right back. ♪ hp instant ink saves you up to 50% on ink you can print all you want and never run out. plans start at $2.99 a month.
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try the whole collection for a smile that gets you noticed. ♪ everything kids touch during cold and flu season sticks with them. make sure the germs they bring home don't stick around. use clorox disinfecting products. because no one kills germs better than clorox. there you have it, that's the big question this hour -- do you think vice president joe biden will jump in the race? hillary clinton's performance getting high praise, as is the case for senator bernie sanders. my buddy steve kornacki is here seeing what friends are seeing with our poll. >> the issue of joe biden, he wasn't on stage last night but obviously he was on everyone's mind. he was on the candidates' mind. the question was was he going to see anything in that debate last night that would make him more likely to get in this race or
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was he going to see something that would make him say, whoa, maybe i better take a second look at getting into this. what's what was interesting to me, hillary clinton in particular, there were a couple of moments she was talking with the moderator and the other candidates but she was really aiming her message at joe biden. one moment came i think early on when the subject of capitalism was raise the. bernie sanders has made news by saying i'm not a capitalist. hillary clinton didn't have to say anything in response to this but she chose to engage, she chose to pretty much go after bernie sanders. i think we have that clip. >> i guess we don't. but we do have results. it is 25% of those say yes, he should enter. 75% say no. we were talking yesterday about the wild card potentially being the moderators of the debate. not a critique of their performance but what potentially they could ignite. it was a very different tone than we saw with the gop debate where a candidate would say something and then the others said, okay, he said this about you, now you respond.
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tone was different. it seems that it gave the democrats an opportunity, whoever comes out on top, they seem more solidified and more ready to get behind and coalesce, whomever emerges as the nominee. >> it is right now, yeah, a much more cohesive party. i think the biggest surprise was going in we said hillary clinton is not going to attack anybody on stage unless she is attacked. maybe she will fight back but she was actually the instigator more than anybody else. it was bernie sanders on this question of capitalism, it was bernie sanders on guns. and then bernie sanders actually did her the biggest favor of the night when the subject of e-mails came up. he rallied to her defense he basically said this is not an issue anybody should really care that much about. so bernie sanders ended up defending her. >> we were on with bernie sanders's campaign manager. the second debate not very far away. do you think we'll see a change in tone from senator bernie sanders? >> yeah, i wouldn't be surprised. part of the story here, too, i think is the sanders campaign was putting out the word that he had not done much formal debate
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preparation heading into this. hillary clinton was in 20 of these things back in 2008. she knows how to handle presidential debates. bernie sanders has done some debates in vermont before but never on a stage like this before. i think there was an assumption on his part that, hey, i do media interviews all the time, i give these speeches all the time. i don't have to worry about what i'm going to say. where it really showed in the first hour of the debate, so much of the conversation was about foreign policy. hillary clinton is coming off four years as secretary of state. she knows what she's talking about on those subjects whether you agree with her or not. bernie sanders has focused much on foreign policy. i think that came through. he risked looking like a one-dimensional candidate so i think he will prepare a lot more for that. >> what an interesting night. people were saying this about be a lot more subdued as not as flavorful as the gop debate but i think certainly it was compelling. it was compelling tv. >> we're also getting word that the audience people were saying it might be the highest watched
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democratic debate of all time. developing news coming in to us, the family of lamar odom now reacting to the report that he is fighting for his life after being found unconscious in las vegas. his ex-wife, khloe kardashian, said to be inconsolable and at his side. we'll have the very latest on this former nba's fall from grace and his struggle with addiction. ctor told me i have age-related macular degeneration, amd we came up with a plan to help reduce my risk of progression. and everywhere i look... i'm reminded to stick to my plan. including preservision areds 2. my doctor said preservision areds 2 has the exact nutrient formula that the national eye institute recommends to help reduce the risk of progression of moderate to advanced amd... after 15 years of clinical studies. preservision areds 2. because my eyes are everything. to help those in need. here to volunteer when a twinge of back pain surprises him.
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mm hmm. just wanted to touch base. how did edward jones come to manage over $800 billion dollars in assets? huh. okay. here's our latest market outlook. two things that i'd like to point out... through face time when you really need it. so that's interesting, you know we had spoken about that before. it's how edward jones makes sense of investing. grandmother is now speaking out as the former nba star and reality tv personality fights for his life after being found unresponsive at a nevada brothel. florence odom tells nbc father is headed to his son's side. she's asking god to please let him survive. kendall jenner tweeted a short
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time ago, please don't go. the owner of the love ranch tells nbc news odom checked in on saturday, partied for several days and was found unconscious in a v.i.p. suite yesterday afternoon before being rushed to a hospital in vegas about an hour away. odom played in the nba for 14 years and was married to khloe kardashian for five years. throughout his career he admitted to facing substance abuse issues, reportedly also entering rehab after being arrested for drunk driving before he and kardashian split in 2012. five months ago two of odom's good friends died from issues related to drugs. with me now, brad lamb, an author and interventionist who helps families. we don't know what happened. we know the owner of this brothel says that he did not -- or the women there did not sela mar odom use any drugs. they claim that there was only herbal viagra. what we know is here is a person who's had a history of abuse, who's been struggling with
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relationship issues with be with his marriage, his basketball career, and was partying as they describe it at this location. >> and disintegration in front of the cameras over last number of years. in a way the chaos and crisis helped pay the bills in the world of reality television so for this family it must be a lot. but i think they are in a unique situation because part of the addiction and chaos in the past has fueled the headlines for them in ways that i think make it complicated. you ask yourself -- i think most families would ask themselves like why didn't we step in? why don't families step in? they're afraid. they think they'll make things worse or they don't know how to help. but he's had a long history. most people who struggle with addiction, 80% of those who struggle will never get meaningful help. 80%. >> whether you call it meaningful help, how do you define that? we know he entered rehab for
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this alcohol incident. we don't know much more and don't want to speculate over what his troubles were but he did enter a facility. >> he's had an open history of cocaine and alcohol use and, so when i say meaningful recovery, i don't mean baseline -- you know, i've been clean and sober for a long time. many, many, many, many years. but, many people will stop the coke and still drink, some people will still smoke cigarettes and stop drinking. meaningful recovery meaning they are able to navigate life and have the kind of life they want, not everybody has a baseline like i do which i think is awesome. but i see a lot of people regain real quality of life with more good, less bad in their life. >> what about environment? here he has not been playing. i know that he tried out for a few times and that wasn't working out. and again, the brothel is a legal business in nevada, in that part of the state. but if you are trying to recover, if you have substance
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abuse past, obviously you can't eliminate all of your friends and the environment, but how important is it for someone who's struggling to try to avoid these places and influences? >> i have this idea that if i go to a barbershop day in and day out, i'm likely going to get a haircut. and likewise, if you put yourself around people, places and things that are triggers for you, or if there are drugs on the table right here, i would be triggered in ways that i wouldn't. you know, i think it's just an awful headline. and it goes against the notion that many families get stopped by -- it's the idea that somebody has to hit bottom. and i think if we interrupt and help someone get treatment, that's their bottom. we help them establish their bottom. the bottom is when you quit digging and accept help. >> we know that his father was a recovering heroin addict. he lost his mother at a very young age.
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he lost a child as well to s.i.d.s. it's been a tough life for this young man. and now he's fighting for his life. >> 35. treatment works. that's the hope i think that every family can hear today. >> brad, thank you very much. great pleasure having you on and always being so open with your background and your history and your help for others. thank you. coming up, nbc's katy tur just wrapped up this one-on-one interview with donald trump. katy will join us next to tell us what donald trump is saying about hillary clinton. and what trump is saying now on the benghazi hearing. we'll be right back. wh y put up with that? but the quicksilver card from capital one likes to keep it simple. real simple. i'm talking easy like-a- walk-in-the-park, nothing-to-worry-about, man-that-feels-good simple. quicksilver earns you unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase, everywhere. it's a simple question.
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this isn't a competition!)
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developing now, katy tur just wrapped up another interview with donald trump. he's slamming hillary clinton for her ties oz secoas secretar state.
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let's go to katy now live in new york. >> reporter: it took a while to get another interview with him, but he's been on the trail for 119 days. i started with, what do you think you would have done differently in this 119 days, and surprisingly he does say he would do things differently. that he wouldn't have said certain things. he maybe would have been a little more pc here and there. i asked him what specifically, but he refused to answer. i also asked him a little bit about ben carson. he's within the margin of error in the latest fox news poll. he says he hopes ben carson is going to end up hitting him because he would like to start hitting him. we also talked hillary and benghazi. take a listen to what he had to say about that. she thinks republicans are pushing benghazi, do you find that to be the case? do you think we have done enough with this and should move on with a country? >> well, i'm sure they are going
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to see it hasn't helped what has happened over the last week or so. but i would say this, it's not the biggest thing in terms of my own thought process. i have a lot of respect for trey and a lot of respect for the people on the committee. and i think they are legitimately honorable people and are doing the right thing. benghazi is one of many, many things. hillary had a bad record as secretary of state. she had tremendous mistakes. just look at the whole world, it's blowing up around us. >> reporter: more on what he thought of the debates, bernie sanders, "snl" and more on mh-17 and the russian investigators finding it was a missile that took them down. we'll have more throughout the day on msnbc. tune in. >> you can see more of katy's interview today at 1:00 p.m. on msnbc. thank you so much for joining us for this hour. and joining me on "msnbc live." andrea mitchell is up next reporting live from las vegas.
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right now on "andrea mitchell reports," the winning hand. hillary clinton draws the right card in vegas and gets help from another player. >> i did say it was a mistake. i am still standing. i am happy to be part of this debate. >> let me say something that may not be great politics. the american people are sick and tired of hearing about your damn e-mails. >> thank you. >> that was the moment everyone remembers and the handshake afterwards. i later asked bernie sanders why he said it. his response and a lot more coming up next. full house. i also spoke with hillary clinton's campaign chairman late last night about the shadow non-candidate joe biden. >> if there's going to be the next debate, then there are going to be six candidates, then he should announce his intentions and get in. >> and do it now as you said. >> well, at some point he needs to make a decision. and trump's take. after live tweeting during the debate, donald trump


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