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tv   4th Annual Global Citizen Festival  MSNBC  September 26, 2015 12:00pm-7:01pm PDT

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today is more than a moment. it's a movement. tens of thousands once again flock to new york central park with millions more around the globe joining the fight to end extreme poverty. for the fourth year in a row heads of state, diplomats, music's biggest stars, celebrities of all stripes, business leaders, and global citizens from every corner of the world are here to help those most in need. beyonce. coldplay. ed sheeran.
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pearl jam, all joined by special guest artists for the 2015 global citizen festival live from central park. welcome to our live coverage of the 2015 global citizen festival, it's already been an historic week here in new york city and something big happening here again today. >> more than 60,000 people are gathered here on the great lawn of new york city central park all with one mission to end extreme poverty within the next 15 years. and there's also that concert you may have heard about. some of the biggest names in music take the stage throughout the day and, well, into the evening. the first performance to get under way just a short time from now. >> and good afternoon from
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central park i'm willie geist alongside with my colleagues and we think we have a great second chance. >> you don't often hear beyonce and wily geist in the same senten sentence. >> who are we most excited to see? how about you janet? >> i'll be obvious and basic beyonce, the queen bee is here and she's doing it for a good cause. it's kind of powerful to have those two huge philanthropic celebrity driven organizations coming together. >> she's not a bad singer. along with the philanthropy. >> i think janet is right i think the correct answer is beyonce and i'll give a shout-out to chris martin and coldplay and common sense, aka common. >> coldplay going to start just under an hour from right now and closing the night is pearl jam.
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>> yes. >> i'm extremely excited about that. it takes me back to my junior in high school when "ten" came out the catalog of hits. >> you are dating yourself. >> you were young children. just up in your cribs. we've got a great line-up of guests on our set coming up just in the next few minutes and also all night long some incredible music right behind us. >> let's see what's happening behind the scenes and for that we go to our favorite behind-the-scenes correspondent thomas roberts who has exclusive backstage access. >> reporter: great to see you and, yes, you are the front of the house, the heartbeat of what this concert is all about. i'm back here in the action hub what i like to consider the hive mind of this project and all these folks are interacting with all of you at home. all of the global citizens out there that are watching this. that can't be with us today in central park. i would encourage you to get involved and see down here, these are the hash tags you'll use global citizens and global goals. what is going to motivate you? what is going to inspire you to
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be a part of what we're doing here today? let us know via your social media pages and we're going to be nfilling these seats with celebrities, katie holmes, olivia wilde, maybe beyonce, i don't know and then we've got this tricky little -- look at this. it's a twitter mirror so you can actually take a selfie in here and then tweet it. so, i'll get this fired up. i had it all ready for us to go and, of course, me and technology, i've been locked out. oh, oh. oh, no, guys. wah-wah. anyway, i'll work on this. yeah. >> the universe may be telling you something, thomas. >> reporter:i know. mirror mirror on the wall why are you locking me out? >> it's something serious. it is a beautiful mirror. >> reporter: it is. isn't it nice. we'll have more. i'll fix it. >> thomas mentioned the names coming through green mom, the stephen colbert, hugh jackman
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and leonardo dicaprio and the list goes on and on but right now the man behind all this the ceo of the global poverty project, mr. hugh evans. great to see you, man. >> thank you, willie. thank you very much for having me. >> congrats. >> congrats. how do you feelle? >> i didn't get much sleep last night i was so excited. this is the biggest year for the movement. we're seeing that, you know, yesterday the united nations lawn. the new global goals for sustainability development and we want this party tonight to be historic announcement of those goals but also build a lasting movement to achieve them so i couldn't be happier. >> on the piece the u.n. millennium goals for 2000, they are a very, very big deal and they expired this year and there's a new set of goals. tell us what we're looking for from the world community? >> what we're looking for we're looking for this notion of holistic development. the millennium development goals were built at a time when it was kind of the west versus the south whereas now we're actually talking about everyone being involved in this process of economic development.
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so, all 193 world leaders agreed upon the new goals yesterday which is quite a historic movement because it hasn't happened before, you know, and so more world leaders in town this weekend than at any time in the last 70 years of the united nations history and that's really what we're here to celebrate. >> it's powerful to have all of the leaders but also all these amazing do-ers who are allowed to come in here because they earned their spot. >> that's exactly right. >> that's a powerful piece of today's event. how do you think that music in that has changed in that kind of a way? >> i think if you look back through history. look at the amazing grace when that song that was -- for the abolition of the slave trade or you see the amazing songs that were sung in the anty apartheid movement in south africa, these are the songs in our generation and these are the songs that will inspire our generation to be part of this generation's challenge to end extreme poverty. music is key. it brings roin s everyone toget it's the great uniter.
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>> and we've talked a couple teams over the last few days and that goal of ending extreme poverty by the end of 2030 which is only 15 years away, people say on earth are you going to do that. so how on earth are you going to do that? >> we'll make sure that the world leaders that come up on stage today and make commitments to impact the lives of tens of millions of people actually follow through on their commitments. every year this will be an accountability moment. you might remember last year the world bank made the big $15 billion commitment, you'll see something in store tonight where there's actually an accountability on how the world bank is going to lift people out of extreme poverty. it's not just about massive amounts of money being announced. it's actually about followthrough and how it's delivered to affect the lives of the world's poorest people. that's what global sit zecitize about. >> it feels like we're having a pope, not to wax overly philosophically and the pope left the city and talked about problems to solve and i wonder how you think that sort of casts a rainbow if you will over what is already a pretty sunny day.
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>> i think that the pope's blessing is absolutely wonderful over new york city. and i think that the fact that he has been such a personal champion for the end of extreme poverty but also climate change, he's been passionate about that and that's what global citizen is trying to do also, embodied in the 17 global goals for 17able development are three goals, extreme poverty and climate change and poverty. >> he teed it up. he was your opening act. you don't usually have that on the bill, the pope opening for beyonce. that's why this is the most important event ever. >> thank you, alex. >> you mentioned this getting bigger than ever. we've got the first lady of the united states here and the vice president of the united states, that changes things for you, doesn't it? >> it changes everything. because it shows that the u.s. government is willing to bee at the forefront of international development. often an issue like international development might not get so much play during an election year but you can see the fact that they're putting their name behind it with michelle obama's let girls learn
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campaign, but also the fact that the vice president himself is coming here to say, i'm supportive of the new global goals for sustainable development. that is historic and never happened before at least to my knowledge. >> and even the chinese premier, xi ping is in town, but the chinese are coming to the table with a cap and trade bill. it feels like there is action on the subject of climate change in particular that is happening right now that is unprecedented. >> that's right. and leonardo dicaprio will say really important words about that in the lead-up to the c.o.p. 21 summit later in december. we see that's a real challenge for global citizens not just to respond to issues like extreme poverty but how do we build a sustainable planet. >> hugh evans, thank you so much. this is a massive acheacievemen. congratulations. >> thank you, willie, thanks alex. >> we're just getting started. up next she's partnered with one of tonight's big headliners beyonce in a groundbreaking
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campaign to fight gender inequality. our conversation with salma hayek next. and "time" called him the world's most influential, the founder and ceo of cashable. the 2015 global citizen festival live from new york city continues in a moment.
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welcome back to the global citizen festival. we are here on the great lawn of central park in new york city. last year's festival saw 18 announcements made by world leaders on a variety of key issues. when all is said and done the impact will be felt by 259 million people by the year 2020. tickets to today's festival were free but were earned by having individuals take action to end extreme poverty. in all 48,000 tickets were handed out to today's event. 48,000. joining us now the founder and ceo of mashable, pete cashmore and executive director of in92 account street y, mashable and the 92nd y are partnering with the united nations foundation and it starts tomorrow. great to have you here. >> we're really excited. it's the sixth year of the social good summit running
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tomorrow and sunday. what it's really all about we all have this reach on social media now. we can all speak to our friends. can we do good using that connection, so we've been running for six years. we have all kinds of celebrities, politicians speaking about how can you change the world. we'll see adrian bernier, m. >> pete mentioned everyone from madelein albright speaking. what are you hoping to learn? >> the summit will be here in new york on the 92nd street "y" but right now in 110 countries around the world people are getting together in person to think about how we can address the 17 goals. what we can do to solve some of these problems and it's an amazing thing to think that in person in coffee shops and cafes and conference centers in 110
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countries people are doing what we're doing sitting together talking about how to solve problems. i think that's an amazingly hopeful sign. the real celebrities will be those people rolling up their sleeves looking at the 17 goals and saying, i can take on goal eight. i can take on goal nine and that's exsiciting about social media. >> how do i get involved? >> we'll be live streaming tomorrow. there had been #2013now. they'll be suggesting things you can do right now to make a difference and follow th the #2030now and you can follow along and learn what you can do to make a dirgefference. >> you know something or maybe a lot of things more than a little about reaching millennials. and so much of this change is being driven by this generation. >> right. right. >> i wonder how you think, you know, if you're looking at this kind of moment we're having, how do you best engage this generation and how do you keep them engaged?
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>> what is incredible, you know, we've been running this six years is that every week the u.n. comes together every year the u.n. comes together for this week to talk about how do we fix world issues and what social good summit tries to do is turn it inside out. i think it's the millennial generation is the first generation to really believe they can change the world because they can. people say they're all so full of themselves and they're all so overconfident they think they can change the world. look, they can. they all come out. everyone who is here has done something good in order to get a ticket here. how do you engage millennials, you have to go to them where they are. we have accounts on snapchat and youtube and twitter and facebook and all the social media platforms because it's not bringing them to you it's about being on the platforms they're on, on their apps in their social media and i think when people hear these messages they do want to make a difference. >> they care about substance and this is a big serious discussion and people aren't afraid of that. >> i was watching our
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conversation from gawnle hana. one of the problems they have in an emergency they can't find people. there aren't street addresses in some parts so this app can help people find themselves in moments of emergency. what was so interesting as you watch that conversation it's the same conversation they're having in the philippines, right? the thing people get wrong about social media is they think it's just tweeting and it's so shallow. the truth of it is a new generation is getting deep. they are finding structural ways they can view technology to do the thing we're all here to do which is build communities around solving world problems that's what today's fessty spral festival and the 92nd street "y" is about. >> i love that we are giving millennial props and i think about the power of conversations the intemassey that comes with sharing space and why the 92nd street "y" brings people together. >> absolutely. this is an incredible day but also an incredible week here. we had the pope here for the last couple of days. he's on to philadelphia today.
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and really setting the tone for what we're trying to do here this afternoon and tonight. >> right. yeah, it's all about this idea that you are empowered now. you have the tools. you can't just sit at home. it's very easy, you know, when i was growing up you'd look at issues like, oh, well, if i recycle and everyone else doesn't recycle how does that possibly make a difference. you can make all the excuses and now you can see everyone is out here trying to make a difference and you can follow the hash tag and see everyone online making a difference and really with the tools you are empowered and you can start a movement and everyone can do it. that's the real lesson of the digital age and the global citizenfest. >> can we ask you a question we'll ask everybody on this set which is who are you most excited to see. henry, i want to start with you first. which musical act? >> i think is patriotic bias but i'm going to say coldplay. >> i was wondering. not beyonce. >> heshe's not royalty? >> i've got to go beyonce.
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i was lucky enough to see her live a couple years ago and she's fantastic. >> and willie will be on stage with beyonce. >> doing "single laled ladies" leotard. it will be an amazing moment. thanks for what you are doing. >> thank you both so much. actress, producer and activist salma hayek is the co-founder to raise awareness for women and girls around the world. i had the incredible honor of sitting down with the oscar nominated actress to talk about the campaign and i asked her what it is means to join forces with the queen bee and the impact they hope to have together. thanks so much for joining me. i'm so happy to be here with you. >> time for change started and co-founded in 2013 -- [ inaudible ] and its goal was to center women and girls globally in three different particular areas. we have justice. health and education. how did you get involved with
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time for change? >> well, from the very beginning, you know, gucci belongs to a company, a bigger company that is called caring. and i was in the board of caring. we're doing a lot of things already for women. and then they decided to take it even a step further. and go into a more global idea. >> this year it seems that there's, you know, you are co-hosting the global citizens festival. and beyonce is a headliner at that concert. how do you see your presence in this particular space to kind of advance and raise awareness of these issues? >> for us it's an amazing scenario, to not only participate in our hopes for what we want for the future of global citizen and chime for change, but also to probably
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show a little bit of the work that we have done. i am so lucky that beyonce, it's our queen, and she's such an extraordinary woman and such an example in many ways. what i can tell you is that we all really do it from the heart. and that what i love about her, and this is what i believe and it's part of my principles in doing this kind of work, is that you'll never hear about all of the work that we do. because a lot of the work, it's behind the scenes. >> and in two years chime for change has raised $7.3 million and has funded 400 projects in 86 countries. how does that impact, what does that mean for you? >> well, sometimes we raise the money separately for specific
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projects but also, you know, to me what is great is that i always knew that the hope of the world is in people reconnecting with their humanity. it's on the people's heart. not on one company. not on one organization. but what it means to me is that, yes, the people out there want to be part of the change. and we are all working together. and i'm proud of the work, but there's so much more. there is so much to do. >> chime for change is partnering this year with global citizens. global citizen has a goal to end extreme poverty in 15 years. how do you see the work that chime for change does in terms of women and girls globally to help kind of -- where does this partnership lead? >> i think where we are on the same page, and it's very organic that we come together, is that they also use social media and
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the empowerment of everybody. not just looking for money with a big organizations, but to really our dream is to create a social consciousness of people, of a world, that want a better world and that want to work together towards the same goals. and they understand very well that the poor conditions of women, and i talk about in terms of education, in terms of justice and also health, contribute to poverty. it's not that they happen because there is post-onverty o but that they contribute to the problem of poverty around the world. so, it's a -- we are very proud to -- to partner with global citizen and to work together. >> in 2005 you testified before the u.s. senate committee in support of the violence against women act, 2006 you protested
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legislation that would have made felons out of undocumented immigrants, 2009 you visited seeiera leone and this year you visited lebanon with unicef. what was the genesis for you, you know, you're an artist, you're a producer, what was the genesis for you to get so involved? what were the roots of your passion as an activist? >> i don't like it. i don't like the way things are. and i have a motto that i say, to not complain about anything that you did not do something to change. so, i think if we're not happy with the way things work, we can't just sit and complain, wait for someone else to do it. >> i think that's why i love the partnership between chime for change and global citizen, because they both use the tools that are everyday tools. >> how about take five minutes
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and change someone's life? >> five minutes to change someone's life a message from salma hayek-pinault. >> i could listen to salma hayek talk about anything but in particular what she is saying in that interview is very great. >> and teaming with beyonce on that there's a lot of power in that movement. >> that's serious chiming for change. still ahead, we will get another exclusive look backstage as we gear up for a spectacularly jamming night of live music. pearl jam, beyonce, coldplay and ed sheeran. you are watching live coverage of the 2015 global citizen festival right here on msnbc.
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welcome back to our live coverage of the global citizen festival aimed at stamping out
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extreme poverty by the year 2030. >> big crowd filing in here. you don't have to look any further than the 60,000 people here in central park today to see what the world has shown a remarkable commitment to help the world's impovermpoverished. we're now 30 minutes away from coldplay. >> i can feel the excitement. it's not just my shirt that is sparkl sparkling, the air is filled with a glittery feeling if that makes any sense. >> right as you said that there was a gust of wind that blew a different scent up to the stage. i thought that's what you were referring to. >> it's a calming scent. >> a lot of music is coming up and a lot of celebrities will be on stage. >> pete cashmore talking about just how engaged this millennial generation is. >> the idea that all of these people are connected around social issues and coming together online beyond the selfie is always so powerful to
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build the greatness forward. >> and sticking up for the millennials. >> we need you all. we need you two. >> i'm an old man. >> i'm younger than the millennial generation. what do you call that generation "z"? >> as exciting as it is on the main stage with you guys there is a lot happening backstage that we can't yet see, so let's go to our favorite person backstage, the great thomas roberts. thomas, what can you tell us, my friend? >> reporter: first of all, i have the digit to this so i know how to twitter mirror. and i have soledad o'brien with me. >> nice to see you. >> we'll be co-hosting the action hub throughout the evening and we'll be back here with your favorite celebrities and we're also going to be interacting with everybody. we were going over before you came to us about what we are supposed to do back here. >> right. >> let's tell everybody. because this is about getting people at home involved. >> absolutely. it's about action. it's about taking action. it's about being engaged with what's happening and focusing on the global goals, making sure that everybody knows what they are and understands what they're
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about and pointing to the year 2030 where we actually believe we could eradicate global poverty. >> these are achievable goals, while they are serious, they are achievable, something we can do over the next 15 years. soledad and i have the twitter mirror that did -- you're going to be my lucky charm because, miss o'brien, because i failed the last time because it locked me out, turn around. let's get alex, willie, and janet in the shot. the folks at home we can punch up the shot. ready? >> we're in this? this is a lot of pressure. >> wait. what are we doing? >> what's happening? >> ready. there we go. >> that's awesome. >> you hit love it. we're going to tweet it. we're going to tag you. and we're all going to be in this. >> it's all happening. >> thank you for allowing me to take our photo with the writer mirror because it actually worked for me. you are my lucky charm. >> i try. i trife. >> these are the organic moments we'll have all night long back in the action huck. we hope to hear from you.
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tweet us. easy enough. and these are the hash tags you'll want to use tonight. #globalcitizen and #globalgoals. you'll find the different actions you can take and how to get involved, whether it's gender equality or malaria and polio vaccinations and poverty issues. keeping your local leaders and your global leaders accountable. there's strength in unity. we'll send it back to you guys and we'll see you soon. >> thomas, soledad, thank you so much. >> i love the twitter mirror. i'm not entirely sure what happened, but it was magical. it was exciting. >> speaking of magic. >> exciting magic here joining us here television host bill nye also known on the streets colloquially the world over the science guy. >> yes. yes, ma'am. greetings. >> can we do a look behind the curtain. bill, as you were making your way up to the stage the crowd rose to its feet. >> look at that. that's all for bill. >> science! >> science.
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>> it's great. >> i thought bono was walking up to the stage. it's bill nye. >> another legend. >> the most famous scientist in the world. it feels like we were discussing this earlier in the show, it feels like a real moment to tackle the subject of climate change. >> yes. >> and sort of where we are as a planet on this subject. >> that's right. >> both with the actions that the chinese are taking and the pope's words on it. >> the pope for crying out loud. >> and then today. talk to us about kind of where these goals are and how close we are to getting there. >> the main goal here is to end extreme poverty by 2030. and what i'm going to be a little bit involved in is this peace for food act which is -- we're revising to make it more efficient. that aside. climate change is a big deal and it affects global food supplies in a huge way. and so this as you just pointed out could be the turning point. >> yeah. >> this could be it! and i will say to conservative voters and those who of you -- how many people are running for president? 30, 45 people?
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>> 796,000. >> 796 people are running for president. you could be like the guy in "quit smoking" who is the most rabid anti-smoking you'll ever meet is the guy that recently quit, right? >> right. >> you could come around and say climate change is a big deal, i see it 96% of the world's scientists are on board with this and this affects global food supplies and affects security writ large and this could be an opportunity to, dare i say it, change the world. >> change the world. >> the world. >> speaking of changing the world, i think that there is something so powerful about the work that you've always done, i grew up on bill nye the science guy. >> i love that, man. >> you inspired a whole generation about the complex issues and you'll be very accessible. what is about it about the accessibility that allows people to come here and cheer for you? >> why are you so magical.
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>> why are you so great? >> i still work very, very hard to make concepts accessible to everybody. because my claim is that science is the best idea humans have ever had. everything you see here, everything, came out of somebody's head, even the trees were put here by a designer. and so the designer was human. and so this is the process of science, that enables us to have this remarkable technology and to feed 7.3 billion people. when my grandfather was alive, there were 1.5 billion people in the world. >> right. >> when i was here in 1964, at the world's fair, so nice they named it twice, there were 3 billion people. now there are over 7.2, going on 7.3 billion people and what enables us to feed that many people is technology, is our ability to farm in large scales. say what you will about industrial farming, that's not what we're talking about, we're
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talking about writ large, the ability to provide fresh water to people is a huge key to the future and if you want to talk technically, which we love to do -- >> yeah, definitely. >> -- the couple problems that need to be solved is -- are the better battery. invent the better electric battery to get rich beyond rich. electrical transmission can be big improved. big power lines could be improved. desaliniating seawater. >> and the people in california i'm sure would in particular like that. >> and in the developing world, if we had ways to move enormous quantities of water cheaply from shorelines to agricultural and urban areas would change the world. and the fourth one, if we could have a fee and dividend system on darken. we cannot ever call it -- we cannot say that word. >> he said "tax." >> fee and dividends. that's why he gets a rock star welcome. but, you know, bill, to the -- you know, you put on the old man voice, right?
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>> yes. well -- >> which is funny and you do a very good joj of it is, my friend. >> thank you. >> a huge part of your appeal is among the millennial generation. >> yes. >> people who are here, the kids -- >> the kids with their electric phones. >> and we talk about this being the moment. >> that may change the world. >> it will. >> you think these are the guys to do it? >> absolutely. these people this age, people coming of age right now, are the people that are going to come up with the new patents and just innovations not only technically, technologically, but also legislatively or in policy. so, for example, we found these inefficiencies in our food for peace program that we're going to try to smooth out. so it's new ideas. and not extraordinarily totally different like we've never done them before ideas, just new ideas. going to be good. >> before we let you go, i've got to ask you this because it definitely does feel like a moment and for all the tension that climate changes gets from celebrities, from politicians,
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from people like you, when you ask people in a poll it still ranks near the bottom of things that are most important. why is that? >> because i'm a failure! >> no, you're not. >> because i have not made it clear to everybody. >> how do you get traction out of this moment? >> it is what it is. the fossil fuel industry "just to go pointing fingers, has worked very hard to introduce this idea that scientific uncertainty is the same as -- plus or minus such and such percent is the same as it's all completely wrong, plus or minus 100%. but people i think can very quickly overcome that once you see the real deal. it's not -- look, it's 97% of the world's scientists. it's not 3%, get over it. >> it's not people denying it, it's people saying this is the most important thing to me. >> i'm working on it. and thank you for having me on the show. but even now we have drought in california. i was in las vegas, nev, yesterday, and it was 39 -- what's that? 107 fahrenheit --
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>> dry heat. >> dry heat. >> you can barely feel it. >> but the drought in the west if it persists. this is the developed world. we have hoover dam, we have ross dam, we can move water around. in a developing world you don't have that. i mean, people are going to be under duress and so the plan, everybody, is to feed 9 billion people by 2050 because people are still interacting. can we say interacting? >> sure. >> yes. >> quote-unquote. >> best wishes to the bride also. still interacting and there will be 9 billion people but we want to feed them with 2% left arable land and this can be done if we all get together. we're that close to figuring the whole thing out. >> you're the beyoges nce of science. >> thanks, guys. happy autumn. >> you are the king bee we're going to call you that. the king bee, she's the queen
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bee. bill nye, thank you for your time and your energy and your old man voice. >> thank you, guys. change the world! >> we're getting ready for coldplay to take the stage less than 20 minutes from right now. don't go anywhere. it's about to get good.
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back to the 2015 global citizen festival live from central park in new york city. we are just moments away from
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one of the biggest musical events of the year. this gathering is about far more than entertainment. >> that's right. 1.2 billion people currently live in extreme poverty and it will take more than a single charity business or government to stamp it out. there's got to be a coordinated attack and so today we're here to launch the good fight. the timing of today's festival could not have been any better perfectly cohen coinciding with the pope's visit, francis is a longtime advocate for the poor dating back to his time as arch bishop of buenos aires, and that's why it's no surprise that during this joint address to congress this week pope francis called on law makers of the world's wealthiest nation to take, quote, courageous action against poverty. >> how much has been done in this first years of the
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millennium to raise people out of extreme poverty. i know that you share my conviction that much more still needs to be done and in times of economic hardship has plenty of global solidarity must not be lost. >> the pope also implored congress to fight tirelessly against the cycle of poverty defined in economic terms as the phenomenon in which poor families become trapped in poverty for at least three generations. >> i would encourage you to keep in mind all those people around us who are trapped in a cycle of poverty. they, too, need to be given hope.
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the fight against poverty and hunger must be fought constantly and on many fronts. >> once that cycle gets going, it's unlikely to stop without some sort of intervention. it's now reached that point for far too many around the world and that's the very reasonable we're here today. let's bring in casey hunt, she's in philadelphia with the pope. casey, help us put together here the role pope francis plays in solving global issues like income inequality and poverty. he certainly made it one of his central pieces to his visit to america. >> reporter: willie, as you pointed out, this is something that defined pope francis' career as a pastor. this is his flock, people who have lived their entire lives in poverty particularly starting in those slums of ban s of buenos when he came here to the united states and particularly washington he said, do you know what, john boehner and mitch mcconnell, i'm not going to have lunch with you at the capitol
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i'll have lunch with the poor people of washington, d.c., and that's what he did. you've heard the theme woven throughout all of his speeches and i think you'll hear it again and we're moments away from him taking the stage at independence hall a storied place in american history and he's really tied every political issue he's to h touched on to this. pope francis tied it in to a lack of economic opportunity and saying that's something that really makes it harder for families to get by and stay together. we're anticipating that's really going to be a focus when he comes here to philadelphia for the world conference on fami families. but we should also point out francis himself lives in a way that reflects this emphasis he has on the world's poor. he's declined to take up residence in the enormous usual papal apartments at the vatican. occupying a smaller set of rooms instead. we've, of course, seen him driving that tiny fiat around instead of one of the larger limousines that normally cart
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many of our dignitaries around. and i would also say when he became pope he found out there were homeless people living right outside the vatican and if you know you know how palacious it is and the renaissance and workges of as of art. it's fabulous. he told those at the vatican to have showers installed at the public bathrooms for them to use and he hired a barber to come by once a week and offer them free haircuts. willie? >> absolutely. setting a tone. and he talked a lot about those things at his mass at madison square garden last night here in new york city about this being a big city and let's not forget the people who live in the shadows. today taking that message with him to philadelphia. casey hunt, thank you. >> reporter: thank you. let's get another check with thomas roberts backstage. thomas? >> hey, guys. i left the action huck which b good and i ran in to kerry washington and i figured i would
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get tackled because i'm going to walk on the stage. kerry was a close maybe to come with me. but i want to show you what it's like as all the acts and the first lady and the vice president will be walking out here to this -- and they'll be able to see you guys, too. there's alex, willie, and janet, right over there. but this is the view everybody is going to have. and they're going to have this view of all the people. hey, folks! say hi. that's it. so, yes! all right, so -- you can tell they're really excited. >> thomas, you look really, really good standing on that stage. >> thank you, thank you. >> you look like a natural. it's almost eerie. >> i think i'm tempting fate about getting tackled by security. but i think we're -- >> you look like you belong there, thomas. >> we are hearing -- there you go with the applause. we are nine minutes away. but this is amazing how gorgeous the setup is for the acts that will be here tonight. and look at this, the backdrop
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beyond the great lawn here in central park. here is one of the signs i was handed as a prop to get us all involved, we are not a jen ras of bystanders, are global citizens. go ahead and check out the #globalcitizensfestival and the website tell us how you want to become a global citizen. we'll be back in the action hub with soledad o'brien and olivia wilde and stephen colbert will drop by. i'll send it back to you guys. gluf can see from the shot how beautiful it is. you couldn't ask for a better day for this thomas. we'll see you in a little bit. look who is sitting down. you turn around and you are sitting there. >> it's a good day, 75 degrees. >> i will take that. talk about your involvement with the day. >> oh, my god, i'm so excited, you guys. it's an amazing day. it's global awareness for something very important eradicating poverty and we get to see eddie voter and chris
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martin. it's a great combination. >> not too bad. >> it's pretty much everything. what's so great also within the tena anets they are fighting fo beyond extreme poverty is something you are very passionate about environmentalism and going green. >> absolutely. going green. i've been working with an amazing organization for the past, god, seven years i want to say, opportunity international which is the microfinancing organization. it's exactly what we've been doing. going in africa and nicaragua and seeing the effect of -- of mainly women -- >> yeah. >> -- being privy to, you know, loans and the first thing they do is put their kids in school with the money that they give back and that really is the could to eradicating poverty. >> well, girls run the world. i mean, there's -- >> beyonce! >> that's actually true. >> yeah. >> women play a huge, huge role in tackling these problems and solving them. >> absolutely. and it's about time.
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i just feel like we are in a moment right now. there's a momentum just -- everyone's aware. there's been an awakening among people, and what a great event to celebrate that awakening and people want to help. and this is -- you're giving people an opportunity to do just that and celebrating it in a fantastic way. >> malin, what do you hope people watching at home and couldn't get to be here tonight take away from this day and take action off this? >> well, great concert. inspiration. >> good jams. >> can't lose there. >> but, you know, to get curious. and go see. it's not that difficult to take little steps to do something. it's very tiny steps. go on global citizens website and see what you can do. go and start doing your research. it really is knowledge is power. and so, you know, i think that a lot of people just kind of feel like everyone wants to help but they don't know where to start. so, just get on their website. see the little things you can do. sign a petition, you know, wherever you want to get involved, start getting active. it's not that difficult.
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takes five minutes of your time. >> listen to malin ackerman. >> there's the sales pitch and we'll let you go party because coldplay is about to start. thanks for stopping by. great to see you. >> you, too. >> we're back right after this.
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welcome back to our live coverage of the 2015 global citizen festival. >> how excited are you right now, janet, on a scale of one to ten? >> one to a million. i don't know. i'm so excited. i just can't wait to see the stage and see who gets on this stage tonight from the celebrities that are coming in to introduce every big headliner to the people out here right now who are going to probably the freak the -- out. >> i'm not for dating myself on this broadcast, but i will say
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something that i remember the we are the world concert which was, like, a political thing in my adolescence and this kind of feels like that in terms of the star power, the music, the moment, the action. it's a fairly big deal, willie. >> do you know what i love every one of the faces we're showing right there nobody paid $100, $1,000 at some online broker. they did something to get here. they committed to an action. they performed an action that made the world a little bit better, so everyone you see is here for a good reason and for the right reason. it's contributing to this cause. >> it's not people who are just kind of making cameo appearances in terms of stars and you know this well because you interviewed salma hayek, these are people that are engaged in the issues on a long term. >> and using salma as an example she's done this work for ever 20 years. and she went with mother teresa
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of calcutta and bathed over f d and she didn't want me to bring it up. people on the stage from salma to beyonce are do-ers. >> two big twoers are coming up. >> we've got a couple of big do-ers on a lot of different levels and the line-up is unreal. coldplay is about to take the stage. there may be some guest appearances. we won't say who. ed sheeran is coming up. common is going to perform. beyonce is going to be here. pearl jam, it's going to be a blast. they're going to close out the night and the we've been promised interspersed in all this you may see people aren't on the schedule popping up here and there. >> you'll see some guy leonardo dicaprio who will appear at some point. there's enough to feast your eyes and ears on for several hours which is why we'll be here walking you through all of it. >> and what's been a cap to a remarkable few days in new york city as we've said already, pope francis was in this very park 23
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hours ago parading through about 80,000 people and now 60,000 more people have showed up on another very special day. >> which makes you wonder what is going to happen tomorrow in central park. if you had the pope on friday, you have beyonce, ed sheeran, coldplay tonight, pearl jam, i'm going to stay overnight and camp out. >> back to frisbee golf. should we head up to the stage? stephen colbert and hugh jackman. >> welcome! welcome! welcome, citizens of the globe! it is i, stephen colbert! the largest man on the planet. i don't know where my puny
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co-host hugh jackman is right now. but while we wait for him, i shall entertain all of you. watch, watch, global citizens, as i run around the stage. i said run around the stage. yes. yes. yes, thank you, legs. thank you. now, for your viewing pleasure observe while i dance. i caper about the stage nimbly. yes. yes! oh, i should have worn a cup before i did this. and now, and now ladies and gentlemen, before your eyes, the world's largest cartwheel. >> all right, all right, all right. that's enough. that's enough. the cartwheel was not part of the deal, stephen. >> ladies and gentlemen, give it up for hugh jackman! >> oh, yeah. all right, can i put you down now, stephen? >> hold on just five more
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seconds, hugh, you've almost earned enough global citizens points to co-host the festival and done! >> all right. >> thank you. thank you, hugh. thank you for supporting your fellow man. and now how about this incredible crowd? >> yeah! they are beautiful. 60,000 people all here, wanting to make the world a better place and four people down here hoping this clears out so they can continue their frisbee game. i see you. welcome. >> welcome, everybody. i have to admit, hugh, i don't know about you, but i'm a little nervous, so i'm just going to picture all 60,000 of you in your underwear. just like many of you are currently picturing hugh in his underwear. >> who says i'm wearing underwear? anyway.
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are you ready for an incredible day? all right. okay. put your hands in the air. and i want you to wave them like crazy like you care deeply about the issues facing our world! >> whoo! >> let's give it up for global poverty! whoo! >> whoa, hey, hey, stephen, no, no, no. >> what? >> let's give it up for ending global poverty. oh, by the way -- yeah. exactly. and all of you who actually cheered for global poverty, you are at the wrong concert i'm afraid, i'm sorry. >> stand corrected. whoo! >> exactly. what an incredible event. and you guys all made it happen. yes. you are all global citizens. you tweeted at world leaders about ending polio. you signed anti-poverty petitions. you demanded clean water and healthy food for millions in need, and now you have actually made the impossible happen.
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you have secured a place to sit in central park. yes! >> and with your efforts we can achieve the goal of ending extreme poverty by 2030. that -- that is a noble goal, and pay i point out it is before many of you will have paid off your student loans. good for you. we will tackle that in the next global citizens festival. but, first, let's talk about why we're here today. the u.n. is meeting in new york right now, just a few avenues away. >> so, if you are driving it's about three hours' drive just down there. but global citizen wants to make sure that the world leaders hear your voices here today. so, please, please, let them hear your voices again if you believe that girls deserve access to education, let them hear you! >> whoo!
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if you believe that everyone on earth deserves access to clean drinking water, make some noise! >> exactly. >> if you believe in protecting the environment and biodiversety, make some animal noises! >> hugh -- >> yep. >> -- why aren't you making animal noises? >> i was. i was do a koala. they have a diet dignity. beautiful animal. >> that's true. friends, thank you for being here. we have an incredible show for you today. pearl jam. ed sheeran. >> yes! >> coldplay! common, torey kelly and beyonce! whoo! >> also joining us is going to
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be kerry washington, salma hayek-pinault, olivia wilde and my favorite global scitizen deba lee furness. >> remember, uf all got here by being outstanding global citizens yourself and no joke, the stars are here to see you and to thank you, us included. >> that's right and we actually have the best seats in the house. thank you, guys. >> but enough from us, let's check in with the biggest celebrity here today. >> ladies -- ladies and gentlemen, the earth! the earth. >> home, it means such completely different things to every person in the world. it's a house. it's a city. it's a country. home is something you want to protect.
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people will go to extraordinary lengths to preserve their home. people love their homes. and if they don't feel that they have a home, they'll risk everything to find one. the further we find ourselves from home, the more we miss it. it's a question of perspective. of distance. and pretty much every single person who has been displaced over the last 50 years has come to the same conclusion. it's the whole planet that's our home. >> the earth was small light balloon and so touchingly alone. our home that must be defended like a holy ring. >> when you're finally up at the moon looking back on earth all those differences and nationalistic straights are pretty well going to blend, and
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you're going to get a concept that maybe this is one world. and why the hell can't we learn to live together like decent people? >> on the first day up in space we all pointed to our home countries. the third or fourth day we were pointing to our continents. by the fifth day, we were aware of only one earth. >> we have this connection to earth. i mean, it's our home. >> wherever we live, whatever language we speak or food we eat, the earth is our home. we have to take care of it. and we should look out for everyone else who lives here. that has got to be our goal. that's why we need the goals.
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♪ ♪ i shut the world outside until the lights come up ♪ ♪ the street's alive maybe the trees are gone but i feel my heart start beating to my favorite song ♪ ♪ and the kids they dance all the kids all night ♪ ♪ it seems a normal life i'm on a roll this time ♪ ♪
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♪ i turn the music up i got my records on ♪ ♪ from underneath the rubble single song ♪ ♪ don't want to see another generation drop i'd rather be a common than a fool stop ♪ ♪ maybe i'm on my knees maybe i'm in the gap between the future pieces ♪ ♪ my heart is beating my pulse is small ♪ ♪ ♪ swaying to show me it's all right ♪
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♪ oh oh oh oh every sun is the same for you ♪ ♪ ♪ it's the world for you ♪ it's the world for every teenager ♪ ♪ so you can't hide ♪ ♪ still i raise the flag >> put your hands up. i see you. i see you.
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♪ ♪ every tear every tear every teardrop is a waterfall ♪ ♪ every tear every tear every teardrop is a waterfall ♪ ♪ every tear every tear every teardrop is a waterfall ♪ ♪ every tear every tear every teardrop is a waterfall ♪ >> yo!
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♪ you look so beautiful from up here. ♪ >> let's get warmed up and singing for beyonce. ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ i used to rule the world seas would rise when i gave the word now in the morning i sleep alone sweep the streets i used to own ♪ ♪ ♪ i used to roll the dice
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feel the fear in my enemy's eyes ♪ ♪ listened as the crowd would sing now the old king is dead long live the king ♪ ♪ one minute i held the key next the walls were closed on me ♪ ♪ and i discovered that my castles stand upon pillars of salt pillars of sand ♪ ♪ i hear jerusalem bells a-ringing roman cavalry choirs are singing ♪ ♪ be my mirror, my sword and shield ♪ ♪ my missionaries in a foreign field for some reason i can't explain once you'd gone there was never ♪ ♪ never an honest word and that was when i ruled the world ♪
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♪ >> everybody okay way in the back? we see you up here, huh? ♪ it was a wicked and wild wind blew down the doors to let me in ♪ ♪ shattered windows and the sound of drums people couldn't believe what i'd become ♪ ♪ revolutionaries wait for my head on a silver plate ♪ ♪ just a puppet on a lonely string oh who would ever want to be king? ♪ ♪ when i hear jerusalem bills a-ringing roman cavalry choirs are singing ♪ ♪ be my mirror my word and shield my missionaries in a foreign field ♪ ♪ for some reason i can't plain i know st. peter won't call my name ♪ ♪ never an honest word
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but that was when i ruled the world ♪ ♪ >> okay, it's your time coming up, huh? calling on the citizen choir. let's let them hear it all over the world! ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪ hear jerusalem bells a-ringing roman cavalry choirs are singing ♪ ♪ be my mirror my sword and shield my missionaries in a foreign field ♪ ♪ for some reason i can't explain i know st. peter won't call my name ♪ ♪ never an honest but that was when i ruled the world ♪
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>> you guys okay? all right. thank you so much, everybody. all right. thank you so much for coming down to central park so early in the day to see a band. we're so happy to be here and we're so honored to play in front of our friends and family and the thing that makes the concert so extra special you will have had to work harder than we did to get here. we pay you our respects and sending you our love and gratitude for letting us play for you. whatever you did to be here, thank you and well done.
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and i hope you have an incredible day. in this is an old, old song written in 1975 called yellow. ♪ wait, because our piano broke so we haven't rehearsed this. so give us a little global citizen. i'm sorry about that by 2030 i will have got rid of all those problems. this is a song called "yellow." here we go. ♪ i hope i get this right. one -- >> two, three, four. ♪
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♪ look at the stars look how they shine for you ♪ ♪ and all the things you do yeah they were all yellow ♪ ♪ i came along i wrote a song for you ♪ ♪ and everything you do and it was called "yellow" ♪ ♪ so then i took my turn on what a thing to have done and it was all yellow ♪
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♪ ♪ your skin oh yeah your skin and bones turn into ♪ ♪ something beautiful do you know you know i love you so you know, i love you so ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i swam across i jumped across for you ♪ ♪ on what a thing to do cause you were all yellow ♪
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♪ i drew a line i drew a line for you ♪ ♪ on what a thing to do my love and it was all yellow ♪ ♪ ♪ your skin on yeah your skin and bones turn into something beautiful ♪ ♪ do you know for you i'd bleed myself dry for you i'd bleed myself try ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ it's true look how they shine for you ♪ ♪ look how they shine for you look how they shine for you ♪ ♪ look how they shine for you look how they shine for you ♪ ♪ look how they shine ♪ look at the stars look how they shine for you and all the things that you do ♪ ♪ >> well, let's turn the noise up. let's turn the noise up, will, let's make more noise. let's make a huge noise. make it louder!
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can we go louder? and if we go louder! ♪ i can't hear you. i just can't hear. yeah. ♪ thank you so much, everybody. okay. okay, everybody, thank you so much. thank you so much. i feel very fondly about you, too. i'm sure if we met the feelings would go deeper, all right?
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so, as you know, global citizen is all about bringing people together in the same -- in the same cause, people with the same interests. people that maybe were more on our own in our bedrooms we feel what can we do to help things when we see the news is so crazy. and i personally and we as a band, joined up because we thought like other people had the same concerns and the same passions. and then events like today just make us all feel, like, wow, loads and loads of people care about the same stuff, and so it gives me hope. on that theme, we thought, well, we could just appear as coldplay the famous english band or we could have a moment in our set where we crossed generations with someone much more talented and much more good looking and by association made ourselves look better, which i'm sure is what you agree we need to do. and with that in mind i turns to
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my kids apple and moses, and i said who would be the awesomest person to come and sing with us and after weeks of deliberation the amazing young singer that is coming out to sing with us today and she's had to move her whole thing around to come through at the last minute, ariana grande. thank you for being here, ariana. come and stand here. >> thank you for having me. >> i was going to wear that outfit. thank you for being here. this is a song written by the handsome esst man in the world, harry styles, he couldn't be here and he asked us to cover it for him. this is a beautiful song, we just practiced it today.
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i hope i don't mess it up for you. >> this is the first time. we just practiced it, like, ten minutes ago. ♪ ♪ i don't feel the need to know who you are i can't even think straight but i can tell you are and i'll still be your fool ♪ ♪ because i'm a fool for you yeah ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart is all i want ♪
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♪ just a little bit of your heart just a little bit of your heart just a little bit is all i am asking for ♪ ♪ oh oh oh yeah oh oh oh oh ♪ i won't ever tell you how i really feel and i can't find the words to say what i mean ♪ ♪ nothing's ever said not a word they say i'll still be your fool ♪ ♪ because i'm a fool for you ♪ yeah yeah ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart just a little bit of your heart
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just a little bit of your heart is all i want ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart just a little bit of your heart just a little bit is all i'm asking for ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh yeah oh yeah ♪ i'm not your only but at least i'm one ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart just a little bit of your heart just a little bit of your heart is all i want ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart just a little bit of your heart just a little bit is all i'm
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asking for ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart just a little bit of your heart just a little bit of your heart i'm asking for ♪ ♪ just a little bit is all i'm asking for ♪ >> all right! >> i was so nervous, thank you. thank you so much! thank you so much! >> thank you so much for coming! whoo! ♪ >> let's turn it up. we've got two more songs. two more songs.
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♪ you're a sky full of stars i'm gonna give you my heart ♪ ♪ cause you're a sky cause you're a sky full of stars cause you light up the path ♪ ♪ i don't care go on and tear me apart ♪ ♪ i don't care if you do ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ cause in a sky cause in a sky full of stars i think i saw you ♪ >> let's go! ♪
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♪ ♪ cause you're a sky cause you're a sky full of stars ♪ >> i see you, brother! ♪ i wanna die in your arms oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ cause you get lighter the more it gets dark ♪ ♪ i'm gonna give you my heart ♪ sure i don't care go on and tear me apart ♪ ♪ i don't care if you do
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ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ cause in a sky cause in a sky full of stars ♪ ♪ i think i see you i think i saw you ♪ >> let me see the boun bounce bounce bounce! ♪ oh, that's beautiful! ♪ take it up, take it up loud! ♪
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♪ cause you're a sky you're a sky full of stars ♪ ♪ such a heavenly view ♪ such a heavenly view ♪ yeah yeah whoo ♪ ♪ >> thank you so much, everybody.
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do you have time for one more song? do you have time for us to do one more song? is that okay? okay. let me get my stand. no, no, wait, wait, wait, wait. after this we're going to go and i hope you have a wonderful, wonderful day. thank you for letting us come on and start the show for you. and thank you so much to everyone, the police, everyone who has helped organize this concert, and make it possible, and thank you to the pope for getting new york city the most loving place on earth. just in time for the global citizens concert. we, all of us here, look at this beauty around us, the trees and the grass and all the people. and i know we all feel the same way the way we want to protect
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our home and the people that live on it. we're going to play a new song. this is for all of you and this is about the wonderful things that can happen on earth if people, you know, have -- have -- i'm waffling. i got to stop talking. i'm a singer. i got to singer. this is a song called "amazing day." i home ype you have an amazing . thank you for being here. all right. ♪ ♪
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♪ sat on a roof and every star ♪ shared every bruises and shown every scar ♪ ♪ sat on a roof your hand in mine ♪ ♪ i felt a beautiful crazy desire ♪ ♪ time to say forget the world and its ways ♪ ♪ here i just want to stay amazing day ♪
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♪ amazing day ♪ ♪ sat on a roof named every star ♪ ♪ shown me a place where you can be who you are ♪ ♪ and the view the whole milky way ♪ ♪ in your eyes are drifting away ♪ ♪ and in your arms i just want to sway ♪ ♪ amazing day ♪ amazing day
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>> i see you waving back there! ♪ amazing day ♪ amazing day >> let's sing it away, will! ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪ on earth every cloud can there be breaks ♪
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♪ because on our own we just want to feel its way amazing day ♪ ♪ amazing day ♪ amazing day amazing day ♪ ♪ yeah today >> have an incredible day, everybody. thank you for coming to see us. it's been a pleasure to be with a part of this with all of you. thanks, kids. take care. >> yeah. let's hear it for coldplay! >> whoo!
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incredible. you know, coldplay -- coldplay lead singer chris martin has agreed to work with global citizen for the next 15 years. amazing. that is great news for global citizen but not great news for people waiting for the new coldplay album anytime soon. you can only make one world-changing commitment at a time. >> so, thank you, chris. thank you so much. let's get down to the real reasonable we're here today. >> to hang out backstage with eddie vetter, whoo! ♪ >> yes, stephen, but also to make sure that everyone hears our voices on the u.n.'s -- the sustainable development goals which were announced this week. so, they're all here on the
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global goals wheel. can you see them all up there? so, what we need is for you guys, your action, your voices, to world leaders to make sure we can hold them to account. are you up for that? okay. >> we can achieve every single one of these. let's take a look at this year's goals! it takes a certain -- >> it's harder than it looks. you can try that. >> it takes a certain type of musical talent to suck at that, thank you so much. >> our first goal, our first goal is ending poverty in all its forms, ladies and gentlemen. >> that is a great first goal. dream big. >> and then we have other crucial goals. we want to end hunger. we want to promote sustainable
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economic growth and ensuring healthy lives for people of all ages. everyone from my age right through to stephen's age. >> that's right. >> right. >> your very, very late twill20. >> we're working to empower the world's girls and women. beyonce cannot do it by herself. yeah! >> and with your help we can ensure universal access to clean water and sanitation. how does that sound? clean water and sanitation, people have been standing in central park for hours. must sound pretty good. >> come on! and then there are the environmental goals including preserving the earth's biodiversity. >> yeah, i believe in that one a lot. but i wouldn't really miss spiders to be honest. >> they're scary, hugh. >> i wouldn't miss those. >> of course, the goal that got me involved with global citizen is its commitment to girls' education everywhere in the world. >> it's a great goal. it's a great goal.
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right now 62 million girls around the globe do have access to primary or secondary education. >> and changing that is $39 billion a year which is the equivalent of eight days of global military spending. >> or about three months' rent in that apartment building over there. >> so don't be a bystander, become a global citizen and together we'll see these goals through. >> exactly. yeah, let's hear it for that. come on. >> come on. >> so, we're well on our way. we're well on our way. i want you to look how many lives you have affected so far. let's have a look at that. let's have a look. we got it? the >> these are the goals. >> we got it. a lot of people. take it from us, there's a lot of people affected. yes. >> now -- >> now. >> -- just trust us there's a lot. but we'll cross right now to
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soledad o'brien in the action hub. action, action, activate action hub. can we do that? let's do that. >> and it's activated. hi, guys, hi, everybody, i'm soledad o'brien and i'm here with my co-host thomas roberts, welcome to the global citizen action hub and throughout the day and night we'll be crossing backstage at the festival to see the actions taken in support of those global goals and the end of extreme poverty. we'll be calling on you guys to e-mail us and sign petitions and tweet various government officials and world leaders as well. we'll be tracking the number of actions taken which have affected the commitments you see on stage tonight and will help drive this movement forward really for many years and months ahead, of course. >> you'll be coming with us regularly during the next six hours to see how all of us are doing and the folks back here who are bessie type iusy typing. we've taken 1.5 million actions as part of the global citizen
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festival festival. tonight we want to get 2 million actions. the most important action you can take right now is to commit to not being a bystander. sign up to global sit zecitizen spread the word about the new global goals for sustainable developments. >> we are here with our co-hosts and before we chat with you i want to introduce the folks behind them, you say damon john and bonnie wright and they are all working and taking action. debra, let's start with you, though, what have you been doing so far today? >> so far today i've been joining with people all around the world declaring that i'm not going to be a bystander, i'll be a global citizen and i hope everyone will come and join me. >> me, too, i'm so excited to be here tonight. so, please join us in taking this important action to ensure we spread the importance of the global goals. >> yes. the global goals provide a roadmap for the next 15 years for our people and our planet. our actions tonight will tell world leaders that we need them
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to work hard to achieve them on our behalf. don't stand back. stand up. tweet now to show you are a global citizen. >> absolutely. i think it's key, don't be a bistander. take action. we're looking forward to a really big day and night of action that's all here from the hub. let's send it right back to stephen and hugh on the stage. guys? >> all right. we'll take it here on set back here on msnbc, guys, thanks very much. got a lot more music ahead but let's stom ap and appreciate wh we saw. >> which was totally awesome. bringing ou ining out the acousr playing "yellow" the highlight of what has been an awesome week. that was one of the top moments. >> seeing him link up to ariana grande and sing moses and apple his children are the ones that recommended her for the younger millennials. >> right. >> he made himself sound like an old man. he's not that old. i ask my kids who are cool these days. >> the bill nye of --
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>> going crazy on the stage. what a voice on ariana grande, the voice that comes out of that little body, unbelievable. >> we're going to take a quick break. much more coming up including a performance by torey kelly live at the global citizen festival right here in central park. ♪ sure, tv has evolved over the years.
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it's gotten squarer. brighter. bigger. thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 will change the way you experience tv. call and switch to x1 from xfinity today. welcome back to central park
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site of the global citizen festival, willie, we have seen coldplay. we are going to see ed sheeran, and janet, we're about to also see torey kelly. >> she's good. >> we had to google on the commercial break. let's be honest. >> we know what's happening in music. >> she's got the big curley blond hair, she's incredibly tall ended "american idol" and she made a youtube video. breakout star. >> and she's really the story of what's going on in music right now. she went viral. she had a liftup -- ed sheeran had the liftup from taylor swift but she came of age through other big stars turning other people on to her so -- >> the taylor swift connection is one that you just can't avoid. >> it's the thread that runs through everything. ed sheeran will be up in a few minutes. no band. he has a drum machine in front of him and he records the sound and plays alone. he's unbelievable. >> i tried doing that and it didn't work out for me because i
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can't play any other instruments which i definitely don't have. >> we don't qualify. >> no, we don't. okay. coming up -- >> shall we? >> like i said, we're going to have so much more ahead from the global citizen festival right here in central park. stay with us, guys. stay with us.
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welcome back to the global citizen festival live from central park in new york. tori kelly is live on stage. let's listen in. >> this song is called city dove. ♪
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♪ don't know what it's all about but every time i look around all i see is we're holding on ♪ ♪ don't ask me what's wrong or write i don't even know the time all i know is i'm holding on ♪ ♪ i haven't figured everything out i haven't figured everything everything everything out ♪ ♪ city dove fly between the buildings of fences ♪ ♪ stop and live on the edges waiting here for something to on come just holding on oh oh ♪ ♪ city dove fly between the
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skies in the heavens passing by the clouds and the sunlight ♪ ♪ knowing that there's something to come just holding on oh oh ♪ ♪ i don't really know my fate i just know i'm on my way ♪ ♪ there will be mistakes moving on ♪ ♪ i try to get to the heart of it fly low but looking for heaven ♪ ♪ i know i know i'm holding on snopet ♪ won't figure everything out i will never figure everything everything everything out ♪ ♪ city dove flying between the buildings of fences ♪
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♪ stop up on the edges waiting here for something to come ♪ ♪ just holding on oh oh city dove ♪ ♪ flying between the stars and the heavens ♪ ♪ passing by the clouds and the treetops ♪ ♪ knowing that there is something to come just holding on oh oh oh ♪ ♪ oh oh yeah ♪ ♪ oh oh oh knowing that there's something to come just holding on oh oh oh oh ♪
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♪ flying between the stars and the heavens ♪ ♪ passing by the clouds and the treetops ♪ ♪ knowing that there's something to come just holding on oh oh oh ♪ >> new york, how are you guys feeling? ♪ all right. you guys ready to have some fun? ♪ ♪ everybody's looking for that something no one ever wants to pay the price ♪ ♪ on yeah everybody is getting up but going nowhere but we can
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go anywhere tonight ♪ ♪ oh oh oh it's time ♪ it's good when i'm with you ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ain't nobody love ain't nobody love like you do ain't nobody love ain't nobody love like you you ♪ ♪ nobody love ain't nobody love like you ain't nobody love like you you ♪ ♪ everybody's talking about the next thing they feel like what they got ain't good enough ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh and bring the conversation back to us ♪
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♪ oh yeah i couldn't be more cynical oh okay to feel this good when i'm with you ♪ ♪ i try to fight it say i hate you but i always come yeah ♪ ♪ ain't nobody love ain't love like you do ♪ ♪ ain't nobody love like you ain't nobody love like you do do ♪ ♪ ain't nobody love like you do ain't nobody love ain't nobody love like you do ♪ ♪ baby hear me out i want you with me now ♪ ♪ i could say i hate you but i'm always there ♪
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♪ hey hey oh oh oh oh oh yeah yeah yeah ♪ ♪ yeah all right yeah ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ain't nobody nobody nobody love ain't nobody love ain't nobody love like you do ♪ ♪ ain't nobody yeah like you do ♪ ♪ ain't nobody love ain't nobody love love oh oh oh oh like you ♪ ♪ like you do ain't nobody love ain't nobody love like y you you you
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♪ ain't nobody love like you do ♪ >> new york, thank you, guys, so much for having me. i'm tori kelly. so happy to be here with you guys. we're going to close out with this last song. ♪ ♪ downtown in a day crowd but it's just of my design ♪ ♪ dressed up but my heart messed up you got yours and i got mine ♪ ♪ it's unfair that i still care and i wonder where you are
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tonight it could be different maybe we missed it ♪ ♪ yeah it could be different ♪ it could it could it should have been us it should have been the perfect storm it should have been us ♪ it could have been the real thing and now we'll never know for sure ♪ ♪ it should have been us us it should have been us ♪ ♪ oh oh oh tug-of-war what's it for if i want it back still got a little something for you even though you drove me mad ♪ ♪ oh oh oh now and then i pretend that it's you when i close my eyes you got yours i got mine but i wonder where you are tonight ♪ ♪ it should have been it should
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have been the perfect storm it should have been us it could have been the real thing and now we'll never know for sure ♪ ♪ hey maybe we could have we don't know it should have been us ♪ ♪ it should have been us ♪ oh oh oh should have been us oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh should have been yeah yeah ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ i really missed it could be different it could it could ♪ ♪ oh it should have been us ♪ oh yeah ♪ it could have been us oh yeah
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now we'll never know for sure ♪ ♪ amazing baby we don't know it should have been us ♪ ♪ oh oh oh hey hey yeah ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh it should have been ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ yeah it it should have been us ♪ >> yes, we know. >> thank you. for every ten people who get connected to the internet, about one person gets lifted out of poverty and one new job gets created. there are 4 billion people in the world who aren't connected.
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this is one of the greatest opportunities that we have. if we can connect them, we can lift hundreds of millions of people out of poverty. if everyone has access to the tools, knowledge and to the connectivity, if we are all connected we can achieve our global goals. that's why this morning i spoke to the united nations. over the next few days, a lot of focus is going to be on world leaders but if we have to achieve real change we need you and leaders in every community to make their voices heard. tonight is a part of something very important. we are not a generation of bystanders. we are all global citizens. let's go connect the world. >> whoo! so, being a global citizen means learning about and taking action on the world's biggest challenges. it also means inspiring others to take action with you. i want to remind you that
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today's show is going to be live streamed on youtube which is great for all global citizens all around the world who can all be here with us tonight. >> the wireless global citizen award provides $100,000 to support the work of a global citizen who's taking direct action to help end extreme poverty. let's welcome alex wiselet from the wiselet foundation and scott menard global chief investment officer at googenheim partners to announce this year's winners. >> on behalf of googenheim partners a global investment firm i am honored to be standing here in front of an audience of 60,000 people driven to change making global poverty an end.
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and doing the meaningful and measurable work to bring about the change that is necessary to millions of people in the world. i'm not here because googenheim partners but because of the work that has gone on by all of you. in the words of the holy father papa francesco, each individual in every community is called to be an instrument of god for the ending of poverty around the world. at goonenheim partners we've made it our mission to find, advance and to invest in innovation, yet proven solutions to local and global problems alike, the waislet's global citizen award is just one way to
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join and enlist others to end extreme poverty by 2030. and i am honored to be part of that. >> wow! it sure is a star-studded evening, and it's wonderful to see some friends and fellow aussies like hugh jackman here to support the cause. the real stars, of course, are those people at the grassroots level around the world working tirelessly to help bring an end to poverty. i created the waslet's global citizen award in partnership with the global poverty project to shine a light on their work and to help them do even more. we're inspiring one to inspire many. now, after losing a brother and a sister to hiv-aids, this year's winner has worked tirelessly for 14 years to help
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thousands of orphans who have lost their parents to this terrible disease. he has succeeded -- he has succeeded by building schools, introducing sustainable farming, and empowering mothers and grandmothers. please welcome the winner of the 2015 waislet's global citizens award to c.j. jackson caguri. >> thank you so much for all of your incredible work. one more round of applause. >> a big deal there the 2015 waislet's global citizen award for impact, innovation and poe potential, four finalists advanced and you are looking at the winner. our congratulations to him.
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still to come around the corner here a big performance from ed sheeran and katie holmes and leonardo dicaprio all minutes away. you are watching the global citizen festival on msnbc.
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we are stronger. >> welcome back to the 2015 global citizenfest. guys, we have already seen coldplay, tori kelly, youtube sensation, she hooked me with that single that she played onstage. >> "nobody loves." >> and katie holmes is here and
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we'll go to see what she has to say. >> we're not a generation of bystanders, are we? so join us by becoming global citizens working together to make the world a better place. please welcome michelle sullivan, president of the caterpillar foundation and sir martin surell ceo of wpp. >> hello, fellow global citizens. what a day. i am michelle sullivan and i am also a global citizen at the caterpillar foundation. and we believe that collaboration not competition is the way to support working together and global citizens around the world have been a powerful force for change over the past few years.
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you have helped achieve game-changing successes and education for girls and women around the world. sustainable agriculture, clean water and sanitation. now, with the launch of together stronger campaign, we are making a major commitment to promote the kind of collaborations that will make sustainable change possible. bringing clean water, healthy food, gender equality, security, and the path to prosperity to those without. there are 60,000 people here and millions of global citizens also around the world who gave their time to make the world a better place. on behalf of caterpillar and the caterpillar foundation, and all the companies that are joining the movement to end extreme poverty, thank you all for your commitment.
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we are all global citizens, and together we are stronger. thank you. >> thank you, michelle. >> thank you. >> i think we in business tend to overcomplicate things. simply put, doing good is good business. particularly when you're in the business of helping companies build brands and brand value over long periods of time as we are. given this purpose, you would do nothing to upset consumers, to upset governments, to upset ngos and indeed any other stakeholder. being a good global citizen in partnership with the public sector is critical to eradicate extreme poverty and for us to do
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our best to live on a healthy planet for all. thank you very much. >> and before we go to the action hub to see how many actions are being taken a reminder that we are being streamed on youtube so tell your friends. thank you. >> thank you, katie. it's all happening right here in the action hub. the action is exploding on with us we've got tori kelly and aaron richards and bridget moynihan. >> all working very hard. >> taking action and pushing the total number of actions up which is critical. >> we still have a long way to go as we have hours of the concert left but we have usher, damon john and united states representative charlie dent with us tonight as well. guys, it's good to have you here. >> it's a pleasure to be here. thank you so much for taking acti action for farmers around the world, together we can end hunger in a generation, all
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right? supporting agriculture we can end hunger and malnutrition by 2030. leaders, it is a responsibility. take action. make this a reality. on world food day we need you to make sure that the rest of the world understands that agriculture matters, all right? >> in three weeks, key leaders are meeting in italy for world food day. with oxfam and one we are calling on prime minister renzi of italy to outline how the g7 will lift 500 million people in developing countries out of hunger and malnutrition by 2030. >> the voices of global citizens make a big difference in politics. i value when my constituents contact me about the issues that matter to them. if my constituents e-mail me about a specific piece of legislation, i make sure that my team has fully researched the issue. ultimately elected leaders are
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here to represent you. >> so, congressman, you're telling me that congress people, elected officials when we reach out to them it actually impacts what they do and how they feel about an issue? >> absolutely. when we get contacted we keep very specific notes of how many contacts, who contacts us and what they contact us about. i believe every member of congress and the senate does that. >> all right. good to know. all right, thank you congressman and usher, thanks, guys, appreciate it. back to the stage. >> a very good evening to all you global citizens. hello. tonight we're changing lives. the commitments made on this stage so far this afternoon will help over 7 million people enjoy a better life and a brighter future. but tonight is just the beginning. and we must all play our parts. that includes business. and here is paul pullman ceo of unilever to tell us more.
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>> hello, everybody. first of all, thanks for being here. above all, more importantly, thanks for showing the world that there is another way. a better way. young people get it. global citizens get it. and do you know what? increasingly a lot of people in business get it. business can be the biggest contributor to ending poverty. or it can be one of the biggest causes of the challenges that we're facing. there's no business case for enduring poverty. we need a new way, open, inclusive, and sustainable. that's the business model of the future. businesses increasingly understand this. but we need to have to go further and deeper. and we need your help. you can make a difference. my message tonight to you is simple, hold business to account. reward those companies that are
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trying to do the right thing. and withhold your dollars from those who aren't. this week can mark the beginning of a fairer world and a brighter future for all. and with your help, we can make this happen. thank you very much. >> you're watching the global citizen festival on msnbc. up next, a young man named leonardo dicaprio.
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welcome back to central park in new york city. your timing is good. we've got a very special performance reight now, a selection of african performers written and released by africans for africans, 2,400 africans submitting lyrics over their mobile phones. let's listen.
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♪ ♪ i'll tell everybody yeah ♪ ♪ time to save our people yo ♪ everybody sing along ♪ ♪ it don't have to be this way we can hope for a better day ♪ ♪ no it don't have to be this way ♪ ♪ there is hope for a better day ♪
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♪ i will tell you i will tell them i will tell everybody ♪ ♪ i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell them i'm going to tell everybody ♪ >> yeah. ♪ i don't want to follow i want to be a leader ♪ ♪ ♪ africa free of poverty and sorrow ♪ ♪ i don't know what it's going to take africa your time is no now now now ♪ ♪
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♪ i don't have to be this way we can home forpe for a better day♪ ♪ it don't have to be this way there is hope for a better day ♪ ♪ i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell them i'm going to tell everybody yeah ♪ ♪ i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell them i'm going to tell everybody yeah ♪ ♪ yeah yeah yeah ♪ i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell them i'm going to tell everybody yeah ♪ ♪ i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell them i'm going to tell have been yeah ♪ >> yeah. >> i feel so bad when i see what i see on tv when the voices that can do that tv. everybody put your hands up
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africa in the building. put your hands up! put your hands up! let's represent our continent our element let's represent about africa, god bless put your hands up we love you put your hands up ♪ one two three! ♪ ♪ i'm going to tell i'm going to tell them i'm going to tell everybody yeah ♪ ♪ i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell them i'm going to tell everybody yeah ♪ ♪ i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell them i'm going to tell everybody yeah ♪ ♪ i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell them i'm going to tell everybody yeah ♪
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♪ i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell them i'm going to tell everybody yeah ♪ ♪ i'm going to tell you i'm going to tell them i'm going to tell everybody yeah ♪ >> thank you! >> whoo! >> whoo-hoo! >> thank you. >> what's up, new york city? how's everyone doing today? >> please welcome u.n. messenger of peace for climate action, leonardo dicaprio. >> tonight the world is watching. we have gathered here tonight to commit ourselves to these global goals to build a future in which
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shelter, food, clean water, education, and basic medical care are seen no longer as privileges for some but is an inalienable human right for all. our efforts here will be in vain if we do not also address the forces that are threatening to destroy our very planet. humanity's only home. the debate is now over. recently the u.n.'s panel on climate change issued a historic report. it concluded without equivocation that climate change is occurring on all of our continents and in all of our seas driving ocean acidification, the destruction of our ice sheets, dessertfication, hurricanes and catastrophic heat waves. now, this is hardly new news to any of us, but it went on to say that the first people to suffer
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the effects of these calamities, the first in the global line of fire will be the world's poor and most marginalized. 2015 was the hottest year in recorded history. what will this bring to humanity? experts are predicting that in africa alone 50 million children will be malnourished in the coming decades. as climate, poverty are the two dominant factors and food insecurity in south africa. right now europe is paralyzed trying to absorb the influx of millions of syrian refugees, but more than a billion people, most of them in asia -- sure, tv has evolved over the years.
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it's gotten squarer. brighter. bigger. thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 will change the way you experience tv. call and switch to x1 from xfinity today.
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welcome back to the global citizen festival concert in central park. we just saw leonardo dicaprio talking. >> and you were -- you know, i have to say it's -- >> i don't know if -- >> leo is a rare bird. speaking of birds, avian life, he's a rare bird. you don't actually hear from leo in the name-stage, multiartist platforms it was great to him talk about an issue close to him the environment. he was talking about environmental refugees which, of course, is a major concern for the global community. >> you can gauge by the roar of the crowd the level of the star. we heard a huge roar and the audience started to stand up and we turned around and leonardo had gotten on the stage. only at the global citizen festival tosses to the president of the world bank who tosses to big bird. >> what do we have coming up in
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a few minutes, janet? >> in a few minutes ed sheeran. >> kerry washington may also be gracing the stage. >> she's one of the co-hosts tonight so she'll be up there to introduce ed sheeran. >> this is the most envy worthy green room in the world right now. >> and here we are up here. we should be back behind the stage with thomas. >> who do we need to talk to to get to the green room, willie? >> i don't know. thomas roberts might be our way in the door. ed sheeran is coming up next and he's an incredible artist who has exploded over the last year or two. he was on tour a couple years ago for taylor twist aswift andg out the same stadiums where he opened for her a few years ago. >> taylor swift is a fairy god mother for the music and the music industry and her letter to apple basically sort of changed their policy and taylor swift can seemingly do no wrong and ed sheeran is a classic example of that. >> she's part of everyone's squad and she's part of
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everyone's squad. >> squad goals, include taylor swift blessings. >> and an extended bit from the world bank and "sesame street" getting together. >> exactly. >> now i believe we'll turn it to kerry washington who will get us to ed sheeran. let's watch. >> what's up, new york? please welcome the recently crowned top musical act in the united states, a personal favorite of mine, singer-songwriter ed sheeran!
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♪ oh i'm a mels right now inside out ♪ searching for a sweet surrender but this is not the end ♪ ♪ i can't work it out how going through the motions going through us ♪ ♪ oh i've known it for the longest time and all of my hopes all of my words are all over written on the signs ♪ ♪ but you're on my road walking me home home ♪ ♪ see the flames inside my eyes ♪ ♪ it burns so bright i wanna feel your love ♪ put easy baby maybe i'm a liar but for tonight i wanna fall in love ♪ ♪ put your faith in my stomach
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♪ ♪ i messed up this time late last night ♪ ♪ drinking to suppress devotion with fingers intertwined ♪ ♪ i can't shake this feeling now ♪ ♪ we're going through the motions hoping you'd stop ♪ ♪ oh i've only caused you pain i know but all my words will always below ♪ ♪ of all the love you spoke when you're on my road walking me home home ♪ ♪ see the flames inside my eyes ♪ ♪ it burns so bright i wanna feel your love ♪
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♪ easy baby maybe i'm a liar but for tonight i wanna fall in love ♪ ♪ ♪ put your faith in my stomach ♪ ♪ and for how long, i love, my lover ♪ ♪ for how long i love my lover ♪ how long i love my lover ♪ how long my lover ♪ how long my lover
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♪ how long how long my lover ♪ now now for how long, long i love my lover ♪ ♪ how long my lover now ♪ how long my love my lover now now ♪ ♪ how long my lover ♪ feel it all over now i feel loved ♪ ♪ i feel it all over now now and i feel loved ♪ ♪ how long ♪ i'm feeling it all over now now feel love ♪ ♪ how long ♪ i feel it all over now now feel love ♪ ♪ how long ♪ i feel it all over now now now feel loved ♪ ♪ how long
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♪ i feel it all over now i feel love ♪ ♪ how long long my love my lover now ♪ ♪ how long long enough my lover ♪ ♪ how long long my lover now ♪ how long long my love my lover ♪ >> global citizen, how you feeling? my job for the next 40 mihms is to entertain you, so feel entertained. i'm prepared to lose my voice if you are prepared to lose yours. please repeat after me. ♪ oh oh oh oh
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>> oh oh oh oh. ♪ oh oh oh oh >> oh oh oh oh. ♪ and oh oh oh oh >> oh oh oh oh. ♪ oh oh oh >> oh oh oh. ♪ i'm gonna pick up the pieces and build a leggo house if things go wrong we can knock it down ♪ ♪ my three words have two meanings but there's one thing on my mind it's all for you ♪ ♪ and it's dark in a cold december but i've got you to keep me warm ♪ ♪ if you're broken i will mend ya and keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now ♪ ♪ i'm out of touch i'm out of
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love ♪ ♪ i'll pick you up when you're getting down ♪ ♪ and out of all these things i've done i think i love you better now ♪ ♪ i'm out of sight i'm out of mind ♪ i'll do it for you in time ♪ ♪ and out of all these things i've done i think i love you better now ♪ ♪ oh oh oh >> oh oh oh. >> scream this next bit out -- ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh >> oh oh oh oh oh. ♪ i'm gonna paint you by numbers and color you in ♪ and if things go right we can frame it and put you on a wall now ♪ ♪ and it's so hard to say it but i've been here before ♪ ♪ now i'll surrender up my heart and swap it for yours ♪ ♪ now i'm out of touch i'm out of love i'll pick you up when
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you're getting down ♪ ♪ and out of all these things i've done i think i love you better now ♪ ♪ i'm out of sight i'm out of mind i'll do it all for you in time ♪ ♪ and out of all these things i've done i think i love you better now ♪ ♪ don't hold me down ♪ i think the braces are breaking and it's more than i can take ♪ ♪ and it's dark in a cold december but i have got you to keep me warm ♪ ♪ if you're broken you're injured and i will mend ya and keep you sheltered from the storm that's raging on now ♪ ♪ i'm out of touch i'm out of love ♪ ♪ and out of all these things i've done i think i love you better now ♪ ♪ i'm out of sight i'm out of mind i'll do it all for you in time ♪ ♪ and out of all these things
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i've done i will love you better now ♪ >> thank you very much. before we get to the show i want to explain a little thing what i'm doing. the thing on my leg has a loop station. everything you hear from the stage is live. it's recorded on the foot loop on my feet and recorded that way. is everyone having a good day today? enjoying the weather? you got a pretty -- pretty cool line-up coming? let's try this out. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ loving can hurt loving can hurt sometimes but it's the only thing that i like ♪ ♪ when it gets hard ♪ you know it can get hard sometimes ♪ ♪ it is the only thing that makes us feel alive ♪ ♪ ♪ we keep this love in its
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photograph ♪ ♪ we made these memories for ourselves ♪ ♪ where our eyes are never closing our hearts are never broken ♪ ♪ times forever's frozen still ♪ ♪ so you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans ♪ ♪ holding me close until our eyes meet ♪ ♪ you won't ever be alone ♪ before i come home ♪ loving can amend your soul ♪ and it's the only thing that i know ♪ ♪ i swear it will get easier
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♪ remember that with every piece of you ♪ ♪ and it's the only thing we take with us when we die ♪ ♪ all our life we keep this love and this photograph ♪ ♪ we made these memories for ourselves ♪ where our eyes never closing, ♪ ♪ hearts never broken ♪ time's forever frozen still ♪ so you can keep me inside the pocket of your ripped jeans ♪ ♪ holding me closer until our eyes meet ♪ ♪ you won't ever be alone ♪ and if you hurt me ♪ well that's okay baby
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♪ only was me inside these pages ♪ ♪ you just hold me ♪ and i won't ever let you go ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ wait for me to come home now ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ when i go away, i will remember how you kissed me ♪ ♪ under the lamppost back on sixth street ♪ ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ wait for me to come home
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♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ wait for me to come home
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hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ ooh ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ ooh wait for me to come home ♪ ooh ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ ♪ wait for me to come home
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♪ ooh ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ hearing you whisper through the phone ♪ ♪ wait for me to come home ♪ oh, you can fit me inside the place you locked away with you ♪ ♪ at 16 next to your heart beat where i should be ♪ keep it deep within your soul ♪ ♪ and if you hurt me, that's okay, baby ♪ ♪ only want me inside these pages ♪ ♪ you just hold me ♪ i won't ever let you go ♪ you go ♪ you go ♪ and i will remember how you kissed me ♪ ♪ under the lamppost back on sixth street ♪ ♪ hearing you whisper through
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the phone ♪ ♪ wait for me to come home [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm going to need your help with this next song. are you down with helping me? yeah? just before the chorus of this song, when i put my arm in the air, i want everyone in this park to put their arm in the air, and when the beat drops, bounce. do not keep your arm in the air for the whole time, or it will get tired or achy, unless you are a man and it doesn't get tired or achy ever. so when i put my arm in the air, you put your arm in the air, and when the beat drops you bounce. say yes. >> yes! >> okay, try this one.
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♪ ♪ mmmm, mmmm, mmmm ♪ mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmmm mmm ♪ ♪ mmm mmm mmmm ♪ i've been spending time ♪ i got things on my mind ♪ and red wine
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♪ i've been sitting here for ages ♪ ♪ ripping out the pages ♪ how'd i get so faded ♪ how'd i get so faded ♪ ♪ ooh ♪ this is how it ends ♪ i feel the chemicals burn in my blood stream ♪ ♪ i feel the chemicals burn in my -- ♪ ♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ mmmm mmmm mmmm ♪ tell me when it kicks in
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♪ mmmm mmmm mmmmm ♪ i been looking for a lover ♪ thought i'd find her in a bottle ♪ ♪ make me number one ♪ lord forgive me for the things i've done ♪ ♪ i never meant to hurt no one ♪ oh, no, no, don't leave me lonely now ♪ ♪ you love me ♪ oh, got crimson in my eye ♪ this is how it ends ♪ i feel the chemicals burn in
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my blood stream ♪ ♪ fading out again ♪ i feel the chemicals burn in my blood stream ♪ ♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ mmmm mmmm mmmm ♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ mmmm mmmm mmmm ♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ no, no, no, no no ♪ no, no, no, no no ♪ no, no, no, no no ♪ all the voices in my mind calling out ♪ ♪ across the line ♪ all the voices in my mind calling out across the line ♪ ♪ all the voices in my mind ♪ calling out across the line
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♪ all the voices in my mind ♪ calling out across the line ♪ all the voices in my mind ♪ calling out across the line ♪ all the voices in my mind ♪ calling out across the line ♪ all the voices in my mind ♪ calling out across the line ♪ all the voices in my mind ♪ calling out across the line ♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ broken heart ♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ ooh ooh ooh ♪ all the voices in my mind ♪ calling out across the line
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♪ all the voices in my mind ♪ all the voices in my mind ♪ calling out across the line ♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ broken heart ♪ tell me when it kicks in
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♪ tell me when it kicks in ♪ broken heart [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you very much. everyone having a good time? when they asked me to play this, they kind of asked me what song did i think sort of fitted in. and i wanted to play a song with someone who i'm a massive fan and admirer of and i might as well just bring him on stage. please make some noise for chris
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mays. >> thanks so much, everybody. i want to play a song that i wrote around a year ago and basically the whole premise is that everyone has the right to be happy and to be in love and we're going to play if for you now. are you ready? >> yeah, i'm ready. >> do you want me to start it? >> hold on. >> if you know the words, sing out. ♪ ♪ when your legs don't work like they used to before ♪ ♪ will your mouth still remember the taste of my love ♪ ♪ will your eyes still smile ♪ well, darling will be loving
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you still we're 70 ♪ ♪ baby my heart will still feel like it's 23 ♪ ♪ i'm thinking about how people fall in love in mysterious ways ♪ ♪ maybe just the touch of a hand ♪ ♪ me, i fall in love with you every single day ♪ ♪ and i just want to tell you i am ♪ ♪ so honey now ♪ take me into your loving arms ♪ ♪ kiss me under the light of a thousand stars ♪ ♪ place your head on my beating
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heart now ♪ ♪ baby we found love right where we are ♪ ♪ when my hair's all gone and my memory fades ♪ ♪ crowds don't remember my name ♪ when my hands don't work the same way ♪ ♪ i kn'll still know your love ♪ ♪ darling your soul could never grow old ♪ ♪ it's evergreen. ♪ ♪ darling your soul is forever in my mind and my memory ♪ ♪ i'm thinking about how people
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fall in love in mysterious ways ♪ ♪ maybe it's all part of a plan ♪ ♪ me i just keep making the same mistakes ♪ ♪ just want to tell you i am ♪ so baby now ♪ take me into your loving arms ♪ kiss me under the light of a thousand stars ♪ place your head on my beating heart ♪ thinking outloud ♪ maybe we found love right where we are ♪ ♪ baby now
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♪ take me into your loving ar arms ♪ ♪ kiss me under the light of a thousand stars ♪ oh my darling ♪ place your hand on my beating heart ♪ ♪ thinking maybe we found love right where we are ♪ ♪ or maybe we found love right where we are ♪ ♪ and we found love right where we are ♪ ♪ baby now -- sing it out
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♪ place your head on my beating heart ♪ ♪ thinking baby we found love right where we are ♪ >> all right, thank you, chris. chris martin, everybody! >> we're going to take a photograph of you -- do you want to do it? you're going to take it. all right, can i -- we want all of you to put your loves in the air. there you go.
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[ cheers and applause ] >>um, that was a romantic song. this one definitely is not. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i met this girl late last year she said don't you worry if i disappear ♪ ♪ i told her i'm not really looking for another mistake i called an old friend thinking that the trouble ♪ ♪ would wait but then i jumped right in a week later returned i reckon she was only ♪ ♪ looking for a lover to burn but i gave her my time, for two or three nights then i put it on pause ♪ ♪ until the moment was right i went away for months until our paths crossed again she told me i was never ♪ ♪ looking for a friend maybe you can swing by my room around ten baby bring the lemon ♪ ♪ and a bottle of gin
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well be in between the sheets till' the late am baby if you wanted me then ♪ ♪ you should have just said she's singing don't f--- with my love that heart is so cold ♪ ♪ all over my own i don't wanna know that babe don't f--- with my love i told her, she knows ♪ ♪ take aim and reload i don't wanna know that babe for a couple of weeks i only want to see her ♪ ♪ we drink away the days with a take away pizza before a text message was the only way to reach her ♪ ♪ now she's staying at my place and loves the way i treat her singing out aretha ♪ ♪ all over the track like a feature and never wants to sleep i guess that i don't ♪ ♪ want to either but me and her we make money the same way four cities, two planes ♪ ♪ the same day and those shows have never been what it's about maybe we'll go together ♪ ♪ and just figure it out i'd rather put on a film with you and sit on the couch but we should get on the ♪ ♪ plane or we'll be missing it now wish i'd have written it down the way that ♪ ♪ things played out when she was kissing him how i was confused about she should figure it out ♪ ♪ why i'm sat here singing don't f--- with my love
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that heart is so cold all over my own ♪ ♪ i don't wanna know that babe don't f--- with my love i told her, she knows take aim and reload ♪ ♪ i don't wanna know that babe on my hotel door i don't even know if she knows what for ♪ ♪ she was crying on my shoulder i already told you trust and respect is what ♪ ♪ we do this for i never intended to be next but you didn't need to take him to bed, thats all ♪ ♪ and i never saw him as a threat until you disappeared with him to have sex of course ♪ ♪ its not like we were both on tour ♪ and i wasn't looking for a promise or commitment but it was never just fun and i thought you were different ♪ ♪ this is not the way you realize that you want it it's a bit too much too late if i'm honest ♪ ♪ and all this time god knows i'm singing don't f--- with my love that heart is so cold ♪ ♪ all over my own i don't wanna know that babe
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don't f--- with my love i told her, she knows ♪ ♪ take aim and reload i don't wanna know that babe ♪ don't f--- with my love that heart is so cold ♪ don't f--- with my love that heart is so cold ♪ i don't wanna know that babe >> clap like this. ♪ ooh ooh ooh ♪ i like the way you work it ♪ no diggety ♪ i'm about to bag it ♪ i like the way you work it ♪ no diggety ♪ i'm about to bag it ♪ heyo heyo heyo
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♪ play on play on play on ♪ heyo heyo heyo ♪ heyo heyo heyo ♪ don't f---with my love ♪ i don't wanna know that babe don't f--- with my love i told her, she knows ♪ ♪ take aim and reload i don't wanna know that babe ♪ don't f--- with my love ♪ ♪ that heart is so cold ♪ all on my own i don't wanna know that babe don't f--- with my love i told her, she knows ♪ ♪ take aim and reload i don't wanna know that babe ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> i got a couple of songs left. thank you for being so lovely. we got pearl jam coming up, which i'm sure you're going to thoroughly enjoy. it goes like this ♪ ♪ white lips ♪ pale face ♪ by it's gone ♪ day's end ♪ long night ♪ strange men ♪ they say she's in the bar ♪ ducking her day dream ♪ been this way since 18
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♪ they see slowly sinking wasting ♪ ♪ she don't want to go outside tonight ♪ ♪ she'll fly to the mother land ♪ ♪ and pledge love to another man ♪ ♪ it's too cold outside for angels to fly ♪ ♪ for angels to fly now ♪ tried to swim and stay afloat ♪ ♪ loose change and weary eyes and dry throat ♪
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♪ they say she's in the bar ♪ sucking her day dream ♪ been this way since 18 ♪ slowly sinking ♪ wasting ♪ the worst things in life come -- she's just under the upper hand ♪ she don't want to go outside tonight ♪ ♪ she'll fly to the mother land and settle up to another man ♪ ♪ it's too cold outside for angels to fly ♪ ♪ now an angel dies ♪ feathered in white ♪ with closed eyes ♪ hoping for a better life ♪ mmmm mmmm
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♪ la la la la la la la la la ♪ mmmm mmmm mmmm. >> central park, i know for a fact everyone in here has a phone and all the phones have lights. i think it would look really beautiful if you all put your lights in the air right now and wave them around. and if you know the words to this song, sing it out. if you do not know the words, make it up. here we go. ♪ ♪ they she's in the bar ♪ slowly sinking, wasting ♪ the worst things in life
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♪ we are all under the upper hand ♪ ♪ we don't want to go outside tonight ♪ ♪ we'll fly to the mother land ♪ settle up to another man ♪ it's too cold outside for angels to fly ♪ ♪ for angels to fly ♪ and fly ♪ for angels to fly ♪ to fly ♪ to fly ♪ for angels to fly [ cheers and applause ]
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♪ >> this is well and truly my final song, thank you so much for coming out. we had a deal at the beginning that we might lose our voices together. are you up for that as well? you sing and sing and sing until you cannot sing anymore. please put your hands in the air. give me clap clap clap. it goes like this. ♪ oh oh oh oh
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♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ late in the evening ♪ been sat with you for most of the night ♪ ♪ with everybody here, we wish they would disappear ♪ ♪ so we could get down now ♪ i don't want to know if you're getting ahead of the program ♪ ♪ i want to hold your body ♪ need you darling ♪ if you feel you're falling ♪ let me know ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ if you love me ♪ come on get involved
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♪ from your heart and soul ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ something to drink and something to smoke ♪ ♪ singing we found love ♪ i don't really know what i'm supposed to say ♪ ♪ said it's nice to meet you ♪ i already know she's a keeper ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ need you darling ♪ if you feel you're falling ♪ won't you let me know
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♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ if you love me come on get involved ♪ ♪ from your head to toe ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh. >> one, two, three, sing! ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ can you feel it ♪ i can hear it ♪ can you feel it ♪ i'm too hot in here ♪ so won't you take my hand before the beat kicks in again ♪ ♪ can you feel it ♪ now, now, now
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♪ can you feel it ♪ one, two, three, sing ♪ if you feel you're falling ♪ won't you let me know ♪ if you love me ♪ come on get involved ♪ from your head to toe ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ one, two, three, sing ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh. >> sing! ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh ♪ oh ooh ooh ooh
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♪ oh ooh ooh ooh [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ >> that one got away from him. he's ahead of the field and
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usain bolt has stopped. he's stopped on the 50-meter line. oh, that is a pity! >> apolo, you're on course, 226 hours to the moon orbit. >> okay, houston, but we'll be coming back now. >> come again. >> i think halfway will do. job done. ♪ ♪ >> goodnight!
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>> usain bolt takes it again! brilliant, brilliant! >> one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. ♪ ♪ ♪ light will guide you home [ cheers and applause ] >> woo! >> wow. how's everybody doing? [ cheers and applause ] that's incredibly inspiring. i wish i had that video in high school, i would have passed more classes. >> well, you know the video we just saw, how it sums up why we're here tonight. the bottom line is, we have got to push our leaders to go all the way, not half the way, to
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end extreme poverty. and we can only -- yes, we can only meet our goals by working together. >> so the question is, what can you guys do? it's very simple. call your leaders, go to the u.n. yes, go to the u.n. but again, do not go halfway to the u.n., or you will end up in times square being attacked by a fake elmo. so you know the goals by now. clean water, gender equality, sustainable energy, a healthy environment, spending less time on facebook, getting all the beatles records on vinyl, driving a zamboni -- >> we actually tried that. >> yeah? >> and it's not all it's cracked up to be. >> let's take another look at the lives we've affected tonight. >> the effect-a-tron 5,000.
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>> you're the only one that calls it that. >> look at that. >> seven million. >> it's really moving up. we' debra will tell us if that's good or bad. >> it's good stephen. >> i thought so. great. let's move on to even more commitments which will make a difference. >> that's hugh jackman there with his wife and of course stephen colbert hosting this evening and following up an electrifying performance by ed sheeran, a massive crowd of 65,000 people jumping. still to come, beyonce, pearl jam, and some incredible special guests i promise you will not want to miss. we're back to central park right after this. ♪ ♪ or maybe we found love right where we are ♪
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♪ we found love right where we are ♪
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>> welcome back to the global citizen festival concert here in central park. on stage right now, we have the prime ministers of malta and luxembourg talking about the importance of fighting out polio. we're waiting for freida pinto and argen kapur. >> let's talk about the ed
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sheeran set. i'm not known to sing along in public spaces but i found myself uncontrollably moved by that. >> if you needed any more endorsement, we have jay z and usher rocking out to ed sheeran on the front row. >> and at one point in the set, he started singing "no diggety ♪ ♪ . >> -- by black street. >> let's go to the stage now. >> and to create a more sustainable environment, and we, argen and i, would love to see global citizen bring this festival to india. what do you think? should they come to india? >> 200%. so make some noise and say, please come to india!
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>> india's a young country, more than half of our population is under the age of 25. the global goals, we share the desire of the youth of india to see universal sanitation by 2019 and to end poverty in india by 2030. so do all my fellow indian friends in the crowd, i want you to make some noise and tell the global citizen people out here, that we want this to happen in india! [ cheers and applause ] >> hi, chris here from the band coldplay. i'm in mumbai, been looking all over india for the perfect person to come and sing in central park tonight, september 26th, 2015. sam, my friend, has the answer.
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who is it? >> good evening, i'm francis rivera in new york. we'll get back to central park and the global citizens festival in just a few moments, but we also want to get you up to date on pope francis in philadelphia don't on his final leg of his first ever visit to america. about one hour from now, the pontiff will make his way to the annual festival of families. last hour, francis held a meeting with the hispanic community and other immigrants at independence hall. >> translator: i ask if any of you have emigrated to this country at great personal cost but in the hope of building a new life. do not be discouraged by
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whatever challenges and hardships you face. i ask you not to forget, like those who came here before you, you bring many gifts to this nation. [ applause ] >> translator: please don't ever be ashamed of your traditions. >> pope francis receiving a huge show of support in philly. thousands in fact lining the street to wave at the people's pope. >> this is bigger than a michael jackson concert. i never thought i'd see it. you know michael jackson draws a crowd, but this guy draws a real crowd, man. i can't believe it. >> well, the pope arrived in philly from new york city, greeted by cheers as he walked off the plane. and as usual, he went off script, stopping his motorcade
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to bless a young boy with cerebral palsy. it was off to the basilica of st. peter and paul where he held mass. tomorrow he heads home after visiting a prison and holding a mass. back to the performances at the global citizens festival in central park after this quick break.
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♪ >> in addition to the huge musical acts, many world leaders have taken to the main stage to commit resources to ending extreme poverty. >> thank you for your time and i am pleased to welcome another fighter in the battle against climate change and global poverty, dr. yung kim, president of the world bank. you guys have fun, thank you. >> hey, global citizens, thank you for coming out to fight poverty. but what does it mean? we at the world bank fight poverty every day, but what does
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it mean to live in poverty? today, 2.4 billion people don't have access to toilets or hygiene. affecting their dignity, their health, their safety, and their future. last year the world bank group committed $15 billion over five years to tackle this challenge. together with partners like the united nations, brak, wateraid, and one drop, i'm proud to say that we've already provided $4 billion, which will give at least 20 million people access to safe sanitation and water. we are helping countries protect their citizens and educate them about healthy behaviors, especially children.
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>> you had major corridors that were pitch black. those things had to change. we wanted to restore our lighting system in the city. you can have the greatest dreams in the world, but unless you can finance those dreams, it doesn't happen. at the time that the bankruptcy filing was done, the public lighting authority had a hard time finding a thing. citi did not run away like some other bankers did. citi had the strength to help us go to the credit markets and raise the money. it's a brighter day in detroit. people can see better when they're out doing their tasks. young people are moving back in town. kids are feeling safer while they walk to school, and folks are making investments and the community is moving forward. 40% of the lights were out, but they're not out for long, they're coming back.
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>> can i ask you a quick question? why is it important to be a global citizen? >> because we have no choice. we are global citizens. no matter where you live, who you are, this is our planet, so it's important to be here. >> how exciting is it that there's so much energy being focused on a movement like right now and so much attention? >> it's so important. it's really so important here with the migrant crisis. we need to get together as one family. the pope said it last night. >> so good to see you. >> thank you. >> have fun tonight. bye-bye. >> just talking to sting, those are the kind of moments that happen here at the global
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citizens festival. coming up, we'll be hearing from a woman we all know and love -- beyonce. that's next, global citizen festival 2015. sure, tv has evolved over the years.
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it's gotten squarer. brighter. bigger. it's gotten thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers.
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movie geeks. sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. >> welcome back to new york city and central park. the sun beginning to set out here. getting a little cool. we're coming up on the heart of the order. beyonce, just a few minutes away, pearl jam, the first lady of the united states and vice president joe biden. for now, we're going to the action hub. >> yes, this is working and it's amazing. so this segment is going to be focusing on polio and education. as you can see, we have a full house here with us. sol dad. katie holmes. megan, kajul, bill nigh, sophia
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bush, neeve schulman is here. katie, tell us about the actions you've been taking tonight and why. >> i've been calling on commonwealth leaders to make sure they step up. >> excellent. >> and there's no better way to demonstrate that this is possible but through the eradication of polio. megan, can you tell me what actions you've been taking. >> in the last decade, global efforts have put tens of millions of kids into school, but there's still so much work to be done. 58 million kids do not have access to primary school. everyone deserves 12 years of quality education. >> so of course we're going to send it back to the main stage, but we encourage everybody to get out the website and sign up. now back to the main stage. >> hi. hi, everybody.
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how you doing? i have to keep it brief. i got told to read something. since failing to join the backstreet boys in the early '80s, this gentleman went on to become the handsomest politician in america, she's here with his gorgeous super babe wife. please welcome the vice president of the united states and dr. biden! [ cheers and applause ] >> hello, new york! it's great to see you all. now i know -- i know elected officials aren't supposed to have strong views, but i love coldplay -- [ cheers and applause ] >> and by the way, something you don't know about chris martin, he's got a heart as big as his head. i'll tell you about that later, but chris, thank you very much. look, there are many different issues that bring us here tonight.
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extreme poverty, climate change, standing up for women and girls, but while each of these concerns are distinkt, there's a deeper truth, all of them are strands of the fabric of our common humanity. they're connected by a simple universal truth that my dad taught me and my brothers and sisters. he used to say, joey, everybody, everybody in the world is entitled to be treated with dignity, everybody in the world. and so whenever or wherever dignity is denied, we're called to care, we're called to witness it, and we're called to work to change. and folks, here's the deal. i've been doing this a long time as you can tell, i married a much younger woman, 38 years
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younger than i am -- [ cheers and applause ] >> but folks, all kidding aside, at no time in the history of the world has it been harder to hide injustice, whether it's in plain sight or in the darkest corners of the earth. and within each one of us, with each one of you, there's a light of conscience. and look, each of us has to move beyond, reach beyond ourselves. we have to be a light to the world, not in the world. that's what you're all here for tonight. look, i look out and i see a sea of global citizens, optimistic, determined, absolutely determined, rejecting the false premise that our challenges are mere fate with no solutions, and that protecting the universal rights is something equally
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universal, because it is. this is all about possibilities. and it's within our reach. we can change the world. we really can. you can. and it's also true -- it really is also true -- i know i'm known as the white house optimist, but i'm optimistic because i know the history of the journey of this country. it's also true that at no time in history has so much power been available to make such a difference for so many people. and i refuse to believe -- i mean this sincerely -- i refuse to believe that we're not going to try. we can do this, you can do this, we can finish this job! [ cheers and applause ] >> we must. and ladies and gentlemen, now i want to introduce you to a friend of mine, named barack obama, happens to be the president of the united states. >> dignity, it's that basic
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idea, that by virtue of our common humanity, no matter where we come from, or what we look like, we are all born equal, and that every person deserves to live free from want. together we've achieved historic progress so that more people around the world are living in the dignity they deserve. we've saved millions of lives from hiv-aids, malaria and tuberculosis. more communities are going to school and have clean water and hundreds of millions of people have been lifted out of poverty. but our york is not done. when so many mothers still die from childbirth, when so many children still die from preventable diseases, that is a moral outrage. it is a profound injustice, and we've come together as one world to realize the change that we seek. today we're setting new global goals for development, and every
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nation, every sector, every government, every citizen, has to do our part. that's how change happens. that's how together we can uphold the inherent dignity of every human being. [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm gonna miss that guy. everybody, will you please join me in welcoming common! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ooh yeah ♪ oh yeah ♪ oh yeah ♪ global citizens we have arrived ♪ ♪ second row of the church with my hood on, my homey was about to rap, he was about to get put
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on ♪ ♪ family yelling and screaming ♪ a cold world, ♪ that's why we pack heaters ♪ i'm going to need to go back ♪ i've got to get him off these poor city streets ♪ ♪ his life was over there ♪ now these keys got me locked up with older men ♪ ♪ thought these keys were to the benz ♪ ♪ ended up for my life to end ♪ get the keys to the kingdom ♪ yeah yeah ♪ everybody say yeah yeah ♪ get the keys to the kingdom ♪ yeah yeah global citizens ♪ everybody say hands in the air ♪ ♪ let me know you hear ♪ hands in the air ♪ let me know you hear ♪ hands in the air
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♪ hands in the air ♪ hands in the air ♪ just to let me know you here ♪ hands in the air yeah [ cheers and applause ] >> global citizens, new york city, to the world, we just grateful to be here representing love, representing equality and representing truth. as global citizens that belong to the world, whether it's a struggle going on in chicago, or whether it's a struggle going on in syria, or struggle going on here in new york or eritrea in africa, that struggle is our struggle. each and every time a young kid gets killed in the streets, that's our responsibility. but now we hear to stand up for that and to the most high be the
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glory. ♪ >> introducing tasha kyle. how y'all feeling? to the most high be the glory. ♪ when the glory comes ♪ it will be ours ♪ it will be ours ♪ whoa oh one day ♪ when the war is won ♪ we will be sure ♪ we will be sure ♪ whoa oh oh glory ♪ glory ♪ glory ♪ hands to the heavens, no man no records ♪
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♪ every day women and men go legends ♪ ♪ since again our skin become blessings ♪ ♪ freedom is like religion to us ♪ ♪ justice is juxtapositioned ♪ justice for all ain't specific enough ♪ ♪ a spirit is revisited us ♪ that's why rosa sat on the bus ♪ ♪ that's why we walk through ferguson with our hands up ♪ ♪ when it go down every woman and man ♪ ♪ they say stay down and we stand up ♪ ♪ ♪ king pointed to the mountain top and we ran up ♪ ♪ one day when the glory comes ♪ it will be ours ♪ it will be ours ♪ it's ours y'all ♪ one day when the war is won ♪ we will be sure
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♪ we will be sure ♪ whoa oh glory ♪ glory ♪ glory ♪ glory ♪ now the war is over and the victory is wnot won ♪ ♪ but we will fight on and when it's all done ♪ ♪ we'll cry glory ♪ oh glory ♪ oh glory hey yeah ♪ we'll cry glory ♪ oh glory ♪ oh oh oh ♪ now, for every man, woman and child ♪ ♪ even jesus got his crown in
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front of a crowd ♪ ♪ they marched with way torch ♪ we gonna run with it now ♪ never look back ♪ become a hero ♪ facing the league of justice ♪ power to the people ♪ the biggest weapon is the people ♪ ♪ our music is the cut that we bleed to ♪ ♪ somewhere in the dreams we had an epiphany ♪ ♪ now we fight the wrong thing ♪ no one can win a war individually ♪ ♪ welcome to the story ♪ see the glory ♪ one day when the war is come ♪ it will be ours ♪ it will be ours ♪ oh one day ♪ when the war is won ♪ we will be sure ♪ we will be sure
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♪ global citizens we talking about ♪ ♪ glory ♪ glory ♪ we'll cry glory ♪ oh glory ♪ glory ♪ to god be the glory ♪ ♪ to god be the glory ♪ the glory yeah ♪ hey oh glory ♪ hey when the war is won ♪ when the war is won ♪ glory [ cheers and applause ] >> ladies and gentlemen, thank you. i hear a lot of ladies out
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there. where are the ladies at right now? [ cheers and applause ] ladies all over there, where you at? fellas, where you at? [ cheers and applause ] all right, we gonna dedicate this one to the ladies. [ cheers and applause ] >> let's go! ♪ there are times when you need someone ♪ ♪ i will be by your side ♪ let her know about the light now ♪ ♪ there is a light that shines ♪ it shines y'all ♪ this for the ladies, fellas check it out ♪ ♪ never knew a love like this ♪ got to be something for me to write this ♪ ♪ queen i ain't seen you in a minute ♪ ♪ wrote this letter ♪ finally decide to send it ♪ for us to grow together ♪ i ain't going to startle ♪ i did it too
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♪ brothers recognized the life they can't handle the glare ♪ ♪ be the one to make you happy and hurt you the most ♪ ♪ come close to the most high ♪ regardless of what's happening on him we must rely ♪ ♪ there are times when you need someone ♪ ♪ i will be by your side ♪ let them know about the light now come on ♪ ♪ there is a light that shines ♪ check it out ♪ it's kind of fresh you listen to more than hip-hop ♪ ♪ that's the beats i should rhyme to ♪ ♪ love and happiness ♪ time we committed love was real good ♪ ♪ sex ain't going to keep you
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♪ but my ego, how i must treat you ♪ ♪ and whatever it's like i'm going to feed you ♪ ♪ do ♪ oh can't you see ♪ you belong to me ♪ how my poor heart aches with every step you take ♪ ♪ every move you make ♪ every vow you break ♪ every smile you fake ♪ every claim you stake ♪ i'll be watching you ♪ every move you make ♪ every step you take ♪ i'll be watching you ♪ woo i'll be watching ♪ every breath you take
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♪ every move you make ♪ every bond you break ♪ every step you take ♪ every single day ♪ every word you say ♪ every game you play ♪ every night you stay ♪ every breath you take ♪ every move you make ♪ every bond you break ♪ every step you take ♪ every single day ♪ every word you say ♪ i'll be watching you >> sting, y'all! global citizen, let's go. ♪ it might seem a million miles
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away ♪ ♪ but it gets a little closer every day ♪ may seem a million miles away ♪ but it gets a little closer every day ♪ may seem a million miles away ♪ ♪ but it gets a little closer every day ♪ ♪ one girl is enough for all of us. >> clap your hands, y'all ♪ ♪ one world is enough for all of us ♪ ♪ one world is enough for all of us ♪ ♪ one world is enough for all of us. >> yeah ♪ ♪ it's a subject we rarely mention ♪ ♪ but when we do we have a little invention ♪ ♪ i shrug my responsibility ♪ i say one world is enough for all of us ♪ ♪ yes yes yes it is now
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>> welcome back to the 2015 global citizen festival from new york city central park. you're looking live at 60,000 people. 60,000 people. let's go back to the main stage to the prime minister of norway. erna solberg. >> thank you, stephen. i'll tell anyone who will listen that we can no longer be a generation of bystanders. so join me in holding your leaders accountable for achieving the new global goals. together we can make poverty history. and in fact, failing is not an option. so are you with me?
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[ cheers and applause ] >> education opens the door to all kinds of opportunities. in northern vietnam, in malawi and elsewhere, children have told me they want education. they want to become teachers, nurses, doctors, and engineers. they want to contribute to their communities and to build their nation. so we must ensure that every child can have a 12 years of free, safe, quality education. [ cheers and applause ] and at least nine years should be compulsory. and we must reach the poor children, those trapped in conflict zones. to keep girls in school, good sanitation facilities are a must. norway plans to increase its
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support for water and sanitation by at least $6 million next year. and we can use the global citizen festival as our collective mega phone to call for a massive increase in educational funding. norway is doubling its contribution to global education, including to the global program for education over the four-year period since my government took office. so global citizens, we have the power to turn the dreams of millions of children into reality, so let's start now. [ cheers and applause ] and with us, to push for education is the first lady of
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the united states of america, mrs. michelle obama. please listen to her message to you, thank you. >> right now more than 62 million girls worldwide are out of school. many of them simply can't afford the school fees. some don't have safe transportation, or they live in communities that don't think girls are worthy of an education. but as i've traveled around the world, i have met so many of these girls, and they are so bright and so determined to make something of themselves, and that's where this issue gets personal for me. because i see myself in these girls. i see my daughters in these girls. these girls are our girls. and i simply can't walk away from them. so for me, this is truly a moral issue. and it's also a serious economic issue. we know that girls who go to
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school earn higher salaries, and they can even help boost their entire countries' economies. girls education issues are also a health issue, they have lower rates of hiv and maternal mortality. that's why earlier this year the president and i launched a new initiative called "let girls learn," and working with the peace corps, with businesses and organizations, with countries across the globe, we're helping adolescent girls worldwide go to school and we need your help. so today, along with "girl rising," we're announcing a new campaign called "62 million gir girls" and we're asking you to get on twitter and share a photo of yourself and tell the world what you learned in school,
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using the #62 million girls. those will be posted to our year book at 62 million to raise awareness about all the girls who aren't in school and to show the power of education to transform their lives. so i want you all to pull out your phones, tweet your photo right now, that's right, do it right now, using the hash tag, #62 million girls. i'm going to wait a moment to let you get started. okay, hope you've done it. now, as for me, in school, i learned how to speak up for myself. and i've already tweeted my photo, and i can't wait to see yours. >> that was the first lady, michelle obama, with a powerful message about gender equality, #62 million girls. the global citizen festival will be right back after this break
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with the one and only beyonce. ♪
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welcome back to central park, coming up on 7:45 or so, beyonce time, right around the bend. >> it's a different kind of clock than the one we all live by. >> absolutely. we just had laverne cox up on stage, common before that. let's go to the main stage and listen in. >> -- gender equality are
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thriving. and most of the countries that are against it are struggling. just take a look at yemen versus sweden. global citizens, please welcome a man who has pledged to lead the world's first feminist government, the prime minister of sweden -- >> hello central park, hello new york! give yourself a big hand because you're worth it. you're doing so much good. let me assure you that i'm so glad to be here and i'm very proud to represent sweden and i'm very proud as a prime minister, to represent the first feminist government in the world. [ cheers and applause ] now in a world where the 80 richest people owns as much as
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half of the global population, we need to be dedicated to hard work to end poverty, driven by the idea of international solidarity, and determined to achieve equality for everybody. and access to sanitation, especially, is crucial for global equality and for the rights and needs of women and girls. so as a feminist, i make this pledge. over the next 15 years, sweden's almost 10 million inhabitants will support efforts to improve access to sanitation for 60 million people throughout the world. [ cheers and applause ]
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so our country's climate may be cold, but our people's hearts are warm. we may be a small country, but we will do our part for the greater good, the greater cause. let me also thank you very much. thank you all for not being bystanders. thank you for showing that the spirit of citizenship is global. and thank you once again, thank you for taking this journey for human dignity. together we will make a difference. thank you. [ cheers and applause ] >> okay, some people have partners in crime. i have partners to stop crime. with gucci i have an amazing partner to stop crimes and injustice against girls and woman. with global citizen, i have a partner against the crime of
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extreme poverty. and now, i partner with all of you in this new social consciousness to take meaningful action. all of you may not be up here on the stage tonight, but you are the heroes of this movement. and i am sure that each of you inspire those around you, and now to inspire us, i have the honor to introduce you to our partner, a woman who is also a great mother, a true philanthropist, a social media power house, a collector of grammys, a volcano of talent, and a music legend, global
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citizen, let's make more noise for the one and only beyonce! [ cheers and applause ] [ crowd chanting "beyonce" ] [ cheers and applause ] [ piano notes ]
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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[ sound effects ]
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♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ yes, it's so crazy right now ♪ ♪ your kiss got me right now ♪ ♪ uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh oh, no, no ♪ ♪ uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh oh, no, no ♪ ♪ uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh oh, no, no ♪ ♪ one, two, three four
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♪ so crazy right now ♪ most incredibly ♪ i still don't understand ♪ no one else can ♪ got me looking so crazy right now ♪ ♪ got me hoping you'll save me right now ♪ ♪ your kiss got me hoping you'll save me right now ♪ ♪ got me looking so crazy ♪ looking so
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♪ looking so uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh oh, no, no uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh ♪ ♪ oh, no, no uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh oh, no, no ♪ ♪ i don't think you're ready bump this ♪ ♪ my body's too bootylicious for you ♪ ♪ i don't think your ready for this jelly ♪ ♪ i don't think you're ready for this ♪ ♪ my body's too bootylicious for you babe ♪ ♪ got me looking so crazy ♪ my baby ♪ i'm doubting myself. >> we're going to have a good time tonight ♪ ♪ i've been playing myself ♪ baby i don't care ♪ because your love's got the best of me ♪ ♪ and baby you're making a fool of me ♪ ♪ you got me strung and i don't care who sees ♪ ♪ baby you got me. >> oh oh oh.
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♪ ♪ got me looking so crazy right now ♪ ♪ your touch got me looking so crazy right now ♪ ♪ got me hoping you'll save me right now ♪ ♪ looking so kradsy ♪ your love's got me looking so crazy in love ♪ ♪ got me looking so crazy right now ♪ ♪ your love's got me looking so crazy right now ♪ ♪ your love's got me looking so crazierate now. ♪ ♪ got me hoping you'll save me right now ♪ ♪ looking so crazy in love ♪ looking so crazy in love ♪ your love's got me looking so crazy in love ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> hi. right now i just want to focus this moment. i feel so honored to be on the stage. so many brilliant, generous people out there. all my global citizens, all my global citizens -- [ cheers and applause ] -- i want y'all to do one thing for me. i want y'all to feel the connection right now. i want y'all to get lost and dance like children and snap your fingers like this. i want everyone, everyone repeat after me. say bait. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> oh, my god. everybody, even louder. ♪ ♪ ba ba bada ba ba bada ♪ ba ba bada ba ba bada ♪ yeah, even louder ♪ ba ba bada ba ba bada ♪ ba ba bada ba ba bada ♪ ba ba bada everybody say it ♪ ba ba bada ba ba bada ♪ ooh ♪ honey honey ♪ see the glow on the window pane ♪
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♪ i feel the sun whenever you're here ♪ ♪ every time you touch me i just melt away ♪ ♪ everybody asked me why i'm falling ♪ ♪ but i know oh whoa ♪ nothing's perfect but it's worth it ♪ ♪ baby it's you ♪ you're the one i love ♪ you're the one i need ♪ you're the only thing i need ♪ come on baby it's you ♪ you're the one i can always call when i need to make everything stop ♪ ♪ you're the one that i love ♪ baby you're all i need ♪ you're the only thing i see ♪ come on baby it's you
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♪ you're the one that gets it all ♪ ♪ you're the one i can always call ♪ ♪ when i need to ♪ finally you put my love on top ♪ ♪ because you're the one i love ♪ ♪ you're the one i need ♪ you're the only thing i need ♪ come on baby it's you ♪ you're the one that gives it all ♪ ♪ you're the one i can always call ♪ ♪ when i need you everything stops ♪ ♪ finally you put my love to p top ♪ ♪ come on baby it's you ♪ you're the one ♪ you're the one i can always call when i need to make everything stop ♪ ♪ finally you put my love on top ♪ ♪ on top
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[ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. i love you more. so what we're going to do, i'm gonna sing a little something, and i want you all to repeat after me, okay? i can't do this song without y'all. and i want you to know if you're all the way back there, i feel you and i hear you. are y'all ready? here we go. ♪ ♪ even in the shadow ♪ even in the shadows
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♪ oh baby kiss me ♪ oh baby kiss me ♪ before they turn the lights out ♪ ♪ before they turn the lights out ♪ ♪ yes ♪ feel your heart glowing ♪ and i'm crashing into you ♪ and i'm crashing into you ♪ oh baby kiss me ♪ before they turn the lights out ♪ ♪ before they turn the lights out ♪ ♪ baby love me like that ♪ in the darkest night hour ♪ in the darkest night hour ♪ search through the crowd ♪ search through the crowd ♪ you're all that i see ♪ i want to give you everything ♪ ♪ baby love me lights out ♪ baby love me lights out ♪ we don't have forever
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♪ ooh baby daylight's wasting ♪ better kiss me better our time has r -- before our time is run out ♪ ♪ oh oh oh ♪ you better take me before they turn the lights out ♪ ♪ before our time has run out ♪ baby love me lights out ♪ in the darkest night hour ♪ in the darkest night hour ♪ search through the crowd ♪ search through the crowd ♪ you'll are all that i see ♪ i want to give you everything ♪ ♪ baby love me lights out
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♪ baby love me lights out. >> y'all ready? ♪ ♪ you love me like an expert ♪ you kill me boy explode ♪ you love me like i explode ♪ i want to give you everything ♪ ♪ baby love me lights out. >> now it's your turn to sing again. y'all ready? ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh. >> sing it. ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh ♪ ooh ooh ooh ooh [ cheers and applause ] >> you guys are beautiful. this song is dedicated to all of
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my incredible fans. here we go. ♪ found a way to let you in ♪ in the light of your halo ♪ standing in the light of your halo i got my angel now ♪ ♪ baby i can see your halo you know you're my saving grace ♪ ♪ you're everything i need and more it's written all ♪
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♪ over your face baby i can feel your halo pray it won't fade away ♪ halo, halo, halo ♪ ♪ i can see your halo, halo, halo ♪ ♪ i can see your halo, halo, halo ♪ halo, halo, halo ♪ ♪ i can see your halo, halo, halo ♪ ♪ i can see your halo, halo, halo ♪ >> halo ♪ i can see your halo, halo, halo ♪ ♪ ♪ halo ♪ i can see your ♪ i can see your hey ♪ ♪ i can see your ♪ i can see your
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>> thank you. ♪ ♪ ♪ i ain't got nothing ♪ if i ain't got something i don't give a damn ♪ ♪ because i got you ♪ i don't know much but i know one plus one equals two ♪ ♪ and it's me and you
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♪ that's all we'll have when the world is through ♪ ♪ because baby we ain't got nothing without love ♪ ♪ and darling you, you got enough for the both of us ♪ ♪ just come on baby ♪ make love to me ♪ pull me in close and don't let me go ♪ ♪ make love to me ♪ when the world's at war ♪ let our love hit us all ♪ right now make love to me ♪ oh oh make love to me ♪ me me me
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♪ hey i don't know much ♪ and i don't know when i'm gonna die ♪ ♪ but i hope that i'm gonna be with you ♪ ♪ and i don't know much but i know that i will find you babe ♪ ♪ just when i follow my steps i realize i'm laying right next to you ♪ ♪ baby we, we ain't got nothing to fight about ♪ ♪ no, no, no, no ♪ make love to me ♪ make love to me
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♪ make love ♪ make love ♪ whoa oh oh ♪ baby ba ba baby ♪ baby ba baby ♪ baby baby baby ♪ baby baby baby ♪ baby baby baby ♪ ba ba ba baby ♪ ba ba ba baby ♪ ba ba ba baby ♪ baby baby ooh
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♪ ooh ooooohh >> thank you. thank you. >> can i do something special for y'all? i want to bring out someone i respect so much. ladies and gentlemen, ed sheeran.
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>> hello. ♪ well i've been drinking ♪ i've been drinking ♪ i get filthy when the liquor get up in me ♪ ♪ i've been thinking ♪ i've been thinking ♪ kind of keep my fingers off it ♪ ♪ i want you ♪ na na ♪ trying to keep my fingers off it ♪ ♪ baby i want you ♪ na na ♪ drunken love ♪ drunken love ♪ i want you ♪ we woke up in the kitchen saying how the hell did this happen ♪ ♪ drunken love
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♪ we be all night ♪ now sing i remember is our beautiful bodies ♪ ♪ drunken love ♪ we be all night ♪ love ♪ love ♪ we be all night ♪ love ♪ love ♪ we be all night ♪ love ♪ love ♪ we be all night ♪ we be all night ♪ everybody everything is all right ♪ ♪ i'm rubbing on it ♪ if you scare boy i'm drinking ♪ ♪ get my brain right
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♪ new sheets ♪ we sweet sweted out ♪ boy i'm drinking ♪ i'm singing ♪ on the mic to my boy ♪ in the tub ♪ on the sufferboard ♪ we woke up in the kitchen saying how the hell did this here happen ♪ ♪ oh baby ♪ drinken love ♪ drunk in love ♪ we be all night ♪ sing i remember is our beautiful bodies crying over that cup ♪ ♪ drunk in love ♪ we be all night ♪ love ♪ love ♪ we be all night ♪ love ♪ love ♪ we be all night ♪ we be all night ♪ we be all night ♪ we be all night ♪ we be all night ♪ we be all night
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♪ we be all night ♪ we be all night ♪ we be all night ♪ pathway and riding on my surfboard ♪ ♪ surfboard ♪ raining on that, bringing on that, swerving on this big body, surfing on this ♪ give it up, y'all, for ed sheeran.
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s ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ sing it sing it ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ ♪ ♪ i put it in the air ♪ in the air ♪ hit, hit, hit ♪ smack that ♪ like you don't care
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♪ i know you care ♪ clap, clappy ♪ but i ♪ but i ♪ i'm spinning ♪ my butter ♪ my butter ♪ i'm spinning, my butter, my hands up, my hands up, my hands up ♪ ♪ my hands up ♪ i stand away my hands up and i put my hands up. i put my hands up ♪ ♪ i put my hands up ♪ and i'm standing spinning spinning with my hands up ♪ ♪ 4 i'm spinning ♪ with my hands up ♪ i'm spinning while my hands up ♪ ♪ ♪ hold that cup like alcohol ♪ ♪ don't you drop that alcohol ♪ never drop that alcohol ♪ don't you think about alcohol ♪ ♪ don't think about that alcohol ♪ ♪ rolling dice
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♪ 7-eleven ♪ grab it twice ♪ bandits feel like rolling dice ♪ ♪ step it twice ♪ kick it with you ♪ what i'm trying to kick it with you ♪ ♪ i want to kick it with you ♪ trying to kick it with you ♪ then i want to kick it with you ♪ ♪ i spin around and i kick it with you ♪ ♪ legs side to side spinning ♪ legs moving side to side ♪ spank it ♪ shoulders moving side to side ♪ ♪ i know you care ♪ wave my hands
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♪ wave my hands ♪ side to side ♪ bikini ♪ goofy daddy ♪ keep me sweating ♪ on my blow out ♪ these are trick about to go off ♪ ♪ man because i'm so fresh ♪ fresh for you ♪ i'm freshing at you ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> i was one term for the kind of woman that my mother raised me to not be.
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and i call it a do nothing bitch. just tries to be pretty and be taken care of by somebody else. that's why i think it's hilarious like -- people like say that my body looks masculine or something like that, i'm just like listen -- just because my body was developed for a purpose doesn't mean it's masculine. i think it's femininely bad-ass because there's not a single muscle in my body that isn't for a purpose, because i'm not a do nothing bitch. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ diva is a female ♪ version of a hustler
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♪ one of my divas tonight ♪ diva is a female version of a hustler ♪ ♪ of a hustler ♪ stop the track ♪ let me say that ♪ don't you give me a minute ♪ and i'll be right back ♪ familiar around the world ♪ i think so sick and filthy ♪ tell me something ♪ what you your mouth say ♪ my ladies up in here like to talk back ♪ ♪ i see her ♪ i like to meet her ♪ what you say ♪ she ain't no diva ♪ i'm not a diva ♪ i'm not a diva ♪ tone level no passengers on my plane ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ diva is a female version of a hustler ♪ ♪ here we go ♪ here we go ♪ of a hustler ♪ diva is female version of a hustler ♪ ♪ of a hustler ♪ of a of a hustler [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ bitch in heat ♪ run off ♪ where your ass at ♪ ♪
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do we have any survivors in the house? ♪ ♪ >> do we have any survivors in the house? ♪ now that you're out of my life ♪ ♪ it's so much better ♪ why would i be weak without you ♪ ♪ i'm stronger ♪ i thought i would be poor without you ♪ ♪ but i'm richer ♪ thought that i would be dead without you ♪ ♪ i fell without you ♪ thought that i would be helpless without you ♪ ♪ i'm smarter ♪ thought that i'd be stress without you ♪ ♪ chillin'
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♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i'm not going to give up ♪ i'm not going to stop ♪ i'm going to work harder ♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i'm going to make it ♪ i will survive ♪ keep on surviving ♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i'm not going to give up ♪ i'm not going to stop ♪ i'm going to work harder ♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i need y'all to put your fists up in the air ♪ ♪ say i'm a survivor ♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i'm not going to give up ♪ you ever had a bad relationship. you ever survived an illness? a hater? i want you to keep your fists up and sing ♪ ♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i'm a survivor ♪ i'm a survivor
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♪ compromise? what is compromising? compromising for what reason? a man comes into my life and i have to compromise? [ laughter ] stupid. ♪ ♪ ♪ try to run ♪ no one here cares out of line ♪ ♪ you get yours ♪ baby i'll get mine ♪ gonna make it ♪ baby, if we try ♪ gonna yeah ♪ may be alone ♪ i've been through this
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♪ i've been through this ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ tell me ♪ how i should i feel ♪ when i know what i know ♪ if my female intuition ♪ telling me ♪ people told me about the flames ♪ ♪ i don't see through the smoke ♪ ♪ when i needed accusations ♪ you can choke ♪ you can't stay you gotta go ♪ taking a toll ♪ the way the story unfolds ♪ not the picture-perfect movie ♪ ♪ everyone would have sold ♪ want to make it hot like fire ♪ ♪ bring me alone ♪ hey ♪ bring me along
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♪ and i'll start dying ♪ bring me along ♪ i wednesday doing this too long ♪ ♪ i damn if i see another chick on your arm ♪ ♪ no ♪ no ♪ ♪ i'm calling all the girls ♪ ♪ ♪ question ♪ ♪ all the women who wear the
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pants ♪ ♪ throw your hands up in the air ♪ ♪ question ♪ all the ladies ♪ feel me ♪ girls ♪ we burn this mother ♪ girls we burn this mother down ♪ ♪ girls we burn this mother ♪ girls we run this mother ♪ rerun the world ♪ girls who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ ladies ♪ we run this mother ♪ you take care of your children ♪ ♪ who run this mother ♪ if you work hard ♪ you run your house ♪ if you make your own money ♪ if you run your life
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♪ i'm going to try to help me sing this tonight ♪ ♪ some of them think they treat us like they do ♪ ♪ but no they don't ♪ disrespect us ♪ no, they won't ♪ boy don't even try to touch this ♪ ♪ this is hopping ♪ this goes out to all the girls ♪ ♪ up in the club ♪ rack in the ladies ♪ boy themselves ♪ get more money sing ♪ so good with this ♪ boy i'm just playing ♪ oh come here, baby ♪ be still like me ♪ my persuasion ♪ built a nation ♪ in this power ♪ i love and devour
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♪ do anything for me ♪ who run the world ♪ girls who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run this mother ♪ who run this mother ♪ who run this mother ♪ girls ♪ who run this mother ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who are we ♪ what we run ♪ the world ♪ ladies, who run this mother ♪ who are we ♪ what we run ♪ the world ♪ ladies ♪ who run this mother? ♪ ♪ who are we ♪ what do we run ♪ we run the world ♪ girls who run this mother ♪ who are we ♪ what we run ♪ we run the world ♪ who run the world
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♪ girls ♪ ♪ we teach girls to shrink themselves, make themselves smaller. we say to girls ♪ ♪ you can have ambition ♪ but not too much ♪ you should aim to be successful ♪ ♪ but not too successful ♪ otherwise you will threaten the man ♪ ♪ because i am female, i'm
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expected to aspire to marriage ♪ ♪ i'm expected to make my life choices always keeping in mind that marriage is the most important ♪ ♪ a marriage can be a source of joy and love and mutual support. but why do we teach girls to aspire to marriage and we don't teach boys the same? we raise girls to see each other's as competitors, not for jobs or accomplishments, but for the attention of men. we teach girls they cannot be sexual beings in the way that boys are. ♪ who run the world ♪ who run this mother ♪ who run this mother ♪ who run this mother ♪ who run this mother ♪ my persuasion ♪ can build a nation ♪ endless power
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♪ alone we can devour ♪ feminist, a person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i know when you were little girls ♪ ♪ you dreamt of being in my world ♪ ♪ don't forget it ♪ don't forget it ♪ respect that
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♪ grab drop down bitches ♪ i took some time to live my life ♪ ♪ don't get it twisted ♪ get it twisted ♪ does my [ bleep ] bow down bitches ♪ ♪ bow down bitches ♪ bow down ♪ bow down ♪ i'm coming down ♪ ♪ tripping on the ground ♪ i'm coming down ♪ coming down ♪ get it on the ground
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♪ ♪ first step ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you wake up flawless ♪ flawless ♪ flossing on their ♪ flawless ♪ this rock ♪ flawless ♪ i woke up like this ♪ i woke up like this ♪ flawless ♪ ladies ♪ i woke up like this ♪ i woke up like this ♪ we flawless ♪ ladies tell him ♪ say i look so good
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♪ when i god damn ♪ say ♪ i look so good tonight ♪ god damn ♪ good damn ♪ ladies and gentlemen, how many flawless people we got out there? ♪ ♪ how did you wake up this morning? flawless! show me, say i woke up like this. i want to see your hands on your face. say i woke up like this. i woke up like this. right now say i felt myself. i feeling myself. i'm feeling myself. i'm feeling myself i'm feeling myself. i'm feeling myself. i'm feeling myself. ♪ i'm feeling myself ♪ i'm feeling my ♪ eye feeling myself ♪ i'm feeling my ♪ i'm feeling myself
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♪ i'm feeling my ♪ i'm feeling myself ♪ say i'm so ♪ i'm so awesome ♪ i'm so awesome ♪ i'm so awesome ♪ say i'm so i'm so awesome ♪ i'm so awesome ♪ i'm so awesome ♪ i'm so i'm so awesome ♪ i'm so i'm so awesome ♪ i'm so awesome ♪ i'm so i'm so awesome ♪ i'm so i'm so awesome ♪ so awesome ♪ change the game ♪ know where you was when the digital popped ♪ ♪ i stopped the world, i'm female it ain't make no difference ♪ ♪ i stop the world ♪ change the game when i digital drop, ♪ ♪ know where you was when the digital stopped ♪ ♪ i stopped the world ♪ i'm female, ain't make no difference ♪ ♪ i stop the world ♪ world stop
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>> drop the bass, get lower ♪ ♪ radio say speed it up ♪ i just go slower ♪ i like trouble ♪ the man ain't ever seen a booty like this ♪ ♪ why you think you're cool ♪ when he want to smash i just write another one ♪ ♪ i sneezed on the beat and the beat got sicker ♪ ♪ not say on his mouth like liquor ♪ ♪ put your hands together. like liquor like like liquor ♪ ♪ beyonce all on his mouth like liquor ♪ ♪ like liquor ♪ now it's time to have some
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fun. do we have any ballers in the house tonight? let me see you bounce ♪ ♪ bounce ♪ bounce ♪ bounce ♪ last week you stayed at home alone and lonely ♪ ♪ he was chilling with his homies ♪ ♪ this week and you're going out ♪ ♪ you try to stop if you're going off ♪ ♪ you got your hair done and your nails done, too ♪ ♪ shoes ♪ hottest tonight ♪ you're going to find the fellows rolling in the lexus trucks and honda ♪ ♪ you got a man ♪ babies the club is ballers ♪ now you fellas rolling with your friends ♪ ♪ the club ♪ ladies is your man at home ♪ the club is full of brothers and they got the move on ♪ ♪ and your fellows leave your girl at her friends ♪
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♪ because it's 1:30 and the club is jumping ♪ ♪ let me see you jump ♪ let me see you shake ♪ let me see you twist ♪ dip that thing ♪ one more time ♪ let me see you bounce ♪ let me see you shake ♪ shake baby shake sflrks let me see you twist ♪ ♪ dip that thing ♪ one more time ♪ let me see you bounce ♪ all the fellows jump and shake ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> many people wonder where my secret lies ♪ ♪ i'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model size. when i start to tell them, they think i'm telling lies. i say it's in the reach of my arms. the span of my hips. the stride of my step. the curl of my lips. i'm a woman. phenomenally. i walk into a room just as cool as you please. and to a man, the fellows stand. or fall down on their knees. then they swarm around me, a hive of honey bees. i say, it's the fire in my eyes. the flash of my teeth, the swing in my waist. the joy in my feet. i'm a woman.
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phenomenally. men themselves have wondered what they see in me. they try so much, but they can't touch my inner mystery. when i try to show them, they say they still can't see. i say, it's in the arch of my back. the sun of my smile. the ride of my breasts. the grace of my style. i'm a woman. phenomenally. now you understand just why my head's not bowed. i don't shout or jump about. or have to talk real loud. when you see me passing, it ought to make you proud. i say, it's in the click of my heels. the bend of my hair. the palms of my hands. the need for my care. because i'm a woman, phenomenally.
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♪ ♪ >> i'm a woman. i'm a woman. i'm a woman. phenomenally. ♪ i just want to love you ♪ if i love you ♪ oh
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♪ i'm a grown woman ♪ i can do whatever i want ♪ she got the arms above the world ♪ ♪ get whatever she wants ♪ that girl ♪ that tide ♪ that girl ♪ y'all help me sing this ♪ i'll be your baby ♪ i promise not to let you go
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♪ love you like crazy ♪ say you'll never let me go ♪ say you'll never let me go ♪ say you'll never let me go ♪ say you'll never let me go ♪ baby come get up and show me that you really want it ♪ ♪ i want to be the one to love you baby ♪ ♪ let's go ♪ baby let's go ♪ i want to provide from let me love you from your head to toe ♪ ♪ baby let's go ♪ come take my hand ♪ i won't let you go ♪ i'll be your friend ♪ i will love you so ♪ i will be the one ♪ kiss you at night ♪ i will love you ♪ 'til the end of time ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i'm a grown woman ♪
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♪ ♪ say you'll never let me go ♪ say you you'll never let me go ♪ ♪ say you'll never let me go ♪ say you'll never let me go ♪ say you'll never let me go single ladies? put your hands together. we got to go hard. before we go home. single ladies. ♪ all the single ladies ♪ all the single ladies ♪ all the single ladies ♪ all the single ladies ♪ all the single ladies ♪ all the single ladies ♪ put your hands up
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♪ up in the club ♪ just broke up ♪ doing my only thing ♪ decided to dip ♪ night on the trip ♪ another brother noticed me ♪ i'm up on him ♪ he's up on me ♪ pay him any attention ♪ i cried my tears ♪ ain't be mad at me ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ don't be mad what you see he want it ♪ ♪ if you like it you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ whoa whoa whoa whoa oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ don't matter if you see what he want it ♪ ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ don't treat me to these things of the world ♪ ♪ i'm not that kind of girl ♪ your love is what i prefer ♪ what i deserve
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♪ is it makes me ♪ that takes me ♪ to a destiny ♪ to infinity and beyond ♪ to the end of your arms ♪ say i'm the one you want ♪ if you don't you'll be alone ♪ and like a ghost ♪ i'll be gone ♪ right now ♪ let's do this together one more time ♪ ♪ say hey ♪ hey ♪ hey hey ♪ hey hey ♪ hey hey ♪ hey ♪ hey ♪ hey hey ♪ hey hey ♪ hey hey ♪ now wait ♪ y'all ain't stanking enough for me ♪ ♪ whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ whoa oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
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oh oh oh ♪ ♪ whoa oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ whoa oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ don't be mad what you see if he want it ♪ ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ don't be mad what you see if he want it ♪ ♪ if you like it you should have put a ring on it ♪ whoa oh oh ♪ >> thank you guys so much. y'all are fantastic. did y'all have a good time? i to give it up for coldplay. they have such a wonderful show, i love you chris, thank you for
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asking me to do this tonight. salma hayek, everyone at gucci, thank you guys. and ed sheeran, i love you. give it up for my dancers and my band. special thanks to hugh evans for putting this wonderful event together tonight. it's a very time of change emerging. and ladies and gentlemen, last but not least, i like for you all to give it up for the first lady. [ cheers and applause ] give it up for the first lady! of the united states of america!
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[ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> good evening everyone! let's give it up for the amazing beyonce! oh. i am thrilled to be here tonight. and i am honored to follow a woman whom i admire and adore someone who believes as passionately as i do in the
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boundless promise of girls worldwide. and that's really one of the reasons why i'm here tonight, because as i said -- i love you guys, too. i love you. but as i said in the video, that you saw earlier, and this is important, right now 62 million girls are not in school. and what's important to know is that these are our girls. they deserve the same chances to get an education as my daughters and your daughters and all of our children. and make no mistake about it, giving them that chance is at the core of our work to end global poverty.
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it's the only way to insure that these girls can fulfill their potential, provide for their families, and contribute fully to their countries. and that's why if you haven't done so already, here's what i need you to do -- i need all of you to join our 62 million girls campaign right now. right now so here's what i want you all to do -- i want you to tweet or instagram a photo of yourself using the #62milliongirls. and i want you to answer this one question -- what did i learn in school? and then here's what i want to you do -- i want you to get everyone you know to do the same thing, too. all right? can we all do that? we're going to do it right now? >> yes, we can. >> i'm glad to hear that. thank you guys so much.
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and now -- now i have the pleasure of introducing someone who is an inspiration to me, and to people around the world. our next speaker is an icon. a global celebrity who has the huge spotlight that follows him everywhere he goes. but he doesn't use that spotlight for his own glory or just to further his own fame. no, he takes that bright light and he shines it on the most urgent moral issues of our time. issues that a lot of folks don't know about. like how poverty is sexist for example. how it is, it hits women and girls the hardest. this man is a dear friend to me and my family, he's a role model for me and the president and our work on girls education. and so many other global issues. and i am so proud to introduce him tonight.
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ladies and gentlemen, join me in welcoming the one and only -- bono. >> thank you, thank you, first lady what a first lady. thank you, michelle, it's very kind. you make me think of a lyric, "she's got both feet on the ground and she's burning it down. she's got her head in the clouds and she won't back down." ♪ this girl is on fire >> what a first lady and what a crowd, you're on fire. how you doing out there? how you doing out there in central park? be careful, it can be dangerous out there, believe me, i know what i'm talking about. i was 19 when i started working for nelson mandela in the fight
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against apartheid in south africa. it looked impossible. but mandela used to say, it is always impossible until it is done. ten years ago aids drugs were just for the rich. trying to get them to the poor, they said, it was impossible. it was just i think 100,000 people on those drugs in the developing world. but i'm proud to tell you, 15 million people you will not likely meet, you are paying for their aids drugs, people said it was impossible, it is impossible until it is done. around here governments have to do what you tell them. if there's enough of you. it is always impossible, until it is done. all right. so to these global goals, to end poverty, inequality, and fix
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climate change -- impossible, right? wrong. it is always impossible until it is done! say it -- it is always impossible until it is done. say it! always impossible until it is done. >> that's right, that's right. thank you. men and women, working together, as one. particularly the women. because as the first lady has just reminded you, poverty is sexist. and none of these goals are possible without goal number five -- the rights of women and children and girls to go to school. to own a farm. to own a home. to walk the streets safe from harm. to get connected, to get respected, to pursue their vision and not be suspected. to start a business to self-esteem to wake up in your
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own dream. now i want to introduce you to five women you'll recognize one of them today. i bet you'll recognize all of them tomorrow. they're here to tell you that every child, every boy and every girl deserves an education. don't tell them it's impossible. they're here to show you how they're going to get it done. will you welcome, please, five extraordinary women. the new boss. >> i am shazam zan from pakistan. >> i'm iman isef from nigeria. >> i'm salame from syria.
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>> i'm kana juss from pakistan. >> thank you. [ cheers and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] and i am malala from pakistan! i'm so thankful to all of you for your love, for your support, but i'm here standing with four young girls for a cause. for a mission. for a basic human right -- the right to go to school. the right to get an education. which every child deserves. which is the right of every
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child. whether it's a child from syria, whether it's a child from syria or nigeria or pakistan. it's the right of every child. and i'm asking for a basic human right. i have a very small kind of dream. that is to see the world a happier place, a place where every child can have the right to go to school. where every child and every person has the freedom to live a happy life, to live a peaceful life. to live in safety. that is my dream. and i have this dream because there are millions of people, millions of children who do not have these rights right now. there are 59 million children
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only on the primary scale who cannot go to school. of the 66 million girls are deprived of education. and that forces me, that forces all five of us to ask here today, that no world leader would want their children to be deprived of education. so why to ignore the rest of the world's children? why to ignore the rest of the world's children? in these global goals, i want education to be the top priority. because how can we end poverty? how can we insure health? how can we make sure that there is equality in society and there's prosperity in society when we deny the right to education? so education should be the top priority of our world leaders and i'm hopeful that they will look to the future and they will
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invest in this field. it's not that there is lack of money in this world. it's not that there's lack of money. we have billions and trillions of dollars. but where the money goes, is military, is things that are useless and that are not useful to society. it is a book, it is a book and a pen. that can change the life of a child. it's not a gun, it's not a cl h clish. it was a gun that hit me in the side of my forehead. it was a gun that hit my two friends. it wasn't a pen but it was a pen that helped us to go forward in our life. education really means a lot to me and to the world's children.
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so today i ask you, i ask all of you each and every one of you to join me in this movement. to insure that every child gets this right. not just primary education, but secondary, full complete 12 years of education for every child. every girl, all around the world. no child should be neglected. they are the future. they are the future. future should not be neglected. and let us walk together, let us walk together, join this movement. to make this world, not just a better, but the best place to live. where education is given to every child, education is hope, education is peace, education is a basic human right. will you stand with me?
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will you stand with me? will you stand with amina? will you stand with saalam? will you stand with kainard? will you stand with chaziya? will you stand with those 66 million girls who are deprived of education right now? will you stand with all of us? who hope for a brighter future, who hope for a best future, will you stand with us? thank you so much to all of you and i'm hopeful that change will come, change will come, but change does not come itself. it's we, it's you, it's all of us. who walk together and bring that change. so let's be that change and make sure that this world gives the
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basic human right to every child, which is education, thank you so much. [ cheers and applause ] >> that with a malala yousafzai. following a command performance by beyonce and an appearance by the first lady of the united states, michelle obama. we have so much more coming up right after the break. including bill and melinda gates and pearl jam. ♪ ♪
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katie, tell us why you want to be here and what does it mean to be a global citizen? >> this is my third year attending this incredible event. it's part of our responsibility to be a part of making this change and ending extreme poverty by 2030. and that is so inspiring to me, i just want to be a part of it. >> so people hear the date and they might think that that seems far off. it's really not. how do we make this more achievable? >> well it isn't that far off and it's by continuing efforts like these and really working hard to make these changes and making it a better world for the next generation. >> we're off to a great start, katie, thank you very much. we'll send it back to you. >> back stage at the action hub with katie holmes, how is this for a hand-off at the global citizen festival. beyonce hands off to the first lady of the united states who hands off to bono who hands off to malala yousafzai.
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>> and much respect to bono. because women and girls and their empowerment is not just a female issue, men should be involved. thank you, willie. but also just drives home the sort of global, the global nature of this and speaking of global, bill and melinda gates are taking the stage right now. >> if anyone ever tells you we can't do anything about global poverty and disease, please tell them this -- we have cut poverty and childhood deaths in the last 25 years in half. in half. now how did that happen? well there are lots of reasons. but i'll tell you the very biggest reason -- it's because we came together, all of you and the world, and decided this is something we're going to focus on. people from all walks of life decided we're going to do something about poverty and childhood death. >> we call ourselves impatient
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optimists. optimistic because we know ambitious goals can be achieved when we all work together. impatient because we're not getting there fast enough. but there's a plan. and that's where you come in. >> if we're going to make the progress we need over the next 15 years to end extreme poverty, we need you. >> we need you to hold your leaders accountable. the leaders who made promises this week in new york and who set goals? we need you to tell everyone about these goals. we need to you prove to the world what we already know -- that this is not a generation of bystanders, you all care about the world. you are global citizens.
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>> i'm a global citizen. melinda is a global citizen. join us and with your help together we can end extreme poverty. and now i would like to introduce a -- a new generation of global leaders, the prime minister of italy, mateo renzi. thank you. >> that was bill and melinda gates telling the world, telling all of the audience here the 600,000 here that they should hold their world leaders accountable. way to go. >> and the bill and melinda gates foundation does an incredible job. there's hardly a city that doesn't benefit from their generosity. >> pearl jam coming right up.
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we were asking the question, who could follow beyonce? who would want to follow beyonce and now the crowd is telling us that pearl jam can follow beyonce. pearl jam exploded on the scene in 1991 with "ten." for me it's junior in high school. >> for you it was elementary school. for you, you were in the cradle. >> pearl jam has been active in they deserve a crown jewel place at this moment at this time. have them coming up shortly, stay with us.
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welcome back. let's go now to the main stage where u.n. secretary-general ban ki-moon is addressing the crowd. >> your leaders, hold them to it. demand that they deliver. second, tell everyone share what you learn today.
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the united nations needs you, don't stand by. don't stand back. stand up. stand up for justice, stand up for dignity, stand up for a better world. take your passion and compassion, let's make the global goals a global reality. thank you, all the best to you. thank you. i just have to tell you that olivia and i are standing up here looking at all of you and it's so inspiring to see you. everybody give yourselves a round of applause for being out here tonight.
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the very first of the new global goals is to end extreme poverty by 2030. ending extreme poverty and boosting shared prosperity are the twin goals of the world bank group. please join me in welcoming dr. jim yun kim, president of the world bank group. >> good evening again, everybody. global citizens, i have some great news to share with you tonight. we've heard about so many problems in the world and these are real challenges. but we also have to highlight a great success. we made tremendous progress in the fight against extreme poverty. at the world bank group we go to work every day to end poverty by 2030. and i've got a big announcement to make today, since i was on this stage one year ago, 90 million people have lifted themselves out of extreme poverty.
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i have another major announcement, even with the slow global economy, we estimate that next year 80 million more will lift themselves out of extreme poverty. but look, we can do better than that. if we work together to grow the economies, and invest in people, their health, their education and protect them from disasters, we can make this number go from just 80 to 100 million people lifted out of poverty next year. we accept this challenge at the world bank group. but it's going to take action from everybody, from governments, activists, doctors, students, but most importantly -- from all of you. hold your leaders accountable to make the world a better place, push everybody, demand more from everybody.
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if we work together we can build a world that is more prosperous and just for all of us. next year when i'm standing here, if we do it, i'll be able to tell you that 100 million people were lifted out of poverty, because of you. thank you very much. i can feel the excitement down here, are you getting excited? i know. we're almost there. almost. all night. we've been taking actions. this is the final time we'll be out to see how the actions and how many and the commitments that we've been taking, that will affect lives. the final total, ladies and gentlemen, $92,061,708, it's a brilliant number it it completely underpins why we're all here today. thank you so much. this week the united nations and and 193 world leaders have
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committed to the 17 global goals for sustainable development. i would now like to introduce amina mohammed, the special adviser of the secretary-general of post-2015 development planning. >> hello, everybody. everywhere. whether you're just learning about the sustainable development goals or have been a part of shaping them, thank you, thank you, thank you. this is an extraordinary moment in our history. these goals will end poverty. bend the curve on climate change, restore dignity to evne everywhere. and they will leave no one behind. tonight secretary-general ban ki-moon called on you to hold your leaders to account. your individual actions will count. no gesture will be too big or too small, because collectively, they all make a difference. and that's why your generation will change the world.
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these are global goals for local action. i'll be taking these goals home with me to nigeria and i will help make these goals come alive in my country so that our girls will never be kidnapped again. i hope you will each continue to be global citizens. never, never bystanders, tell everyone everywhere how these goals will change the world. how together we can change our world for all of us. and for all that come yet to come. thank you. >> but not only are world leaders committing to end extreme poverty. so are corporate leaders. >> together we are aiming to reach seven billion people in seven days with news of the global goals. these leaders will insure that we are not a generation of bystanders, we are all global citizens.
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please welcome them. >> so they're going to tell everyone about the global goals. first, let's hear from hans vesburg of ericsson. and with him, martha rodgers, from rodgers communications, felipe vogaler from the vodafone foundation and telenor and dr. nassar and bob kodamor of safari com. >> thank you, fantastic to be here tonight. we're here to commit to the global goals that has been approved by the world leaders. we're 60,000 people here and everyone has a mobile phone. yes? [ cheers and applause ] >> i'm so proud that more people than you will report committing to the goals swreext gathered 31
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mobile operators around the world, covering 166 countries and 5.6 billion, billion mobile subscribers. they have committed together with us, to send an sms to more than one billion people on this earth, the next seven days. with the message about the global goals. and i think that's a fantastic commitment from all these guys in the mobile industries. a big hand for them! okay, ready? why stop here? welcome oscar winning director spike jones, who represents vice
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and chris anderson, committed to reaching the goals. >> with them is andy bernt of google, bringing the goals to over 1 billion people through youtube and the google home page and jimmy wales, founder of wikipedia. who is translating the goals into every language on the planet. >> and leading them, ladies and gentlemen, ceo of virgin group, sir richard branson! >> what a great day. you all having a good time? anyway all of us on this stage believe that business should be a force for good, and can and should help to achieve the global goals. but business can't do it alone. we need the whole world to help and for that, we need people
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power. and over the next week across the virgin group, we're recognizing the superpowers of our customers and inviting them to join global, at the global goals alliance. all of us have committed to reach as many people as possible. with the news of the global goals. and we just want to work with all of you to try to make poverty history. so thank you very much. cheers! >> press the button, richard. you got to press the button, that's it. >> that's it! ♪ >> but wait, there's more. please welcome, aol ceo tim armstrong, whose organization is committing to a full takeover of their platform. senior executive vice president of comcast, david l. cohen and
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chairman of our broadcast partner, msnbc, phil griffin. >> good evening, everyone. we're delighted to be here tonight, to join in this call to action, and at comcast we've committed over next 12 months to reach all 22 million plus of our customers, through using all of our platforms. calling on them to make this commitment that we're all talking about on this stage tonight. i'm honored to be joined by tim armstrong and aol, and phil griffin of msnbc, which is broadcasting this fantastic event tonight. in making sure that everyone knows about the global goals.
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>> that's billions reached with news of these goals and there are many organizations that have contributed to the campaign who aren't on stage tonight. including getty images, who we thank for free access to their film and video library to make many of the films we've watched tonight. >> finally, to demonstrate the power of using social media to promote the global goals, please welcome forward the ceo of global consumer banking at citi, steven bird. >> good evening, everyone, fellow global citizens, we share a small blue planet. but it's not blue enough, because typically we don't share enough. it's time to make real progress. which has been citi's mission for two centuries, tonight we're proud to unleash the phenomenal power of the entire citi family. all of our colleagues and customers throughout the world. tonight light up the world, and achieve these goals.
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sure, tv has evolved over the years.
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it's gotten squarer. brighter. bigger. it's gotten thinner. even curvier. but what's next? for all binge watchers. movie geeks.
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sports freaks. x1 from xfinity will change the way you experience tv. welcome back to central park here in new york city, you're watching the global citizen festival on msnbc. i'm willie geist alongside alex wagner and janet mock. getting ready for pearl jam. >> we want to look back at some of the biggest performances and moments you might have missed from earlier today. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> you look so beautiful from up
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here. ♪ oh whoa >> let's get warmed up for singing with beyonce. ♪ i used to rule the world ♪ things would rise when i gave the word ♪ ♪ now in the morning i sleep alone ♪ ♪ sweep the streets signs to own ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i used to roll the dice ♪ feel the fear in my enemy's eyes ♪ ♪ and the crowd would say ♪ now the old king is dead ♪ long live the king ♪ one minute i held the key
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♪ next the walls were closed on me ♪ ♪ i discovered that my castles stand ♪ ♪ upon pillows of jam ♪ i hear church bells ringing ♪ the cavalry choirs are singing ♪ ♪ mirror of my soul shield ♪ missionaries in the crowd unfurled ♪ ♪ for some reason i can't explain ♪ ♪ once you've never an honest word ♪ ♪ that was when i ruled the world ♪ it was a wicked and wild world ♪ ♪ blew down the doors to let me
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in ♪ ♪ shadow with the sound of chimes ♪ ♪ people couldn't believe what i've been called ♪ ♪ revolutionaries wait ♪ for my head on a silver plate ♪ ♪ i'm just a puppet on a lonely string ♪ ♪ who would ever want a king ♪ now i hear bells are ringing ♪ cavalry choirs are singing ♪ soul shield ♪ missionaries in a firry field ♪ ♪ for some reason i can't explain ♪ ♪ i know st. peter will call my name ♪ ♪ there in an honest word ♪ that was when i ruled the world ♪ ♪ okay, shorts i'm coming up ♪ my citizen choir
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♪ i rule the world ♪ whoa oh oh oh ♪ whoa oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ i hear bells ringing ♪ cavalry choirs are singing ♪ nearer my soul is shield ♪ missionaries in a fiery field ♪ ♪ for some reason i can't explain ♪ ♪ i know st. peter will call my name ♪ ♪ never an honest word ♪ that was when i ruled the world ♪ ♪ ♪ >> amazing young singer that's coming out to sing with us today and she's had to move her whole thing around to come and do it at the last minute.
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arianna grande. ♪ ♪ i don't ever ask you ♪ where you've been ♪ and i don't feel the need to ♪ know who you were with ♪ i can't even think straight ♪ but i can tell ♪ you were the sweeter and i'll still be a fool ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm a fool for you ♪ yeah ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ is all i want
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♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit is all i'm asking for ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh yeah ♪ oh oh oh yeah ♪ i don't ever tell you ♪ how i really feel, and i can't find the words to ♪ ♪ say what i mean ♪ nothing's ever easy ♪ and that what they say ♪ no matter ♪ i'll still be a fool ♪ 'cause i'm a fool for you ♪ yeah yeah ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your
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heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart is all i want ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of is all i'm asking for ♪ ♪ oh oh oh ♪ oh oh yeah ♪ i know that you're only ♪ but at least i'm one ♪ i had a little love ♪ better than none ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart is all i want ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your
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heart is all i'm asking for ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart ♪ ♪ just a little bit of your heart is all i'm asking for ♪ ♪ just a little bit is all i'm asking for ♪ >> thank you, chris, thank you so much. thank you, global citizens. >> what's up, new york! please welcome the recently crowned top musical act in the united states, a personal favorite of mine, singer-songwriter ed sheeran!
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ la la la ♪ oh la la la la ♪ oh la la la la ♪ oh la la la
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♪ i met this girl ♪ late last year ♪ she said don't you bother if i disappear ♪ ♪ i told her i'm looking for another mistake ♪ ♪ called an old friend ♪ i jump right in ♪ a week later i return ♪ i gave her my time ♪ to be nice and put her on frozen until the moment was right ♪ ♪ i wait for months until our paths crossed again ♪ ♪ she told me i was never looking for a friend ♪ ♪ maybe you could swing around by ten ♪ ♪ bring the lemon and the bottle of gin ♪ ♪ we'll be in the sheets until the morning ♪ ♪ the heart is so cold ♪ all over my arms ♪ i don't want to know that ♪ i don't open my love ♪ take aim and reload ♪ i don't want to know that ♪ for weeks only want to see
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her ♪ ♪ drink away the days ♪ global text message the only way to reach her ♪ ♪ now she's staying at my place d ves the way i treat her ♪ ♪ never wants to sleep ♪ how we make money the same way ♪ ♪ flames the same way ♪ those shows have never been what it's about ♪ ♪ maybe we'll go together and figure it out ♪ ♪ sit on the couch ♪ we should get on the plane ♪ will we be missing it now ♪ should have written it down ♪ she was kissing him now and confused ♪ ♪ she was don't for my love ♪ that heart is so cold ♪ all 0 over my arm ♪ i don't want to know that ♪ don't fool with my love ♪ i told you she knows ♪ take aim and reload ♪ i don't want to know that ♪ my hotel ♪ i don't even know if she knows what for. she was crying object my shoulder ♪ ♪ trust and respect is what we do this for ♪
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♪ i never intended to be next up ♪ ♪ you didn't need to take him to bed that's all ♪ ♪ i never saw him as a threat ♪ until you disappear with him to have sex ♪ ♪ it's not like we were both on tour ♪ ♪ and i wasn't looking for a sole commitment ♪ ♪ but it was never just fun and i thought you were different ♪ ♪ you want it it's a bit too much too late ♪ ♪ all this time god knows i'm singing ♪ ♪ don't fool with my love ♪ that heart is so cold ♪ all over my arms ♪ i don't want to know that ♪ don't fool with my love ♪ i told her she knows ♪ take aim and reload ♪ i don't want to know that ♪ don't fool with my love ♪ these girls, they know that heart is so cold ♪ ♪ these girls ain't loyal ♪ don't fool with my love ♪ these girls ain't loyal ♪ that heart is so cold ♪ i don't want to know that
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♪ i don't want to know that, babe ♪ ♪ the heart is so cold ♪ i like the way you work it ♪ ♪ diggy ♪ about to bag it ♪ i like the way you work ♪ about to bag it ♪ the way you work it ♪ about to bag it ♪ i like the way you work it ♪ no digging deep ♪ hey yo hey yo hey yo hey ♪ hey yo hey yo hey ♪ play on play on play on ♪ didn't that girl look good ♪ hey yo hey yo ♪ don't follow with my love ♪ that heart is so cold ♪ all over my own ♪ i don't want to know that, babe ♪ ♪ don't fool with my love ♪ that's all that she knows ♪ take aim and reload ♪ i don't want to know that,
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babe ♪ ♪ don't fool with my love ♪ that heart is so cold ♪ all over my own ♪ i don't want to know that, babe ♪ ♪ don't fool with my love now ♪ i told her she knows ♪ take aim and reload ♪ no i don't want to know that ♪ babe ♪ ♪ >> global citizens. my final song, thank you so much for coming out. pearl jam, we had a deal in the beginning that we might lose our voices together, i'm perfectly up for it are you up for it as well? whatever i give to you sing, you
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sing and sing and sing until you cannot sing any more. please put your hands in the air. give me clap clap clap clap clap. i give you to sing, you scream back and it goes like this ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ scream it loud ♪ oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ late in the evening ♪ glass on the side ♪ i've been sat with you ♪ for most of the night ♪ ignoring everybody here ♪ we wish they would disappear ♪ so maybe we could get down now ♪ ♪ i don't want to know ♪ if you're getting ahead of the program ♪ ♪ i want you to be my lady ♪ to hold your body close ♪ take another step into no man's land ♪ ♪ for the longest time ♪ need you darling ♪ come on say so
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♪ if you feel you're falling ♪ won't you let me know ♪ whoa whoa whoa ♪ if you love me ♪ come on get involved ♪ feeling crushing rushing through you from your head to your toe ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ one, two, three ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ love is a blazing, stole things from the side of the stage ♪ ♪ until then we're going to have nothing to say ♪ ♪ something to drink and maybe something to smoke ♪ ♪ and singing we found love in a local rain ♪ ♪ i don't know what i'm supposed to say ♪ ♪ told her my name and said it's nice to meet you ♪ ♪ she handed me a bottle of
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water ♪ ♪ each if anybody finds out ♪ meant to drive home ♪ so sit on the couch ♪ one thing led to another ♪ and now you're kissing my mouth ♪ ♪ need you darling ♪ if you feel you're falling ♪ won't you let me know ♪ oh ♪ oh oh oh ♪ if you love me ♪ come on get involved ♪ feel it rushing through you ♪ from your head to toe ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ can you feel it ♪ all the guys in here don't even want to dance ♪ ♪ can you feel it ♪ i can hear this music from the
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back ♪ ♪ can you feel it ♪ found you hiding here so won't you take mine, darling ♪ ♪ before the beat kicks in again ♪ ♪ can you feel it ♪ can you feel it ♪ now now now now now ♪ can you feel it ♪ one, two, three ♪ need you darling ♪ come on set the tone ♪ if you feel you're falling ♪ won't you let me know ♪ oh oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ if you love me ♪ come on get involved ♪ feel it rushing through you from your head to toe ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪ one two, three, sing oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh
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♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh [ cheers and applause ] >> before this evening ends, let's make more noise for the one and only beyonce! ♪ here we go ♪ remember those walls are huge ♪ ♪ but baby they're tumbling down ♪ ♪ i found a way to let you in ♪ standing in the light of your
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halo ♪ ♪ 'cause light up ♪ every rule i had you breaking ♪ ♪ it's the risk that i'm taking ♪ ♪ i ain't never going to shut you out ♪ ♪ 'cause everywhere i look now ♪ i'm surrounded by your embrace ♪ ♪ babiky see your halo ♪ you know you're my saving grace ♪ ♪ you're everything i need and more ♪ ♪ it's written all over your face ♪ ♪ i can feel your halo ♪ i pray you won't fade away ♪ halo ♪ your halo ♪ halo ♪ see your halo ♪ halo ♪ see your halo ♪ see your halo ♪ halo
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♪ see your halo ♪ i can see your halo ♪ i can see your halo ♪ i can see your halo ♪ halo ♪ halo ♪ i can see your i can see your ♪ ♪ halo ♪ i i will be your ♪ thank you! ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ i'm calling all the girls ♪ question -- all the women who wear the pants ♪ ♪ throw your hands up in the air ♪ ♪ question -- all the ladies ♪ ♪
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♪ girls we run this mother ♪ ♪ girls we run this mother ♪ yeah ♪ girls we run this mother ♪ yeah ♪ girls ♪ we run this mother ♪ here we with go ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ ladies ♪ who run this mother ♪ who run the this mother ♪ you take care of your children? ♪ ♪ you work hard ♪ you run your house ♪ if you make your own money ♪ if you run your life ♪ i want you to help me sing this tonight ♪ ♪ some of them think they treat us like they do ♪ ♪ but know they don't ♪ make your check come at your neck ♪ ♪ disrespect us ♪ no, they won't ♪ boy, get this cranking ♪ this is how they name me ♪ houston, texas, baby
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♪ this goes out to all the girls ♪ ♪ in the club, ladies, sing ♪ so good with this ♪ boy i'm just playing ♪ come here, baby ♪ hope you still like me ♪ if you take my persuasion ♪ can build a nation ♪ endless power ♪ i know i can devour ♪ do anything for me ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ who run this mother ♪ who run this mother ♪ who run this mother
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♪ who run the world ♪ who run the world ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run the world ♪ girls ♪ who are we ♪ what we run ♪ the world ♪ ladies, who run this mother ♪ who are we ♪ what we run ♪ the world ♪ ladies ♪ who run this mother ♪ who are we ♪ what do we run ♪ we run the world ♪ girls ♪ who run this mother ♪ who are we ♪ what we run ♪ we run the world ♪ who run the world ♪ girls put your hands together we got to go hard before we go home. single ladies here? ♪ all the single ladies ♪ all the single ladies ♪ all the single ladies ♪ all the single ladies ♪ all the single ladies ♪ all the single ladies
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♪ put your hands up ♪ up in the club ♪ just broke up ♪ don't my own thing ♪ decided to dip ♪ night on the trip ♪ another brother noticed me ♪ i'm up on him ♪ he's up on me ♪ pay him any attention ♪ i cried my tears ♪ three years ♪ can't be mad at me ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ don't be mad what you see that he want it ♪ ♪ if you like it you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ whoa oh oh oh ♪ whoa oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪ if you you like then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ if you like it you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ don't be mad what you see that he want it ♪ ♪ if you like it you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ don't treat me to these things of the world ♪ ♪ i'm not that kind of girl ♪ your love is what i prefer
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♪ what i deserve ♪ is it makes me ♪ that takes me ♪ that lifts me ♪ to a destiny ♪ to infinity and beyond ♪ to be into your arms ♪ say i'm the one you want ♪ if you don't you'll be alone and like a ghost ♪ ♪ i'll be gone ♪ right now ♪ let's do this together ♪ one more time ♪ say hey hey hey ♪ hey hey hey hey ♪ hey hey hey ♪ hey hey hey ♪ hey hey hey ♪ hey hey hey hey ♪ hey hey hey ♪ hey hey hey ♪ hey hey hey hey ♪ hey hey hey hey ♪ hey hey hey hey ♪ now wait ♪ y'all ain't stanking enough for me ♪ ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh
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♪ whoa oh oh ♪ oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh ♪ whoa oh oh ♪ oh oh oh ♪ oh oh oh oh oh ♪ i would oh oh oh oh ♪ i would oh oh oh oh oh ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ don't be mad what you see that he want it ♪ ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ don't be mad what you see that he want it ♪ ♪ if you like it then you should have put a ring on it ♪ ♪ whoa oh oh! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> thank you guys so much.
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6:47 pm
welcome back to central park in new york city, you're watching the global citizen festival on msnbc. i'm willie geist alongside alex wagner and janet mock, and we're getting ready for the final act of the night -- pearl jam.
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>> new york city, here at central park. here's to you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ nurkz ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ >> one, two, three, four. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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