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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  August 10, 2015 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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space is a pretty big deal. 60 years ago we were trying to figure out how to get a person into space. and when we finally did, we were sending this up there as the astro meal plan. they are cherishing the lettuce, red romaine from their own farm stand. for us, let us consider the possibilities. i am out of puns. it is time for the last word with lawrence o'donnell. tonight megyn kelly had something to say about donald trump after everything he had to say about her this weekend. >> i'm not sure i even quite know where to start with what's been going on with the trump campaign. >> she should really be apologizing to me, you want to know the truth. >> fire storm over donald trump's comments over fox news anchor megyn kelly. >> she asked me a very inappropriate question. >> this is a man who's not smart
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enough to be president. >> they were completely inappropriate and offensive comments, period. >> i thought what he said was offensive. >> and on yesterday's meet the press, trump told chuck todd it's hard for women to attack his looks, because, quote -- >> it's very hard to attack my looks because i'm so good-looking. >> misogyny is a terrible campaign sprtrategy. >> i want to help women. >> it's like watch ago car accident. >> he was the focus of everyone's attention. >> i think he's having the time of his life, being up on that stage, saying whatever he wants to say. >> i think it's awfully early to be worried about this kind of fluff with donald trump. >> there will be days born on election day 2016 whose parents haven't even met yet!
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donald trump's version of a peace offering to megyn kelly came today in the form of a starring role in a vying video attacking jeb bush that the trump campaign released this afternoon. >> read my lips. no new taxes. >> those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere. >> would you have authorized the invasion in. >> i would have. my dad did this wrong, my brother did this wrong. >> donald trump has spent days now relentlessly complaining about this question posed by megyn kelly. >> mr. trump, one of the things people love about you is you speak your mind and you don't use a politician's filter, however, that is not without its down sides in particular when it comes to women. you call women you don't like fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals. your twitter account --
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>> only rosie o'donnell sfwr. >> no, it wasn't. your twitter account -- [ applause ] >> thank you. >> for the record, it was well beyond rosie o'donnell. >> yes, i'm sure it was. >> your twitter account has several disparaging comments about women's looks. you once told a contess tans it would be a pretty picture to see her on her knees. does that sound to you like the temperament of a person we should elect to president. how does that show to hillary clinton that you are part of the war on women? >> i think the problem is being politically correct. >> 24 hours later, donald trump offered this description of what you just saw. >> she gets out, and she starts
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asking me all sorts of ridiculous questions, and you could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever. >> donald trump then spent the weekend refusing to apologize for what everyone knew he meant. >> i wake up, and i hear that, you know, somebody took it as something else. only a deviant would think that. i don't even think that. who would think it? >> donald trump was still at it this morning. >> she got very angry during this question, because of that, because she couldn't even finish the rest of the question, because the crowd went wild. and i, in discussing it later, i said blood was, she was so angry that blood was coming out of her eyes. blood was coming out of her -- and then i didn't even finish the answer, because i wanted to get on to the next point, but i was going to say, is or does,
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because that's a common statement where blood is pouring out of your ears. it's a very common statement. >> if someone made such a comment about a female journalist, suggesting that they were on their menstrual cycle, that would be -- >> that would be inappropriate, but i didn't do that. >> at media world was relishing a war with his fellow friends at fox news -- rog roger ace calle. we expressed our kearconcerns. i assured him that we will continue to cover this campaign with fairness and balance. we had a blunt but cordial conversation and the air has been cleared.
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joining us now, matt lewis, a contribute or for the daily e caller. christina, i just want to point out a couple of things, just matters of fact that donald trump has not been challenged on in any of his rants against megyn kelly. fact number one, megyn kelly was not even slightly angry. not slightly angry. and he speeds that description past all his interviewers when he's getting into the blood coming out of her eyes stuff, with this thing about her being angry. and you can see in the video, she wasn't angry at all in asking that question. >> yeah, that's exactly right. i think she did an i have good job at the debate. and the entire exchange, trump's answer was clearly well received by the crowd and probably had that been the end of it we wouldn't be talking about it right now.
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we'd be talking about something else. but instead, this was allowed to become this weird fight that makes him look pretty bad in the eyes of not just women but in the eyes of a lot of women who are going to be voting, and it's become this multiple support st. she didn't seem mad at all. she asked a measured question. and she kept going after the crowd was cheering, and he answered it. and really, what we should be talking about are what the candidates would do for america. they all want to be president. that's the more important story. >> well, megyn kelly, wisely, let the whole thing bubble up all weekend without giving a hint of what she thought about it until her show went on the air tonight, and shehere is wha she said about it. >> trump will not apologize, and i certainly will not apologize for doing good journalism. so i will continue doing my job without fear or favor, and mr.
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trump, i expect will continue with what has brneen a successf campaign so far. this is a tough business, and it's time to move forward. >> any road is higher than the road donald trump will take. >> yeah, i think that's right. and i think this is a mutually beneficial relationship. i'm not saying that megyn kelly set this up or wanted it to go down like this. but this is a win-win for now at least. donald trump loves attention, loves publicity. he has dominated the conversation. doesn't matter if it's good or bad. all publicity is good for donald trump. and megyn kelly, her name's out there, and i think she's being regarded deservedly as a really top-notch journalist. going into a republican debate, it would have been easy to say fox news is going to throw softballs to these candidates.
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megyn showed that she's really tough and a good journalist. and i think the phone call with roger ailes showed that it's mutually beneficial. trump needs fox, and fox needs donald trump. >> another thing donald trump is very angry about is frank luntz focus group on fox news after the debate. let's take a look at that. and we can see why donald trump is so upset with him. >> when you walked in here, how many of you had a positive opinion of donald trump, raise your hand, overall. how many of you have a positive opinion of him now? who is negative toward him when you walked in here. who's negative now? what happened. >> you know what happened? i liked him when i came in here, because he wasn't the politician. but right now, he skirted around questions better than a lifelong
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politician ever had. [ rlaughter ] >> he crashed and burned. he was mean. he was angry. he had no specifics. he was bombastic. >> ely, you walked in here a trump supporter, what happened? >> he let me down. i just expected him to rise to the occasion and look presidential. he didn't. >> and phillip rucker, we have some very hastily down surveys that aren't calling themselves polls that don't indicate any real movement for trump up or down. it will take a while to know what the effect of that debate was. >> it will. and the key for donald trump is longevity and durability. can he take this kind of summer fling, if you will, where he has really energized a core part of the republican party and
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translate that over the next several months into next year to a winning coalition to take the nomination and ultimate lay the presidency. at this point, a lot of people are doubting that he can. and we'll have to see over the next couple of weeks and into the fall whether he's able to do that. >> he can certainly keep his campaign afloat financially for as long as he feels like it. but philip rucker, you're breaking some news on another republican candidate who's in serious trouble. >> that's right. former texas governor rick perry has stopped paying all of his campaign staff. the money is running dry in that campaign. that said, there's a perry super pac that has about $17 million. and they're prepared to fund that effort aggressively and try to promote perry as best they can, but it will be very difficult for the perry campaign going forward. >> how much money has the perry campaign burned through? and what have they used it for? it's a little early to be buying
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tv ads, isn't it? >> they're not buying tv ads. but in the second quarter where jeb bush was raising millions. he only had about $800,000 cash on hand as of the end of june. at this point, i think they're spending their money on literally airplanes and hotel rooms and food, getting the candidate to appearances. they really want to try to get him on the big debate stage next mondays at simi valley reagan foundation library. he needs a push in the polls, and i think the super pac will step up perhaps with more advertising to ensure that he rises in the polls and makes that debate stage. >> thank you for that breaking news tonight. coming up, a little audience participation game involving you and donald trump. ♪
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time for tonight's episode of questions for donald trump.
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the next republican debate is just five weeks or so away. so let's all help those debate moderators by coming up with questions for donald trump. you can tweet them to me at lawrence or @the last word. you can also post them onto our facebook page at last word. now here's my suggestion for questions for donald trump. if you've watched him handling questions, you should know that. do not ask him broad and open-ended questions. the answers will go on forever. always use a trump concept and trump words in a question to donald trump. that means you actually have to listen to donald trullen, which is something that many tv interviewers of donald trump forget to do. so when donald trump says he wants to make america great again, a good question for donald is when was the last time america was great. see what that does?
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it forces him to give a certain specificity about america's greatness like attaching dates to it. now he's not going to say america was great during the obama administration, so that sets the clock at least since the george w. bush administration, but that would include the iraq war, and he says he's opposed to that. so he doesn't want to pick the bush years or the 1990s, because hillary clinton's husband was president then. will he have to go back to the eisenhower administration? i don't know. you get the idea. to tonight's question for donald trump, and it is based on what he said in the debate when he was asked how he'd changed his mind from being a pro-choice supporter of r supporter of rowe versus wade.
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>> friends of mine years ago were going to have a child, and it was going to be aborted, and it wasn't aborted, and that child today is a total superstar, a great, great child. >> so tonight's question to donald trump is, what if the child did not become a total superstar? would you think maybe your friends should have ended that pregnancy? would you still be a supporter of abortion rights?
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a new royers thing, maybe ha poll or something, it's hard to describe, taken after the debate shows donald trump still on top. 24 of american voters say they would vote the way for trump. rand paul, lindsey graham come in at 3%. a nbc news survey finds that donald trump had the worst performance in the debate, with 29% saying trump did the worst, 14% say rand paul was worst. judge bush was worst according to 11% in that survey. that same survey finds carly fiorina won the debate with 22% saying she performed best.
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18% say donald trump performed best. marco rubio, 13% say he was best. ted cruz, 12% say he did the best job. joining us now a political reporter for the new york times. nick, we're watching a lot of messy data come out in these things that they're calling surveys. and one of them describes not what they call a margin of error but some other thing that i think they used a physics term to describe just how wrong it might be, but it seems like this debate, it's going to take at least a week to settle into the polling consciousness out there. >> or weeks. it was a spectacular. it was a lot to take in. >> like nothing we've ever seen. >> and i think trump, he resets the algorithm for this campaign. if your goal was to come in and be the straight-talking blunt guy like chris christie, you can't do that with donald trump on the same stage.
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because you can't outblunt him. some like fiorina are trying to get in there and ride his coattails as the trump critic. >> i spent friday afternoon driving up the hudson river to williams town, which meant i got to listen to rush limbaugh for almost the entire three hours, and that host and that audience declared all the republicans to be losers of this debate. let's listen to one sample. >> i tuned into the debate, i had to check the channel, because i thought i was watching msnbc. the moderators methodically torpedoed each candidate with donald trump being the biggest target. i have lost all respect for fox news. >> yeah, you know, i, you're not the first i've heard this stuff from, beginning last night. and it is frustrating.
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>> matt lewis, that's the way the day went in conservative talk radio after the debate. they just felt that fox news bombed all of those candidates. >> i tell you, i think it's an interesting phenomenon because working at the daily caller i've seen they for years, there is an assumption that because conservatives for a long time have lived in a hostile media environment where there's the mainstream media. then you have alternative media, talk radio, cable news. fox, and there's assumption that you're supposed to carry the water for republicans. that you're supposed to just go easy on them. and i give fox news credit. i think that they asked some very tough questions, not just of donald trump. and if there's an expectation that they're supposed to just be there, why are you so awesome to donald trump, i think that's just a misunderstanding of the
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purpose of journalism. if you work at the daily caller, you might say it's a journalistic outfit. our the job is not to help elect republicans. there are other people who do that. we have a world view that's a conservative world view. i'm not hostile to people who are pro life or anti-tax, but it doesn't mean that we're going to throw softballs, and i think that maybe that's what some folks were hoping this would be. >> christina, i want to get to a point where, what i was hearing on conservative talk radio friday afternoon. i also listen to the highway car show, a boston show which is great. it's a more reasonable version of rush i guess is the way i describe it. but they all agree that asking if you would support the republican nominee was a tough question. in the history of republican debates, that has never before been considered a tough question. >> yeah, you know, part of, there are two things going on here. i think all of these numbers
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really ill straight how difficult it is to have so many candidates on stage. can you say carly fiorina won a debate in which she wasn't in. then there's also, think about how many millions of people tuned in to that debate for donald trump reasons, but also because they're interested in this. they're not watching the post commentary. they're not listening to rush limbaugh or polling the machinations after the debate. they might not check in until another 37 days or later. so that's one reason why the numbers have not been reflected. that is not a tough question at all to ask if you're going to support the republican nominee. democrats have been asked that on debate stages as well. >> there's an assumption that it was just donald trump because he's the one who was whining and
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complaining about it. jeb bush will to answer tough questions about common core. and marco rubio was asked, essentially, he had to come out and say he had no exceptions on the abortion issue, which i think really hurt him in a general election. so a lot of them were put to the test. and the fact is, donald trump should be asked tough questions. he, as rand paul has pointed out and others, donald trump is a liberal. he supported single payer not long ago. and he would have supported it in america. >> let bygones be bygones. he was a liberal. let's listen to what charles krauthammer said. >> i think one of the reasons that at the end of the debate donald the trump decided that he would make this into a war on the fox, is because i think he thinks he lost.
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if you win a debate, you don't start a war attacking the moderators >> some very compelling logic there. >> i mean, i've seen this guy's twitter feed, donald trump's twitter feed. he attacks everybody all the time for everything. that's his only mode, attack, attack, attack. i think rush has a small point on this that hard questions were asked of all the candidates. but the follow ups and the circling back i felt were mostly directed at trump. it seemed like they came kind of loaded for bear at the trump. it wasn't wrong to do, but i can see why you would think there was a little ingender there. >> isn't that the normal treatment of the front runner? because that's who people want to hear the most from ? >> that's exactly what i was going to say. when much is given, much is expected, you know, and i think donald trump is in first place,
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in a commanding lead in many cases. it makes sense that he would get more questions, and frankly, because he's spoken in these generalities. of course he would get the follow up questions, as you said, pinning him down on some specifics. i think chris wallace specifically did a good job on that. let me also say something about rush limbaugh, because i, i'm writing a book right now about the conservative movement, and, you look back at someone like william f. buckley who really sort of policed the far right. he was able to excommunicate the frifrng elements. and eric erickson, i give him a lot of credit for standing up and saying that what donald trump said is inappropriate. he wasn't, he was, you know, kicked out of the red state gathering. and i wish that rush limbaugh would exercise that same sort of moral authority. he has a huge audience, a huge megaphone. if rush limbaugh stood up to
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donald trump, it would make a huge difference. >> can i make one poichbts about this, that donald trump got a big cheer if front of that audience when he said, i only said this about rosie o'donnell. and none of the people who've been interviewing donald trump on this, and he says i got a big laugh about rosie o'donnell. when did we decide as a society that it's okay to use these words in relation to one person. that you can call this one person these words. and before we go, the truth is, he did not reserve those words for rosie o'donnell. he used the word dog for someone else and person we all know and whom we won't drag into this mud. but well, yeah, you can say that about rosie o'donnell, you can laugh about that. >> no, you shouldn't call anyone names. i've said this about trump before. he, as nick points out, he goes after people on his twitter feed
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all the time. he's attacked every d.c. journalist we all know. it's not what the voters are paying attention to. that's why they said had he left it there it might have been a successful debate again. >> i am for the record not related to rosie o'donnell as far as i know. i saw somewhere over the weekend one conservative commentator say you can't say this about rosie o'donnell. i wish i knew i remembered who that was, because i'd like to commend that person for doing it. matt lewis, thank you for joining us. coming up, donald trump may be leading the republican party, but he's losing to hillary clinton and bernie sanders. and bernie is drawing way bigger crowds.
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protests, dozens of arrests and gunfire broke out in ferguson, missouri on sunday night, demonstrations marking one year since michael brown's death turned violent. just before mid night last night a man was wounded after police say he opened fire on officers. today members of the black lives matter movement occupied a public square outside the courthouse. nearly 60 people were arrested and authorities declared a state of emergency in st. louis county.
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protesters also blocked interstate 70 in both strexs for about laugh an hour, stopping rush hour traffic. police made several arrests there as well. for more, i'm joined by msnbc's tremaine lee who is live. what's the situation there? >> reporter: it's almost as if we've lived this day once, a thousand times. almost a year to a day when i was talking to you and there was tear gas in the air and anger and passion. here we are a year later you'll see dozens or more gathered. there's this range of emotions coming off of last night's violence which had disrupted what had been a peaceful weekend of organizing and protesting. folks tell me they are equally sad and frustrated and angry. every time they take a few stips forward, something happens to draw them a step or two back.
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what sparked the ferguson uprising was sparked by violence and blood should, and, again, more violence and bloodshed d disrupted the calm and peace. a state of emergency was put in effect tonight. what will that mean? the chief of the county police was behind the scenes pulling the strings anyway because they have an interim chief. folks are concerned that after last night's shooting that folks will be empowered. but in the same token, if last night illustrated anything at all, it's how tenuous the administrati situation can be. when you see the gunfire, people running in fear, the image of the young man, 18 year old tyrone harris, bloodied on the
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ground, it began with a skirmish between two groups. that's what we've been dealing with here in ferguson. >> in this state of emergency, is there any curfew there? >> reporter: there's no curfew yet. that's what folks are wondering, is this the first step to get us back to that curfew. many people are gathering on florissant. a group of people had climbed up on top of the ponderosa building, a bunch of guys, about seven or eight, half a block down, dozens of officers. they're preparing for whatever may come. >> thank you very much for joining us tonight, tremaine. coming up, hillary clinton explains why she went to donald trump's wedding, and bernie sanders is drawing huge crowds and even bigger poll numbers than donald trump in new hampshire.
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continues to draught bw the big crowds. >> whoa! we began this campaign all of three and a half months ago, and the momentum, as you can see tonight has been nothing less than extraordinary. thank you for being here! >> that was a crowd of well over 20,000 who gathered to hear bernie sanders yesterday. that set the record for the largest political audience for the 2016 presidential contest. senator sanders broke his own record set just a day earlier when 15,000 people showed up to his rally in seattle. that came hours after senator sanders left another stage in seattle where protesters from the black lives matter movement interrupted his speech. >> i was going to tell bernie how racist this area is. but right now we're going to honor this space and honor the
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memory of michael brown and honor all of the black lives lost this year. and we're going to honor the fact that i'm going to have to fight through all these people who say "my life matters "! >>senator sanders is in the 17,000-seat memorial stadium. in your reaction to the moment in seattle where black lives matter takes over the stage? >> my reaction is that the disruption is working. and here's why. the sanders campaign just released a new policy platform that talks about the four kinds of violence inflicted on black and brown communities. it wasn't there before the disruption started. so in terms -- and this is what we know social movements do. they inject issues onto the political agenda. so now o'malley and sanders and
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clinton have all come out with very strong, bold policy platforms to deal with, what are the central demands of the black lives. >> and it doesn't seem to of, his, what would we call them? i was going to say clashes with black lives matter. i'm not sure that's the right word. but run-ins, whatever you call it. it doesn't seem to have hurt the momentum of the sanders campaign. there he is with you in los angeles tonight drawing another huge crowd. >> yeah. we've got reporters out at the scene there. big crowds of people driving from all over to see him. he was in oakland earlier and got a big endorsement from a nurse's union. there's not a lot to compare it
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to. hillary clinton's potential to get disrupted in this way is less. they're less open to the public than this at this point in the campaign. and at the same time, she's not trying to draw a contrast with these crowds. so it's hard to say looking at this giant crowd he's getting when she's not, when she's choosing to reveal her student loan plan. this is about drawing attention. it is helping with his name recognition. here in california, everyone is talking about him. there is an energized movement. when i'm talking to people, they're saying, hey, can he win this nomination. anything can happen. here's all the reasons hillary clinton is well-positioned for it. but nothing would surprise me in politics. >> if you try to grab hillary clinton's microphone, you ain't going to get near it, because you have the secret service to
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deal with it. i want to put trump polling in perspective here. donald trump is polling in new hampshire at a level lower than bernie sanders, significantly lower, showing much less support. 24% of republicans. bernie sanders has 36% of democrats. that's a way bigger slice of the electorate in new hampshire that bernie sanders has. and yet, if you haven't tried to compare this, it all goes to the noisemaker. >> i think the trump phenomenon is real. it's hard to know how he would do in a smaller field of candidates that i don't know, 20, 30, 50 candidates at this point. so that they're dividing it up and stealing votes from each other. i would very curious to see how trump would do against scott
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walker, rubio. and donald trump gets a lot more attention. >> thank you very much for joining us tonight. coming up, hillary clinton's explanation of why she went to donald trump's wedding and why former illinois congress aaron schock faces the possibility of jail even before facing criminal charges. can you tell what makes them so different? did you hear that sound? of course you didn't. you're not using ge software like the rig on the right. it's listening and learning how to prevent equipment failures, predict maintenance needs, and avoid problems before they happen. you don't even need a cerebral cortex to understand which is better. now, two things that are exactly the same have never been more different. ge software. get connected. get insights. get optimized. can a a subconscious. mind? a knack for predicting the future.
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policy pronouncements. he's been talking about tariffs. he's been talking about taxes, health care, being able to buy it across state lines. he's been talking about it, but they refuse to listen, because they want to hang onto that line of attack as long as they can, that he's not talking about specifics. >> donald, if you want to talk about specifics, about health care or any other the governing policy that you propose, you know you have an open invitation to do that, right here on the last word. something that felt like... home? and now you can't connect the way you used to... because you switched wireless carriers and are getting a less reliable connection. it's okay. we're still here for you and we'll be happy to have you back on a reliable network. come home to verizon and get 10 gigs for $80 a month plus $15 per line. only at verizon.
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in out of control congressman news tonight, politico is reporting that the department of justice threatened to hold aaron schock in contempt of court and put him in jail for not releasing thousands of pages of records from his congressional office. schock's defense team argues that he has a fifth amendment
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right not to incrkricriminate hf by handing over those documents. up next, if you're wondering how to get hillary clinton to come to your wedding, you've got to make it sound like fun. at ally bank no branches equals great rates. it's a fact. kind of like mute buttons equal danger. ...that sound good? not being on this phone call sounds good. it's not muted. was that you jason? it was geoffrey! it was jason. it could've been brenda. will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather. a mouth breather! well, put on a breathe right strip and shut your mouth. allergy medicines open your nose over time, but add a breathe right strip and pow! it instantly opens your nose up to 38% more.
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so you can breathe and sleep. add breathe right to your allergy medicine. shut your mouth and sleep right. breathe right and look for the calming scent of breathe right lavender in the sleep aisle. (vo)cars for crash survival,ning subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble... ...and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. not honda. not ford or any other brand. subaru eyesight. an extra set of eyes, every time you drive. in the republican debate, donald trump was asked exactly what he got in exchange for his
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campaign contributions to democrats. >> what did you get from hillary clinton and nancy pelosi? >> with hillary clinton, i said, be at my wedding, and she came to my wedding. she had no choice, because i gave. >> today hillary clinton told her side of the story. >> i didn't know him that well. i mean, i knew him, i knew him and i happened to be planning to be in florida, and i thought it would be fun to go to his wedding, because it's always entertaining. now that he's running for president, it's a little more troubling. >> the democratic party has announced they will hold only six presidential debates, far fewer than the republicans. the conventional wisdom is that fewer debates always favor front runners. >> i'm going to show up for the debates as they are scheduled. and i look forward to having a robust, good opportunity to exchange views with my, you know, fellow candidates. i'm just going to show up. and when i'm told to show up, i'll be there and looking forward to it.
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>> the other democratic candidates would like to have a few more debates. >> i would like to see us debating all over this country. i'd like to see the dnc have more debates, labor union groups, environmental groups, womens groups, gay groups. different constituencies host events and have debates. i believe the more debates the better. >> i think we should have a robust debate. the presidency is not a crown to be passed back and forth between two royal families. and in our party, sadly, we are now being told that we're only supposed to have one debate in new hampshire before the people of new hampshire get to vote. i think that's a big mistake for us. >> back with us, dorian warren and christina bell antony. let's listen to what she said about marco rubio with a veiled
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reference to trump here. >> whether one of their major candidates, a much younger man, the senator from florida, says there should be no exceptions for rape and incest, that is as offensive and as troubling a comment as you can hear from a major candidate running for the presidency. what marco rubio said has as much of an impact in terms of where the republican party is today as anybody else on that stage. >> christina, there is hillary clinton using, that was actually a larger discussion about the offensive comments donald trump made both in the debate and after the debate. and then she takes that into the policy arena, saying what marco rubio and others are advocating in policy is just as offensive. >> the democrats all want to make sure the volume isn't turned up so loud on trump that the other candidates aren't heard when they say things that
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they think are going to be beneficial for the democratic party come november 2016. so they're doing a really big job of putting out stuff on chris christie and marco rubio. and that's what she's doing. hillary clinton doesn't think she's going to be running against donald trump. and by the way, i'm dying to know, did she get him a wedding gift. and did he send a thank you gift. >> and where was he regge speis exactly? i wonder how much more noise the democrats are going to make about this. >> we'll also learn as people might or might not jump in. we heard rumors that this debating, jumping into the presidential race, so that dynamic could shift. obviously, it is to her advantage to limit the number of debates. it so to challenge o'malley and
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sanders to get them -- >> there's hillary clinton catching up, trying to of catch with bernie sanders. >> i would love to see lots and lots of debates, but i am surprised they got that firar. and bernie sanders kind of force thad issue. they're going to have plenty to talk about. whoever moderates those debates will do a very good job. we just had reports from our reporters on the scene at the bernie sanders rally, he said that he had 27,000 people here in los angeles. >> wow. >> i haven't done the crowd count, but that's what he said. >> as christina can tell you, los angeles is actually, people it think oh, the big cities. the big cities are the hardest places to get big crowds.
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here's hillary clinton in new york city, in manhattan. she got 5,000 people, and they worked as hard as they could to get those 5,000 people. it is amazing that he's turning out these -- >> it's amazing, especially in los angeles, which, as you now, is a car culture. but portland, seattle, phoenix, texas, these are places you would not expect huge crowds for any political candidate, much less someone who is a self-avowed socialist and is on the left. >> when bernie sanders pulls these kinds of crowds, there's this increasing excitement momentum, and it's hard to see in the campaign at this stage that same excitement momentum for hillary clinton. >> it does remind me, i covered 2007 extensively. and that's when you began to see barack obama gain a national following. >> she definitely has this
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excitement, dorian. it's just not coming out there. >> it's not visible in the same way. >> it's really present online. they're there. thank you both >> tonight on "all in." >> to be going after him, the republican party is going to have to deal with him. >> the republican party will >> the trump show continues with donald trump now demanding apologies from fox news. >> she should really be apologizing to me, you want to know the truth. >> tonight, michael steel and gabe sherman on how republicans and fox news are dealing wilt the runaway front-runner as trump shows no sign of slowing down. plus, as bernie-mentum continues across america, can sanders pull off something only one other candidate has ever done before? and a state of emergency is declared in st. louis county, missouri, as we return to