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tv   Politics Nation With Al Sharpton  MSNBC  August 5, 2015 3:00pm-4:01pm PDT

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standard, the one thing about an establishment candidate, they're not supposed to make these gaffes. so why is jeb bush doing this? >> right. that's a question we'll see the answer to hopefully tomorrow night. john and ej, thanks so much for your time tonight. >> good to be with you. >> "politicsnation" with the reverend al sharpton starts right now. tonight on "politicsnation," bill clinton's secret phone call to donald trump. how it may be affecting the 2016 race. also a huge victory against a voter i.d. law in texas. the latest on that active shooter scare at a tennessee movie theater. and the anti-spanish rant caught on tape is going viral, and it reveals a lot about the immigration debate in this
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country. welcome to "politicsnation." we begin tonight with what might be the most fascinating conversation of the 2016 race. "the washington post" reporting today that bill clinton called donald trump right before he launched his campaign. in a phone call in may, clinton reportedly encouraged trump's effort to play a larger role in the republican party, and while clinton never urged trump to run, he did tell trump that he was striking a chord with frustrated conservatives and was a rising force on the right. the former president was also said to be upbeat and encouraging. now, we've known trump and the clintons used to be friendly. they even went to trump's wedding in 2005. but we had no idea they spoke just before trump blew up the
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2016 field. and boy, has he blown it up. with just a day before the first republican debate, he's the undisputed front-runner. he'll be standing center stage tomorrow night, and the other ten candidates are just hoping they can hold on to their own. >> i don't know how you can rehearse for a debate. >> there will be some candidates there who come to the stage looking to tear down other candidates. that is not going to be my approach. my approach has consistently been to take the high road. >> certainly i don't want to attack, if i'm attacked, i have to do something back. but i'd like it to be very civil. >> i'm going to keep my mind free and loose. i'm going to go in there to have fun. >> i'm not looking to hurt anybody. i'm not looking to embarrass anybody. if i have to bring up deficiencies, i'll bring up deficiencies, but certainly i'm not looking to do that. >> sure doesn't seem like it will take much convincing for him to tear into his opponents.
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so what was bill clinton thinking when they talked back in may? was he hoping for this all along? joining me now, joan walsh and jonathan capehart. thank you both for being here. >> thank you very much, rev. >> joan, what do you make of the phone call? do you think present was hoping trump would run? >> i love this story. it's got everything. right? republicans heads are exploding. they've been wanting to blame him -- call him a democrat, say he was a hillary plant. now they have a tantalizing piece of evidence. of course it's not true. bill clinton doesn't have that control over dond trump. donald trump has changed his stripes, he's thoroughly in the mainstream of the republican party, but it's enough for them to put this problem off on the clintons, the democrats when it's a real republican problem. but i think it's hilarious and bill clinton would want to see his wife run against donald trump. it's the easiest task for her.
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>> jonathan, former president clinton is known to be a great political strategist. could he have planned what's happened with trump any better? >> we've known that he likes to pick up the phone and call anybody in the political realm. he loves this stuff. if he can get you on the phone and you're running for office, he would love to talk to you about it. i think the problem for trump is, why'd you take that call? in the republican field, why would you take the call from bill clinton, if you are even thinking about running for the republican nomination? what could he possibly say to you that would be of any use? and i'm talking about from the republican -- >> from the base. >> from the base. >> the other problem he has is your paper coming out with this the day before the debate. it's kind of awkward if he goes after hillary tomorrow night when he's on very good speaking
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terms with the clintons. not that i would suggest timing by your paper or your source, who i don't mind if you tell us who it is. >> well, i didn't write the story. if i had, i wouldn't tell you. but you know "the washington post" reports news and the timing of this could not be more delicious. >> when you look at it, joan, republicans themselves talked about how damaging trump's been to the party. john mccain said he fired up the crazies. rick perry called him a cancer on conservativism. and lindsey graham said he was a wrecking ball. is the trump candidacy just what dr. clinton ordered? >> oh, i think it absolutely is. and i remember standing and talking to you, reverend, and thinking maybe lindsey graham will get some traction. this is how well i don't know the republican base. i'm always hoping for an outbreak of sanity. maybe lindsey graham would get traction by standing up to
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trump, by chopping up his phone, maybe that was a great strategy. lindsey graham did not any anywhere. rebuking trump has not shown itself to be a winning strategy sfr anyone. >> what's a man have to do? >> to get a little bump in the polls. there seems to be no reward for anybody who is going to stand up and criticize what he stands for, and what he's doing. so that's why i question democrats and i think most americans hope that somebody has the courage to stand up to him tomorrow night. but i'm not sure we're going to see that. >> what does this mean for tomorrow night, the phone call and do you think somebody will stand up as joan hopes someone will? >> look, i hope someone will stand up to donald trump too. they should stand up to him because -- you've been in debates. when you're the front-runner, you have the target on you. people should be gunning for you to take you down, in order for them to rise. so they should be attacking
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trump. but as our colleague jane robinson wrote, i believe it was last week, trump has proven to be like godzilla, the more you attack him, the think stroer he gets. he denigrated a war hero, who is a sitting -- and a republican presidential nominee in 2008, he's still in the race. any other republican who would have done what, we wouldn't even be talking about them now. so that's the -- >> let me go to something that's interesting to me. trump spoke to president clinton recently. because he's really been trying to link himself to another former president. listen to this, joan. >> i've evolved like a lot of other people. ronald reagan was a democrat and he became a republican. he was a liberal and he became a republican and did very well. i have great respect for him. i helped him. i knew him. he liked me, and i liked him. >> i mean, can donald trump
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convince the republican base he's the new ronald reagan, that they liked each other? >> sure, he can. people do not get punished in that party for flip-flopping. it's not a big deal. so as long as you're taking the right positions now, they're going to love you. and it's true, reagan did change on some things. i genuinely believe trump listens to himself and believes himself. it's typical grand yosity to say, i'm just like ronald reagan. and they all say it. >> now the chair of the rnc, priebus said that tomorrow will be all about hillary clinton. i want to play that. >> ultimately, the real issue here is hillary clinton, barack obama, and the fact that the country is really not in a good place right now. that's really, savannah, what the focus is. we're not going to focus on each other. i think you're going to see a
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republican party unified. >> are they going to really be able to stay focused on secretary clinton tomorrow night? or are they going to turn on each other, jonathan? >> i think it's going to be both. that's one of the 49 things i said to watch for. how many times they attack hillary clinton, how many times they attack president obama. the one thing that the republicans have -- the one thing they don't to have to worry about is who their opponent most likely will be. they've all been running against hillary clinton since the moment they announced. >> and she's staying with issues. doing my radio show tomorrow around voting rights. i wonder if they'll even discuss voting rights in the campaign. on the 50th anniversary to the day of voting rights, because many of them on that stage are the ones doing measures that we're challenging in many ways, have been regressive. though we had a victory in texas that we'll talk about later on in the show. >> they're not going to mention
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the voting right act. but i think you and i have just as much play with the republican base as reince priebus does. he's been saying we're going to moderate, attract latinos, attract young people. the debates are not going to be a circus. donald trump, dial it back. nothing he says makes a difference. so when he says they'll focus on hillary, that tells me the opposite. >> i have a lot of influence in the republican base. anyone, i have that kind of sway, if i go into a republican district and support you, you are dead on arrival in the republican primary. >> who are you endorsing in this field? >> oh, i'm waiting until right before the debate. and donald, don't let them intimidate you and you go after the red meat. you go get them. joan walsh, and jonathan
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capehart, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thanks, rev. breaking news ahead, a huge win for voting rights in texas. just the day before the fifthth anniversary of the voting rights act. and the latest on yet another shooting scare at a moving theater. this time in tennessee. plus, the viral video showing a woman berated for speaking spanish. and what it says about the immigration fight in america. >> we speak english in america. >> i speak english! i speak english! >> also, new fall-out from jeb bush's comment about women's health issues. getting too much funding. and a look at jon stewart's final show tomorrow night and some of the guests he's had along the way.
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today police shot and killed a man armed with a gun and a hatchet outside a movie theater near nashville, tennessee. police say the man sprayed pepper spray inside the theater and then exchanged gunfire with an officer as he tried to escape. there were no fatalities. one person also suffered a superficial wound. possibly from the hatchet. today's incident comes just two weeks after the shooting in a theater in louisiana. we'll be right back with a major
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victory against a voter i.d. law in texas. and durable new stellar notebooks, so you're walking the halls with varsity level swagger. that's what we call that new gear feeling. you left this on the bus... get it at the place with the experts to get you the right gear. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. they don't worry if something's possible. they just do it. at sears optical, we're committed to bringing them eyewear that works as hard as they do. right now, buy one pair and get another free. quality eyewear for doers. sears optical
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tonight, a big win for voting rights on the eve of the 50th anniversary of the voting rights act. a federal appeals court has ruled that the texas voter i.d. law violates section 2 of the vra. it was a unanimous decision from a three-judge panel, striking down the controversial republican-backed measure. but the judges' rejected a lower court's ruling that the law passed with the intelligent to discriminate. the lawsuit will now go back to a lower court.
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but make no mistake, this is a big victory. after conservatives on the supreme court gutted section 5 of the voting rights act in 2013, texas ruled to enact the restrictive voter i.d. law. since the state no longer had to clear voting law changes with the department of justice. today's news could have big implications for the fight for voting rights across the country. we're still waiting on a decision in the voting rights trial in north carolina, which also hinges on section 2 of the law. we've got a long way to go. but this is an important step in the right direction. joining me now by phone is gilberto h oimpt nojosa, chair of the texas democratic party. thanks for being with us, mr. chairman. >> thank you for having me, reverend sharpton. >> what's your reaction to this
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big decision today? >> we're elated. this is an incredible significant ruling for voters in texas and all across america. in an opinion written by a george w. bush appointee, the fifth circuit basically said that section 2 of the voting rights act was applicable to the voter i.d. law in texas, that this law had a discriminatory effect within minorities, hispanics, and african americans, and that the district court was going to have to fashion a remedy which would be a remedy that in effect, put us back to where we were before the voter i.d. law was passed, which meant that you could present your photo registration card and be allowed to vote, or any other acceptable form of i.d., that removed any possibility, any
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fear that there may be fraud at the time that the voter is voting. so in essence, we're back to where we were prior to the enactment of this law, that the republicans enacted here in texas, which was clearly intended by them to discourage hispanic and african american voters. >> i want to push you on that voter i.d. law in texas. because a lot of people don't understand why many of us have raised questions about it around the country. the texas voter i.d. law was in effect in the 2014 elections. and 600,000 texans did not have proper i.d. required by this law. minorities were impacted disproportionately. so this really had direct impact and whether by intent or by effect, it definitely disproportionately affected minorities, mr. chairman. >> that's exactly right. and that's what the district court found and that's what the fifth circuit federal court of
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appeals affirmed. we estimate that hundreds of thousands of texans, mostly hispanics and african americans, were not able to vote this last election because of the fact that method of i.d. was discouraging them from either attending the ballot boxes to go vote, or even when they did go vote, prevented them from voting. so this is going to have a significant effect for the 2016 election here in texas, because our voter turn-out increases substantially during presidential election years. we have candidates, i think, that are running for president. whoever gets the nomination, which will have a large following here in texas, and hopefully, whoever is the nominee, will put either a hispanic or an african american on the ballot with them and you'll have a big turn-out, and this will prevent people from being discouraged to vote in
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this most important election. >> when governor greg abbott was texas attorney general, he went on a crusade over voter fraud. listen to this. >> you act as though i'm the only authority in the state of texas who either investigates or prosecutes voter fraud. voter fraud remains a serious problem. but the voter fraud rate in texas while abbott was attorney general, was.0000053%. i mean, how do you keep fighting back against this voter fraud myth in texas, mr. chairman? >> well, i think when you have court cases like this where district judges look at these allegations being made by people like greg abbott and show unequivocally that it's a fabrication on their part, intended to allow them to enact laws to discourage minorities from going out to vote, because
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they know minorities normally vote for democrats in the state of texas, like they do in most parts of the country. it really shows the hypocrisy of what the republicans do. they put their hand over their heart and they pledge allegiance to the united states, and then they enact a law that prevents people from exercising the most important right that our constitution in america gives us. this decision is significant because it really exposes them for what they are. >> well, gilberto hinojosa, i thank you for your time tonight and tomorrow i'll be talking with secretary clinton about voting rights and more on my radio show. we'll have some of that on the show for you tomorrow night on "politicsnation." coming up, president obama calls out the pro-war caucus in the gop. he's taking on the right over
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iran. plus, a hispanic woman yelled at for speaking spanish at a restaurant. it's going viral, and it reveals a lot about immigration and the immigration debate in this country. he'll tell us everything he knows very shortly, sir. as you were... where were we? 13 serving 14! service! if your boss stops by, you act like you're working. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. i know, mommy, but it's time to let the new kitchen get some sleep. if you want beautiful results, you know where to go - angie's list. now everyone can get highly rated service
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president obama today making one of his most forceful arguments in support of the iran nuclear deal. going directly after the loudest republican critics. and he blasted some on the right for failing to learn the lessons of the bush administration's rush into the iraq war. >> many of the same people who argued for the war in iraq are now making the case against the iran nuclear deal. it was a mind-set characterized by a preference for military action over diplomacy. i say this not to be provocat e
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provocative. i'm stating a fact. without this deal, iran will be in a position, however tough our rhetoric may be, to steadily advance its capabilities. so let's not mince words. the choice we face is ultimately between diplomacy or some form of war. maybe not tomorrow, maybe not three months from now. but soon. >> the president then called on critics to rethink their opposition to the deal. >> just because the hardliners chant death to america does not mean that's what all iranians believe. it's those hardliners who are most comfortable with the status quo. it's the hardliners chanting death to america who are most opposed to the deal. they're making a common cause with the republican caucus. >> congress will vote on this deal early next month. joining me now is harden lang,
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senior fellow at the center for american progress, thanks for being here tonight. >> good to be with you, rev. >> harden, this was a forceful speech from the president. what was your reaction? >> look, this is as tough as i think i've seen him off of the campaign trail. it felt very much like obama the campaigner, and much less sort of obama-no drama in the white house. he did an effective job of laying out the choice for the american people, the choice between going with this deal and putting the iranian nuclear program in a box with a camera on top of it to watch it for the next 10 to 15 years, or to find ourselves as a nation, increasingly isolated from the rest of the world and with fewer options on the table that aren't military in nature going forward. >> the president said hardliners in iran who chant "death to america" are making common cause -- i'm saying a quote
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here -- he said they're making common cause with republicans. what do you make of that? >> i think it's more a matter of, the rhetoric is leading to the same kind of outcome here. the rhetoric on the side of the hardline republicans and some of the hardliners inside of iran, are driving us to a position away from diplomacy. and what the president is saying is that they've managed to reach some common ground with more reasonable elements inside the regime, and we need to reach out and seize that. >> now, today the president also said, by rejecting this deal, congress would do more than aid iran's path way to nuclear arms. listen to this. >> without this deal, the scenarios that critics warn about happening in 15 years, could happen six months from now. by killing this deal, congress would not merely pave iran's
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path way to a bomb, it would accelerate it. >> what's your take on that? >> he's making an important point, right? because a number of critics of the deal are saying, look at, all we need to do is get back to the table and just be tougher. put harder sanctions on, we'll squeeze harder and we'll get a better result at the end of this. what the president is saying, if we walk away from that deal now, we are no longer going to have russia, china, and probably even some of our european allies with us in those sanctions. and those sanctions are what make -- the global sanctions, so effective. it's the partnership with the rest of the world. so iran can go ahead full speed with its nuclear program, with more access to capital coming out of china and russia, and with no oversight of the program itself. >> well, this is a very important discussion and it will be a big debate next month, and we'll be right on top of it. hardin lang, thank you for your time tonight.
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>> thank you. ahead, new fall-out from jeb bush's controversial comment about women's health funding. but first, that viral video showing a woman getting yelled at simply for speaking spanish. that is mobile, it is you. real madrid have about 450 million fans. we're trying to give them all the feeling of being at the stadium. the microsoft cloud gives us the scalability to communicate exactly the content that people want to see. it will help people connect to their passion of living real madrid. will you be a sound sleeper, or a mouth breather.
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hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, remission is possible. now to an emerging front in 2016, the fight over women's health rights. and family planning issues. today hillary clinton tweeted about the new policy from netflix about the company's announcement that there would be unlimited time off for employees during their baby's first year. quote, no parent should have to choose between getting a paycheck and caring for their baby. well done, netflix. these issues are now central to the campaign. jeb bush is scrambling to do
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damage control after his remarks on women's health funding. >> you could take dollar for dollar, although i'm not sure we need a half a billion dollars for women's health issues, but if you took dollar for dollar, there are many extraordinarily fine organizations, community health organizations that exist, federally sponsored community health organizations to provide quality care for women on a wide variety of health issues. >> bush was slammed for saying women's health gets too much funding. and he rushed to walk it back. quote, with regards to women's health funding broadly, i misspoke. but hillary clinton didn't let him off the hook. >> what jeb bush meant to say was that we should just defund planned parenthood, as if that makes it any better. you know, this really isn't complicated, when you attack planned parenthood, you attack women's health, and when you attack women's health, you
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attack america's health. and i guess women's health just isn't a priority for him. >> this is a perilous moment for jeb bush. did he just summon the spirit of mitt romney's binders full of women gaffe? did he just alienate 51% of the population? how bad is it for him and the gop? joining me now is laura basset, who covers women's rights issues for the huffington post. thank you for being here, laura. >> thanks for having me. >> hillary clinton clearly thinks this was bad for jeb bush, but does this bush campaign feel the same way? do republicans realize it? what's your read? >> this is absolutely awful. it's a huge, unforced error for the bush campaign and really surprising. he played right into democrats' hands and right into hillary
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clinton's hands right there. for the past three years, democrats have been saying republicans are waging a war on women's health, republicans are attacking women's health, and jeb bush just came out and said it. i think 500 million is too much to be spending on women's health. let me just put that number into perspective for you. we as a nation, spend $1 trillion on health care every year. $500 million is a drop in the bucket. it's the amount of money that jeb bush's campaign said they wanted to raise by june. so you have a presidential candidate saying i want to spend $500 million on campaign ads, but as president, i wouldn't spend that money on women's health issue. it's just a shocking gaffe. >> wow, that is shocking. you know the latest nbc news/wall street journal poll shows 45% with a positive view of planned parenthood and republicans in congress are now
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trying to destroy the group. are they underestimating how popular planned parenthood is? >> absolutely. it's more popular than any presidential candidate and president obama. less than a third of the country sees planned parenthood unfavorably. so i think it's interesting that republicans are choosing this hill to die on. if you ask any woman on the street, if you say, what do you think of planned parenthood, they're not going to jump into some ideological debate. they're like if i ever lose my job, lose my insurance, i home that it's there. i think that's what republicans are missing. >> thsenator elizabeth warren ge her republicans a piece of her mind. >> i came to the senate floor to ask my republican colleagues a
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question. do you have any idea what year it is? did you fall down, hit your head and think you woke up in the 1950s, or the 1890s? should we call for a doctor? because i simply cannot believe that in the year 2015, the united states senate would be spending its time trying to defund women's health care centers. >> how do you react to senate warren's -- and did she capture how most americans view the gop? >> you know, i think she did. 60% of people want the -- want congress to continue funding planned parenthood. it's not something that people want to see republicans pick a fight about. and it does seem a little outdated. the reality is that every dollar you spend in family planning saves $7 in medicaid spending. people understand that if you're opposed to abortion you want to invest in family planning and
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birth control. it's basic math, economics 101. so it seems like republicans are trying to revive a debate that we had many decades ode. >> laura, thank you for your time tonight. >> thanks for having me. coming up, an anti-spanish rant caught on tape. we'll show you the video and talk about the candidates preaching to this crowd. plus, it's an end of an era. jon stewart leaving "the daily show." my thoughts before he signs off tomorrow night. e urge to smoke all day. e urge i want this time to be my last time. that's why i choose nicoderm cq.
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try to imagine this situation, you and your family are at a restaurant to celebrate a birthday. you're having a conversation, and suddenly you're interrupted by someone yelling at you, all because of the way you talk. that's reportedly what happened at an ihop in los angeles last week. where normal vasquez was speaking spanish to her son carlos. carlos shot this video of a woman confronting his mother, demanding that she stop speaking spanish. >> close your mouth. i speak english too. >> we speak english in america. >> i speak english. i speak english, okay! >> you want the russians over here telling you what to do? do you want the nazis telling you what to do? >> that's what you're doing to my mom, you're telling her what
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to do. she speaks english, she's not perfect, but she speaks english. you can't do that. >> we have freedom of speech. >> you're the proof of it. >> we want that freedom. you can't be telling everyone, speak english in america. i don't tell you how to live and you live here. this is america, you can do what you want. >> yes, this is america, and we're supposed to celebrate our diversity. but this video gets to the heart of the immigration debate today. instead of celebrating differences, we see candidates preaching intolerance and anger. last night donald trump offered his solution to stopping illegal immigration. >> mexico will pay for the wall. i will make sure it gets done properly and mexico is making a fortune in the united states, it's becoming the new china in terms of trade. they're killing us at the border. they're killing our leadership,
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because they're sharper, they're more cunning. i'm going to say, mexico, guess what, this is not going to continue. you're going to pay for the wall. and i've said they're going to pay for the wall and they will pay for the wall. >> joining me now is clarissa martinez decastro from the national council of la rafa and ben montroseo, executive director of my family voter. thank you for being here tonight. carysa, what's your reaction to this video when you saw it? >> well, i think that it is actually deeper than just about immigration. frankly, i think that it puts forth the demographic anxiety that is being fueled through the conversation on immigration, but at the end of the day, it's about demonizing the latino community in this country. 75% of whom are united states citizens. many, like myself, who speak english, but also speak spanish.
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>> i think that's an important point. it's not just about immigration or so-called illegal immigrants. it's an anti-hispanic -- it's really by yosed and racist. >> you know, one thing that i will not do, i am not going to say that every blonde woman who resembles this person feels the same way as she does. >> right. >> and i would hope that that is the way that we all deal with situations like this. on the one hand, if one person from a particular community or demographic does something wrong, let's not judge all of those people in that way, because not all of us feel that way. and secondly, i think that, in addition to that, we need to examine the environment that allows a person like this woman to feel entitled to insult and berate a woman having a conversation with her son.
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>> now, ben, donald trump wants mexico to build a wall to stop immigrants from coming here. but he's not the only republican calling for a radical immigration reform. listen to what others had to say on monday night. >> in the 21st century, legal immigration must be based on merit, on what you can contradict economically. >> it's like a serious wound, you want to staunch the flow. and that's not what's happening in this country now. >> i'm the only person in this race calling for a 25% reduction in the unskilled labor that's coming into this country. it's a serious problem. >> i think we need to narrow the number of people coming by family petitioning. >> so you'd cut it down some. >> to children instead of adults. >> how do they expect to win spanish voters with this kind of rhetoric? >> well, first of all, thank you for the opportunity. secondly, i think that i go with
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the same line has carysa. it's not just about immigration. it's how they have dominated the air waves in trying to make sure the latino community is being demonized. i think the issue of immigration is long overdue to be fixed. unfortunately, we've seen over and over again, the republican party not getting this issue resolved. i just think that donald trump and his attacks to our community are being followed by the rest of the gop contenders here, and i think that is irresponsible and it's not going to create any more unity among our community. and it's going to be hard to look at the republican party to resolve the issues that need resolved in this country. >> carysa, has illegal immigrants become the scapegoat for many on the right and the gop that want to use this issue in a way of demonizing a lot
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more than that? >> i don't think it's just immigrants who are in this country illegally. i think it's anybody who is an immigrant and frankly anybody who is a latino. you know, it is sad that when the political season rolls around, latinos almost have to brace for impact. i think the difference right now is that more people in the latino community are paying attention to what these candidates are saying in the primary, and it's going to be a lot harder for them to take it back and take it to a rational space, where not only latinos stand but the vast majority of american voters. >> well, the answer's at the ballot box. when you look at trump's stance on immigration, it isn't helping him with the latino voters. 13% have a favorable view of him, while 75% have an unfavorable view. but as you referred to talking about the gop as a whole being
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hurt, nbc telemundo polls shows the whole gop is struggling with hispanic voters. 25% have a positive view of the gop. 43% see the republican party negatively. can the gop overcome this negative image with latino voters then? >> well, first of all, i think that we in the latino community are not taking those insults and attacks sitting down. we're working, making sure that our community participates, registers to vote. we're going to honor the 50th anniversary of the voting rights act, by making sure we continue to register people, number one. number two, i hope the republican contenders understand that the majority of the republican voters are in favor of a solution to the immigration issue. they're definitely not doing themselves any favor with their own party. they're just catering to that small group of people that have been pushing this issue as a negative issue. but the majority of republicans
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want a solution and the majority of democrats too. so i would like to see the changing, but the insults are being taken already. >> clarissa and ben, thank you both for your time tonight. >> thank you for the opportunity. coming up, saying goodbye to jon stewart. we'll share some favorite memories from his 16 years as host of "the daily show," coming to an end tomorrow night. and i am a certified arborist for pg&e.ughes i oversee the patrolling of trees near power lines and roots near pipes and underground infrastructure. at pg&e wherever we work, we work hard to protect the environment.
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for 16 years, jon stewart's talked about the news and made plenty of his own. now he's got just two episodes left. we'll say goodbye to a comedy icon next. seems like we've hit a road block. that reminds me... anyone have occasional constipation, diarrhea... ...gas, bloating? yes! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap each day helps defend against occasional digestive issues. with three types of good bacteria. live the regular life. phillips'. quicker smarter earlier fresher harder and yeah, even on sundays.
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loop me! bring back the awesome yeah! yeah! yeah! with the great taste of kellogg's froot loops. follow your nose! >> welcome, welcome to "the daily show." craig kill born is on assignment in kuala lumpur, i'm jon stewart. >> that was jon stewart in 1999, the very first night he hosted "the daily show." tomorrow night will be his last. stewart is stepping down after 16 years behind the desk. equal to four presidential terms. his good friend denis leary poked fun at his decision to retire. >> two months from now, six months from now, six weeks from now, you'll be on that farm in new jersey with your family, hanging out, and your kids will turn to you one day and say, dad, we love you, get a [ bleep ] job.
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[ laughter and applause ] >> through the years, jon stewart has been one of the most powerful voices on tv. his unique brand of satire left no one out. with scathing jokes about the bush administration and the media. and yet some of his most memorable moments weren't about comedy. after 9/11, he spoke from the heart, expressing what many at home were feeling. >> i wanted to tell you why i grieve. but why i don't despair. i'm sorry. >> he was there for historic change, especially political change. >> at 11:00 at night eastern
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standard time, the president of the united states is barack obama. [ cheers and applause ] >> stewart launched the careers of daily show correspondents like john oliver, stephen colbert, and steve carell. and through it all, one thing remained the same. the jokes always came first. >> i was not lekted to serve one party. >> you were not elected. [ laughter and applause ] >> why can't you take no war for an answer. >> the reason i wanted to strike assad is to punish him. >> i wanted to see him squirm. [ laughter ] yes, apparently the health website has none
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problem, but a glitch is all of them. >> i apologize. i apologize. no disrespect. are you eating with a fork! a [ bleep ] fork! no! >> and i always enjoyed my appearances on the show too. like back in 2002 when i stopped by after a hunger strike protest. >> first of all, let me say this, hunger strikes agree with you. you look magnificent. >> well, they didn't give me any of the barbecue sauce. we were boycotting. >> you've never won any election. how can you go from there to president? >> that's exactly why you should vote for me, because i'm not responsible for the mess we're in. >> i think jon was and is a great icon in comedy and great icon in news. but he's also a great guy. over the years that i've been in public life, i've met many
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people, from many different walks of life. but he's one that i genuinely like and respect. we're going to miss him on the air and i'm going to miss him sitting behind the desk, telling it like he really believes it. and telling us a lot of what we really need to hear. and then believing every word he says. a genuine good man. god bless you, as you move on to the next phase in life. thanks for watching. i'm al sharpton. "hardball" starts right now. ♪ it's the time for politics. let's play "hardball." good evening, i'm chris matthews in washington. on my way tonight on the center of the storm


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