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tv   Way Too Early  MSNBC  August 5, 2015 2:30am-3:01am PDT

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>> that was it. all eyes on this debate. this is top ten. jeb bush is talking about planned parent hood. he's trying to clean it up. hillary clinton is already on the attack. trending overnight, let it rep, rock legend lenny kravitz rocks out too hard and gives the audience a quick peep on the show. this is "way too early," this show that will rock leather pants but will never ever go commando. ♪ i want to get away ♪ i want to fly away ♪ i want to get away ♪ i want fly away >> good morning. it's wednesday, august 5th. i'm ayman mohyeldin. the stage is set for the republican debate in cleveland. ten candidates were collected
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based on recent national polling. seven candidates are appearing on under card which will air few hours earlier in the day. this is how they appear on the debate sage. the order has changed. national polling has nine of ten in the debate since the rules were announced in may. the odd man out, former texas governor rick perry, didn't make the cut. he was in the debate last week. he's been bumped by ohio governor john kasich. across the five national polls used to decide who's separated kasich from perry was the opinions of 50 people believe it or not. 2012 is iowa caucus winner rick santorum spokesman said the idea they have left out to runner up for 2012 nomination, former four term governor of texas, governor of louisiana, first female fortune 50 ceo and three term senator from south carolina due to polling seven months before a single vote is cast is
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propostrous. last night, donald trump talked about his approach at this campaign. >> not really bill. i don't know how you can rehearse for a debate. i watch add romney -- mitt romney let us down last time he rehearsed. you have to be who you are. i don't have pollsters. in fact the pollsters often times don't work. if they're good, why aren't they running? i'm not looking to hurt anybody, embarrass anybody. if i have to bring up deficiencies, i will. i'm not looking to go down the middle. you don't know what's going to happen. >> you may remember last month trump gave out the cell phone number of lindsey graham. gawker gave donald trump a dose of his own medicine.
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he gave out trump's phone number. if you called, this is what you would hear. >> hi. this is donald trump. i'm running for presidency of united states of america. with your help and support, together we can make america truly great again. visit me on twitter at real donald trump and check out my campaign website at www.donald hope to see you on the campaign trail. we're going to do it. >> that was clever. we'll give out jenn's phone number later in the show. a video claiming planned parenthood is profiting from selling fetal tissue the. organization funding is taking center stage with hillary clinton pummelling jeb bush about it. bush suggested women's health
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issues are overfunded. it came as he described why he thought federal government should end the support of planned parented h eed hood. >> women's health issues, it's a war on women, attacking women 's health issues. i'm not sure we need a billion for women's health issues. if you took dollar for dollar, there are many extraordinarily fine organizations, community heths organizations that exist. federally sponsored health organization to provide quality care for women on i a wide variety. abortion should not be funded by the government, any government in my mind. >> bush's campaign quickly issued a statement to try to limit the fallout saying in part, quote, with regards to women's health funding, i broadly misspoke. there are countless community health centers, rural clinics, and other women's health organizations that need to be
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fully funded. i was referring to hard to fathom funding that goes to planned parenthood in the unthinkable practice of selling fetal organs. hillary clinton and bush shared lashes on twitter. the former democratic candidate went further. >> jeb bush said he's not sure we need half a billion for women's health issues. i want to quote it exactly. now, he's got no problem giving billions of dollars to super wealthy and powerful corporations, but i guess women's health just isn't a priority for him. when you attack planned parenthood, you attack women's health. when you attack women's health, you attack america's health. the truth is, what jeb said the other republican candidates believe too. >> meanwhile, among democrats,
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what seemed like a sure thing for hillary clinton seems less and less so. a new poll from new hampshire shows bernie sand ers surging i the polls a tenth of a point back, nearly a statisticalle -- statistical tie for them. there are big questions. one-third call clinton least honest candidate. more headlines on clinton's e-mail server. the fbi has begun looking into set up of the server she used while secretary of state. the bureau contacted the denver company that managed the server and also contacted kyndal who has a thumb drive with a copy of e-mails on it. there are concerns the
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information could have been compromised. it's reported five e-mails containing classified information have been found. there are warnings there could be hundreds more. the paper reports the server was originally set up for her many her 2008 failed campaign by staffer on her political action committee. in a few hours, president obama will once again try to make the case for lawmakers to support the historic nuclear deal with a ran. the speech will take place at american university in washington d.c. he'll argue the foreign deal is most important policy debate since the war. he urged jewish groups to support the agreement. president obama learned that three democratic senators switched from undecided and now backing the deal. three prominent jewish members of congress now say they will not support the agreement. that includes steve israel, top jewish democrat in the house. weighing in is israeli prime minister netanyahu.
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he's making his own appeal to jews in the united states disputing the white house's claim the deal makes the world safer. >> i don't oppose this deal because i want war, i oppose this deal because i want to prevent war. this deal will bring war. it will spark a nuclear arms race in the region. it would feed iran's terrorism and impression. that would make war perhaps the most horrific war of all far more likely. what we do now will affect our lives and lives of children and grandchildren. israel, america, everywhere. this is a time to stand up and be counted. oppose this dangerous deal. >> breaking overnight, officials in alabama are waiting test rout results from a man they say came down with symptoms from ebola.
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eight other people are monitored after coming in contact with him. that includes his family members and rescue workers that first responded to him. officials expect to get the test results sometime today. let's turn to business where the world's most valuable company has become the biggest drag on wall street. apple shares hit the lowest level in six months amid slow down in china and amid worries over the iphone. geoff is in london. big question here, is apple losing its luster? >> you nailed it. it's china concerns and concern around how the iphone sales will continue to hold up. this is the dominate part of apple's business. some investors are concerned there's an overreliance on strong sales continuing for the rest of this year. i think prudent person dentally they are starting to squeeze apple just a little. over the last few day, we've
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seen about $113 billion wiped off the value of this company. let's not get carried away here. they are still delivering very strong sales across iphone and ipad and and other products. they do have a few things in the bag like apple pay and tv operations still to come to market even though we flow the watch has been disappointing. three years ago this stock had significant declines just like we're seeing now. apple was able to bounce back. be careful about the issue you take around this sell-off moving apple to correction territory. one other story i want to fill you in. this is fascinating. as a result of post crisis push for new legislation in the financial sector, we're going to get a vote today by regulators on whether we get a pay can disclosure gap showing the
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relationship between the rank and file and ceo of a company currently ap estimating. there's a difference of 205 times the ceo taking away 205 times more than the rank and file company. now companies will have to disclose that fact if today's vote goes in that direction. back to you. >> another big gap between the rank and file ceos. geoff live from london, thanks for that. interesting development in one of the political races you may not be following. we'll introduce you to the truck driver that won his party's confirmation n confirmation governor. he didn't vote for himself believe it or not. talk about a lawn treatment. we'll show you a storm literally peeled back the turf. we'll check in with bill karins when "way too early" comes right back. ♪
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don't start humira if you have an infection. visit and talk to your rheumatologist. humira. this is a body of proof! (vo) what'scorn? dog food's first ingredient? wheat? in new purina one true instinct grain free, real chicken is always #1. no corn, wheat or soy. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one. no student's ever been the king of the campus on day one. but you're armed with a roomy new jansport backpack, a powerful new dell 2-in-1 laptop, and durable new stellar notebooks, so you're walking the halls with varsity level swagger. that's what we call that new gear feeling. you left this on the bus... get it at the place with the experts to get you the right gear. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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welcome back everyone. we're following this severe weather across much of the country. one person was killed in south eastern connecticut where a tree fell on top of a car during a violent storm. thousands were forced to take cover in boston as strong winds, damaging hail, heavy rain battered the region. look at what happened to someone's lawn in rhode island. peeled back like a carpet. incredible. 100,000 customers were out of pow herb at one point. >> did they put down fresh sod? >> incredible to see. the whole root system. that's very strange. >> it's looking messy. break it down. >> we're switching coasts. yesterday it was scary. we thought there could be a tornado on the ground. there wasn't but there was wind damage. now focussing here. kansas, strong storms for you.
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general rain and storms st. louis to springfield. we have a chance of flash flooding in this region. it's a weird storm. we don't get storms in the summertime that produce a lot of rain in a large area unless you get a tropical storm or hurricane. we'll see a areas chesapeake southwards getting a good soaking in the days ahead. let's talk about the west. obviously fires continue. they don't get to rain season until november. that's ia firenado, a fire and tornado. >> not a sharknado. >> not a sharknado. there it is. see the spinning of the fire will there. >> that's true. wow. you didn't make it up. >> i don't make this stuff up. we need the rain. we're hoping with el nino in
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place we'll have a wet winter. they've had a quarter or less of normal precipitation. the drought has gotten worse in the last six months. as far as the forecast goes, hot spots today around the country, looking at probably 100 to 105 dallas today. that's the hottest location. also of course phoenix this time of year always hot. you're 112 heat warning. gorgeous weather by the way. the last thing i'll bring you, this is the strongest storm on earth this year. this is the typhoon soudelor. equivalent of kwcategory 4 hurricane. people are starting to prepare. >> we're going to do sports now. guess what we're not starting with. >> i'll never miss sports with you doing it. >> cheap shot there. we're starting with nfl and
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bri brady's suspension. the testimony was made public after the judge said submitted documents would not be filed under seal. in the transcript, brady denies tampering with the football in the title game. also revealed, testimony from ted wells saying he never warned the quarterback he'd be penalized for not turning over his cell phone. commissioner roger goodell and brady are expected to attend a settlement conference in court next week. ray rice is trying to make a comeback in nfl. he was released after a video came out of him assaulting his now wife. he sat down with "outside the lines" to discuss his return. >> i'm not afraid to say i feel i'm a rehabilitated man. some people will probably never forgive my actions. i think every step i took going forward right now, over time i want to rewrite the script to
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tell my daughter you know, daddy made the worst decision of his life. in other nfl news. houston texans without foster for the beginning of the 2015 season after the running back suffered a groin injury requiring surgery. he could miss the first eight games, a huge blow to houston who might have to now rely on blue to fill the void. pier thomas will have a workout with the team this week. now to major league baseball. start in cincinnati. car cardinals at bat against the reds in the top of the eighth. get on your horse. >> what an unbelievable play by hamilton. >> cincinnati hamilton racing toward the warning track makes a leaping grab. reds win it 3-2. to chicago. rays rookie schaefer getting first major league hit, home run
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against the white sox last night. while moments like this are exciting, it's custom marary to teammates to ignore their colleague. one last note, floyd mayweather made what he said his final fight official. he'll face off against berto in las vegas. it's mayweather's fourth consecutive -- >> it's his last fight, maybe he wants easy way out. his last win netted him quarter billion dollars. that's a little more than bill karins makes here. maxim puts someone on the cover you probably wouldn't expect. and lenny kravitz rocks out and and pops out. we'll have the wardrobe
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we should all acquit ourselves in the way we believe is consistent with the teachings we follow if we poll certain teachings from a religious perspective. that's what i'll always continue to try to do. for instance, i'm a catholic, but i've used birth control. and not just the rhythm method, okay.
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>> new jersey governor and presidential candidate chris christie getting a little too personal in new hampshire last night. now let's talk about what happened in sweden. jenn is super excited. she's been rawaiting for the whe show. lenny kravitz underestimated the elastic of his pants. he was kneeling down in a squat when he split his pants down the front revealing he wasn't wearing underwear. he finished the song before walking backstage to change. peta offered this message saying another reason not to weather leather pants and offered him a vegan pair of pants. what is vegan pants? the honor went to this actor, 40-year-old brit for
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maxim. he is quote perfect man, sophisticated, down to earth. congrats to him. what's the secret to longevity you ask? god, high life, johnny walk area according to to a woman that turned 110 over the weekend. she said a doctor discover aid benign tumor in 1943, he gave her this advice. three three miller high life a day and a shot of scotch. she follow had the 70 years. her caregivers don't want her drinking alcohol. when asked in the run up to her big birthday celebration, they asked if they would allow a scotch toast, she said is, they quote better. cheers to her for that. now to a segment we showed you earlier in the show. we'll have a preview of what's coming up on "morning joe." a big issue, the iran nuclear
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deal. carly fiorina joins the conversation. she didn't make thursday's main event. she'll get to debate heavy hitters. we'll see how she's preparing. and will democrats win the support of the iran nuclear deal? democratic senator dick durbin and john huhn. and we'll hear the new plan to over haul the system. and his ministry reaches million across the globe. world renowned preacher bishop td jakes talks about turning the table to step into your own destiny. that is coming up on "morning joe." that does it for me on "way too early." ♪ i want to bring that fire again ♪ real chicken is always #1.
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get it at the place with the experts to get you the right gear. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. pro republican voters will be formally introduced to candidates. con, then say crap, isn't there anybody else? >> pro, it's a prum you get to see people complain about obama for two hours.
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con, it's basically the tv version of your uncle's facebook feed. i get it, you didn't vote for him. i heard you, you didn't vote for him. >> pro, one of these that's mike. >> billy? >> william. >> william, good to see you. and hal. >> how are you? >> good morning. >> how many kids do you have now? >> two. >> just two. >> but you had one a month ago. >> they're both under 2 which seems like enough to be eight. my wife is a god send. >> what would tim call them, irish twins? >> yeah. >> how many you going to have? >> 14, 15 at this pace? >> we're