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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  August 4, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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expected to do the same. that's what we expect. but who knows? maybe one of the republican presidential hopefuls will be surprising on this issue. maybe one will find it within himself to be reaganesque on the issue or even nixonesque on this area. >> it seems these republicans don't know what reaganesque and nixonesque means in the totality of the terms. >> seeing ronald reagan run for the republican nomination this year is the main reason i want to invent time travel. >> yes. would he have made the cult of the big ten? >> he would have been run out of the party long ago. >> thanks, rachel. tonight, donald trump actually did some debate prep with his debate coach bill o'reilly. >> we can now announce the ten candidates who will appear on
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stage for the primetime debate thursday night. in the first spot, directly center stage, donald trump. >> who is this trump fellow? i like the cut of his jib. we'll have to look into that. >> donald trump, you guys. still leading the republican polls. >> donald trump supporters aren't going away. >> of course it is only a matter of time before trump slips up and says something completely sane. >> believe it or not i have a heart. we have to take care of the people that have no money that can't afford to take care of themselves. >> the new wall street journal poll finds more trouble. >> few people are positive in the poll. >> plus after the vote to defund planned parenthood the new polls could explain why p.m. democrats love planned parenthoods. independents, too, by a 20-point margin. >> republicans are negative on planned parenthood. >> we should acquit ourselves of the way we believe is consistent with the teachings we follow if we follow certain teachings. >> chris christie is running on telling it like it is.
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>> i am a catholic. i have used birth control and not just the rhythm method. >> he may be telling us a little bit too much. ♪ >> the official line up announced for the fist presidential debate and the big news starts at the bottom of the list where governor john kasich is in tenth and avoids the embarrassment of being excluded from a debate in his state of ohio. there are no surprises in the rest of the list, least of all the person in the number one position in the polls and in the debate, donald trump. >> so have you been rehearsing for the debate like the other candidates are today? are you rehearsing? >> not really, bill. i don't know how you can rehearse for a debate. >> that was trump tonight continuing his tour of tv shows hosted by his friends.
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apparently the only debate prep donald trump has gone occurred on tv tonight with debate coach bill o'reilly. >> the great wall of china, built a long time ago, is 13,000 miles. you're talking about big stuff. we are talking peanuts by comparison to that. mexico will pay for the wall. i will make sure it gets done properly -- >> by the way, do you know why they built the great wall of china, who they wanted to keep out? >> lots of people -- >> no, no. the mongol horde. that might come up. credit me for giving you the answer. >> all right. good. >> by the end of the debate prep session the richest man in cable news declared the richest presidential candidate, ready for the big night. >> i have never debated. my whole life has been a debate. i have never debated before. the politicians, all they do is debate. >> you won't have trouble with that. you will have the answers. i know you will. >> joining us now e.j. dion from
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the washington post and msnbc political analyst april ryan and washington bureau chief for urban american networks and josh pero new york times reporter and msnbc contributor. april ryan, there is bill o'reilly giving donald hint about how to handle this. it seems to me no one has to give donald trump suggestions about how to handle this. it will be up to the moderators to try to force him into the debate format. >> well, that's interesting you would say that, lawrence. i talked to dr. ben carson, republican presidential candidate who has made the cut. i asked him about the donald trump issue at the debate. he said, you know, i'm leaving it up to the moderators. we don't know how donald trump will react. one thing we know, he doesn't finesse an issue. we'll see how he pulls it together at that debate. it will be the most watched tv event sh i believe, of the year. just to see how donald trump
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reacts at the debate. >> josh, it is the most over anticipated, over hyped event we have had in our politics, all thanks to the ringmaster donald trump. >> we don't know it's over hyped. it could be even more awesome. >> no debate at this stage in a republican campaign has mattered. we know that. we know the last time around the leader at this point in the campaign was rick perry when they did this four years ago. you know, this is the first game of spring training. >> i actually thought peter suderman explained, i think the first good theory of why donald trump is popular with republican voters which is where the republican party stumbled in the past six years is with policy specifics. they can agree they hate obamacare, can't agree on a replacement they like. the thing that makes donald trump appealing is the complete lack of specifics. he won't say anything specific
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about policy. even on immigration except for make mexico pay for the wall we'll build. he doesn't have a specific plan about how to deport or not deport 11 million people. we are likely to see a lot of talking around policy specifics. remember, the debate is two hours but there are ten people on stage. he doesn't have to talk for that many minutes. it will be little enough time he can continue his schtick and we'll see if the emptiness is something that continues to play well. it's been playing well for the past however many weeks. >> let's listen to how fox news analyst joernl will down played the importance of the fox news debate. listen to this. >> ten divided into 110, 11 minutes per person. there are limits to how much gooder oh damage you can do to yourself in that time. each candidate has to think carefully about what impression he wants to leave in ten minutes.
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i think most of them have been working hard on this. donald trump says that he's not preparing for this. since he's running as far as i can tell a fact-free campaign, i can understand that. >> e.j., when you hear george will remind us, as josh just did, this is going to amount to ten minutes per canada data. we may have an awful lot of disappointed pundits and viewers out there. >> we'll make something up that mattered. i'm not worried about the pundits. i think it will be interesting. if you're trump, do you use the debate to look reasonable, but if you look at all reasonable does that really spoil your brand? what people like about trump is he doesn't sound like a politician. he says outrageous things. and if saying outrageous things is your brand you never get in trouble when you say outrageous things.
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he has been such a dominant figure because of the television coverage. he's not going to look like such a dominant figure. he will be somehow equal to john kasich and the other folks. does that hurt him? how does he dominate without having more than ten minutes to speak? i think that's a challenge to him. >> bill o'reilly and others are egging him on to please get in fight with the other candidates. let's listen. >> bush, walker or any of the others. do you plan on singling them out? >> i'm not looking to to that, to hurt anybody, embarrass anybody. if i have to bring up deficiencies, i will. >> april ryan, to take down trump at his word it sounds like he's going to play it like a front runner. he's not going to take shots at
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people. if he gets out of the debate without havingle damage done to them he's won it. >> he's great at everything. he said if there are deficiencies and something comes at me i will show them. he's prepared. he came after scott walker, went after lindsey graham. it came back to him but he made lemonade out of lemons when they took his phone number and put it out after he did it to lindsey graham. i believe he is prepared to play dirty. he's a businessman from new york who made billions. how? by playing it the way he plays it. i think they'll to the same this week. >> let's listen to one of the very few questions asked of trump in his media tours. and an answer that may get him in trouble with republicans if they are listening to. let's listen to willie geist's good question. >> are you for single payer health care?
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>> no. it's certainly something that works in certain countries. it works well in scotland. some think it works in canada but not here. you have to take care of the people. this is where i get into trouble with some republicans. believe it or not, i have a heart. we have to take care of the people that have no money that can't afford to take care of themselves. >> is there an opening there for trump's opponents? >> he sounded like a social democrat there. >> a european sociallist. he's okay with it. >> exactly. believe it or not i have a heart is a new trump bumper sticker. the people who support him do not seem motivated by particular issues except for immigration and that was a classic trump answer. you will see more. he's taken a lot of positions that are eventually democratic positions in the past.
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he's going to find a way around it. i think you will see them see it on other issues and with the 25% for him, it's not all clear they are for him for reasons that have anything to do with his issue stance. ultimately that's why he can't win the republican nomination when it's trump against one or two people he's not going to be a lot higher than 25%, maybe 30. in the meantime i'm not sure that will hurt his base at all. one thing voters proved they don't mind is flip-flops in politics. you said this and you are saying this. mitt romney gave a bigger collection than ever before. what does he say now? we don't care if he was pro choice before. he said he's anti-abortion now. that's what matters to us.
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>> it's more complicated. i think there is a very big appeal of authenticity around donald trump that allows him to get away with these policy switches. it's something that was a big advantage to chris christie before the luster came off him in 2013. chris christie was a moderate. because he had the attitude that made it seem like he's a tough guy, there for you voters give him more leeway on policy positions because they trust me's on their side. with trump, some of the things trump said on immigration are to the left of republicans in the field. he said there is no way to send people back. the good ones will have to work out a deal. that's not a no amnesty position. the reason he can hold onto voters putting him in the lead is they feel donald trump will cut a good deal. similarly, i don't think the 24% who are for donald trump will pick closely through his health care position. there will be a sense that donald trump won't do something that will be like european
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socialism. i don't think people will be focused on what he said specifically about scotland. >> quick break. when we come back, who is voting for donald trump and why? also, how is donald trump affecting the agenda in washington. and a new poll shows bernie sanders closing in on hillary clinton in new hampshire. we have breaking news tonight from the washington post about hillary clinton's e-mails while she was secretary of state. and sandra bland's sister will join us later for an exclusive interview about the next legal step the family is taking in that case. that's coming up. ♪ i built my business with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business...
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it's three agencies of government that are gone when i get there. commerce, education and the -- um, what's the third one there? let's see. i would do away with the education, the -- >> commerce. >> commerce. and let's see. >> oh, my. >> i can't. the third one i can't.
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i'm sorry. oops. >> the political world is astounded by donald trump's rise in the polls. at this time four years ago the nbc news wall street journal poll had rick perry way, way ahead leading by 15 points. way ahead of where donald trump is now. rick perry had 38% in the polls. mitt romney was at 23%. ron paul at 9, michele bachmann at 8% and more man cane and newt gingrich tied at 5%. up next, people saying they will vote for donald trump in the polls, what are they saying when they are questioned about him and how is trump affecting republican policy in washington?
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if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. donald trump may have hijacked the presidential campaign but can he hijack the republican legislative agenda in washington? >> the word is that democrats will filibuster and the president will veto. that's the only way to get rid of planned parenthood money for selling off baby parts is to shut down the government in september. would you support that? >> i can tell you this. i would. i was also in support if the republicans stuck together you could have done it with obamacare also. but the republicans decided not to stick together and they left a few people out there like ted cruz. you know, they left a lot of the people that really went in and wanted to do the job and, you know what? if they stuck together they would have won that battle. you have to in this case also, yes. >> we are joined by sara cliff, senior editor for
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what do you expect the trump effect to be now in washington now that he's weighing in on things like shutting town the government over funding planned parenthood and other legislative items? >> you have seen a vote to defend planned parenthood this week. you see more sting videos coming out. if you have someone leading in the republican polls talking about shutting town the government it elevates something other republicans are talking about. if you look at the trump effect here, if you have the dond weighing in, talking about these things that you will see more of an echo chamber in washington and i'm expecting as the videos come out, as planned parenthood continues to be under attack it is likely we could have another shut down like in 2011 that centers on should the federal government give money to planned parenthood. >> fwrks q has an article with a reporter in the field speaking to donald trump supporters at
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events finding out what's motivating them, here is one in iowa identified as randy. and a veteran. the questions go like this to him. what's your favorite thing he's said. answer, you're fired. who would you like to see him fire besides obama? let's see, john kerry, our last governor, the attorney general, every muslim they put in. the next question. so you believe trump has the fearlessness to run this country. i know he does, said randy. have you ever watched the apprentice? that's one to build your confidence in democracy. >> yeah. it's interesting. i want to say this. donald trump is an all or nothing guy. he doesn't understand, again, he's a businessman who had to fight, scrounge and do what he had to do to get his billions. in washington if you shut the government down it has ripple effects. millions of tlars will be lost
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every day. millions upon millions. then on top of that you affect lives. people were upset when the shutdown happened before. during this administration and it really reflected poorly on the republican party. this is something he may not want to do. the white house is chiming in on this saying, you know, dealing with trying to switch up with planned parenthood, use that as a fighting tactic versus a shutdown is something they don't want to do. >> it's hard to imagine donald trump saying, oh, no, we shouldn't shut down the government over something i care about. if shutting down the government is the spoiled brat choice of legislators how could donald trump resist it? >> that's true. by the way, he's one of the only republicans who seems to really like ted cruz. so that might also set him apart out there. but it's funny.
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i was curious about what he said and not entirely surprised because the position in the party now is you have to be for defunding planned parenthood at the risk of a shutdown. i was thinking if the congress is in an utter mess and if the republican leadership in congress is seen as failing, that could further fuel the trump candidacy. i have seen some of the reports on who is for trump. a lot of the people who are for trump are people who are dissatisfied with their party. some because it's not conservative enough. but some because they just don't trust its leadership. so in an odd way it may have been a relatively risky statement by donald trump. especially since i tout he thought that about planned parenthood ten years ago. >>le well, again, i don't think the past matters in these things. we have more quotes here from the gq piece about trump voters. here's bob from iowa. he said we need to get the
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muslims out of the country before they start killing our families. as a reporter notes, everyone around him nodded. so josh, this is what you get when you wade into the trump crowd. >> the gq piece is interesting. one person the reporter finds says i like trump but i'm concerned because he's an at&t ris it shall atheist. >> he said he's not. >> these are not the people most read in on policy. >> i was looking for that polite phrasing and i couldn't find it. >> one thing about the shutdown. it's unlikely that we'll get a shutdown over planned parenthood. just a few months ago there was going to be a partial government shutdown over the president's executive actions on immigration. there was a situation where most of the government was funded but homeland security wasn't. republicans were threatening to try re-opening the government and ultimately they folded because you can't get any
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funding bill out of congress without democrats in the senate voting for it. you need democrats to break ranks, send the president a bill to veto. they will fold for the same reason they folded in february. trump can say, i said we should shut down but republicans in washington folded again. if you sent me there, i wouldn't fold. smart political move by him. >> lawrence? >> go ahead, sarah. >> it's april. >> i'm sorry. go ahead. >> i want to go back to the muslim comment. we are a nation of different peoples and cultures. i don't understand why there is still this issue. we have so many different types of americans. everyone in this country is not necessarily a bad person if they are in one religion. i'm a christian. i love jesus and i beat the bible, but one of the most amazing things i have seen and ever heard was the call to prayer in tanzania. what does that make me? i just think we are hearing the
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same stuff we heard with the pal it is in situation, the romney situation. even reince priebus said we are more united than divided. this rhetoric has to stop. it perpetuates something we don't want to see again. >> nothing donald trump is saying would mute or discourage the rhetoric. >> you don't see much at all in donald trump's campaign. one of the things in the gq piece is they are out there, percolating and you see candidates taking advantage of those. to josh's point about the shutdown, i don't think we'll see a shutdown over planned parenthood. we can see it going to the brink. funding for abortion clinics is the very last thing to get
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resolved keeping in mind we don't send federal dollars to abortion clinics. we send it to clinics that provide services like std or cancer screenings. he's right we won't have a shutdown but the debate over planned parenthood is just gearing up. we have more videos coming out. we should expect this fight to really continue over the next few months. this issue isn't going to disappear from the republican campaign trail. >> i think with the shutdown -- if i can say -- i am quite sure john boehner and mitch mcdonnell don't want a shutdown. it is not clear to me that boehner can manage the right wing of the caucus. he may have to go past the brink to get to the point where he can get the votes to open up the government. i'm not sure we are going to avoid a shutdown. >> sarah, thanks for joining us tonight. up next, breaking news from the washington post about hillary clinton's state department e-mails and breaking news about secretary clinton's campaign in new hampshire, the polls are tightening there.
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we have breaking news tonight about hillary clinton. the washington post reports the fbi is looking into the security of hillary clinton's private e-mail when she was secretary of state. the washington post story says the fbi has begun looking into the security of hillary clinton's private e-mail set up contacting in the past week a tef based technology firm that helped manage the unusual system
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according to two government officials also last week the fbi contacted clinton's lawyer david kendall with questions about the security of a thumb drive in his possession that contains copies of work e-mails clinton sent during her time as secretary of state. attorney kendall confirmed the contact saying the government is seeking assurance about the storage of materials we are actively cooperating. the speculation today about joe biden running for president reached president obama. >> have you decided whether -- do you think he should run? >> thank you. >> that's probably not the last time president obama will try to laugh off that question. with increasingly reliable reports emerging in the new york times and elsewhere that joe biden has according to the new york times begun to actively explore a possible presidential campaign.
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maureen dowd's column had an emotional scene of beau biden urging his father to run for president months ago when beau biden knew he was dying and every word was difficult to say with the right side of his face paralyzed. maureen said beau had a mission. he tried to make his father promise to run arguing that the white house should not revert to the clintons and the country would be better off with biden values. polling shows hillary clinton slipping in new hampshire. bernie sanders pulled within six points of hillary clinton in new hampshire with clinton at 42% and sanders at 36%. in the wmur poll of likely democratic primary voters with a margin of error of 5.9%. in the last poll clinton was at 51%. bernie sanders was town at 13% but elizabeth warren was in the poll and she polled at 20%.
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enl, dionne, this new hampshire poll for hillary clinton. if that was the final result in new hampshire if she ended up only six points ahead of bernie sanders, people would be worried about her ability to get the rest of the way. >> i'm not sure that's true. i think bernie sanders has a decent shot of winning in both iowa and new hampshire. because those states are kind of perfect for bernie. iowa is a very activist it shall the caucuses are dominated by activists. he may not have as much money to organize as hill clipt. he's having a grand time up there. i think the first two states are important why she dropped a million dollars of television on both of them. in terms of the joe biden story,
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i still am doubtful that biden will run. he's ready if hillary stumbles if the investigations take off. it should be said in the post story the fbi, the source of the story said the fbi wasn't targeting her but if the party gets nervous he's there. i don't think he's there yet. >> i assume the white house press corps won't give up on the question. >> not at all. carol lee of the wall street journal had a chance to run into vice president biden. she asked him about his bid. he jokingly said, yeah, i will have you as my running mate. we were laughing. the biden-lee ticket. it is a serious issue. when i asked several people to
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include valerie jared, she was serious about this issue. she said, you know, he has to make his own determination at his own time as to what he's doing to to. the white house is looking at it as serious. they are letting biden to what he must do with this. it is a very real issue. if he does jump in the race we are hearing he will get a wind it is fall of money. >> josh barrow, there are other poll stresses for hillary clinton out there. the favorable, unfavorable and the nbc poll shows hillary clinton now in a negative position there with favorable at 37, unfavorable at 48. that's a big switch from the last time they did the poll where her favorable was better than her unfavorable. bernie sanders has a favorable of 24. unfavorable of 19. he's in positive territory. but chuck todd made the point that most of the people in the poll especially top level candidates like job bush find themselves in a negative
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position of favorable versus unfavorable. >> people hate pretty much everything. i think ej is right. iowa and new hampshire are favorable states for hillary clinton against bernie sanders. one reason is the electorate is very white. bernie sanders is polling better with white than nonwhite voters. after iowa and new hampshire you go to south carolina. i think bernie sanders made no demonstration he has the ability to connect with black voters. he's struggled talking about black lives matter and policing and criminal justicish ys that are important over the last year. it looks like south carolina is hillary clinton's fire it is wall. she may be thoroughbreded by him in new hampshire and iowa. but i don't think bernie has put together the two parts of the obama coalition that allowed him to win in 2008. you need the progressive left and strong support from black voters in order to beat the more blue collar coalition that
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hillary had back in 2008. i don't see what the path is for him to put it together. >> i agree with that entirely, by the way. >> what about the sanders capacity to show it shall to not necessarily defeat hillary clinton from the nomination but show weakness in the candidacy going forward in the same way pat buchanan did going after the first president bush in new hampshire. not beating him but doing well against him and opening up the cracks, opening up weaknesses in what became the bush general election campaign. >> it could be true. but i don't think bernie's candidacy is at all like pat buchanan's. pat's was an attack on president bush. bernie hardly ever says a negative word about hillary clinton. i think that also under estimates how much of the vote for bernie is a positive vote for bernie. you talk about authenticity.
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trump has fake authenticity and bernie is the real thing. i don't think it's quite the same. it would be a problem. if she lost both primaries, i think she does have fire walls town the road. lord knows what we would be talking about on a show like this after two defeats. that's why i think she's going to invest more time and money to prevent that from happening. le. >> one of the drops in the favorability polling is with women. that was a bigger drop with women than it was overall. >> lawrence, not just women but white women. that's the issue. one of the stories where hillary clinton who is a white woman. i'm like, oh, wow. >> i had the same reaction. >> but for her to drop with white women that's saying something. i was hearing a little bit of a ground swell.
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carly fiorina has gone along the wayside because of hewlett-packard and how it tanked under her leadership. for her to be the first possibility of being the first female president that's saying something strong. she has to shore up the base. it's amazing. she will need the group. women are the number one voting bloc in this nation. it seems to me needs african-americans, too. that group is not necessarily in her pocket as well. >> she has started tv advertising in new hampshire, josh. i'm sure the clinton campaign is not surprised by the new poll in new hampshire. their own sources of polling must have indicated to them this was coming. so now they are on the air with real ads in new hampshire and iowa. >> yeah. i think the other thing they are
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likely counting on is that hillary is a better politician than people give her credit for. think back to the race and hillary parachuting into new york and even being who is this entitled person who thinks she can be our senator. she did the listening to up state new york being similar to new hampshire. spent time sitting in diners, listening to people. it was mocked but it seems to have worked. she ended up winning going away in the senate race. putting her on the ground there is going to allow her to improve her numbers compared to where she is now. bernie may give her a scare but the poll makes it look more competitive than it is likely to actually. >> we'll leave it there tonight. thank you for joining me tonight. coming up, sandra bland's sister joins us for an exclusive interview about the next legal step.
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at&t reminds you it can wait. don't touch me. i'm not under arrest. you tonight have the right -- >> you are urntd arrest. >> for what?
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>> get out of the car. get out of the car now. >> why am i being apprehended? you're trying to give me a ticket? >> get out of the car. >> why am i being apprehended. >> i am going to drag you out of here. >> you are threatening to trag me out of my car? >> get out of the car. i will light you up. >> three days after sandra bland was arrested by texas state trooper brian insinia she was found dead in her jail cell and her death was ruled a suicide. today her mother filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the officer and two jailers. the county and the texas department of public safety. >> you need to understand that we, in filing this lawsuit, are looking to hold those who are responsible for the stop and sandy's death accountable. that's what this is about.
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>> joining us now for an exclusive interview sandra bland's sister sharon cooper, and the family's attorney cannon lambert. sharon cooper, what i was struck by in reading the lawsuit today is this is unusual wrongful death lawsuit. you're at the stage of the information where you don't actually know how the death occurred. >> right. right. good evening, lawrence. how are you? >> thank you. thanks for joining us. >> one of the things, the primary impetus for the lawsuit is the fact that we are not getting the information we have asked for from the on set of the notification of sandy's passing in the jail cell. the things that we have received have been due to the fact that the media has been nice enough and, you know, has done us a favor by sharing information with us. when the media gets information that's when we get the information. we are in a situation where our hand feels forced at this point. we feel this is the necessary
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legal resource we have to take to start to get after some of the answers we have been looking for. >> sharon, let's listen to what your mother said today about what might have happened in the jail cell at the press conference today. >> i am still confident in the fact that she knew enough about jesus that she would not take herself out. anything is possible. i wasn't there. but as a mother, my inner is telling me she did not to that. now i'm the first one to tell you if the facts it shall the facts, not the fiction. if the facts show without a doubt that that was the case, you know, i will have to be prepared to deal with that. but the bottom line is she never should have been inside of a jail. period.
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>> cannon lambert, if the facts show is such a loaded "if" and such a loaded element of this. what do you need to be satisfied with what the facts show? >> well, you're right. there is a lot of loadedness to this. the facts might prove one of two things. perhaps someone was responsible and this was murder. it could be we find the facts prove that this is a suicide. ultimately what we do understand is when you have an in custody death those responsible for taking care of the person in custody fail to meet their responsibilities and provide the opportunity for someone to hurt themselves they have to be held account fshl that. >> there might be a third
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possibility which we are not able to prove that this is a murder or prove it is a suicide, that we end up in an indeterminate spot somewhere. >> mm-hmm. >> the individuals responsible for taking care of her are, in fact, responsible. you cannot put people in a position where they have the apparatus to hurt themselves. it is strange and peculiar to have trash bags, trash cans, ropes, shower ropes and the like in a cell. and put people in a position where they can hurt themselves. >> i'm sorry. we have to take a quick break. we'll be right back with more with san tra bland's sister and the family attorney next. proof of less joint pain. and clearer skin. this is my body of proof
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sandra bland's family filed a wrongful death lawsuit for her
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death in that texas jail cell. they are asking attorney general loretta lynch and the justice department for help in investigating what happened in that jail cell. we'll have more on this when we come back. with passion. but i keep it growing by making every dollar count. that's why i have the spark cash card from capital one. i earn unlimited 2% cash back on everything i buy for my studio. ♪ and that unlimited 2% cash back from spark means thousands of dollars each year going back into my business... that's huge for my bottom line. what's in your wallet?
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we are very much asking that the d.o.j. get involved in this situation. now, it is requiring a fresh set of eyes, an unbiased set of
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eyes, a set of eyes that's going to find what actually happened to sandra bland. this family needs an answer to the principle question, what happened to sandra bland? >> sharon cooper, at the press conference today you explained why you and the family were unable to get your sister, sandra bland out on bail that weekend. could you quickly run us through the flex complexity of that and how it got jammed up? >> absolutely. we have the initial call from her on saturday afternoon at approximately 1:50. that was saturday, july 11. she did inform us she was picked up for a routine traffic stop. she expressed surprise she was in jail at that point. she shared with us the amount of the bond and shared at that time she felt she was mistreated. she spoeblg with my older sister and chantay said we would work as a family to get the money together which we were able to do fairly quickly. we were prepared to do so on
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sunday. we just never heard from her on sunday at all. that's where i believe the break down in communication took place and the inability to reach the jail. we never heard from her at all. >> cannon lambert, that's the mystery period from that phone call at 1:50 p.m. in the afternoon to the next time she's accounted for. at that point reported dead. >> that's right. you know, we really want to get answers to a lot of questions. for example, what time did she really pass? did she pass on sunday or did she pass on monday? when she was found, was she found in a state of rigor? there are a lot of things we don't know. there are some suggestions that have been thrown out there, but we don't know. there is a win tow in time as it relates to what we don't know. that's why we filed the lawsuit. you don't have answers to
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critical questions like that. and you're not getting them because they are not forthcoming. you don't have a choice. >> this seems to be first functioning as a freedom of information lawsuit because it gives you records which in other cases you would ask, would you please give them to us. >> when you file a lawsuit you have subpoena power. much of why we were hopeful we could get answers to questions we have is because we had engaged in conversations with them preliminarily anyway. they indicated there was going to be forthcoming information. when that didn't happen, we kind of came to the conclusion that we are at now. we got, as sharon said to you, much of the information we have now through the kindness of the media frankly. because even though we were asking for the same things the immediate wra was asking for, the media was getting the information and we weren't. >> that will have to be the last word tonight. sharon cooper, i'm sorry for the loss of your sister. thank you for joining us tonight.
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"hardball" starts right now. the trump tenor in peres out, yes it's oops again. let's play hardball. good evening. i'm chris matthews in washington. well, we've got the lineup. it's trump at the top, john kasich just squeezing in. we now know that ten republicans will meet in a primetime debate two nights from now that could well decide who goes on to iowa and new hampshire and who begins to fall by the wayside. here's the lineup announced by fox just in the past hour. front and center, donald trump, he's followed by jeb bush, scott walker, mike huckabee, ben carson, ted cruz, marco rubio, rand paul, chris christie and finally, yes, john kasich made the cut.