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tv   The Last Word With Lawrence O Donnell  MSNBC  October 30, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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ernst in iowa. i also still do kind of think they're hideous in my office. but in real life on your shelf, on your kitchen counter, in the recesses of your childhood memories, the merry mushroom canisters your mom bought at sears in the '70s, which happened to match your curtains, those mushroom canisters really aren't hideous. they are lovely. so thank you for fact checking me on this. i sincerely regret what i now believe is an error. i love your mushroom canisters. and your kitchen. i love all of it. sorry. now it's time for "the last word" with lawrence o'donnell. > alex wagner, someone actually mistook mindy kaeling for malala yousafzai. it's not so easy to tell them
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apart based on what they say as alex wagner is going to find out later. but first, five days to go in the fight for control of united states senate. >> only days to go and the polls are tightening. >> neck and neck. >> nobody is entirely sure what's going to happen. which is kind of amazing. >> both parties are using big names to make their closing arguments. >> a flood of famous surrogates are hitting the trail. >> having high-profile surrogates to boost the rallies does help. >> william jefferson clinton! >> bill clinton is returning to the bluegrass state. >> we stood up to everything they had thrown at her and she's still standing. >> one ad stars mitt romney. >> if you want to shake up washington then your chand isan is thom tillis. >> they have to be willing to answer the tough questions and his opponent has not. >> today, president obama heads to maine. >> in the middle of a tough governor's race there.
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>> we know obama is not on the ballot. >> i would like to be candid with you. i would be very surprised if obama is re-elected. >> democrats are very, very nervous. for good reason. >> this is a very favorable field for the republicans. >> the question, of course, who turns out to vote. >> we have new polls tonight in some of the campaigns that will decide control of the united states senate, while the most popular politicians in both parties continue to rush from state to state, campaigning for candidates. in north carolina, kay hagan is four points ahead of thom tillis. in new hampshire tonight, one poll shows a tie at 49-49 between incumbent senator jeanne shaheen and scott brown. but a different poll just out tonight by the university of new hampshire has jeanne shaheen
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ahead by eight points in new hampshire. and a new quinnipiac poll in colorado shows republican cory gardner widing his lead over mark udall. kentucky is seeing a lot of the clintons these days. hillary clinton campaigned for alison grimes. and today, bill clinton made his fourth trip to kentucky where alison grimes is try to unseat republican senate leader mitch mcconnell. >> you may not like me, but you still got to vote against her. it's not that you want to vote against her. they've trite to kick her off the ballot and put the president on in his place. a man who's been here for 30 years said i'm sorry, i can't talk about your promise. i can't talk about your problems. i got to demonize her. into the valley went goliath and david. david turned out to be a girl
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who whooped him anyway. >> the obamas spent the day in new england. president obama campaigned in maine. and michelle obama went to rhode island to help ramondo in her campaign for governor. then headed to connecticut to support the re-election of governor dan malloy. where the first lady was confronted by a young woman who was disappointed by the government's failure to act on immigration reform. >> you can not yet in the audience unless you're going to vote. you got to vote! [ applause ] >> every single issue that you care about, whether it's schools or jobs or dreamers or neighborhoods, so many of those decisions are made by your governor. understand this. this is local politics. >> joining me now as you've already noticed, alex wagner, host of msnbc's "now" with alex
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wagner and chris hayes, host of "all in" with chris hayes. the stars of the a block. the big news tonight is the hot poll out in new hampshire. an eight-point lead. there hasn't been any polling that either candidate was going to pull an eight-point lead. >> scott brown has run a totally ridiculous race. i mean -- >> you do have to worry about isis ebola on the southern border. >> exactly. he drove his pickup truck and was mr. moderate then became this crazy fear mongering vampire sweeping through new hampshire. i think a lot of people wondered, wait a second, this should have been a safety for her. and it turns out maybe we don't know. eight points. >> one of the things that we've seen in the models, the various models, as many models as there are competitive states now,
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maybe more, is that blue states, which new hampshire is at this point. it used to be much more of a kind of swing state. they tend to come home. and we're seeing that is baked into a lot of models. it's true about louisiana where even when the polling is in flux, there's a feeling that landrieu has a tough climb there. kansas is extremely popular, accomplished, decent senator. >> i also think the problem with his campaign is it's been so singular in its focus. it's not a bad focus but uh's a walk and chew gum kind of situation. there are many other things he should be focused on and ignoring his his panic population in colorado could be
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an issue. >> i have never seen a candidate attacked for leaning too hard on one issue. i mean, if you go to count the republican candidates who leaned on tax cuts, tax cut, tax cuts and nothing else, what i wonder about is now that we've gotten into this saturation level of advertising, and, you know, multimillion dollar advertising and campaigns in states that used to spend $2 million for the whole thing, that they hit a level of saturation very quickly. and if all your ads, or the dpom pennant part of your ads about this one issue, you can wear out voters on the one issue. >> this happens every election cycle. it's sort of an arms race to ad blitzes. and so much money has been spent on the senate races. and yet, i mean, it's as tight as anybody can remember. we really legitimately, not just because we're all going to be talk on the air on election night, we don't know what is going to happen. which is crazy given the tee-up here in terms of money spent on these campaigns. >> i want to go back to scott brown for a second in new
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hampshire. he has been running against president obama, not against the incumbent senator. and so what we've all been saying, if scott brown pulls that out in new hampshire, then you would expect to see something of a wave against the president in other places. >> yeah. >> but if this poll is accurate tonight, if that's what you see on election night, chris, that jeanne shaheen wins by eight points, what will that tell us about what might happen in the recollection of the country? >> that's an interesting question. if it were to be eight points, that would mean a better night for democrats. people are thinking. and one of the things we've seen, we've seen it now twice. we saw it in 2006 and 2010, it's unclear, it doesn't look like the polling supports that this election will be like those two. which really were nationalized referendum elections. this election seems more local despite the fact that republicans have tried to turn it into a referendum on the president. if we saw, i guess what i would say is if we saw things going in the other direction like we said, we could draw conclusions. if we're sitting around the desk
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and scott brown is winning by enough to call it early, that's looking like a bad night for democrats. jeanne shaheen winning by eight points would we suggest the democrats are better positioned and the race is more localized, which is what democrats have been hoping for from the beginning in the entire cycle. >> can i just say, another weird part of this is there are 36 gubernatorial races. we've talked a lot about how the republican races are worst news for the republicans than democrats. and the senate races are worst news for the democrats than the republicans. i still don't know how you sblit the ticket in kansas. there is not a clear line of thinking about how the governor's races affect the down ballot races. >> i think part of this has to do with what makes this the battleground race in the senate and the midterm election so spectacular. they know there's divided government now. the filibuster has rendered the
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senate this dysfunctional body. because it's not a majority body, it doesn't even seem like majorities matter that much one way or the other. although they do. there's a much more clear line of causality. this person is going to be setting school funding or vetoing school funding. that stuff, the a to b causality, the ways basic mechanism, i vote for this person and we get this outcome, that's much more present. than barack obama this or this person has unpopular stances on this issue, as opposed to these are the differing views for the governing legislating agenda for the next two years. >> let's go to one of the guys who wanted to be one of the big republican surrogates out there helping the candidates, chris christie. he hasn't been as useful for a variety of reasons as he had hoped to be at this time. there was that video yesterday we saw of him telling a constituent to sit down and shut
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up. he responded today. let's listen to his response about why he said that. >> this is new jersey. if you're give, it you're getting it back. i love having -- [ applause ] most of my things we don't. but if someone is going to stand up, i ignore them for a while and they get rude and talk over me and other people, then i'm going to engage. and that's what the people of new jersey expect from me. and i don't like being forced to do that, but i won't shake away from it either. it's another day at rancho christie. >> he's in new mexico. he describes it as another day at the ranch. >> ranko christie. nowhere i never want to visit. >> i want to take a quick look at the sit down and shut up sound bite again. just to contemplate how this will play in iowa when he runs
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for president. >> exactly. >> you want to have the conversation later, i'm happy to have it, buddy. but until that time, sit down and shut up. >> my favorite part about it is the lie that he is happy to have the conversation. the conversation is sit down and shut up. >> and by the way, the first terrible part of it is the actual sound. the second terrible part about it is the substance. this guy is talking about the disbersment of federal storm disaster aid to victims of hurricane sandy. and the issue for governor christie, given the fact that only 20% of sandy victims have gotten the money they need, that is a major issue. not just in terms of personality, but in terms of stewardship of the state. >> and responsible use of government money used to be a republican issue. >> well, there are a million reasons that chris christie is, i think, dead in the water. not the least among them is the state -- we talked about this on the show tonight.
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the high unemployment, standing rigid. they had four credential downgrades. they're runs huge deficits. the sandy stuff has been totally mismanaged. there's no real record. he's 20 points down. >> alex wagner, can you hang? >> i'm glued to the seat. >> it turns out someone mistook -- >> best story of the week. >> mindy kaling for malala yousafzai. we will test your ability to tell them apart by what they say. also, coming up next, chuck on a bus. chuck todd will join me from his bus to everywhere. we will find out where he is tonight. and later, a young woman with
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terminal brain cancer is leading a new debate on the right to die by publicly planning to end her life at a time of her choosing.
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>> yes, it really happened. mindy kaling was recently mistaken for malala yousafzai. but first, chuck todd's bus has come to its final stop tonight. chuck will join me next. really... it's not worth it. no worries. i got this. ♪ a 2.7 gigahertz turbo processor. kevlar fiber durability. turbo charge for up to 8 hours of battery in just 15 minutes.
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introducing droid turbo by motorola. can you start tomorrow? tomorrow we're booked solid. we close on the house tomorrow. tomorrow we go live... it's a day full of promise. and often, that day arrives by train. big day today? even bigger one tomorrow. csx. how tomorrow moves. for over 19 million people. [ mom ] with life insurance, we're not just insuring our lives... we're helping protect his. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. transamerica. transform tomorrow. >> tonight, chuck's big bus at as the end of the road. in new hampshire, he moderated the debate between jeanne shaheen and scott brown. then he jumped on the bus to
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kansas and iowa this week. he stopped in ja and arkansas. with chuck's bus coming to its final stop in this campaign season in new orleans, louisiana, chuck will join me in a moment. but earlier today, he spoke with louisiana democratic senator mary landrieu who is facing a tough re-election challenge. >> this is not my hardest election. people in washington can say that, but you can look at me. do i look stressed or unhappy? this is not my -- the weather helps today. but this is not my hardest race. my hardest race18 years ago. and when people say oh, everything has has changed. not for me. it's all been tough. >> join meg now, the moderator of "meet the press," chuck todd. the poll out of new hampshire
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showing an eight-point lead for jeanne shaheen what do you think of that? >> neither campaign believes it's eight points. but the democrats have been pretty insis tint they've kept a small but consistent lead. republicans haven't really had any internal numbers to dit put that either. i've always noticed with campaigns, the more they trumpet a public poll, the more they don't believe that poll is usually what i've learned at least in the last week. but look, this has always been -- new hampshire to me, lawrence, is the wave test. if scott brown wins new hampshire, it means there was a republican wave. i feel like we're looking at two potential scenarios on tuesday night. there's a wave building for the republicans, or this is an anti-incumbent year and we see all sorts of crazy results that may lead to a republican-controlled senate, but could also lead to a lot of new democratic governors. so probably the best sniff test on that is going to be new hampshire. on the merits when you look at scott brown's unfavorable ratings, it's hard to see how he
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wins without a wave. >> and the wave would be the anti-obama wave since scott brown has really been campaigning against the president in new hampshire, not campaigning against jeanne shaheen. so that win would be a clue, would be an indicator that wow, campaign against the president is really effective. >> right. i think that's exactly right. i mean, you know, that's the one thing, you can't -- i don't think there is a person being used more in a television ad these days than president obama, at least on the republican side of the aisle. i mean, you probably see him more in tv ads than the actual republican candidates themselves. i love my friends who look at this stuff at a living, to do that comparison. but i bet the number of seconds on-air probably obama's face much more prevalent than the actual face of republican candidates for the senate. >> it reminds me of '94 where virtually every republican campaign took the democratic candidate and in 30 seconds
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morphed that person into bill clinton. and that gave the republicans the first takeover of the house in 40 years. chuck, louisiana where you are now, this is one of the more complicated races. it's a three-way race. we might not have a declared winner on election night. then what happens. >> well, laook, the landrieu campaign is going for 50%. the accomplished republican candidate sf absolutely playing for the runoff. he's only showed up for about half the debates. sort of saving his money. and he's rally been sort of i laing low, just getting enough support to try to get the runoff. there's a third candidate, a more conservative tea party type, a man who, he shows up to every debate. he might be helping the republicans because he gives conservatives who don't like cassidy somebody to vote for. but the landrieu strategy is to get to 50. they're hoping to make a huge effort of african-american turnout. if the african-american share of the electorate is over 30%, gets
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to 31, 32, and mary landrieu can win 31%, 32% of the white vote, that's her path to 50% plus one on election night. even the landrieu folks believe it's a narrow path. but the real magic number to watch on tuesday is 46%. 46% or above and i think it's fair to say she's 50-50 in the runoff. and in pretty good shape to make it competitive. if she's in the low 40s, this some polls have had her, i think that's a sign that this is going to be an uphill struggle in the final four weeks. >> if you stack up right now, the republican candidates number and the tea party candidates number, that's a number that overwhelms mary landrieu. it would. there's a chance those who don't like cassidy stay home. that's a possibility. what is the runoff about?
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is it control for the u.s. sena senate? is it red versus blue race and it's to decide who is in charge of the senate? or is it mary landrieu versus bill class di. some argue because the senate had already been decided. republicans sort of took their foot off the gas and she was able to win the who's better for louisiana argument. if it becomes a partisan argument, some democrats admit that's harder for mary landrieu to win. >> thanks for joining us from the campaign trail. a young woman with terminal brain cancer is leading a new debate now on the right to die by publicly planning to end her life at a time of her choosing. that's coming up. they challenge us. they take us to worlds full of heroes and titans. for respawn, building the best interactive entertainment begins with the cloud. this is "titanfall,"
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. >> the thoughts that go through your mind when you find out you have so little time is everything you need to say to everyone you love. >> that's a 29-year-old who has been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. she has moved to oregon for what she believes will be the last months of her life so that she can take advantage of that state's death with dignity law which allows pashtss like br s
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which allows pashtss like ballo britney to decide when they want to die. last month she announced that she plaped eplanned to end hers weekend on sad, november 1. last night, britney posted this video. >> so if november 2 comes along and i've passed, i hope my family is still proud of me and the choices i made. and if november 2 comes along and i'm still alive, i know that we'll just still be moving forward as a family out of love for each other and nthat this decision will come later. >> when people criticize me for not not waiting longer or, you know, whatever they've decided is best for me, it hurts.
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because really i risk it every day. every day that i wake up. and i do it because i still feel good enough, and i still have enough joy, and i still laugh and smile with my family and friends enough that it doesn't seem like the right time. right now. but it will come, because i feel myself getting sicker. it's happening each week. i still get out and do what i can. i walk with my husband. i walk with my family and my dogs. and things like that bring me the greatest feelings of health that i have these days. but really, it's been just, since january 1, since my diagnosis, it's healthwise, things keep getting worse, but i guess that's what happens when you're terminally ill, you get sicker and sicker. >> it sounds so cliche, we take things one day at a time, but
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it's like -- that's the only way to get through this. you take away all of the material stuff, all the nonsense that we all seem to latch on to as a society, and you realize that those moments are really what matter. >> so the worst thing that could happen to me is that i wait too long because i am trying to seize each day, but that i somehow have my autonomy taken away from me from my disease because of the nature of my cancer. to really talk about you the most terrifying aspects. most recently, my most terrifying set of seizures was about a week or so ago. i had two in a day, which is unusual. and i remember looking at my husband's face at one point and thinking, i know this is my husband, but i can't say his name. and ended up going to the hospital for that one.
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it feels so different than it did just a year ago. to be perfectly candid, in the last three months, i've gained over 25 pounds over nothing i've put in my mouth except for prescription medications. i don't like being photographed. i don't like being filmed and i don't like spending a lot of time looking in the more ror. and i-- mirror. i'm not full of hate or self-loathing, it's just that my body changed so quickly. you really kind of stopped recognizing yourself in a way. that's very personal. i think sometimes people look at me and they think well, you don't look as sick as you say you are. which hurts to hear, because when i'm having a seizure and i can't speak afterwards, i certainly feel as sick as i am. >> it's not my job to tell her
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how to live. and it's not my job to tell her how to die. it's my job to love her through it. >> well, if all my dreams came true, i would somehow survive this. but i most likely won't. so beyond that, having been an only child for my mother, i want her to recover from this and not break down, you know, not suffer from any kind of depression. my husband is such a lovely man. i want him to -- you know, i understand everyone needs to grieve, but i want him to be happy. so i want him to have a family,
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and i know that might sound weird, but there's no part of me that wants him to live out the rest of his life just missing his wife. so i hope he moves on. i think this is a positive change and i would like to see all americans have access to the same health care rights. beyond the policy goal, my goals are quite simple and they mostly do boil down to my family and friends and making sure they all know how much i love them. >> we'll be back with more from britney. (receptionist) gunderman group.
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we call that predictable. thrillingly predictable. they get stains like tyou wouldn't believe. this tide ultra stain release and zap! cap helps me get out pretty much any stain. can i help? try our newest ultra stain release. helps remove 99% of everyday stains. >> my parents spent a couple of months, they just wanted to search for a miracle. >> in the beginning, i hoped for everything. first, i hoped that they had just the wrong x-raies, the wrong set of scans. it was all just a big clerical
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mishap. your brain will do really strange things to you when you don't want to believe something. you will come up with fairy tales. >> joining me now, the president of the compassion and choices, a leading nonprofit organization working to protect and expand options at the end of life. barbara met with britney maynard two days ago. also the chairman of the neurology department at the university of pittsburgh school of medicine. he's also the director of the university of pittsburgh medical center stroke institute. dr., i first want to go to you just to get the medicine of this understood. and as you know, i lost a friend of mean to glioblastoma, dear friend. i told you about it at the early stages and you predicted that he would probably have 1 months, and that's just about exactly what he got. when you hear of britney's case and the way she's thinking about it, she is realistically facing
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what is really coming. there is no escaping the outcome of this for her, is there? >> i think that's right, lawrence. thank you for having me on. as we talked about previously with regard to your friend and what is true, this glioblastoma, this brain tumor that she has is a very bad disease. untreated, the prognosis is very poor. only a few months. now, we have good treatment, but they increase survival. they do increase survival significantly, so that now people can live 18 to 24 months on average, but still that's not as long as we would like. and only a minority of people, maybe a third of people go two years or more after the diagnosis of this particular type of tumor. so unfortunately, the prognosis is still not very good.
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>> barbara, as soon as i saw that she had glioblastoma, i realized,s in the case. this is exactly the test case. because there's no dispute about what happens at some point down the road here, and it is a matter of months, one way or the other. and so this is exactly the kind of illness where this question of how much empowerment should we have at the end of life in making that decision for ourselves is so vivid. what is -- you met with brittany two days ago. what is your sense of where she is on this question now? >> i think what she said in the video is absolutely true. and because she is so forthright and unblinking in looking ahead at what she faces, she knows that she is like a person on the river, the river of life. and she's looking at a cliff. and going over that cliff means experiencing symptoms and being in a condition that she would
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consider worse than death. glioblastoma is a very cruel disease. she already has seizures that are uncontrollable. they happen more than once a day. she has long periods after those seizures, one time where she had essentially stroke symptoms where she wasn't able to speak. she has a lot of pain in her head and neck. so she is now at the point where she needs to consider every day, you know, perhaps every hour, how close to that cliff am i getting? and when is the proper time to advance the time of my death so that i don't descend into a condition that i consider worse than death. i mean, that's the kind of question that's before brittany and has been before all of the 700 or so people before her who have had aid and die medication. >> brittany has said on videos she feel she is has to make a very conscious decision now and schedule a date now on which she wants to do this because she expects that her mental function
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will decline over time and she may not have the mental capacity to make this decision using the kind of factors that she would really -- that she actually prioritizes now if she waits a few weeks or months. is that true of the way the brain declines? >> yes. i think at some point, she will lose that ability. as this tumor grows and spreads and infiltrates various parts of the brain, and as it causes swelling, the brain is a closed space, so there's only so much room. and as the tumor itself and the swelling results from the tumor accumulates, it affects the entire brain. and that eventually impairs one's ability to think and make decisions and to operate mentally, as you would like to do in order to make intelligent decisions about things like this. >> when she moved to oregon, she was authorized to obtain these
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drugs that she can use to end her life. she fit the kie tier yeah, according to the law. she obtained those drugs. let's listen to her talking about what it means to her to actually have those drugs at home now. >> i don't wake up every day and look at it. it's in a safe spot, and i know that it's there when i need it. i plan to be surrounded by my immediate family, which is my husband and my mother and my stepfather and my best friend who is also a physician. and probably not much more people. and i will die upstairs in my bedroom that i share with my husband with my mother and my husband by my side. and pass peacefully with some music that i like in the background. >> and barbara, there are only five states now in the united states that would allow her that choice. is that right? >> that's right.
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aid and dying was authorized in 1994 originally in oregon. and it was delayed implementation of until 1997. 2008, washington state followed suit. 2009, montana supreme court ruled that it was authorized in that state. the vermont legislature passed an aid and dying bill last year. and 'cently new mexico bestowed constitutional protection on the right to make this personal, private decision. >> i want to listen to what brittany says about what it means to her to actually have these pills now and have this choice within her power, that it's her choice to make. let's listen to this. >> i can't even tell you the amount of relief that it provides me to know that i don't have to die the way that it's been described to me that my brain tumor would take me on its own. >> dr. wexler, it sounds like
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you're listening to a very rational patient who's weighing all the factors in what she's facing. >> there's no question that is the case. she's obviously thought about this a great deal. she's obviously a very bright person and come to this decision after careful consideration. and i think honestly, every medical professional, every doctor wants this for their patient. exactly what she describes. if someone has a terminal condition that they do pass comfortably without pain and in the presence of the people they love. i think that is the ideal i think, you know, the debate is really more about what is the best way to achieve that. but it's what we all want for all of our patients who unfortunately are in that situation. >> and doctor, what's available for patients who do want to take it as far as nature will allow. how bad is it?
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because brittany certainly feels it's bad enough, what she will go through, that she would rather not go through it and she would rather not go through it. >> what we have available is the hospice care, which in many cases can accomplish exactly what we're talking about here. can it work in every case? i don't know. are there exceptions? probably. but i think that we certainly have avenues in those many states, incluing pennsylvania where i practice through the hospice system where we try to achieve those same goals. having this option in, literally having the drugs in the home, brings a relief to brittany and her family. they share in the comfort that she can be able to make this choice herself. >> yes. i think it's enormously
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important. there's an enormous sense of peace of mind and comfort. they call this their parachute, their insurance policy, their safety blanket that they won't have to descend into a condition that they consider worse than death. some of the hospital care and modalities that could control her symptoms would also render her unconscious and in a stupor and she would be in that state for a prolonged period of time. it's very important for her and people leak her that she doesn't have to end life in a prolonged period of unconsciousness or constant seizures or stupor. she wants to be the person she is until the time she dies. >> dr. lawrence wexler and barbara coomsley thank you for
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joining me tonight on this difficult subject. and i want brittany to have the last word on this subject tonight. >> i hope to enjoy however many days i have left on this beautiful earth and spend as much of it outside as i can. surrounded by those i love. you get used to food odors in your kitchen. you think it smells fine, but your guests think it smells like this... ( sound effects ) febreze air effects works instantly to eliminate odors you've gone noseblind to. it smells so much better! so you and your guests can breathe happy.
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>> that's thomas menino, boston's longest serving mayor after the attack at the boston marathon last year. he had just announced his retirement after 20 years in office and was in the hospital with a broken leg when the bombing occurred. mayor menino checked himself out of the hospital against his doctor's wishes to be at the news conferences and at the memorials and at the memorial service. when thomas menino first became mayor of boston in 1993, he said his goal was to help one person every day to make their lives a little bit better. over the next 20 years, mayor menino became what the "boston globe" called an urban mechanic. in 2001, boston newspaper columnist criticized mayor menino for not having a vision or a plan. and the mayor responded what vision? what are visionaries? and then he answered his own question. people who dream and don't get anything done. i don't want vision, i want to
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move this city forward. mayor menino retired in january of this year and he died this morning after deciding to stop treatment last week for advanced cancer. mayor thomas menino was 71 years old. the lightest or nothing. the smartest or nothing. the quietest or nothing. the sleekest... ...sexiest, ...baddest, ...safest, ...tightest, ...quickest, ...harshest... ...or nothing. at mercedes-benz, we do things one way or we don't do them at all. introducing the all-new c-class. the best or nothing. really... it's not worth it. no worries. i got this.
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♪ >> mindy kaling is known for many things, but who would have thought she won the nobel peace prize. say what? >> she was recently at a party when apparently a tipsy elderly man approached her and began showering her with compliments. sweet, right? but the man said congratulations on your nobel prize. he even praised her bravery after getting shot by the taliban. say what? yes, the 35-year-old was recently mistaken for none other than 17-year-old female education activist malala yousafzai. >> disease he really think i was malala and if i were would i be at the boom boom room? >> she implies she wishes she was still 17. >> she tweeted willy back and
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said i loved the fact that he thought i was so much younger. >> i'm joined by the ageless alex wagner. here it turns out, it's not so easy to tell them apart if we just use quotes. things that they've said. so let's see if we can do that. who said it's important for me to be someone people look up to. mindy kaling or malala yousafzai? >> mindy kaling. >> that is correct. i guess that's ou sound effect. >> apparently so. >> number two, who said this, my life has changed but i have not. >> malala yousafzai. >> you are doing so well. number three -- and you have done no home work? >> i have done no work. >> one of them says that she is
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a fan of justin bieber. >> malala yousafzai. >> wow. you are on a roll here. >> roll them, betting red. >> who said, buzz it malala or mindy who said that she is competitive. >> mindy. >> that is correct. but there's more to it. she said i am competitive and a perfectionist. now, wait a minute. it looks like the judges have to be called in here because malala once said, i want to be number one in every field. >> which could be interpreted as being come pet i. so there's no wrong answer to that one. >> that's my kind of question, lawrence. i could not have answered that incorrectly. that harp was going to play. >> it turns out, you are -- >> i appreciate when you stack the deck for me. >> you're getting them all right. and now, who said i am obsessed
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with justice. >> malala yousafzai. >> i thought -- yeah, there's the buzzer. slowest buzzer in the history of game shows. that is wrong. mindy kaling -- >> are you sure? >> do you want to hear he say it? >> i am obsessed with justice. not so much with the law, but with justice. actually, in my mind, law is that pesky thing that often gets in the way of justice. >> are you sure that's not malala yousafzai. >> that's mindy at harvard law school. >> that's her famous graduation speech at harvard. >> obsessed with justice. all right, but listen, four out of five. those were tough. >> that's a passing grade. >> can we play the harp thing one more time? >> let's hear it. >> so you can use that on your show. >> i will, actually. >> it's the alex wagner is right sound. >> it should be played
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frequently. all the time, in fact, because i've never been wrong. >> thank you very much for joining us doing double duty in two segments. chris hayes is up next. >> tonight on "all in," breaking news after a 48-day manhunt in the mountains of pennsylvania. we'll have the latest. plus -- >> pretty bold of you to go out on a bike ride while the state police are here. >> chasing kaci hickox. she goes for a bike ride, defying her state-ordered quarantine as the governor issues what sounds like a vailed thet. >> she's not acting as smart as she probably should. >> then, one day after this -- >> sit down and shut up.