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tv   Way Too Early  MSNBC  October 24, 2014 2:30am-3:01am PDT

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calls bradley pitts. joe is here. this is "way too early." >> you don't even know that guy, who that guy is. he is hilarious. you see the clip? >> it's amazing. >> unbelievable. >> good morning, everybody. it's friday, october 24th. welcome to "way too early." thomas is off this morning. >> that guy never works. >> no, he's lazy. >> unbelievable. >> we begin this morning in new york city, where a doctor who recently returned from west africa has tested positive for the ebola virus. at this hour, dr. craig spencer is being treated at bellevue hospital. he is the fourth case diagnosed in the u.s. and the first outside of texas. here's what we currently know. dr. spencer is an emergency room doctor who was working in guinea for the group doctors without borders. he returned to the united states on october 17th. officials say he did not return to work but within the past couple of days, he did ride the subway and take a taxi to go
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bowling. spencer was rushed to the hospital yesterday afternoon after he reported a 103-degree fever and felt nauseous. however, unless spencer threw up or someone was in direct contact with his bodily fluids, experts say there is no danger he infected people by using public transportation or going to public places. this morning he's in isolation at the hospital. his fiance is being quarantined but is not showing any signs of ebola. a team of disease detectives is tracing with whom he may have had close contact, adding the city is fully prepared. >> there is no reason for new yorkers to be alarmed. new yorkers who have not been exposed to an infected person's body fluids are not at all at risk. we want to emphasize in new york city as the world's strongest public health system, the world's leading medical experts and the world's most advanced medical equipment. >> we are as ready as one could be for this circumstance.
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what happened in dallas was actually the exact opposite. dallas unfortunately was caught before they could really prepare, before they really knew what they were dealing with in dallas. and we had the advantage of learning from the dallas experience. >> and you know, it's really important to realize that if you look at the dallas experience, he actually went in the first time to the hospital with 103 fever, got discharged -- i'm talking about in dallas. nobody got sick that first time. when he went back and was advanced stages, that's when the problems really exploded. when his symptoms were really out. not so much of a worry for new york city hopefully. the cdc's rapid response team has already arrived in new york city. nbc's kristen dahlgren is at bellevue hospital. she has more for us. kristen, what are they going to be looking for? >> reporter: good morning, joe. well, the first thing is for the
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cdc to confirm that initial testing by the hospital here in new york. now, bellevue hospital has been designated as the hospital in new york that would take any ebola patients. they'll also be working very closely with the new ebola czar and working closely with new york city officials who have already begun tracing dr. spencer's steps. we know that his girlfriend and two friends have already been isolated. they're also looking at his credit cards, at his metro card. they've been interviewing, trying to trace all the steps that he took after getting back from guinea and while he was in new york city. we know that he took the subway. we know he took an uber cab. we know he went bowling. so they're going to being looking at those steps. although, as you guys have been talking about, they're really reiterating that the chances of anyone getting ebola from a subway, from a cab, anyone with casual contact with dr. spencer is close to nil, guys. >> all right.
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very good. thank you so much, kristen dahlgren, at bellevue hospital. we greatly appreciate it. now, this new case of ebola is already impacting the markets here and abroad. we're going to be talking about that in just a minute. first, aren't you glad you don't own a tv set in north carolina? >> i would be depressed. >> it's unbelievable. >> all they watch there is people being negative. turning to midterm politics now. a new cnn/orc poll shows democratic senator jeanne shaheen up just two points. congressman cory gardner shown with the narrowest of leads. reuters shows him up two points on senator mark udall. one other race of note, south dakota where democrats sprang into action late in the campaign. former republican mike rounds appears to be in command, at least according to his own internal polls, leading the field by at least 24 points. president obama's leadership is a big issue in statewide races, including new hampshire, where
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the administration's ebola response was part of the debate. scott brown said if mitt romney were president, a clear plan would have been executed. senator shaheen accused her opponent of fear mongering. but when asked if she wanted the president to campaign with her, she said the timing didn't make sense. >> the fact is, he's busy in washington. she he's dealing with the ebola threat. he's dealing with the threat from isis. i think he's exactly where he needs to be. he would like to be running against the president in new hampshire because he doesn't want to talk about the issues that are important to new hampshire. >> pew poll shows as many as 32% of register the voters plan to use their vote as one against the president. the president, meanwhile, waded into another close race, georgia. he said flatly, if michelle nunn wins, that means democrats keep control of the senate. republicans quickly used those comments to brand nunn as a pawn for the president. it is getting ugly. >> talking about those poor north carolina tv viewers,
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they're seeing a lot of the same when their shows go to break. north carolina, for instance, last week viewers endured a negative ad once a minute. once a minute. an msnbc reporter found that both candidates are viewed more negatively than positively in most of the big races. again, in north carolina, both candidates are upside down when it comes to favorability ratings. it's a similar story in kentucky for both alison grimes and mitch mcconnell. but "the washington post" actually notes one bright spot. iowa. iowa nice. where both candidates consistently rate more favorably. >> nice. let's go to the latest on the attacks on canada's parliament. members gave a massive show of appreciation to sergeant at arms kevin vickers, who subdued the gunman. authorities believe he acted alone, but admitted he was not on their radar despite a criminal record in three cities
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and an extremist streak that included attempts to travel to syria. nbc's kevin tibbles has more. >> reporter: seconds after gunning down a canadian soldier, a dashboard camera captures the gunman as he commandeers a car. then the car is shown speeding toward parliament hill from multiple angles. the car pulls up. the gunman gets out and runs toward the parliament building. as frightened bystanders run for cover. he hijacks another car. the driver runs away, and the gunman pulls up to the front of the building. >> meanwhile, the national war memorial where corporal nathan cirillo was standing honor guard when he was shot and killed was decorated with wreaths. and these photos were snapped of his dogs waiting for him to come home. in just a few hours, president obama will be meeting with advisers at the state
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department on a strategy to beat isis. it comes three days before officials meet with arab and european allieallies. officials tell "the new york times" it's going to take months before iraqi security forces are strong enough to reclaim areas of the country that have already been taken over by isis. isis is also seeing a surge in the number of western women who are looking to actually join the militant group or marry its members. can you believe that? unbelievable. the u.s. says is it's investigating reports that the militants actually use chlorine gas to attack iraqi soldiers last month. and over in syria, the u.s.-led coalition continues to pound islamic state targets throughout syria, including the strategic city of kobani. the syrian observatory for human rights says at least 500 militants have also been killed in the campaign. now to business, where the ebola case in new york city is already impacting the markets. concerns about the doctor's illness, even before it was confirmed as ebola, was enough
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to cut a 300-point gain on the dow down to 215 as of right now, markets are poised to open in the red with stock futures down across the board. cnbc's steve sedgwick joins us live from london with more. >> yeah, very good to speak to you today. these markets are down, and they're in negative territory, but i don't want to overplay the ebola effect. we've already seen the late moves in the u.s. indices yesterday take off a bit of premium they were trading at previously on the back of what had been really strong economic data on the weekly job list and good figures from the likes of 3m, from the likes of caterpillar. and good numbers after the bell from the likes of microsoft. yes, there is an ebola effect, and the futures are seen lower. the s&p futures down 2.7 of 1%. so yes, there is a little bit of an ebola effect. little bit negative on these markets, but it isn't as exaggerated as it was three, four hours ago. also, look at amazon as well. that's one that will open lower
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after dreadful numbers after the closing bell yesterday. i do want to bring one more story to you. this is regarding air bags and national recalls from air bags made by a company called takata corporation. so far, there's been 7.8 million recalls across 10 manufacturers. mostly in southern states. now there's two senators, richard blumenthal and ed markey. both democrats. they want a nationwide recall because this thing is not just humid states that could cause these potential big defects. it should be nationwide as well. they're getting on to the regulators about this one as well. but this takata corporation that makes these air bags so far have been attributed to about four fatal incidents as well. a real concern over those air bags. >> okay, steve. thank you. >> that is a big story. also, amazon's problems with the markets over the past couple months. a big story. the phone they tried, the smartphones, not working out very well right now. they're talking about actually
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building a brick and mortar place in new york city, which actually goes against the very nature of -- it's just, these are trying -- >> do you want to stand in line at amazon? >> no, i love my amazon. these are trying it times, but this is where i shop. it works very well. still ahead on "way too early," we'll keep you updated on developments in the new york city ebola case. city officials try to reassure a population of more than 8 million people. >> and coming up in sports, a world series sales job. how one peanut man's arm is so strong he might just be worth putting on the field. >> oh, not bad. look at that. >> that story and a check on the weather when "way too early" comes right back. >> after three weeks of death, fear, rage, and 24/7 reminders that a sniper was on the loose, killing at random and taunting police, terrifying parents and
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kids, blowing holes in the economy, and with the arrest early this morning of a 41-year-old army veteran and a j.a. may can teenager, the recovery of a rifle, tripod, and scope and now a ballistics match. one of the most intense and complicated man hunts in american history is coming to an end.
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i know it's a frightening situation. i know when you watch it on the news and it was about dallas, it was frightening that it's here in new york, it's more frightening. new york is a dense place. a lot of people on top of each other. but the more facts you know, the less frightening the situation is. >> new york governor andrew cuomo urging residents not to be alarmed after new york city doctor tested positive for ebola this morning. dr. craig spencer is waking up in isolation at bellevue hospital. officials are working to trace
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who else he had close contact with, and the cdc has sent a rapid response team to new york. dr. spencer was rushed to the hospital yesterday after reporting a 103-degree fever. he returned last week after treating ebola patients in west africa. we're going to keep you updated on the latest developments here on "way too early" and straight ahead on "morning joe." now to sports. the chargers and broncos had a huge battle. peyton manning was at it again. this time connecting with emanuel sanders for three scores. rookie running back jawan thompson added two td runs. the broncos beat san diego 35-21. for you narrow shouldered millennial males living in your mother's basement, your 12 fantasy football teams need to be set up early this sunday morning. set your lineups early this week because kickoff is at 9:30 a.m.
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with the falcons facing the lions in london. >> you do fantasy football. >> no, i don't do fantasy football. i've got a life. are you still living in your mother's basement? >> i ran out of cheetos. >> your shoulders don't look that narrow. you worn the trying to grow a goatee. >> you are in the minority on this one. >> maybe i am. by the way, did you hear a great nba career has come to an end? >> no. >> it's come to an end. usually you would like somebody that's a great basketball player to go up like a monster dunk and come down, the back board comes, hits him in the back of the head. no, it didn't work out this way. this dude's nba career over because he was carrying his bags. and it hurt his back. in nba news, the lakers' steve nash is out for the season because of his back injury. the team announced yesterday nash, who is in the final season of a three-year contract, was hoping to make a comeback after sitting out most of last year,
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but he strained his back while carrying travel bags. >> lakers are going to be horrible. >> they are going to be horrible. 40-year, two-time mvp's career is likely at an end. what a great career this guy has had. >> hall of fame? >> no doubt. what that guy did in phoenix, absolutely unbelievable. you know, the players aren't the only ones at kauffman stadium with strong arms. did you see this, bill? this concession guy at the game threw a bag of peanuts to a fan in the upper deck. this guy has a cannon. the multilevel exchange doesn't leave him out of pocket. look, the guy throws down the dough, and it's right on the money. special things happening in kansas city. hey, what are the games going to look like this weekend in san francisco? >> we're definitely okay tonight. saturday there is some chance for some rain. >> are you going for the royals? >> i'm a huge royals guy. i lived in kansas city for a little bit. >> you got to be for the royals.
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>> just a little bit. >> i'm a huge royals guy this year. it's an incredible story. i like the giants. the giants always beat the dodgers. that was good enough for me as a braves fan. but in this case, you got to be for the royals. >> yeah, no, it would be a good story. of course, the giants could win three in five years. not a great story the last two days with that nor'easter. still raining this morning across massachusetts and areas around connecticut. we picked up 3 inches of rain around boston. it was a prolonged storm we had to deal with over the last couple days there. as far as the storm itself, it'll exit today. weather will improve. this weekend in the northeast will be about 100 times better. miami, watch out for heavy rain. i tell you what, this weekend, 60s in the east coast, 70s and 80s in the middle of the country. there's that rain in san francisco on saturday. by the time we get to sunday, this is -- we're finally -- i don't mind having bad weather in the middle of the week, as long as the weekend is okay.
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>> baltimore looks okay? >> you going to baltimore? >> parents weekend at johns hopkins. >> that's exciting. we've had extraordinary weather this fall. i'll take bad wednesdays or thursdays. it's always sunny on friday and saturday. >> and sunday. i love that. coming up at the top of the hour on "morning joe," the latest on the condition of new york's first ebola patient. plus, what do new yorkers need to know about the virus? we're going to speak with a doctor. and later, the commissioner of the city's health department. >> and we're also going to have the great neil diamond. he's going to explain how an old girlfriend inspired him to change his career ambitions from medicine to music. >> but first, heads or tails? when we come back, we'll huddle around the cooler with the story behind the only coin toss we know of where the winner becomes mayor. we'll be right back. oats go! wow! go power oats!
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go! go power! yayyyy! (receptionist) gunderman group is growing. getting in a groove. growth is gratifying. goal is to grow. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics.
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"between two ferns." >> we've worked hard on lewis. >> we did. "between two ferns," it was big for barack obama. now there's a young kid named bradley pitts he took on. zach made fun of his marriage, his acting. >> everything. >> it was unbelievable. now it's time for us to make fun of our own. louis, what's going on? >> first up this morning, zach gall fa knack i can is back at
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it with his talk show "between two ferns." she interviewed everyone from justin bieber to president barack obama. now he sits down with fellow actor brad pitt. >> hi. welcome to another edition of "between two ferns." my guest today, bradley pitts. thanks for joining me. >> it's my pleasure. >> showers. why don't you take them? anyway, tell us about this movie "furry." >> it's "fury." >> "fury." it's not "furry"? >> no. >> when does that come out on dvd? when you and clooney get dressed up in your tuxes together, do you ever kind of look at each other and go, aren't we a couple of dapper dans? >> never happened to my recollection.
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>> is it hard for you to maintain a suntan? >> why? >> because you live in your wife's shadow. tell me what it was like the first time that you laid eyes on angelina. was it like one of those classical love stories like when, i don't know, ross first saw rachel? you know that show "friends"? have you seen it? ♪ i'll be there for you when the rain starts to fall ♪ >> i like that song. >> he's trying to play it cool, but you know he's dying inside. the hilarious video goes on even longer and includes a cameo made by louis c.k. >> that actually was the most bizarre part of it. when louis c.k. comes out and does a little, you know.
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he hits his button. it's amazing. >> just too funny. >> what else do you have? >> next up is an interesting story. memorial service that truly is a celebration tomorrow in missouri. a funeral director will spread his father's remains in a fireworks celebration. he understands the celebration will make some people uncomfortable, but he says every family celebrates their loved ones differently. >> this here isn't going to be for everybody, of course. there aren't a lot out there that are going to find this weer weird and disgusting, but people have been scattering ashes for years. >> missouri law allows for the scattering of remains. since it's outside springfield city limits, they can legally set off fireworks. good for him if he wants to do this. joe, i picked this one for you. two candidates running for mayor at a small town in peru. tied at the ballot box.
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the solution was simple. they flipped a coin. the winner was a 40-year-old teacher who said he'll work hard to earn the voters' trust. i think that's definitely a good thing to implement here in america. >> all right. >> yeah, okay. >> be a lot cheaper. >> want to flip a coin to see who does the tease? >> you can do it. >> all right. that's it for "way too early." "morning joe" starts right after this. before earning enough cash back from bank of america to help entertain some friends at the beach. before earning 1% cash back everywhere, every time. and 2% back at the grocery store. even before he got 3% back on gas. all with no hoops to jump through. rafael was inspired to use his bankamericard cash rewards credit card to spend a night watching the stars, under the stars. that's the beauty of rewarding connections. apply online or at a bank of america near you. ♪
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♪ good morning. it is friday, october 24th and look it's dark in times square. those days are come, cold rainey fall days. welcome to "morning joe." with us on set we have chairman of deutsche incorporated and nicholas. >> the kids call him n