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tv   All In With Chris Hayes  MSNBC  October 23, 2014 5:00pm-6:01pm PDT

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one person doing evil all by himself. but once again, we learned how much hell a single person can unleash and it may come down to the ready nsz of the individual public of service like that brave soul up in ottawa to do their brave civil work of standing up as that guy did to the worst. that's "hardball" for now. thanks for being with us. "all in" with chris hayes starts right now. >> tonight on "all in." a standing ovation for the sergeant at arms who stopped a gunman inside canada's parliament as police release new details and footage. >> as the suspect waving the firearm at people. >> yesterday, we lost our innocence. >> as police tried to calm fears. >> though we are calling on everyone to be vigilant, i want to stress that you are safe.
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your families are safe. >> then, a potential case of ebola in new york city. alaska's only congressman doubles down on comments he made about suicide at a high school where a student had committed suicide. and a backlash to the backlash. renee zellwigger and hollywood hi pock ra sill. "all in" starts right now. >> good evening from new york. i'm chris haze. tonight, we have striking new video of the gunman from ottawa and a whole lot of clarification on just what happened in the horrible attack yesterday. more on that video you're seeing in a moment. the canadian government was back in par limit, back on that same morning in the building that celebrated the bravery that managed to bring them down. here, in this video, just moments after he shot and killed the assay lant with the gun still in his hand.
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vickers, who holds a ceremonial position, fought back tears today as he was celebrated by members of par limit as entered the chamber. [ applause ] >> the canadian prime minister addressed the body saying canada would not be sbim dated and urging lawmakers to increase the scope and power of terrorism and surveillance la e loss. >> in recent weeks, i have been saying that our laws and police powers need to be strengthened in the area of surveillance, detention and arrests.
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they need to be much strengthened. and i assure you, mr. speaker, that work, which is already underway, will be expedited. >> across the chamber and in a rare moment for this very, very partisan leader, shook hands and hugged the leaders of other parties. the opposition leader then took to the podium. >> let us not become more suspicious e pishs of our neighbors. let's not be driven by fear. in canada, love always triumphs over hate. >> but even as canadian leaders came together in par limit, the capital remained tense. earlier, in honor of the soldier killed yesterday, flowers were laid. an arrest was made just a few feet from the prime ministry. following the emotional mourning, the parents released this heart breaking statement. black bla
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blank. >> in a press conference this afternoon, canadian officials gave a time line and laid out everything they knew. say witnesses reported seeing the shooter at about 9:50 a.m. coming from behind the war memorial where he fired two shots. and the first calls to 9/11 came in just two minutes later. this footage, here, shows the gunman running into and getting into the car by the national war memorial moments after that shooting. from there, officials say he drove off and parked his vehicle at the side entrance to parliament where security cameras captured his movements. the royal mounted police described what happened next. >> the video that you'll see is the scene of the entrance to the parliamentary precinct.
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you'll see individuals who seem to be recoiling westward down the street from the incidents at memorial. you'll see, shortly, a vehicle pull up. the circle ind kates the car as it approaches. one of the pedestrians even approaches the car. as the suspects exits bearing the firearm, people run away. this the the suspect running through and up towards this block. he runs towards those vehicles that are parked there. the lead vehicle is occupied by the driver. the suspect goes around in front of the car. there's some exchaing with the driver. the vehicle backs up sliegtly. the driver exits the vehicle and runs away. the suspect then drives away.
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it is at this point that those actions were noticed by our cmp officers. our officers are in pursuit and as he gets to the door of the cinder block, there's an exchange of fire with the house of commons security officers. our officers back up slightly and then pursue him inside. >> officials gave us a lot of other new nfgsz, first, confirming there was definitively just one shooter, as far as authorities know. and, also, that yesterday's events have no known connection to monday's incident in which a man aparentally related to jihahd crashed his car into two canadian troops and drove off, killing one. he is a canadian citizen and may have libyan citizenship, as well. he was the son of a quebec businessman who appears to have fought in 2011 in libya and
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susan debeaux, the division of can that's immigration and refugee board. he had been in ottawa since october 2nd, staying in a homeless shelter downtown and contrary to earlier reports, he was not on the list of 90 people being monitored by authorities. he was in ottawa applying for a passport and seems to have been flag. >> tom, a lot more information today about who this was. >> absolutely. and these questions are going to continue for some time, chris. what we know, though, is he was living more on the margins of society than we knew. this guy was a drifter. as we were saying last night, he was known to police, possession of drugs. at the homeless shelter today, we were talking to some people and other people at the shelter
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were saying that he was also an add ikt. here's a guy who lived on the margins of society. became radicalized in the process. but what were his connections beyond that? was he connected to some sort of kbrup? was he online with other sort of lone wolf jihadists? and that we don't know. it certainly changes the complexion of the response, dending on what we know. >> yes, that seems a key point here. there were some reports that ind kated the possibility of some coordination online with monday's attack. the police seem fairly definitive, at least at this moment, they have reason to believe that right now. what is the policy response in terms of this list that police addressed today. the folks that they're not allowing to travel, whose pass ports they've con fils kated. what is being done in that area, as far as we know? >> that is being looked at. the government is addressing it. there is that canundrum.
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with e if we're going to say we're going to seize your pass port, it just lets them terrorize here at home. and it's an issue not only for canada, but an issue for the united states, as well. if you have prevented detention, as they do in the united kingdom, that is something where canada is going to start looking at the possibility of doing. right now, the law doesn't let you do. in fact, one of the moupties suggested that they place somebody under kusz day and the crown said there wasn't enough evidence. so they couldn't apprehend him. the law has to be clarified on this. but it's a traditional push-pull between rights and freedom, security and freedom, that is going to play out here in the next couple of days. >> yeah, and we know, of sle, the prime minister steven harper had already proposed a package of what he was calling aent-terrorism laws before this incident and there will be some
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pretty spirted ke bait debate, i would imagine, to come in canada on precisely that. tom clark, thank you very much. >> you bet. >> as we said, the canadian government was back at work today just one day after the attack. and i dwot a chance to speak to paul dex e dewhar. i asked him what the mood was like there today. >> it was a very solemn day and, in many ways, a very anxious day. and, in many ways, i'm the local member of par limit here in ottawa. and my riding, what you would call your district in the states, includes par limit. and i walked -- i decided to walk to walk today. and as i walked to work, i could feel, you know, a lot of people, you know, turning to each other and looking at each other and giving each other, you know, a hug and a smile and saying are you okay.
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but going into that parliament after what happened yesterday, carried a lot of emotion, frankly. and it was a did i have cull day. but an important one for us to continue to do our work and our business and to show the country and our citizens that we will continue on and we will keep going. >> what political or policy conclusions do you think are being drawn? we have seen in other countries, sometimes there's a move towards stricter measures, changes to the law, changes to enforcement posture and then, sometimes, years later, those changes were regretted or weren't entirely thought through. where do you see that krvegs in a policy level right now in canada? >> really, really important question. i'm with the official opposition of the democratic party. the conservative government has brought in measures, we think, go a little too far when it comes to protecting civil rights and, as you can appreciate, we'd
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have to have a balance. so we were having that conversation, swres conversation, interestingly muff enough before that happened. we do take time to reflect on what happened and be sober about how we respond. so right now, the conversation is around do we give the state more powers to -- oh, we already have powers, actually, to prearrest people that we think might be involves in terrorism. the government has taken pass po passports away. in this case, the individual wurnt able to get a pass port. he was turned down. there was discussions that do we give analogous to your c.i.a., the power to listen on people's conversation and gather data. you know, i'm very concerned
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that, right now, we are in a charged at mos fear and really want to take time to, as i said, be sober about this. i mean, look, the city i live in, where i grew up, i'm a hometown ottawa boy, had nine homicides last year. we have to make sure that, you know, where we see safety previle e vails. we take pride in that here in our country. when we see things like yesterday happen, we say, okay, well, what's a smart thing to do? what was it we were dealing with and not just react. so this conversation was happening before the events of yesterday, will continue and the policy options are, frankly, do we give more power to the spy agency and to the police. and if so, what safeguards are there to make sure that that isn't abused, frankly. and that's the debate that we're going to be having in the next couple of weeks. >> the official opposition of the democratic party.
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we learned this afternoon that new york city might be looking at its first case of ebola. the details on how it's preparing and what went into action ahead.
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congressman don young has decided to offer his oeb e own theories on suicide in front of a bunch of high school students whose classmate had just committed suicide. and then he made it worse. we'll give you the latest ahead. [ breathing deeply ] [ inhales deeply ]
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>> than man, craig spencer, is a doctor from doctors without borders having come from guinea where he treated ebola patients. and that obviously puts him in quite a high-risk cat dwoir. new york officials say he is being closely monitored with test results being made available soon. a study in contrast with the botched case of now-deceased thomas duncan. over the past 2 1/2 months, america's largest, most-crowded city, new york, has prepared, trained and drilled in potential for an ebola case, putting in procedures and protocols for this very day. in full disclosure, my father works for the new york city department of health. according to a detailer,
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travelers from e from different countries are tested. bellvue hospital is a test facility for such cases. it has four isolation rooms with nine more rooms available if necessary. nurses in new york have been trained on how to put on and take off personal protection equipment. patients have been sent, undercover, into all 11 city hopts to evaluate their procedures. so here's how all of this training and preparation came today. the doctor suffering from a fever and nausea called 9-1-1. per protocol, ebola was recognized and a specialized ems crew was dispatched.
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clad in those hasmat suits, he was his apartment was sealed off. video obtained from newyo with a police escort. emshaz units transferred him to the department of health. according to girlfriend, he's healthy and in quarantine. >> the important facts to note here without going, again, into too much detail, the individual in question is a doctor. has been able to work very closely with public authorities with information. this protocol was followed. including the initial contact with the individual.
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>> joining me now, clinical assistant professor of rehabilitative medicine at nyu school of me e medicine. as we've all been watching this, this's been a fairly intensive effort and communication because i think there's a general sense among officials if it's going to end up anywhere, it's going to end up in new york. >> people have been preparing for some time. and there's all the things that you mentioned u which i'm optimistic about, but a lot of hopts have gone beyond that. think about in general if you're trying to learn something new, some new technique or if you have a question, you look on the internet. so they've created online communities. and in terms of mock trials and mock patients, that's also a good things. >> so doctors and health care providers can go on a mes anxioage board and ask questions about what do you do if you put on this piece of gear? >> exactly. so people can get their questions answered immediately.
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many hospitals have also created their own strike teams within the hopt. specialists. so if there's any question of anybody having ebola, they can come and answer questions immediately. >> i was dropped today just in how this is played out, and, again, i should say my father has been involved in this. i've been seeing it from behind the scenes at some level. but the importance of early identification as possible. what you had in presbyterian is he comes in and gets sent home. what you have in spain is sitting in an emergency room and not being put in an isolation chamber. it's impressive to me that they got an emt unit equipped. >> exactly. and this person called the e.r. and said he might have been exposed to ebola. >> that's exactly correct. he is probably flagging it ahead of time. >> yeah, so the people in the e.r. did not get expozed.
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even the first responders are protectd, for the most part. i am optimistic about the way that was handled. >> part of it of what we're seeing is a learning curve. there was a lot of kriccriticis that first response. at the same time, dallas presbyterian has no speerps with ebola. american hospitals in general, aside from nebraska and emory and nih, don't have much learning experience. >> in e in dallas, i don't think people would have expected to see ebola. of course, we didn't have a single case of ebola at that point. the cdc has revised its guidelines. is there's a lot of things that are contributing to a better response. >> there's also this practice makes per pekt efect aspect. someone i know who had spent time in nigeria and kenya talked
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about how she was back in the u.s. and had malaria and her treatment was not great. doctors in africa and nigeria and kenya do. and i thought of that here. these are people who are going from zero to crash test in a very short period of time. gh exactly. i've always thought that we should recruit some of the west african doctors, ses e especially ones who have had ebola in the past because they cannot catch it again. why not draw on their exper teesz. >> all right. i'll talk to the attorney for michael brown's family about the cascade of leaks that have been coming out of the ferguson jury, nec e next. nec e next. v e this is humira helping to relieve my pain and protect my joints from further damage. this is humira giving me new perspective. doctors have been prescribing humira for ten years. humira works for many adults. it targets and helps to block a specific source of inflammation that contributes to ra symptoms.
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. u.s. justice department has been blasting a series of leaks as it investigates the shooting death of unarmed teenager mike brown by ferguson police officer, darren wilson. made their way to a number of media outlets. leaks all seemingly have the intention or at least the effect of bolstering officer darren wilson's acount of what happened when he shot brown on august 9th. the dus e justice department has issued a strong statement. >> that convenience store reference is about what happened
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on august 15th when surveillance video released showing mike brown stealing cigars. darren wilson's attorney denies having anything to do with the source of the leak saying -- but it is very clear that these recent leads, according to the huffing ton post, has left the attorney general exasperated are coming from somewhere. there's a little bit of a clue about where the leaks are coming from in this l.a. times piece by matt pierce where he says that chris king said law enfortsment officials had offered him the leaks saying they had been briefed on the evidence and it didn't look good for michael brown supporters. insteed e stead, the paper responded with this editorial that reads in part --
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>> with me now, chris king, managing editor in st. louis. chris, my ears perked up when i heard about this. can you tell me how you were approached and by whom about this information? >> yeah, chris. i've been doing the archaeology on this. it was old news to me. it was august 22nd was the conversation i had. i had a krves with a police officer who had obviously had a lot of information that had not yet been public. he was telling a mutual friend that he had not backed away from the protest scene because the evidence was not going to look
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good. i later was approached by a federal official who i literally bumped into and this person tomd me something very similar. said something we read in the new york times and the post dispatch, namely, that there were a number of black witnesses that would back up officer wilson's story. i also told her i wasn't interested in digging into a partial release of a selective group of information chblts and then later, very similar details of what we've seen. i certainly could have picked his brain and ran with a week authority. but i think the authority is too weak. i couldn't have used anyone's name. >> why not? this is an information leak and people run articles on grand jury all of the time? >> a city like st. louis that is so racist in so many ways bs we can't run anonymous reports.
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nobody will believe them. when we cite names, people will call the source and say did they really say it. so we're not taken seriously when we use name sources. i don't have the option of using anonymous sources. it's very arrogant. you're asking the public to believe somebody who told somebody told me and i'm supposed to believe it. >> the key point here is all the people you're talking about were people who were in law enforcement community who had been briefed, but weren't sitting in the grand jury room. it seems the chain here is a grand jury is happening, someone is briefing law officials about what transpired and what people are saying there, those people who have then been briefed are then talking to officials. >> the federal official was not a law enforcement official. and she's not. i don't know where these people are getting their information. i thought they were di disrespecting a legal process. i thought it was a trial. and i believe that's actually what the shooter would be better for him.
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he's going to go into history, if the way we predict, as a goat, as a bad guy, when maybe a full airing of the evidence would exonerate him. >> chris king, thank you very much. joining me now, attorney for the family of michael brown. mr. krump, your reaction and mike brown's family reaction to the stories that we've seen over the last several days with some key information coming out from the grand jury? >> it is very disapointing, chris. all michael brown's family has asked from day one is equal justice for their son. t con september e the concept of due process that all the laws and the legal proceedings be fair for them just as it is for the police officer. they want to have a trial to have the truth come out of what happened where the evidence could be vetted and everybody could see what happened
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transparent and people could accept it. nobody has confidence in this grand jury. nobody trust it. >> do you think -- there is a theory that i have heard from several people and i want to give it to you to hear how you feel about it. that, essentially, what is happening is there is a conclusion that there will be no charges. and that in order to essentially prepare the ground for that to happen, in obviously a very tense environment. a lot of frustration, anger about this case. that these leaks are bag leaked so that people have a chance to absorb this information as a kind of strategic information about how to organize the aftermath. >> i want to say that the prosecutor in saint lewis county made a choice to have this secret grand jury proceeding. we wouldn't be dealing with any of this had he done this the way all lawyers have done these cases.
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when you have probable cause, the prosecutor's job is to charjs. and when he charges him, then the police officer can come and defend and it would be very public and very transparent and you don't have to prepare the community for anything. but when you go down this road where you're going to have this secret proceeding and sthen, as the family has believed from day one, you are not going to indict the police officer, then the family, the citizens of ferguson and people all across america, says this isn't fair. and that's when you have the greatest problem, chris. when people don't believe the system is fair for their community. they say they have to take matters into their own hands. and nobody wants that. everybody wants to believe that the citizen -- the system works fair for my children, too. >> but what could be fairer than prosecutors come before a grand jury and presented all the evidence and actually had darren wilson testify and they just didn't meet the standard necessary. >> well, you know what, chris, i
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want you to think about what you just asked. and think about the situation was reverszed? would michael brown, jr., get a grand jury proceeding? or would he just get charged? why are the rules different when our children are dead on the ground? there's more than enough probable cause? you have the police officer's version against seven eyewitness vergszs. and all of them says hands was up. that's a factual dispute. when you have a factual disput, you take it to a jury. you charge him, you let the jury decide it. you let america and the world see it so it's transparent and everybody says we have this disfut, but we've resolved the dispute bassed on the constitution of the united states. not on this discretion of the prosecutor to say i'm not going to recommend any charges to the grand jury. next time it happens to a young person of color in ferguson, we
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want the prosecutor to do the same exact thing. i'm not going to recommend any charges. i'm just going to be extra fair. >> there are breaking developments in the story brought to you in the beginning of the program. stay with us. gotta get greater growth. i just talked to ups. they got expert advise, special discounts, new technologies. like smart pick ups. they'll only show up when you print a label and it's automatic. we save time and money. time? money? time and money. awesome. awesome! awesome! awesome! awesome! (all) awesome! i love logistics. twhat do i do?. you need to catch the 4:10 huh? the equipment tracking system will get you to the loading dock. ♪ there should be a truck leaving now. i got it. now jump off the bridge. what? in 3...2...1... are you kidding me?
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; breaking news at this hour. the patient in new york city has tested positive for ebola. craig spencer, is a doctor from the nonprofit global organization doctors without borders, having come from guinea, one of the three affected countries in west africa, where he was treating ebola patients. he suffered from symptoms of 103 degree fever and nauz y and callcall ed 9-1-1 today. he was transported to bellvue home in a specialized e.m.t. unit. according to new york city
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department of health, dr. spencer's girlfriend is healthy but in quarantine. cdc officials have been notified and are spreading across the city to test anyone who has been in contact. a news conference at 9:00 p.m. if you want to learn more about doctors without borders, go to docto tonight, a reminder of just how brave those doctors are. wow! you're really looking out for us. we are. and if there are unauthorized purchases on your discover card, you're never held responsible. just to be clear, you are saying "frog protection" right? yeah, fraud protection. frog protection. fraud protection. frog. fraud. fro-g. frau-d. i think we're on the same page. we're totally on the same page. at discover, we treat you like you'd treat you. fraud protection. get it at yei could come by your place.
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all right. once again, we have breaking news at this hour. dr. craig spencer, a 33-year-old doctor has been confirmed tested positive for ebola just moments ago. he was taken to the hospital earlier today.
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he had called 9-1-1. it was determined according to a new york city protocol that had been set up over the last few months, that he was a likely possible ebola patient. he was reporting a 103 degrees fever. new york city dispatched a special form of emt to his apartment. at that apartment, he was taken by emt workers who were equipped with special gear to protect them from possible transmission. dr. spencer was put into an ambulance and e and driven to bellvue hospital. bellvue hospital has been identified by new york city health officials to specialize in ebola treat. there have been doctors there with specialized training. they have created four, with as many as nine possible. a special yubt of hazmat folks to dr. spencer's apartment. his girlfriend has been quarantined. the new york times is reporting that last night, wednesday night, dr. spencer had gone
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bowling in brooklyn. he had taken the subway, aparentally, as well as a taxi. that is from new york times. we don't have that ind pep deepy confirmed by msnbc at the moment. there were, of course, several missionary health care workers early on who contracted disease. they were flown back to the u.s. and treated until the virus was out of their system. they all survived. we have also seen, in europe, two spanish nurses, health care workers have contracted the disease. they are both in stable condition, as far as i know, as of now. although there's been some real anger in spain about the treatment of them. and, of course, we have seen recently here in the u.s., the index case of ebola in the u.s., the first index case of someone who got the disease or manifested the first time in the
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u.s. was thomas duncan, who traveled to the dallas, ft. worth area. he then gave the disease to two health care workers, nurses. mr. duncan died after being sent home the first time with e from the hospital with aebt e antibiotics. we should note here the difference in the responses. and this isn't to say anything about texas presbyterian hospital versus bellvue. it's saying much more has been learned in the interim. the information was not properly communicated so that the red flags wept up to test him for the disease and to isolate him and said he was sent home with antibuy otices. he had to be rushed home by an e.m.t. two days later. we should also note that many of the workers who came in contact with mr. duncan did not contract the disease. two nurses have. both of them are in good condition, as far as we know.
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we should also note, as people think about those subway rides and those taxi rides, which dr. spencer apparently took last night, that out of hundreds of people that have been contact traced around this single case in the u.s., that's thomas d duncan and the two sub sesequen health care workers, including close quarter, who was symptomatic who were left in close quarters with him when his bedding and clothing was still in the bidding with him, those folks have passed their 21 gestation day period. that's reit rating what public health officials have been saying from the very begin. it is actual hi quite hard to transmit the virus. and as they become more simp symptomat symptomatic, the probability of them passing it along increases.
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we have seen a concerted effort by early intervention. over the last six weeks, new york city has gone through a fairly remarkable process in which it has resorted doing everything, including sending fake patients to emergency rooms manifesting possible symptoms of ebola to check to see whether the responses in mace were adequate and sufficient. again, at this hour, dr. craig spencer now becomes the fourth case here in the u.s. he is the second case of a patient who aparentally ae c contracted the disease in west africa and came back. he also eludes some of the travel banal, a policy that's been quiet cachet over the past month. it is possible that this man, who has self he is lylessly vol to go half way around the woshld, that this man would have been banned from returning to
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the country over a travel ban. this is an american who's given himself to try to help folks in guinea, you can imagine a travel ban in which he would not be allowed back into the country and would be receiving care in guinea. we have katie turner outside bellvue, what's the latest there? >> reporter: what we're hearing so far is the governor and the mayor of new york city will be holding a press conference at 9:00. they're expected to announce that this patient, dr. spencer, tested positive preliminary for ebola and other workers will be going to the cdc for confirmation. we do know that it's a 33-year-old man. he was in west africa treating ebola patients as part of doctors without borders. he has been back here for ten days and, today, he woke up and later this morning, he called the health department, saying
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that he had 103 degree fever and the health department called 9-1-1 and they called a hazmat ambulance. sources tell us that his gill friend is under quarantine right now. they have some sort of contact this morning. he was also at a bowling al heel in brooklyn last night and we're hearing that bowling alley has closed down over concerns of this. i assume there's pretty serious cleaning going on this. as of now, the city is definite hi cleaner. we're treating it as if it was a positive case of ebola from the start because he had such choes contact. and he was such a high risk candidate. he had not been at work at the e.r. since he had been back. he had been self monitoring. and he said that once -- the second he started to feel the symptoms, he self-quarantined and called the health department. gh that's an interesting detail this about how this all went
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down. that he, in fact, called the health department direct hi. also a key detail that he has not been practicing back here in the yiunited states which is a sigh of relief to anyone who might have been in the emergency room where he works as a doctor. we should also reiterate, rate e right, he says that as soon as he felt symptoms or at least the report we have from you, as soon as he felt symptoms, he called the health department department and was not symptomatic until he called them? >> that's what we are led to believe. that he was not simple matic until this morning. and the moment he did become symptomatic, that's when he called the health department. you would assume that he would know better. that if he did feel achy or feverish or in any way simple matic for ebola, he would have stayed home. u8d think that given his background, he would be responsible. and that way, we know that this
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wassome sort of physical contact with his girlfriend this mother-in-lawing. morning. i would imagine that he wouldn't want to put her at risk. what we were told is that he was being precautious -- or that he was being cautious. once he called, he had 103 degree fever is what we're being told. i mean, that just skyrocketed pretty quickly, you would imagine. >> yes, this's a phrase that was used in one of the official pronouncements today and, again, we are awaiting a hive press conference in just a few moments. bill deblasio gave some comments today and dr. craig spencer has tested poz tv for ebola. the first case here in new york. i read this phrase that struck me, that struck with me, that the city was dispatching what it called disease detectives to fan out and do the contact tracing
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necessary. can you tell me anymore about who those folks are and what they're doing? >> well what they 'doing is part of general precaution. they'll go out and speak to everybody that he has had contact with. obviously, his girlfriend was one of those people. and that's why sources say that she is in quarantine right this. now're going to trace his steps to see who he has had physical contact with what so ever and then they'll be physically kaushsz under a quarantine of 21 days chrks is what we saw in dal lass for the family of mr. dunc duncan, who, unfortunate hi, died from it. so what they'll do, they'll talk to him, find out exact hi what he did, as much as they can, and then they'll try to piece together who could is possibly been in contact with them. they've hr gone thu apartment building and speaking to neighbors with anybody who e who has had contact. this is new york city. the story goes you never really know your nay bores.
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the majority of the contact he's had with getting on or off in a elevator or seeing them in a door way. they will go in and start taking their tempature. they'll check them for any sittoms, any signs of the disease. and then they will quarantine and have them monitor those people who they feel are high risk. >> yeah, katie, het me just take a moment to exmain why this is a so high-stakes in new york city. first of all, new york city is an incredibly dense hi pop ewe hated area with a tremendous amount of poverty with which people come into regular contact with each other in something as schism as riding on the subway to work. it's also an area that can be prone to media freakouts, thanks to some of the coverage that we have here in the city. it's an area in which, for all oaf these reasons, prarly from the public health air ya, it's an a area where you wouldn't
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want to see any kind of outbreak. it's an area where health officials have been fieblgt e fighting t.b. for a while. katie, i understand you have to get back to reporting. thank you sr. much. i ally appreciate it. new york city is a place where the stakes have very high for any disease outbreak. it's a city that's worked very hard to combat tuberculosis. one of the similar achievements of dr. frooedman, was, for a hong time, the department of pub hick health. one of his achievements was very choes to combatting the outbreak here in new york even sending people to watch folks take their medicine because new york poses such a challenge for anyone trying to e strain a virus or an epidemic because of how compact it is. we have mayor deblasio earlier
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today when he was, for the first time, addressing this issue that news had broken that a possible ebola patient had been taken to bellevue. here he is again. >> the important facts to know here, without going through too much detail, the individual in question is a doctor. has been able to work very closely with public authorities and providing careful information. we have some news that according to new york city officials, dr. spencer exhibited siebs of not feeling well. a couple of days prior to his admission, if you are hearing that and you were at a brooklyn bowling al heel and you're thinking to yourself, oh, that doesn't sound good, i would urge you to remember the fact that thomas duncan's father and mother hi, who are in that parent with him, for several
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days, 2 1/2 thooesz, while he was manifestly symptomatic managed to emerge without ever testing poz tifd for the virus. squoining me now, dr. peter hotez. and dr. hotez, what do you make of what we've heard so far about how this case is being handled? gh i think, quite hon shi, i am not terrible hi concerned about the risks and the workers for contracting ebola. we saw this in dal has. it's relative hi straight forward to identify and isolate them. i think, for me, the big question is hihhary bellevue and nyu have the power to manage a
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very comp hi kuwaited ebola patient. we saw this in texas presbyterian. it's sr. difficult to manage patients with advanced disease. while the parkt is an outpatient and not a risk of transmission, that's when the risk happens. where we saw in high beer ya where health care boricers on the front lines are first and foremost, the ones that are are the greatest source of contracting infection. gh doctor, you make a good point. this is going to be a test of the first hopt that goat an ebola patient at dal has presbyterian hopt. that ebola patient did not survive. subsequent patients have been transferred out of that hospital. they're now receiving n.i. hihhary h. and specific wards to test to see if a hospital that isn't one of those specialized areas can give the necessary care. that's a tall order, as kwou know. >> we have four centers right now where they practice all of
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the time. and they're well-rehearsed. and i think, right now, both are are good. >> that is "all in" for this everybodying. msnbc will have much more thout the night. "the rachel maddow show" starts right now. >> thanks, chris. and thanks to you at home for joining us for the next hour. as chris hasz just been reporting for these lat e hast few minutes, there is serious breaking news tonight from our nation's harjest city. from new york city, where, just within the hast half an hour, a new york city doctor has tested positive for ebola in preliminary testing. this is testing that still remains to be confirmed by the cdc. but this is being treat ed as a new, positive ebola case. even before the blood tests came in tonight confirming that the doctor was a positive result, new york city was